INSIDE Awards.............................. 2 Featured Services............................. 3 Message From the General Manager............... 4
Executive Summary A Small Team – Great Results for Delaware
he eGovernment partnership between the state of Delaware and Delaware Interactive
(DI) hit its stride in 2013. The program continued to focus on implementing new Web and mobile solutions that make access to information and
Agency Spotlight
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
n partnership with the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) Division of Fish and Wildlife, DI has implemented the Hunter and Trapper Registration System (HTR) by delivering a suite of mobile-first, device-agnostic, and
convenient services. HTR lays the foundation for a multiyear partnership with DNREC, working together on innovative services.
services easier for citizens and businesses. In 2013,
DNREC’s Division of Fish and Wildlife handles thousands of registrations each year
the DI team implemented 25 new services, mobile
for Delaware hunters and trappers. HTR was part of the Division’s effort to offer new and
apps, and enhancements to existing solutions
improved ways for the hunting community to obtain required licenses and registrations
for Delaware, working with 14 different govern-
and to report wildlife harvests. The agency’s biologists also benefit from improved back-
ment agencies and commissions, and more than
end functionality and reporting; it’s their job to analyze the data gathered through HTR.
400 businesses and organizations. Adoption of
Following an agile approach to design and implementation, DI worked closely with
the Temporary Tag system, officially launched
Robert Hossler, the Wildlife program manager, as well as two biologists, Matthew DiBona
in March 2013, was growing each month with
and Joe Rogerson, who were the experts on the day-to-day requirements of the system.
the majority of new car and truck dealers having
Matt DiBona provided valuable feedback during the development and testing of
chosen to sign up for the system. In 2013, the
the application and felt that HTR was what savvy users expect. “With more and more
system generated more than 30,000 temporary tags.
of our hunters and trappers adopting new technologies like smartphones and tablets,
With nearly 70 dealers daily using this system, it
it only made sense to give them a system that is convenient, easy to use, and fits their
easily makes it the most used service to date.
outdoor lifestyle,” he said.
| continued on page 2 |
| continued on page 3 |
Executive Summary | continued from page 1 |
the Hunter Trapper Registration system we
leaders and institutions took notice of
of housing, healthcare, jobs, and many
developed on behalf of the Department of
the growing number of services offered
other benefits with those organizations
Natural Resources and Environmental Control
in Delaware. These honors and awards
that have a passion to serve veterans.”
(DNREC) (see Agency Spotlight section).
showcase the importance of real-time,
Launched July 1, it had processed more than
accessible, online information and
a mobile-friendly site launched in 2012,
22,500 licenses and registrations by the end of
interactive services and how they are
was honored with the Outstanding
2013. It serves as the bridgehead for additional
provided in an accessible format to the
Achievement Award by The Interactive
services working with DNREC on behalf
people of Delaware.
Media Council, Inc. (IMC). This appli-
One major milestone for Delaware’s eGovernment program was the go-live of
was a year in which
Governor Markell said, “The VSD is an
eGovernment industry
innovative way to connect those in need
The Professional License Search (PLS),
of citizens and tourists seeking recreational
The National Association of State
cation enables the public to conduct a
services and the business community, which
CIOs (NASCIO) selected Delaware’s
search of the Division of Professional
works closely with DNREC.
State Police
Regulation records to
(DSP) Mobile
determine whether a
agencies, legislators, and public officials
Crime Tip Line
given professional has a
about the unique NIC model and its
current license in Delaware, and if any
benefits through outreach and marketing
as a finalist in the Fast Track Solutions
disciplinary actions have been taken
activities, supporting agency associations,
category at the 25th annual NASCIO
against that professional. “One of our
philanthropic endeavors, and garnering
Recognition Awards for Outstanding
top priorities is to provide customers
national and international recognition
Achievement in the Field of Information
with convenient access to information
for our award-winning applications (see
Technology in State Government. The
that will help them make informed
Awards section).
mobile app offers the ability to report
choices about professional services,”
crime tips and submit anonymously.
said Deputy Secretary of State James
DI successfully pursued educating
Looking forward to year three, we are already hard at work on exciting and novel
The Delaware Veterans Services Direc-
Collins, who oversees the Division of
services like restaurant inspections on behalf
tory (VSD) was named a winner of the
of the Department of Health and Social
2013 Digital Government Achievement
The eGovernment program also
Services, making inspection data available
Award in the Government-to-Business
received the PTI 2013 Web 2.0 Award
to citizens and businesses online and via
category. The VSD website was developed
for a system that publishes the lobbyist
mobile apps; for the Division of Professional
by the Delaware Government Infor-
and public officer information, lobbying
Regulation’s professional license first-time
mation Center (GIC) for the Delaware
activity associated with specific legisla-
(original) applications, supported by a
Commission of Veterans Affairs as part
tion, lobbyists’ client lists, and quarterly
“wizard” approach guiding the applicant
of Governor Markell’s push for a more
reports. Deborah J. Moreau, Counsel to
through the complex application process;
efficient and effective government. The
the Public Integ-
and last but not least, cross-agency business
directory provides a statewide online
rity Commission,
licensing through various electronic
listing of public and private organizations
the commission
channels in collaboration with the Office of
offering services to
that sponsored
the Governor and the Department of State
Delaware veterans
this system, said that
in support of Governor Markell’s goal of
and their families.
