A triumphant Church This book is written to help Christians prepare for the closing years of this age. Before Jesus returns there will be a time of tribulation. False prophets and deceivers will come and lead many astray. The church will be hated and persecuted in all nations causing the worldly minded to fall away. Disturbing signs in the heavens, earthquakes and darkness will terrify those who do not know the word of God. But through all this the Christians who have taken heed of scripture will not be shaken. They will be refined and purified to become a bride made ready. In these last days their resolute faith will turn many to righteousness. Those who overcome will shine like the stars for ever and receive from their Lord the precious words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.� There are many signs that the return of the Lord may be soon, are you ready?
Preparing for the unexpected
By Philip Wren