NIC Pennsylvania 2015 State Report

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INSIDE PAI Created Three New Mobile Apps in 2015.. ............. 2 The Self-Funded Model: Providing You Value........................ 2 Mobile-Friendly Sites for PennDOT and DVS Connect Users to Online Services.. .............. 3

2015 Was a Busy, Productive Year for PAI I

n 2015, Pennsylvania Interactive (PAI) collaborated with more than 30

Commonwealth agencies to develop new online services, websites, and mobile apps. PAI not only worked with state agencies to migrate websites off legacy platforms, but

PAI Delivered MobileResponsive Sites to 38 Agency Partners


ennsylvania made history in 2015 by unveiling a sweeping plan to have mobile-responsive government websites across the Commonwealth. Pennsylvania Interactive (PAI) was instrumental in this groundbreaking

accomplishment and created new websites for 38 state agencies and offices.

also made these sites more user-friendly

To comply with guidelines set forth by the governor’s office, PAI worked

through a radical, mobile-friendly rede-

with agency partners to deliver user-friendly, mobile-responsive sites. As part

sign. In addition, PAI deployed three new

of the accelerated migration project, PAI had about four months to migrate

mobile apps for Apple and Android devices.

agency websites off their older, legacy platforms. As one agency partner said,

FishBoatPA — the official app of the Pennsyl-

“PAI worked very hard to meet a very tight timeline.” The accelerated migration

vania Fish & Boat Commission — enhances

project wrapped up in October with 24 new sites.

the fishing and boating experience across

The responsive design creates an optimal experience for all users, because

Pennsylvania. Additionally, PAI upgraded

the new sites can be easily accessed on an array of devices including smart-

the Pennsylvania Department of Trans-

phones, tablets, and computers. Improved accessibility is crucial, and the new

portation’s Driver’s and the Motorcycle

websites make it easier for visitors to navigate to important content, and feature

Practice Test apps. The Driver’s Practice

social media integration and convenient links to commonly used services.

Test app closed the year with more than 100,000 downloads. PAI partnered with | continued on page 4 |

Over the course of 2015, PAI used its expertise to deliver new websites to an array of state agencies and offices. When asked about their experience working together, one | continued on page 3 |

PAI Created Three New Mobile Apps in 2015 I

n early 2015, the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Com-

The Self-Funded Model: Providing You Value


hen it comes to your state’s digital government program, there is one

element that is delivering value every single day – the enterprisewide,

self-funded model provided by NIC.

You may be familiar with this model, but if not, the approach is simple:

mission teamed up with PAI for

Government avoids all upfront costs of developing online services as well as

the agency’s first mobile app. The

the ongoing maintenance costs by funding its eGovernment program through

FishBoatPA app debuted in March

efficiency fees paid by those who use the online services. A select number of

and has been one of the Com-

primarily business-to-government services require a minimal per-transaction

monwealth’s most popular mobile

efficiency fee. This fee not only supports the development and maintenance

apps. Since its release, the free

of the individual service, but together all fees from a few services fund a

app — available for Android and

unified approach for the state’s entire eGovernment program. Revenues from

Apple devices — has been down-

all services are pooled and projects are built according to your state’s own

loaded more than 26,000 times.

digital government service priorities. Launching more revenue-generating

The app’s goal is to enhance

services increases the pool of revenues, allowing for more services of all types

fishing and boating experiences

to be developed. Those online services with no revenue-generating ability are

by providing useful information

provided to you free of charge.

and GPS functionality. The app

The best part is that the citizens and businesses you serve prefer to interact

allows users to:

with your agency online. In fact, according to a research study conducted by

• Learn more about fishing

the University of Utah, 90 percent of businesses and 60 percent of citizens

and boating regulations • Sign up for a boating safety course

prefer to interact with government online. Add to this, 64 percent of citizens are asking government to place more services online. Today, citizens and businesses expect the same level of online experiences from government as they receive in

• Locate stocked streams and lakes • Identify fish

the private sector. You have the ability to provide those online conveniences. When you add more online services through the enterprisewide, self-funded

• Locate boating access points

model, your agency benefits by receiving state-of-the-art, mobile-first online

• Find a licensing agent

services and secure payment processing. The businesses and citizens you serve

• Share your “Trophy Case” with

benefit with quicker, more accurate, convenient online government interac-

friends on social media | continued on page 4 |

tions. And, overall, the entire state benefits from a comprehensive, best-in-class, digital government services program that compares to, if not exceeds, that which citizens are familiar with in the private sector. How can you help ensure a strong digital government future for your state? Continue to uncover all of the online efficiencies your agency can offer. What services are still provided manually through mailed paper forms or in-person office visits? What new technology could benefit your agency? You have a partner in NIC that is ready to help you harness the latest technology and provide your constituents as many online conveniences as possible. And, help spread the word. Are there colleagues within state government who have not heard of the self-funded approach and whose agency could benefit? Our local teams are ready to help your state achieve the most innovative digital government services in the country. No budget appropriations, upfront funding, ongoing change request orders, or maintenance fees required. To make this successful, help us explore new online services, and we’ll take care of the rest. n


