INSIDE Reimagining Hawaii.gov..... 3 Positive Government Experiences........................ 5 Major Application Upgrades........................... 6
Mobile App Development: A Year of Firsts I
n 2013, HIC went from creating the State of Hawaii’s first native mobile application,
EV Stations Hawaii, to producing high-quality native applications for our state partners. Over the course of the year, HIC developed 10 mobile applications, six responsive applications, and
Executive Summary for the Year 2013
t HIC, our goal is to bring government services to the people. Our proven ability to deliver effective and efficient solutions for each agency and our famil-
iarity with Hawaii government needs are major competitive strengths, differentiating HIC from other outsource options for Hawaii state and county government. In 2013, we received 12 local and national awards,
four native mobile applications for iOS and
including two Digital Government Achievement awards
Russell Castagnaro
Android mobile operating systems.
from the Center for Digital Government, for the Hawaii
General Manager
HIC-developed applications, such as Hawaii Sex Offender Search, provide invaluable resources to Hawaii residents. Hawaii
Electronic Marriage and Civil Union System and one for the Commercial Fishing License Services, developed for the Division of Aquatic Resources. HIC processed more than $1.6 billion in payments for our partners and launched
Attorney General David M. Louie praised this
21 new services. These included a revolutionary new eProcurement system (HIePRO)
new convenience, stating, “I am excited that
and Modernized eFiling (MeF), which enables individual income tax filing for tax
the Office of Information Management and
preparers nationwide. We also upgraded or rewrote 22 applications during this period
Technology (OIMT) could collaborate with the
and launched six new WordPress websites.
Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center and HIC on the new mobile app. We have taken what | continued on page 2 |
Mobile App Development: A Year of Firsts | continued from page 1 |
is incredibly proud of
was an already great public service directly to mobile device users, where they are most
our volunteer program.
likely to use it.“
Since its inception in 2012, we have
In July, HIC received the Best Energy Mobile Application Award for EV Stations Hawaii
participated in 26 events ranging from
from the Mobile Web Marketing Awards. Built in collaboration with the Hawaii Department of
beach cleanups to athletic events,
Business, Economic Development & Tourism, it helps drivers locate publicly available electric
growing mustaches, recycling shoes,
vehicle charging stations statewide.
clearing trails, cleaning fishponds, and
Additionally, HIC worked in collaboration with the Department of Land and Natural
more. We’ve adopted families during
Resources to build the first government mobile game, Reef Defender. In the game, users play first-
the holidays, held coin drives for the
person as a shark in a Hawaiian reef working to flip garbage out of the water. The game aims to
SPCA, and even used the proceeds
promote awareness of pollution and how it can affect the aquatic life in Hawaii’s waters.
from our office can recycling to adopt
To meet the demand for high-quality mobile applications, HIC formed a mobile development
two amazing tuberculosis-sniffing,
team, developed standardized procedures, founded development and design standards, and
land mine-detecting rats in Africa!
implemented development and analytic tools. Now HIC can quickly and efficiently develop
The key to success is variety. The more kinds of events you can offer, the more you can eliminate obstacles or excuses from participation. By scheduling a large variety of activities, we have achieved a 100 percent participation rate, a rate of which we are incredibly proud.
Why does this matter? Volunteering takes us outside of our comfort zone, giving us an opportunity to work with new challenges, people, politics, and interpersonal dynamics. It makes us better people, which makes us better employees. It gives our team a chance to feel a sense of pride and satisfaction, which leads to happier and more productive workers. It leads to expanded perspective and a discovery of new talents, and evens the playing field between all the levels of the organizational chart as well as helping us keep our familylike company culture.
and submit applications to mobile application stores. n
Reimagining Hawaii.gov
he redesign of Hawaii.gov was
swiping, touching, or clicking, and larger
launched on April 27, 2013.
touch-sensitive zones on the screen make
Designed for mobile and built for
navigation easier. Search results, lever-
New Applications and Services Launched
touch, speech, and accessibility for all
aging search.usa.gov, are presented in
users, Hawaii.gov showcases the very best
easily navigable pages and modal windows
in Web design thinking. The site allows the
make accessing more detailed information
public and businesses to reimagine how
simple. Results are preprogrammed
more systems than ever before. The
they interact with Hawaii government.
to include the most popular search terms,
three applications that were largest
and a predictive search prepopulates
in scope were Modernized eFiling,
common search terms based on the first
eTraffic, and HIePRO although the new
few characters typed.
