NIC South Carolina 2014 State Report

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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina portal REPORT 2014

INSIDE Palmetto Pay................................... 2 Agency Spotlight: New Online License Sales for DNR. . ......... 2 Security Incident Response: Don’t Rush the Notification Timeline................ 3 Photo by Perry Baker, Courtesy of SC Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism

Message From the General Manager I

n July, was selected to continue as the outsourced eGovernment provider for

Online Consumer Complaint Filing System Wins National Award


he South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs (SCDCA) Online Consumer Complaint Filing System, developed in partnership with, has won the 2014 Digital Government Achievement Award. The Center for Digital Govern-

ment announced the winners, recognizing the Consumer Complaint System as best in

the state of South Carolina following a competitive

class in the Government-to-Citizen, State Government category. The Digital Govern-

rebid process. The state awarded us a five-year

ment Achievement Awards recognize outstanding agency and department websites and

contract that includes renewals that the state

applications based on innovation, functionality, and efficiency. This award showcases

can exercise to extend the contract through July

the importance of real-time, accessible, online information and interactive services to

2021. We appreciate the confidence that the state

the citizens and businesses of South Carolina.

of South Carolina continues to place in us and look forward to continued success in providing eGovernment services to state agencies, local governments, and higher education institutions. One of our most popular services is our payment processing, which includes credit card, debit card,

“SCDCA and SC.GOV staff did a phenomenal job in the creation of this cutting-edge Complaint System that is exceeding all expectations of increasing efficiency and productivity.” — Carri Grube Lybarker, SCDCA Administrator

and ACH payments made over the counter or

Since the Online Consumer Complaint Filing System was launched to the public

online. We have grown from processing 27,000

in January 2014, 60 percent of consumer complaints are now submitted online and

payments for $5.5 million in 2006 to 1.32 million

submissions are resolved 50 percent faster. was excited to build this applica-

payments for $198 million in 2014. As an industry

tion at no cost to the agency. The new online service provides an automated means for

leader in payment processing, will continue

citizens to submit complaints, provides ease and expedience for businesses to respond,

| continued on page 4 |

and has significantly reduced the agency’s copier, office supply, and postage expenses. | continued on page 2 |

Palmetto Pay South Carolina’s Premier Solution for Online Payments


ew partners to Palmetto Pay in 2014 included the Department of Employ-

Agency Spotlight

New Online License Sales for DNR


n November 2013 the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (DNR) rolled out its new

ment and Workforce, Department of

DNR Online Customer Service Portal. This

Vocational Rehabilitation and Workers

multichannel licensing system is the result

Compensation Commission, and several

of a long-standing partnership between DNR

new municipal courts.

and This new license suite replaces an

Palmetto Pay is’s award-winning solu-

online license site in use since 2006. It also

Photo by Perry Baker, Courtesy of SC Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism

tion to the need for a secure and convenient

replaces the in-house sales system used by

the Department of Natural Resources have

payment processor for South Carolina’s state

DNR for many, many years.

been sold through the application.

and local governments. Since its inception

Citizens and those who visit South Carolina

“With more and more of our hunters

in 2005, Palmetto Pay makes it easier to

are offered added convenience with several

and anglers adopting new technologies

make online and over-the-counter (OTC)

new sales options available through the

like smartphones and tablets, it only made

payments to state and local government agen-

application. These options include commer-

sense to give them a system that is conve-

cies. Payments can be made via a desktop,

cial license sales through select point-of-sale

nient, easy to use, and fits their outdoor

laptop, tablet, or smartphone for services

agents, online boat registration renewals, and

lifestyle. This is part of DNR’s continued

such as property taxes, traffic tickets, utility

online lottery hunt applications.

efforts to transform how we can serve our

payments, etc. Built on the foundation of NIC’s

By providing this application through

self-funded model, Palmetto Pay is available at

the partnership, DNR has benefited

by providing our state’s hunters and anglers

no cost to government partners. Each partner

from a cost avoidance of $1,407,515 for

with additional features and functionality

is provided with access to robust reporting

software and hardware costs. DNR staff time

through the convenient and secure DNR

options and excellent, 24/7 customer support.

processing paper applications and renewals

Online Customer Service Portal,” said

In 2013, won the Center for Digital

has been significantly reduced.

