kentucky interactive REPORT 2014
INSIDE More Ways to Pay........................... 2 Changing the Way Kentuckians Interact With Government............. 3 By the Numbers.................. 4
Executive Summary
American adults already have a smartphone
and 42 percent own a tablet. And Nielsen
information and hundreds of interactive, online services through an easy-to-search website.
he mobile Internet is no longer the future, it is the here and now. According
to the Pew Research Center, 55 percent of
recently announced that in 2014 Internet usage
ince 2003, has been a collaborative effort between the Commonwealth of Kentucky and Kentucky Interactive LLC (KI). Frankfort-based Kentucky Interactive provides a secure, mobile-friendly platform that allows government agencies of any
size to offer their services online. The portal provides access to more than 1,000,000 pages of Our all-agency, enterprise master agreement provides, in addition to the portal website,
from mobile devices surpassed the usage from
enterprise solutions for infrastructure, hosting, Web design, payment processing, and appli-
PCs. As accessing content from mobile devices
cation development needs to support state and local government agencies. has
and tablets becomes the standard, KI has posi-
been the model of a successful public-private partnership between the Commonwealth and
tioned Kentucky government at the forefront
KI, providing the best service possible to partners, citizens, and businesses.
of accessibility.
Over the past 11 years, success-oriented results have been driven from the public-
Since 2012, KI has launched more than 275
private partnership, as more than 200 state and local government partners have
mobile-friendly applications and websites
worked with KI to deliver services to citizens in a fiscally responsible manner. In our
using “responsive design.� Responsive design
current contract cycle, more than 530 eGovernment solutions, benefiting the constitu-
adapts Web content to the device on which it
ents of our state and local partners, have been deployed.
is being displayed, whether it is a smartphone,
In keeping up with the evolution of mobile use by citizens and businesses, KI develops
kiosk, television, tablet, or laptop. Presenting
partner sites and applications with responsive design, allowing for access from multiple
government information responsively ensures
devices. More than 275 new sites and applications were recently deployed supporting
a consistent customer experience, and mobi-
mobile-ready design.
lizing your sites and applications increases citizen engagement by delivering local, relevant | continued on page 4 |
At Kentucky Interactive, we take great pride in delivering the best possible solutions to our government partners, citizens, and businesses through the partnership. | continued on page 4 | FY ’14 Ky.Gov FY ’14
eGovernment projects completed
79 Applications Websites
No Budget? No Problem! O
ne benefit of the public-private partnership is that agencies have the option to fund their eGovern-
ment projects at no cost to the agency. With this popular self-funded model, Kentucky Interactive provides the upfront
18 Application updates
investment to develop, market, and maintain the service. Then, using the transaction-based self-funded approach, the agency
2 Website updates
can choose to pass on a modest per-transaction KI service fee
to its customers. Alternatively, agencies may opt to fund the Websites & Applications are Mobile Friendly
Payments Processed Online
project and pay KI a per-transaction fee, typically from savings recognized with online services. KI receives funding as the services are used and adoption grows, creating a sustainable funding stream that supports long-term eGovernment development for the commonwealth. Of the 133 projects completed in FY 2014, 114 (86 percent)
New Businesses Registered online
were completed at no cost to the agency.
via Kentucky Business OneStop
More Ways to Pay
n Fiscal Year 2014, KI processed more than $2.5 billion for our government partners. We worked with more than 117 state and local government agencies that used
We have invested years working to ensure our secure, enterprise payment services are easy to use for application developers, our agency partners, and their customers. We process transac-
our payment processing services to accept debit card, credit
tions from Web, mobile, and over-the-counter applications. Plus,
card, and Automated Clearing House (ACH)/eCheck payments.
our payment services interface with the commonwealth’s state-
Among the items Kentuckians paid for
wide accounting system, eMars, to make
were: taxes, license fees, open records,
cash receipt generation and financial
utilities, apparel, child support, busi-
reconciliation a snap for agency partners.
ness registrations, gift cards, event registrations, and business data. Also in FY 2014, repeat customers
The foundation of KI’s payment services is NIC’s Payment Card Industry Digital Security Standards (PCI DSS) compliant Enterprise
saved 974 new payment accounts
Payment Processing System called TPE. TPE
to KI’s secure eWallet, which allows
authorizes payments, disburses funds to the
a streamlined checkout process
appropriate bank accounts, and provides
and storage of receipts online with
robust reporting capabilities that cover the Applications such as
life cycle of payment transactions, including
Kynect, Department of Revenue’s ePay,
refunds and returns.
and city utilities also use our eWallet
In 2014, 117 agencies got to understand
to enable scheduled/recurring payments. Due to its success
the benefits of having a public-private partnership with Kentucky
and convenience, KI now offers the eWallet functionality on all
Interactive for their payment processing needs. We look forward to
public-facing applications.
serving even more partners in 2015.
