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1#The Morning 1#The Morning 1#The Morning

TrustMeMagazine 1# Morning Issue

Credits Founders: Gloria Giangrande, Susanna Luna Bellandi Editors: Susanna Luna Bellandi,Gloria Giangrande Photos: Bree Apperley, Noran Bakrie, Dani Bembibre Belda, Casia Bromberg, Debbie Carlos, Charlie Engman, Jeana Hansen, Tania Lshkina, Ella May, Minimiam (Akiko Ida e Pierre Javelle), Chad Moore, Pictures&co(Roxanne & Julie), Germàn Paley, André Pinces, Eva Rodbro, Claire Sloan, Joël Tettamanti, Andrew Tyson. Illustrations and paintings : Susanna Luna Bellandi, Jessica Joan Delorme, Johannes Ekholm, Michele Guidarini, Stina Löfgren, Jack Longstreth, Michelle Hammenfeldt, Heiko Müller, Kagami Shinoara, Francesca Ungolo, Gabriela Vainsencher. Works of art: Melanie Bilenker, Cheeming Boey, Rachel Denny, Ben Hansen, Gloria Giangrande, Joshua Longo. Words: Gloria Giangrande, Susanna Luna Bellandi Cover by: Tania Leshkina Where:Trust Me magazine,Firenze,Italia For Info or submission: Advertising/ for all advertising inquires contact:

Trust Me Mag

TM is a magazine about everything, anything and much more. It started off with a small thing, a word, a symbol, a number, an image, a very abstract concept. It may remain just this, or it may multiply and suggest countless alternative ways of escape. Trust me. Trust me or just what you see. It suggests without taking anything for sure. Trust me is a kaleidoscope that you can spin, turn, browse, read from left to right and vice versa. its parts do not have an imposed order by priority or importance, you can rip the pages and reorder them as you like. Trust me is a calibrated collection of ingredients that keep their own identity, but also give birth to a different taste every time. The editorial staff is redefined in every issue. You can use this magazine in many ways: you can use it as a guide to creative realities around the world, You can close your eyes and not look at it, but if you trus it, you can flip it, choose a random page and start from there. You can fell inspired by its stories and the way they are told. You could use it to make construction paper, you can write down your impressions on it, or remove pages and cover walls of your room with them, you can use it to prevent your table shaking, to protect yourself against rain, to fill an empty space in your library, you can roll it and use it as a telescope and look inside. Trust me, or just what you see.


The Morning Dawn, 9.00 the morning requires a lot of choices. and a lot of self-control. I get up or sleep another 5 minutes? White T-shirt or gray one (the black is in the washing machine)?,bus or bikes? all bran with lots of fiber or Nutella croissant. Come what may, the morning is always a starting point. Since we imagined this project,we are also having dozens of choices to take. all kinds of choiches, and as a just awoken person, a bit groggy, we paused for hours on things wich were often of no importance. And when we recived the contributors’ submissions, other choices arrived, which? where? how? We just wanted to go back under the duvet and sleep another 5 minutes! The morning seems a good starting point, it sounds like a lucky title for something that we don’t really know what will become, but to wich we look at with much confidence. We chose the morning as an issue title becuse It is a totally subjective time condition. When does it start? how long is it? What happens before the start of the day? For someone morning means coming back home, for others it starts at 5.00 and for others still at eleven (lucky them). For someone it is the sound of the alarm, or the silence of the sleeping city. It’s connected to a series of rituals, mechanical but emotive at the same time. We could continue listing what we like so much of the morning, or what we like so much in general or draw a decalogue of what Trust Me is or is not. It’s quite common in a magazine. Well we do not want to, and maybe we don’t even know it. Let’s take our time! The only thing we know is that we like the magazine we have in our hands, we like the works that are in it, one by one, and all together. It’ s our, your, baby and we will take care of him! We hope you like reading it as much as we enjoyed doing it. In the morning the air is fresh and the light is perfect to snap good photos.

