Trustworthy Magazine November 2019

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Trustworthy Magazine

Tracey Edmonds Helping You Feel, All Right NOW!

Laura Posada



on A Different Field

Amina Pankey’s New Lifestyle Book

“Mi Dishes & More”




Adelaide, Australia

Trustworthy Magazine

Our Goal is to inspire & to be inspired. We know that everyone has a story; we want to know yours

Founder & Editor Amina Touray For comments, submissions & Inquiries pleses contact;

Trustworthy Magazine

On the cover: Tracey Edmonds Photographer: Amina Touray Makeup by: Niehla O Hair by: Kalin Spooner Styling by: Janel Styles Page design: Moses Dalton


November 2019

Photo: Efdal YILDIZ

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November 2019

Contents 8 Molly Alyse 13 Laura Posada 22 Tina Bergqvist 26 Laura Castellanos 32 Tracey Edmonds

Califonia Dreamin'

An MVP on a diffrent feild

Top 5 traveling tips Australia

The fantasy world of Opal Unicorn

Helps you feel alright NOW

48 Amina Pankey 56 Kalin Spooner

On her new lifestyle book

Q & A with healthy hair expert

Vol 6


Mia Nicole


Erica Survived

Face the Facts - Healthy skin at any age

One woman’s journey to recovery

Trustworthy Magazine


Letter From The Editor coach, motivational speaker & author Laura Posada’s 10 best tips for a better life, which you don’t want to miss! You can also read about the artist and author Amina Pankey’s new lifestyle book “Mi Dishes & More”, that I worked with her on for a year. She shares her personal recipes and fitness routines (which she is frequently asked about). You will of course also find some travel inspiration, as well as be able to read stories that might feel close to heart, that you can relate to.

This issue has taught me some great life hacks, and to just be a better version of myself. I hope this issue excites We’re also sharing the beautiful life you as well. Amina Touray


November 2019

Photo: Brittany Del Soldato

I’m very excited to share the November issue with you all! I know it may sound cliché, but this is the time of the year when I just love to stay inside, read, and plan for the next year. Although I live in a city that is sunny almost all year round, I don’t mind the rare gloomy, overcast days, I actually like them, because it adds a little character to my day to day life. Last month I had the amazing opportunity to photograph and talk to our cover star Tracey Edmonds, who has been such a delight! It has truly been inspirational and insightful to work with her. Learning about her fundamentals, made me ask myself - why wouldn’t anyone want to be the best version of themselves?

Photo:Victor Freitas

Vol 6

Trustworthy Magazine


California Dreamin’

With singer & songwriter Molly Alyse Wiggins Written & Photographed by Amina Touray

Have you ever thought about what unites so many people in Los Angeles? I’ve thought about it many times, actually. Some of us didn’t originally plan to move here. It was one of those things that “just happened”. Maybe because we dared to dream a little bigger, or perhaps we just never felt like we fit in where we came from. The first time I met Texas-born singer and songwriter Molly Alyse Wiggins, in Los Angeles, was in 2012 when I made her get into a cold, dark, creek in the month of February, for a creative photoshoot. Seven years later, when we reunite, she’s still the same adventurous and brave soul. - “I want to lay in those bushes”, Molly says, and points towards some bushes that are filled with spiderwebs. - “it’d be such a cool shot”. And I just can’t say no, although I cringe a little inside, thinking about the spiders that could potentially be crawling up in her hair. It’s free souls like Molly that inspire us all to just jump and see where we land.


olly Alyse Wiggins: I was born in Texas, but grew up near Nashville, Tennessee and moved to Los Angeles in 2011 to study film and pursue music. I packed up my car the day after I graduated high school and drove all the way to LA with my mom in the passenger seat. My mom is a songwriter too, so she was nervous about the move, but she understood. My two older brothers and my dad thought I was nuts for wanting to leave Tennessee and probably placed bets on how long I would last 8

out here. My dad loved old westerns and my older brother got me hooked on a lot of good movies throughout my childhood, so I owe my love of cinema to them. My middle brother probably influenced me the most musically because I used to steal all his newest rock CD’s, and he had an electric guitar that I would admire from afar. My mom’s love of country exposed me to the sounds of Patsy Cline, Dolly Parton, and Linda Ronstadt, whereas my dad leaned more towards 70’s soft rock with The Eagles,

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Bread, The Doobie Brothers, Foreigner, and Earth, Wind, and Fire. The combination of my parent’s genre’s and my brother’s modern music gave me an interesting base to mess around with musically. If Molly’s brothers’ and dad placed a bet on her or not, we will probably never know. Eight years later she is still in sunny California, performing with her own songs and guitar at different venues. She has a unique style that she describes as “folk-soul, with some rock undertones”. The expectations she had when moving to LA, is something that she laughs at now. - I expected LA to be one giant Katie Perry “California Girls” music video with a hint of The Mama’s and The Papa’s “California Dreaming”. The HBO show Entourage also gave me unlimited assumptions before deciding to move. All of the above makes me laugh now. Musically, she’s inspired by a lot of great

musicians. - There are so many musicians and bands I am inspired by. It’s really hard to narrow it down but I would definitely owe credit to Grizzly Bear, The Police, The Strokes, Foo Fighter’s, Fleet Foxes, Radiohead, Heart, and Lianne La Havas, and Unknown Mortal Orchestra. Like any career, there are ups and downs with being an artist, and there are many things that we don’t get to see when the curtain goes down. - Pursuing music in a city like Nashville or LA can definitely wear you down if you let your insecurities run wild. There are so many incredible female musicians out there trying to do the same thing, so it’s hard not to get stuck comparing myself to everyone. I try to let the pool of talent inspire me rather than intimidate me

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because it’s such an incredible time for female performers to be putting out content right now! The feeling of being in over my head pushes me to be better. If you happen to live in Los Angeles, or plan to visit, and want to see Molly perform, you should follow her on Instagram @mollyalyse11, to get updates. - I perform monthly at the Pig N Whistle on Hollywood Boulevard and numerous other venues around LA. I am currently working on my first solo EP and hope to get it up on Spotify soon! My older music from my bands “Mad Bear” and “Prismer” can be found on Soundcloud under my name.

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November 2019

Photo: It’s me Neosiam

Enjoy your read Vol 6

Trustworthy Magazine



November 2019

The fantasy world of

Opal Unicorn Written & photographed by Amina Touray Makeup & Hair by Niehla O Styling by Janel Styles


t’s impossible not to get inspired or mesmerized when I enter artist Laura Castellanos’s home in the Valley, which has walls filled with huge, surrealistic, colorful, pop culture, paintings, and shelves with vintage toys, that takes me back to a timeless childhood. Castellanos, also known as Opal Unicorn, has such warm energy all around her, that is so welcoming. Her unique style and artwork have been exhibited worldwide at galleries such as The Hive in downtown LA, to Weswal Gallery in Australia. We sat down to chat more about her background as a toy designer and the step by step process to creating her art.

