NIC PSP 2015 State Report

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INSIDE The No-Cost Contract Model: Delivering FMCSA Value................. 2 PSP Enters Year Three of the Continuous Monitoring Program (CMP)........... 3 PSP Recognized With Three National Awards in 2015..... 3

NIC Federal Makes a Difference Inside and Outside the Office E

A Roadmap for Success


ll of NIC Federal’s work with the Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP) is focused on two goals: to positively impact the safety of America’s roadways and to provide an exceptional, secure service to motor

carriers, industry service providers, and drivers. 2015 was another extraor-

ach year the NIC Federal team follows

dinary year for PSP, and NIC Federal is proud that the Federal Motor Carrier

the leadership of NIC’s corporate

Safety Administration (FMCSA) continues to place its trust in us with the award

headquarters to be good stewards in our community and promote a healthy employee lifestyle. Much to our delight, NIC Federal’s 2015 efforts received the distinction of NIC’s Team of the Year, given to

of the most recent PSP contract. As 2015 comes to a close and we look forward to 2016, we pause to reflect on and share the program’s achievements: • PSP received three national awards highlighting FMCSA’s and NIC Federal’s commitment to customer service, technical, and operational excellence.

the team that makes the biggest impact in

• Through phone, email, and online chat, NIC Federal expertly handled

their community! Much of our efforts are

more than 36,000 user inquiries from more than 50,000 users. The

centered in the Greater Washington, D.C.,

customer service team handled more than 99 percent of the calls them-

area. Each quarter, our team spends time at

selves, escalating a mere .02 percent of inquiries to their management

the Arlington Food Assistance Center, sorting

team. One satisfied user commented, “Everyone always complains about

food and supplies for Arlington’s 2,000+

call centers; however, each time I deal with PSP I’m left feeling very satis-

needy families. We also support the charity

fied! Today was no different!” – DeAnn from CTS Compliance

So Others Might Eat, where NIC Federal

• PSP adoption was driven by education and outreach at 16 conferences. For

employees donate nonperishable food items

example, the NIC Federal team answered drivers’ questions at the Mid-America

to be delivered in time for Thanksgiving.

Trucking Show alongside Tony Schafer and other FMCSA representatives.

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The No-Cost Contract Model: Delivering FMCSA Value


hen it comes to digital government initiatives

provide full operational support of PSP including ongoing

within FMCSA, there is one program helping

maintenance and enhancement costs, dedicated customer

motor carriers improve safety every day — PSP.

service and support, and educational outreach, at no cost

Managed and operated on behalf of FMCSA by NIC Federal

to FMCSA. In fact, the record request fees paid by PSP end

through a unique no-cost contract, the program is making

users fund the program in its entirety.

roads safer one hire at a time by providing employers

NIC Federal’s new contract includes a clause that allows

instant, secure access to valuable driver safety information

FMCSA flexibility to launch other no-cost digital services

during the pre-hire process.

under the current contract by simply adding another state-

In September 2015, after a competitive bid process,

ment of work to the contract. By leveraging this clause, the

FMCSA awarded NIC Federal another no-cost contract

fees that support PSP can be used to support additional

to continue operating PSP for the next three years. By

FMCSA priorities, allowing for more convenient and secure

applying a no-cost contract model, NIC Federal is able to

digital experiences for the motor carrier community.

A Roadmap for Success | continued from page 1 |

NIC Federal also attended exhibitions and meetings with various industry

of four significant code releases

in accordance with the Fair Credit

containing 105 new features.

Reporting Act. This change was made

From its beginnings in 2010, PSP has

possible through a mutually agreed-

groups including the American

evolved into an award-winning and

upon, no-cost contract modification. A

Trucking Associations and the

nationally recognized resource for

detailed strategic communication effort

American Bus Association.

industry by coupling FMCSA’s strategic

informed users of the change. This is just

vision with NIC Federal’s continuous

one example of many projects slated for

using PSP in 2015 to screen potential

investments in innovation, security,

2016 that will make PSP even better.

new hires.

customer service, and outreach.

•M ore than 1,800 companies began

• The second year of the Continuous

While there was much to celebrate

As we look ahead to 2016, NIC Federal welcomes the opportunity to

Monitoring Program (CMP) was

in 2015, NIC Federal anticipates more

discuss ideas with FMCSA for addi-

completed several weeks ahead

to come next year. In early 2016, PSP

tional digital, no-cost services aligned

of schedule.

account holders were required to

within the PSP contract. We enjoy

• The PSP website user experience was

switch from the driver’s consent form

the work we do with FMCSA and look

enhanced through the deployment

to a disclosure and authorization form,

forward to an even brighter future. n

Through PSP’s no-cost contract, NIC Federal delivers a quick and user-friendly digital solution.


