Rhode Island STATE report 2013
INSIDE Hidden Treasures................ 2 Giving Back to Rhode Island......4 Responding to Mobile. . ......... 7
From the General Manager I
remember it like it was yesterday. In November of 2003, the governor’s
office held a press conference to announce that citizens could now renew their vehicle
Fulfilling Rhode Island’s eGovernment Vision
hen RI.gov started its long-term partnership with the state, Governor
Lincoln Almond issued an official press release. On Jan. 7, 2002, the
Governor said, “RI.gov will change the way citizens interact with state
government … I’m excited about this opportunity to bring eGovernment to all Rhode Islanders where, from one website, they will eventually be able to locate
registration through the RI.gov website.
a copy of their birth certificate, purchase a fishing license, or even renew their
One of the governor’s staff would be the
driver’s license.”
first Rhode Islander to conduct a transaction.
In 11 years, the team at Rhode Island Interactive has fulfilled the vision of the
Because this was one of the first high-profile
governor. RII has delivered all three of these services, along with more than a
citizen services launched by RI.gov, our team
hundred others, to the people of Rhode Island. RI.gov has truly changed the way
was on standby both in Providence and
citizens interact with state government.
across the country to ensure that everything
Much has changed as we enter our 14th year of service in Rhode Island. Our
went smoothly with that first, very public,
online applications have become far more complex. The On-Demand Temporary
renewal. Despite a momentary glitch when
Plate system we recently launched required more than 400 hours of development
the staff member misspelled her own name
and project management. The financial and personnel investments we continue
during the authentication step, everything
to make to ensure the security of our data also continues to escalate year-over-
went as planned and by the end of the month
year. Yet, we are very proud that in 2013 our security controls, procedures, and
378 Rhode Islanders had renewed online.
policies were examined, measured, and validated through our third-party security
| continued on page 3 |
certification program. | continued on page 2 |
Hidden Treasures
sers of RI.gov are probably most familiar with our trans-
maximize the number of tests they can accommodate during
action-based service where a small fee is added to the
their shift. Every year an average of 25,000 appointments are
total cost to support our self-funded model. What might
scheduled using the service.
not be as familiar are the many value-added services offered by RI.gov at no cost to users or the state. Here are some of
• Each year, when the Rhode Island Department of Corrections is looking for the brightest and best to serve as
those hidden treasures:
correctional officers, they turn to RI.gov to
• Thanks to our collaboration with the
host their free online job application.
Rhode Island Historical Preservation &
Even though Corrections accepts paper
Heritage Commission, RI.gov users
applications, more than 95 percent of
can search a database of nearly 20,000
their 4,719 potential recruits opt to use
historic properties in the Ocean State.
the online version.
• R hode Islanders no longer need to
• Political junkies across the Ocean
tie up the phone lines at the Divi-
State appreciate our archive
sion of Taxation to inquire about
of historic election data. Visitors
their refunds – In just a few clicks
can look at results by candidate,
our “Where’s My Refund?” service
municipality, and even district. On
offers the latest update as to when
the big night, the Rhode Island Board
that tax check will be in the mail. In
of Elections updates this official data in
2013 the system was searched 283,166 times
real time.
by impatient Rhode Islanders looking to get
As with all of our services, the results are as easy
the 411 on their refunds.
to view on a smartphone as they are on a desktop.
• The DMV uses an RI.gov service to schedule their student
• Best of all, the RI.gov system offers the state thousands of
road tests. The system helps prevent the creation of duplicate
dollars in cost avoidance every year over their legacy systems.
appointments in multiple locations and allows staff to
That’s a result all taxpayers can be happy about!
Fulfilling Rhode Island’s eGovernment Vision Additionally, RI.gov continued to launch
Government Websites in the country. This
We also take great pride in our balance
new services aimed at both citizens and busi-
award marked the seventh time in the past
between services that financially support
nesses. Rhode Islanders can now change their
eight years the Center has placed us in the
our operation and those that are funded
address with the DMV online with just a few
top of their list.
by the enterprise and offered at no cost
mouse clicks, and medical waste transporters
to the state. In 2013 we assisted the new
can register their business with the Depart-
the many new services we will be bringing to
Office of Digital Excellence, the Division of
ment of Environmental Management quickly
the people and businesses of Rhode Island.
