ICWI Coverage Jan - Jun 2021

Page 16

INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHT by our very own ICWI Pro Shanica Redwood

Start Your Day Right Sometimes, all you need to take you through your day is a SMILE! Yesss! One SMILE can bring you an enormous amount of joy. In fact, it can become an overflowing, heartwarming oasis in a desert of sorrow, depression, and uncertainty. So much so it seems surprising. One might think how can something so quiet and simple be so effective? Believe it or not its potency is proven continuously. I remember being told in one HSB class I attended in high school that it takes MORE facial muscles to create a frown than it does to display a SMILE. It was right there in that moment, I realized that SMILING is precious after all. I've held on to that memory over the years as if A smile gets people’s attention and shows them they are it was tangible and valuable as a stack of cash. If it's even for that fact acknowledged. Whether it comes out as shy as a turtle alone we should try to RADIATE our souls and our environment with

hiding in its shell or as bright and beautiful as the sun

a SMILE! What do we have to lose by doing this? Nothing at all gentle

on a warm summer’s day, it can lift their spirit momen-

people .... nothing at all.

tarily or even instantly give them hope and joy that lasts for an entire day. Be kind to others as much as possi-

You can breathe life into those around you with this powerful tool

ble, you can never tell how it might turn out. Lighten

God has been so kind enough to give us. What are you waiting for to up, don’t always take yourself so seriously. SMILE with use it? Let us be good stewards and show each other some compas- yourself - even at the silly things you do during your sion with a SMILE being at the foundation. Many relationships started daily routines. You can even laugh if you have to, the with one and they led to beautiful destinations. Most of those rela- doctor actually recommends it; as someone rightfully tionships are still ongoing and still being strengthened with SMILES. said, “Smile a while and give your face a rest”. We can all consider ourselves as being indebted to a SMILE or a little chuckle at some point in time. 16 ICWI Coverage Jan-Jun 2021

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