Indiana Interactive 2015 Report

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INSIDE Indiana Blight Registry................... 3 360-Degree Videos......................... 4 Awards................................. 6


Payment Processing


2015, the design team with Indiana Inter-


active has created a library of fun fact

and enables many customers to experience the benefits of getting access to data

videos depicting moments of rich Indiana

when they need it most.

Animation for Government nimation is quickly becoming a popular staple of the

website. Debuting its first release in May

history in the month each event occurred. Visitors to the site can enjoy animated

More Than $1 Billion Processed he portal provides secure payment processing and subscription-based services to almost 25 state agencies. Throughout the course of a year, these services process over 4 million payments for the state’s constitu-

ency. This provides a tremendous reduction of paper processing by each agency

In addition to traditional payment processing of credit card or eCheck (ACH) transactions, the portal is also home to over 10,000 monthly subscribers. This

videos with topics ranging from the

platform enables agencies to specify access roles and rules while providing the

story of Ray Harroun, famous Indy

customer base the ability to get to the data they are permitted to receive. As an

car driver, to the first recorded U.S. Air

added benefit, the system tracks all purchases and then invoices the customer’s

Mail flight. Each of these animations

account on a monthly basis.

is hand-drawn and digitized to create

Outside of the internet-facing world, the portal provides an extensive over-the-

the rich experience that is made avail-

counter payment processing service. This service allows for an agency to process

able to viewers through the state’s

customer-facing transactions in an encrypted scenario. These transactions require

YouTube channel.

the use of a swipe device that is uniquely keyed directly to the payment processing

In addition to monthly videos, INHis-

engine as part of our commitment to the security of your customers’ card data.

tory also features hand-selected historic

Providing a payment system and accepting payments is serious business

photos of Indiana. Join us this month and

that requires a high commitment to information security. The portal follows

every month at

strict adherence to the guidelines provided by the Payment Card Industry Data

html for another INHistory. n

| continued on page 2 |

Single-Page Applications things have changed M any in web application

Lobbyist Registration E-Filing Solution


lectronic filing of registrations

ilrc/lobbyist/, is the backbone of the ILRC

and activity reports has been a

operations. Lobbyists, or those working

benefit for lobbyists in Indiana for

on their behalf, register with the ILRC

more than 10 years. In 2015, the Indiana

through the system on an annual basis.

development throughout our

Lobby Registration Commission (ILRC)

Once registered, lobbyists are able to

20-plus-year history with the

and Indiana Interactive (II) deployed the

submit gift reports, purchase reports,

state. With the ability to develop

new electronic filing system to modernize

and their semiannual activity reports.

“native” applications for smart-

and streamline the online filings. The new

In the event the report is prepared on

phones has come the push for

system was provided to ILRC at no charge

behalf of the lobbyist, it is then submitted

better user experiences on the

through II’s unique self-funded model,

through a workflow that leverages the

web. Gone are the days where it is

which has funded the ILRC electronic filing

roles of preparer and lobbyist. The lobbyist

acceptable for web applications

system since its inception.

reviews all data submitted and has the

to be bulky, slow, and not mobilefriendly, and simply appear to

The electronic search and filing system,

ability to deny or approve the report.

found here

| continued on page 8 |

provide the user with a basic and featureless place to digitally capture information that was

Payment Processing

previously on a paper form.

| continued from page 1 |

“ ... it feels more like a desktop software than a web app.” To provide a better user experience, the team has adopted AngularJS. This is allowing the

Security Standards (PCI DSS). These guidelines are not only followed, but also validated and reported in accordance with industry requirements. PCI DSS is just one standard among many, so the portal uses this as a minimum baseline and then goes far beyond with our security management program. Additional parts of the program include validation of specific focus areas, penetration testing from certified testers, ongoing annual certifications, hardware/software infrastructure implementations, physical security investments, and ongoing training. Mirroring on the importance of state payments, the portal worked with the Office

team to create “single-page

of Technology and a third party to review and validate the flow of funds and agency

applications,” also known as

reconciliation. This review was a deep dive that covered instant payments with both

SPAs. The technology opens the

credit cards and eChecks, as well as subscriber services that are invoiced on a monthly

door for deeper browser inte-

basis. The results of this review were positive and gave state agencies the opportunity

gration and efficiency. Actions

to learn about various reporting that can be used for further reconciliation of funds. n

(predictive/auto-complete text, error notifications, etc.) happen in real time on the screen to

2015 Transac7ons Processed 1,000,000

quickly guide the user to the


most optimal interaction. Load


times are lightning-fast and without the browser refreshing as the user progresses




500,000 400,000



throughout the process it feels


more like a desktop software


than a web app.