Information Technology, and the Office of
and efficiently through our online service.
Most importantly, we continue to strive to be
| continued from page 1 |
the Governor with the launch of our new
Of all our accomplishments, we are
We are excited about the coming year and
the best at everything we do – from customer
Transparency Portal. Thanks to our efforts,
perhaps most proud of the continued recog-
service to security, from innovative applications
Rhode Islanders have access to more than
nition the Ocean State has received for our
to cost-saving solutions, RI.gov is committed
800,000 state payment records offering
eGovernment efforts. In 2013, the Center for
to continually delivering on the state’s long-
unparalleled insights into state spending
Digital Government again honored RI.gov
term vision of efficiency and value through
without the need to spend taxpayer dollars.
by selecting it as one of the Top 10 State
excellence in eGovernment. n
From the General Manager | continued from page 1 |
Web design and general consulting. Last
Rhode Island earn a leadership position
In November of 2013 the portal accom-
year RI.gov processed $1,104,344,702.66 for
when it comes to fostering new business
modated 6,081 renewals. Over the past 10
the state – that translates to 33 percent of
upstarts through the Internet.
years, more than 800,000 registrations have
all state revenue.
been renewed and paid for through the RI.gov portal.
Just recently, I fielded multiple questions
For a state that too often dwells on “last place,” it should be refreshing for all
from several other states that were inter-
Rhode Islanders to know that we have in
ested in developing a One Stop Business
many areas led the way when it comes to
so very proud that the services RI.gov
service to make it easier for local entrepre-
eGovernment. Rhode Island was the first
continues to launch every year have made
neurs to navigate through the regulatory
state to enable responsive design for its
a true impact on the everyday lives of citi-
process in getting their business started.
official website, to automatically reformat
zens and businesses throughout the Ocean
They all wanted to know more about the
content to function as well on a mobile
State. In 2013 we continued to support
Quick Start Service we had developed in
browser as on a desktop. Rhode Island
nearly 80 Rhode Island departments,
conjunction with the RI Secretary of State.
is only one of a handful of states where
agencies, offices and municipalities with
This system has truly become a national
citizens can renew their driver’s licenses
innovative eGovernment services, no-cost
model for One Stop services and helped
online. We were the first state to embrace
As a lifelong Rhode Islander I am
“ … it should be refreshing for all Rhode Islanders to know that we have in many areas lead the way when it comes to eGoverment.”
the widespread use of social media to better keep our citizens informed and we have been first to launch a variety of user-friendly services ranging from liquor registration to lead paint inspections. In 2013 alone, RI.gov was honored with seven national awards recognizing the innovation our partnership has brought to the people of the Ocean State. I have had the pleasure of watching RI.gov grow in so many ways since that press conference. From just four portal services in 2003, we now offer more than 100. Users have grown RI.gov from a little over 12,000 citizen and business transactions in 2003 to 596,000 last year. It has been an honor to work with such a tremendous team, for such a supportive state partner for the past 10 years. I see very exciting things on the horizon for 2014 and am thrilled to be part of a brighter tomorrow for Rhode Island.
Tom Viall General Manager, RI.gov
Giving Back to Rhode Island
he RI.gov team is very apprecia-
awareness of the inherent dangers in law
tive of the support we get from
enforcement and to support the families
the thousands of local citizens
of fallen officers as he rides the Memorial
and businesses that use our eGovern-
Harley-Davidson to each state Capitol.
ment services every month. As we are so
To date, Ride4Cops has raised more than
engrained in the Ocean State, we under-
$350,000 for the families of fallen officers.
stand the importance of giving back – both
Governor Chafee, Secretary of State
as individuals, as a company, and as part of
Mollis, Attorney General Peter Kilmartin,
a larger corporate family.
and representatives from law enforcement
During the holiday season, we did not
from across the state welcomed Harry
forget those families in Rhode Island who
to the statehouse after a motorcycle rally
might be struggling, so for the third consec-
originating at the Department of Public
utive year, we gave generously to the Toys
Safety headquarters in Scituate. At a truly
for Tots program. In October, the portal
memorable ceremony, they were joined by
team combined our Wellness Initiative and
survivor families and together honored the
our company stewardship by participating
47 police officers who have lost their lives
in The Color Run to benefit Providence
serving the people of Rhode Island.