Minimiam (Akiko Ida & Pierre Javelle) One or two sugar

Reading the story “Wilkie Fahnstock, The Boxed Set” in the short stories series”Demonology” by Rick Moody, I reflect how a playlist of songs could affect a period of our lives, a moment of the day, our job, our relationship with someone. When I was younger I created a special compilation tape for waking up. Thanks to these songs I got all the energy needed to dress up, wash myself,go out, do almot everything. Now that I have all the music on MP3, I struggle to make CDs, so I get always in a bad mood. Apart from these not very original memories, here for you is our own personal playlist of the best “good moody” songs dedicated to morning. Ben Hansen Bolt- Rain

A side

B side

Wake Up_The Arcade Fire Saturday Sun_Nick Drake Green Screen_Sleeping at last in the morning_Junior Boys Good Morning, Good Morning – The Beatles Wake Up Boo! – The Boo Radleys Sunday Morning_Velvet underground Im Gonna Be (500 miles)_The Proclaimers

Walking On Sunshine_Katrina & The Waves Expectations_Belle & Sebastian A Well Respected Man_The Kinks Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go_Wham Sunday Morning Coming Down_Kris Kristofferson/Johnny Cash In the morning_ First Aid Kit Wake Up And Live_Bob Marley Plastic sun_Sonic Youth In the morrning_Razorlight

Ben Hansen Self Portrait on the left page: Montain Dot poster

Ben Hansen Morning Series Photos by Jeana Hansen

Johannes Ekholm Hangover made for a solo exhibition at Pekka Showroom, Helsinki (curated by my agency Agent Pekka).

Chad Moore Daniel Sleeping

Casia Bromberg Morning Series

Michelle Hammenfeldt Fridge Lotions

Michelle Chocolates

Charles Engman Morning Series/ part 1

Charlie Engman Morning Series/ part 1

Charlie Engman Morning Series/ part 2

Charlie Engman Morning Series/ part 3

Francesca Ungolo Morning Words

cred MINIMIAM contact(a) Japanese Akiko Ida and French Pierre Javelle, the Minimiam duo, have combined their passion for food, art, design and photography, in a blend of charm. The preferred subjects of their photographs are playful miniature figures living in food landscapes so perfect that it all seems real. When you look at their photographs you’d like to be one of those thumbnail people so to drown in this sweet world.

JOHANNES EKHOLM It’ll be the frost of Finland and the severe seasons which give at this illustrator and art director’s work such never granted shades. His works are flawless as geometric solid shapes, but they can suddenly fall apart,melt and become more human.

CASIA BROMBERG She’s a Swedish photographer in Stockholm. For most of her time, she deals with artistic photography but she is also working as a freelance photographer, doing a lot of different things with a particular eye for portraits. For the moment she’s also a student at Fotohögskolan.

CHARLIE ENGMAN Currently located in Chicago, Charlie Engman photographs details that can not be missed out. The result is attractive, in every shoot there is a misterious and romantic atmosphere. He is an unpredictable photographer, he always prefers to leave some elements to chance, and this freedom allows him to create striking compositions We are pleased to have been able to publish his pics full of color and real life.

BEN HANSEN Born in Austin, TX, Ben is a Graphic Designer with a sophisticated taste and a clean style. In this issue of Trust Me we presents some of his most bold works. Each work differs from the other as every detail inside it and ...together they capture us.

CHAD MOORE Chad Moore comes directly from NY. Chad’s photos aesthetics is not related to the composition or to a specific technique, rather it is the content that makes every image interesting. Each shoot is full of youth and represents boys having fun, hanging around the city at any time of day or night, which seem to participate actively in every single snap.

MICHELLE HAMMENFELDT MICHELLEHAMMENFELDT(a) In the “Laurie Wilson” project, Michelle has designed and tried to understand the life of a stranger through items that belonged to Laurie. She creates very delicate crayon drawings, but full of detail. She is obsessed with movies, TV and Google. She’s inspired by everything that is on the web (so everything that exists?). And we do more o less the same thing.

