Truckee Advertising Media Kit

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TRUCKEE,​ ​CALIFORNIA​ ​MEDIA​ ​KIT Updated​ ​April,​ ​7,​ ​2017

TABLE​ ​OF​ ​CONTENTS (1) Big​ ​Life​ ​Weekly,​ ​E-Newsletter​ ​(Tuesdays) ○ Contact​ ​​​ ​to​ ​place​ ​insertion. (2) Big​ ​Life​ ​SOLO​ ​Email​ ​(limited​ ​to​ ​once/week) ○ Contact​ ​​​ ​to​ ​place​ ​insertion. (3) ​ ​Visit​ ​Truckee,​ ​Travel​ ​E-Newsletter​ ​(NEW)​​ ​-​ ​Monthly ○ Highly​ ​qualified,​ ​organic​ ​opt-in​ ​list.​ ​4,637​ ​Recipients. ○ Example​​ ​ ​Banner​ ​Boxes​ ​available​ ​(limited​ ​to​ ​2/issue). ○ Custom​ ​Packages.​ ​Contact​ ​Colleen​ ​Dalton,​ ​ (4)​ ​Banners​ ​by​ ​Content​ ​Section​​ ​(NEW)​-​ ​Monthly ○ Highly​ ​qualified​ ​traffic:​ ​10K​ ​Users/month,​ ​16,000​ ​Sessions ○ Site​ ​Visitors:​ ​54%​ ​Calif+Nevada,​ ​14%​ ​Truckee,​ ​32%​ ​Out​ ​of​ ​State. ○ Custom​ ​Packages.​ ​Contact​ ​Colleen​ ​Dalton,​ ​ (5) Truckee​ ​Social​ ​Media,​ ​Native/Organic​ ​Advertising​ ​(NEW) ○ 24K​ ​highly​ ​engaged​ ​and​ ​loyal​ ​Fans/Followers ○ Custom​ ​Packages.​ ​Contact​ ​Colleen​ ​Dalton,​ ​ (6) Truckee​ ​Tracks​ ​-​ ​Direct​ ​Mailer​​ ​(Quarterly) ○ Contact​ ​​. (7) ​ ​Truckee​ ​Flagpole​ ​Banners​​ ​(Historic​ ​Downtown) ○ Contact​ ​​​ ​to​ ​place​ ​insertion.

Email​ ​Marketing​ ​ ​-​ ​Big​ ​Life​ ​Weekly List​ ​Size​​ ​(as​ ​of​ ​April​ ​7,​ ​2017)-​ ​2,478 Audience​:​ ​58%​ ​Truckee​ ​Locals​ ​+​ ​Out​ ​of​ ​Market​ ​Visitors,​ ​42%​ ​Truckee​ ​Business Owners

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