Pre-Employment Screening Program ANNUAL REPORT 2013
INSIDE Driving PSP Adoption Through Education................. 2 Monitoring Motor Carrier Compliance With Audits........ 3 PSP Increases Accessibility..... 3
‘PSP 2.0’ Expansion Moves Full-Speed Ahead F
ollowing its much-anticipated launch in September 2012, PSP 2.0 kicked into high
Successful FMCSA/NIC Partnership Brings Accolades and Results
he Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP) enjoyed another successful year in 2013. Midway through the year, the program reached an impressive milestone – more than 2 million
driver records have been requested through PSP since it launched in 2010! This was
gear in 2013! PSP 2.0 expanded PSP access to
just one of many exciting
Industry Service Providers (ISPs). ISPs include
highlights of the year, which
organizations that are directly involved in
included earning a notable
the commercial driver hiring process, such
national award and the release
as driver staffing companies, driver leasing
of a study demonstrating PSP’s
companies, third-party screening businesses,
important positive impact on
and intrastate carriers. ISPs provide one-stop,
industry safety.
centralized screening functions for motor
In September, the Center FMCSA received an honorable mention award for
carriers and are a critical segment of the motor
for Digital Government – a
carrier and motorcoach industry. Now, carriers
national research and advi-
can seamlessly access PSP records from ISPs
sory institute on information
alongside other important safety records, such
technology policies and best practices for government – awarded PSP an honorable
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PSP from the DGAA in the Driving Digital Government for Business category.
mention in the annual Digital Government Achievement Awards. The awards recognize | continued on page 2 |
Driving PSP Adoption Through Education
ducation and outreach to carriers is a key component
NIC’s involvement in national organizations led to state and
of PSP’s success. PSP launched in 2010 and since then
regional motorcoach associations requesting PSP education for
NIC has attended scores of events to increase industry
their members. The California Bus Association and Midwest
knowledge of PSP through presentations, exhibitions, conferences,
Bus and Motorcoach Association requested PSP presentations
and webinars – all at no cost to the industry or FMCSA! The
at their annual conferences. The outreach is paying off. Since
outreach team, led by Laura Fredrickson, often collects accolades for
these efforts began, PSP adoption by motorcoach operators has
its efforts. Tracy from the New York State Motor Truck Association,
increased by 20 percent!
Inc. said: “Your presentation on the Pre-Employment Screening
NIC also focused on direct outreach to drivers in 2013. During
Program update was a valuable addition to the program [and] was
the summer, NIC partnered with the Commercial Vehicle Safety
well-received by all our participants. You clearly demonstrated your
Alliance to distribute more than 20,000 PSP fliers to law enforce-
commitment to enhancing compliance and safety, and for that we
ment officers participating in the annual Roadcheck program.
are grateful.”
During routine truck inspections, officers gave drivers a PSP
In 2013, outreach took on a new focus at the request of FMCSA – the
flier encouraging them to learn more about PSP.
motorcoach industry. NIC leapt into the motorcoach world by joining
As our focus switches to 2014, NIC is excited about sharing
the American Bus Association (ABA), the United Motorcoach Associa-
the findings of the PSP safety impact analysis study! We believe
tion (UMA), and the Bus Industry Safety Council (BISC). Since joining
the results speak volumes to how more informed hiring –
these organizations in March, NIC has accepted invitations to speak
through PSP – reduces a company’s occurrence of crashes and
at four motorcoach events. In addition, PSP was the subject of three
driver out-of-service violations.
articles for ABA and UMA publications. Clyde from the ABA writes,
Improvements to the PSP presentation and information collat-
“Without supporters like NIC Technologies, BISC would not be able
eral will highlight the study’s findings and statistics, and will
to continue providing its valuable safety programming to the motor-
influence motor carriers and bus operators to incorporate PSP
coach industry. Thank you.”
into their operations in 2014.
‘PSP 2.O’ Expansion Moves Full-Speed Ahead
Successful FMCSA/NIC Partnership Brings Accolades and Results | continued from page 1 |
outstanding government websites and projects based on innovation, functionality, productivity, and performance. PSP earned the award in the ‘Driving Digital Government for Business’
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recognition category, the only federal application acknowledged in this category. The NIC
as driver background checks and state
Technologies team was pleased to present the plaque to FMCSA at a recent team meeting.
motor vehicle records. As more ISPs learned about PSP 2.0 in
On the heels of the award win, FMCSA released the findings of the PSP safety impact analysis. All PSP team members were thrilled with the results, which showed that compa-
2013, they enrolled at a steady clip. By
nies using PSP have realized, on average, an 8 percent reduction in crash rates and a 17
year’s end, 117 new ISPs enrolled in PSP,
percent decrease in driver out-of-service rates! Based on the data, FMCSA estimated that
making up 7 percent of new PSP account
PSP prevented 863 crashes and nearly 3,600 drivers from being placed out of service road-
holders. ISPs requested more than 33,000
side during a 12-month period. Congratulations to Mike Johnsen and team on completing
reports in 2013, helping carriers make
this study!