Notary Registry, Elevator Inspection,
The new Hawaii.gov is “stynamic” (static+dynamic) and quick load times provide the richest user exper-
was a very big year for the portal as we launched
and my.hawaii.gov have also been very well-received. Here is a list of all the Mission Applications launched in 2013:
ience possible. Hawaii.gov lever-
During the redesign effort, we recognized
ages text, SQL, JSON, RSS, and
Modernized Electronic Tax
Atom data sources for dynamic
Filing System | Tax – Allows approved
content, and we used Mark-
tax transmitters to submit tax filings elec-
down, a lightweight markup
tronically via the Modernized Electronic
language, for static content. Liquid
Filing System.
that mobile devices continue to grow in
Templates combine the dynamic and static
popularity. Experts predict that by 2015,
data sources. We employ Jenkins, an open
eTraffic | Judiciary – Online payment
the percentages of mobile device users and
source continuous integration tool, to
of traffic or parking infractions.
desktop machine users will be equal. As
regenerate the site’s HTML with updated
such, our Web interface design must accom-
data feeds every hour or on demand. Other
HIePRO | DAGS – eProcurement
modate interactions that users expect. The
building tools include: ZURB’s Foundation
system that promotes open competition
new portal allows access to content by
| continued on page 8 |
and transparency when purchasing goods, services, and construction.
2013 Awards
Notary Registration System | AG – Online Notary Application system for both the public and state administration. Elevator Inspection and Permitting System | DLIR - HIOSH – Allows elevator installation applications to be submitted online along with payment. Film Permit Application | Hawaii Film Office – Online film permit application system for established entities to apply for film permits for State of Hawaii locations.
Cost Savings
Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs BREG Avoided Costs vs. Time
PVL Avoided Costs Over Time
Avoided costs totaled more than $508,000 by the end of Q3 of
Relying on online transactions, savings are achieved through
2013. Avoided costs include printing, postage, and data entry
saved postage and printing of renewal application forms
costs. No IT-related costs are considered.
and data entry required from paper renewals. Based on the number of online renewal transactions since 2001, it is estimated that PVL has saved more than $1.3 million due to the online renewal program.
Insurance Division Avoided Costs
Insurance (INS) Online transactions achieved savings by reducing postage and
DLNR Avoided Costs
Department of Land and Natural Resources (DNLR)
printing of renewal application forms, data entry required from
Permitting and Licensing
paper renewals, and continuing education course and attendee
The avoided cost for DLNR is estimated to reach $200,000 by
submissions. Based on the number of online renewal transac-
the end of 2013. The avoided cost includes all licenses and
tions since 2004, it is estimated that INS has saved more than
permits issued through the eHawaii.gov program and only
$240,000 through the online services.
considers data entry time.
Positive Government Experiences Working Toward a Common Goal
t NIC, we are passionate about making government more accessible to everyone. It is our sole focus, our purpose, and the simple reason for our existence. We share that common goal with you – our partners – and we are
Hawaii Charity Finder H general, Tax and Charities Division, had ugh Jones, supervising deputy attorney
this to say about HIC’s new Hawaii Char-
deeply invested in working with you to make each and every eGovernment interac-
ity Finder application. “Hawaii Information
tion a positive one.
Consortium (HIC) has been a great partner
Whether it is renewing a license, applying for a permit, filing court documents, finding
and instrumental in allowing the Tax & Chari-
important emergency information, or any other application taken from our robust library
ties Division to allow the public and donors to
of 9,700 online services and 150+ mobile applications, you can trust us to bridge the gap
search for
between your needs and the needs of the citizens and businesses you serve.
and review
One Community More than two decades ago, NIC pioneered the eGovernment industry by
financial and operational data on more
revolutionizing the way people do business with all levels of government. The
than 2,800
paper-intensive, wait-in-line ways of the past evolved into secure, click-of-a-button,
swipe-of-a-screen interactions. Today, NIC works with more than 3,500 federal, state,
and local government partners, giving you access to share ideas across the NIC family,
learn best practices, and deploy new services quickly by starting with foundational
tions soliciting contributions in the State of
code deployed elsewhere by NIC partners.
