TMM#4_ Fur, Hair and Beards issue

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hair, fur and beards

Trust Me Mag.



Info: Trust Me Magazine #4 : Hair, fur and beards curated by: Gloria Giangrande e Susanna Bellandi for infos and news:

Cover illustration: Old Plot, NewTwists by Winnie Truong

hair, fur and beards Four loves fur. For the fourth issue of TMM we looked at our belly and we focused on those small thread-like protrusions that cover much of our body, aka the hair. There are hairs that we love, we take care of them, camping and brushing and others that we try to “stub” in all the way we can, with tweezers, creams and rotating blades. There are silky and spiky hair, kinky and plated. There are long hair and tiny, almost invisible hairs called lint (which usually Labrador puppies, marmot and small human beings have).Hair and beard are controversial topics of our lives, but we can’t avoid to talk about them. The hair can occur in many ways: mustache, beard, fur, body hair, sideburns, locks, carry-overs, curls, bangs, synthetic fur, fur collars, wigs, toupees, wigs, pure merino wool, goatees. There are hippies and people with short hair, white beards and braids, you’ll also be pleased to know that there are more than 20 “official” shapes of whiskers including the Hungarian, the taylor, the horseshoe, the Umberto I and the handlebars. Hair is wiry and thorny topic, but also emotional and cultural.They are hated, loved, uprooted, elongated, smoothed, coiled. We are what we shave. People could spend hours talking about hair. And considering that on the head of an adult human being there are about 150 hairs per cm2, which means an average of 120,000 hair all over you head (although the red-haired are usually bolder than brunettes) usually pretty complex conversations would come out about them. I don’t really care about hairdos and I never notice when somebody has a brand new haircut, but I think that the 90% of the stories about shaving and hair are usually interesting, bizarre and a bit fetish, especially if they relate to someone you know. Few days ago in a square I met a girl who had never cut the hair on her legs throughout his life. She was a couple of years younger than me and her hair was about 10 cm long. I think that it was a kind of curious social protest. Talking more about social protests also the fur is also a very hot issue. On a second-hand booklet we bought for 1 euro at a bargain, called, of course, “fur”, we discovered that there are more than 70 species whose fur is used for our heat and pleasure. There are mammals known for their fur, and others who originally had the hair, but lost them in a living marine habitats, such as seals, whales, walruses and the megatherium. There are animals that are disappearing now as their hairs have disappeared millions of years ago. Epilog: A couple of years ago I had the chance to see the smallest writing in the world in an Armenian monastery. It was written on an hair in Aramaic by a monk, and could be observed only by a microscope. Along this hair there was written a quote from the Bible, we wonder what could be written on an entire head. What could be written over the heads of each of us, perhaps private personal stories, photographed in front of the mirror in the morning, in a comb, in a razor or in a brush as our contributors has done for this issue of Trust Me Magazine.

Untitled_Adam Kremer

Untitled_Adam Kremer

My Grandmother_ Adelaide Ivรกnova

Hair_ Chang Ming

Y_Alessio Giannini

Absolute/Zero serie_Cristian grossi

Enfocada_Fayna Attasara

Marta Muerta_Fayna Attasara

Untitled_Davide Sacchetta

Untitled_Emily Jane Robinson

Untitled_Emily Jane Robinson

Borderless_Greer Lawson

Unpersonal recollection_Eugenia Ingegno

Monsieur Gaston

When he cooked, he looked like a painter at work. There was fish and meat on the table and sauces and gravies all around, like colours on a palette. He did his work in front of the customers, explaining how to order and open wine bottles. Gaston Dugrail or Monsieur Gaston, as my father called him, was his business partner and his best friend. He was not married and he didn’t have any family, so on Sundays and during the holidays he ate with us, but he demanded to do the cooking himself. At dinner he told us about his travels in Indochina, where he had an undefined job. He moved about, restless and fidgety; big, fat and red from the wine he drank. His strong voice boomed out from his big moustache that almost totally covered his lips. Exhausted, he lay down on the sofa. That was the signal that the feast was over and my father had to take him home.


