Thunder Roads West Virginia 1508

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Thunder Roads Magazine® West Virginia


4157 Mountain Road #233 Pasadena, Maryland 21122 Fax # 888-698-7004

Big City’s Two-Wheel Testament.....................5

Facebook – Thunder Roads WV Twitter – TR_BigCity

Road Captain’s Report.....................................10

Sippin’ Shine with Hillbilly.................................6

Joker’s Wild........................................................13


Center Calendar.................................................14 Featured Bike.....................................................16

SALES & MARKETING Steve “Hillbilly” Craig Mike “Rhino” Ryan (681) 209-0832 (681) 209-0834 Jeff Davis (304)-673-7321 Southern State Sales

Scott “Scooter” Broyles (304)-549-5615 Charleston Area Sales

Events..................................................................14 Miles with Smiles...............................................21 News Bytes.........................................................23 Biker Friendly Directory...................................24 Diary of a Biker Chic.........................................26

ACCOUNTING Mike “Bighead” Abbott (681)209-0842

MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA MGR. Catherine “Kitty” Noske / CRAVE Marketing Solutions 443.591.1882 LAYOUT & DESIGN Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics CONTRIBUTOR Mike “Smiles” Johnson Joyce “Biker Chic” Marc Rithcie a.k.a Road Captain

PHOTOGRAPHY Michael J. Alves, Bob Tarowsky,

ON THE COVER: Model: Tori Abell

NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN. 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580

Photographer: Michael Alves, US Patriot Photography

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Well once again we are excited about this month’s edition. We have all kind of great content for you to go thru. From the Biker Chic’s ride to Gettysburg Bikeweek, The Road Captain Report as he visits the world largest steerable telescope in Green Bank, WV, and we even got Smiles chiming back in this month on one of his favorite subjects. Also we can’t go without this month’s Sippin Shine with Hillbilly as he interviews up and coming band Moccasin Creek who was recently playing at this year Capitol City Biker Bash in Charleston, WV. Next month we will have a rundown on this year’s Mountainfest Rally out of Morgantown, WV and an inside look Apple Mountain Motorcycle Rally. As always we want to thank all our advertising partners for their support and want to request all our readers continue to support those business as well. Without their support we would not be able to deliver the markets highest quality and most informative motorcycle magazine. Until next month, keep the shiny side up and ride safe. L&R Big City







Hey God Hey God. It’s me again. Great job on that sunset, you impressed me once again. You know I’ve been having trouble keeping my mouth shut at work. It’s just so annoying sometimes. Can you help me out there some more? I’m sorry about using your name like that. You deserve so much better, I’ll do my best not to do it again. My kids will be going back to school soon, I know I’m not supposed to worry, but I can’t imagine something bad happening or what I’d do if something did happen. Watch out for them and all their friends. Keep them out of trouble. Heck, watch out for me and keep me out of trouble too. I know I’d never got this far without you. I’m trying to follow you. I’m trying to love my neighbor. I’m trying to forgive everyone. I really appreciate what you’ve done for me, what you’re doing for me, and what you’re going to do. Thanks for listening! Amen

your prayer. God doesn’t want a ritual. God doesn’t want a prepared script. God wants a relationship. Even though he already knows what’s going on, he wants to hear from you. So take minute and talk to God. Whether you talk as you r i d e down the road, when you wake up, when you go to bed, on the bar stool, in the emergency room, or in your recliner chair give God a few minutes of your time. You don’t need a thesaurus or degree in English literature to pray. Just be real….. He is listening.

Prayer is not supposed to be some magic ritual you recite that makes bad stuff go away, good stuff happen, and get your ticket punched to walk through the pearly gates. Prayer is a conversation with your Creator. If he has counted and numbered the hairs on your head, he cares enough to listen to



Scott Villers Bikers for Christ Valley Chapter Rushing Wind Biker Church Spelter WV 304-624-4777 ALL WELCOME!!!!!!!!!