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Trustworthy Magazine


Amina Touray: So Laura for those who don’t know. Could you tell us about your artistic background? Laura Castellanos: Sure, so I think I’ve always been somebody fascinated with paint. I think a lot of us are when we’re kids. I guess it was one of those things that my mom really supported. And you know, you always wonder why you end up doing something that you end up doing, especially when it’s creative. I think it’s always easy to pick the creative route because it’s more fun, right? But, does that make you a good artist? It doesn’t make you anything. It’s something that at least you love to do, and you enjoy to do. Art is so subjective to each person and everybody has their idea of what beauty is and what art is.

other with different artists on the rise with the big eyes, similar time to when the Bratz came out with their big eyes, which was kind of like the first time we saw these big eyes and everything. I know I’m not unique, but I was doing toys for so long, I started kind of retiring and doing my own art and I just started noticing that people really love the big eyes. I used to do regular faces before. It’s something that I think back and forth about and lately, have been incorporating different types of faces, and not just focusing on one style, one face style. But I think as an artist you have to decide for yourself who you want to be. You’re already being selfish enough by being an artist. It’s just a kind of selfish thing in a way to be. It’s not like you’re saving the planet with doing, you know what I mean? Like I feel sometimes I could be doing so much more...

AT: And you do paintings and you used to create toys. So how would you describe AT: But you could still be your art to people? helping someone by inspiring them. Even if you’re not LC: Well, right now I’ve been saving the world, your art dedicating myself to some- could still inspire someone thing that’s been influenced positively to live happier. by my toys and it’s like a pret- And I must say, I think your ty big visual trend of art where art is extremely unique and I you have “the big eyes”, and mean that too. So do you rethere are different terms, and member how old you were you can have big eyes or just when you first picked up on a very surrealistic kind of in- arts? fluence to your painting, as well as very surrealist facial LC: Thank you, I appreciate features, and that looks very that. I feel like I was always fantasy and very feminine, that way. My mom told me and it’s very toyetic. It’s very since I was two I was always much like the toys, it’s very painting, and very creative, much inspired by pop culture and just really loved painting. and by the dolls of this gen- I think I’ve just always loved eration and the generations beautiful things, and wantthat kind of influenced each ing to replicate, wanting to 14

observe those things, and see those things, and create them and kind of take them within that beauty within. AT: You’re brought up in California, and you’re Cuban-Mexican. Do you feel like that has had any influence on your art? LC: That’s a wonderful question. Yeah, I think for sure. There’s a whole genre of Latin American literature, it’s like dream magical literature. One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel García Márquez, or Isabel Allende, she wrote The House of Spirits, and it’s about this intergenerational family that has very spiritual connections and they have psychic abilities. And I think that is infused a lot in our culture of having a soul and spirit behind everything. The eyes are the windows to the soul. I think there’s a lot of cultures behind the magical aspect of native cultures and my native cultures. And just having that dream world is very important, and in spiritual practices, and feeling like there’s a connection between your dreams and reality. And that those things being together in the whole concept of surrealism and everything that we know today, I think in the culture that I’m from, we have a very strong connection with - “oh, I knew that was going to happen”. My grandmother would always light candles, even though she was Catholic, it was almost like you would call it like similar to voodoo, it’s a mixture between all Catholicism, Christianity, and basic origi-

November 2019

Dess provided by @Thetrendhaus Show room: Black Velvet

Vol 6

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nal Pagan practices. I think all sessed with it; decade pieces of those influences. and looking at decades and how we can change those AT: Yeah, I think so too. It significantly, our looks and could probably influence what we do fashion-wise, you without you even being and what is fashion, and how conscious of it because it’s it affects us and everything. just within you. Laura, could And not to get too deep into you explain the process for fashion, because it’s also you, when you begin to cre- just about beauty, and feelate an art piece. Everything ing, seeing beautiful. It’s all from how or where you get connected, right? My grandinspired, and how you go mother was a seamstress about to begin creating an and would sow all her clothes. art piece? And in Cuba back in the day, you would have fabric peoLC: I think it’s different for ev- ple, who would come and sell erybody. And for me, I sketch fabrics, and you’d buy your it out in my mind first. I sketch fabrics, and then you all had out more of my ideas in my your own sewing machines. mind than I do on paper You’d buy patterns, and you’d before I start an idea, even make your own clothes. So though a lot of times I will my grandmother made my sketch out ideas, which is the mom’s wedding dress, and proper way of doing things. she took care of all of us when You always want to sketch we were growing up. We were things out and get them per- always taking scraps of her fect and get the right com- clothes and making clothes position and everything, but for all our dolls. Coming from I don’t always do things cor- very prideful women, that rectly. Sometimes I just start looked good, and she would wherever I feel, wherever it sew all their clothes. And I feels right at that moment. look back at their clothes in the ’60s - they’re wearing AT: I almost feel like there these awesome polyester is no right way in art. Once sets and miniskirts, and beeyou know the rules and fun- hives. And they’d just come damentals, you can always to this country from Cuba. break them. You’re very They didn’t have the money, much into fashion...first of so they sold everything and all, how do you describe your they created all these amazsense of fashion and where ing fashions from their own do you get your inspiration hands, and they looked so from? great and so fabulous! LC: Thank you! I love that question! For me now, comfort is the most important thing. But sometimes when we shoot some stuff, there’s just like this idea, like - let’s do vintage! And you’ve asked me before about vintage pieces. I’ve always been ob16

you currently working on anything? LC: I’m working on some fun sketches for Halloween. After that I plan on getting back into my oils, which I had taken a break from, to do water-based paint. So I’m excited about it! To learn more about Laura and view her art, visit www. or follow her on @Opal_unicorn

I think as an artist you have to decide for yourself who you want to be”

AT: That sounds amazing Laura! I love your style! So, where can we see your art? LC: You can visit the Hive Gallery studio in downtown LA, I have space there. AT: One last question, are

November 2019

Jumpsuit provided by @Pr_solo

Vol 6

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Vest provided by @Thetrendhause


November 2019

Vol 6

Trustworthy Magazine



November 2019

Photo: C. Cagnin

Vol 6

Trustworthy Magazine


p o T s s i n´t M

a C You In


, e d i a l Ade

Botanic Garden (North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000) is a must-see when visiting Adelaide! It is located close to the main shopping street and is only a maximum of 10 minutes’ walk from there. It does not cost anything and you can also join a free guided tour, which is available for 363 days of the year. The opening hours vary depending on the season, but it is generally open from 7.15 am-5 pm (except for public holidays and weekends when it opens at 9 am). Enjoy the beautiful trees, plants, exotic flowers, the Bicentennial Conservatory (a big glass building which takes you straight to a humid rainforest), the Palm House, the Amazon Waterlily Pavilion and Santos Museum of Economic Botany. I love going for a walk and enjoy the beauty of nature as well as sitting down on the grass, reading a good book. The only minus is that you can hear the traffic.




