Picturehouse Magazine - Black Widow

Page 10


shapeshifting lady in Miss Peregrine’s


Home For Peculiar Children (2016);

What first attracted you to this project?

PHYSIQUE, French actress Eva Green

and a beguiling trapeze artist in

It was mostly the very powerful love

could be a superior being from

Dumbo (2019).

story between a mother and her


another planet. In reality, she is simply

It’s a shift of gears for her

daughter, which really moved me

a really great human. Daughter of

performance in Proxima, in which she

when I read the script. I also loved the

celebrated French actress Marlène

plays Sarah, a French astronaut about

character of Sarah, who is torn

Jobert, Green quickly made a name

to fulfil her dream of going to space. In

between her passion as an astronaut

for herself, first on the stage then on

her case, leaving the planet for a year

and her love for her daughter.

the big screen, starting with her film

also means leaving her young

And of course, the idea of playing an

debut in Bernardo Bertolucci’s The

daughter, Stella. Through the story of

astronaut was always kind of a fantasy.

Dreamers in 2003. Her eclectic and

this mother, French writer-director

international career since then has

Alice Winocour explores the dark side

established her as a world-renowned

of space travel – not the awesome

Did you always dream of going to space?

femme fatale, playing Bond girl Vesper

discoveries yet to be made among the

I really loved the fact that it was taking

Lynd in Casino Royale (2006) and the

stars, but the life, people and things

place in the world of astronauts, which

titular dame in Sin City: A Dame To Kill

that astronauts, in their exploration

is a universe I didn’t know at all. I knew

For (2014), but her otherworldly looks

of the unknown, leave behind. The

this film would give me an

have also seen her go through the

violence of pulling away from the

opportunity to discover it, but

looking glass and into the world of

Earth’s gravitational pull finds an eerie

regarding space travel, I am someone

fantasy. Few actors can appear so

echo in Sarah’s trauma at tearing away

who suffers from vertigo in everyday

convincingly witch-like or magical,

from her child, but the raw power of

life, so it isn’t something I seek out!

as Tim Burton has demonstrated in

the space rocket is also mirrored in

Actually, this film really gave me the

no fewer than three films with Green:

this mother’s drive and in her

opportunity to realise just how brave

she played a vengeful witch in

determination not to let guilt get the

astronauts are. They are like

Dark Shadows (2012); the leading

better of her.

superheroes: they’re ready to sacrifice



EVA GREEN The French actress heads into space for Proxima. In this exclusive interview she talks astronaut training and her fear of heights…

Interview – Elena Lazic

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