Hawaii. HIC has even developed a smart-
United Shield Against Cybersecurity Attacks When it comes to security, the job of protecting sensitive information is in the hands
phone app, ‘Hawaii Charity Finder,’ that allows donors to make better informed charitable giving decisions using their smart-
of our partnership. We are both only successful when citizens and businesses feel
phones. The charity registration data allows
secure about sharing information. Together, we form the shield to help do all that we
donors to determine not only what charitable
can to protect against cybersecurity breaches that can damage credibility, reputation,
organizations seek their monetary support, but
and consumer confidence for everyone involved.
also how efficient those organizations are in
Your Responsive Partner We hear you. In this day and age, it is extremely important for government to be
using donor financial support. HIC’s charity registry provides public access to a wealth of information about each registered charity,
engaged with the people they serve, and use technology to facilitate efficient and
including amounts spent on program services,
secure interactions. Being a part of the NIC community allows us to serve as your
management and overhead, and fundrais-
research and development shop as we continue to adapt the latest technology and
ing. The system also provides access to each
create new solutions to improve government interactions. As technology evolves, our
registered charity’s IRS Form 990/990EZ. HIC
focus will remain on delivering you the latest innovation.
is currently developing an Internet-based
There is the saying, “It takes a village.” At NIC we believe the very best in eGov-
registration system for professional solicitors,
ernment services require a community. Working together is key when it comes to
such as telemarketers and direct mailing firms,
staying true to our shared passion of making government more accessible to citi-
that seek charitable contributions from the
zens and businesses. Count on NIC to bring convenience, efficiency, security, and
public. This additional tool will allow donors
innovation to you and your constituents in every single service we bring online.
to easily determine how much of their dona-
Then people can focus on what they love to do and follow their own passion in life,
tion actually benefits the charity to which the
whether it is growing their business, or simply spending time with their families.
donor is giving. The online systems provide
Together, we make it happen.
a wealth of information to donors, the public, state regulators, and to charities themselves.” n Hawaii INTERACTIVE REPORT 2013 | 5
Major Application Upgrades
e rewrote a few of our old systems from scratch, including the AOUO Condo Association system, Tax Refund Search, Tax License
Search, and PVL License Search, and are in the middle of a long process to completely upgrade LandLink and replace LandShark. n
Description of Update
Launch Date
Harbor Hui
Added a method to accept online payments.
Annual updates to all forms and fields.
CSEA Account Information System
Implemented method for CSEA billing statements to be viewable by users.
AOUO Condo Association Biennial Registration
Did a rewrite of app (from perl) and implemented a new responsive design.
CMLS License Renewal w/ CRVS check
Modified the app to refuse renewal when license status is suspended or there are fishing report violation cases in DLNR/CRVS with status = NOT Closed, Decision - Comply, or Paid.
HIC Kala Stored Payments
Added the ability for users to store a credit card or bank account info for faster payment processing.
Admin: 1. Ability to mark licensee’s course record as Makeup. 2. Add Author field when editing a course subject and allow search by Author via subject search. 3. Add subject approved date and track subject creation date. 4. View assigned providers to subjects. Public: 1. Add Credit Hours field as an option for course search. 2. Add Credit Hours column in the download of future courses (PDF).
Allows user to generate an estimate of their future retirement benefits; this enhancement includes: · Look & feel update with a mobile-first responsive design (to match the ers.ehawaii.gov UI) · Table update to accommodate the new factors.
eHawaii.gov Account Management System (Lala)
Upgrade to our eHawaii.gov Portal Account Management System; changes include: 1. Look & feel update with a mobile-first responsive design. 2. Security enhancements. 3. Single sign-out. 4. Search capability improvements.
LDAP Account Request Form
Upgraded look and feel and now uses a mobile-first responsive design.
Fee changes; incorporated subscriber payments for search fee; and incorporated stored payments.
Tax Refund Search
Upgraded app with a mobile/responsive design.
Tax License Search
Upgraded app with a mobile/responsive design.
Notice of Public Sale
Notice of Public Sale on foreclosure properties.
Narcotics Registration System
Admin system for the registration system.
Mobile - PVL License Search
Upgraded app with a mobile/responsive design.
Mobile Insurance License Search
Upgraded app with a mobile/responsive design.
Continuing Education Enhancements
Vessel Registration
ERS Calculator Enhancement
1. Capability for the public to apply for a new vessel registration online 2. Registration renewals now allow the user to request a change to their personal information 3. Citizenship status is now a required item. 4. A management queue has been added that allows for managing of new registrations and renewal change requests.
The Rise of WordPress
n the fall of 2012, HIC worked with OIMT to develop a
Prior to the redesign, the Hawaii executive agency sites were
new design template in WordPress, an open-source soft-
neither mobile-friendly nor action-oriented. Most department sites
ware product, to establish a consistent look and feel across
had little if any Hawaiian imagery and few standards for design,
all state websites. The goal was to implement the new template on
structure, or contacts. Division sites were migrated from the
all executive department sites by the start of the January 2013 legis-
State’s CMS servers (more than 25 servers for websites alone) that
lative session. We surpassed this goal, and by Jan. 1, 2013, 28 sites
had little if any version or operating system consistency.
were launched and hosted in Hawaii’s Public Cloud.