The Beaches are many and I love spending time there. My favorites are Henley Beach, Glenelg, and Semaphore. They all have lovely sand beaches, good restaurants around and some shops as well. If you are lucky you can even see dolphins when walking around the Henley Beach area.


Gorge Wildlife Park (30 Reden Drive, Cudlee Creek, SA5232) If you ever dreamt about cuddling a koala and pat kangaroos, this is the place to go. It ́s 40 minutes by car from Adelaide and is open 9 am-5 pm every day (except for Christmas Day and extreme fire warning days). It costs $19.00 for adults and $12.00 for children up to 15 years (free koala holding and own photos included!). You can also buy a bag of food to pet the koalas and some of the other animals..

November 2019

Written by Tina Bergqvist


Maggie Beer ́s The Eatery (50 Pheasant Farm Road, Nuriootpa SA 5355) is open every day from 10.30 am-5 pm. Although Maggie Beer’s Farm Shop and restaurant is about a 70-minute drive from Adelaide, it is well worth a visit. The lunch food is delicious (bookings essential), the view over the handmade lake is incredible and the Farm shop is a good place to go for a few gifts for yourself or friends. Try the Maggie Beer ice cream too, I love chocolate with salted caramel.

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Fringe Festivals/Garden of Unearthly Delights (Rundle Park - Kadlitpina, East Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000) The best time to come to Adelaide is definitely in Summer. Then you should head over to the Fringe festival, which is an open stage arts festival on Feb 14 – March 15, and is mainly located in the Garden of Unearthly Delights. Most shows do cost a bit and you can enjoy comedy, music and lots of other shows. No fear if you are traveling on a budget, as you can still enjoy the lovely atmosphere, get a beer or something to eat in the Garden, as well as enjoy the free or cheaper shows too. This is the time when all of Adelaide city turns into a vibrant party.

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Make memories


November 2019

Vol 6

Trustworthy Magazine


Photo: Andres Henao

Laura Posada:

An MVP on A Different Field


henever the World Champion New York Yankees took to the field in any game, they all knew that home plate would be protected; because the man behind the mask, their All-Star catcher Jorge Posada (now retired) had it covered. With him, on the field, he was their MVP. But Jorge is not the only MVP in the Posada family. His wife Laura Posada, is an MVP in a field of her own! Laura Posada is a woman of many talents: mother, attor26

Written by Mia Nicole

ney, motivational speaker, author, certified master life coach, certified personal trainer, TV personality, philanthropic figure and creator of the 40 is the new 20 Movement. Through her social media messaging, weekend retreats and 21day Transformation Course, she provides a complete guide to wellness that includes exercise, nutrition, mindset, and motivation. She has a powerful online presence with more than 600,000 followers across her platforms.

In addition, she has appeared on many radio and TV shows such as Discovery Channel’s American Chopper, ABC’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, The Doctors, E! True Hollywood Stories’ Baseball Wives, The Wendy Williams Show, and HBO’s Bryant Gumbel’s Real Stories, just to mention a few. Currently Laura is a contributor for over 20 different publications including El Diario newspaper, El Digital, La Raza, El Vocero, Inspirulina, and Siempre Mujer

November 2019

Magazine. Laura is also a prominent writer and has published two award-winning books Fit Home Team and The Beauty of Love. Recently, she released her third book La Dieta Mental: Tu Clave Para Ser Feliz (The Mental Diet: Your Key to Happiness). Her first book was awarded three Atria Book Awards in 2009, and she was the second-place winner in the categories Best Health Book, Best Parenting and Family Book, and Best Book in the Mariposa Awards. I caught up with the extremely busy and enterprising life coach and asked her a few questions that will truly be uplifting and beneficial to everyone. MN: You are extremely busy! With everything you do, what inspired you to become a life coach? LP: My debut as a mother was very difficult. My first child was born with a condition called craniosynostosis, and he had to undergo nine major craniofacial surgeries, the first one when he was just nine months old. I didn’t know whether he would survive or not, and this experience totally changed my life. I was able to overcome it, but during the process, I learned a lot about life and the true meaning of happiness. I knew I had to share all these lessons I had learned and made the decision to create a foundation to help those who were going through the same situation. I found my true vo-

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cation through the darkest time of my life. Today my son Jorge is a healthy, strong, talented, sensitive, intelligent young university student: he is one of my greatest achievements, along with my daughter Paulina and my whole family. I wanted to let people know that, no matter what situation they are facing, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. I wanted to give them motivation and hope. I share with them the tools I instinctively used to overcome the biggest challenge of my life. That is why I became a Certified Life Coach. It is something I enjoy and I am passionate about it because I am making a positive impact in the lives of people I come in contact with through my seminars, conferences or social media. MN: Could you describe your ‘40 is the new 20 movement?’ LP: It is about living your best life at any age and if you haven’t done it yet your forties are the perfect time to look back on your life and examine everything you have accomplished so far and see where you are headed in the future with all the valuable lessons you have under your belt. I want to tell all those people who see me and follow me, who are afraid of turning forty, that at 40 you can still be beautiful and fit, live a happy and full life, start new projects and keep dreaming. I totally get them because I had those fears myself when I approached 40, and then I realized that life was just beginning at 40. Think about how you want

I found my true vocation through the darkest time of my life”

to live from now on? Will you be bitter for a supposed lost youth or do you want to enjoy your forties, fifties, sixties and every year that you have the privilege of living to the fullest? I decided to create the 40 is the new 20 movement to inspire and motivate people to live the present, so that when they reach their eighties and think back about their lives they feel that they truly lived their lives. It is a movement that includes events and experiences of physical training, conferences and seminars, weekend retreats, the 21-day digital transformative course and all the secrets, wellness tips, fitness routines and healthy recipes that you can find on my social media (@lauraposadalifecoach) and website (

Trustworthy Magazine


Laura Posada 1. 2. Believe that every obstacle can become an opportunity: There are times when you feel that the world is crashing down on you and that is impossible for something good to come out of such a dark moment. However, even if you cannot see it at the moment, a huge lesson that, will help you move forward. You will eventually be able to use that obstacle as a cornerstone for something positive in your future.




Be grateful for what you have: It’s not easy to be grateful when we are going through a hard time, but in these difficult moments it becomes even more necessary to value and appreciate all the good things we have. In fact, gratitude is one of the keys to happiness, according to recent research. If you don’t know how to start, express gratitude for the simplest yet important things: You have warm food on your table, you are healthy, you are alive and from then on, be grateful for everything that makes your life better.


Stay active: I promote exercise and an active lifestyle because it helps you not only to be physically fit and healthy but to clear the mind, focus, detoxify, get rid of stress, cheer up and be full of energy. I recommend doing it in the morning and start with 30 minutes if you don’t have the habit and gradually increase it. You can do yoga, Zumba, running, swimming, cycling or whatever activity you might enjoy. The important thing is to get up and move!

