Kansas.gov Annual Report 2013

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INSIDE Smarter eGovernment.. ....... 2 Positive Government Experiences.... 3 Kansas.gov Benefits Education Market............... 4

Letter From the CEO

A Year In Review O has worked with more than 200 state ver the past 21 years, Kansas.gov

and local government partners to open the gateway between the private and public

sectors by providing government information and creating interactive services online. These efforts have not come without recognition as Kansas.gov has received many national

Kansas Courts Mobile Application Wins 2013 Digital Government Achievement Award Mobile Usage Increases 90 Percent During 2013


n 2013, Kansas.gov received recognition as a winner of the 2013 Digital Government Achievement Awards (DGAAs) from e.Republic’s Center for Digital Government for mobile enhancements that were applied to the Kansas District Court Records

awards for its innovation and excellence. Kansas.gov takes pride in providing the best service possible to government agencies (partners), the business community, and citizens. We believe that “striving for excellence� will ensure long-term growth, and the portal of today will continue to evolve into a more diverse and innovative eGovernment service offering in the coming years. With this in mind, Kansas.gov attained several key achievements in 2013: | continued on page 3 | DCRS Mobile and Tablet Usage in 2013

| continued on page 2 |

Smarter eGovernment:

The Benefit of Online Services for Kansas Businesses


ore than 20 years ago, Kansas became the first state to offer

services will be user-friendly, high in quality, and delivered to them

eGovernment services. Now, with more than 900 services

quickly. The state of Kansas, in partnership with Kansas.gov, is working

available, Kansas.gov is making it easier for citizens and

to meet the demands of its business consumers.

businesses to conduct transactions 24 hours a day – every day. Use of

Results of the study reveal high overall satisfaction with the online

the Kansas.gov website continues to increase with more than a million

services Kansas.gov provides to business subscribers. The majority of

visits to the site last year.

respondents view Kansas as a business-friendly state, and eGovernment

To gauge customer opinions and to better understand their needs,

has a positive impact on that perception. Four of every five subscribers

the Center for Public Policy & Administration at The University of Utah

say that it is easier to conduct business in the state because of

conducted a telephone survey of Kansas.gov business subscribers.

Kansas.gov’s online business services.

The survey included interviews of 500 customers who are users of Kansas.gov digital government services.

The partnership of the state of Kansas and Kansas.gov is providing business subscribers with reliable, high-quality online services that make

Nine in every 10 Kansas businesses surveyed say they prefer to

conducting business in the state more efficient and easier for businesses.

conduct their government business using an online format rather than

As new services are added and the site changes to meet ever-evolving and

using offline methods. In this digital age, consumers expect that online

diverse needs, Kansas businesses will continue to benefit from Kansas.gov. n

Kansas Courts Mobile Application Wins 2013 Digital Government Achievement Award | continued from page 1 |

The Kansas Office of Judicial Administra-

more accessible and transparent in this

Search application. The DGAAs recognize

tion (OJA), in partnership with Kansas.gov,

digital age. This award points out the fact

outstanding agency and department websites

launched a series of enhancements to the

that our citizens are now more than ever

and applications based on innovation,

online Kansas County District Court Records

before gaining convenient access to their

functionality, and efficiency.

Search application in late 2012. The most

courts, wherever they may be,” said Kelly

notable enhancement incorporates a new,

O’Brien, Director of Information Services

access to Kansas County District Court

user-friendly platform that allows Kansans

for the Office of Judicial Administration.

Records full court case histories, the appli-

to perform Kansas County District Court

cation allows Kansas citizens to search

Records searches from a mobile device.

Designed to provide immediate online

court cases by county and court type, or case number. 2 | KANSAS.GOV ANNUAL REPORT 2013

“We view this project as one step in many we are taking to make the Kansas courts

Mobile traffic for this application (mobile usage plus tablet usage) has increased 90 percent from January 2013 to December 2013. n

Positive Government Experiences

A Year In Review

Working Toward a Common Goal

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• More than $431 million in

t NIC, we are passionate about making government more accessible to everyone. It is our sole focus, our purpose, and the simple reason for our existence. We share

that common goal with you – our partners – and we are deeply invested in working with you to make each and every eGovernment interaction a positive one. Whether it is renewing a license, applying for a permit, filing court documents,

payments securely processed. • 117 new applications and products launched. • 35 project change requests performed. • Implemented responsive design,

finding important emergency information, or any other application taken from our

content, and refresh to nine

robust library of 9,700 online services and more than 150 mobile applications, you can


trust us to bridge the gap between your needs and the needs of the citizens and businesses you serve.

