INSIDE The New Jersey State Police: Eliminating Paper, Going Online, and Creating Efficiencies. . ............. 2 eTemp Tags: Collaboration = Success................ 3 NICUSA-NJ: Process, Develop, Deliver.. ............. 4
Executive Summary I
Featured Service
Online Notary Applications and Renewals
ambitious, with a mission to revolutionize
eGovernment in New Jersey by allowing
(DORES) administers the notary process, but the process also includes members
citizens and businesses to interact with
of the New Jersey Legislature and the 21 county clerk offices.
n 2009, NICUSA commenced operations running self-funded
e-Government services in New Jersey. The team was small – three employees – but
their government online, whenever it was
ach year, more than 30,000 citizens of New Jersey and non-New Jerseyans who work in New Jersey choose to become notaries or to renew their notary commissions. The process involves a form and a payment, but it is a
lot more complicated than that. The Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services
The need for an online service was apparent from the paper process that
convenient for them to do so. Six years and
preceded it, which was cumbersome, slow and expensive. Citizens who wished to
more than 25 services later, that mission is
become notaries would complete a form that was downloaded from the DORES
well underway, with much more to accom-
website and then mail the form, with payment, to their state legislator, who
plish as a new contract commences.
endorsed each application. Once the legislator endorsed the application, it was
The partnership between New Jersey and
sent back with payment to DORES, who would deposit the checks and process the
NICUSA has yielded results, among them the
application by manually typing the information into the DORES database. This
ability for the state to accept business filings
initiated a process to mail a commission package to the prospective notary. Once
online, produce documents for customers in
the commission package was received, the applicant would take the commission
real time, provide PCI-compliant payment
package to his or her county clerk to take the oath of office. Once the oath was
processing, and increase public safety.
administered, the clerk would mail confirmation of the oath back to DORES, who
Furthermore, online service development
would update the database manually to indicate the prospective notary was now
allows for a reduction in paper and the
active, thereby completing the notary process. The total elapsed time for the old
costs associated therein – value is added
process, from initial filing to completion, was three months.
| continued on page 4 |
| continued on page 3 |
The New Jersey State Police: Eliminating Paper, Going Online, and Creating Efficiencies
The Self-Funded Model: Providing You Value
hen it comes to your state’s digital government program, there is one element that is delivering value every single day – the enterprisewide,
self-funded model provided by NIC.
You may be familiar with this model, but if not, the approach is simple:
he New Jersey State Police
Government avoids all upfront costs of developing online services as well as
(NJSP) administer several
the ongoing maintenance costs by funding its eGovernment program through
services, including disseminating
efficiency fees paid by those who use the online services. A select number of
crash reports and Breathalyzer
primarily business-to-government services require a minimal per-transaction
test results, running real-time
efficiency fee. This fee not only supports the development and maintenance
background checks when a
of the individual service, but together all fees from a few services fund a
customer is purchasing a firearm,
unified approach for the state’s entire eGovernment program. Revenues from
and providing criminal history
all services are pooled and projects are built according to your state’s own
results to local law enforcement
digital government service priorities. Launching more revenue-generating
agencies for people looking to
services increases the pool of revenues, allowing for more services of all types
purchase firearms. The high
to be developed. Those online services with no revenue-generating ability are
volume of paper coming into the
provided to you at no cost.
NJSP for these services combined
The best part is that the citizens and businesses you serve prefer to interact
with diminishing staff to process
with your agency online. In fact, according to a research study conducted by
it and the need to find a better
the University of Utah, 90 percent of businesses and 60 percent of citizens
way led to NJSP online services as
prefer to interact with government online. Add to this, 64 percent of citizens are
a solution to their problem.
asking government to place more services online. Today, citizens and businesses
The NJSP have worked with NICUSA-NJ to launch four online services, with more in the pipeline.
expect the same level of online experiences from government as they receive in the private sector. You have the ability to provide those online conveniences. When you add more online services through the enterprisewide, self-funded
The results have been dramatic.
model, your agency benefits by receiving state-of-the-art, mobile-first online
For example, an intensive paper
services and secure payment processing. The businesses and citizens you serve
process for background checks for
benefit with quicker, more accurate, convenient online government interac-
individuals looking to purchase a
tions. And, overall, the entire state benefits from a comprehensive, best-in-class,
firearm was reduced to an online
digital government services program that compares to, if not exceeds, that
form with payment. The data is
which citizens are familiar with in the private sector.
automatically routed to the NJSP,
How can you help ensure a strong digital government future for your state?
who process the background
Continue to uncover all of the online efficiencies your agency can offer. What
check and provide electronic
services are still provided manually through mailed paper forms or in-person
notification of results. The new
office visits? What new technology could benefit your agency? You have a
service is faster, more accurate,
partner in NIC that is ready to help you harness the latest technology and
less expensive, and easier for all
provide your constituents as many online conveniences as possible. And, help
parties involved in the process.
spread the word. Are there colleagues within state government who have not
This represents just one of the
heard of the self-funded approach and whose agency could benefit? Our local
efficiencies the NJSP have realized
teams are ready to help your state achieve the most innovative digital govern-
by partnering with NICUSA-NJ to
ment services in the country. No budget appropriations, upfront funding,
develop online services.
ongoing change request orders, or maintenance fees required. To make this successful, help us explore new online services, and we’ll take care of the rest. n
eTemp Tags: Collaboration = Success O
rder paper from vendor. Maintain inventory of paper.
