INSIDE The Self-Funded Model: Providing You Value........................ 2 Here to Support You In the Fight Against Cybercrime.............. 3
Message From the General Manager
Kansas Amber Alert Update
We hope that you will enjoy learning about
the latest advancements in projects, tech-
system is operated by the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and overseen by the
nology, and services that we have to offer.
Kansas Attorney General’s Office in partnership with INK.
is pleased to announce the launch of our 2015 Annual
Report publication. It is designed to provide insight into the operations of KIC.
In 1991, the Information Network of
Application Enhancements Assist In Safe Homecoming for Abducted Children he goal of the national Amber Alert program is to instantly notify the entire community to assist in the search for and safe recovery of abducted children. Since its inception in 1996, the national program
has successfully brought 782 children home safely. In Kansas, the Amber Alert
In order to increase efficiency, the KIC team designed a new streamlined
Kansas, Inc. (INK) awarded KIC the network
Kansas Amber Alert application focused on the ease of use for both the part-
manager contract and began digital govern-
nering agency and the wide breadth of users this high-visibility application
ment operations. 2015 marked a very
reaches. Previously, the administrative portion of the Amber Alert notification
successful year for our partners and staff.
system was a completely separate application from the user-facing portion of
From successful service deployments to
the system. KIC was able to blend the two applications protecting the adminis-
working in new and emerging markets, we
trative piece with our secure Single Sign-On system, KanAccess.
are proud of all that was accomplished. KIC provides digital government
KIC staff gained invaluable knowledge from law enforcement and KBI staff who actively utilize the applications. This information was able to assist developers
services without tax appropriations
and designers in understanding the truly critical aspect in launching the informa-
through its self-funded model. This
tion to the public.
funding model provides the ability for | continued on page 4 |
The technology portion of the application was updated to provide the ability to | continued on page 3 |
Partner Relationships Flourish With Dedicated Business Development Team M Development Manager, and
aria Cuevas, Senior Business
The Self-Funded Model: Providing You Value
hen it comes to your state’s digital government program, there is one
element that is delivering value every single day – the enterprise-wide,
self-funded model provided by NIC.
You may be familiar with this model, but if not, the approach is simple:
Government avoids all upfront costs of developing online services as well as the
Jenna Coates, Business Devel-
ongoing maintenance costs by funding its digital government program through
opment Manager, make up the
efficiency fees paid by those who use the online services. A select number of
talented Business Development
primarily business-to-government services require a minimal per-transaction
Manager Team at KIC. Together
efficiency fee. This fee not only supports the development and maintenance of
they travel the state educating state
the individual service, but together all fees from a few services fund a unified
and local government agencies
approach for the state’s entire digital government program. Revenues from
about the advantages of partnering
all services are pooled and projects are built according to your state’s own
with INK.
digital government service priorities. Launching more revenue-generating
Cuevas and Coates have
services increases the pool of revenues, allowing for more services of all types
contributed to the growth of
to be developed. Those online services with no revenue-generating ability are
the KIC payment processing
provided to you free of charge.
product, KanPay Counter, having
The best part is that the citizens and businesses you serve prefer to interact
involvement in hundreds of
with your agency online. In fact, according to a research study conducted by
implementations across the
the University of Utah, 90 percent of businesses and 60 percent of citizens
state, helping grow the use of
prefer to interact with government online. Add to this, 64 percent of citizens are
the product in public schools,
asking government to place more services online. Today, citizens and businesses
libraries, and local county
expect the same level of online experiences from government as they receive in
offices. “It is rewarding to help
the private sector. You have the ability to provide those online conveniences.
communities provide a service
When you add more online services through the enterprise-wide, self-funded
to their citizens that was previ-
model, your agency benefits by receiving state-of-the-art, mobile-first online
ously not available to them.
services and secure payment processing. The businesses and citizens you serve
When a partner gives you a hug
benefit with quicker, more accurate, convenient online government interac-
as you leave their office, you
tions. And overall, the entire state benefits from a comprehensive, best-in-class,
know you have done something
digital government services program that compares to, if not exceeds, that
good,” said Cuevas.
which citizens are familiar with in the private sector.