After giving his last disposition he lied down on the camp-bed and he fell asleep, a sleep without dreams. The day after it was all ready. The morning was cold and without sun and there was a freezing wind in the camp where the units started to assemble. The officers went to and fro giving orders and checking the units. All was run with extreme precision and mechanical attention to detail. In his tent, the commander Ludwig von Falkenhayn waited for battle. His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of his orderly, who announced that the brigade was ready to move. Ludwig checked his uniform and the weapons for the last time and for a brief moment he felt a strange sense of melancholy but he immediately expelled it from his heart. He took some grease to make his moustache stiff and thin like blades, then grasped the hilt of his sword and left the tent.


I’m late as usual. I still have to tie the knot of my tie. Where is the church? Where is the street? Well, I’m finally here. The bride is waiting in the churchyard. An old man stops me, grabs me by the arm, clutches me tightly. He invites me to sit on a stone, my reflected imagine burns in his eyes. His sparkling eye holds me. I forget the wedding as I sit beside him, old and tired with his grey beard on a face marked by a long life. He was a sailor; he saw all the oceans he had crossed all over the world, shovelling coal into the ships boilers. ‘It seems to feed a wild beast’. His moustache was black, strong and arrogant during these days. He tells me about the horror, the shipwreck, the pain he felt when a ship sank. ‘The sea is bad, my boy. It’s always hungry’. From the church I can hear the chants. The bride and the groom go out into the evening of their first day of married life together.

Pablito el drito

You don’t have to search in the rich European clubs or in stadiums for one hundred thousand people, the essence of soccer is in the smaller clubs, in the suburbs and towns. There you will find El Drito, Pablo, Pablito, like lightning, poor and thin like a rail. The only ornament is his blonde moustache, the same as his Norman father, the only thing someone gave him. El Drito runs with determination on the ground; he has no fear of anyone nor of himself. Come see him play one day. It’s marvellous when he springs in a cloud of dust, jumps the defender, enters the goal area and beats the goalkeeper. You’ll recognize him from his hair, long and red, that dances with the shaking of his head, while the crowd screams with tears in their eyes. Pietro Guiso, settembre 2010 | traduzione Maria Elena Manzo e Geraldine Nishi

Here and in the left page: Untitled_ Jack Vanzet

Untitled_Jarret DePorc

Behind me_Juliana De Nicola

Hair and eyebrows_Juliana De Nicola

Here and in the left page Hair and eyebrows_Juliana De Nicola

Untitled_Katia Wik

Sogni extra_Lapo Simeoni

Here and in the right page: Untitled_Natalie Kaplan

Untitled_Sherif Elhage

Untitled_Sherif Elhage

Hair_Magic Sweater

Pc addicted_Ugo Baldassarre

Cip Ciop e Pino When we think about pets we usually refer to dogs, puppies, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, or whatever is covered with soft fur. And the adjective “stray”, at the same time, is referred to the same animals, although a little less nice and soft. But in this article we are talking about cocks. Cocks are animals that can appear aggressive, certainly not affectionate, but they can create the same relationship with an human being that we may have with our Yorkshire dog. Cip and Ciop are the two pets with whom Pino, along with two dogs Diablo and Rita, shares his home a van in the suburb of Milan. As the two well-know squirrels (Cip and Ciop are the italian names for Chip ‘n’ Dale) the two roosters have very different characters: Dale, is more sociable and follows its master on the bus and the street, Chip is shyer and it hardly leaves the house. Pino has received Dale as gift when it was still chick and during the years they are establishing a kind symbiotic relationship. Pino is not homeless like the others. Mistrust that many people usually have about trumps are overcomes by the presence of Dale on Pine’s shoulder. Everyone knows them at the supermarket close to Pino’s van and many people on the bus ask to pat Dale. The two roosters, singing from morning to evening (although, according to Pino, Chip is the one with the best singing talents) have also aroused the sympathy of the Pino’s neighbors, mostly foreigners and trans-genders, and they try to help him in the management of his small farm. The presence of these peculiar “pets” has caused to Pino problems sometimes. He had to give away a peacock and cockerels, because the presence of too many birds would be an illegal breeding. Another time the police removed the van and wanted that Dale wore leash, muzzle and microchip, but nobody can put a muzzle on Pino, or on one of his friend. Studio Pretzel has met him in Milan, they have made this portrait and he has told them their story, which they told us.