FRANCESCA UNGOLO Born in Mola di Bari 24 years ago, she was attracted by art since she was a toddler. She has a thin stroke, which leaves out no details. We really like her portraits ‘cause she can take with few lines a person’s look. We haven’t had the occasion to know her as a painter yet, but her illustrations are full of meanings and they can put us in a good mood

from Akiko

dits CLAIRE SLOAN Born 19 years ago in Northern California, USA. thanks to her 35mm and her enthusiasm she immortalizes precious moments that would otherwise be inevitably lost. She’s studying art at UC Davis. Her work consists in a documentation of people and places that She just cannot and would never forget.

ANDRE’ PINCES Canadian photographer from Vancouver. He mainly deals with fashion and commercial photography. Photographs of always surprising light.

DEBBIE CARLOS Born in LA, now living in Chicago. we like her pics because seems unpretentious, but they hide real revelations! She uses photography as an instrument of artistic experimentation, She goes to the images boundaries, deforming it. She does not like sharp images but focuses on their grain and imperfections created by time.

MICHELE GUIDARINI He says of himself: “I am the son of a mountain, Mount Amiata and two pastry chefs. I am the son of David Lazzaretti and the Clash. The characters in my pictures walk in my mind and through my dreams. I catch them, I must not run away, and I lock them up in gold frames. They reflect me, but look like you. They look at me, look at you. Of his drawings and various works his spontaneity and “naive”freshness hit us.

to Michele

KAGAMI SHINOHARA しのはら かがみ Born in Nagano, Japan. She likes mushrooms,but not mayonnaise. She uses an insecure stroke to rapresent, with unsettling precision, what her immagination suggests her.She tells us about herself “The street where my family still lives is a bit insane. Almost every family have a same surname Shinohara. There is not enough entertainment in the town so everyone tends to concentrate on two big own interests – 1.growing up the newest vegetables to show off to everyone. 2.talking gossip about other Shinohara and spy each other.”


talking to me Designer & art director from Barcelona. He loves strongly desaturated colors and unlikely shapes. His passions are LP covers, which he designs for some independent labels. His editorial projects are not only layouts, not only type or copywriting. Ex: Put Things in Order, editorial manifest: ironic & animistic. sorry for the noise

BOEY CHEEMING His apartment is full of white disposable cups decorated with waves, fish and birds, scenes of spaghetti shops, glimpses of life in Malaysia, San Francisco and now Orange County. Polystyrene is inconsistent, but it is strong at the same time, it does not break when dropped. The first cup has been designed in a small cafeteria. He sat downbut had no paper with him, so he grabbed a cup and began to draw on it. Suddenly, a bulb lit in his head.

ANDREW THOMAS TYSON Soft and sensual, Andrew’s pics portray girls who know they are being portrayed and show a sincere and very feminine feeling. In almost every picture the subjects look straight to the camera and therefore in our eyes. So who is spying on who?

Claire Sloan Innocent Beauty

“There’s a certain innocent beauty found in anything that is bathed

in morning light. and in anyone caught between dreaming and awakening.�

Kagami Shinohara ToshbrushToothpaste

André Pinces THE BREAKFAST series

André Pinces THE BREAKFAST series

Dani Bembibre Belda In the morning

Debbie Carlos Montrose Harbor, 6:30 am

Debbie Carlos Montrose Harbor, 6:30 am

Susanna Luna Bellandi Rooster

Cheeming Boey Foam cups Styrofoam coffee cups. Everyone has picked at least one up, resulting scalded tongues and nibbled edges. For Cheeming Boey, the styrofoam cup is a starting point, a blank canvas, a surface to be filled with. lines In the blog A Cup of Sharpie we have read how this passion was born by chance in a cafe (where else?), where without sheets of paper Boey used a cup as a scratch pad. Since then he has experimented with different media and styles, transforming (recycling) every cup in a work of art Sometimes tattooing a cup takes even months, the major sources of inspiration for him, are: dining with friends and the japanese artist Hokusai. The polystyrene cup is cheap, is pop, is disposable, it could be the symbol of this century. The cup is also an object on which the ballpoint pen sinks and which absorbs in a unique way the mar-

ker’s color. Often we only consider art what is on canvas or on paper, Boey instead thinks that also imperfect, non-special items could be beautiful and suggestive. And in the end if some cups have not come as you wanted, you can always use them for a coffee and then throw them away. Like everyone does.

