Trustworthy Magazine, December 2023

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Trustworthy Magazine

Indy Srinath

Delving into ‘Farm Dreams’

Art Special

With Lia Snisarenko & Feros

Vol 17

Trustworthy Magazine December 2023


Trustworthy Magazine

Our Goal is to inspire & to be inspired. We know that everyone has a story; we want to know yours

Founder & Editor Amina Touray For comments, submissions & Inquiries please contact:

Trustworthy Magazine

On the cover: Indy Srinath Photographer: Amina Touray Page Design: Moses Dalton


December 2023

Photo: tatiana-syrikova

Vol 17

Trustworthy Magazine




December 2023


Vol 17


Art of Change


Escape from Reality


Wellness Wardrobe


Seeds of Wisdom




Paws of LA

Lia Snisarenko


Eating the Rainbow: A Guide to Antioxidant-rich Foods

Delving into ‘Farm Dreams’ with Host Indy Srinath

A Journey to Tropical Bliss

Karla Avila

Trustworthy Magazine


Letter From The Editor Dear Trustworthy Readers, As we unfold the pages of our December issue, I am excited to present stories that will teach, inspire, and captivate. It features our cover star Indy Srinath, from National Geographic’s “Farm Dreams,” who plants seeds of wisdom. Our

magazine will take you on an expedition of art and guide you through the island of Honolulu, Hawaii, and a healthy lifestyle guide from our Wellness Wardrobe coach.

As you embark on this journey with a blend of agriculture, travel, health, and art, my hope is that you feel a personal connection in at least one of the stories.

Thank you for being a part of Trustworthy Magazine. We look forward to seeing you in the spring of 2024. Warm regards,

Amina Touray


December 2023

Photo: buranınyabancısı

Vol 17

Trustworthy Magazine


Art of

Change Photography by Mara Friedman

In West Hollywood, Lia Snisarenko, founder of Art Axcess Gallery and a Ukrainian art dealer and curator, introduces her first US solo exhibition for Ukrainian artist Feros. We learn how her world views have changed since escaping Ukraine and how Ukrainian art helps tell the story of her country.


Interview by Amina Touray

ow has your perspective of art and the world changed since escaping from Ukraine at the beginning of 2022?

Escaping from Ukraine at the beginning of 2022 has profoundly affected my perspective on both art and the world. This big change made me realize how much world events can impact people and their communities. When I had to leave my country, I saw how important art is for keeping our cultural identity alive. Even when people are far from home, art helps them remember and celebrate where they come from. This whole experience made me understand people’s feelings and struggles better. Seeing how tough people can be in hard times has affected how I think about and look at art. Being right there during the conflict made me believe even more that art can give a voice to those who aren’t usually heard. Art is more than just showing something; it can protest, tell stories, and bring attention to important issues. In tough times, art has been a source of strength and hope. It has an amazing ability to lift people up, comfort them, and bring them together, even when things are really hard. Also, what happened in Ukraine and how the world reacted showed me how connected we all are. It made me even more committed to using art to bring people from different cultures together and to show how art can be a common language that helps us all understand each other better. Now that you have experienced war, what do you have to tell those of us who have never experienced it? The most fundamental lesson is the immense value of peace. Living in a war-free environment is a privilege that should never be taken

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Trustworthy Magazine



December 2023

for granted. The safety and stability we enjoy daily are precious and fragile. It’s crucial to develop empathy for those who are caught in conflicts. War is not just a news headline; it impacts real people - their lives, dreams, and futures. Understanding their plight is key to fostering compassion and support. Despite the horrors and hardships of war, the resilience of the human spirit is truly remarkable. People’s ability to adapt, support each other, and find hope in the darkest times is profoundly inspiring. War is a global issue. It requires international awareness and action. Staying informed, advocating for peace, and supporting humanitarian efforts are ways everyone can contribute to the larger global community. Experiencing war teaches you to appreciate the simple things in life - a safe home, time with family, and the freedom to live without fear. These should never be undervalued. Art and culture play a significant role in healing and coping during and after a war. They provide a means of expression, bring communities together, and preserve identities in times of upheaval. What do you hope to convey by promoting Ukrainian contemporary art/artists? By promoting Ukrainian contemporary art and artists, my aim is to convey several key messages and values. Ukrainian art has a rich background and lots of traditions. I want to share its variety and the colorful art that comes from this special place. A lot of Ukrainian artists are really good, but not many people around the world know about them. I want to help these artists be seen and appreciated by a bigger audience. Art can bring people together, no matter what language they speak or where they come from. By sharing art from Ukraine, I want to help people understand and feel closer to Ukraine’s story, including its past, its challeng-

