Truth For The World Catalog

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Greetings, It’s hard talking to someone and trying to describe Truth For The World, because we do so many things. That’s one problem this catalog helps solve. As you thumb through it you will find numerous things that Truth For The World does, including a TV channel, radio station, Bible Correspondence Courses, etc. But you will also learn about ways you can access it, take advantage of it and even join the work. Truth For The World tries to be 1) a resource for congregations and individuals in their local evangelism, and 2) a way for congregations and individuals to join us in global evangelism. Thus this catalog lets you know about various resources that you can use for your own Bible education, teaching others in your area, and how to join us in reaching people around the world with the Truth of the Bible.

about what is right or what the Bible says. It may remind you of what Jesus said, “Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” Remember, that our job is to plant the seed and water it, God will take it from there and give the increase. (1 Corinthians 3:6) Let’s always be busy sowing the seed and teaching. And may God continually be thanked for the privilege we have of salvation and being a servant in His vineyard. TFTW Staff

Take some of these free catalogs. Flip through it yourself. Give some to others. Take some home to your congregation. Take advantage of the resources we have, most of which are free. We think you will find Truth For The World is the best “bang for your buck” evangelism effort going on today. We are teaching people from around the world about what the Bible teaches, and we are doing it with modern technology, modern communication methods, and minimal cost. That’s also thanks to the volunteers who work with us. We hope you will be impressed by what you see Truth For The World is doing. But we not only want you to be aware of it, we want you to take advantage of it. Use our resources. We also hope that you will be excited and join our efforts. People are interested in the Bible, no matter what the world may seem like. We currently cannot even satisfy all the requests we get from people who want us to come and teach them the Bible. We are currently averaging about 9 people per day signing up for our correspondence courses. We get listeners from 20-30 countries to our Internet Radio station every week. We get students in our courses and people on Facebook asking us questions 1

Truth For The World


Truth For The World.ORG - FULL






Radio programs- MP3

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Truth For The World . Asia with Translator Plea FULL PG



Tracts 1/2


Q&A Book 1/2

Keep up with our Highlighted Topics 16



Teaching All Nations™ BLOG

Here’s some highlights of TFTW from 2014: Internet: o Redesigned and re-launched truthfortheworld. asia, which now includes material in Vietnamese and Burmese o Our four main Internet websites brought in over 179,000 visitors. o Our English website had visitors from 211 countries/territories and more than double the number of unique visitors compared to last year. o We launched a topic page on Premillennialism ( Radio: o Our radio programs are now part of The Gospel Radio Network ( o Our Internet radio station pulled in a daily listening average of 88 hours and we reached out to 132 countries/territories. TV: o Installers of our Roku channel increased to over 4,000. o Our YouTube channel was watched an average of 4.3 hours per day. Education: o Our total number of Bible Correspondence Course (BCC) students leapt from 1,624 in 2013 to 3,069 in 2014. The students came from 86 different countries/ territories. o We received word of more BCC students obeying the Gospel by being baptized! Social Media: o We launched a Pinterest board and a LinkedIn page. o Our Facebook post on “Is Christmas the birthday of Jesus?” reached a record-breaking 14,040 people. Missionary Trips: Our staff took missionary trips to: o Peru o West Virginia o Mexico o Myanmar o Singapore o Malaysia


TV: o We plan to launch a 24/7 streaming TV channel through the Internet very shortly. It will be available on our website, through our Roku channel, possibly YouTube, and anywhere else in the entire world we can find for distribution. o We want to edit and finalize new episodes of our Explorations TV show, geared toward young people but educational for adults as well. Education: o We want to launch a brand new set of Bible Correspondence Courses (BCCs) created from the ground up, using proper instructional course design, professional graphics and layout, and a new format that will allow for cheaper shipping for both student and teacher. o We plan to begin work on an Internet-based Bible college that will be not only online, but interactive and incorporate modern instructional technologies. Missionary Trips: o Tentative missionary trips for 2015 include Palau, West Virginia, and Mexico. Are you a member of the church of Christ and excited about all this global evangelism? Is your head about to explode? Then join our efforts and be part of it!

So are we satisfied with the status quo? Nope. 20

Volunteer FULL

75 for 7 FULL

Internship half

Explore with us in our:

TV Series 23

Join Us! Join Us Form - half


Now that you’ve seen some of what we do, join us in our global evangelism! Fill out the form below, tear it out, and drop it into the bowl at the Truth For The World exhibit at Polishing The Pulpit. A random form will be drawn and a prize awarded to the person’s name on that form.

We are always looking for co-workers to join us in the work at Truth For The World. There are lots of ways to help. Please ‘check’ the ones that are interesting to you! Bible Correspondence Course Teacher Sponsoring a TV or Radio Program in your area Internship Financial Assistance Prayer Presentation at your Congregation about the work at TFTW Recieve our Electronic Newsletter Name: __________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________ Comments: Please return this form to us: Email: 25

Mail: P.O. Box 5048 Duluth, GA 30096

P.O. Box 5048 Duluth, GA 30096

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