INDIANA STATE report 2013
INSIDE Receives the Most Awards in Portal History........ 3 Updates Increase the Usability and Effectiveness of 5 New Apps and Websites........ 8
Creatively Giving Back Local Resources Using Their Skills for a Local Organization
ndiana Interactive, LLC (II) and Local Government Online (LoGO) Indiana
Students Pave Their Own Way Online ScholarTrack Launches for Incoming Freshmen Statewide
he Indiana Commission for Higher Education (CHE) requested assistance with the enhancement of its Scholar Success Program, a requirement of the
21st Century Scholars program. This enhancement led to the creation of
ScholarTrack. The ScholarTrack application is an online tool used by Hoosier students of all ages to plan, prepare, and pay for college. The application assists with program
designed and placed a word tree mural on Friday,
completion and career success through the completion of practical activities at each
June 14, at the Reach for Youth (RFY) Center Town-
grade level. Led by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, Learn More
ship Office. II and LoGO’s hope is that as young
Indiana is a partnership of state and local organizations working to help students
adults and children walk through the doors of
of all ages succeed in school, complete college, and connect to careers. The newly
RFY, they will be able to find optimism and perse-
designed ScholarTrack application provides students with the ability to report and
verance within the message provided through the
track program requirements through their ScholarTrack dashboard using custom
word tree. II’s own designer, Cory Via, created this
modules that are integrated with several existing applications. Currently, only ninth-
work of art.
grade students are using the application. Once ScholarTrack has been fully developed
As a company, II and LoGO develop and maintain online services and payment
for grades nine through 12, it is expected that upwards of 100,000 students will be using the application annually.
processing for governments and municipalities
The ScholarTrack application is designed to keep students on track to receive finan-
throughout the state of Indiana. RFY is just one
cial aid to pay for college. As a ninth-grader, a student will register their account and
of more than seven nonprofit organizations that
create a ScholarTrack profile. Once registered, the student has access to view their
II and LoGO employees support throughout the
dashboard, update contact information, and begin working on the 12 activities they
year, both as teams and individuals. n
| continued on page 2 |
Clerk of Courts Portal Updated to Better Serve Law Firms Improved Permissions Grant Access to More Staff
s business evolves, so do the needs of the technology that
make it possible for separate account administrators to handle
serves it. This year, many new features were added to
new submissions, complete transactions, and manage other useful
the Clerk of Courts application to better facilitate organi-
information. In addition to these new permissions, an updated
zations based here in Indiana. The Supreme Court Clerk’s Office
dashboard was also designed to better service top-level account
asked II to build out an expansion to user permissions and new
access across multiple subaccounts.
job roles. To better fit the needs of the different job types of users,
Another helpful feature was to include and create a Mediator role
these new roles were enhanced to display customized occupation-
along with the other updates. They can complete a new registra-
relevant forms and information. These include such job titles as
tion proving their qualifications and are subject to approval by the
Attorney, Non-Attorney Judge, and Account Administrator.
Commission for Continuing Legal Education. About 65 percent of
Today, many attorneys have their accounts maintained by
mediators are also attorneys, so this role was added into the system
someone else in their office. The previous version of the Clerk of
for both new and existing users who may also identify as a mediator.
Courts application prevented office administrators’ full access
Mediators and Attorney Mediators now have the ability to register,
into their colleagues’ accounts. Updates to the application now
pay dues, and select their specialties online within the system.
Students Pave Their Own Way Online | continued from page 1 |
To ensure students are able to properly use
student progress as well as a variety of reports
must complete throughout the four years they
the ScholarTrack application, an adminis-
that detail student profile and contact informa-
attend high school. Each grade year has three
trator dashboard has been designed, which
tion. The application will have future tools for
required activities that must be completed
allows school counselors, principals, and state
administrators that will allow messaging and
by year’s end. The activities are interactive
administrators to assist students with account
notifications to student accounts.
and require students to provide answers and
access and monitor the progress students are
complete a graduation plan as well as other
making toward the completion of activities.
extremely important resource to the
annual objectives in order to successfully
Administrators of the program are provided
Indiana Commission for Higher Education.