PSP Enters Year Three of the Continuous Monitoring Program (CMP)


Federal is critically aware of the current security

automated monthly Center for Internet Security (CIS) scans

climate and the risk that data breaches pose. We

and weekly vulnerability scans.

are proud that PSP has never experienced a breach. NIC takes a

Each year NIC Federal hires a third-party assessor to examine

proactive approach to security, continuously working to ensure

the PSP system and operations as part of the Federal Informa-

our policies, procedures, equipment, and protection are up-to-

tion Systems Management Act (FISMA) Continuous Monitoring

date. For example, in 2015, PSP personnel engaged in a variety

Program (CMP). In 2015, 316 security and privacy controls were

of training that includes the following topics:

assessed. Each year, there are fewer and fewer findings and this

• DOT’s role-based and privacy security

year the eight action items in the Plan of Action and Milestones

• Information System Security (ISS) and privacy

were swiftly remediated. NIC Federal closed all action items by

• DOT’s rules of behavior

Oct. 28, 2015, three weeks ahead of schedule. As a result, PSP

• Payment Card Industry (PCI) best practices

received its Authority to Operate for another year!

• Continuity of operations

The detailed analysis and diligent efforts to keep PSP

• Incident response exercises

secure are made possible with the strong collaboration

We also performed system and call center disaster

between FMCSA and NIC Federal. NIC Federal fully appre-

recovery testing and annual penetration testing. These

ciates the expertise and dedication that Pam Gosier-Cox,

practices are in addition to NIC Federal’s extensive network

Shannon DiMartino, and Jeff Secrist provide in helping

and application security practices that now include

navigate the CMP process and meet deadlines.

PSP Recognized With Three National Awards in 2015 S

winning program by various organizations.

Digital Government Achievement Award for “Driving Digital Government”

These awards have honored the program

The Center for Digital Government

for a range of successes, including the value

honored FMCSA with this award in

PSP delivers at no cost to the government,

September. The award recognizes

call center excellence, superlative commu-

outstanding agency and department

nication strategy and execution, and more.

websites and projects at the application

The trend continued in 2015 with PSP being

and infrastructure level. FMCSA was

Jeff Secrist, Laura Johnson, and Ilya Krifman were

honored with three awards:

the only winner in the “Driving Digital

pleased to represent PSP at the

ince its inception in 2010, PSP has been recognized as an award-

Government” federal category. “Excellence in Workforce/Mobility” Award

award ceremony in Washington, D.C.

service delivery, provides real business benefits, and shows system adoption

In November, the American Council for

Stevie Award for “Best Use of Technology in Customer Service”

Technology and Industry Advisory Council

In February, PSP received a bronze Stevie

tion. Website enhancements — including

named PSP as a finalist for the Excellence.

Award for excellence in call center-related

a redesigned PSP website and a “live chat”

gov “Excellence in Workforce/Mobility”

technological advancements. The award is

feature — that reduced call volumes to the

award which recognizes government proj-

presented to customer service and contact

PSP call center by 25 percent in the past

ects demonstrating efficiencies and cost

center organizations for their use of tech-

year were significant factors in winning

savings in mission performance.

nology that directly improves customer

this award. n

across the entire customer service func-


NIC Federal Makes a Difference Inside and Outside the Office | continued from page 1 |

At times, our wellness activities intersect with the larger philanthropic interests of our company. This was the case when our team participated in the Run/Walk/Bike for a Cause. Fifteen NIC Federal employees and family members each committed to exercising for 3.1 miles in the Arlington 9/11 5K Memorial Race, which benefits first responders. NIC Federal was proud to participate and donate $500 to the cause! With a firm foundation of “doing and being well” established, our good habits will extend into 2016. n The annual Wreaths Across America event honors those who have served in the military.

NIC Federal team members ran 5K and donated $500 to benefit first responders.

In 2015, hundreds of food items were collected and donated to So Others Might Eat.

Robin Grant, Madeleine Estevez, and Tyrell Snape sorted fruit at the Arlington Food Assistance Center.

INSIGHTS is published by NIC Federal. Your questions and comments are welcome. Please contact us at: 4601 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 1160 | Arlington, VA 22203 (877) 642-9499 © 2016

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