INSIDE Department of Education Partners to Streamline Licensing................. 2 DMV Online Initiative...................... 3 Community Involvement ................ 4
Executive Summary I
n July 2016, the state of West Virginia awarded, through competitive bid,
a new five-year contract with renewals to West Virginia Interactive. This new contract establishes WVI as the continued provider of the statewide self-funded digital government portal provider for West Virginia
Online Services Portal Creates Efficiencies
he Office of the State Fire Marshal identified the need to create efficiencies within its agency and to offer a better way for its constituents to access information and services. The ultimate goal was to increase communica-
tion and collaboration between the agency and its customers. The first step toward the fire marshal’s goal was the implementation of the
government. Under this new contract, agen-
new Online Services Portal. The portal will become the main entry point for the
cies can continue to receive the ability to
agency’s customers and provide an efficient, effective, and user-friendly tool to
deliver proven digital government services
serve as a place to electronically access Office of the State Fire Marshal resources.
to their constituents at no cost and without
The new and improved Online Electrician License Renewal System is the first service of many planned services that will eventually make up the new Online
impact to their budgets. Since 2007, WVI has helped the state enhance its state web portal and digital
Services Portal. The service provides licensees with the ability to electronically renew their license and immediately download and print the new license.
government offering while saving and
The new service features include:
avoiding costs of an estimated $25 million.
• Secure login with license number and last four digits of SSN.
WVI has worked with more than 70 agen-
• View and update contact information.
cies and has launched over 340 online and
• Secure payment process.
mobile services and websites since 2007.
• Confirmation receipt and immediately download and print license card.
In 2015 alone, systems developed by WVI
The new service was designed to create efficiencies not only for the agency,
processed more than $154 million in state
but for their customers as well. Postage, mailing supplies, and license card stock
| continued on page 4 |
| continued on page 2 |
Introducing the WV.gov Team WVI
is a locally based team of digital
government professionals 100
Department of Education Partners to Streamline Licensing
he process for obtaining a teaching certification just got smarter. Educators wishing to be certified in the state of West Virginia may now easily submit, track, and renew their application(s) for licensure, thanks to a new application provided
by the West Virginia Department of Education. The Office of Educator Effectiveness and
percent dedicated to devel-
Licensing identified the need for an online tool that not only streamlines the process for
oping, maintaining, enhancing,
the applicant, but also greatly reduces the time needed to obtain all county and institu-
and marketing digital services
tional approvals required by the WVDE. West Virginia Interactive worked closely with the
for West Virginia government.
agency to design the new WV Electronic Application Processing system (WVEAP), which
WVI provides the state with a
enables all entities involved to utilize a single application to complete the process.
combined 57 years of experience delivering under the West Virginia self-funded digital government program. The WVI team successfully deployed the self-funded model with the state in 2007, and acutely understands the nuances of the model, which
New educators are able to provide just a few pieces of information and the applica-
has delivered award-winning
tion determines which credentials are needed and what information is required. This
digital government services to
functionality not only eliminates confusion but also reduces the number of support
citizens and businesses for more
calls received by the WVDE. Educators wishing to renew current credentials are able to
than eight years, and continu-
log in to the site and quickly:
ously expands services to meet
• Identify which credentials are up for renewal.
the evolving needs of the state.
• Complete the necessary forms and upload supporting documentation.
WVI staff qualifications and
• Submit for approval(s).
experience are perfectly aligned
• Pay all application fees online through the WVEAP shopping cart.
with the transformative vision of
| continued on page 4 |
the state, and provide expertise to continue efficient delivery of more than 340 services and
Online Services Portal Creates Efficiencies
websites currently deployed
| continued from page 1 |
busy licensees. All of these items help to
through the enterprise self-funded
are completely eliminated and the
reduce costs and create efficiencies for
digital government program.
online renewal data is automatically
both the agency and the licensee.
