NIC Tennessee 2015 State Report

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INSIDE Redesign of Health Professional Services..................... 2 Tennessee General Assembly’s Website Wins Online Democracy Award............... 3 2015 Most Used Online Services................... 4

Benefits of NIC Partnership Did You Know?


ne of the many benefits of the NIC partnership is all code developed

A Great Year for Tennessee 2015 in Review


his year marked the 15th year of the NIC and Tennessee partnership and brought the release of more than 35 new and updated eGovernment services. We’re proud of our involvement in the Governor’s

Drive to 55 initiative and the development of online tools and resources to

for state applications is owned by the

help Tennesseans gain access to educational resources. Mobile development

State of Tennessee. Over the past 15 years

continued to push forward with the development of applications that are

of our partnership, the state has released

available for citizens and agency employees on the go. The Felony Offender

hundreds of eGovernment services,

Search mobile app is available for Apple and Android users and has helped

many of which contain code that is appli-

reduce the hundreds of phone calls a day to the Department of Correction

cable for projects across agencies. This

inquiring about offenders. Bus Inspection, a custom-developed mobile and

presents a unique opportunity for agen-

companion Web app for the Tennessee Highway Patrol, has greatly improved

cies to reuse code that has already been

inspections on vehicles transporting children to school or day care. The

written. Reuse of code will save agencies

mobile app allows inspectors to scan VINs and take photos, while the Web

money and allow for quick development

app gives the THP the ability to measure inspection efficiency and identify

and reduced time to market for proj-

potential regulatory and compliance risks. The new reporting tools have

ects. Each application has a long list of

freed inspectors to spend less time on burdensome manual reporting and

features and functionalities that can be

more time on follow-up and compliance efforts. NIC is proud of the award-

integrated into new apps for your agency.

winning online services in Tennessee that save businesses time and money

The Department of Children’s Services

while offering increased efficiencies for state agencies. We’re committed to

Contracts Management System is a great

continuing to leverage the newest tools and technologies to drive eGovern-

| continued on page 4 |

ment and expand digital service offerings to Tennesseans. n

Redesign of Health Professional Services


he Tennessee Department

customer support for the application.

allowing health care professionals

of Health recently launched

Health care professionals in the state

access to their renewal while on the

a redesigned online Health

can sign up for email renewal notices,

go. The redesign features include a

License Renewal and Address Change

update their personal or licensing

simplified search for professions,

application. The sleek new site

information, and renew and pay for

dynamically formatted entry fields,

was designed to be more intuitive,

their professional license.

easy addition of licenses held in

informative, and simple to use. The

These services are offered 24/7,

other states, bold tooltips to guide a

changes leveraged feedback from user

and the modern new site features

user through renewal, and a cleaner,

experience and years of NIC providing

optimum, mobile-ready viewing,

more engaging template.

Department of Children’s Services Contract Management System T

he DCS Contract Management

notifications to alert staff to deadlines and

system has proven to be valuable to DCS

system provides features to manage

generates complex customized reports. The

and can be leveraged by other agencies. n

all personal, professional, and consulting contracts for the department with one system. The robust system includes email


Suzanne White from DCS recently provided great feedback on the project

Tennessee General Assembly’s Website Wins Online Democracy Award T

he National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) recently honored the Tennessee General Assembly

with the Online Democracy Award for the best legislative website in the country. The award was presented during the NCSL’s Legislative Summit in Seattle. The award recognizes a legislature, legislative chamber, or caucus whose website stands out for making democracy user friendly. This is the second time Tennessee has been presented with the Online Democracy Award, previously winning in 2009. The website,, uses a responsive design that allows access to the site from devices of all sizes, including tablets and smartphones, which makes it easier than ever for citizens to get access to their legis-

Implementation of the site was driven

lators and the legislative process while on the go. The

by Russell Humphrey, Chief Clerk of the

modern design includes streaming video for legislative

Senate; Joe McCord, Chief Clerk of the House; Scott Gilmer, Chief

sessions, enhanced search capabilities, a bill tracking

of Staff of the House; and Vinay Dattu, Legislative Information

service, and easy-to-understand bill summaries.

Systems Director for the Tennessee General Assembly.

Tennessee Promise and Helping Students Find Their Path


nder the umbrella of the Gover-

Advisor site helps prospec-

nor’s highly visible and successful

tive students determine

Drive to 55 Alliance, NIC is proud to have

which colleges and

designed and developed the Tennessee

programs are right for

Promise and Tennessee College Advisor

them. The new site is a

sites. The Tennessee Promise site allows students to gain valuable information on the scholarship program, review checklists

such as school size, region,

of requirements, and contact resources

certificate/degree, and

for assistance. The site provides valuable

major, to help students

materials for parents and counselors

find schools that meet

to ensure students are guided through

their needs and interests.

the process of the program. The college

The site is also a compre-

admissions process can be treacherous,

one-stop shop for learning about

hensive source for institutional statistics,

but the TN Promise site helps guide

Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology

including a profile of the average student,

students to ensure they complete program

(TCATs), public community colleges and

tuition, graduation rates, job placement,

requirements in order to qualify for

public universities. TN College Advisor

and expected salary information. The

the scholarship. The Tennessee College

offers visitors a variety of search criteria,

| continued on page 4 |


Benefits of NIC Partnership | continued from page 1 |

example of an application that contains functionality that could be valuable to a variety of agencies. The system contains document creation, approval workflows, and reporting. We’ve developed everything from

NIC, Tennessee Information Division 330 Commerce Street, Suite 100 Nashville, TN 37201 615-313-0300

simple form submissions to secure access management, components that could be utilized in new applications. Example applications to consider for functionality reuse include: © 2016

Child Abuse Reporting and Tracking • Public submissions of reports • Public access to tracking report status Department of Children’s Services

2015 Most Used Online Services By Number of Transactions

Contracts Management System



• Assign, edit, finalize, and upload fully

Child Support Enforcement Services

Agency Moving Violations Search



Interactive Moving Violations

Interactive Vehicle, Title and Registration



Children and Youth

Felony Offender Search

Family Assistance Application Status

Program Expenditures



Integrated Criminal Justice Portal

Business Tax Online Filings



Sales Tax Filings

Franchise and Excise Taxes

executed contracts • Copy, renew, cancel, and amend contracts after execution

• Gathering of data from multiple sources and generating reports • Defined reporting timelines and data collection management Felony Offender Search Mobile App • E asy-to-use public search in Android and iOS applications • Reduces agency phone calls for repeat searches

Tennessee Promise and Helping Students Find Their Path | continued from page 3 |

all sizes, making it easier than ever for

site aims to help students and guid-

students and parents to get access to key

ance counselors plan for upcoming

education information while on the go.

Bus Inspection

semesters and find their path to higher

NIC is proud of our partnership with the

• On-site mobile inspections with scan-

education. The Tennessee Promise and

Drive to 55 Program and we continue

ning and picture upload capability

Tennessee College Advisor sites both

to seek new and innovative ways to

• Management and auditing of inspec-

utilize a responsive design that allows

develop online tools to engage students,

for optimum viewing from devices of

teachers, and mentors in the program. n

tions and reporting capabilities n

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