Mobile-Friendly Sites for PennDOT and DVS Connect Users to Online Services D

river and vehicle services are highly sought services in Pennsylvania, and delivering them online is an

added convenience for residents. In 2015, driver-related services repeatedly ranked among the top three services (per click) on During this time, more than 91,000 visitors to accessed this information online. This number will continue to grow, thanks in part to two new, mobile-friendly websites. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) teamed up with Pennsylvania Interactive (PAI)

do an array of things online including schedule an exam,

to unveil new versions of PennDOT’s main site, as well as

change their address, add a Veterans Designation to their

the site for Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS). Both sites

license, or renew their vehicle registration.

feature responsive design, which allows visitors to access services using a smartphone, tablet, or computer. The user-friendly sites — developed by PAI — have

PennDOT provides valuable information and services that impact residents across the state. Pennsylvania Interactive is proud to partner with the Commonwealth to

enhanced functionality such as social media integration,

improve Pennsylvanians’ lives by enhancing their online

links to driver/vehicle services, and real-time traffic alerts.

experiences. With these two new websites, residents can

The newly released PennDOT website offers an interactive map for users to find regional offices, along with details on the Yellow Dot program and 511PA travel info. The new DVS website features improved accessibility, so visitors can

get convenient travel information, access important vehicle services, and download PennDOT’s mobile apps, For more information or to access services, visit PennDOT at and DVS at n

PAI Delivered Mobile-Responsive Sites to 38 Agency Partners | continued from page 1 |

agency partner said, “Working with PAI has been a positive experience. We are pleased with your team’s knowledge, enthusiasm, and willingness to work with us.” Another agency added, “They are very easygoing and wanting to produce a strong product. I have especially appreciated their ability to kick around ideas with a good give-and-take approach to dialogue.” PAI looks forward to improving the Commonwealth’s digital capabilities in 2016, and it looks like we’re not the only ones. An agency partner added, “I would and hope to work with PAI in the future. They’re delivering a great value for us, and we already have requests in for future work.” n PENNSYLVANIA STATE REPORT 2015 | 3

2015 Was a Busy, Productive Year for PAI | continued from page 1 |

the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs to launch an online

30 North Third Street, Suite 200 Harrisburg, PA 17101​ 717-773-4750

donation application on Veterans Day. PAI continues to strengthen its partnership with the Commonwealth by providing ongoing marketing, customer service, and support. In 2015, nearly 400 state employees attended PAI-administered trainings. In addition, PAI helps connect residents to services through — the state’s official website. generated more than 7.5 million page views and more than 920,000 visitors clicked on services.

Sharing Our Expertise During 2015, PAI led conversations and workshops during the Governing

© 2016

Pennsylvania Leadership Forum, the and the PA Digital Government Summit.

PAI Created Three New Mobile Apps in 2015

Over the summer, PAI took part in the

| continued from page 2 |

Paper-to-Electronic Ideation Session

American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators Conference.

Users applaud the app’s functionality. Here’s what people are saying about FishBoatPA: • “Useful app. Easy access to trout stocking info!”

Supporting the Local Community PAI participated in the Special Olympics’ 46th Annual Area M Games,

• “Lots of handy information in one spot.” • “Cool app. Love it.”  The FishBoatPA app is just one of several mobile apps made available

donated to Penn State Hershey Chil-

through PAI’s contract with the Commonwealth. During 2015, PAI celebrated

dren’s Hospital’s “Bears on Parade,”

another milestone with the release of two new versions of popular apps from

collected supplies for Volunteers of

the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

America’s “Operation Backpack Drive,”

Originally released in October 2014, the PA Driver’s Practice Test app and

participated in the “Run 4 The Hunger,”

the PA Motorcycle Practice Test app provide a convenient way for residents

organized a food drive to benefit the

to prepare for their driver’s test. Version 2.0 of the apps — released in October

Central Pennsylvania Food Bank,

2015 — features safety information, sample test questions, and opportunities

gathered holiday gifts for children, and

for users to share their scores on social media. The PA Driver’s Practice Test

volunteered at the Bethesda Mission.

app is the most-downloaded app in PAI’s portfolio and has garnered more

PAI is committed to using technology to enhance the lives of Pennsylvanians.

than 100,000 downloads since its debut in 2014. For more information on these apps or other PAI-created mobile appli-

We look forward to working with the

cations such as Campaign Finance or ReadyPA, visit

Commonwealth to deliver more eGov-

mobile-applications.aspx. n

ernment solutions in 2016. n

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