NIC Alamaba Interactive 2015 Report

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INSIDE Team Member Profile..................... 2 The Self-Funded Model: Providing You Value........................ 2 Alabama Interactive: Invested in Our Community........... 3

Message From the General Manager “T

he whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Aristotle’s message helps

Featured Services


labama Interactive (AI) is dedicated to helping our state government partners provide valuable information and services by delivering streamlined services at no cost to the state. Today, AI has partnered with more than

60 state agencies to develop and maintain close to 250 applications.

communicate the essence of an enterprise eGovernment program – several great agency eGovernment services makes for an

Award-Winning Websites AI’s Web design expertise received accolades in 2015, once again. AI part-

even better Alabama eGovernment plat-

nered with the state of Alabama on three websites and each received awards

form. In 2002, the state of Alabama stepped

from the Web Marketing Association’s 19th annual WebAward competition.

out as one of the leaders in innovation

The WebAward program is the longest-running annual website award competi-

and partnered with NIC to build a best-in-

tion dedicated to honoring the best sites in 96 industries while setting a high

class eGovernment portal. Over 60 agency

standard for all website development and marketing.

partners and nearly 250 online applications

Alabama’s official state website,, received

later, Alabama Interactive (AI) is still growing

the Outstanding Website WebAward for its excellence

and delivering value. These 250 “parts” are

and visual creativity. This award marks the fourth for

certainly noteworthy in and of themselves, since AI completed its refresh in May 2014

but the real value is the “whole” created by

and its second consecutive WebAward. The two websites

the collective belief in efficient government.

AI developed in partnership with the Alabama Department of Conservation and

Many of the agency partners we work with

Natural Resources (ADCNR) received awards as well. The ADCNR official website,

today would not be able to maintain their, received the prestigious Outstanding Website Award

online presence without the economies of

for its redesigned features, while the redesigned Alabama State Parks website,

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Team Member Profile

The Self-Funded Model: Providing You Value

Interactive team for more than 10


years. He graduated from Auburn

Government avoids all upfront costs of developing online services as well as

University in Montgomery with

the ongoing maintenance costs by funding its eGovernment program through

an MBA in business informa-

efficiency fees paid by those who use the online services. A select number of

tion systems, and has a strong

primarily business-to-government services require a minimal per-transaction


obert Hines has been a vital member of the Alabama

Robert Hines

hen it comes to your state’s digital government program, there is one

element that is delivering value every single day – the enterprise-wide,

self-funded model provided by NIC.

You may be familiar with this model, but if not, the approach is simple:


efficiency fee. This fee not only supports the development and maintenance

in IT manage-

of the individual service, but together all fees from a few services fund a

ment, software

unified approach for the state’s entire eGovernment program. Revenues from


all services are pooled and projects are built according to your state’s own

and security

digital government service priorities. Launching more revenue-generating


services increases the pool of revenues, allowing for more services of all types

He began his

to be developed. Those online services with no revenue-generating ability are

career with AI in 2005 as a lead application developer, and was

provided to you free of charge. The best part is that the citizens and businesses you serve prefer to interact

promoted to technology opera-

with your agency online. In fact, according to a research study conducted by

tions manager in 2007 due to his

the University of Utah, 90 percent of businesses and 60 percent of citizens

hard work and enthusiasm. In May

prefer to interact with government online. Add to this, 64 percent of citizens are

2009 he was promoted to director

asking government to place more services online. Today, citizens and businesses

of development followed by his

expect the same level of online experiences from government as they receive in

promotion to director of tech-

the private sector. You have the ability to provide those online conveniences.

nology in June 2012. In his current

When you add more online services through the enterprise-wide, self-funded

role he manages the infrastruc-

model, your agency benefits by receiving state-of-the-art, mobile-first online

ture, security, development, and

services and secure payment processing. The businesses and citizens you serve

creative teams that support more

benefit with quicker, more accurate, convenient online government interac-

than 60 state agencies and almost

tions. And, overall, the entire state benefits from a comprehensive, best-in-class,

250 online services that enable

digital government services program that compares to, if not exceeds, that

Alabama’s citizens to conveniently

which citizens are familiar with in the private sector.

connect with state government.

How can you help ensure a strong digital government future for your state?