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es, and its dreams. Ukrainian artists are strong and creative, even when things are tough. I want to show off their work to demonstrate how they use hard times to make amazing art. Art is something that everyone can understand, no matter where they are in the world. By sharing Ukrainian art, I want to create connections and conversations between people from different places. By including Ukrainian artists in the bigger conversation about art around the world, I hope to add new views and ideas that people might not have seen before. Please describe your career journey over the past five years to where you are now. Over the past five years, my career journey has been marked by growth, learning, and a deepening commitment to promoting Ukrainian contemporary art. Stepping into the international art scene, I started as an art advisor, where I honed my skills in assessing and selecting artworks. This role involved establishing connections within the European and American art markets and successfully placing artworks in collections across New York, Florida, and California. The onset of the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2022 posed a major challenge. It was a period of personal hardship, but it also reinforced my resolve to use art as a means of cultural representation and support. This experience deepened my understanding of the power of art in times of crisis. The significant milestone was the establishment of the Art Axcess Gallery in West Hollywood. This was the culmination of my vision to create a space dedicated to showcasing and promoting Ukrainian contemporary artists. The gallery’s launch was not just a professional achievement but also a personal triumph, representing my commitment to cultural exchange and support for underrep-

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The safety and stability we enjoy daily are precious and fragile.”

resented artists. Currently, my focus is on expanding the gallery’s reach, both physically and through digital platforms. I aim to make Ukrainian contemporary art more accessible globally, and I’m actively working on partnerships and collaborations to bring diverse artistic expressions to a wider audience. Moving forward, I see myself continuing to grow as a curator and art advisor, pushing boundaries in the art world and further establishing Art Axcess Gallery as a significant player in promoting cultural and artistic exchange. These past five years have been a journey of growth, resilience, and passion, driving me towards my goal of enhancing the appreciation and understanding of Ukrainian contemporary art on the global stage. What drew you to opening a gallery in West Hollywood? Opening a gallery in West Hollywood was a decision influenced by several key factors that aligned with my vision for promoting Ukrainian contemporary art. West Hollywood is renowned for its dynamic and diverse art scene. The area is a cultural hub with a rich history of supporting the arts. This vibrant environment presented an ideal backdrop for a gallery focused on contemporary art, offering a platform to engage with an art-appreciative community. Its proximity to other major art institutions and galleries created opportunities for collaboration and networking. West Hollywood’s diverse population and inclusive culture were also significant draws. This multicultural setting was perfect for a gallery with a focus on cultural exchange and showcasing underrepresented voices from Ukraine. Finally, there was a personal aspect to choosing West Hollywood. The city’s vibrant energy and the opportunity to con-

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tribute to its cultural landscape resonated with my personal and professional goals. In essence, West Hollywood presented the ideal combination of a thriving art scene, strategic location, cultural diversity, and visibility that I was looking for to establish Art Axcess Gallery and make a meaningful impact in promoting Ukrainian contemporary art. You have your first solo show with Ukrainian artist Feros. What can people expect when they visit your gallery and see the artwork? At our solo show with Ukrainian artist Feros at Art Axcess Gallery, visitors can expect an unforgettable experience. The exhibition, titled “Escape from Reality,” features an immersive collection of 10 artworks that brilliantly blend abstraction and representation. It is open in our West Hollywood gallery space by appointment only and is available online via Feros is renowned for his impactful, thought-provoking works that challenge our perception of reality. His art delves deep into themes of trauma, resilience, and emotion, particularly those experienced during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The exhibition is a poignant reflection of these experiences. It’s about the desire to momentarily escape harsh realities and find solace in a world of dreams. What message do you want to share with the world? My message to the world is about the power of art to connect, heal, and inspire. It’s about valuing our diverse cultures, nurturing resilience, and celebrating the creativity that exists in each corner of the world. Art is more than just an aesthetic experience; it’s a vital part of our collective human journey. To learn more, visit: Follow Lia: @lia.artaxcess

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Photography by Mara Friedman


December 2023


How would you describe your artwork?