“ The ScholarTrack application is the ultimate tool used by CHE to monitor students’ activity completion progress, which will result in scholarships to assist with paying for college.”
The ScholarTrack application is an
The success of the students relies on the completion of activities that are exclusively provided within the ScholarTrack application. Since it was launched in December of 2013, students and administrators are finding the application to be helpful and simple to use. Future plans for the application include
complete the program requirements. The
with tools that allow them to update student
the expansion of required post-high school
student dashboard also provides students
information, assist with account access, and
activities to be completed while attending
with useful resources provided by CHE
transfer students to and from schools to main-
college, which will ensure students stay on
that assist with completing activities and
tain up-to-date records. For the current time,
track and maintain grade and attendance
providing answers on numerous precollege
quick reports have been developed to provide
requirements to maintain their scholarship
requirements. The ScholarTrack application
counselors with student progress; however,
funds. The Commission for Higher Educa-
is the ultimate tool used by CHE to monitor
future development will include a more detailed
tion will continue to add new features and
students’ activity completion progress, which
reporting feature. This extensive reporting
resources to ScholarTrack through 2014 and
will result in scholarships to assist with
feature will give counselors the ability to run
2015 as the program continues to develop
paying for college.
reports that provide much greater detail of
new goals and objectives. n
2 | INDIANA STATE REPORT 2013 Receives the Most Awards in Portal History Multiple Accolades Given to Indiana Agencies
very year, new and updated applications are entered into national competitions to highlight all the exciting things the state of Indiana is providing for its citizens. Different awards can focus on many aspects of an application, such as design,
functionality, and purpose. Also a key factor for consideration is the size of the agency and budget allocated toward the project. won more awards in 2013 than it had in any other year since inception.
Access to Information Without the Wait T
he Vital Records Online Ordering Management application allows
you to submit a request for a birth or
The portal was awarded with 19 recognitions from four major organizations. The portal
death record. This drastically reduces the
won eight Communicator Awards, two Summit International Awards, two Driving Digital
time it has taken in the past to request
Government Achievement Awards, two W Awards, three Davey Awards, and one
this information manually.
Summit International Innovator Award.
The requester provides detailed information about him/herself, along with specific information pertaining to the desired certificate. For security
purposes, the user is required to upload proof-of-self documentation and answer three ID verification questions. This extra layer of security is put into place to assist the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) in following important business rules to send certificates to relatives. To further expedite the process, the application directly ties in with UPS and USPS to calculate shipping rates for each order. Fulfillment team members within ISDH
The Communicator Awards are an international awards program honoring creative
are able to log in to the application and
excellence in communication. The Summit International Awards (SIA) recognize organiza-
sort orders in real time. Every morning,
tions that are furthering creative excellence. The Digital Government Achievement Awards
ISDH sorts and prints received orders
(DGAA) recognize outstanding agency and department websites at the application and
in bulk instead of a “one-off” process.
infrastructure level. The W³ Awards honor creative excellence on the Web, and recognize the
Printing includes all of the necessary
professionals behind award-winning programs. The annual International Davey Awards
information pertaining to the birth or
honor the achievements of professionals who use big ideas, rather than big budgets.
death certificate, along with the requester’s, which was redesigned with a fresh look and mobile-friendly responsiveness
uploaded documentation showing proof-
in the summer of 2012, was the recipient of three Awards of Excellence in the following
of-self. If needed, the fulfillment team is
categories: Government, Home Page, and Visual Appeal. In addition to the website,
able to update orders through the applica-
the Indiana State Fair website was awarded three Awards of Distinction in Government,
tion, which sends an email notification to
Travel/Tourism, and Visual Appeal. The Commission for Higher Education’s Learn More
the requester. In addition to bulk printing,
Indiana website also received two Awards of Distinction in Education and Visual Appeal.
the application allows administrators to receives more than 290 million page views annually, making the website a vital resource for the state of Indiana and its constituency. For more information on each of
update requesters through a bulk status update, saving them time.
the award recipients, please visit n INDIANA STATE REPORT 2013 | 3
More Than 70 Projects Completed as a Part of the Program T
he Program, a partnership between the state of Indiana
and increase efficiencies for government agencies, citizens, and businesses
and Indiana Interactive, experienced an exceptional year of inno-
across the country. NIC is the nation’s leading provider of government
vation and growth in 2013. From the deployment of more than 70 new or enhanced applications and websites, to leading new innovations to keep kids safe, our partnership excelled at providing exceptional solutions
websites, online services, and secure payment processing solutions.