November 2019

Photo: Hector Torres

Identify failures as a normal part of the process: Do you anyone who became successful without ever being wrong or failing in their journey towards success? Probably none! The people you admire so much made mistakes at some point, they were rejected, maybe they went into bankruptcy on a previous venture, before they got to where they are today. So, if you have failed at something, look at it as part of the growth process and use it as a lesson to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

Find out what you want and keep your eye on the prize: Deep within you, you know what you want, even if it seems impossible at present. Set your goals, develop an action plan and start working toward your goals. Maybe at first you can only take baby steps and that is ok; even if it’s a slow process, don’t give up.

Photo: Francisco Mayorga

Top 10 Tips for a better life

6. 7.

Pay attention to your physical appearance: show your best face to the world! Spend some time finding your unique style that makes you feel confident and comfortable. You do not need lots of money simply find what suits you best based on your body shape, height, weight, etc.

Eat well but indulge yourself occasionally: I do not recommend extreme diets because they are not healthy or nor realistic. At a minimum, I recommend replacing refined sugars with healthier sweeteners, opting for complex carbohydrates (vegetables, legumes, whole grains) instead of simple carbohydrates (breads, cakes with refined flour, etc.), increasing the consumption of healthy fats (nuts, avocado, olive oil), eating five small portions a day, and treating yourself once a week with your favorite food.


Do volunteer work: This is one of the things that gives me the most satisfaction, because not only it allows me to provide help to those in need of it, but it also makes me part of something bigger than myself. Participate and get involved in volunteer activities in the community.

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Practice meditation: For any life change we want, the first thing to do is turn our mind into our best ally. Meditation will help you identify, control and change negative thoughts. It can be difficult to start, but I recommend you take five minutes of your day to be with yourself and learn to calm your mind, and in turn, your body and spirit.


Increase your self-esteem: Last but not least, love yourself. Loving oneself does not mean being selfish or self-centered. In fact, loving and caring for oneself may be the LESS selfish thing in the world. If you love your family, your friends, the community and the world around you and want to take care of them, you must first be well. We cannot give what we do not have. If you are not well, you will not be able to help any other person and, on the contrary, you will become a burden for them.

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November 2019

Vol 6

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Dress: Sylwia Romaniuk @sylwiaromaniukcouture Provided by: @Mannfolkpr Earrings: @Eyeofiris Provided by: @Maisonpriveepr_la 32

November 2019


You Feel

All Right



Written by Mia Nicole Photography By Amina Touray Makeup By Niehla O. Hair By Kalin Spooner Styling By Janel Styles

ith the exception of a Marvel movie, where true fans never leave the theatre until the screen has gone completely blank - most people don’t hang around for the closing credits. However, those who are diligent enough to sit and scan who-did-what- behind –the scenes, one name that you have seen frequently – on the big screen and on television is Tracey Edmonds. And whether she is leading the entire production as executive producer or as an on-screen personality, her name and stories remain indelibly marked in our hearts and minds. As the CEO of Edmonds Entertainment Group, Tracey Edmonds is an award-winning film and television producer.

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Her body of work includes hit films such as Soul Food and Jumping the Broom, along with television shows such as Soul Food: The Series and the sexy drama Games People Play where she serves as executive producer. In addition, Tracey was a host on Extra. With multiple projects on deck, Tracey’s star continues to shine in Hollywood. I sat down with the very sweet and humble mother, mogul and motivator as she shared with me her latest projects, health, and wellness journey along with inspiring tips for success. MN: You have been a host on Extra and you are a very talented, award-winning TV/Film producer. Which do you prefer? Being in front of the camera or behind the scenes? Trustworthy Magazine


TE: I am definitely more comfortable in a creative capacity. I enjoy and feel more fulfilled being creative, but I experimented a little bit to see what it would be like to be in front of the camera, which I did reluctantly on two occasions. The first time was appearing on Deion’s Family Playbook. When we pitched Deion’s Family Playbook, I was initially acting as executive producer and the production company because I was putting the show together for Deion. And so Deion and I went to all of the networks and pitched the show together. But by the time we pitched the show, the networks had already discovered that Deion and I were dating. So I pitched it as his show about Deion’s life, being a single parent father, raising five kids because it was something that we hadn’t seen before on television. And they said,- “Are we going to ignore the fact that you are dating him? Let’s just cut to the chase: the only way we are doing the show is if we show that part as well.” So I ended up getting stuck appearing on camera for my first time. Prior to production, I thought I’d be able to stay off-camera most of the time and only make cameo appearances every now and then, but because we now deeply involved in a relationship, it was hard to shoot him without having me on camera. So when it was all said and done, we did three-season cycles of the show and I ended up becoming an unexpected co-star. The second time was when 34

“I always wanted to maintain a certain level of privacy and normalcy in my life” I went onto Extra as the executive producer of Deion’s Family Playbook, promoting the show. Mario Lopez is interviewing me and by the time I finished the interview, I stepped off the stage and Mario said, - “My executive producer wants to talk to you.” I get on the phone with the executive producer of Extra, Lisa G., who invited me to lunch and the next thing I knew, I was being offered a co-host role on Extra. Again, I was reluctant because I didn’t want to do any more on-camera stuff. But it was a blessing because they offered me a pretty amazing deal that was kind of hard to turn down, so I was like, okay, let me try it. I signed a 3-year deal. It ended up being a fun chapter that I never thought I could do because I was originally so uncomfortable about being on camera. But, being in front of a huge audience every day at Universal Studios quickly helped me overcome that fear, so I’m really happy that I did it. And then I also got a chance to learn how production works

on a news show. MN: You’re so beautiful people would automatically assume that you would want to be in front of the camera. What prohibited you from wanting to be on camera? TE: Thank you. Well. A number of things. One is that I always wanted to maintain a certain level of privacy and normalcy in my life. The concern that I always had about being on camera too much, is that you can get caught up in the big world of Hollywood by being a celebrity and end up having people digging into and writing about your private life and find yourself in the world of tabloids and blogs. I always wanted to just – as much as I could, have a grounded normal life. I have been really blessed in that God has afforded me the ability to be in this entertainment industry – having been on camera and behind the scenes and still feel like and live like a normal person and not get caught up in all the craziness and toxicity of Hollywood. If you go down the wrong road, Hollywood can tear you apart sometimes. It can also hurt relationships. Deion and I were so blessed that we were able to finish a reality show together and keep our relationship intact which is very rare. It was also very important to both of us to do a positive reality show. Even though we did have drama on the show, everything that we showed was purely organic. We never staged fights or did any of the negative stuff that so many people do on reality shows for ratings. We wanted

November 2019

Dress: @Masakimatsuka Earrings: @Eyeofiris Provided by: @Maisonpriveepr_la & @Maisonpriveepr_alexandra