To describe my artwork, I would say that it is fundamentally an expression of my inner self, crafted through a deeply meditative process. Currently, I am immersed in the creation of paintings, a journey that for me, is much more than just applying paint to canvas. It's a form of personal exploration and expression. When I draw, it's as if I am channeling my thoughts, emotions, and experiences onto the canvas. This process is intensely fulfilling, providing me with a profound sense of satisfaction. My art is not just a visual representation but a reflection of my soul, a tangible manifestation of my inner dialogues and contemplations. Each piece I create is a step in my ongoing journey of self-discovery and expression, rendered in colors and forms that resonate with my current state of being. What process do you go through when you begin creating, and how long does it take you? My creative process always starts with a detailed sketch. I draw a lot in my sketchbooks. This stage is crucial as I begin to capture the meanings and metaphors that will shape the final work. After sketching, I scan these drawings into a computer for refinement. This digital phase allows me to tweak and perfect the ideas that emerged in the sketchbook. I don't typically impose strict tasks or guidelines on myself during the creative process. I prefer to let the ideas flow organically. However, when a particular idea deeply resonates with me, it often evolves beyond a single piece, turning into an entire series. This organic and responsive approach to creation means the time it takes to complete a work can vary greatly. Some pieces come to life quickly, while others, especially those that grow into a series, can take much longer to develop fully. What reactions do you typically get from people that view your work?

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The reactions I typically receive from those who view my work can be quite profound and varied. When I was deeply involved in creating murals, the sheer scale and monumentality of these works had a powerful impact. There's something about large-scale art that captivates and overwhelms the viewer, and that's precisely the effect I aimed for in my paintings. Most often, people approach my work as if it were a complex, coded puzzle, a riddle that beckons to be solved. This aspect of my art I find particularly gratifying. I've always been intrigued by the diverse interpretations and personal narratives that viewers bring to my work. Each person sees something different reads the picture in their own unique way, and it's this variety of perspectives that I find endlessly fascinating. In essence, my work invites viewers into a dialogue, not just with the art itself but with their own thoughts and experiences. It's about creating a space where art becomes a medium for personal exploration and discovery. This interaction, this engagement of the viewer with the art, is central to my artistic philosophy and practice. How has your style developed over the years? Over the years, my artistic style has undergone a significant evolution, marked by a dynamic shift in both technique and thematic exploration. In the early stages of my journey, my works were somewhat naive, a reflection of my initial fascination with graffiti and street art. This period was characterized by raw, unrefined energy, where the boldness and immediacy of street art heavily influenced my creative expression. Graffiti, with its vibrant colors, bold lines, and often spontaneous execution, laid the foundation of my artistic identity. It taught me about the power of visual communication and the impact of art in public spaces. This phase was crucial in developing my understanding of how art interacts with its environment and audience. As I continued to grow and mature as an artist, my style began to evolve, moving towards more complex and nuanced expres-

Trustworthy Magazine



December 2023

Vol 17

Trustworthy Magazine


Renowned for his thought-provoking artwork, the contemporary Ukrainian artist Feros is presently showcasing his latest exhibit, "Escape from Reality," at Art Axcess Gallery in West Hollywood. We explore his work process as we gain an understanding of the expansion of his artistic journey.


December 2023

sions. Currently, I find myself deeply immersed in the world of surrealism. This transition represents a significant shift from the straightforward, often literal expressions of street art to the more intricate and metaphorical realms of surrealism. In my current surrealistic phase, I explore the depths of imagination and subconscious, creating works that transcend the ordinary and venture into the realms of the fantastical and dream-like. This style allows me to delve deeper into the narrative aspect of art, weaving stories that are open to interpretation and rich in symbolic meaning. What do you hope to accomplish through your art? Through my art, my aspirations extend beyond personal growth and delve into the broader sphere of cultural and community development, particularly within the Ukrainian art scene. I recognize that my creativity is not just a personal journey; it's an integral part of who I am and, by extension, a part of the community I belong to. My hope is to contribute to the development of culture and the art community in Ukraine. This country is a treasure trove of talented, creative individuals, and I aim to play a role in nurturing and promoting this talent. By setting an example through my own artistic endeavors, I wish to inspire and fan the flames of creativity in others. In my perspective, art is not just a form of personal expression but also a powerful tool for community building and cultural enrichment. Through my work, I seek to create a dialogue, to spark curiosity, and encourage others to explore and express their own creativity. The goal is not just personal accomplishment but to leave a lasting impact on the Ukrainian art scene, helping to elevate it to new heights and bring it to a wider audience. By doing so, I hope to contribute to a vibrant, dynamic, and evolving cultural landscape where art is not just seen but felt and where every artist has the opportunity to contribute their unique voice.