Sippin Shine with Hillbilly and

Jeff McCool of Moccasin Creek


he best part of this job is the people I get to meet. I love the people that read our magazine each month and I love meeting them and getting the chance to say Hi. On the other side of the deal is the bands and people I get to interview for this column each month. I knew when I saw Jeff McCool of Moccasin Creek walking towards me with a big smile on his face that we were going to get along pretty good. I had no idea that he would reveal to me that we are related. He said when he was a little boy his family called him WilliamBilly so we are both part of the billy clan. It only went downhill from there. We had a great time doing the interview followed by a great performance from Moccasin Creek that left the crowd yelling for more. We sat down by the river in Charleston WV and sipped a little and talked a lot. Here is our talk by the river. HB- Do you ride a Bike? JM- I have ridden several bikes. I am no longer allowed to ride a bike but as soon as I get off the road I will be back on a bike. The only street bike I ever owned was back when I was in college and it was a CBR 900. When I was in college and playing ball it was an easy way to get around town. I want a custom chopper with big apes on it. My wife said no because we are on the road so much. It’s not because of me but the idiots on the road that everyone has to drive with. As a band we really support the biker community and we try and get the message out to the cage drivers that when you are out be aware of the people on two wheels. HB- Where are you from originally? JM- I’m from a little town in Florida called Palatka. It’s right by St Augustine. Now I live outside of Nashville and that’s on purpose to live outside of Nashville. I kept hearing that you have to be in Nashville for the music business and I said no you don’t so I settled about 1 ½ hours south of Nashville. HB- Now I heard that you just signed a new record deal. That must have you pretty excited huh? JM-We did and it is a big deal. We signed with Average Joes entertainment which has Colt Ford, The Lacs, The Moonshine Bandits etc., which has several acts that are doing this genre of music and it really is an honor. It’s kind of funny too because we were so do it yourself for the first 3


½ years. I’ve got lyrics where I said some things that weren’t too nice about Nashville’s music scene and the labels. Then I’m looking at myself 4 years later and thinking there is nothing else that we could do. I hoped that I didn’t burn any bridges. But it was really cool because Shannon Houchins is the founder and CEO of Average Joes said I get it and I understand. You didn’t want the help that’s why we respected you. You did all this on your own. So when we got together and negotiated it was really cool because we have a lot more marketing outlets now. We are still doing the same thing we have always done. That was one of the big things we agreed upon was that we still use the same production and I’m still allowed to write the material. We are not changing the recipe that got us to where we are. That was a big thing. I know so many buddies and friends that are mainstream country or rock and roll whatever maybe that when they got there with a label it was a complete 180 degree turn around from what got them there. HB- It’s nice when it works out for you the way that you hoped. JM- It really is great that it worked out like this. Anybody that follows us knows that my wife Daphne is pretty much the backbone of Moccasin Creeks success. I guess you would say because she took over the management role and booking and still does it all. In the meantime she has grown herself into having a very successful booking agency out of Nashville and deals with a lot of artists the hick hop (country rap) to mainstream country, to rock and roll. At the same time we hit a wall about a year ago and asked ourselves “what do we do now?” We could only do so much on our own. It was perfect timing and everything worked out great and we are extremely happy. We have a new video coming out the 11th of July. The song is called “Low Life”. There is a teaser or trailer that you can watch now. It’s one of my favorite videos that we have done.



HB- Did “Low Life” hit the charts yet? JM- Speaking of charts it’s funny because I don’t think it will be much longer before they have to recognize what people like us are doing. That’s not an arrogant boast on my part it’s just the genre as a whole is busting out everywhere. I still hate the term hick hop I think it’s ignorant. It is what the media has labeled us and then they build it up to bash it anyway. They put the name on it and now everyone refers to it as the name. HB- What do you want to call it and that’s what we will call it at Thunder Roads WV-MD-DE-DC? JM I’m not sure. We’ve been trying for 4 years to come up with a clever name for it. We always say we are not country, we are not rap, and we are not rock and roll, we are Mocassin Creek. Because all of that is in our music. If you look at music as a whole it doesn’t matter which song it is. Take Country Boy can Survive the most country song country anthem ever, you can take that instrumental and rap to it, make it a blues song, make it an Alice in Chains rock song, it doesn’t matter all music is universal and pretty much interchangeable. The most important part is the lyrics and if your audience relates to it. HB- Let me know if I’m off base but it seems like Nashville is scared of anything that comes to town that is new. Guys like you or back when Big and Rich came marching into town scared the hell out of music row. JM- 100% right and it even goes back before John and Kenny. Of course John and Kenny were the first to come along and do it on that platform. That magnitude was just nuts and caught everyone off guard. I can never thank them enough for paving the way for people like us. I think media, mainstream marketing, sponsorship is so scarred of anything that’s not the norm or anything that can be taken out of context, from left wing this or right wing that to who’s gonna be offended next that they miss some of the best stuff in front of them. If somebody would say stop worrying about hurting people’s feelings and be done with it. We all need to stop taking everything so serious. A man and a woman that don’t give a darn about people that are talking about them are more successful than people that always THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