Scott Speares, Assistant Deputy Director of

Government Best Fit Integrator Award

The initial release of the DNR Online

for Palmetto Pay’s innovative and tailored

Customer Service Portal added the Lottery

payment processing solution.

Hunt Online Application process, allowing

Transaction volumes processed through

customers more efficiently and effectively,

Outreach and Support Services with the SC Department of Natural Resources. In 2015, DNR will begin offering many

hunters to apply for multiple state hunts

recreational licenses with a 365-day valid

Palmetto Pay continue to grow year over

online. Paper applications processed were

period instead of the current July-June valid

year. More than 130 state and local govern-

reduced by 77 percent, saving the agency

dates. This change, along with the enhance-

ment entities use Palmetto Pay for online

valuable operational time and expense.

ments of the new online licensing portal,

and OTC payments for more than 820 government services. By September, more

In the first 12 months, more than 1,996,456 licenses and other privileges for

will bring even more value to those who hunt and fish in South Carolina. n

than 1 million payments had been processed through Palmetto Pay in 2014. Palmetto Pay provides our partners

Online Consumer Complaint Filing System Wins National Award

and customers with the confidence that

| continued from page 1 |

Security is of the utmost importance to

their payments are processed through a

SCDCA’s online Complaint System offers

to, complaints electronically as well as add comments and monitor the status. The

protected and secure channel. Committed

quick and easy submission, tracking, and

Consumer Complaint System also functions as

to providing the highest level of payment

searching from desktop, laptop, or mobile

a public information tool, allowing consumers,

device. After creating an account, consumers

media, and other interested parties to search

can submit, and businesses can respond

complaints on businesses of interest. n

| continued on page 4 |


Security Incident Response: Don’t Rush the Notification Timeline


ne of the primary concerns when

quickly, as this information may eventually

serve as the guide for handling a security

dealing with a security breach is

turn out to be erroneous or inaccurate. Accord-

breach, including specific roles and respon-

notification to appropriate impacted

ingly, do not rush evidence collection and

sibilities for multiple teams, notification,

parties. And, as security breaches and compro-

analysis simply to provide immediate informa-

and communication.

mised personal information have become

tion to the public. Accuracy is paramount, and

nearly a constant in news headlines, there are

it is not appropriate to jump to conclusions or

plan should establish is identification of the

an increasing number of laws and regulations

make assumptions when you are in the midst

incident response team members. Often, team

related to notification in the event of a security

of a security breach. Understand state breach

members identified in the plan include the

breach. In fact, 19 states either introduced or

notification laws and notification requirements

highest leadership levels within the organiza-

considered security breach legislation in 2014.

set by federal law, or industry standards, such

tion, communications personnel, security

In 2014, the Florida Information Protection

as the Payment Card Industry’s Data Security

and IT professionals, and frontline operations

Act of 2014 was passed, requiring notice to

Standard. In addition, make sure sufficient

employees. The plan should also clearly define

be provided to affected individuals as soon

facts have been gathered before making a

the roles and responsibilities of each incident

as possible, but no more than 30 days after

public statement. Providing too much infor-

response team member, including specific

discovery of the breach. The previous law had a 45-day requirement. Also this year, Kentucky became the latest state to enact security breach legislation, leaving only a few states without any laws requiring notification of security breaches involving personal information. In connection with any crime scene,

One of the first things an incident response

“ W ith a cybercrime, much like with a traditional crime scene, a thorough review of the evidence is essential and a necessary part of the process before any conclusions can be drawn.” mation that turns out to be inaccurate could

action items with associated timelines. Finally,

whether it is a cybercrime scene or a physical

complicate your ability to effectively manage

on an annual basis, the plan should undergo

crime scene, notification about the incident

the breach and your credibility. While it is not

a comprehensive review and modifications

is important. In a physical crime scene, it can

always avoidable (i.e., you must comply with

should be made, where appropriate, and

take days or even weeks to collect toxicology

the law), guard against misstating information

employees should be trained on how to effec-

reports or receive conclusive autopsy findings.

by rushing the notification timeline or you may

tively carry out the plan. This will help ensure

In general, the public understands and appre-

run the risk of having to recant and explain

that the plan is up to date and that incident

ciates the time required to collect, analyze, and

earlier statements provided.