7 Qty


8 Amount






Indiana Blight Registry T

he Indiana Blight Registry is an online tool that allows constituents to verify eligibility of poten-

tial participants in a county tax sale. The registry is part of a statute that was put into law in 2015. The attorney general’s office selected Indiana Interactive to develop an end-to-end solution that would not only meet the requirements of the statute but also provide convenience to the county tax sale operators. This two-purpose approach meets transparency requirements of the new law and provides features that allow the county tax sale operators to leverage the tool in their day-to-day operations. During the initial phases of the project, II team members attended county tax sales in order to fully understand tax sale operations. Using information

system and leveraged this knowledge to enhance the tool’s functionality. Features of the system include an intuitive search

gleaned, the team produced a series of detailed require-

interface that allows a user to create a custom report of the

ments that would become the blueprints for the system.

findings, an administration interface to keep owner listings

In a pilot capacity, the II team deployed the online tool

up to date, and the ability to download the entire directory.

for use in a single county tax sale. The team closely

II and the attorney general’s office are currently working to

reviewed how the tax sale operators interacted with the

plan the next release of the system in late 2016.

FSSA HIP Link Portal Now Accepting New Employers


Link is a premium-assistance

to provide a user-friendly web interface

status updates based on custom business

program that helps qualifying

to manage the employer process in its

rules. These features allow employers to

adults leverage their employer-provided

entirety. Known as the HIP Link Portal,

quickly perform the tasks required by the

insurance plans. In doing so, the state

the web interface provides the regis-

HIP Link program, such as employee veri-

provides a subsidy to employees to assist

tration, workflow, and administration

fication, monthly verification, and annual

with insurance premiums. The process to

functions required to digitize the process

renewal to the program.

provide HIP Link benefits is initiated by

for employers.

“ Developed using the latest web technologies, the HIP Link Portal seamlessly integrates with FSSA’s data provider via web services.” an employer, who registers to become a

Developed using the latest web tech-

In addition to an interface for the employer to manage its participation in the program, the HIP Link Portal is a multirole application that provides access for state administrators and help desk associates. State administrators utilize the portal features to review new employer applica-

participant and submits insurance plans

nologies, the HIP Link Portal seamlessly

tions, review insurance plans, and view

for review by the state’s HIP Link team.

integrates with FSSA’s data provider via

enrolled employees. The help desk role

In order to streamline the process for

web services. Technical features include a

provides users with access to the employer

employers and state staff, the Family and

responsive design for mobile users, visual

view in order to assist with employer ques-

Social Services Administration (FSSA)

indicators for tasks to be completed, auto-

tions as they move through the enrollment

partnered with Indiana Interactive (II)

mated email notifications, and systematic

and administration processes. n INDIANA STATE REPORT 2015 | 3

Mapping Solution

Investments in Mapping Technologies


ccording to a Pew Research Center

In an effort to make this highly respon-

whereabouts of the user is shared

sive to each user searching the app, it

and confirmed, the system is able to

own a smartphone. Of those, 40

was designed to incorporate the visitor’s

utilize the full screen of the user to only

percent have stated that they have

nearby coordinates. Once the general

provide results specific to the page

study, 64 percent of Americans

used their smartphone to look up

they are viewing. A more traditional

government services or information.

approach would potentially only display

With the numbers substantiating the

a radius around a pinpoint on the map

interaction from these devices, we

and risk missing viable services needed

feel that making access to information

by the user.

simple, fast, and relevant will often include a map. GPS and mapping are more widely

Another advancement the team is working toward is to provide specific driving paths of services or relevant loca-

accessible now to people who are

tions to a person’s specific travel path.

on the go, through the use of smart-

For instance, if you are seeking govern-

phones. Harnessing the power of

ment services between your work and

mapping, Indiana Interactive has

your home, then the mapping services

invested in expertise around new

could help find the most optimal loca-

technologies and advancements in the

tions to service the constituent without

use of maps within applications. Devel-

sending them to the opposite side of the

opers have become highly skilled in the

city or state.

use of a series of proprietary tools to help achieve better integration. In 2015 several applications were

In addition to these features, the technologies are also providing the basics, such as standard driving

requested to provide search results for

directions, links to Google Maps, and

service offerings or facilities on a map.

text-only directions for accessibility. n

360-Degree Videos B

eing on the cutting edge of technology generally


means early adoption. This is exactly how the

from your desktop or mobile device.