WVI currently has 12 employees
downloaded into the agency back-end
and is located on Hale Street in
database, eliminating data entry by
the West Virginia Office of the State Fire
downtown Charleston. Our staff
office staff. Additionally, there is no
Marshal in partnership with WV.gov.
is led by the general manager,
longer a need to wait on the new license
Ian McQuinn, with Will Smith as
cards to be mailed. Finally, the service
both the agency and its customers, and
director of operations and Billy
was designed to adjust to any size
this is only the beginning. Future services
Sauls as director of technology.
screen whether the user is accessing the
include an invoice payment service,
Our team is ready to work on your
application from a smartphone, tablet,
license renewals for all licensees, and new
next digital government project!
laptop, or desktop computer, which
application services, as well as an admin-
provides even more convenience for
istrative module to manage it all. n
The new online service was created by
The result is a resounding win-win for
DMV Online Initiative M Division of Motor Vehicles than with any other state
ore citizens interact and transact with the West Virginia
agency. To improve access to DMV services for citizens, the WV DMV embraced a strategy to rapidly deploy solutions that improve access for citizens, increase user satisfaction, and reduce costs. Through the use of a self-service portal and platform that lets new services quickly be integrated with built-in workflow and customer correspondence tools, the DMV enabled 15 new services, including cross-agency services such as online voter registration and online ID cards for state bar members. The self-service portal is designed to allow the DMV to offer additional services online without the major overhead of designing multiple individual systems. The
customer satisfaction ratings of the service, West Virginia
system consists of two major components: a public portal and
citizens were not accustomed to the idea of interacting with
an administrative back end. The public portal allows citizens
the DMV outside of regional offices or mail. As a result, these
and customers to create and pay for a service such as vehicle
cost-saving services realized lower-than-expected usage. To
renewals. This transaction is then moved into a workflow for
overcome this challenge and increase user adoption, the
the DMV to process through the administrative back end. The
DMV teamed up with WVI to create and implement a media
administrative back end then provides the tools necessary for
campaign focused on user awareness. This highly successful
the DMV to process the given transaction in accordance with
campaign realized a 200 percent increase in adoption in
agency rules and interact with the customer as needed.
2015 and was driven by a fun and focused media campaign
By focusing on online services as a cost-effective way to
using Facebook ads, 120 billboards, press releases, and
improve customer satisfaction, services like vehicle renewals
media events. By working with WVI, the DMV has not spent
are completed in minutes, with citizens receiving their
a penny of taxpayer dollars in the development of online
renewal in the mail up to two days faster. The DMV received a
services and was able to share part of the cost associated
Digital Government Achievement Award in 2014 for the initia-
with the media campaign. By continuing to partner with
tive and was a finalist for two other awards in 2015.
WVI under the WV.gov portal program, DMV expects to
As is true with any new service, the challenge is obtaining and increasing user adoption. Even with the excellent
double the number of online services by 2017 while enjoying significant internal cost savings.
Portal Growth Online and Mobile Services and Websites (Released Overall)
State Funds Collected (in Millions)
Executive Summary | continued from page 1 |
funds in approximately 5.1 million transactions. Additionally, more than 20 million users visited state agency websites hosted by WVI in 2015. The West Virginia Interactive team is honored to partner with the
10 Hale St., 3rd Floor Charleston, WV 25301 (304) 414-0265 wvinteractive.com
state of West Virginia and very excited about our shared vision for the future of West Virginia digital government! n
Department of Education Partners to Streamline Licensing | continued from page 2 |
• Track the approval process from start to finish. Through collaboration with WV
© 2016 Trozzolo.com
Community Involvement
works hard at building your next digital government application or website, but also makes time for helping the community we live in.
county superintendents and institu-
WVI encourages our staff to participate in community activities and makes time
tions throughout the country, the
for efforts like charity events, walks, and runs. WVI regularly supports Habitat for
WVEAP application is able to notify the
Humanity with events. WVI staff has worked on six different Habitat houses since
approver when a new application has
starting in West Virginia and donated over 200 hours to helping families in need.
been submitted and provides them all
Our staff has built driveways and porches, installed siding, framed roofs, and even
the information and supporting files
painted entire houses in a single day. WVI also adopted the Davis Creek Trail at
necessary to process the application. This
Kanawha State Forest. This 2.5-mile trail travels through the state forest and is a
type of added functionality, along with
popular trail for biking and hiking. WVI regularly visits the park to walk the trail
seamless integration with existing WVDE
and surrounding areas to pick up any litter and notify park rangers of potential
software, is why the new WVEAP applica-
dangers on the trail. Throughout all of our activities, WVI spends almost a 100
tion receives an A+ from its users. n
hours a year working to improve our community. n
Portal Services • Online Filings • Online Payments • Online Records Ordering • Online Records Search • Online Reservations • Online Renewals • Online Registration • Integrated Voice Response (IVR) • Website Hosting • Creative Development • Mobile Applications Billy Sauls, Elaine Thacker, Will Smith, Ian McQuinn, Steve Boyer, Matt Baird