Do you do art full-time, or what other interests do you have? For the past six years, I have dedicated myself to being a full-time artist. This commitment to my art has been a significant and fulfilling shift in my career. Before this, there was a pe-

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riod when I worked as an illustrator in an office setting. While that experience was valuable, transitioning to a full-time artist has brought a sense of complete freedom and creative autonomy that I deeply cherish. This change has not only allowed me to fully immerse myself in my art but has also provided me with the financial stability needed to execute and implement my projects. The ability to earn a living through my art is something I am profoundly grateful for. It represents a personal achievement and the realization of a dream that many artists aspire to. Being a full-time artist means my days are largely spent creating, planning, and exploring new artistic ideas. The freedom to create without constraints has been incredibly liberating and has played a crucial role in the development of my style and the execution of my artistic vision. What are your goals, and where do you see yourself in the next few years? As a Ukrainian artist, my current goals and future aspirations are deeply intertwined with the hope for victory and the advent of peace in my homeland. The ongoing war has had a profound impact on every aspect of life, including the way I envision my future. In such times, planning for the distant future becomes a complex endeavor, as the situation is too global and immediate to allow for longterm predictions. Despite these challenging circumstances, I have set specific, achievable goals for myself. One of my primary ambitions is to organize a personal exhibition in Lviv, the city where I currently reside. This exhibition would not only be a showcase of my artistic journey but also a testament to resilience and the enduring power of creativity even in the toughest times. Additionally, I am keenly interested in exploring and mastering lithography technology. This ancient technique of printmaking fascinates me, and I see it as an opportunity to expand my artistic repertoire and delve into new forms of expression. In essence, my goal is to keep moving forward, to not remain static regardless of the external circumstances. I aim to continue developing, learning, and growing as an artist. This commitment to progress, to constantly seeking new knowledge and experiences, is what drives me. It's about making the most of the present while nurturing hope and working towards a brighter, more peaceful future.

Trustworthy Magazine



December 2023


Vol 17

Trustworthy Magazine


Eating the Rainbow A Guide to Antioxidant-rich Foods


Written & Design by Darija Varnas

ntioxidants have garnered much attention in recent years due to their ability to combat free radicals, which can cause cell damage and lead to serious diseases such as cancer and heart disease. While blueberries are often hailed as the superstar antioxidant food, it’s crucial to recognize the presence of other high-antioxidant foods that might be lurking in our kitchens. In fact, red kidney beans and pinto beans have been found to contain more antioxidants per serving than wild blueberries! Apart from these beans, other antioxidant-rich foods that often go unnoticed include artichoke hearts, blackberries, prunes, pecans, spinach, kale, russet potatoes, and plums. Many common foods possess high levels of antioxidants, and incorporating them into our diets is critical for maintaining optimal health. It is said that “eating our colors” is essential, as each color group offers different types of antioxidants with unique benefits. For example, the yellow-orange color family found in peaches and nectarines can boost the immune system, while the purple-red color family found in pomegranates, plums, and berries can help to reduce inflammation. To reap the full benefits of antioxidants, it is necessary to consume a diverse range of foods from all color groups. Fortunately, we can incorporate healthy, antioxidant-rich foods into our meals without spending a fortune. These foods can be eaten raw, cooked, or juiced at home, eliminating the need for expensive antioxidant juices that line supermarket shelves.

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By taking your time to learn about your eating habits and slowly replacing them with better meals, you will feel much better within yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.”


