KIC Annual Report 2014

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INSIDE Kansas Goes Mobile........................ 2 Join NIC’s Exclusive Online Community — the eGov Network Partner Portal.................. 3 Sound Structure Stems From Stability...................... 4

Message From the General Manager K

ansas Information Consortium, LLC

Collaboration Yields Win for Kansas Business Owners Secretary of State and Governor of Kansas Launch New One-Stop Kansas Business Center

learning about the latest advancements in


projects, technology, and services we have

website for new and existing businesses in Kansas that streamlines the process of registering

to offer.

and reporting to the state of Kansas.

(KIC) is pleased to announce the

launch of our 2014 Annual Report publication. Designed to provide insight into the operations of KIC, we hope you will enjoy

he Kansas Business Center integrates online services and information from multiple state agencies to reduce the time needed to perform routine filings required to start and operate a business in the state. A video introduction to the services available can

be found on the main page of the website at It is a one-stop

2014 marked a very strong year for KIC

The Kansas Business Center is a collaborative effort between the Information Network

partners and staff. From successful service

of Kansas, the Kansas Office of the Secretary of State, the Kansas Office of the Governor, the

deployments to working in new and

Kansas Department of Revenue, the Kansas Department of Labor, Network Kansas, and the

emerging markets, KIC is proud of all we

Kansas business community. The innovative technology solution supporting the service is

have accomplished in our 22nd year.

provided by KIC. The partners engaged in the project are continuing to provide new and

The portal operates through a publicprivate partnership between the Information

expanded information on a regular basis. “The Kansas Business Center supports our business-friendly environment,” said Kansas

Network of Kansas Inc. and KIC, the network

Governor Sam Brownback. “By consolidating our online services across agencies and enabling a

manager since 1992.

single sign-on for users, we’ve created a platform for greater collaboration in service delivery in | continued on page 4 |

the future.” In collaborating further with the business community, key emphasis was placed on | continued on page 2 |

Kansas Goes Mobile Makes Top 10 Best State Website List in 2014


Collaboration Yields Win for Kansas Business Owners | continued from page 1 |

users accessing the Kansas Business Center

providing a more mobile-friendly experience,

from a mobile or tablet device.

a more intuitive approach to site navigation,

In addition to providing services that support

and a simplified list of the most commonly used

business registration and ongoing filings, the

forms. Furthering the ease of use is the integra-

Kansas Business Center also includes:

launched a redesign of

tion of KanAccess, KIC’s single sign-on tool. By

• I nformation about developing business plans., the official

linking their KanAccess credentials to their

•S hort videos to assist entrepreneurs in

state of Kansas website, in early 2014.

Kansas Business Center account, users may rely

Recognized as a “Finalist” in the state

on a single set of credentials to manage a variety

portal category for the Center for Digital

of their online services.

Government’s (CDG) Best of the Web

selecting a legal structure for their businesses. •A n integrated online chat feature to help answer questions in real time, provided

“The ability for entrepreneurs to act quickly

by Network Kansas, an organization that

(BOW) awards, the website was devel-

is vital to our state’s economy. The redesigned

connects entrepreneurs with a network

oped at no cost to the state through a

Kansas Business Center represents yet another

of 500+ partners providing resources for

unique self-funded model. The mobile-

step in our efforts to remove barriers to busi-

small businesses across the state.

friendly design refreshed the look

ness formation and ongoing filing with the

and feel, reorganized the content, and

state,” said Secretary of State Kris Kobach.

more about regulations that may apply to

integrated new technologies.

“By listening to the business community and

them, and to quickly find and comment

“I am very pleased to offer this valu-

collaborating with both our public and private

on new regulations under consideration

able resource to Kansans at no cost to the

partners, we’ve made state government easier

by state agencies.

taxpayers,” said Governor Sam Brown-

to navigate and put the citizen first.”

back. “It is important for Kansans to have online access to services that improve the

The efforts to improve the site have yielded strong increases in usage, especially from

way they interact with government. With this update, Kansans and visitors alike are able to easily connect with the information they need.” Kansas is the nation’s birthplace of eGovernment. For more than 20 years, Kansas has been a consistent leader in producing award-winning services. The portal’s overall content theme aligns with Governor Brownback’s “Road Map for Kansas.” The project, developed in cooperation with several key state agencies, focused on providing a streamlined interface for users who visit the site through mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets. “The Kansas state portal has made a dramatic move this year to | continued on page 4 |


KBC Mobile Usage Trends

•L inks that allow businesses to learn

•A searchable library of agency forms for business filing and reporting that features links to equivalent online services, where available. n

Join NIC’s Exclusive Online Community — the eGov Network Partner Portal


t takes true partnership to make eGovernment work. At NIC, we would not be successful in developing eGovernment

the Insights & Presentations section of

contact information for NIC staff, as well

the portal.

as your government peers. The Discussion

• Document Library: Explore even more

Board provides you with an opportunity

without you – our government partners. We

content, like annual reports published by

to join in conversation about hot topics

share your dedication to making government

NIC portal teams, as well as archived webi-

across the industry, and from time to

nars, within the portal’s Document Library.

time the portal’s home page will feature a

better for all – not as vendors, but as true teammates working side by side with you every day to define problems and find solutions.