“Delaware Interactive has
doing business easier in Delaware. Exciting
Service providers are able to register for the
responded well to our needs and we are
times lie ahead not only for the DI team but
system online using their
excited to continue our relationship with
for the state of Delaware, and we are thrilled
account, a user management system
them to promote greater transparency in
and honored to contribute to Delaware’s
developed by Delaware Interactive.
government for the general public.”
eGovernment success story. n 2 | delaware INTERACTIVE REPORT 2013
Professional Regulation (DPR).
Featured Services Event Registration
are committed to
Event registration was successfully implemented in Delaware
assisting veterans and
to provide online conference registration for the DNREC
their family members;
Division of Watershed Stewardship and the Office of Highway
offering online dona-
Safety. The application has also provided ongoing registration
tions is expected to
for defensive driving classes offered through the Office of
drive an increasingly
Management and Budget (OMB) in partnership with the
online audience to
Delaware Safety Council (DSC).
contribute to the cause.
Under a subscription fee model, participating agencies
Each donation service
benefit from hands-on support by DI staff, which entails config-
is branded to reflect the individual organization and sports
uring events based on customer requirements, setting up and
functionality tailored to business processes, funds, and initiatives
managing the fund flow, and manning the service desk handling
specific to the agencies. The mobile-friendly applications allow
customer service calls pertaining to registration and payment.
donors to designate their donations for different funds and initiatives as well as donate in honor of, or in memory of, a specific
Veterans Donations
individual or cause.
Two veteran donation applications were launched this year,
The DCVA instance of the application was released in conjunc-
one for the Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs (DCVA)
tion with the celebration of Veterans Day, Nov. 11, while the DVH
and the other for the Delaware Veterans Home (DVH), the
launched its application Dec. 7 to coincide with the anniversary
latter also featuring a component for the nonprofit organiza-
of the dedication of the Delaware Veterans Home nursing facility
tion, Friends of the Delaware Veterans Home. Both agencies
in Milford, Del., and Pearl Harbor Day.
Agency Spotlight | continued from page 1 |
HTR was designed to work on regular
license numbers, register deer harvests, obtain snow goose permits, report snow
PCs with large screens as well as on mobile
goose harvests, and retrieve lost regis-
devices; the latter results in greater conve-
tration and permit numbers in one
nience for Delaware hunters and trappers
easy-to-use system.
in the field. With HTR, hunters and trap-
DI and DNREC successfully met two
pers can obtain required registration and
related challenges with HTR: Delaware is home to a large Amish population who do not choose to use smartphones or computers to interact with government. Therefore, DNREC must legally offer this demographic the opportunity to call in
unpopular with end users and regularly
their harvest information; non-Amish
compromised data integrity. With Call
hunters and trappers used this option
Experts, DI brought in an NIC Alliance
too, eschewing the previously existing,
Partner, provisioning a call center service,
outmoded online option. Prior to the
which has markedly improved the user
deployment of HTR, DNREC was saddled
experience while also solving data issues
with a computer-based Interactive Voice
with call center agents using the same
Response (IVR) system, which had proven
electronic service a user would online. n delaware INTERACTIVE REPORT 2013 | 3
116 E. Water Street Dover, DE 19901 (302) 526-2197
© 2014
Message From the General Manager It’s All About Community
n Delaware Interactive’s driven,
resources that each year draw visitors from
fast-paced environment, we have
near and far (our team members included!)
the Delaware Concerns of Police Survivors
to occasionally take a moment
to Delaware’s shores and parkland, we repre-
(C.O.P.S.) chapter in support of their annual
to remind us why we do what we do – and
sented DNREC at the Association of Fish
“Wall To Wall Memorial Ride.” Motorcyclists,
especially for whom. Being “on the ground”
and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) conference in
including Harry Herington, the CEO of our
now for a second year in Dover, the capital of
Portland, Ore., exchanging ideas with other
parent company, NIC, rode from the Fallen
Delaware, the DI team has had the opportu-
participating states about how best to use
Officer Memorial in Dover, Del., to the National
nity to serve the community we are proud to
eGovernment to provide safety and conve-
Memorial in D.C. In the run-up to the holidays,
be part of in a variety of ways.
nience to Delawareans today and future
the DI team organized a food, toy, shoe, and
generations seeking to enjoy Delaware’s
clothes drive to help those in need here in Dela-
natural beauty.
ware. The team has a strong desire to give back
Along with our partner, the Government Information Center (GIC), we again hosted a booth at the State Fair; for the first time,
To make the business community aware of
Closer to home, we were proud to work with
to the community that has been so hospitable
the booth was dedicated to the eGovern-
the ongoing eGovernment initiative and its
ment initiative; not only did we show
benefits, we joined our partner, the Delaware
fairgoers what has to offer,
Division of Motor Vehicles, which hosted
opportunity to thank our partner, the state of
but we also got to know Delawareans from
the Region 1 Conference of the American
Delaware, and especially our fellow Dela-
all walks of life, learning how they (want
Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators,
wareans we are here to serve, for a successful
to) interact with their government and how
in Dover, Del. Delaware Interactive also
second year. We are looking forward to
online services could make that interaction
is now an active supporting member of
launching year three, which promises more
easier and more meaningful.
the Delaware Chamber of Commerce, the
of what we do best: delivering relevant and
In support of the Department of Natural
and welcoming to Delaware Interactive. My team and I would like to take this
Delaware Automobile and Truck Dealers’
innovative services to the community in
Resources and Environmental Control
Association (DATDA), and the Delaware
which we live and work.
(DNREC), which is charged with safe-
BioScience Association, which supports
guarding the state’s natural environment and
women in science and technology.
Christiane Reinhold