Vol 6

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November 2019

to keep it clean and show- MN: As a role model for womcase our family values. en who want to be successful in their careers, what are MN: I completely understand some of your secrets to sucthat. How do you maintain a cess? “normal life” in the midst of Hollywood? What keeps you TE: I think it really starts, and grounded? I say this with no ego, with really believing in yourself. TE: For me, it is all about the Believing in your potential; company you keep. You can believing that if you yourself stay grounded if you surround put the focus, hard work, and yourself with good people. My dedication into whatever it circle is very small, and I only is that you want to accomsurround myself with posi- plish, that you can truly active people. I am blessed to complish it. And betting on be able to share my life with yourself. You might have a a man who shares the same million people that are betfamily values that I do. Deion ting against you and hating and I are a family first people on you but, always bet on and hands-on parents. Hon- yourself! From day one, I’ve esty and trust are paramount to both of us and we don’t ever have to worry about where to find each other. We’re always where we are supposed to be. My girlfriends now have been my same girlfriends for decades. My best girlfriend in the world is my girlfriend from college, who has known me since I was 16. My other three girlfriends have known me - one for twelve years and the always bet on myself. I’ve other two for twenty to twen- always made sure that I set ty-five years now. They are myself up to be financially inall educated, empowered dependent so I would never women who have raised kids, have to rely on a man to take worked, been in loving rela- care of me. It is a blessing and tionships and are ambitious very beautiful to have a man, but have stayed grounded but in case it doesn’t work and have always remained out, we need to be our own true to their values. I’m not a Plan B and be able to take phony person and I just like care of ourselves. Even when being around authentic peo- I was married, people would ple who I truly love! I also stay ask, - “Why are you working? away from negative energy Your husband is wealthy!”. and toxic people. I was working because I always wanted my own. I want

to be independent. There were things that I wanted to accomplish in my life and the stories that I wanted to tell. I had a vision for myself that I wanted to fulfill. I never stopped working when I was married so, after my divorce, I was able to continue moving forward with my career and didn’t miss a beat. That is because I bet on myself. So believe in yourself and put the work in. Success takes hands-on hard work and attention to detail. You can’t phone things in. You need to be in the trenches from start to finish. Anyone that has ever worked with me knows that I am involved in every step of the process. As a producer, I work with the writers on scripts and storytelling and also hire cast and crew. On set, I’m in the wardrobe trailer, hair/ makeup trailer, and behind the monitor overseeing all the visuals. I want anything with my name on it to look good and please audiences. Whatever success I have had it is because I have put hard work into it and made sure I did my best on everything.

“I was able to continue moving forward with my career and didn’t miss a beat. That is because I bet on myself”

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MN: Tell us about your amazing lifestyle website, TE: I wanted to create a website that would allow me to share the tools that I’ve learned and utilized all these years which I feel have really helped me. is a website that is designed to share tools that will help Trustworthy Magazine


Dress: @Masakimatsuka Provided by: @Maisonpriveepr_la & @Maisonpriveepr_alexandra Earrings: @Eyeofiris


November 2019

Vol 6

Trustworthy Magazine


people live their best life. We are sharing health and fitness tools, relationship tools, parenting tools, and career tools. I practice what I preach. Everything that is on our site reflects what I truly believe in and implement into my own life. I am really hoping to empower our audiences to live happy, healthy and balanced lives. We are 2 years old and growing very fast. I’m really excited about some plans that I have to take the site to an even higher level. MN: As a beautiful woman in her early 50’s, in addition to great genes, can you please share with us your daily routine for skincare, nutrition and working out? TE: It is all about practicing what I call, “self-love” and “self-care” and the older we get the more self-love and care we need. The four fundamentals are still so important: Good diet, hydration (lots of water), exercise and sleep. We have to focus on those four items because they become more and more important as we get older, and our body and our metabolism starts to slow down.

from avocados. Exercise: I try to practice an Ayurvedic lifestyle as much as I can. Ayurvedic practices come from ancient India. People that live an Ayurvedic lifestyle maintain an organic diet and practice yoga and meditation. I do yoga for about 3-5 times a week, and try to meditate once a day. Also, as part of my daily morning routine, I have a vibration fitness machine in my bathroom and I get on that for about 30 minutes. It gets my energy flowing and my metabolism moving. I look a little crazy when I’m on it because it shakes my entire body, but it increases circulation and maintains muscle density. On the Ayurvedic side, it helps clear your chakras by getting your energy flowing. It’s actually kind of fun. I also try to run on the treadmill three times a week – for about a mile. Those are my main exercise routines.

Hydration: Lots of water. I keep a pitcher of lukewarm lemon water close by all day. It is amazing for keeping the skin clear because it clears all of the toxins out of your body. Lemon water is loaded Diet: I am not quite a veg- with Vitamin C and iron. etarian, but I definitely only eat organic. I stay away from Sleep: I try to get 7-8 hours a processed foods, no fast night. If you don’t get enough food. I eat chicken and fish sleep, that is the first thing maybe about three times a that will age you. Because week and eat lots of vegeta- when we sleep the cells rebles and proteins. I love beets pair themselves. We have to and brussel sprouts. I try to have enough sleep. stay away from carbs and sugars as much as I can. I eat Skin: I don’t use any chemia lot of quinoa, sweet pota- cals on my skin, only botanitoes, and chickpeas to satis- cal products. I am coming out fy my carb cravings and get with my own “Ageless Organmy daily dose of “good fat” ics” skincare line soon which 40

I practice what I preach. Everything that is on our site reflects what I truly believe in”

is all plant-based. The products I use are also Ayurvedic. I only put plant-based products on my skin. MN: Okay. Last question: With everything you have going on, CEO of Edmonds Entertainment Group, executive producing TV shows, etc. – what is the next BIG project on the horizon for you? TE: Getting ready to bring to television, the adaptation of an amazing book written by E. Lynn Harris called, Invisible Life which was released in the ‘90s and sold over 10 million copies. It’s about men on the down-low, but takes place in the ’90s before the LGTBQ era when men had to hide their sexuality because being gay wasn’t socially acceptable. It is going to be a very juicy groundbreaking series that I am doing with an amazing network which we will announce very soon. I am very excited about the show. The book was one of my favorite books that I read in the ’90s because it was loosely based on the author, E. Lynn Harris’ real life. It is so beautifully written and the characters

November 2019

are so compelling. When you see what the world in the 90s was like for gay men, we can appreciate how far we have come in terms of our acceptance and embracement of the LGBTQ community, but also understand how important it is to continue the momentum. BET just picked up our show Games People Play starring Lauren London and Sarunas Jackson for season 2. I can’t wait to give fans more of the sexy, twisted, and fun storytelling that makes the show so unique. We have an amazing cast and we are all looking forward to getting back to work.. I am very blessed to stay busy!

