Tennessee Report 2014

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INSIDE Education Standards Review Application Sets the Standard.. ..... 2 Join NIC’s Exclusive Online Community — the eGov Network Partner Portal.................. 3 TN.gov Website Honored With VEMA Multimedia Award.............4

A 15-Year eGovernment Partnership With TN.gov NIC’s

Tennessee General Assembly Honored With Legislative Staff Achievement Award

we’ve had with the state of Tennessee and the


online services it’s delivered,” said David Dahle,

ening the legislative institution.

Tennessee Division is entering its 15th year of a public-private part-

nership with the state of Tennessee. “NIC is very proud of the long-term partnership

General Manager of NIC-Tennessee Division. “More

he National Conference of State Legislatures awarded the Tennessee General Assembly a 2014 Legislative Staff Achievement Award for its new, innovative “Dashboard” Web application for legislators. The annual award

recognizes excellence in supporting the work of a state legislature and strengthWith the arrival of the Dashboard, the General Assembly has redefined the admin-

than 15 million transactions and $6 billion are

istration of its legislative process. Legislators enter a session, take out a tablet device,

processed through TN.gov applications each year,

and immediately know where they are in the day’s schedule and what actions have

and we look forward to building on this success

been taken. The application also provides detailed bill information and proposed

with new, innovative applications that deliver value

amendments to help legislators prepare for discussion and decision. All of the infor-

to the state and citizens across Tennessee.”

mation is created and updated in real time, so documents and actions taken on a bill

Over the past decade and a half, the state has released hundreds of eGovernment services that

will appear on the Dashboard just seconds after the gavel drops. Not only does the app provide a more efficient approach to passing legislation, it

save businesses and citizens time and money,

replaced a manually intensive process for research and bill-related documents, which

and also offer increased efficiencies for state

included printing information packets each week. Changing the way analysts create

agencies. Among these applications are the

and deliver critical documentation alone offers a two-year 210 percent ROI.

innovative and award-winning SmartWay mobile traffic app for iPhone and Android, self-service | continued on page 2 |

Responsive frameworks and the addition of touch-screen technology make the Dashboard ideal for mobile devices of all kinds, which is especially convenient for legislators on the move. n

Meet Katie Freeman NIC

Tennessee would like to introduce its new director of

marketing, Katie Davis Freeman. A North Carolina native, Katie earned her B.A. in political science from Wake Forest Univer-


n 2014 Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam announced a public review process to

obtain feedback from Tennesseans

sity, and spent

regarding the state’s education

the first few

standards. The standards review

years of her

application, designed, developed,

career working

and deployed within about 30

for members of

days, is part of that process.

the U.S. House of

Katie Freeman

Education Standards Review Application Sets the Standard

The Tennessee English language

“full speed ahead” in serving Tennessee


arts (ELA) and mathematics standards

taxpayers and highlighted many of the state’s

Katie has been

set grade-specific goals that define what

successes. One of the successes mentioned

in Nashville

all students are expected to know and be

was the Education Standards Review:

since 2010 and comes to us from the office

able to do by the end of a given grade or

of United States Senator Bob Corker.

course. There are more than 1,100 content

encourage you to do so. So far, nearly

standards in ELA and more than 900

82,000 comments have been submitted. I

content standards in math.

expect that we’re going to talk about state

In her role as director of marketing, Katie will focus on increasing communi-

“If you haven’t visited the website, I

cation with our partners at all levels of

The application allows visitors to read each

the agencies to find new and innovative

standard and vote on whether it should be kept

important that we know exactly what the

solutions as we continue to make govern-

as is, reviewed, or removed. If the vote is to

standards are that we’re talking about and

ment more accessible. While we’ve been

review or remove, the respondent can provide

possibly voting on.”

a partner with the state for 15 years,

supplemental information and comments.

The application also received local and

During Gov. Bill Haslam’s 2015 State of

national media attention, including discus-

we’re always working to better serve the businesses and citizens of Tennessee.

the State address, he promised to move

standards this session, and I think it is

sion on The Atlantic’s website. n

Katie can be reached at 615-313-0300, ext. 7315 or katie.freeman@egovtn.org. Welcome, Katie!

A 15-Year eGovernment Partnership With TN.gov | continued from page 1 |

TN.gov Mobile Visitor Traffic Increases More Than 50 Percent in 2014 T

he official website of the state of Tennessee, TN.gov, saw a dramatic increase this year in visitors viewing the site on mobile devices and handheld tablets.

After a redesign in 2013, mobile traffic increased by 51 percent and tablet users increased

iPad kiosks for renewing driver licenses, and the

by 68 percent in 2014. The redesign optimized TN.gov for a range of screen sizes – from

Integrated Criminal Justice Portal.

monitors to tablets to phones – to provide easy reading and navigation with a minimum of

In addition to first-rate applications, TN.gov, the official website of the state of Tennessee, is continu-

resizing, panning, and scrolling. In addition to the redesign, Tennessee state agencies released eight applications that were

ally recognized as a leader in the industry. In 2013 it

either mobile apps or Web applications specifically designed for small screens. The Web

was ranked the Best State Website by the Center for

applications were created using a responsive design, which adapts to the viewers’ various

Digital Government, and in 2014 it received a VEMA

device widths and screen resolutions, providing better usability and viewing capabilities.