Cip e Ciop_Studio Pretzel

Here and in the left page: Untitled_Sonya Kozlova

A quiet place to rest_Winnie Troung

Ornament and connrection_Winnie Troung

Hairy afternoon_TMM staff

Fury afternoon_TMM staff

Here and in the right page: Rop Van Mierlo_Wilde Dieren serie

Untitled_Ylenia Arca

Untitled_Živile Geina

Untitled_Živile Geina

Adam Kremer Born in Brisbane, Australia currently he lives in New York where he’s working as assistant to Asger Carlsen and Peter Funch. Great portraits, direct flash lights and unconventional points of view. Coolest topics: Mexican wrestling masks, house plants, extra legs and arms.


Adelaide Ivanova 28, Brazilian. She is working for a long term project that sounds like a lifelong commitment, the “never ending project”. Adelaide is intrigued by the concept of private sphere, her aim is to create a reportage of apparently obvious micro-events of her personal life that the other 99.99999% of the worldwide people ignores. What is everyday for somebody, can be interesting, curious and bizarre for somebody else.

Cristian Grossi Cristian is a pattern designer + editorial illustrator. He created a of images consisting only in mixed abstract patterns and other series that consisting only in thin black lines. We definitely loved the second one as the picture published in this issue that comes from the Absolute Zero series. He lives and works in Parma where he founded the KreativeHouse studio.

Fayna Attasara Fayna is a photographer, but she could be also a dancer or a pathologist. Body, muscles, tattoos, are the perfect topic for her clinic and perfect frontal light.All her models are neatly cataloged in alphabetical order on her website.We have fallen in love with Marta. From Madrid, Spain.

Greer Lawson Greer was born in Thallahasse, in the sunny Florida, but she moved into the cold Minnesota to study comic art. Her mutant creatures have something primitive and post-atomic at the same time. They came from depths and from the woods of frozen Midwest. She does pencil and ink drawings and great independent zine screenprinted by herself. She is been my flat mate for a while and I can say that she is also a great chef, she made a great chili and once she did animal shaped jello.

Eugenia Ingegno Eugenia, 30 years, from Florence, is a metal, but not only, craftwoman, and creates mixed media jewels. She is also writer, performer and, sometimes, photographer and she will think That everything you wear should tell a story, everything you wear has an inscribed on it. For us, he told the story of four models moustached, wearing their very personal jewelry inspired many literary projects. project from “Unpersonal Recollection” created at the Alchemy school in Florence.

Juliana DeNicola Juliana DeNicola is a fashion designer, coolhunter, senior editor of the fashion-but-not-only-blog “design catwalk”. He has a special eye for unconventional models with something imperfect, interesting, intriguing. You can google her as Julika from Budapest, but she lives, writes and designs in Milan.

Katia Wik Katia is a fashion photographer who lives in Berlin. After several years as photo assistant, She is now shooting for various magazines. We love her whites and blacks, and his models with white hair.

Sherif Elhage Sherif has a great cultural background: born in St Petersbourg and raised in Beirut by his Russian-Estonian mother and Lebanese father, now lives in Paris. He has learned how to become a photographer by himself, developing his own minimalistic style.Nightlights, optical illusions, overlapping of grayscale tones or texture, are his main features, but this time has created for us three hairy and fury portraits.

Magic Sweater Mark Jilipo draws under the pseudonym of Magic Sweater. The first time we have seen his submission we thought he was kidding us, the second time we have figure out that he was a genius. He has a style that seems to come from some weird cartoon of the late ‘80’s, but his designs are provocative, surprising, smart, iconic with disturbing flat color. From Melbourne Australia.

Sonya Kozlova Sonya likes cities that begin with the M letter. She was born in Moscow, lives in Milwaukee and is planning to move soon in Manhattan. She also likes her Minolta camera with which use to portrait cute guys and gals and, sometimes, George Washington. Her favorite settings are city streets covered by snow, home depots and undefined suburbs.