LA PRIMA SIGARETTA by Massimo Cipriani He had a strange habit. In the evening, just before sleeping,he carefully chose a cigarette. He looked for it in the package,He weighed it, and he checked the perfection of its shape. Then, accurately,He marked near the chosen cigarette’s tip: PS... And he gentrly placed it on the bedside table. They slept nearby. In the morning it was like receiving a precious gift:he fire his Prima Sigaretta, his first cigarette and the day looked better. illustrazioni di MICHELE GUIDARINI

Andrew Tyson Untitled Portraits

Andrew Tyson Untitled Portraits

Andrew Tyson Untitled Portraits

Andrew Tyson Untitled Portraits

Melanie Bilenker 1. Brassiere, 2. Brushing, 3. Button, 4. Drying.

“As I work to memorialize quiet everyday moments, many of my favorites take place in the still hours of morning.� M.B.

Button Brooch 2007 1 3/4" x 1 1/2" x 3/8" 4.4 x 3.8 x 1cm Materials: Gold, sterling silver, ebony, resin, pigment, hair Photo: Kevin Sprague Brassiere Locket 2009 1 1/8" x 1 5/8" x 3/8" (locket), 18" (chain) 2.9 x 4.1 x .9 cm (locket), 46 cm (chain) Materials: Gold, ebony, resin, pigment, hair Photo: Melanie Bilenker Brushing Teeth Brooch 2009 1 3/4" x 2 3/8" x 1/2" 4.4 x 6 x 1.3 cm Materials: Gold, ebony, resin, pigment, hair Photo: Melanie Bilenker Drying Locket 2009 1 1/4" x 2" x 3/8" (locket), 18" (chain) 3.1 x 5 x .9 cm (locket), 46 cm (chain) Materials: Gold, ebony, resin, pigment, hair Photo: Melanie Bilenker

Saturday Brooch 2008 2 1/8” x 1 1/2” x 3/8” 5.3 x 3.8 x .8 cm Gold, ebony, resin, pigment, hair Photo: Ken Yanoviak

Pictures and co.

‘Never as tired as when i’m waking up’

The title is in reference to an LCD soundsystem song. The idea is to illustrate the feeling you have when you’re about to wake up, the moment beetween sleep, dream and the start of your everyday life.

Noran Bakrie

“In The Morning” The series hold a balance, representing the continuity of the life of time. For example, in 6 AM, the picture of the left was taken in Candidasa, while on the right in Lovina. Different days, different places, different mornings, but in the same time, there is a line keeps attaching, a dot that keeps connecting from one morning to another, and will continue repeating - maybe it will slowly evolving - but the same pattern appears. I’m just saying that time never kills (memories, broken hearts, hatred, love), as days passing by, i t’s us people who does. :) All the pictures are taken in Bali mornings. © 2009 Noran Bakrie

Noran Bakrie 1. Bali, 6 am 2. Bali, 7 am 3. Bali, 8 am

Joshua Longo This morning

Joshua Longo Beaver Next page: Morning ritual

Tania LŃ‘shkina MORNING serie


photographer Tania Leshkina stylist Aldene Johnson models Francesca Miles@Select Models, Rory McKee

Jake Longstreth Matinee



Jake Longstreth Track field


JoĂŤl Tettamanti Here and on the next 6 pages: Untitled Images From the studies Ilulissat / Greenland / 2008

we’re at ILULISSAT / GREENLAND / 2008 Ilulissat is a city of small colorful houses. Ilulissat (or Jakobshavn) is a village of 4.533 inhabitants on Disko Bay, in Greenland, it’s part of the municipality of Qaasuitsup, whose name in Kalaallisut (Greenlandic language) means iceberg. This is a very appropriate name, given that in this area enormous icebergs break off from the Sermeq Kujalleq (or Icecap) glacier, 5 km wide and of unknown thickness, the largest glacier in the world besides Antarctica. Most of the icebergs then stop in the Kangia fjord, one of the tourist actractions of the country. Ilulissat is made up of small colorful houses, the cemetery is a large pile of stones, from which every now and then old bodies leap out. It is an interesting turistic center: beyond the frozen fjord, 1,5 kn away from the old heliport, there are trails for hikers marked by mounds of stones: one for the ruins of Sermermiut Holms and Bakke,, where on the 13th of January the locals meet up to Welcome back the sun, another one for Vandsøen and another one for Akinnaq.