Parks. Four brave RI.gov team members
The Ocean State marked the 26th state
dashed through the downtown area while
capitol Harry has visited since starting his
being doused from head to toe in different
ride in 2009.
colors at each kilometer. One of the highlights of 2013 was our
A happy and determined design team
Whether it be blood drives, pro bono design and Web work, or helping those in
Ride4Cops event. Founded by Harry
need – we take great pride in not just our
Herington, a former law enforcement officer
eGovernment services but also the commu-
and CEO of NIC Inc., the parent company
nity service we offer each year to our fellow
of RI.gov, the Ride4Cops mission is to raise
Rhode Islanders.
Color runners – ready, set, go
The RI.gov Color Run Team
Our Customer Service Commitment
he very nature of our innovative self-funded model dictates that Rhode Islanders have an easy and successful experience when using any one
of the more than 100 eGovernment services we offer. To ensure that none of our feedback emails or phone calls ever “fall through the cracks,” the portal utilizes a customer service case management system to manage, track, tag, and trend all portal feedback and support. When a feedback email or call comes into our office a ticket in our system is created. If our front-line customer service representative can’t immediately address the inquiry, the ticket will be assigned to a project or technical resource for further assistance. Our customer service system tracks all the communication between the user and our portal team until the issue is resolved and the ticket closed. Along with making sure that all RI.gov users receive the help they
NIC CEO Harry Herington
need, the “trending” and “tagging” functionality of our customer service system offers the added benefit of improving our services for all users. Using the tagging function, we can sort our feedback to identify what types of services produced the most help tickets. The portal team can then focus on that unique online service or portal area to make improvements. By keeping track of the overall trend of ticket volumes, we can evaluate the success of these improvements. Among the most valuable features of our customer service system is the ability to maintain a library of clear and concise instructions for some of the more common problems our users encounter, like directions for resetting passwords. With a single click our customer service representatives can quickly respond, ensuring the user’s request is addressed Rally to the Statehouse
AG Kilmartin
quickly and constantly. In 2013 the portal answered 1,981 customer tickets. Eight hundred sixty-one were questions about the many online services we offer for the DMV, such as registration and license renewals. Taxation services generated the second-largest number of tickets with 398, and the Department of Environmental Management was third with 192 requests. Not all the feedback we get at RI.gov involves questions about our services. Many users contact RI.gov with questions, issues, and even suggestions for other state offices and entities. We make sure these inquires are either routed directly to the correct agency or that the user is provided with the proper contact information. Of course our favorite type of feedback comes from users who have benefited from our commitment to customer service: “Thanks for helping us out on our ‘error code’ mishap of yesterday; you and your group have taken the old perception of ‘broken admin in
Remembering fallen officers
RI’ and put a much nicer spin on dealing with government.” We always love it when we can answer a feedback in one word: “Thanks!” n RHODE ISLAND STATE REPORT 2013 | 5
Online Payments
n 2013 RI.gov collected nearly $26 million in online payments
of Common Checkout, the state was able to avoid the tens
on behalf of the State of Rhode Island. Each of our 829,449
of thousand of dollars associated with the costs of security
secure transactions was processed through TPE – our award-
compliance that would have been necessary if they had elected to process the payments internally.
winning Transaction Processing Engine.