II team approached the announcement of YouTube’s 360-degree video channel. To leverage this technology, the team invested in a virtual reality camera rig designed to hold 12 GoPro-type cameras. The cameras are activated simultaneously via remote and record video from all angles. Once the video is captured, it is imported into a high-powered computing system and “stitched” together. Designers are able to add audio, pop-up messages, and other features to enhance the viewer’s experience. The State House Tour Office supplied the first series of projects to explore this new technology. Take a look by


Indiana Interactive Project Execution Overview


ver the past 20 years, Indiana Interactive has

includes several team members from II: project manager,

continually evolved its project management

business analyst, development lead, creative lead, and

processes to follow the latest policies and proce-

quality assurance. The II project manager and business

dures. In the past two years, II has made a dramatic shift

analyst document all product process areas, requirements,

in the way it completes a project. These changes have not

notes, and action items in Confluence, a tool used to manage

only allowed for increased success with projects, but are

an internal knowledge base of all project artifacts. The final

also allowing the culture and team collaboration to flourish.

deliverable of the discovery phase is a task order. The task

Innovative ideas are presented by all departments within the

order is the formal document that includes final require-

office, and our customers get the opportunity to interact with

ments, risks, timelines, milestones, and costs.

both the technological and operational sides of the business simultaneously. The results of these changes have allowed Indiana Interactive to leverage new technologies and methodologies within the software development life cycle. These processes and procedures are managed through a series of tools that allow the II staff to quickly document, collaborate on, and finalize the tasks and requirements of a project. Each new project with Indiana Interactive has four distinct phases: initiation, discovery, development, and deployment. These phases are the building blocks of a robust process that helps to ensure the success of each project. Initiation is the first phase of a project and begins with a simple project request at

“ By leveraging innovative tools to adequately track a project, and following formal processes designed around more than two decades of experience, Indiana Interactive has provided structure to a sometimes intimidating process.� Development, which may have begun during the discovery

The new project request form is integrated with the project

phase, is the construction of the application. During this

management tool, Smartsheet, which II uses to track a

phase, weekly reporting is delivered to the agency to provide

project from inception to completion. Once received, the

updates on progress, risk, issues, and upcoming milestones.

project request is reviewed by II and an initial meeting is set

In addition to weekly reporting, each agency is provided

up with the agency. The meeting results in a brief summary

access to Smartsheet to view status updates in real time. The

and scope of the project, which II then scores and reviews

development phase also includes quality assurance (QA)

with the Indiana Office of Technology (IOT) for approval.

and user acceptance testing (UAT). Issues identified during

II will then meet with the agency two to three additional

UAT are logged via a simple online form and are tracked via

times to define a high-level scope, duration, and cost for the

Smartsheet, which the agency can use to monitor an issue’s

project via a project charter. The project charter is a formal

progress. Once the project is approved by QA and UAT, the

document that all parties sign, and is the final gate of the

deployment phase is scheduled. During the deployment

initiation phase prior to moving to discovery.

phase, the II team coordinates with all applicable parties to

The discovery phase of a project is the phase in which requirements are discovered and refined. The II team will

ensure a successful deployment. By leveraging innovative tools to adequately track a

meet with the agency in pre-defined requirements gathering

project, and following formal processes designed around

meetings focusing on one or more product process areas.

more than two decades of experience, Indiana Interactive

A product process area is a collection of requirements that

has provided structure to a sometimes intimidating process.

fit into a common theme or high-level process; for example,

The II project management office has the tools and experi-

user authentication. The number of meetings is dependent

ence to provide award-winning eGovernment solutions

on the size and complexity of a project. The discovery phase

efficiently and effectively.


ndiana is proud to be honored for the hard work and

Achievement Awards, StateScoop 50, IAC, Communicator

cutting-edge applications that are created each year.

Awards, WebAwards, W3, and Summit Creative Awards.

2015 provided no shortage of recognition, as the portal was receives more than 485 million page views annually,

the recipient of 25 national and international awards. These

making the website a vital resource for the state of

awards were presented by nine different evaluating orga-

Indiana and its constituency.

nizations. Specifically, the portal received recognition from Davey Awards, 2015 Best of the Web, Digital Government

For more information on each of the award recipients, please visit

2015 DAVEY AWARDS Gold Award Winner – Websites – Government

2015 COMMUNICATOR AWARD Award of Distinction – Websites: Government

Gold Award Winner – Websites – Navigation

Award of Distinction – Indiana Management Performance Hub (MPH) Websites: Government

Gold Award Winner – Websites – Home Page

Award of Distinction – Indiana Management Performance Hub (MPH) Websites: Web Applications/Services

Gold Award Winner – Websites – Visual Appeal

Award of Distinction – Indiana Management Performance Hub (MPH) Websites: Visual Appeal