Vol 6

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Dress: @Sylwiaromaniukcouture Provided by: @Mannfolkpr Earrings: @Eyeofiris Provided by: @Maisonpriveepr_la Ring: @Pritajewelry Provided by: @Pr_solo


November 2019

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Everyone Loves

Homegirl’s Hummus Follow @Homegirlshummus


November 2019

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Trustworthy Magazine


“Mi Dishes & More” – Amina Pankey talks about her new lifestyle book, that is all about food, fitness & fun


Written & Photographed by Amina Touray

hen artist, mother and author Amina Pankey shares photos and videos on her social media platforms, from her day-to-day life, doing everything from cooking to exercising, she makes “being a single mother of two” look so easy. You can’t help but ask yourself how she’s able to make her kids eat raw vegetables, what she does to stay in such great shape, or what it is that keeps her smiling and motivated through the daily challenges a single 46

mother faces. After frequently receiving messages with questions about her lifestyle, Pankey got the idea to write her own lifestyle book, to answer all the questions that she receives. Amina Pankey - It started out as a cookbook that I wanted to create because I had so many requests for all the recipes that I always post on social media and it just ended up becoming so much more than just recipes. I started talking about where the recipes come from and then I started talking about why I eat the food

November 2019

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Trustworthy Magazine


the book already love it! So it’s been really good. What I’m really waiting for is for people to tell me that they actually did the 30 days. I have not gotten that yet, but hopefully, somebody will let me know that they followed all the guidelines AT: That would be interesting to see how that changes their life. What has been the most fun experience, and what has been the downsides, with creating this book?

that I eat, and then it went into my active and my fitness life. Then I just decided to include those little elements and make it a real lifestyle book. So now it’s really about what I do to keep balanced and to feel good about myself and feel good in my body every day of my life. I like to call it a “feel-good guide”, to feel better and it became a guide that you can follow for 30 days. So any woman that struggles with working out and all that stuff, can just follow my guide and do those little things that I tell you to do daily for 30 days; eat foods that I eat, and hopefully feel some kind of improvement. Amina Touray: When you created this 30-day guide and put your daily life into a book perspective, did it teach you anything new about yourself? 48

AP: It just made me realize that I really don’t have a set routine and that it varies and it changes every month. So I talked about that too in one of the parts in the book; I say that not every month is the same because I’m giving you a guide for a month, but the next month may look different. But when you look at it overall, it’s kind of an estimate of what I do. But if you follow the month, and then the next month you switch up the days, then you’re basically doing what I’m doing.

AP: Most fun would be taking the pictures with the kids, with you. That was definitely fun! Although it was also stressful of setting it all up. The hardest part was actually writing the recipes and making sure that they are totally correct, as far as measurements and all that stuff, because the way I cook is really freestyle. I don’t measure stuff. I just kind of improvise when cooking. But when you make a recipe, when you write it down, you have to have the exact instructions, and that was the biggest struggle of the whole book. And then also with the fitness routines, I did have help from my sister Jazz. Whenever I wrote down my routine, I would send it to her, and she would tell me “oh change this...”

AT: Do you have a personal favorite segment of the AT: What response have you book? received for the book so far? AP: Very good, like every time I look at the reviews, I don’t really focus on reading that, but I like to know what people think. On social media, I have only gotten a positive response. People that have

AP: There are a couple - I think it’s “Day 26”. It’s a day that I dedicated especially to the moms, and I talk about a lot of stuff that has to do with parenting. I recently read through it because I had a

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book event and I was trying to find a part to read, and I picked that part. I tell these little stories. As one of the stories is of me being in Hawaii all by myself on Christmas, and then another story is from when I was 14, and when I was struggling with self-love. All those little personal parts will always be my favorites. AT: Yeah, you even have an old photo of yourself in the book... AP: Oh gosh! I was thinking a hundred times

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if I should put it in! I was looking so hard to find one of my full body pictures, because I want people to know and see that I have not always been fit and athletic. When I was a teenager and hit puberty, I was totally different, struggling with always wanted to lose weight and dieting. The most thing I get on social media when I post my fitness stuff is - “oh, you’ve always been skinny. Oh, you’ve always been like this”. When I was younger, no! I wasn’t. In my grown-up life I’ve always taken care of myself, but growing up I was struggling hard. Trustworthy Magazine


AT: And I think that’s what makes the book so personal, because you have those old photos of yourself, and then there are a lot of photos of you and the kids that people haven’t really seen. AP: Exactly! I wanted it like that on purpose! AT: You said that you struggled in your teen years with your body. When did you decide to take control of your health? AP: I think when I was a teenager, I always struggled with being the know, I’m a twin sister. And she was always the skinny twin, and I was the chubby twin. And she would always get compliments. Every day I would hear someone tell her - “oh you look so nice and slim”. Because in Germany when you’re slim you’re beautiful. And I would never hear that. I was struggling with even liking anything about myself, not even just physically but also my personality. I hated just everything. Nobody really knew how much I was struggling with that. Then I fell into a sickness, I became anorexic. I think I was 16, and after that, one day it clicked, and I realized I was sick and I stopped not eating, because I probably didn’t eat anything for a year or something. I’m surprised that I wasn’t hospitalized or anything. I got super skinny at one point, and I got on the scale three to four times a day and I would eat half an apple and feel guilty,

and then I wouldn’t eat anything. I remember I was like 15, and I wonder why my family, my mom, or why anybody didn’t realize how sick I was. I had to realize that alone. Nobody came to me and said anything. They would say how thin I got, but they wouldn’t say anything to try to help me. I’m still to this day wondering why that is, why nobody realized. It’s so weird to me. I actually got skinnier than my twin sister, and that was when I felt like, - “Oh my God, I did it!” but not realizing it was a bad thing. I don’t really remember exactly how I got out of it. I know it was

out, now I don’t cut anything out, I never diet! AT: Describe what anyone that buys your book can expect? AP: I hope to put smiles on people’s faces. I want people to feel the motivation and positivity. I want them to be excited about life and every day. AT: So other than your book, what else is going on in your life? AP: My biggest two projects this year was with my book, and my music is always the top! But the book definitely has been my biggest one this year. I put out three songs this year and I’m planning on releasing a whole album, who knows if it’ll happen this year, but it’s coming soon. I’ve been working really hard and putting all into my music, as I do every day. I feel like every year I try to come up with a project. And so yeah, it’s just that book, my music, and being alone with my kids. And that’s really enough on my plate!