worry about everything they have no control over anyway. HB- The music industry is still worried that the next thing coming down the road may not make them any money. They can’t sign a group like you because they might lose money? JM-There is a great example and I love him to death. We kind of started in this thing together Big Smo. In fact I was doing my thing in Florida with a group called Dubble Wide with Bottleneck, I moved up to Tennessee and got with Smo and did the Hick Life song and to make a long story short he got a reality show and we’re doing huge numbers out on the road. Now I hope the show keeps running and things go good for all of us but like you said people get scarred. All the suits say, what is music coming to? Well a prime example, I had the unfortunate but fortunate experience of attending the CMA awards show last night. It was really cool because I got some country musician heroes, some hip hop heroes, and some rock and roll heroes. To go in and see and this is my whole thing I understand that today’s country is not the same, its pop country but it’s what sells. That’s cool whatever sells. You are at the country music awards and in between each act and each set what are they playing over the loudspeakers? Hip hop. Now this is what gets me. It wasn’t country rap. It was real hip hop. Then they would scratch in these country songs trying to make it accepted. Now I don’t know if they are working for us to get us more accepted or if they just figured this is what the generation is now and we need to play it. If you go to a Skynyrd show now you will see 60 year olds, and teenagers that were passed down by people like us. There is no in between. We have a real good relationship with Ricky Medlocke that’s been with Skynyrd and Blackfoot forever and we had a chance to work with him. He’s a great dude. Anytime Skynyrd is around we go watch the legends do what they do and they are incredible and in at least my opinion there should be every age group on the planet at their show. It just shows how things skip generations and they skip around and that’s what is happening in country music right now. Jamey Johnson gets a raw deal too. He is one of my favorite artists ever and now with all the political correctness going around everyone got scared and you don’t hear his name as much when I believe he is one hell of an artist and we should all be listening when he plays. HB- How did you get into the music business? JM- I still don’t recollect how I got into the music business. I don’t play any instruments, I don’t hear music or read music. Somehow I write it and I engineer our stuff in the studio. I’m not sure if it’s a gift or not but it is something. It’s really cool and I don’t get it like someone that is so talented and gets railroaded out of the business. There are so many people that are out there that are so much more talented than me and its cause I’m something different. HB- Now this will sound a little corny. I’m one of those people that believe nothing happens by accident. There is a reason that you and I are having this meeting and good talk. Someone, somewhere, maybe need to hear what you are



saying today and it will help or inspire them. JM- I’ve been lucky I played some ball in college and had a couple of cups of coffee as a professional so during my 20s I kind of lived my rock star part of my life. In my early 30s when I got into music and I came into it with creativity and business on the mind. At first it was about the money but then I started getting these emails about how this song touched me and the next thing I knew that was my new drug. I was off trying to figure out how to touch the next person. HB- Where are you going from here? JM- We are on the road about 45 weekends a year. We are headed to Georgia this weekend and then back to Nashville. We have a day off and then some studio time and some of the other bands on the label are finishing their albums and we all help each other out on different tracks. We head to the mid-west and then the west after that. We are staying busy. HB-Where can fans find out more about you and the band?


JM- Our website is www. We are also on face book. We are on twitter and Instagram as well. I want to thank everyone for supporting us and welcome all the new fans that we are finding on the road. See you all soon. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed talking with Jeff. I had the chance to meet his wife and the band later. It’s easy to see that this band is on the road to Hillbilly rock stars. I had a blast hanging out with them. Their show was great and I’m making my plans to see them somewhere down the road. I can tell you they are one of my favorite bands. I’m sure after you listen to a few of their songs most of you will become fans too. Tell them Hillbilly sent you. After sitting and sippin’ I went and got some shine, found some friends and put them in a circle and lost the lid. Got to the end and saved the best for my boy Big Dog I miss him. I hope to see all of you soon on the road. God bless you until next month.









nfortunately, we couldn’t get any takers and my day off coincided with a forecast calling for cloudy skies with scattered thunderstorms. I didn’t see the term “severe”, so we weren’t going to let this day go to waste. Besides, Kevin Horton, and the fine folks at Shenandoah Harley Davidson, had provided a beautiful 2009 Ultra Limited, to prove the pavement of some of the area’s finest roads. It was all that was needed to push us off the fence, and get us started, on what would turn out to be, a very wonderful day.

