IDAHO state REPORT 2014
INSIDE A Beneficial Partnership – City of Meridian................. 2 Positive Government Experiences........................ 3 Access Idaho Launches OntheGo............. 4
Access Idaho: In-state to Serve You Better D
edicated to providing innovative websites, online services, and secure payment processing
solutions solely to Idaho government entities, Access Idaho features a Boise office staffed with 14 professionals. Four of the 14 are native Idahoans, and six are graduates of Idaho universities. All live, play, vacation, and pay taxes in the Gem State. In December 1999, Access Idaho won a competi-
Access Idaho Updates State of Idaho Website New Content, Mobile-Friendly Design, and Enhanced Search – Just a Few of the Many Enhancements to the Redesigned
n December 2013, Access Idaho updated the state of Idaho’s official website,, with an updated appearance and greatly improved functionality. “We want to make sure everyone’s interaction with state
tive RFP bid with the state of Idaho to manage its
government is as pleasant as
Web portal. The partnership operates under a self-
possible,” Idaho Governor C.L.
funded model in which no tax dollars are used.
“Butch” Otter said. “Being able to access information, no matter what the device
A subsidiary of NIC, Inc., Access Idaho manages
used, is an important step for the future. I’m excited about the new site and that no, and the state maintains oversight
taxpayer dollars were used for its redesign.”
through a seven-member committee consisting of
Highlights of the redesigned site include new content for the topics of marriage,
state government officials. Access Idaho can work
birth, death, and divorce, as well as the new categories of taxes & money and
with any state, county, or city government entity
driving. The additions were created based on site analytics and user testing.
under the state contract. n
| continued on page 2 |
A Beneficial Partnership City of Meridian
he City of Meridian was
with the times. Access Idaho has been
application, OntheGo, to take payments
the first city in Idaho to use
there every step of the way.”
for raffle tickets, mulligans, etc. during the
PayPort. In 2010, the Building
In 2013, the city automated its building
Services Department began providing
permit process using a different service
its customers the option of using credit
but continued to use Access Idaho’s
and debit cards to make payments
payment engine, TPE.
online and over the counter to pay for
The city has expanded its PayPort use
building permits. This service came at
to the Mayor’s Office, Clerk’s Office, and
a much-needed time when construc-
Planning Department. Citizens and busi-
tion was increasing. The city did not
nesses can now use a debit/credit card or
want to hinder a building’s progress by
e-check to pay for various items, from sign
forcing the construction foreman to halt
permits to dog licenses to background
construction just to purchase a permit
checks. The Mayor’s Office has even used
down at City Hall.
PayPort to take payments for donations,
Customers can now go online or call in over the phone while at the job site and pay for any necessary permits without interrupting the construction process. “Access Idaho has given us the ability
as well as ticket sales and sponsorships for its annual State of the City address. Stacy Kilchenmann, City of Meridian CFO, said, “Access Idaho has helped the city improve customer service in
to continue providing great customer
several departments by delivering an easy
service by introducing multiple elec-
payment option.”
tronic payment options,” said Mindi
golf scramble.
The Meridian Public Works Department
Smith-Ferguison of the Meridian Building
is using PayPort Online to take registra-
Services Department. “With the expansion
tions for its annual golf scramble in June.
to online services, the city continues to
Public Works is also planning to use
listen to its customers’ needs and change
Access Idaho’s newest mobile payment
Access Idaho Updates State of Idaho Website | continued from page 1 |
Key features include the site’s topical navigation, so citizens do not
with the DMV, or renewing a professional license. The search box is featured prominently on and indexes
need to know which state agency is responsible for state finances or
all state agencies, plus many state Twitter feeds. Results include the
any other topic, and a mobile-friendly design. The touch-friendly site
very latest information and related online services offered by the
is designed for seamless use on tablets, smartphones, and desktops,
state. Popular online state services include the offender database
as part of the Idaho’s ongoing efforts to ensure its online resources are
search; vehicle registration renewal; personal and business tax filing
compatible with new mobile devices.
and payments; motor carrier permit, registration, and endorse-
Frequent visitors to will find their most-used pages in the same location, but enhanced. The inside pages are designed to guide citizens to the online services that will help them get things done, whether it’s performing a job search, updating their address 2 | IDAHO state REPORT 2014
ment purchasing; UCC lien searches, filings, and amendments; child support payments; and professional license renewals. The new version of is the fourth redesign in the 15-year history of the state’s official Web presence. n
Positive Government Experiences Working Toward a Common Goal
t Access Idaho, we are passionate about making government more accessible to everyone. It is our sole focus, our purpose, and the simple reason for our existence. We share that common goal with you – our partner – and we are deeply invested
in working with you to make each and every eGovernment interaction a positive one. Whether it is renewing a license, applying for a permit, filing court documents, finding
Access Idaho Coming to a City Near You T
he marketing team is traveling around the state with the Idaho Transportation
Department during May and June. Rich Steckler and Leslie Vitagliano are presenting to DMV and Driver’s License personnel about PayPort and Online Vehicle Registra-
important emergency information, or any other application taken from our robust library
tion Renewals. Topics include an overview
of 9,700 online services and 150+ mobile applications, you can trust us to bridge the gap
of Access Idaho, how to pull reports for
between your needs and the needs of the citizens and businesses you serve.