“I want people to know and see that I have not always been fit and athletic”


from one day to the next day, I just stopped this whole craziness. I think in my 20’s, when I moved to America, is when I started being more confident because I realized that you don’t have to be skinny to be beautiful. And in Germany, it was taught that skinny is beautiful. I’ve been in better shape since after I had kids, than I’ve ever been my life. I’m not dieting ever. It’s something I talk about in the book too. I don’t ever want to feel that way again, because in my 20’s, while I was doing all that fitness stuff, I was still trying to figure out how I should eat, try to cut “this”

November 2019

Vol 6

Trustworthy Magazine



November 2019

MI Dishes & More Available on

Amazon Get yours Today Vol 6

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November 2019

Photo: Moussa Idrissi

Vol 6

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Photo: Amina Touray

Let’s Talk Hair

Q & A with healthy hair expert Kalin Spooner


air...So many of us have questions about our hair and with so much information readily available at our fingertips (thanks to the internet), it can get a bit overwhelming if you don’t know how to navigate it all. As a licensed cosmetologist, I get so many questions from people all over wanting to learn how to care for their hair. I am Kalin Spooner, Licensed Cosmetologist/ Certified Hair Loss Practitioner, based in Los Angeles, CA.


Is hair typing natural hair a factors such as porosity, wagood thing? ter intake, diet/nutrition, and even the wrong products can If you aren’t familiar with hair affect how your hair looks typing, it is the classifica- and/or feels and can lead to tion of the natural curl pat- mis-typing your hair. If ever tern of your hair as it grows in doubt, a consultation with from your head. There are a stylist that specializes in many charts available to be curly/textured hair is a great seen online that detail what place to start. each hair type looks like. The types range from 2A to 4C, How long should I wear my with 2A being straight and 4C weave/extensions? being extremely coily. Per- This is one of those questions sonally, I feel the chart can that does not have a finite help someone that needs a answer. With hair extensions/ starting point to create the weaves, I always recomperfect hair care regimen. mended consulting with your When using the chart, keep in EXPERIENCED extension stylmind that it is purely a guide ist. I have a general window or a tool and is not “one size of how long extensions can fits all”. Understanding other be worn and that is up to 12

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weeks per install. Within this time period, you will need to come into the salon to get a maintenance. The maintenance will be necessary between 2-5 weeks depending on the type of extensions you have. Some of the vital factors that determine how long your extensions can be worn are: installation method, your hair texture, density, the condition of your hair, proper placement and weight distribution of the extensions. All of these things and more should be covered in your consultation BEFORE you get your extensions installed. The stylist should be able to clearly explain to you what will be done and why. It is extremely important to research your extension stylist and ask any and all questions you have during the consultation. Also, pictures are great to have a visual of your desired look and expectations of your service. If you don’t feel confident with the stylist after the consultation, it is completely ok to go elsewhere.

using a co-wash instead of shampoo, it seems like that’s what’s best for your hair, right? Well, not exactly. Let’s break down what a co-wash really is. The definition of cowash is “conditioner-only washing”. It’s said the benefits are to achieve smoother, softer, more manageable hair, but can you really achieve that from a conditioner and no shampoo? The purpose of shampoo is to cleanse away dirt, oil, buildup on and in your hair. Shampoos open the cuticle of your hair. The purpose of the conditioner is to strengthen the hair and seal (close) the cuticle after shampooing. If you take a product intended to seal the cuticle of the hair to replace shampoo, how clean can your hair truly get? You need to cleanse your hair with shampoo to allow your other products to penetrate the hair shaft and do their job efficiently. Otherwise, you will create more work for yourself AND waste a lot of money on products you probably don’t even need. I don’t Is co-wash better than think co-washing is bad, but shampoo? it should not replace your With all the hoop-la about shampoo regimen (espeMEET THE STYLIST Kalin is a talented stylist that hails from Sacramento, CA, whose work has been previously seen on Bravo and WeTV. As an advocate for healthy hair, she strives to give her clients the look they desire while protecting the integrity of their hair at all times. She works with all hair types, both women and men. Kalin understands that the relationship she has with her clients is more of a partnership. In addition to fulfilling their beauty needs, she also educates them on maintaining their new look at home. Working as a team, the client can have the hair they’ve always dreamed of. Knowledgeable in healthy hair maintenance, hair extensions/hairpieces (various methods), cuts, color, and makeup application, Kalin stays up to date with new techniques by attending classes and shows within the industry on a regular basis. Now residing in Los Angeles, Kalin continues to stay on top of new trends and develop her skills and knowledge through continued education. Specializing in hair extensions, non-surgical hair restoration/replacement, and healthy hair care, her clients can be sure to have the hair they’ve always wanted when they leave her chair. Currently, she is expanding her training in male grooming and will have extended barbering services available. She works by appointment in DTLA and also offers concierge services if you prefer to have your hair done in the comfort of your own home/office/hotel.

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cially for textured hair). Use it for an in-between if you want to wet your hair to restyle it between shampoos, which I recommend doing 1 - 2 times a week. What do you recommend to grow long natural hair? Growing your natural hair definitely takes some TLC. It will not happen overnight and your growth journey is as unique as you are, so comparing yours to someone else’s is counterproductive. Some factors are beyond your control like genetics, but there are some things you can do to help promote growth (and minimize breakage): - Determine your porosity level to assist in choosing the correct hair care products Deep condition 2x a month - Get trims every 8-10 weeks - Use minimal heat (protective/low manipulation styles) - Drink plenty of WATER - Eat a healthy diet - Get adequate sleep - Exercise 2-3x a week (Walking counts! Just move!) - Protect your hair at night with a satin or silk scarf or pillowcase - For curly hair, never brush your hair dry because that can promote breakage - Hair vitamins can definitely help, but when taking them, be sure you’re drinking enough water every day Be sure to take progress photos along the way. Sometimes we don’t notice the difference as much because we see ourselves every day. Having photos you can see side-by-side will help you track your progress. Wherever you are in your hair growth journey, it’s never too late to make some changes to be your own #HairGoals. Trustworthy Magazine


Enjoy the little things


November 2019

Vol 6

Trustworthy Magazine


Face Facts

healthy skin at any age

Written by Mia Nicole


o you know your ABC’s? Of course you do! However, I am not talking about the alphabet. The ABC’s I am referring to stand for: (A)lpha-Hydroxy Acid, (B) eta Carotene and (C)ollagen; and if you are a skin care junkie like myself, then you know what I am talking about. And if you are like me, then you probably have so many products in your bathroom that it looks like Sephora or Ulta Beauty! Potions and lotions that help with a plethora of skin conditions – ranging from (a) shy skin to (z)its! Although acne is not something that I usually contend with (except that dreaded time of the month – will it ever go away?) there are other issues that a woman of my age (early 50’s) is desperately trying to prevent: Wrinkles. I do not want them and I do not have them...yet. So if I can keep them at bay for as long as I can, trust me, I will. I am so consumed with the thought of getting wrinkles that I have jumped out of my bed in the middle of



60. So in addition to a good beauty routine, it may just be my genes. But most people would be surprised to know that my beauty routine is very economical. And it works.

the night, because I woke up realizing that I forgot to apply my eye cream? Who does that? Me! Whether I am posting a picture on social media or standing in line at a store, I have been asked, “What do you use on your skin? You have beautiful skin!” While I am grateful and truly appreciative of the compliment, unbeknownst to people, I have been diligently taking care of my skin since I was in my 20’s. I was obsessed with looking old before I was supposed to! Plus it is in my DNA. My grandmother is 91 almost 92 and looks 70; my mother is 71 almost 72, and looks

Hot Water with Lemon: As soon as I wake up in the morning, I drink an 8 oz glass of hot water with a few slices of lemon. Not only does it flush toxins out of your system, it helps prevent signs of premature aging. I also drink at least 64 oz of hot water and lemon throughout the day to keep my skin hydrated. These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things: They say the older you get, the drier your skin becomes. But for now, mine is neither dry nor oily, it is normal. I can definitely attribute you that to my everyday skin care ritual. When it comes to products, I am not loyal to a particular product and will try anything – as long as they contain Retinol, Vitamin C, Hyaluronic.