2 | kentucky interactive REPORT 2014
Changing the Way Kentuckians Interact With Government s a government agency, providing excellent service to citizens and industry, coupled with budgetary constraints and regulatory compliance, can be challenging.
navigation experience for its site users and
• Business Registration
allow for increased opportunities for Registry
• Business Licensing
staff member interaction. KREF launched
• Payroll Tax Withholding Filing
a redesigned site in July 2014, that offers
• Property Tax Payment and Lookup
While many agencies can see the poten-
an enterprise search capability, responsive
• Parking and Ticket Payments
tial of using technology to achieve excellent
(mobile-friendly design), quick navigation,
• Park Reservations
service, the decision about how to establish, or
document search, and a newsroom for KREF
• Utility Connection Requests
upgrade, technology is not an easy one. When
release viewing.
• Utility Payments
it comes to Internet solutions and providers,
When users visit, they
• Constituent Surveys
will immediately be drawn to the carousel of
many questions come to mind. How will the website or application be built?
options, video imagery, and quick navigation
Increasing Citizen Engagement Government services extend far beyond access
Will your agency need to purchase or upgrade
buttons. Users may now research campaign
hardware and software? Most importantly, how
laws, find the forms they need for reporting
to information, professional credentialing, and
much will it cost? Can you ensure that you get
schedules, locate training times and dates, and
payment processing. Government entities across
“ Fantastic, and easy to use and find what you need! That’s what we’re hearing from users who are already busy navigating our website ...”
— Craig C. Dilger, Chairman, Kentucky Registry of Election Finance
the commonwealth are also challenged with increasing participation in public events and support for philanthropic endeavors. These, too, are eGovernment “app-ortunities.” Kentucky State Parks-sponsored events like 10K races created the need for online event
the most out of your investment? How will you
determine which filing option they need to
registration. Engaging with Kentucky Interactive,
know you’ve made the right choice? All of these
complete. In essence, KREF has created a site
Parks has rolled out online registration for events
questions can be daunting.
that makes election finance fun.
like the 10K Irish Classic at E.P. Tom Sawyer State Park, reaching runners from all over the state
In the past year, many agencies faced similar circumstances but found solutions with, the public-private partnership between the Commonwealth of Kentucky and
Local Government – Cities and Counties From Ballard to Pike County, from the city
and beyond. The attorney general’s office saw a void with those in need of scholarships for college. Working with Kentucky Interactive to
Kentucky Interactive. Kentucky Interactive
of Wickliffe to Louisville, local governments
provide an online donation application, donors
delivered services using innovative funding
have worked with Kentucky Interactive to
can now contribute to The Sarah Shay and
models appropriate to each agency’s budget,
meet the ever-increasing demand for govern-
Michael Donta Memorial Scholarships for Hope
including zero-dollar contracting, where no
ment information and citizen services in a
and Healing fund, which provides scholarships
agency funds were used to develop or maintain
digital world. For some, creating an online
to teenagers impacted by substance abuse.
the service.
presence was daunting and a never-been-
Kentucky Interactive is proud to have part-
done-before project. Providing the resources
nered with state and local government entities
partners leveraged the expertise of Kentucky
and reference points for their citizens to
of all sizes in the past year. Creating 133 new
Interactive, and the platform,
engage via eGovernment seemed over-
ways for the public to interact with government –
to provide online services, which positively
whelming. Other cities and counties had a
with easy access from a phone, tablet, kiosk or
impact the relationship between government,
website, but wanted to take the next step
desktop. We understand the myriad challenges
its citizens, and businesses.
and allow their residents to perform daily
government agencies face each day and, as a
transactions at their convenience, through
member of the NIC family of companies, we have
secure, online applications.
access to a vast array of resources and expertise
Below are examples of how government
Kentucky Registry of Election Finance While the Kentucky Registry of Election
Leveraging the platform,
to deliver your eGovernment solutions. Kentucky
Finance (KREF) established an online pres-
cities and counties now offer a range of
Interactive is proud to be Kentucky’s trusted
ence in 2007, it wanted to provide an easier
online services:
eGovernment solutions provider. n kentucky interactive REPORT 2014 | 3
#MobilEReady | continued from page 1 |
content. KI’s mastery of responsive techniques has
229 West Main Street, Suite 400 Frankfort, KY 40601
reduced time to market for mobile digital services and it has saved agencies the costs of having to develop
(502) 875-3733
services for multiple mobile application platforms. At KI, we strive to enable all of our partners, regardless of size or budget, to deliver services to their constituents in an efficient, effective, and fiscally responsible manner. We are ready to help meet the needs of the digital citizen. n
Executive Summary | continued from page 1 |
As proven by the long list of successful projects, and agencies working with us, we continue to provide innovative solutions with each engagement. And with service at the heart of our business model, we understand that Kentucky Interactive can’t be successful unless our partners are successful. We appreciate the opportunities afforded to us through our public-private partnership and we look forward to © 2015
2015 and beyond! n By the Numbers Since 2003 381,193
2,262 Registered Users
Secure Wallet Accounts
Since 2009 521 eGovernment Projects Completed
262 115
Application Updates
Website Updates
Mobile Friendly
Award-Winning Solutions - Website - Business One Stop Website - Open Door Transparency Website - Department of Revenue Business Registration
- Kynect Health Benefit Exchange - Secretary of State Business Registration - Office of Homeland Security Suspicious Activity Reporting System (SARS)