Primary Goals of the Platform Throughout the year, focused on three primary goals. The first
and services for the Indiana constituency. In addition to the deployment of a vast variety of services, the
was to provide and support innovative solutions that streamlined citizen
Program efficiently supported an existing library of more than 150 applica-
and business interaction with the state of Indiana. The second goal was
tions and 150 websites. Fulfilling more than 5,600 service requests from
to reinvest in the technological infrastructure to ensure the successful
various agencies across the state, staff worked diligently to main-
growth of the portal. The third goal was to provide for the needs of the
tain and update the portal services in order to provide the highest level of
community through hiring local talent and volunteer services. This achievement was made possible by the partnership between the
service possible. Indiana Interactive is a wholly owned subsidiary of eGovernment firm NIC. The company’s innovative eGovernment services help reduce costs
state of Indiana, an extremely talented and dedicated staff, and the support of Indiana citizens in their use of and its services. n
Total Transactions Per Year 2011-2013 TPE Transactions
CDB Transactions
5.5 MM 5 MM 4.5 MM 4 MM 3.5 MM 3 MM 2.5 MM 2 MM 1.5 MM 1 MM 2011
2013 Launches Bus Inspection Reports Application Online Application Provides Insight Into All School Bus Inspections Throughout the State In an Easy-to-Read Format
and Indiana State Police launched the School Bus Inspection Public Portal application in an
effort to provide Hoosiers with a new informational tool that will allow citizens to view the most recent inspection of a bus, as well as historical inspections dating back to January 2012. The Indiana State Police inspect all school buses to ensure the safety of schoolchildren in the state of Indiana. Until January 2012, the inspection process encompassed a variety of handwritten carbon-copy forms to collect data during each inspection. In an effort to streamline the bus inspection process, the Indiana State Police partnered with to develop an innova-
The Indiana State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division is responsible for inspecting all school buses used throughout the state of Indiana. These inspection reports are a direct representation
“ Through this new statewide program, citizens will be able to view inspection reports of any school bus their children may use for transportation. Ultimately, our goal is to have the safest school transportation program in the nation, to keep our children as safe as possible. Providing a direct look into this school bus inspection process for citizens is just one way for us to ensure our school buses remain safe.”
of what is seen when the State Police inspect the school bus. Citizens will know if a school bus has received a violation, the current status of the bus, and previous inspections of that bus. The School Bus Inspection Public Portal was created to provide Hoosiers insight into the school bus inspection process, and the maintenance programs of the individual schools and contractors throughout our state. “Through this new statewide program, citizens will be able
tive mobile bus inspection application that streamlined this process.
to view inspection reports of any school bus their children may use
The mobile application has increased efficiency in the bus inspec-
for transportation,” said Captain Dave Bursten. “Ultimately, our goal
tion process by providing the officers a standardized and logically
is to have the safest school transportation program in the nation, to
segmented inspection process. The data that drives the Bus Inspec-
keep our children as safe as possible. Providing a direct look into this
tion Public Portal is managed by a fully automated bus inspection
school bus inspection process for citizens is just one way for us to
process. Once the officer completes the inspection and syncs the
ensure our school buses remain safe.”
data, which in most cases can be done in the field, the information is
To view your child’s school bus inspection reports, visit https://
immediately written to the database, giving citizens an up-to-date and select the
insight of all active school buses.
county the bus is located in. n
Updates Increase the Usability and Effectiveness of O
ne of the largest achievements of 2013
and current aesthetics, while introducing
In order to begin such a daunting task, the
was the development and deploy-
innovative features that increase the effec-
Indiana Interactive designers start by analyzing
ment of an enterprise website redesign.