A scale replice of the GBT inside the exhibit hall 10

Enjoying the CVO AUGUST 2015


We made quick work of our breakfast, eager to get back on our mighty ship of roadways. We crossed Allegheny Mountain and the continental divide into West Virginia, as a light rain developed. We were both aware, any water reaching the Atlantic Ocean from this side, would have to find its way via the Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico. I hope someday, there will be an overlook of sorts, with a painted line in the parking lot. And bearing the inscription on one side would be, “Gulf of Mexico,” and on the other, “Atlantic Ocean.” I know a few people who would have a picture on their wall or desk, of themselves pouring a bottle of water over the line, myself included. It might even be a great place to sell T-Shirts someday. The light rain wasn’t dampening our spirits one bit. With the lower and fairing vents closed, our vessel was leaving a healthy wake, and keeping us surprisingly dry. We had brought the rain gear, but opted to press on, as long as it wasn’t getting any worse. We eventually made it to drier asphalt and a front row parking space near a sleepy little town with a huge radio telescope. It seemed like it was meant to be.

Shenandoah Har ley Davidson Rose and I boarded our luxurious craft and made steam for High’s in Monterey. Screamin Eagle and the Rineharts were setting the tone, joined by the brilliant instrumental of Heart’s “Barracuda,” as we ascended Jack Mountain. I had never really listened to, or noticed this song quite like this before. It was like hearing it for the first time on the radio when I was a kid. The drums and guitar playing off one another seemed to echo the call and response of throttle and brakes, enhancing an already fantastic experience on this impressive machine.

Although, not our first time there, we were greeted by their friendly staff, as if it were. We browsed through their very interesting gift shop and got tickets for their telescope tour. Our group assembled in a small theater/ briefing room. Our guide gave us a brief and informative overview of the site, and showed us a short video about radio astronomy and the GBT. He then demonstrated what happens to molecules as they are super cooled with liquid helium, by placing an inflated balloon in a bucket of the liquefied gas. It was kinda cool watching it deflate and expand again as he took it out. Then he tossed the remains of the bucket across the floor and towards the screen. The kids got a kick out of it too. We were getting our science fix on. Before boarding the bus for a guided tour, we purchased one of those old disposable cameras that have actual film that needs developing, at a place you usually have to wait in line at. Not really feeling the future excursion to Wally World for the eventual pics, any up-close shots of the telescope are strictly forbidden, due to radio frequency interference (RFI), from digital cameras. The bus we were in was a hybrid, and all vehicles within a certain perimeter were diesel, as our guide explained that spark plugs emit RFI and interfere with the research being done there. Passing a cemetery inside the site’s boundaries, our




Antique Shop next to Highs

ter Inside the Green Bank Science Cen guide pointed out what happens to anyone caught taking pics with a digital camera. The tour was very entertaining as well as educational. We got to see the GBT up close and personal. It was huge! It is one of the largest moveable objects on the planet. Its diameter is larger than three football fields, and has over 2000 moveable queen sized bed panels that can be focused to a precision less than a millimeter. As I stared up at this behemoth, I tried not to think about its predecessor that collapsed back in the 80s due to metal fatigue. There are several radio telescopes at this facility. Our guide pointed to one and said it was built by the Navy back in the 60s. Its base reminded me of a battleship we visited in Norfolk a while back. He said it houses a bomb shelter and the Russians


are leasing it. I had to scratch my head on that one. It’s not really what many motorcycle enthusiasts think of first, when planning a ride, but I think most will find it a very cool experience. If returning here a few times is any indication, then it most definitely has been the case with me. The staff does a really nice job here, making this interesting place accessible and inviting to travelers. It’s always been a fun ride arriving and departing as well. Most of the roads getting to and from here are what many motorcyclists enjoy about riding motorcycles. Not that we need an excuse to go anywhere or anything :) Cheers and thanks for reading! Marc Rithcie a.k.a. “Road Captain”



A passenger in a taxi heading for Tampa Airport when he leaned over to ask the driver a question and gently tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb and stopped just inches from a large plate-glass window. For a few moments everything was silent in the cab. Then, the shaking driver said, “Are you o.k.? I’m so sorry, but you scared the living daylights out of me.” The badly shaken passenger apologized to the driver and said, “I didn’t realize that a mere tap on the shoulder would startle someone so badly.” The driver replied, “No, no, I’m the one who should apologize, it’s entirely my fault. Today is my very first day driving a cab. I’ve been driving a hearse for the past 25 years.” ____________________________________________________

veranda watching us and I want to get it right”. Handicap yells back, “Nah, forget about it, that’s way too far off, you’ll never hit her from here”. ____________________________________________________ One year, I decided to buy my mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a birthday gift The next year, I didn’t buy her a gift. When she asked me why, I replied, “Well, you still haven’t used the gift I bought you last year!” Hello! Some people are so dense.