Joel’s pictures are motionless like the moments he portrays. We are publishing him on Trust Me # 1_morning issue because he describes a place floating in the icy seas of Greenland, where the morning never ends. It Seems like being there looking at the white and flat light that touches these lands, it seems to be there with frozen cheeks.

GermĂ n Paley Wake Up

GermĂ n Paley From left to right: Placidez Cucina Pliegues

cred MELANIE BILENKER Each one has his quirks, you know, but sewing hair with meticulous precision, we had not seen yet. The creation of an involving settlement caracterizes all her visual work. Each piece is a moment frozen in time, captured by an unusual and intimate point of view. The surprising thing is that these miniature paintings are made by gold, silver, ebony, resin, pigments and hair!

NORAN BAKRIE Since She got lost in a supermarket when she was 7 and She was attacked by a rhinoceros when she was 8, Noran, decided that her life could be interesting enough to be told, She is a designer, a photographer, an illustrator, She has impressed us for dreamlike atmospheres, mellow colors and the strong autobiographical style that characterizes everything she does.

TANIA LESHKINA One of the projects showed on Tania Lekshina’s website is entitled “Balance”, it consists in a series of selfportraits snapped in different places and at many different times of the day. Tania takes pictures of herself, She snaps pictures of her room, She takes pictures of her mother in the snow. Tania, defines herself a white maniac, she shoots everything that crosses her mind. 19 years old, born in Russia, based in England, Simple, straightforward, immediate and brilliant,

JOEL TETTAMANTI Joel Tettamanti born in Cameroon 32 years ago, but of Swiss origin. He has been in places where our imagination does not reach, and his pictures have helped to create and enrich it. The places mentioned are silent, often covered with snow, but not soulless. Looking at his pics you can always catch an element of disorder, a point of light, a sign of everydaylife, which tells us there is life over there. He is a good storyteller.Peek into his website, with no words, without explanations, it has also left us wordless.

PICTURES & CO./ Julie&Roxanne First of all Pictures and co. are two girls (like us),they are friends (like us), they are 25 (almost like us) and French. They take sensitive and poetic pictures, photographic stories and very intimate portraits services, much more than a fashion photo session. They contribute to indie music magazines (the rodeo), and They have portrayed, among others, Soko and lisa li lund. Pictures and co. take pictures in nature, on the beaches and forests, with the early morning light, and we love the photos they snap. Welcome to Lalaland.

JOSHUA LONGO Graduated in industrial design at Pratt Institute, NY (where he teaches now), Joshua is a little obsessed with monsters and comics heroes. The work of Joshua moves from 2nd to 3rd dimensions: pictures, books, sculptures, furniture. He portrays the people he meets on the subway, he composes music and when he grows up he wants to become a motivator. He lives in Brooklyn, NY, with his girlfriend and his dog.

JAKE LONGSTRETH If I were to imagine Jake Longstreth painting, I imagine him getting up early in the morning, running through the streets even when there is no one around, until he finds his perfect subject. Jack Longstreth paints neutral landscapes, highly humanized but lacking the human element. They are those kind of places where you’d like to hide when you don’t want to talk to anyone, but from wich you would be afraid of not coming back.

GERMAN PALEY German Paley is an Argentinian photographer, but first of all we must say that he is one of those people who we met at the beginning of our project and he was so friendly and enthusiastic that he really gave us a great desire to continue with this magazine. We immediately liked him because in his analogue photos we can always see the grain: rough, lived, imperfect.

from Melanie

dits GABRIELA VAINSENCHER She speaks three languages and She feels like the result of three different cultures. Gabriela is primarily an illustrator, She draws and paints mainly on paper, but also on different media. She often accompanies her works with texts, reflections, wordplays. Text becomes integral part of her works of art. As in a diary gabriela shows, transformed, reinterpreted in an introspective way, all that is happening to her.

