January 2019 - True Q Magazine

Page 12

COVER STORY Some spa essentials available at Artful Living.

Putting Balance Back In Your Life Lifestyle coach and boutique owner explains how life coaching works and offers some sound advice on how to de-stress after the holidays. By Kaylee Duff Karen Masters and her sister, Judy Sepko, opened Artful Living, a boutique that aims to inspire and uplift people’s lives and homes. In addition to offering lifestyle coaching and interior design services, Artful Living offers all-natural products such as spa essentials, teas and aromatherapies that help people lead a balanced and healthy life. Motivated by the influence that art has on our humanity, Karen took to lifestyle coaching to help bring balance back to our busy schedules. True Q’s editor talked to her about what that means and how we can apply her advice to our everyday lives:

Kaylee: What does your style of life coaching involve? Karen: I’m a life coach that specializes in lifestyle coaching. I help people organize and improve their surroundings, either in their home environment or work environment. Aesthetics are important to my clients, so much so that their emotions, mood, productivity and more can be affected by a lack of organized and/or pleasing surroundings. I, along with interior designers that I work with, incorporate some design rules of feng shui to make environments more functional and appealing. Our clients ultimately make all the decisions. As a life coach, we function more as guides. We help people discover what it is that they want. Then we help them set goals. A lot of people, when they come to a life coach, are looking to change their life somehow. They’re unhappy with what’s going on, going through a transition, or maybe just stagnant. We ask questions and help them discover how they want to move forward. I can’t tell somebody where they want to go. But if you dig deep enough, they usually can find it. Karen in front of her shop, Artful Living. 10  |  JANUARY 2019

Then, we set goals to help them get there. A lot of people, surprisingly (to me, anyway), don’t set goals and don’t know how to set goals. Often, they TRUE Q MAGAZINE

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