well-informed hiring decisions and increasing safety on the nation’s roads. n
We have an exciting year ahead in 2014, with many improvements and enhancements planned for the PSP site. We look forward to continuing our productive, successful, no-cost partnership with FMCSA. n
Monitoring Motor Carrier Compliance With Audits
monthly account holder audits ensure that carriers and ISPs are properly
capturing a driver’s consent before accessing a PSP
Audited Account Holders and Penalties, 2013
record. The PSP Customer Service Team works with all new and existing account holders to ensure they are familiar with the consent requirements. Then, the team
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conducts monthly audits of PSP consent forms to verify compliance. In the 13-month period from November 2012
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through November 2013, audits were completed on 2,755 driver consent forms. The most frequent cause of noncompliance is an account holder using an outof-date, previously approved version of the consent
language. The Customer Service Team then instructs
these companies to update their processes appropriately. The audit process has been very effective: 88 percent of companies that were found noncompliant in one audit passed their follow-up audit successfully! Linda from Truckers Bookkeeping & Compliance Services said, “Thank you for letting me know the
Terminations Email Warnings
Letter Warnings
outcome of our audit. I appreciate your assistance; whenever we need it, your team is there.” n
Positive Government Experiences Working Toward a Common Goal
PSP Increases Accessibility
that common goal with you – our partner – and we are deeply invested in working with
you to make each and every eGovernment interaction a positive one.
improves users’ website interaction
we are passionate about making government more accessible to everyone. A tItNIC, is our sole focus, our purpose, and the simple reason for our existence. We share
Whether it is accessing a PSP record, renewing a license, applying for a permit, filing
uring 2013, the NIC team embraced a “responsive design”
strategy for PSP. Responsive design by ensuring the site is optimized for
court documents, finding important emergency information, or any other application
viewing on a phone, tablet, or personal
taken from our robust library of 7,500 online services and 150+ mobile applications, you
computer, with minimal scrolling or
can trust us to bridge the gap between your needs and the needs of the citizens and busi-
resizing. Each computing device gets
nesses you serve.
a unique, yet ideal, experience for the PSP site. The result of responsive
One Community
design is that PSP users consistently
More than two decades ago, NIC pioneered the eGovernment industry by revolution-
have an improved interaction with
izing the way people do business with all levels of government. The paper-intensive,
PSP, however they choose to access
wait-in-line ways of the past evolved into secure, click-of-a-button, swipe-of-a-
the site! The entire PSP application
screen interactions. Today, NIC works with more than 3,500 federal, state, and local
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NIC Shows Commitment to Customers, Community, and Colleagues
ustomer satisfaction is a high
are frequently recognized by PSP account
priority for NIC’s PSP Customer
holders for their exceptional service. As an
Service Team. In 2013, the team,
example, Bill from Pilot Logistics Services
led by Joan Kalvaitis, handled 1,700 enroll-
says, “Hats off to your employee Madeleine.
ments, 80,000 emails, and more than 31,000
What a great employee! Friendly, helpful,
phone calls – and average call wait times
courteous, kind, and an example of what all
never exceeded 30 seconds! Team members
employees should be.” At NIC, we also strive to be an active
The NIC team volunteering with the
member of the community in which we work
Angel Tree program.
and live and recognize the value of giving
the Salvation Army Arlington Corps Angel
back, both locally and globally. In June, the
Tree by sorting and organizing donated
NIC team joined the Lions Club Eyeglass
holiday gifts for approximately 1,500 low-
Recycling Center to clean, identify, tag, bag,
income children in our community. Equally
and sort thousands of donated eyeglasses to
rewarding was NIC’s sponsorship of two
The NIC team celebrates more than 800,000
be sent to various charitable organizations
“Angels,” Alan and Kamila, for whom the
PSP record requests in 2013!
around the world. In December, we assisted
NIC team joyfully purchased gifts.
PSP Increases Accessibility | continued from page 3 |
has been updated with this new design strategy. Now, each new PSP enhancement
Positive Government Experiences | continued from page 3 |
government partners, giving you access to share ideas across the NIC family, learn best practices, and deploy new services quickly by starting with foundational code deployed elsewhere by NIC partners.
Secure and Flexible Payment Solutions
With today’s financial environment and rapidly changing technology, your job is
is shared with users only after NIC is
to provide state-of-the-art payment services, all while managing costs, adhering to
certain it works properly for whichever
industry standards, maintaining security, and providing ease of use. Not an easy task
device the driver or account holder may
regardless of your staff size or budget allocation.
choose to access PSP. Increasing acces-
Partnering with NIC means one company, one system for your payment processing
sibility options ensures that carriers can
needs. Designed specifically with government in mind, you get an affordable, hosted
view PSP data any time, from anywhere.
software service with 200 configurable options offering you flexibility. With our
2014 includes plans for further exciting developments to the PSP site. n
fully hosted Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, you not only enjoy flexibility in the system’s design, you will also enjoy peace of mind knowing that all payment-related information is processed at a centrally hosted, PCI Level 1 data center. n
Insights is published by NIC Technologies. Your questions and comments are welcome. Please contact us at:
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4601 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 1160 | Arlington, VA 22203 (877) 642-9499