Winnie Troung winnietruong. com A friend of mine who is in med school, has told me that there are clusters of cells, the so-called dermoid cysts that are composed of cellular debris of teeth, hair, hair and nails. People sometimes believe that they are the cells of their dead twin. When I saw the pictures of Winnie Truong I thought that the dead twin inside my twin would look like that.Winnie Truong is Canadian, 23 years old, She draws with her colored pencils wigs, beards and teeth abscesses that come from a fantastic freak show in her mind.

Chang Ming Chang Ming is very young 21 years old, lives very far from us (singapoor). He is a photographer and a doddle maker. He run a interview blog called Nope fun. Maybe not so fun, but very interesting. Davide Sacchetta 22 years, from Rome, he realizes micro-projects at the end of the night, short photo shootings lasting just few hours, he writes a daily updated online diary full of intriguing snapshots and a series of zines about strawberries, potatoes and Lithuania.Digitaleanalogic lover. Jack Vanzet We have a lot of young Australians on this issue. Apparently Australia is full of cute guys, and multitasking, multitalented and with interesting haircuts. Jack is 20 years old, Melbourne, designer / director, illustrator, movie / audio maker. Also for this issue He is also photographer. Lapo Simeoni Born in Orbetello, Lapo, after studying at Central Saint Martins in London, is returned to his native Maremma, where he create paintings, photographs, installations, wall painting projects and experiments that mix all of these media. 6 years ago he opened the gallery ART.LAB Contemporary Art in Grosseto, to promote research and experimentation by young artists. Ugo Baldassarre Ugo worked with computers, then it broke and started to take pictures. Portraits are his favourite subject, but in past months He is approaching to landscape photography as the interesting photo series we have seen on his website about the vague foggy Emilian region in which he work every day looking for the right light. Ylenia Arca After her participation in the number two Ylenia his collaboration with our magazine with the unwanted hairs diptic . Venetian landscape photographer, She is working with several magazines and on-and off-line and with the collective “common places”.Through her lens She can transform the suburbs of Verona, Italy in a theme park of Texas or in a desolate town of the Soviet Union. Rop Van Mierlo Rop has participate to this issue only at the last minute and has made our day. His publications are wild, anarchic, tender and fun. Using just simple and apparently random watercolor spots or signs He can create amazing zoological portraits, stories and animations. The series published on this issue of TMM are from the book “Wild Animal”, finalist at the Dutch Design Award 2011.

Alessio Giannini After representing the blue of his land , the Tuscan Maremma, for the third issue of TMM Alessio started to shoot hairy models for us. The one that we publish in this issue looks so hairy that you seem to be able to read a message on hairy backs. It’s like watching the clouds’ shapes. Emily is a performer, filmmaker and photographer, who lives between Los Angeles and London documenting everything, absolutely everything about his life The photos of friends& family members of Emily are incredibly vibrant and fun, but also introspective and a bit melancholic, as the photo series about the concept of “home” where the objects restlessy dialogue with people who own them. Jarret DePorc Jarret is a photographer born 30something years ago in Milan, but he takes his main inspirational reference from Paris and from the fashion photographer Jeanloup Sieff. We personally like his neorealistic approach, pretty sincere and cruel somehow, like in the picture that we publish on this issue from the series: “A day in the life”.

Natalie Kaplan Natalie Kaplan is an Israel based photographer If you have already browser one of our issue you’ve already seen her pics. for sure. Dopo una seri di immagini a bambini occhialuti, palloncini, etc. etc. Natalie ha cominciato a stalker the white breed of oversomething, dimostrando come in un ritratto un close up . Studio Pretzel / Studio Pretzel is a collective / photo agency founded few months ago in Florence by Marco Annunziata and Emiliano Lazlo. They organize events, are food designer and they have created a capsule collection of shirts. They are working with brands as Rolls Royce and freitag, photographing pretty girls and they do a lot of things including photography eccentric characters for our magazine. They have a blog with interviews, images and inspirations, constantly updated. Zhivile Geina Since several years collage is considered the next big thing in graphic design, many are trying to do it, but in my opinion, not many are able to produce something real new. And a collagist could only be French. Zhivile tries to find subliminal connections between commercial and fashion pictures constantly surround her and us, She cut and paste forms and textures creating parallel realities, surreal stories in a very sophisticated way.

Trust Me Mag. recommends:

Don't wear any FUR , except of your own.

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