Award for innovative, artistic, and creative work in the multimedia arts. n 2 | TENNESSEE REPORT 2014

At least three mobile apps are in planning for 2015, including Restaurant Inspection Scores and Mobile Felony Offender Search, with many more to come! n

St. Jude Warriors

No Budget? No Problem. Your Local Partner Can Help


edicated to providing innovative online services and secure payment processing solely to Tennessee government entities, NIC Tennessee maintains a Nashville office staffed with 33

team members. Fourteen of the 33 are native Tennesseans, and 21 of them went to Tennessee colleges and universities. All live, play, vacation, and pay taxes in the Volunteer State. In August 2000, NIC Tennessee won the first of three competitive RFP bids with the state of Tennessee to build and manage its eGovernment program. Under the contract, NIC Tennessee can work with any Tennessee state, county, or city government entity.

Members of the Tennessee team after the

One benefit of the public-private partnership is that agencies have the option to fund their eGov-

2014 Warrior Dash for St. Jude Children’s

ernment projects at no cost to the agency. In addition to traditional methods of service delivery, such

Research Hospital – Chris Cookley, Jeff Jacobs, Michelle Johnson, Jonathan Strange, Deb Kilpatrick, Jessica Winn, Brandon Brown, Amanda Wimpy, Hannah Forbes, Carson Gulley.

as in-person or mail, agencies can give citizens and businesses “Customer Options” via the Internet. Those who choose the Internet option pay a nominal fee to cover the cost of development, maintenance, and marketing. This benefits both citizens and businesses. The option was approved in light of studies that confirm, in this age of speed and convenience, customers will give a little extra to avoid standing in line or waiting for the next available representative. n

Join NIC’s Exclusive Online Community — the eGov Network Partner Portal


t takes true partnership to make eGov-

await on the Insights & Presentations

contact information for NIC staff, as well

ernment work. At NIC, we would not be

section of the portal.

as your government peers. The Discussion

successful in developing eGovernment

•D ocument Library: Explore even more

Board provides you with an opportunity

without you – our government partners. We

content, like annual reports published by

to join in conversation about hot topics

share your dedication to making government

NIC portal teams, as well as archived webi-

across the industry, and from time to

better for all – not as vendors, but as true team-

nars, within the portal’s Document Library.

time the portal’s home page will feature a

mates working side by side with you every day to define problems and find solutions.

• Services Database: Have you ever

profile of one of your government peers.

wondered what new services other NIC

We welcome your feedback, and hope

portals are launching? Or would you like

you see the value of this new tool and use

eGov Partner Portal – a secure, password-

to know if other government partners

it as your resource for collaborating with

protected site exclusively for all of our NIC

have launched a service similar to the one

other NIC government partners. We are

government partners. The new site includes

you are planning to develop with your

looking forward to connecting with you and

several features to inform you about best

NIC portal team? Find out these answers

bringing our partnership to the next level.

practices within the industry, as well as a

and more by searching the eGovernment

simple way to collaborate with your govern-

Services Database. In addition, each month

ment peers across the country who are also

three new services will be featured on the

NIC partners. To participate, simply ask

Partner Portal’s home page.

That’s why in late 2014, we launched the

your general manager for login credentials and soon you can begin enjoying: •N ews & Case Studies: Executive

• Collaboration: There are several ways you can collaborate with your government peers more effectively through

summaries of eGovernment studies,

the eGovernment portal. The portal’s

daily industry news, and case studies

Directory allows you to quickly search for


2013 Most Used TN.gov Online Services Number of Transactions in Each Application Category Personal


NIC, Tennessee Information Division 330 Commerce Street, Suite 100 Nashville, TN 37201 615-313-0300

Child Support Payment Summary


Felony Offender Search


Check License Reinstatement Status



Interactive Moving Violations

© 2015 Trozzolo.com

Online Tax Filings at All-Time High


Sales Tax Filings


Vehicle, Title & Registration Search



Integrated Criminal Justice Portal


Agency Moving Violations Search


Case Management Utilization Review

TN.gov Customer Support Assisted 84,625 People in 2014

More than 75 percent of all tax returns are now filed online, increasing the accuracy and efficiency of returns.

TN.gov Website Honored With VEMA Multimedia Award


he State of Tennessee’s official

to provide easy reading

website, TN.gov, received a 2014

and navigation with a

VEMA Award for innovative, artistic,

minimum of resizing,

and creative work in the multimedia arts. The most recent website redesign intro-

panning, and scrolling. The VEMA Award is

duced a dramatic new look with media-rich

sanctioned and judged by

content tiles, localized information, and

the VEMA Arts & Standards Council, an invi-

social media interactivity. The design was

tation-only body consisting of a distinguished

influenced by a 20 percent increase in mobile

group of highly skilled professionals with

usage, and optimized for a range of screen

expertise, leadership, and vision in the various

sizes – from monitors to tablets to phones –

disciplines within the multimedia arts. n

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