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NOTE: It is important to find the proper products that work best for your skin type. These are the products that work for me. Cleanser: One cleanser that really does a good job with my skin is Yes to Tomatoes Detoxifying Charcoal Cleanser. When I first purchased it, I didn’t realize that it said it was for acne. That is why reading is fundamental! Fortunately for me, it did what it was supposed to do – remove dirt and impurities. With activated charcoal, it draws out bacteria, dirt and gunk, allowing for flawless, acne free skin. And I am addicted. $4.99 at Toner: After cleansing my skin, I use a toner. It removes surface impurities and purifies the pores. The one that I find works the best is the Mario Badescu Witch Hazel & Rosewater Toner. It is known to “re-balance, removes surface impurities and promotes a freshfaced glow post- cleanse.” $14.00 at Serum: A serum penetrates your skin to the cellular level. They contain more antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients to repair any damage and even reverse aging. I am in love with The Ordinary “Buffet.” It is simply amazing for reducing and preventing multiple signs of aging and hydrates the skin. One of the ingredients is Hyaluranoic acid which reduces wrinkles and helps retain the skins mois-

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ture. ates your lips, leaving them $14.80 at www.theordinary. soft and supple. com $4.00 Then after scrubbing and beEye Cream: As I stated ear- fore using my lipstick, I apply lier, I am a product junkie. A eLO Lip Balm in Sangria. All of brand that I have been using their products are 100% Plant forever is Olay. In the Based. morning, I use Olay Pro Ret- $14.00 inol Eye Cream Treatment ($23.49) and at night, Olay Facial Mask: Once I use a Regenerist Retinol 24 Night mask. My “go-to” is Skincare Eye Cream ($28.99). Retinol Ldel Cosmetics Retinol Puriis the Vitamin A that you can fying Charcoal Mask. It deget without a prescription. It toxifies pores, removes imreduces fine lines and wrin- purities and illuminates the kles by increasing the pro- skin. duction of collagen. The night $14.99 cream gives you 24-hours hydration, firms, brightens, As you can see from my rouevens skin tone and reduces tine, I am doing my best to the appearances of fine lines, avoid the inevitable – wrinwrinkles and dark circle. Can kles, dry skin, chapped lips, you say OMG? You have to try and crow’s feet – anything it! that reminds me that I am aging. But that is a part of life, Moisturizer: This may surprise and they will come. But the people, but I think this the good part about it is you don’t only moisturizer that I have have to spend a lot of monused for many, many years. ey to have beautiful, healthy I picked up a travel size for a skin. Here is my advice: If you trip one time, and I have been do not have a skin care rouhooked ever since: Ponds tine, get one! Rejuveness Anti-Wrinkle Pick products that work best Cream. With Alpha Hydroxy for you. Get samples from Acids and collagen, it reduc- various brands to make sure es the appearance of fine they do not irritate your skin. lines and wrinkles in 2 weeks. So remember, it is okay to I use it in the morning and at have flawless skin on a budnight. And ladies, don’t forget get. your neck and décolletage (neck and upper torso) – they need love too! $8.12 Lips: There is nothing worse than dry, chapped lips, showing through your lipstick. People will stare...and not in a good way! I use E.L.F. Lip Exfoliator. With one of the ingredients being Shea Butter, it gently exfoliTrustworthy Magazine



November 2019

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Erica Survived One woman’s journey to recovery By Erica Campbell Photo by Grumpy Panda Photography


November 2019

These past 6 years have been amazing but I often also battle with beauty issues and insecurities that stem from my fight against cancer. No one would have ever guessed by looking at me that I battle with insecurities but facial pigmentation, discoloration and some of the scars left behind from cancer, are just a few battles I face on a daily basis after the toughest fight of my life against cancer. My road to recovery was terrifying because I didn’t know what each day would bring. I endured many chemotherapy treatments, several medications, surgeries; Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), blood clots, anxiety and depression are just a few obstacles along my journey to survival. I faced many challenges along my ust 6 short years journey and some of those ago on March challenges I continue to face 28, 2013, I was today. diagnosed with potentially fatal “ No one would have ever Stage 4 Hodgkin guessed by looking at me Lymphoma. My that I battle with insecurities” journey to surI would use the word "ugly" vive my battle but I know that word is too with cancer was very trying powerful to describe how I but after overcoming my obfeel very often but after 6+ stacles, I am very passionmonths of happy and worry ate about inspiring people to days, 12 rounds of chemohave the desire to survive any therapy and the thought of challenges that they may my family losing me to canface in their lives. My fight to cer. I rely heavily on medisurvive lymphoma had its tation and prayer to get me highs and its lows, however, I through my toughest modidn’t give up even when at ments and to keep me on a times my battle seemed like positive track to feel amazit wasn’t getting any easier. ing and to be an amazing Through my unwavering faith inspiration for other fighters. and trust in God as well as Sometimes I feel unpretty beexuding a positive attitude, cause of my dark circles and I knew I could get through it hyper-pigmentation that all.

I have learned that life is too short not to enjoy every moment of what you love


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stemmed from cancer which weighs heavy on my self-esteem so I use makeup every day to cover my blemishes to make my unpretty feeling go away. I may look like I have it all together but I am still a work in progress each day. Cancer can often lead patients and survivors to depression and for many women like me, it can also lead to appearance issues. Today I am pursuing my career as a Curvy Model because I have learned that life is too short not to enjoy every moment of what you love and I want to embrace my beautiful curves as I continue to work on my beauty self-esteem. I am also an advocate for Cancer Awareness to uplift and inspire those affected in my community and communities across the country through my movement Dzire2Survive. Dzire2Survive is a cancer advocacy and support movement giving hope to patients and their families affected by Cancer. I want to continue to be an inspirational encourager for many men and women just like me. “ I have learned that life is too short not to enjoy every moment of what you love “ I know that I am not alone so I want other women and young girls on their journey to survive cancer, to remember that they too aren't alone in this fight and to always "Feel Beautiful and Look Beautiful" because You're Not Ugly Cancer Is. Follow: @Ericasurvived

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November 2019

Photo: Lina Kivaka

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