December 2023

Rainbow Salad Jar SIMPLE RECIPE

Ingredients (In order of layering bottom to top)

Dressing of choice Quinoa

Chickpeas Chopped Tomato, cucumber, red onion, and bell pepper (all colors!) Olives Feta

Spring Salad Mix Walnuts Pepitas



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1. Add the dressing of choice to the bottom of a 16-oz mason jar. Layer in ingredients of choice in order of what is listed. For instance, quinoa, beans, tomato, cucumber, etc. to the jar in that order. 2. Jars will be kept in the fridge for up to 4 or 5 days. For easy meal prep, cook quinoa ahead of time up to 24 hours in advance so all you have to do is assemble. 3. Serve by shaking the mason jar so the dressing gets distributed, then dump it in a large bowl to eat. Enjoy!

Trustworthy Magazine


Eat the Rainbow Red

anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, may help lower risk of heart disease and certain cancers, may help reduce sun related skin damage. Yellow/Orange anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, supports eye health and may help lower the risk of heart disease and cancer. Green anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and cruciferous veggies may help lower the risk of cancer and heart disease.


December 2023

Let’s invite some beans, spinach, potatoes, and artichoke hearts to join our beloved blueberries at the dinner table and add some variety to our antioxidant-rich meals. With this approach to healthy eating, we can eat the rainbow and savor all the benefits that come with it! (For a quick and healthy weeknight meal that you can prepare ahead of time, check out the Rainbow Salad Jar recipe to incorporate all the colors of the rainbow!)

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December 2023

Photo: pixabay helena-lopes

Vol 17

Trustworthy Magazine



December 2023

Seeds of


Delving into ‘Far Dreams’ with Host Indy Srinath We met National Geographic’s show “Farm Dreams” charismatic host, Indy Srinath. From a rural North Carolina town, Indy gathered knowledge from her ancestors and community teachers. She brings her wisdom to the show and teaches the viewers how to expand their farming knowledge while also growing her skills. We are taken on an adventurous journey through urban farming in unexpected places and uncover the deep-rooted connection to agriculture.

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Trustworthy Magazine


“I am fortunate enough to have learned foraging from incredible plant medicine teachers who are no longer here to tell their tales in person”


December 2023


Interview & Photography by Amina Touray

ell us more about yourself, where you’re from, your upbringing, and how you became interested in farming and foraging. I am from the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina. I grew up in a small rural town. I’ve always loved nature in the way children find kinship in the small spaces between tree branches and acorn caps. Curling up at the base of sturdy oaks to take naps in the summer sun or collecting earthworms and katydids in my pockets. I began formally studying this innate relationship in my teen years through herbalism classes and working on farms and homesteads. I began foraging and farming as much out of necessity as of love. Where did you learn everything? I learned everything I know through my hands, my ancestors, and incredible community teachers that you’ll only find if you drive back far enough in an Appalachian holler that you’ll need a four-wheel drive and a plank of wood to get yourself unstuck. I am fortunate enough to have learned foraging from incredible plant medicine teachers who are no longer

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here to tell their tales in person, but luckily their knowledge and teachings live on through the wild nettle bushes and the inky prayers of smoke swirling from a winter’s hearth fire (and hopefully through some of the classes I teach as well.) Why did you move to LA, and how has your experience been? I fell in love with Los Angeles the second I met her. The city skyline still brings me to tears, the way it’s pressed against the muted azul sky on mornings when the yolk of the sun hasn’t even broken against the bowl of the day. I love the part of the morning when everything is still quiet, and I already have dirt under my fingernails, and I’m already piling cabbage and carrots into crates on my hip. I moved here to learn a new landscape, I didn’t want to be a child of the forest forever. You’re hosting the National Geographic show Farm Dreams. Tell us more about the show and what you do in it. I have the privilege of learning from farmers across the country. Sharing in their triumphs and tribulations alike. The show is about helping farmers achieve their dreams through small changes, community collaboration, and ingenuity. It’s been an incredible experience.

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December 2023

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December 2023

The best time to start a garden was yesterday.”

