November 2018 - True Q Magazine

Page 26


In Their Own Words Members of the transgender community share their stories, in honor of Transgender Awareness Month and Transgender Day of Remembrance (November 20). Max Benson I can remember from a young age that I didn’t feel how the other kids did. I wanted to wear boy clothes, do boy stuff and look like a boy. I never thought this was normal from a young age, so I repressed these thoughts and feelings for a long time. As I got older, it got harder and harder to push these feelings away. When I graduated high school and started college, I began to discover a new world in regards to the queer community. I knew what transgender meant but I always had misinformation about it. As I got older, I realized that I was, in fact, transgender. In September of 2016, I had an eye opening experience where I realized I wanted to transition, and I did. I was so nervous to tell all my friends and family, but I knew it was something I needed to do for my own sanity and wellbeing. All of my friends were accepting and loving about my coming out. I started off slow, telling my closest friends. I was 24 | OCTOBER 2018


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