v Mississippi INTERACTIVE REPORT 2013
INSIDE Creating Efficiencies Through eGovernment. . ...... 3 Message From the General Manager............... 3 Getting Out and Giving Back................. 4
Agency Spotlight
Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce
n 2013, the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce (MDAC)
partnered with MSI to implement several key new services and solutions to support the agency’s commitment to providing the highest
If You’re Not Mobile-First, You’re Last
Mississippi Interactive’s Mobile-First Strategy
ong gone are the days when all business is done from a desk. Citizens are on the go, and so is the state. Mississippi has one of the largest mobile-only populations in the nation, which prompted Mississippi Interactive (MSI) to take
a mobile-first approach when developing all of its websites, applications, and payment solutions. The 2013 redesign of the state’s official website, ms.gov, is a prime example
value to their constituents. Together the partner-
of a mobile-first implementation. Placing in the Top 10 in the Center for Digital
ship launched the Feed, Fertilizer, Lime, Soil/
Government’s Best of the Web competition, the award-winning site uses a mobile-first
Plant Amendment Registration System. For the
approach, focusing on exceptional viewing on tablet and smartphone devices.
first time, MDAC was able to accept credit card
Mobile-optimized solutions not only keep information at your fingertips but they also
and ACH payments for the several Amendment
provide an avenue to do business with the state, anytime, anywhere. One of the largest
Registrations and Tonnage fees. Since its launch,
mobile constituent bases belongs to the Mississippi Department of Wildlife (MDWFP).
the solution has vastly reduced the amount of
More than 40 percent of all visits to the department’s online license sales come from mobile
manual labor needed to register the countless
devices. To cater to this large mobile base the department teamed up with MSI to rewrite its
number of Feed, Fertilizer, Lime, and Soil/Plant
Web-based license sales application to fit any mobile device and to launch two native mobile
products sold in the state.
applications for outdoor enthusiasts. In 2013, the first full year MDWFP offered a mobile-
Jenny Bibb, Feed Amendment Director of MDAC Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI), had this to say about the interactive Registration System: | continued on page 2 |
optimized solution, license sales increased more than 11 percent from the previous year. In June 2013, GovLoop released a report entitled, “Making Mobile Matter: Implementing your Mobile Enterprise Strategy” that featured the state of Mississippi, | continued on page 4 |
Agency Spotlight | continued from page 1 |
of these additional applications, MDAC will have a majority of the
“Over the years BPI has received many requests from registrants to
services it offers as a state agency available online. “Working with
process credit card transactions, issue regulatory permits, and register
MSI has been an invaluable asset; the diligence and dedication they
products via the Internet instead of by mail. Over the last 10 years,
demonstrate has been mentioned repeatedly by our supervisors
MDAC has invested a significant amount of resources to replace
and colleagues. We all appreciate the extra hours they put in while
out-of-date equipment and employ new technology to improve its operational efficiency and increase employee productivity. The partnership with MSI allowed MDAC to use the eGovernment program to make more public and regulatory services accessible online.” The new Agricultural Online Registration Suite is the latest in a line of innovative Web-based applications that are helping MDAC cut back on operational costs, increase efficiency, and streamline important regulatory programs. The Department noted that the application has already received positive feedback from satisfied users early in its operation. Zack Chesser, Fertilizer, Lime and Plant Amendment Director, added, “This new system has eliminated many non-efficient steps in the registration process. With the convenience of online registration, businesses can do away with the excess paperwork and enjoy the ease of credit card or e-check payments, saving time and money. Efficiency has already increased and the registration process has become streamlined.” MDAC, realizing the significant benefits of eGovernment and
“These online services, created by MSI and MDAC, have not only made the Department more efficient by reducing paper work, but have also helped in streamlining labor-intensive tasks. The MSI staff has been very committed to the projects initiated by MDAC and strives to deliver a superior service for the state of Mississippi and to the citizens using the services provided by the agency.” – Cindy Hyde-Smith, Commissioner Department of Agriculture and Commerce
the added value MSI could bring its constituents, tasked MSI with more than 20 additional applications. These applications cross every
working on this project and the ease of communication we have with
division of MDAC, ranging from Retail Food Sanitation license
them to help resolve any issues that may arise with the system,” said
renewals to Bonded Weighmasters’ licenses. With the completion
Umesh Sanjanwala, director of information technology. n
Mississippi’s Award Winning Year
Did You Know • ms.gov has received 16 national awards in just two years. • MSI launched six mobile applications in 2013. The state of Mississippi now offers more official mobile apps than Texas or New York. • Thirteen agency and locality websites were redesigned through the eGov program this year. • More than 16,000 push notification alerts were sent to users of the MDOT Traffic mobile applications. • Thirty-eight official Mississippi entities use the MSI payment processor to securely process self-funded online, point-of-sale, and mobile payments. • Mississippi Department of Revenue field agents have the ability to take delinquent tax payments on the go through an MSI-developed mobile application.