Last year alone, these services

Continue to uncover all of the online efficiencies your agency can offer. What

processed more than $1.8 billion

services are still provided manually through mailed paper forms or in-person

for the state of Alabama.

office visits? What new technology could benefit your agency? You have a

Robert enjoys spending his

partner in NIC that is ready to help you harness the latest technology and

spare time with his wife and

provide your constituents as many online conveniences as possible. And, help

their family’s most recent addi-

spread the word. Are there colleagues within state government who have not

tion – their son, Sterling. He also

heard of the self-funded approach and whose agency could benefit? Our local

enjoys being heavily involved in

teams are ready to help your state achieve the most innovative digital govern-

his community, playing trumpet,

ment services in the country. No budget appropriations, upfront funding,

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ongoing change request orders, or maintenance fees required. To make this successful, help us explore new online services, and we’ll take care of the rest. n


Alabama Interactive: Invested in Our Community H

elping the communities in which we live is a way of life at NIC and it is no exception at Alabama

Interactive in the River Region. Here at AI we believe in a culture of service and continue to dedicate our time and resources to opportunities that allow us to get involved and give back to the Montgomery area. Throughout the

supplies of their own. Other nonprofit organizations

year team members have participated in wellness and

benefiting from AI’s volunteer time and donations include

charitable events benefiting local churches and organi-

Aid to Inmate Mothers, Christmas Clearinghouse, and

zations such as the Montgomery Area Food Bank and

Brantwood Children’s Home. All of these organizations

the Family Guidance Center of Alabama. In addition, we

provide safer, stable environments for mothers and chil-

volunteered and provided donations, both monetary and

dren, helping them to succeed in society.

nonmonetary, for events like the Montgomery Area Food

Finally, toward the end of the year, we kicked off the

Bank’s “We Spark Change” challenge. The portal team also

holiday season by participating in an event hosted by

focused on children and families within the community.

the Mid-Alabama Coalition for the Homeless (MACH) to

For example, we volunteered our time and purchased

collect new and gently used blankets, coats, hats, and

school supplies for Montgomery Public Schools during its

other winter wear to be distributed to those less fortu-

“Stuff the Bus” campaign. This event assisted in meeting

nate. The goal of MACH is to end homelessness, and AI

the needs of children in the community who can’t afford

proudly supports this goal.

Featured Services | continued from page 1 |, was awarded the Web Marketing Association’s 2015 Government Standard of Excellence award.

Convenience Added Online In February 2015, Alabama Interactive launched a convenient, user-friendly online driver’s license renewal application for the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency. This exciting new service allows eligible Alabama citizens to renew or replace their driver’s license, commercial driver’s license, or state ID card online. This service creates efficiencies for the agency and allows citizens to skip the hassle of long lines and wait times;

also have the option to download a

totaling more than $1.8 million in

customers can print their temporary

digital copy of their license to their

revenue for the state. The application is

license immediately upon payment.

smartphone. To date, the application

continuing to show promising growth

When renewing online, customers

has processed nearly 60,000 renewals

in the adoption of the online service. n ALABAMA INTERACTIVE REPORT 2015 | 3

100 North Union Street, Suite 630 Montgomery, AL 36104 (866) 353-EGOV(3468)

© 2016

Message From the General Manager | continued from page 1 |

Team Member Profile

scale provided by the enterprise model. I constantly hear stories from citizens who are so

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grateful to have the opportunity to renew a professional license or pay for a permit online,

and participating in community

and it makes me feel good knowing no taxpayer dollars were appropriated in order to

events and church functions.

provide these online services. For more than 20 years, NIC has operated predominately under the self-funded

AI is dedicated to the state of Alabama and provides rein-

model, today operating efficient eGovernment in more than 30 states including

vestment in Alabama by hiring

federal engagements. We continually reinvest in the local community by creating local

full-time employees who are

jobs, contributing to state tax revenues, and giving back through community service

Alabama residents. All of our

projects. We don’t just fly in from a corporate office for important meetings; rather, Al’s

employees work in our office

employees live and work in the Montgomery area and we pride ourselves on walking

in downtown Montgomery just

alongside our partners from project inception through successful launch.

outside the Capitol complex.

On behalf of everyone at Alabama Interactive and NIC, l want to thank the state of

Robert and the rest of our devoted

Alabama for being innovative and forward-thinking over a decade ago and allowing us to

staff look forward to continued

share in the creation and growth of Alabama’s eGovernment program. I look forward to

growth in the years to come and

the years to come and to the continued progress toward launching several new eGovern-

helping Alabama remain one of

ment services to support a “whole” model for innovation, creativity, and efficiency.

the nation’s best in providing efficient services for its government partners and their constituents. n

Barrett Gilbreath

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