Silver Award Winner – Site Tour Online Film and Video – How-To and DIY

Award of Distinction – Indiana Management Performance Hub (MPH) Websites: Public Relations

Silver Award Winner – Management Performance Hub Websites – Social Responsibility

Award of Distinction – Tour Video Online Video: How-To/Instructional

2015 BEST OF THE WEB AWARDS Third Place State Portal Category

Award of Distinction – Mobile Sites: Business

DIGITAL GOVERNMENT ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Indiana Management and Performance Hub Driving Digital Government State Government Category

WEBAWARDS 2015 Outstanding Achievement in Web Development Outstanding Website –

STATESCOOP 50 AWARDS 2015 Innovation of the Year –

Outstanding Achievement in Web Development Best Portal Website –

IAC AWARDS Best of Industry – Interactive Government Application

W 3 AWARDS 2015 Silver Award Winner – Websites – Government

SUMMIT CREATIVE AWARD 2015 Silver Award Government Website –

2015 Silver Award Winner – Online Video – How-To/Instructional

2015 Silver Award Government Video – Site Tour

2015 Silver Award Winner – ILRC Lobbyist Registration Web Applications/Services


Indiana Interactive Completed Projects Agency

Project Name


Project Name


Limited Criminal History Reports


Instant Access Enhancements


CCP Migration


Point-to-Point Enhancements


E-PAY Submit Payment Button Duplicate Check


Driver Education Enhancements




CDL Exams Enhancements


Executive Lobbyist Registration


Server Training Changes




RREAL IN Statutory Change


Infant Mortality Website

Ivy Tech

Website Redesign & Migration


Mr. and Ms. Math and Science Awards


BT1 Changes


Real Estate License Transfer


Online Payment Solution


Service Code SKU Setup


Custom GovDelivery Form


WaitTimes Changes


Blight Registry


I-Records Changes


Clerk of Courts Change Order


Limited Number of Certificates


RRMC Server Upgrade


List Duplicate Payments Job


INTAX Load Test


Training Module Enhancements


Amnesty 2015


Sealed/Expunged Driver Record Enhancements – iRecords

DWD Domain Purchase


Sealed/Expunged Driver Record Enhancements – P2P


ScholarTrack Change Order


Sealed/Expunged Driver Record Enhancements – Instant Access


Website Redesign & Migration


Official Driving Record PDF Changes – Court Case Information


BitterPill Move to Template


I-Records Changes

Bicentennial Commission

Website Redesign & Migration


Core Redesign – Best of Web


IN-ISAC Website


Lobbyist Registration Application Rewrite


LCH Enhancements


HIP Link Employer Portal


CheckIN Enhancements


HIP Link State Admin Portal


Portal Enhancements


Insurance Plan Pre-Certification Submission


I69 Website Redesign & Migration


I-Records Enhancements


Website Redesign & Migration


Lobbyist Registration | continued from page 2 |

Accepted reports are instantly viewable online, with the exception of gift and purchase reports that are on a 10-businessday hold, per statute. In addition to writing the new electronic

10 West Market Street, Suite 600 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 233-2108

filing system using the latest technologies, the II team of developers extensively reviewed the data that had been collected over the past decade. Working closely with ILRC staff, key data elements were updated to increase data integrity. New features within the application were added to increase search effectiveness and streamline administration by ILRC staff. ILRC and II are currently working on the next release of the application, which will include extensive administrative controls and reporting. n

Š 2016

Ivy Tech Community College


vy Tech is the largest singly

placed throughout.

accredited statewide commu-

The site is also

nity college system in the entire

taking advantage

country. Serving more than 170,000

of robust searching

students on an annual basis, in over 75

and mapping,

communities, has substantiated their need


to have a robust and current website.

menus, responsive

In 2013-2014 they turned to the state

design for mobile

and Indiana Interactive as a candidate

viewing, and intui-

to harness the power of the state’s

tive help features.

enterprise content management system.

From an innova-

This partnership has allowed Ivy Tech

tive perspective,

to undergo a complete reorganization

the Ivy Tech team

of how content makes it to the site, as

envisioned a feature on the site that

well as how users access the things they

would track the amount of time a user

want to see.

was idle on a page and then ask if they

The college conducted in-depth user

need assistance. This assistance is

and not turning people away. Missing

and accessibility studies, which were

then used to connect a site visitor to

this type of opportunity could mean

incorporated into the award-winning

resources that can provide additional

the difference in obtaining the potential

design. In addition to the use of large

information. Noninvasive features and

enrollment of a new student.

images to enhance the design, videos

innovations such as this one can help

related to programs are strategically

with the overall mission of outreach

What could a feature like this do for your agency? n

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.