NIC Tennessee 2013 State Report

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INSIDE Mobile Innovations............. 2 Positive Government Experiences........................ 3 Habitat for Humanity. . ........ 4

No-Cost Online Services now have a new way to offer A gencies online services to their customers at no cost to the state. In addition to traditional methods of service delivery, such as

National Recognition for Tennessee Awards Earned for Website and Mobile App


he state of Tennessee’s official website,, has been named the best state website in the country in the annual Best of the Web awards, sponsored by the Center for Digital Government.

“With more Tennesseans going online to do business with the state, we under-

stand that there is growing demand for mobile access to state services,” Gov. Bill

in-person or mail, agencies can give citizens

Haslam said. “As we continue to look for ways to make state government more

and businesses “Customer Options” via

customer-focused, efficient, and effective, we are grateful for this recognition that

the Internet. Those who choose the Internet

supports those efforts online.”

option pay a nominal fee to cover the cost of

Recently redesigned, was optimized for a range of screen sizes – from

development, maintenance, and marketing

monitors to tablets to phones – to provide easy reading and navigation with a

the service to them. This benefits both citizens

minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling. Support for retina displays, swipe

and businesses.

gestures on rotators, and collapsing menus are just a few of the ways the site has

The option was approved in light of studies that confirm, in this age of speed and conve-

been enhanced to improve the user experience and better interact with visitors. Since 2011, the state of Tennessee has been increasingly recognized as a leader in

nience, customers will give a little extra to avoid

using technology to better serve Tennesseans and streamline operations. In addition

standing in line, waiting for the next available

to the state’s 2013 Best of the Web win, the Tennessee Department of Transporta-

representative, or mailing documents when a

tion was awarded a Digital Government Achievement Award for its innovative

stamp costs nearly 50 cents.

SmartWay mobile application available on iOS and Android devices. | continued on page 2 |

Mobile Innovations


he rapid adoption of tablets as work tools offers a

is also a companion Web application that is used for the adminis-

new opportunity to assist the mobile workforce.

tration of certification information.

Inspectors, off-site service

The second tablet app is used by the

providers, and field personnel can

Department of Children’s Services for

now bring their desk to the job

the inspection of childcare facilities.

by way of a mobile app, and in 2013

The app is used to conduct inspec-

the state released two apps for the

tions, take photos if needed, and

mobile workforce.

even allows the facility owners to

The Pupil Transportation unit

electronically sign the inspection and

of the Department of Safety and

have a PDF copy emailed to them. The

Homeland Security is using a tablet

companion web application not only

in on-site testing for the certification

allows for inspection administration

of bus drivers. The app scans driver

and trending tables, but also includes

licenses of session attendees, elimi-

a module for facility owners to apply

nating the time needed to manually

and pay for their license application.

type in each person’s information

These apps offer efficiencies and

and increasing accuracy of data. The

greater accuracy than paper forms,

test results are entered into the app

and additional mobile workforce apps,

and, upon returning to the office,

such as bus inspections, are being

loaded into the main system. There

developed for 2014.

National Recognition for Tennessee | continued from page 1 |

“We are proud to see the TDOT mobile app receive these accolades,” said TDOT Commissioner John Schroer. “Providing real-time traffic information can help motorists avoid delays and, in turn, reduce congestion on our roadways.” The SmartWay app gives Tennessee motorists notifications when an incident takes place on their route, displays snapshots of favorite traffic cameras, and shows a responsive map of traffic conditions that can be checked before their trip. The app, for both iOS and Android, was released a few days before Christmas 2012, and by the second quarter of 2013 it had already reached 100,000 users. TDOT’s SmartWay app is the first state-owned native app for motorists traveling in the state and is part of the effort to have drivers more informed on the road. This mobile approach provides a new channel of communication that the agency can use to deliver tailored messages to its motorists across the state. Technology continues to transform our society and how we interact with it. An increasing number of visits to are not 2 | TENNESSEE REPORT 2013

from a desktop computer and account for about 20 percent of external traffic, and Tennessee is working to deliver fast and secure online services to keep up with it. n

Positive Government Experiences Working Toward a Common Goal


t NIC, we are passionate about making government more accessible to everyone. It is our sole focus, our purpose, and the simple reason for our existence. We share that common goal with you – our partners – and we

2013 Most Used Online Services Number of Transactions in Each Application Category

are deeply invested in working with you to make each and every eGovernment interaction a positive one. Whether it is renewing a license, applying for a permit, filing court documents, finding important emergency information, or any other application taken from our robust library of 9,700 online services and 150+ mobile applications, you can trust us to bridge the gap between your needs and the needs of the citizens and businesses you serve.



Child Support Payment Summary


Felony Offender Search

One Community More than two decades ago, NIC pioneered the eGovernment industry by revolutionizing the way people do business with all levels of government. The paper-intensive, wait-in-line ways of the past evolved into secure, click-of-a-button, swipe-of-a-screen interactions. Today, NIC works with more than 3,500 federal,


Check License Reinstatement Status


Driver License Renewal

state, and local government partners, giving you access to share ideas across the NIC family, learn best practices, and deploy new services quickly by starting with foundational code deployed elsewhere by NIC partners.


United Shield Against Cybersecurity Attacks

Interactive Moving Violations

When it comes to security, the job of protecting sensitive information is in the hands of our partnership. We are both only successful when citizens and businesses feel secure about sharing information. Together, we form the shield to help do all that we can to protect against cybersecurity breaches that can damage credibility, reputation, and consumer confidence for everyone involved.

Your Responsive Partner We hear you. In this day and age, it is extremely important for government to be

1,579,736 837,849

Sales Tax Filings


Vehicle, Title & Registration Search


County/City Business Tax Filing

engaged with the people they serve, and use technology to facilitate efficient and secure interactions. Being a part of the NIC community allows us to serve as your research and development shop as we continue to adapt the latest technology and create new solutions to improve government interactions. As technology evolves, our focus will remain on delivering you the latest innovation. There is the saying, “It takes a village.” At NIC we believe the very best in eGovernment services require a community. Working together is key when it comes to staying true to our shared passion of making government more accessible to citizens and businesses. Count on NIC to bring convenience, efficiency, security, and innovation to you and your constituents in every single service we bring online. Then people can focus on what they love to do and follow their own passion in life, whether it is growing their business or simply spending time with their family. Together, we make it happen.



Criminal Justice Portal


Agency Moving Violations Search


Case Management Utilization Review


Server Permit Issuance


NIC, Tennessee Information Division 330 Commerce Street, Suite 100 Nashville, TN 37201 615-313-0300

Š 2014

Habitat for Humanity – October 2013 Members of the Tennessee Team Participating in a Home Build in Williamson County, Tennessee

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