Both native Kansans, Cuevas
How can you help ensure a strong digital government future for your state?
and Coates share a passion for
Continue to uncover all of the online efficiencies your agency can offer. What
customer service and work tire-
services are still provided manually through mailed paper forms or in-person
lessly to help create seamless
office visits? What new technology could benefit your agency? You have a
communication between govern-
partner in NIC that is ready to help you harness the latest technology and
ment agencies and the citizens
provide your constituents as many online conveniences as possible. And, help
they serve. “When a problem
spread the word. Are there colleagues within state government who have not
arises, I want to be the person
heard of the self-funded approach and whose agency could benefit? Our local
our partner contacts. I want to
teams are ready to help your state achieve the most innovative digital govern-
help resolve their issue quickly
ment services in the country. No budget appropriations, upfront funding,
| continued on page 4 |
ongoing change request orders, or maintenance fees required. To make this successful, help us explore new online services, and we’ll take care of the rest. n
Here to Support You In the Fight Against Cybercrime C
ybercriminals posing the biggest risk to you and the constituents you serve can be grouped into three
Individuals: These cybercriminals operate alone and perform attacks for “sport,” often to improve their hacker
categories: state-sponsored threat actors, hacktivists, and
reputations, boost their cybercredentials, or impress
individual cybercriminals. Below, we have shared the main
other hackers. With the ultimate goal of being recruited
differences between each of these cybercriminal groups to
for larger, more strategic attacks, these commodity threat
help you prepare your agency’s best cyberthreat defense.
actors typically attack to reach as many targets as they can.
State-sponsored: These threat actors are typically spon-
Here are some steps you can take to avert attackers:
sored by hostile foreign governments and unleash highly
• Limit your hosting needs with one provider. Protect
targeted attacks as a means of espionage to steal intel-
your data by outsourcing your hosting to multiple
lectual property or military intelligence, or gain tactical
data centers.
advantage. State-sponsored, also known as nation-state
• Be ready. Prepare in advance with your third-party
threat actors, are increasing in danger and destruction.
providers to plan a response to an attack.
Hacktivists: This cybercriminal group uses computers
• Monitor current events. Hacktivists are on the
or computer networks subversively to further a political
lookout for political turbulence.
or social agenda. Government agencies continue to be the target of these types of attacks.
We understand the importance of cybersecurity and are here to support you.
Kansas Amber Alert Update | continued from page 1 |
launch an alert with multiple abductees, suspects, and vehicles. A more robust
Amber Alert Mobile Audience
RESTful API was put in place for data to be easily consumed and repurposed for news agencies or other potential uses. A serious overhaul to the user interface included integrating a mobile-first template and an
improved look and feel, aligning with other KIC services and industry standards. Amber Alert is used by the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and is the only application of its kind in Kansas. The KIC application is the official and most reliable source for updated information on any active Amber Alert in the state. In a press release launched by the Kansas Attorney General’s office in recognition of Amber Alert Awareness
DESKTOP USAGE Original Application
MOBILE USAGE Updated Application
Day, Attorney General Derek Schmidt announced the launch of the redesigned
The redesigned application has had
application, stating it is “now presented
two real-time alerts push to the public,
home. Both alerts were launched and deactivated in two hours or less,
in a more user-friendly and visually
assisting law enforcement in locating
resulting in the safe recovery of the
appealing format.”
the children and bringing them safely
abducted children. n KIC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | 3
Message From the General Manager | continued from page 1 |
state agencies and all government entities to serve their constituents with efficient online services, at no cost to the agencies themselves. Twenty-four hours a day, every day, citizens and busi-
534 S. Kansas Ave., Suite 1210 Topeka, KS 66603 (785) 296-5059
nesses somewhere want to connect to government for matters large and small. We know what it takes to make online interactions better experiences for everyone in providing over 1,000 digital government services, including: • Court record searches • Professional licensing • Property tax payments • Business registration and regulatory filings • Income tax filings We are always looking for feedback on
© 2016
our online services and for new ideas for expanding digital government solutions in Kansas. Should you have any suggestions, questions, or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. I thank you for fueling digital government to enable businesses and citizens to complete government transactions
Cost Avoidance to State in 2015
securely and efficiently across all channels of digital government. Sincerely,
Shane Myers General Manager
Partner Relationships Flourish With Dedicated Business Development Team | continued from page 2 |
and correctly,” said Coates. It is this type of dedication to their partners that sets this team apart. n
$1.6 MILLION* vs
self-funded solution
*$100/hour market rate
Beginning in 1992 with just one service, now providing 1,000+ eGovernment services