both online and over-the-counter trans-
One Community More than two decades ago, Access Idaho’s parent company, NIC, pioneered
actions, how to request refunds for both online and over-the-counter transactions, the relationship between ITD and
the eGovernment industry by revolutionizing the way people do business with all
Access Idaho, and whom to contact when
levels of government. The paper-intensive, wait-in-line ways of the past evolved into
questions arise, as well as a question-and-
secure, click-of-a-button, swipe-of-a-screen interactions. Today, NIC works with more
answer session at the end.
than 3,500 federal, state, and local government partners, giving you access to share
If you plan on attending one of the
ideas across the NIC family, learn best practices, and deploy new services quickly by
sessions below, feel free to email questions
starting with foundational code deployed elsewhere by NIC partners.
ahead of time to or
United Shield Against Cybersecurity Attacks When it comes to security, the job of protecting sensitive information is in the hands so we can make sure they are addressed. If you are not part of a DMV or Driver’s
of our partnership. We are both only successful when citizens and businesses feel
License department but would like us to
secure about sharing information. Together, we form the shield to help do all that we
visit while in your area, call Rich or Leslie to
can to protect against cybersecurity breaches that can damage credibility, reputation,
schedule an appointment (208-332-0102 or
and consumer confidence for everyone involved.
toll free 877-443-3468).
Your Responsive Partner We hear you. In this day and age, it is extremely important for government to be engaged with the people they serve, and use technology to facilitate efficient and secure interactions. Being a part of the NIC community allows us to serve as your research and development shop as we continue to adapt the latest technology and create new solutions to improve government interactions. As technology evolves, our focus will remain on delivering you the latest innovation. There is the saying, “It takes a village.” At Access Idaho we believe the very best in eGovernment services require a community. Working together is key when it comes to staying true to our shared passion of making government more accessible to citizens and businesses. Count on NIC and Access Idaho to bring convenience, efficiency, security, and innovation to you and your constituents in every single service we bring online. Then people can focus on what they love to do and follow
Hope to see you soon! n
DMV Schedule 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. May 6, 7 – Rigby May 8, 13 – Pocatello May 14, 15 – Twin Falls
Driver’s License Schedule 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. June 4, 5 – Jerome June 17 – Coeur d’Alene June 18 – Sandpoint
their own passion in life, whether it is growing their business, or simply spending
June 20 – Lewiston
time with their families. Together, we make it happen.
June 24, 25 – Boise
IDAHO state REPORT 2014 | 3
999 Main Street, Suite 910 Boise, ID 83702 (877) 443-3468 (208) 332-0102
© 2014
Access Idaho Launches OntheGo Secure Android Government Mobile Payment App With Unique Store-and-go Functionality
tate agencies, counties, and cities in the Gem State have the ability to do something no other government
entity in the U.S. can: take mobile payments outside of Wi-Fi and cellular coverage. Downloadable for free from the Google Play store, OtG is available exclusively to government entities for capturing credit
Financial officers can reconcile deposits
entities throughout the U.S. There are no
and debit card payments with any Android
and view/print exportable, real-time billing
merchant fees or monthly minimums, and
smartphone or tablet in the field, at confer-
reports for transactions. Transaction reports
technical as well as marketing support is
ences and events, or whenever funds need
are accessible from the Android device or
also provided at no cost.
to be collected outside the office.
any computer with Internet access, and the
An optional, encryption-enabled swipe
OtG meets Payment Card Industry (PCI)
information never “expires.” All transac-
standards and ties into Access Idaho’s payment
card reader gives OtG its industry-first
tion information is password-protected and
engine, which is designed specifically for
“store-and-go” distinction. If outside cell or
transmitted via a secure connection.
government use and securely processes more
Wi-Fi coverage, the reader stores transaction
The mobile service accepts Visa, Master-
than $25 billion annually in payments.
data securely. Upon connecting to a service
Card, Discover, and American Express
area or Wi-Fi network, the application auto-
payments through Access Idaho’s secure
of the Web Digital Government Achieve-
matically processes the pending payments.
payment processor.
ment Award from e.Republic’s Center for
If within range, a payment processes within
Access Idaho currently offers OtG to
seconds, like other mobile payment services.
state, county, and city government enti-
An email receipt can be sent automatically
ties in Idaho only. However, plans include
or manually after a transaction.
expanding to state and local government
4 | IDAHO state REPORT 2014
An earlier version of OtG won a 2012 Best
Digital Government as one of the nation’s best government-to-citizen applications. Interested in using OtG? Give us a call, or visit n