Will there be a second season? I hope so! We live in a time when more people are becoming interested in self-sustainability. Where can someone with zero experience in farming begin to learn about it, and what can they do to get started? Hopefully, my show helps a little bit with that. I encourage folks to look into local teachers in their area to see what classes are available. What can people who live in a city do if they want to start farming? Join a community garden! I have a deep love for community gardens, big and small. What are the biggest mistakes beginners make? Not starting yesterday. I always say the best time to start a garden was yesterday. What does farming mean to you? Farming is the body and the earth meeting for the first time, over and over again.

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Trustworthy Magazine



December 2023


Vol 17

Trustworthy Magazine


Honolulu A Journey to Tropical Bliss


December 2023


By Amina Touray

ince my childhood days in Europe, the dream of setting foot in Hawaii was always in my imagination. I used to envision what it would be like to be on an island with turquoise water and palm trees embraced by soft winds. Somehow, it felt like a distant paradise until a recent opportunity led me to Honolulu. If you're new to the wonders of Hawaii, picking the right island for your visit can be overwhelming. Several components come into play, such as the nature of your trip. Ask yourself if you want it to be adventurous, laid-back, romantic, or family-oriented. Having an idea of that will help you narrow down options. For me, seeking a blend of those elements led me to Honolulu. From the moment I stepped off the plane and entered the airport, I passed through a lush botanical garden at the airport. Honolulu won me over right away. There's a distinct fragrance that accompanies your arrival in a tropical haven, bringing me back memories of past journeys to places like Greece and Morocco. Join me as I recount my top three activities in Honolulu, where every moment is a delightful blend of adventure, relaxation, and the essence of paradise!

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Trustworthy Magazine



Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere and savor the handcrafted sanuki-style udon and tempura at Marugame Udon Noodles on Kuhio Ave. Get there early because a line starts forming before the restaurant has even opened. You should get there early to grab a window seat! Katie McCabe, showcased in our July '22 issue from the blog, insisted that I sample Giovanni's shrimp. Trusting her recommendation, I eagerly tried it, and it absolutely lived up to the hype!


December 2023

1. Make sure you visit a Macadamia Nut Farm. We saw "Tropical Farms Macadamia Nuts." Besides the amazing greenery it was surrounded by and the free-range chickens, you could sample nut coffee and find a variety of local snacks and gifts. Although Macadamia nuts are native to Australia, the climate in Hawaii is perfect for cultivating them.

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Book a boat trip through Kualoa Ranch & Private Nature Reserve! They offer a variety of enriched activities and tours. They have something for everyone! The nature reserve is dedicated to preserving the sacred lands of Kualoa and observing its rich history.

Unleash your adventurous soul, and rent a car! Find a route, and drive without a specific destination in mind. Along the way, you will find so much, like beautiful beaches, charming local shops, and scenic stops that will take your breath away.

Trustworthy Magazine



December 2023


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Trustworthy Magazine




of LA

December 2023


Interview & Photography by Amina Touray

here is a compassionate force in downtown Los Angeles that is quietly making a difference among neglected and abandoned animals. Meet Karla Avila, a commercial actress and dancer who leaves her home late at night to feed cats and dogs and provide them with their needs. Karla is committed to changing their harsh destinies in a busy city where the voiceless and vulnerable animals are often overlooked. We gain insight into what we can do to help. Based on your experience with animals, many cats and dogs are in need here in LA. Why do you think there are so many stray, neglected, abandoned animals here, and what can be done about it? We are experiencing a crisis not just in Los Angeles (and surrounding cities) but in other states as well. The animal Shelters in Los Angeles and surrounding areas are at capacity, and many animals are on euthanasia lists in order to make space for more animals that need to enter the system. It’s truly heartbreaking. We have a pet overpopulation crisis. Allowing cats and dogs to reproduce is a major problem. We truly need more help from the city to create more spay and neuter programs that are accessible to all. Oftentimes, people cannot find homes for puppies or kittens and those animals will end up in a shelter or abandoned on the streets. Dog breeding is another problem. There are thousands of amazing dogs that are available for adoption, yet there are still people interested in purchasing a dog instead of adopting and helping to clear the shelters. The rising costs of living in Los Angeles also affect animal owners. A lot of residents are faced with having to relinquish their pets because they cannot afford pet deposits in certain places. I believe that having stricter laws that protect animals can be a solution to less animals being bred, neglected, abandoned, and abused. It seems any person can have a dog or cat without having to truly be legally held responsible for how well that animal will live. Ev-