tiveness of the websites. In 2013, the
the current design and structure of each agency
Consisting of more than 150 websites, the
goal of the website redesign was to provide
website to determine what should be updated suite covers all executive branch
an updated overall design, which had not
in order to increase the usability and effective-
agencies as well as numerous elected officials
occurred since 2006; implement easier access
ness of the website template. Additionally, the
and special programs. An objective of the
to social media; introduce a mechanism to
designers receive and analyze feedback from Program is to redesign all websites
provide an increase in space for content; and
the Governance and User councils, and
every two years in an effort to provide fresh
much more.
| continued on page 7 |
Indiana Businesses Favor Online Services Research From University of Utah Proves eGovernment Works
More Hoosiers Moving Online to Interact With the State
Government has become mandatory for states across the country to more efficiently interact with their customers. Indiana Interactive, in partner-
ship with the Indiana Office of Technology, has continually been a leader in eGovernment. With more than 150 online applications, has become the first stop for constituents to interact with government quickly and securely. Gone are the days of waiting in line to renew your license plate, purchase your hunting or fishing license, or to register your business with the Secretary of
he Center for Public Policy & Admin-
State. With the addition of several new services and organic growth of existing
istration at the University of Utah sent
applications, had a dramatic increase in transactions in 2013. New online
out a survey to 500 businesses that subscribe
services in 2013 include:
to to find out if online services really benefit Indiana-based companies. Survey findings overwhelmingly supported that online services for businesses that interact with government agencies are beneficial. Results from this study found that: • Eight out of nine companies in Indiana responded that makes it easier to conduct business. • 98 percent of companies surveyed gave a favorable rating for time efficiency compared
• ATC Online Server Training Application • CHE Scholar Track • DHS Burn Ban Map Application • DHS Travel Advisory Map Application • DNR Harvest Information Program Interactive Voice Response Application • INDOT Certified Technician Registration • ISP Bus Inspection Public Portal • SOS Precious Metal Dealer Registration
to offline methods. • 96 percent of companies reported that is a reliable resource for information. • 89 percent of businesses surveyed
Indiana Interactive provides custom solutions to meet the unique needs of each agency across the state. These solutions include payment processing with end-to-end encryption capabilities, desktop applications for users to quickly
prefer to conduct their government
view important information from the state, statutory reporting or registration
transactions online.
applications to digitize paper processes, mobile solutions to assist field agency
To sign up for subscriber services, please visit n
officers or allow constituents to transact with the state from their phone or tablet, and more.
Event Registration Made Easy T
he Indiana Office of Technology, Indiana
registration requires payment to reserve a
Interactive, and a third-party application
spot in the training and provides functionality
and save contact info for future events. For increased security, II implements each
provider, Active Data Exchange (ADE), worked
to register online using a credit card. After
registration, provides support, and handles
together to provide a registration solution for
registration, the application includes customiz-
ongoing maintenance. In addition, II also handles
the state of Indiana.
able reminders about the upcoming event and
the secure financial transactions. Event registra-
the option for administrators to send an email
tion has been provided for multiple training
added to the State Calendar, II creates the regis-
notification about any necessary details and
courses for the Certified Technician Program
tration form on behalf of the agency. Attendee
updates. Admins can export an attendee list
and Utility Coordination Certification. n
When an agency has an event they would like
Updates Increase the Usability and Effectiveness of | continued from page 5 |
product procured by the Indiana Office of
new template is of great quality and compat-
the data received through the online
Technology and maintained by Indiana Inter-
ible with both the latest technology and
survey tool from the Indiana constituency.
active, LLC. This solution has been providing
legacy browsers and devices.
Once the designers have determined the design,
the framework for the program for
layout and functionality of the new website
more than seven years. Once the design
developers, the designers and project
template, it is submitted to the Gover-
process is complete, the Indiana Interactive
manager are vigorously working with each
nance council for review. The process starts
developers begin their work in WebCMS
agency individually to determine their color,
over from the beginning until a final design is
to create an updated template that can be
billboard, and widget preferences, as each of
approved. This process can take several months.
applied to the more than 70,000 Web pages
the 151 websites has unique properties. This
The amount of time invested in this process is
in the tool within a matter of weeks rather
process includes creating more than 2,000
“ Once the templates, graphics, and deployment approvals are received, the team begins the deployment procedures. Including anywhere from two to 15 websites per day, a team of individuals works through agency communications, implementation, deployment, and final approvals to ensure each website is deployed to the customer’s specifications.”