TPE has been specifically designed by our parent company,
The Narragansett Bay Commission also utilizes RI.gov
NIC, to process secure credit card and e-check payments
payment systems to process both credit card and e-check
on behalf of our government partners – including the state
payments for their customers. In 2013, RI.gov accommodated
of Rhode Island. TPE includes a robust administrative and
46,874 sewer use payments and collected nearly $7 million on
reporting component for the handling of all administration
behalf of the commission.
tasks necessary to operate and manage e-commerce transac-
Another add-on to TPE is our Over-The-Counter payment
tions. Multiple Rhode Island agencies can use the same online
system (OTC). RI.gov has been offering OTC to various Rhode
administrative tools to manage customer service inquiries,
Island agencies for more than five years. Agencies include the
perform refunds and voids, and prepare reports. Depart-
Contractors’ Registration and Licensing Board, the Department
ment accounting staff can also access robust reporting tools
of Labor and Training, and the Department of Environmental
to generate reports and statistics that bridge application and
Management, as well as several RI municipalities – and that
organizational boundaries.
list is growing all the time. OTC allows these agencies to
In 2013, the Department of Business Regulation (DBR)
efficiently and securely add credit cards as an option at the
utilized Common Checkout – an add-on module to TPE – for
counter for those customers who might not wish to pay with
their new enterprise licensing system. When a DBR customer
cash or check.
is done obtaining or renewing their license, the state-hosted
While RI.gov will continue to specialize in custom end-
licensing system seamlessly redirects the user to Common
to-end online services, our stand-alone electronic payment
Checkout for payment. The RI.gov system accommodates
options continue to offer the state a value-added alternative
every step of the payment – from credit card entry and autho-
to custom development. Thanks to TPE, Common Checkout,
rization to the emailed receipt. Once the payment has been
and OTC, agencies can quickly and securely offer credit card
processed through TPE, Common Checkout automatically
and e-check payments for their existing services, or those
returns the user back to the DBR system. Through their use
purchased from other companies.
Building a Better RI.gov T
his past October the portal team
the testing, including locations and times. The
“Looking at the home page, what are your
conducted three user behavior
ad garnered 7,140 impressions and resulted
first impressions?” The questions mirrored
sessions around the Ocean State to test
in securing our 15 test volunteers – a perfect
the tasks that we had presented during our
our design concepts for the RI.gov home
number for true behavior measurement.
2010 testing sessions so we could gauge the
page. As an incentive, we offered Dunkin’
To gather our data RI.gov used
success of our design changes.
Donuts gift cards to those willing to help
Silverback, specialized software that
us evaluate the “user friendliness” of the
simultaneously tracks the users’ mouse
ered that the improvements we had
site. We sought our volunteers from the
movements on the screen while recording
made to our search tool were extremely
Newport Visitor Center, the Providence
the users’ facial expressions. The volun-
successful, cutting the individual session
Place Mall, and the Warwick Mall.
The data proved very useful. We discov-
teers were given a series of tasks to
times in half. In 2010 the average session
RI.gov used social media to promote the
complete, such as “Can you navigate to
had been 10 minutes in length while in
user-testing sessions. Our team boosted the
the governor ’s home page?” Our testers
2013 the average session was reduced to
RI.gov Facebook page to post notices about
were also asked general questions, such as
just five minutes. n
Valued Partnership – The RI DMV Moving From In Line to Online
n March of 2013, Rhode Island
relationship started with the development of
at a time. Some of the portal’s most recent
Governor Lincoln Chafee proudly
the Vehicle Registration Renewal service in
services include the ability for citizens to
heralded the many positive changes that
2003. In the past 10 years more than 800,000
update their address, check their status for
were transforming the Division of Motor
vehicles have been renewed through the
violations, and renew their driver’s license,
Vehicles into a more customer-friendly
system. Moreover, this high-value service
and for dealers to issue temporary license
and efficient agency. Along with the hard
has always been offered at no added cost
plates on demand.
work of the DMV staff, he attributed the
to the citizens of Rhode Island, being fully
fulfillment of his pledge to “fix the DMV”
supported by the portal’s innovative self-
trade magazine, DMV Chief Administrator
to the growing number of online services
funded enterprise model.
Anthony Silva had this to say about the
available to RI citizens and businesses.