MVC can audit temp tags online without having to contact or
Take orders from dealerships for paper and mail. Accept
physically visit dealerships throughout the state.
walk-ins from dealers to already busy motor vehicle agency
The service also provides major benefits for public safety.
offices to buy paper. After all that, have no ability to track the
During traffic stops police officers can now get information
paper for the Motor Vehicle Commission or law enforcement.
about a vehicle and driver without leaving the patrol car.
The above are a just a few of the issues that faced the
Tags are printed on an innovative weatherproof paper and
Motor Vehicle Commission’s (MVC) temporary vehicle tag
displayed in the license plate holder rather than being taped
program. All parties involved in the program – the MVC,
inside the rear windshield, improving visibility for drivers.
auto dealers, law enforcement, and tolling authorities –
Toll authorities now have the ability to collect on the money
faced challenges. Clearly, a solution was needed, and an
that is lost due to unpaid tolls.
online service provided that solution.
The MVC is out of the paper distribution business and
The service provides user-friendly screens for auto deal-
gone are the days of dealers visiting agency branches to
erships to issue, reprint, and void temporary vehicle tags,
purchase paper. Furthermore, dealers no longer have the
plus reporting capabilities for overseeing and managing
burden of keeping manual, in many cases handwritten,
their business. It has alleviated the time, cost, and frus-
transaction logs, nor do they need to securely store temp tag
tration previously associated with manually issuing and
paper to avoid fraud.
tracking temp tags.
Overall, the new eTemp Tag service has provided a much-
The issuing dealership, New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commis-
needed solution for multiple parties to reduce the time-
sion (MVC), law enforcement, and toll authorities can all now get
consuming burden of manually tracking the temp tag program,
real-time information about a tag from the moment it is issued.
while increasing accountability and safety for all involved.
Featured Service | continued from page 1 |
It was clear to DORES that there was an opportunity to improve the process for both internal stakeholders and for notaries themselves. This new service revolutionized the process, turning the above-described manual, timeconsuming, and error-prone task set into an electronic workflow that automatically routes applications to the Division, legislative offices, and county clerks throughout the state for electronic approvals and submission to the database. By linking in New Jersey county clerks and state legislators, the new electronic service integrates different levels and branches of government seamlessly, thereby reducing fulfillment time from
in July 2014, the applicant adoption
winning formula for notaries, as well as
three months to about one week. Only
rate was more than 90 percent. Clearly
for the public officials who must partici-
eight months after the service launched
the state of New Jersey has produced a
pate in the process. n NEW JERSEY STATE REPORT 2016 | 3
Executive Summary | continued from page 1 |
not by shuffling paperwork, but rather by building efficiencies through technology. The success is significant and measurable, and the opportunity to grow New Jersey’s eGovernment footprint is nowhere near saturated. Citizen demand for online services increases every day – the expectation of online service availability is high, and NICUSA
NICUSA – New Jersey Division 15 West State St., 2nd Floor Trenton, NJ 08608 609-586-2600
looks forward to continuing to meet these expectations in New Jersey. Today, more than a dozen employees of the New Jersey Division of NICUSA work out of an office in downtown Trenton, solely dedicated to the realization of this vision. More than 3.5 million eGovernment transactions were performed through the portal in 2015, and more than $400 million in payments was collected and disbursed to government agencies throughout the state. This report highlights some of the successes the state has achieved in its eGovernment efforts with NICUSA-NJ.
© 2016
Process, Develop, Deliver
n May 2015, the state of New Jersey extended its partnership with NICUSA-NJ by awarding NICUSA a new five-year contract, with two additional one-year renewals. The full term of the contract extends the partnership through 2022,
laying the foundation for seven more years of continued success. The awarded contract includes best-in-class service levels consistent with
Beyond launching new services, the state
the continuous improvement culture of NICUSA-NJ. NICUSA-NJ’s investment in
is being recognized for its efforts. Since
recent years to improve the breadth, depth, and reliability of its service offerings
NICUSA-NJ started in New Jersey, the
is now representative of the commitment to world-class service delivery speci-
state has been awarded Digital Govern-
fied in the new portal contract.
ment Achievement Awards from the
NICUSA-NJ continues to meet the requirements of the contract through
Center for Digital Government for its
investments in infrastructure, new product delivery, and training. NICUSA-
eTemp Tag, UCC, and AlcoTest services,
NJ’s state-of-the-art data center offers leading-edge technology, full disaster
as well as a Best Fit Collaboration Award
recovery, and redundancy, enhancing uptime and increasing the speed to
in Public Safety and Motor Vehicle
market of new offerings.
Services for the eTemp Tag service. Success in any ambitious program is achieved because all parties share a desire to succeed. We have been
Several NICUSA-NJ team members are certified in ITIL Foundations and have received extensive professional development training in technical, project (PMI), and program domains. Following best-in-class Agile development methodologies, the NICUSA-NJ team
successful because of the enthu-
continues to drive innovation and change. This approach provides partners with an
siasm, vision, and effort of the state
adaptable and tailored solution, driven by both proven professional standards and
employees we work with every day.
the flexibility to apply specific techniques based on the individual project needs.
We are a service organization that has
NICUSA-NJ continues to drive innovation and improvement through the core
not lost the focus of our initial mission:
values of being the best partner the government has ever had, and the best place
Make government more accessible to
our team members have ever worked.
everyone through technology. n