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ery dog and cat deserves respect, a safe loving home, and a FOREVER home. Many animals are simply dumped on streets or in shelters because their owners just don’t want them anymore. This is NOT right! Bringing a pet into your life is a lifelong commitment. During the pandemic, many people adopted animals, and once life went back to normal, a lot of animals were sent to shelters or abandoned. The overpopulation of dogs and cats has caused about 15 million animals to be euthanized every year in animal shelters throughout the United States. In Los Angeles alone, about 72,000 stray animals entered shelters in 2020, and these numbers have increased since. Adopting and not buying pets, fostering animals, donating to rescues that help get animals adopted, spaying and neutering, advocating for the safety and well-being of animals, and sharing posts on social media to help the visibility of animals in need are all things we can all do to help! You feed and care for animals on the streets regularly, day and night; what does that typically look like? At home, I've been feeding a few stray cats (a few for a few years and one for almost a year). Every day they are the first cats I greet and feed. Monday through Sunday nights, I make my way to an industrial area a few miles from where I live to feed a few cat colonies. This is my first year feeding stray cats in my neighborhood. I love visiting and talking to all the cute cats I've met. It's a great feeling knowing they will not be hungry. This was also my first year trapping cats and helping to get them spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and in a foster home with the goal of having them adopted. In one of these colonies, I was able to take a mom cat (with the help of an amazing cat lover/trapper) and her three kittens out of a junkyard. One kitten was adopted, and the other two and their mom, are doing great with their amazing foster parent. All cats are available for adoption! Every night, I load my car with clean water, feeding bowls, and wet and dry cat food to distribute in six areas in my neighborhood. I see familiar faces every night,

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December 2023

but there are also a few times when I meet new kitties. Currently, my goal is to get approximately 25 strays in the area spayed or neutered to help prevent the population of strays from growing there. The life of a stray is very difficult. These poor cats suffer greatly living on the streets. I was recently very fortunate to have been connected to a cat lover who traps, spays, and neuters (then releases) cats and will be helping me. I'm learning more and more about how trapping and releasing can help stray cats in the community. A few times a month, I go to Skid Row to represent the River Rose Foundation for Pets. If I can go each week, I will. It's a group I've been helping run for about five years now. River Rose Foundation for pets distributes pet supplies for the pets of the Skid Row community. I do my best to gather as many pet supply donations, and I help distribute items on Skid Row. For this past year, I've been funding the pet food I distribute when I go down there. My usual routine for those days goes like this: I package individual plastic bags filled with dog food and load up my car with dry kibble, wet food, and water. I also bring whatever pet supply donations I happen to have that day. I drive around Skid Row (or sometimes walk around with my small cart filled with items), and I stop wherever I spot any pups. There are also a lot of stray cats (and cats with owners), so I also definitely bring cat food to share with the kitties I meet or spot. My visits include a lot of long chats with the pet owners and me taking photographs of the pets I meet. It’s incredible how compassionate you are, Karla. Your Chihuahua, Pun'Kin, is a rescue as well. Could you tell us how you found her and how long she's been with you? From what I understand, she sparked your passion for helping animals… One late afternoon I was driving in my car stuck in traffic in Downtown Los Angeles when I spotted Pun'kin running in the middle of traffic. My passenger jumped out of the car to try and get her and the rest is history! She was not microchipped, no one replied to the posts I made in community forums to claim her, etc. Seven years later, she is my fur baby! She is the reason why I started volunteering with the River Rose Foundation for Pets in Downtown Los Angeles. She has inspired me to continue to help as many animals as I can. What can we do, and how can people help you with your mission to save more animals in need? Please have your pet spayed or neutered. Please adopt and don’t buy animals, share any posts on social media about adopting or fostering animals. If you visit my Instagram handle, please share any posts about cats or dogs that I'm trying to help. I'm ALWAYS accepting any pet food/pet supply donations, gently used towels and blankets are always welcomed. If you can foster cats or dogs, PLEASE message me as in order for me to help get animals off the streets, I really need safe homes for them to stay in while I look for their forever homes. Be kind to all animals, and please speak up for them. Thank you! Follow Karla: @Karlagrooves

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Trustworthy Magazine


December 2023



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Vol 17

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