NIC Arkansas 2015 State Report

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INSIDE Hutchinson Declares Arkansas eGovernment Day. . ......... 2 The Self-Funded Model: Providing You Value........... 3 INA 2015 By the Numbers. . ............ 4

Message From INA Board Chair 2015

was a year of unprecedented growth and innovation

marked by record-breaking citizen adoption of eGovernment services and new approaches to bringing government to the people of Arkansas. Ranked #1 in the Nation for the Second Time

A was named the 2015 best state website in the country for the second time in the annual “Best of the Web” competition sponsored by the Center for Digital Government (CDG). The awards program is

the original and most respected state and local government digital technology

More Arkansans than ever paid their

competition in the United States, recognizing the best government digital

property taxes and renewed their car

innovations across the country. Arkansas has consistently been recognized by

tags online this year. INA promoted these

the CDG as having one of the best state websites in the country, placing third in

services in new ways using targeted social

2009 and 2014, second in 2010, and first in 2011 and 2015.

media and online advertising, and rede- offers a new approach to delivering government services

signing the vehicle registration renewal

through Gov2Go – a first-of-its-kind, personalized way for citizens to interact

notice to highlight – all at

with government. Gov2Go is a proactive digital assistant that learns about its

no cost to the state under the self-funded

users and then carefully curates and brings relevant government services and

model. Users of these services had over-

information to them on their computers, mobile devices, and Apple Watches.

whelmingly great experiences, giving a

Arkansas is the first state to develop a truly citizen-centered platform that is

97 percent satisfaction rating.

transforming the relationship between government and citizens.

In May, INA launched Gov2Go, the nation’s first digital government assistant | continued on page 4 |

With Gov2Go, Arkansans can more easily access the services that matter to them. Users simply need to share some information about themselves, and | continued on page 2 |

Hutchinson Declares Arkansas eGovernment Day Ranked #1 in the Nation for the Second Time These prestigious awards highlight

| continued from page 1 |

Gov2Go brings those services to them, at

the synergy and innovation that are

the right time, on their favorite devices.

made possible through the state’s part-

overnor Asa Hutchinson

Drivers can share their license plate

nership with the Information Network

proclaimed Dec. 4, 2015,

numbers and Gov2Go will look up the

of Arkansas, and reinforce Arkansas’

as Arkansas eGovernment Day to

expiration date, remind users when their

long-standing position as a leader in

highlight the role and importance

vehicle registration is about to expire,

government technology. n

of digital government in the state,

and make it easy to renew within the app.

and to honor the 20th anniversary

In the future, Gov2Go will understand

of the Information Network of

enough about its users to recommend

Arkansas Act.

government services, similar to private


Hutchinson accepted the state’s Best of the Web award on eGov-

sector apps like Amazon. Arkansas also won two CDG Digital

ernment Day, spoke about the

Government Achievement Awards in the

convenience and cost savings online

Government Internal category for the

services provide, and challenged

Auditor of State’s, which

agencies to serve citizens in new

helped the office process 354 percent more

ways through digital technology.

property claims; and in the Driving Digital State Government category for the Department of Finance and Administration’s iPad kiosks in state revenue offices, which have dramatically reduced wait times for drivers renewing their vehicle registrations.

“ The transparency, the access, the citizen engagement through eGovernment is so significant and important in today’s democracy. This is not just a recognition of technology, but really a recognition that in Arkansas, we want citizen participation, citizen access and citizen utilization of these services.” — Governor Asa Hutchinson


A Service of the Information Network of


The Self-Funded Model: Providing You Value


hen it comes to Arkansas’

online. Today, citizens and businesses

online efficiencies your agency can

digital government

expect the same level of online experi-

offer. What services are still provided

program, there is one

ences from government as they receive

manually through mailed paper forms

element that is delivering value every

in the private sector. You have the ability

or in-person office visits? What new

single day – the enterprise-wide, self-

to provide those online conveniences.

technology could benefit your agency?

funded model provided by NIC. You may be familiar with this model,

When you add more online services

You have a partner in NIC that is ready

through the enterprise-wide, self-

to help you harness the latest tech-

but if not, the approach is simple:

funded model, your agency benefits by

nology and provide your constituents as

Government avoids all upfront costs

receiving state-of-the-art, mobile-first

many online conveniences as possible.

of developing online services as well

online services and secure payment

And, help spread the word. Are there

as the ongoing maintenance costs by

processing. The businesses and citizens

colleagues within state government

funding its eGovernment program

you serve benefit with quicker, more

who have not heard of the self-funded

through efficiency fees paid by those who use the online services. A select number of primarily business-togovernment services require a minimal per-transaction efficiency fee. This fee not only supports the development and maintenance of the individual service, but together all fees from a few services fund a unified approach for the state’s entire eGovernment program. Revenues from all services are pooled and projects are built according to Arkansas’ digital government service priorities. Launching more revenue-generating services increases the pool of revenues, allowing for more services of all types to be developed. Those online services with no revenue-generating ability are

Through the self-funded model, INA provides the state of Arkansas a minimum cost savings and avoidance of $15.6 million each year.

provided to you free of charge. The best part is that the citizens

accurate, convenient online govern-

approach and whose agency could

and businesses you serve prefer to

ment interactions. And, overall, the

benefit? Our local teams are ready

interact with your agency online.

entire state benefits from a comprehen-

to help your state achieve the most

In fact, according to a research

sive, best-in-class, digital government

innovative digital government services

study conducted by the University

services program that compares to, if

in the country. No budget appropria-

of Utah, 90 percent of businesses

not exceeds, that which citizens are

tions, upfront funding, ongoing change

and 60 percent of citizens prefer to

familiar with in the private sector.

request orders, or maintenance fees

interact with government online. Add

How can you help ensure a strong

required. To make this successful, help

to this, 64 percent of citizens are asking

digital government future for your

us explore new online services. We’ll

government to place more services

state? Continue to uncover all of the

take care of the rest.


Message From INA Board Chair | continued from page 1 |

that aims to make government smarter and more convenient for citizens. More than 67,000 Arkansans signed up for the service in its pilot phase.

425 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 1620 Little Rock, AR 72201 501-324-8900

Arkansas was in the national spotlight for its innovative approach and was awarded First Place in Secretary Mark Martin

the Center for

Digital Government’s Best of the Web competition. With Gov2Go, Arkansas will remain a leader in eGovernment, serving our citizens in new ways as the technology landscape continues to change. Finally, INA is helping government agencies put their information and services online through a growing suite of products that are quick to deploy and easier to maintain than the custom applications of the past. Paperless billing, over-the-counter payments, and online form payments are just a few of the enterprise products available to agencies at no cost. It has been a privilege to serve my first year as the INA Board Chair. As we approach the new year with a focus on personalized government experiences that cater to citizens’ needs and enterprise products that enable the rapid launch of new online services – all while continuing to boost citizen adoption and satisfaction – I am more excited than ever to see what new INA achievements 2016 will bring. Sincerely,

INA Board Chair

© 2016

INA 2015 by the Numbers 2 Apple Watch apps 43 national & international awards 45 new services launched in 2015 54 Arkansas counties served 90% of Arkansas population served 91% partner satisfaction approval rating 97% user satisfaction approval rating 150+ mobile and responsive websites 240+ state and local partners served 400+ self-funded payment services 750+ online services developed and supported 36,000+ service desk calls and tickets resolved 190,000 app downloads $370 million processed through

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