One Community More than two decades ago, NIC pioneered the eGovernment industry by revolutionizing the way people do business with all levels of government. The paper-intensive, wait-in-line ways of the past evolved into secure, click-of-a-button, swipe-of-a-screen interactions. Today, NIC works with more than 3,500 federal, state,

• Awarded the Kansas Department of Agriculture’s Payment Processing contract to provide payment processing for the Kansas Department of Agriculture and various state of Kansas agencies and political subdivisions. • Kansas District Court Search Records

and local government partners, giving you access to share ideas across the NIC family,

online service won a 2013 Digital

learn best practices, and deploy new services quickly by starting with foundational code

Government Achievement Award

deployed elsewhere by NIC partners.

(DGAA) from e.Republic’s Center

United Shield Against Cybersecurity Attacks

for Digital Government within the Government to Business category.

When it comes to security, the job of protecting sensitive information is in the hands

• Measured the satisfaction of

of our partnership. We are both only successful when citizens and businesses feel secure

500 Kansas.gov subscribers

about sharing information. Together, we form the shield to help do all that we can to

with eGovernment services and

protect against cybersecurity breaches that can damage credibility, reputation, and

identified the positive connection

consumer confidence for everyone involved.

between eGovernment, pro-

Your Responsive Partner We hear you. In this day and age, it is extremely important for government to be engaged with the people they serve, and use technology to facilitate efficient and secure interactions. Being a part of the NIC community allows us to serve as your research and

business policies, and economic development in the state. • Successfully achieved Cybertrust certification. Kansas.gov continues to work dili-

development shop as we continue to adapt the latest technology and create new solutions

gently to improve its performance for

to improve government interactions. As technology evolves, our focus will remain on

more than 200 state agencies and local

delivering you the latest innovation.

governments. I thank you for fueling

There is the saying, “It takes a village.” At NIC we believe the very best in eGovernment

eGoverment to enable businesses and

services require a community. Working together is key when it comes to staying true to

citizens to complete government trans-

our shared passion of making government more accessible to citizens and businesses.

actions securely and efficiently across

Count on NIC to bring convenience, efficiency, security, and innovation to you and your

all channels of digital government.

constituents in every single service we bring online. Then people can focus on what they

Shane Myers

love to do and follow their own passion in life, whether it is growing their business, or simply spending time with their families. Together, we make it happen.



Kansas.gov Benefits Education Market Strong Growth Among School Districts In 2013


art of the Kansas.gov 2013 Business Plan included a strong emphasis on product

growth. This focus was specifically targeted at

534 S. Kansas Ave., Suite 1210 Topeka, KS 66603 (785) 296-7171 www.kansas.gov

Kansas.gov’s point-of-sale solution, KanPay Counter. KanPay Counter is a turnkey solution that is specifically designed for state and municipal governments to process both credit card and electronic check payments at the counter.

© 2014 Trozzolo.com

While business development efforts prior to 2013 produced excellent product growth at the county and municipal levels, adoption of Kansas.gov products and services by school districts throughout the state was very minimal. In 2013, the Kansas.gov business development managers were tasked with turning the tide and establishing a footprint in the K-12 market. Beginning the year with a handful of partners in the education market, skilled outreach converted partner interest into brisk growth.

Organizational Changes Benefit Application Development Process


n 2013, Kansas.gov General Manager Shane Myers introduced an exciting change to the organizational structure. For many years, those responsible for software development

and those tasked with front-end development, the two critical components of application development, were separated into

Kansas.gov closed the year with launching

different departments. Myers determined that combining those two

99 KanPay Counter instances for a total of 17

departments would provide many benefits to the organization.

unified school districts, as well as a 322 percent

“When I assumed the role of general manager, I took a top-

increase in year-over-year transaction volume.

down approach in reviewing the current processes and structure

Kansas.gov appreciates the support it has

of the organization. By joining together those two groups into the

Christopher ‘James’ Adams, Kansas.gov Director of Technology

received from its partners in the education

newly formed Technology Department, we benefit from greater

field and looks forward to many years of

efficiencies, higher quality, and customer-friendly solutions for the user,” he said.

continued partnership. n

The Kansas.gov technology team comprises seven software developers, three front-end developers, and two system administrators. A search was conducted among qualified candidates to determine who would hold the flagship title of “director of technology.” Kansas.gov determined the best person to lead the team was actually a member of their own staff, Christopher “James” Adams, a long-time employee of Kansas.gov. While currently serving as the director of technology, Adams has held many roles within the organization during his tenure, including marketing, project management, front-end development, and creative services. “The development of a great website or application requires extensive collaboration among front-end and back-end developers. I enjoy leading a team of skilled programmers, working in unison to ensure the end product will look and function as it should for our users,” Adams said. Please join us in congratulating James on his accomplishment.

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