response team members are prepared should

report the findings of physical crime scene

In connection with a physical crime

a security incident occur. This will also help

evidence. However, we are seeing something

scene, a command post is often established

alleviate any pressure to report findings imme-

quite different in a cybercrime scene scenario,

to serve as a location for team meetings

diately as the plan should be followed to guide

where expectations are continually being set

as well as the location from which media

the communication timeline.

for companies and cyberforensics profes-

updates are communicated. In addition,

sionals to provide immediate and detailed

a team is formed and specific roles and

tighten security breach notification time-

information about a security incident. With a

responsibilities are assigned regarding the

lines that you will be expected to follow, it

cybercrime, much like with a traditional crime

reporting of updates. Setting up a command

is not advisable to rush the communication

scene, a thorough review of the evidence is

post may also be a good idea for managing a

process during a security incident. The best

essential and a necessary part of the process

security breach, depending on the magni-

response will stem from taking the necessary

before any conclusions can be drawn. Despite

tude of the issue. This can go hand in hand

time to gather and analyze the cybercrime

the expectation, it is advisable to use caution

and be leveraged with executing on a thor-

scene evidence, as well as following a

and avoid communicating information too

ough incident response plan, which should

detailed incident response plan.

Again, even as new legislation continues to


Message From the General Manager | continued from page 1 |

to enhance our systems with improved functionality and new innovative features.

Focus on Solutions

South Carolina Self-Funded eGovernment


e are thrilled about our continued long-standing partnership and eager to help advance the future of the state’s official website,, and eGovernment services in South Carolina. The portal team provides state and local governments in South Carolina

five enterprise services that are the foundation of its self-funded business model: Palmetto Pay, worked diligently with the SC

Palmetto Site Builder, Palmetto Event Registration, MyEvents2Go, and Palmetto Online Storefront.

Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA)

All five of these solutions, as well as custom online application development, provide cost-effective

to create a world-class online consumer

eGovernment solutions to state and local governments in South Carolina.

complaint filing system that won the 2014

Palmetto Online Storefront and MyEvents2Go are’s newest enterprise offerings intro-

Digital Government Achievement Award.

duced in 2014. Both applications are available 24/7, allow for branding customization, and do not

The system was launched to the public in

require any setup or maintenance costs.

January 2014 and 60 percent of consumer

Palmetto Online Storefront allows agencies, divisions, counties, or municipalities to sell items

complaints are now submitted through

online. Items can be added and available for sale in minutes, with tax and shipping calculations.

the online system instead of by paper.

Robust reporting options are available to partners, and customers can pay securely by credit card,

This application exemplifies what the self-

debit card or electronic check.

funded model is all about. We are excited about continuing to

If you are having an event and want to provide instant access to information and stay connected with attendees during events, meetings, and conferences, then MyEvents2Go is a great fit.

provide efficiency and innovation to the

Attendees are able to download and save multiple events, add agenda items to their calendars, and

South Carolina citizens, businesses, and

view events on multiple devices in minutes. Organizers can edit agenda and menu items, display

governments through our secure enter-

speaker bios, and feature sponsors, local information, and more.

prise and customized eGovernment services for many years to come.

Ken Oliphant

Palmetto Pay’s enterprise eGovernment services allow citizens and businesses the convenience of interacting with state and local governments 24/7/365, whether it is to make a payment, visit a website, register for an event, view event agendas on their devices, or purchase items from agencies online. With’s unique self-funded model these services

| continued from page 2 |

are offered at no cost to government enti-

processing security, Palmetto Pay now

ties, making a valuable resource

supports payments through encrypted card swipes. The use of a card swipe with encryption adds an additional layer of protection for our partners and their customers. For more information about Palmetto Pay including features, benefits, statistics, and partner references, please visit

for eGovernment solutions and saving the state more than $14.8 million since 2005. Currently, works with 164 partners to maintain and support more than 50 apps and 977 services. We are committed to South Carolina and looking forward to forging new partnerships to provide more interactive government services in the coming years. For more information visit n

Insights is published by South Carolina Interactive. Your questions and comments are welcome. Please contact us at:

© 2015

1301 Gervais Street, Suite 710 | Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 771-0131 | |

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