2 | Mississippi INTERACTIVE REPORT 2013
Creating Efficiencies Through eGovernment Governor’s Job Fair
dam Todd, director of the Mississippi Governor’s Job Fair since 2010, drives tens of thousands of miles a year recruiting companies around the state of Mississippi for the statewide job fairs hosted by the Governor’s
Job Fair Network. Through this unique network, companies looking to hire are able to meet with job applicants, arrange on-location interviews, and make job offers on the spot. It was during one of his many trips that Adam realized that his recruiting efforts presented a new challenge for his small staff of two: more paperwork and lots of paper checks. Additionally the Network’s inability to accept credit cards or ACH payments was causing many of the businesses not to register because of the inconvenience. The need for a new online registration system and the ability to accept online payments via ACH/credit card was evident. To increase the efficiency, the Governor’s Job Fair Network partnered with Mississippi
Message From the General Manager “Discoveries are often made by not following instructions, by going off the main road, by trying the untried.” –Frank Tyger
n 2013, Mississippi’s eGovernment partnership successfully tried the untried in
exploring new approaches for delivering
Interactive to rebrand its website and launch an online registration application in 2012.
government information to citizens. From
“My main goal when I first started was to get as many businesses to register for local job
the “mobile-first” ms.gov redesign to MS
fairs in their area as I could. At the same time we needed to make it more convenient for
Ready’s emergency alert app, Mississippi
them to do so,” said Todd. “The ability to do these two things alone has allowed me to
is considered an eGovernment leader, as
recruit more companies and add more job fairs to the schedule.”
evidenced by the numerous awards and
Each job fair presents different expenses based on the event size. The new online system and electronic payments have allowed the Job Fair to recoup those expenses faster. Mr. Todd added, “The acceptance of credit cards has helped us establish a level
media spotlights highlighted in this year’s annual report. In addition to the groundbreaking
of legitimacy to our events and the Job Fair Network.” Historically, it took up to six
innovations in mobile offerings, the
months for all registrations to be processed due to lack of staff and bounced checks, but
partnership is also excited to be assisting
the addition of real-time online credit card acceptance has reduced that time to under a
agencies and local governments with trying
week. “This application saves us $500-$1,000 per event in time alone,” said Todd. “I was
the untried – such as changing ingrained
able to hold 25 job fairs this year alone and am looking to increase that number in 2014.
traditional paper-based business processes to
This would not be possible without our online registration capabilities.” n
automated efficient solutions, exploring the use of social media for sharing information, and providing greater transparency with open data initiatives. As MSI starts its fourth year in the state of Mississippi, we look forward to building onto the momentum of the past few years, by optimizing more and more citizen and business services to facilitate government transactions regardless of device or platform.
Deanna Gronlie
MSI General Manager
Mississippi INTERACTIVE REPORT 2013 | 3
If You’re Not MobileFirst, You’re Last | continued from page 1 |
Dr. Craig Orgeron, executive director, Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services, and the mobile applications developed by MSI. When asked about mobile apps in the govern-
200 S. Lamar St., Suite 800 Jackson, MS 39201 (601) 351-5023 Fax (601) 852-1145 support@msegov.com www.msegov.com
ment arena, Dr. Orgeron emphasized that “mobile is one of the most effective mediums for providing important realtime information and services for citizens.” Throughout the report Mississippi was continually described as an emerging leader in developing mobile applications. By 2014, we aim to lead the pack. n
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Creating Interactive Services for Mississippi Boards and Agencies
very year MSI launches numerous applications to
that did not require upfront costs, in-house IT services, or costly
streamline and simplify the interaction between citizens
outside consultants. This year new online applications generated
and government agencies; this year was no exception. In
more than $184,000 in revenue for smaller boards and commissions.
2013 MSI launched 22 self-funded, online applications for the state
The eGovernment self-funded model allows our state partners,
of Mississippi. These apps were developed not only for the state’s
of all sizes, access to customized eGovernment solutions. MSI
large departments, but also for smaller entities that sometimes
works with the partner to create custom interactive solutions that
have limited IT resources. Through the MSI partnership, boards
eliminate costly and time-consuming paper processes, all while
like the Mississippi State Board of Public Accountancy, the Board
offering online payments. It is this self-funded model that allows
of Psychology, the Board of Registered Professional Geologists, and
MSI to develop, host, and maintain these custom solutions at no
the MS Athletic Commission have all launched new online services
cost to the state partner.
Getting Out and Giving Back
uring MSI’s second year of its “12 Months of Giving” outreach
In 2013, the MSI staff served breakfast
Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 5K, and
to the homeless in our second summer
sponsoring multiple other activities and
campaign, our staff was fortunate enough
with the St. Andrew’s Breakfast Club. For
events throughout the year.
to participate in not only new but also
eight weeks, MSI staff met at St. Andrew’s
recurring events and services with area
Church each Tuesday during the summer
building our relationship with the Little
charities. This year, we were able to extend
to feed those less fortunate in the Jackson
Lighthouse through multiple event
our hand to local and national charities,
area. The MSI team strives to support
sponsorships. This Christmas we were
both financially and physically. MSI
causes near and dear to our staff members.
fortunate to participate in our second
team members have shown their support
This year those causes included holding
annual MSI Little Lighthouse Toy Drive.
through their participation and also
a food and supplies drive for Jackson’s
MSI is looking forward to 2014 and
through their interest in finding new ways
ARF (Animal Rescue Fund), supporting
all of the charitable opportunities that
to give back to our community.
breast cancer awareness by running in the
await us! n
We were also thrilled to continue