• Services Database: Have you ever

profile of one of your government peers.

wondered what new services other NIC

We welcome your feedback, and hope

portals are launching? Or would you like

you see the value of this new tool and use

eGov Partner Portal – a secure, password-

to know if other government partners

it as your resource for collaborating with

protected site exclusively for all of our NIC

have launched a service similar to the one

other NIC government partners. We are

government partners. The new site includes

you are planning to develop with your

looking forward to connecting with you and

several features to inform you about best

NIC portal team? Find out these answers

bringing our partnership to the next level.

practices within the industry, as well as a

and more by searching the eGovernment

simple way to collaborate with your govern-

Services Database. In addition, each month

ment peers across the country who are also

three new services will be featured on the

NIC partners. To participate, simply ask

Partner Portal’s home page.

That’s why in late 2014, we launched the

your general manager for login credentials and soon you can begin enjoying: • News & Case Studies: Executive summa-

• Collaboration: There are several ways you can collaborate with your government peers more effectively through

ries of eGovernment studies, daily

the eGovernment portal. The portal’s

industry news, and case studies await on

Directory allows you to quickly search for

KIC Demonstrates Expertise in Payment Processing K

anPay, KIC’s payment processing solution, is an online

•M eets all Sarbanes-Oxley compliance requirements.

payment processing system specifically designed for state

• Participating organization of the Payment Card Industry Security

and municipal governments to process both credit card and e-check payments via the Internet. KIC’s payment processing solution offers

Standards Council KanPay is available to all governments in Kansas through the state-

a full life cycle transaction management solution that includes

wide contract and is one of KIC’s flagship services noted for providing

gateway and merchant services, plus extensive financial reporting

efficiency, convenience and mitigating the agency’s effort and risk of

and funds disbursement.

accepting online payments for government services.

KIC’s payment processing solution is hosted in a Central Data Center to ensure they are readily available on a near 24/7 basis. • C ertified by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) as a Level 1 Service Provider. • Listed as a PCI-DSS Compliant provider on Visa’s Global Registry of Service Providers.

In 2013, KIC was awarded a contract for payment processing services throughout the state of Kansas. KIC is proud of its footprint within the payment processing industry. In 2014, KIC securely processed nearly $435 million in transactions on behalf of more than 250 government partners. KIC continues to pursue its vision of positively transforming the

• SSAE16 certified solution.

relationship between citizens, businesses, and governments through

• Fully compliant with federal, state, local, and industry standards

eGovernment applications and services. n KIC ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 3

Message From the General Manager | continued from page 1 |

eGovernment is the ability to conduct business with government securely and efficiently using all of the digital channels available. KIC provides

534 S. Kansas Ave., Suite 1210 Topeka, KS 66603 (785) 296-5059

eGovernment services without state tax appropriations through its self-funded model. This funding model provides the ability for state and local government agencies to serve their constituents with efficient online services, at no cost to the agencies themselves. We always look for feedback on our online services and for new ideas for expanding eGovernment solutions in Kansas. Should you have any suggestions, questions, or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. I thank you for fueling eGovernment to enable businesses and citizens to complete government transactions securely and efficiently across all channels of digital government. Sincerely,

Shane Myers General Manager

© 2015

Sound Structure Stems From Stability System Administration Makes Moves at KIC


ow entering his 17th year at KIC,

which makes him an extremely valuable and

Senior Systems Administrator Brian

reliable resource. I trust his judgment and

Vandruff is an indispensable resource

leverage his expertise daily.”

for the Technology Department. His will-

Vandruff has a keen eye for identifying

Kansas Goes Mobile

ingness to go above and beyond to address

and mitigating hidden risks. He is steadfast

complex issues, coupled with his ability to

in his commitment to keep key stakeholders

| continued from page 2 |

maintain order and a calm demeanor in

apprised of any developments regarding the

accommodate the rapidly growing shift

stressful situations, allows Vandruff to stand

health of KIC’s systems.

in user access to government informa-

out as a leader in his field.

tion using mobile technology,” said Jim

KIC’s Director of Technology, James Adams,

“My goal as Senior Systems Administrator is to maintain a secure network and systems

Hollingsworth, the Executive Director of

routinely relies on Vandruff’s expert-level

environment for KIC services and applica-

the Information Network of Kansas, Inc.

analysis and judgment regarding issues of

tions and to uphold contractual obligations

“It is vital that we continue to expand

systems administration. “Brian has a very tech-

such as the reduction of downtime, audits,

the number and utility of the services we

nical mind and is respected not only within

etc.,” said Vandruff.

offer and provide them to Kansans in the

the organization, but within NIC, as well. He is

manner they want and they expect.”

a seasoned professional and very interested in

gratitude to Vandruff for being a constant and

technology and obtaining efficient processes,

steady presence in this ever-changing industry. n

Please join us in extending congratulations and

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