HEIKO MULLER Heiko, from Hamburg, sometimes he is so hyper that seems a Flemish painter,sometimes so unsettling and fantastic that he seems a mix between a fairy tales book and noir comic.He mixes mutant animals, werewolves birds, demiurges bears, with scenes of religious rituals, superstitions and fights. Heiko’s creatures are a bit ‘scared, but perhaps should not be taken too seriously.

JESSICA JOAN DELORME Anxiety, monotony, femininity are just some of the topics developed on Jessica’s canvas. The composition is blurred, almost abstract. She creates her paintings layer by layer, in an aggressive and very physical way, which seems about to reach the third dimension.

STINA LOFGREN Illustrator, printer, graphic designer, born 29 years ago in Vilhelmina in the cold Swedish Lapland, She lives and works in Stockholm. Handmade, tactile, humorous and clever these are the things that affect and inspire Stina’s artistic production. Each illustration is a challenge, every project can’t be said to have been done before.

to Bree

EVA RODBRO Ok we must confess, we have contacted Eva just because we had seen her reportage about teens from Greenland, and we found her pictures so raw and sweet at the same time that we wanted to know her. Secondarily we found intriguing that she had given voice to such a huge country wich nobody really knows, that she had studied at Rietvelt, Amsterdam and that she was about to go on a photographic project in Texas.

ELLA MAY BAILEY dot.smashed@gmail.nom Ella May photographs mostly Ella May, She lives in a fairy world made of rarefied atmospheres, of walks in the woods, of meadows and old typewriters. However Ella is not the typical girl who is photographing her feet and has a slightely naive photoblog.She carefully prepares every shoot, looking for the right light, the right environment, until it’s perfect. She doesn’t consider her shooting self portraits, she chooses to shoot helself just because she can self-discipline herself and take her time.

RACHEL DENNY Rachel is fascinated by nature and materials. She finds natural shapes elegant and unexpected. She loves the exuberance of nature and how it is capable of upsetting our daily lives. A deer in the city, a family of hawks in a park near home are the evidences of contact with another world that can surprise and enrich our imagination. In her workshop she creates a “comfortable domestic art”, in which the tactile experience is as important as visual perception.

BREE APPERLEY Bree is an artist who has done just about everything. She produces really pop pictures, she designs patterns, edits small pubblications, has worked as fashion illustrator and floral designer (and this is just a small part the things we have seen on her portfolio). Her personal website seems to come directly from the 90s, full of lo-res images and fluorescent colors.

Gabriella Vainsencher Morning Drawings

Morning Drawing,a journal in pictures, sketches, surrounded by notes, reflections, questions. Every day a picture (or two or three), on sheets of rough paper with the same size, 15.24 x 15:24 cm using different media, markers, watercolors, pigments.

Gabriela began the Morning Drawing project , on 22 January, 2008, and since then She enriched her blog every day with her morning works.

Eva Rodbro Deer

Eva Rodbro From the project LONE STAR LOVERS From left to right: Cereal Blue eye Keelie Josh

Eva Rodbro Two painted

Heiko M端ller From left to right: Bambi Jumping Fox Giant Bear On the next page: Sleep Well

Sleep Well,,,

Gloria Giangrande Morning thoughts

Ella May Untitled

Jessica Joan Delorme Laundry

Rachel Denny Yellow antler Blue sheep

Bree Apperley Morning

Stina Lonfgren Morning



from Gloria to Susanna


Very Special Thanks to: our contributors Mirko Tattarini Susanna Legrenzi Antonio Glessi Stefano Maria Bettega Matteo Palmisano Alessandra e Chiara Fabio Luciani Giulia Zappa Massimo Cipriani Michele Guidarini Christopher Martinuzzi Mamme, Babbo, PapĂ , Irene, Camilla, Matteo, Blu il Tato Maria e Giacobbe Zip 34 and to everyone who trusted us. Trust Me Editorial Staff

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