In parallel with the Indiana Interactive
graphical elements that must be placed as part of the deployment later in the project. Once the templates, graphics, and deployment approvals are received, the team begins the deployment procedures. Including anywhere from two to 15 websites per day, a team of individuals works through agency communications, implementation, deployment, and final approvals to ensure each website is deployed to the customer’s specifications. Once deployed into production, the team also tests to ensure the website meets Indiana Interactive’s strict quality standards and makes any adjustments that are needed immediately. By the end of 2013, the Indiana Interactive team successfully completed this rigorous process for the Program as planned. The features included a new design and color scheme for each agency, an innovative social media bar with instant access to information and subscription options, a more user-friendly navigation bar that reduces the number of user clicks, a collapsible right navigation that increases the real estate for agency content, and the updating of all websites to use the latest Web analytics platform through Webtrends. This project would not have been successful without the support of the Indiana
why the portal continues to be a leader
than years. Once development is complete,
Office of Technology and each and every
of eGovernment in the United States.
the template is applied to one or more pilot
agency that worked with the Indiana Interac-
agencies as a proof of concept to ensure all
tive team to provide valuable insight. Please
be accomplished without the use of a robust
A website redesign of this scale could not
features can be developed and implemented
take a moment to view each of the state’s
content management system. WebCMS, the
successfully. Rigorous testing on multiple
websites to experience the hard work and
state’s content management system, is a
Web browsers and mobile devices ensures the
dedication to the eGovernment revolution. n INDIANA STATE REPORT 2013 | 7
10 West Market Street, Suite 600 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 233-2108
© 2014
New Apps and Websites • Indiana Bicentennial Website
• INDOT Website Redesign
• CHE ScholarTrack
• ISDH Vital Records Application
• FSSA Website Redesign
• CHE 21st Century Scholars Website
• Governor History Website
• Indiana State Fair Online Ticket Sales
• Indiana Motorsports Website
• Governor History, Mitch Daniels Website
• DOL Web Forms
• Indiana Healthcare Reform Website
• Governor Mike Pence Website
• ISDA Indiana Grown Web Form
• BMV License Status Validation Web Service
• Lieutenant Governor Sue
• ISP Bus Inspections Public Portal
• SOS Dealer Complaint Form
Ellspermann Website
• DOR ePay Tax Professional Form
• INDOT Certified Technician Registration
• ISC Indiana Clerk of Courts Portal
• ATG Affordable Care Act Website
• First Lady Karen Pence Website • DHS Burn Ban Map Application
• ISP IN-TIME Website
• DHS Travel Advisory Map Application
• IDOI SHIP Volunteer Application Form
• ISP CrossFit Website
• ATC Online Server Training Application
• Governor Cut Red Tape Website
• Contact DOR Form
• DOR ePay Application Enhancements
• ISF Coliseum Website
• DOR ePay Billing Help Form
• DOI Certificate of Insurance
• DNR Harvest Information Program
• DOR ePay Corporate Help Form
eFiling Enhancements
Interactive Voice Response Application
• DOR ePay Individual Help Form
• DOR BT1 Enhancements
• BMV iRecords Enhancement
• DOR General Help Form
• ICOPE Admin Application Enhancements
• CSADR Enhancement
• State Fair Holiday Ticket Sales
• Indiana Guard Reserve Website
• ISCBA Website Updates
• Agency Redesign
• ATC Server Training
• DVA Website Redesign
Application Enhancements • PLA Real Estate Employee Transfer Application Enhancements
(150 websites)
• ATG Bitter Pill Website
• ICRC Online Complaint Form
• Center for Education & Career
• INDOT Video Request Form
Innovation Website
• DNR Game CheckIN Enhancements
• Indiana Career Council Website
• IOT Website Redesign
• Indiana Works Councils Website
• SOS Precious Metal Dealer Registration • Commission on Improving the Status of Children in Indiana Website