Using WordPress allowed HIC to give the state department and division webmasters the control they desperately wanted without the enormous cost and training associated with a Commercial Enterprise CMS. The open-source aspects of WP actually made it easier to develop and deploy new templates and enforce accessibility and style requirements regardless of the technical level of the specific webmaster. The consistency that we have been able to achieve across all agencies is a tremendous advantage and something that, in the past, Hawaii’s federated IT infrastructure made nearly impossible. Use of WP saved Hawaii the hundreds of thousands of dollars that a commercial CMS would have cost. The well-designed WP administration system makes managing the sites incredibly simple, eliminating hundreds of hours of training. HIC estimates the total savings realized by leveraging open-source CMS at about $1.3 million. Throughout 2013, our partnership with OIMT has expanded. Currently 61 sites use the standardized design, with many more undergoing conversion.
The Future In 2014, we will implement the next iteration of the template (2.0). It includes improved site administration and customizations and oneclick updating for all plug-in/theme/version updates, dramatically simplifying the process of maintaining the many state websites.
Application Spotlight: Modernized e-Filing
he IRS’ Modernized e-Filing (MeF)
two-way communication, extensive filing
electronic personal income taxes, handling
program provides a method for
detail, payments, and attachments. Standards
more than 300,000 filings in 2008. The system
communicating and processing electronic
are set by the IRS, the Federation of Tax
is now no longer supported. DOTAX needed
tax filings and payments for businesses.
Administrators (FTA), the Tax Implementa-
to migrate to MeF for personal income tax
tion Group for E-Commerce Requirements
filings. However, other returns will also be
old Fed-State back-end system that the IRS
Standardization (TIGERS), and the National
supported in the future.
and states used for communication. The prior
Association of Tax Professionals (NATP).
MeF represents a huge departure from the
system was a batch process submitting one file daily. MeF is a 24/7 Web service with
The Hawaii State Department of Taxation (DOTAX) used the old system to process
The portal (HIC) agreed to develop, host, and maintain an Internet-accessible gateway | continued on page 8 |
Reimagining Hawaii.gov | continued from page 3 |
for the framework and various icon fonts from Font Awesome, Fontello, IcoMoon, and Jekyll.
201 Merchant Street, Suite 1805 Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 695-4615 ehawaii.gov
Hawaii.gov is also driven by feeds and a dedicated developer’s page highlights the technology behind the development, including a growing list of application programming interfaces that civic hackers can use to build their own Hawaii.gov. We hope others will build and “slice and dice” the new Hawaii.gov into new ideas, apps, and services. n
Application Spotlight: Modernized e-Filing | continued from page 7 |
service that accepts and validates MeF
© 2014 Trozzolo.com
Awards Award
and their attachments. These were being processed by the Joint Electronic Filing (JELF) program, which sunsetted in 2013. Initially, the MeF Viewer was explicitly excluded from the Statement of Work with
Digital Government Achievement Award
Electronic Marriage and Civil Union Registration System
Winner – Governmentto-Business
Digital Government Achievement Award
DLNR Online Fishing Report
Winner – Governmentto-Citizen
Best of the Web Award
Davey Award
Winner – Gold
W3 Award
Winner – Silver
CSS Award
CSS Design Award
NAGW Pinnacle Award
Winner – State/NGO Category
Community Spirit Award – Pacific Business News
Volunteer Program
Web Marketing Association Best Mobile Energy App
mobile-webaward.org/mwa/winner. asp?eid=7527
EV Stations Hawaii
Transparency and Accountability: Contractor of the Year
oimt.hawaii.gov/wp-content/ uploads/2013/11/2013-Hawaii-TechnologyExcellence-Awards-Recipients.FINAL_.pdf
Transparency and Accountability: Open Gov
oimt.hawaii.gov/wp-content/ uploads/2013/11/2013-Hawaii-TechnologyExcellence-Awards-Recipients.FINAL_.pdf
tax returns from the IRS. The most critical forms for MeF are N-11 and N-15 returns
App Name
HIC. In late 2012 it became apparent that DOTAX would not have a viewer solution, so HIC implemented an MeF viewer at no cost to DOTAX. In 2013, the first filing year when MeF was active, HIC processed 424,728 returns (as of Oct. 31, 2013) and payments totaling more than $2.8 million. MeF supports a much wider array of returns, collects all of the pertinent data associated with the returns, and accepts payments and attachments, unlike the limited JELF solution. MeF also validates the returns for business rule and calculation errors before accepting the data. In 2014, DOTAX will realize another large advantage over JELF, when returns for previous tax years will also be accepted by MeF. n