Over the years, RI.gov has worked side by
In a recent issue of MOVE, a government
Rhode Island Driver’s License Renewal
“By putting more services online, we are
side with the DMV to create 14 additional
service, “The program is extremely user
making DMV transactions more convenient
online services – with more being planned
friendly and it’s offered to Rhode Island
and less time consuming for both online
next year. From managing schedules for
residents 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
and in-person customers.
road tests, to issuing oversize/overweight
365 days a year” … “It’s like the DMV never
trucking permits … RI.gov continues to
closes, and I think that’s the beauty of it. It’s
make the DMV more efficient, one service
almost like having a DMV in your home.” n
RI.gov is proud of our decade long partnership with the DMV. Our close
Responding to Mobile
n 2012, RI.gov, the official state government portal for Rhode
“out of the box” solution to ensure that the Portal’s many online
Island, became the first state site in the country to embrace two
applications were prepared to serve the next generation of Rhode
unique design methods: mobile first and responsive design.
Islanders – no matter how they wished to access the site.
This change was an important one to
Simply put, responsive design
make. Our analytics – the data that
uses a technique called media
tracks how a user accesses the site
queries to determine the user’s
– clearly shows the strong growth
browser dimensions. Based on size,
in visitors using mobile devices like
the appropriate design is dynami-
smartphones and tablets to access
cally selected to format the content
RI.gov content and services.
for the ideal user experience.
This became overly apparent on
The advantage of this approach
election night when visitors to the
is that the RI.gov team only had
portal’s online service for real-time
to manage one content base vs.
election results garnered more than
managing specialized sites or appli-
250,000 page views. Metrics show that more than 32 percent of that site traffic that evening came from either the iPhone operating system or Android-based browser. While RI.gov does offer a stand-alone mobile “app” for the
cations designed specifically for mobile, tablet, and desktop. In 2013, the portal team completed the process of converting our formidable list of online services to this new design framework. Rhode Islanders on the move can now renew professional
portal, the task of developing unique and dedicated device-
licenses, access election data, pay more than 50 kinds of taxes,
specific apps for each of the major mobile operating systems
and even renew their driver’s license using any Web-capable
was not an option. The RI.gov team had to instead develop an
device – regardless of screen size.
One State Street, Suite 401 Providence, RI 02908 (401) 831-8099 RI.gov
© 2014 Trozzolo.com
Positive Government Experiences Working Toward a Common Goal
evolved into secure, click-of-a-button, swipe-
engaged with the people they serve, and
of-a-screen interactions. Today, NIC works
use technology to facilitate efficient and
with more than 3,500 federal, state, and local
secure interactions. Being a part of the NIC
focus, our purpose, and the simple reason
government partners, giving you access to
community allows us to serve as your research
for our existence. We share that common
share ideas across the NIC family, learn best
and development shop as we continue to
goal with you – our partners – and we are
practices, and deploy new services quickly
adapt the latest technology and create new
deeply invested in working with you to
by starting with foundational code deployed
solutions to improve government interactions.
make each and every eGovernment interac-
elsewhere by NIC partners.
As technology evolves, our focus will remain
t NIC, we are passionate about making government more accessible to everyone. It is our sole
tion a positive one. Whether it is renewing a license, applying for a permit, filing court documents, finding important emergency information, or any
United Shield Against Cybersecurity Attacks When it comes to security, the job of
on delivering you the latest innovation. There is the saying, “It takes a village.” At NIC we believe the very best in eGovernment services require a community.
other application taken from our robust library
protecting sensitive information is in the
Working together is key when it comes
of 9,700 online services and more than 150
hands of our partnership. We are both only
to staying true to our shared passion of
mobile applications, you can trust us to bridge
successful when citizens and businesses feel
making government more accessible to
the gap between your needs and the needs of
secure about sharing information. Together,
citizens and businesses. Count on NIC to
the citizens and businesses you serve.
we form the shield to help do all that we can
bring convenience, efficiency, security, and
to protect against cybersecurity breaches
innovation to you and your constituents in
that can damage credibility, reputation, and
every single service we bring online. Then
consumer confidence for everyone involved.
people can focus on what they love to do
One Community More than two decades ago, NIC pioneered the eGovernment industry by revolutionizing the way people do business with all levels of government. The paperintensive, wait-in-line ways of the past
Your Responsive Partner We hear you. In this day and age, it is extremely important for government to be
and follow their own passion in life, whether it is growing their business, or simply spending time with their families. Together, we make it happen.