Mildred, the small town gossip and self-appointed monitor of church morals, was always one to stick her nose into other people’s business. Most members of the congregation did not approve of her intrusions, but she was feared due to her lethal forked tongue, so everyone maintained their silence. She took that fatal step too far one day, when she accused “Lightning”, a biker, and new member of the Church, of being an alcoholic after she saw his old Chevy pickup parked in front of the small town’s only bar all morning and late into the night. She emphatically told Lightning in front of the entire congregation that “Everyone seeing that pickup there would know what he was doing”. Fact was, Lightning had volunteered to help Gus, the bar owner, repair a leaky ceiling in the kitchen. But Gus was not a member of the congregation so nothing was brought to light. Lightning, a man of few words but plenty of action, stared at her for a solid minute, then just got up and left the church. He said nothing. Later that early morning; around 1:00 a.m., Lightning parked his pickup directly in front of Mildred’s house, walked home, and left it there all night long and late into the lunch hour. “Putter” and all his golfing buddies are standing on the green while he’s got a very important shot to win the game that’s not over 15 feet to the hole; straight in. “Handicap” yells out, “come on, already, Putter, we all want to finish up and grab a drink”. Putter replies back, although in a hushed tone, “don’t bust my balls here huh? My wife’s up on the Club’s THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA








• 1999 883 motor, with a 1200 conversion kit • 6 speed transmission • S&S carb • Frame, tank and oil tank is an Arlen Ness antique kit that was produced in 2007. In 2007 he built 51, this bike is 8 of 51. • Wheels are 21”, stainless steel spokes. • The headlight is made out of 2 antique railroad lanterns. • It was a non-functional motorcycle a year ago. Elam Folk Reading, PA THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA



TRWV is not responsible for inaccuracies or the specifics of the information provided. If you would like your event listed, please email details and your contact information to:



“Big Al Memorial” Sweaty Ball Charity Run Sunday, August 9, 2015 10:00 AM All Bikes Welcome - Pins for All Participants - Door Prizes – Raffle – Give-A-Ways, LIVE MUSIC, Food & Ice Cold Beverages will be available at the event Come Out & Support This Worthy Cause!!! Proceeds Benefit Local Charities & The Delaware Hospital for the Chronically ILL Vendors welcome!!! Registration 10AM till 12 noon – $5.00 Per Person. Dora’s Motorcycle Rodeo, Memorial for Yo Bob Saturday, August 29, 2015 from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM To raise money for his twin boys, James & Joseph, for college tuition. He died of a massive stroke and is truly missed. Rt 8, Dover, DE (can take Sharon Hill Rd to back of house) address 3028 Forest Ave,, Dover, De. 19904 Buckshot Creek will be providing the music. $10 per person Motorcycle Accident Victims Foundation Fall Bike Fest Saturday, September 26, 2015 10:00 AM Poker Run, Bike Show, Live Music, Food, and more. Come out and support your fellow riders! All bikes welcome! All other modes of transportation also welcome! Special Event pin to first 200 registered. Event tee shirts and other M.A.V. merchandise available for sale on site. Rain or Shine event. Registration is 10 12noon at Rommel H-D in New Castle.

MARYLAND 7th Annual Ride for Animals Benefiting BARCS and Bella’s Bully Buddies Sunday, August 2, 2015 from 10AM to 5PM This year’s Ride for Animals will once again benefit Bella’s Bully Buddies and BARCS Animal Shelter. There will be lots of vendors and rescue groups. Onsite tattoo and piercing There will also be live music The Ride will start and end at Parker’s (Formally Williamsburg Inn) on 11131 Pulaski Highway, White Marsh, MD 21162. Pets are welcome but must be under owners control at all times, and they are not allowed to enter the building or be left in a vehicle unattended. Please remember there will be shelter pets at this event so if you are not sure how your pet will be please leave them at home there will be lots of animals there to give love too. Registration will open at 10:00am, Kick Stands up at 12:00. Ticket Price will include your event souvenir. Rider: $20.00 Passenger: $10.00 None Riders: $5.00 Apple’s 12th Annual East Coast Motorcycle Rally Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - Saturday, August 8, 2015 Formerly known as the “East Coast Sturgis Motorcycle Rally” Two Stages, GREAT BANDS five days of Colossal Entertainment You won’t Forget! Come Early, Stay Late!There will also be a 18

Poker Run, Bike Show, Field Events, Contests and All Kinds of Wild Fun! This is the event that’s taking the country by storm! All the reasons are right. Mountains, Open Country, Good People, Clean Air and the Freedom of the road! The East Coast Motorcycle Rally is the hot spot for motorcyclist to get together for good times, good food, and great entertainment. Come, Camp, Party! NO ONE DAY RATE! Rally Ticket price includes: Camping / Concerts / Tours / motorcycle Demolition Derby and All other Activities HOT SHOWERS AVAILABLE EVERY DAY: FREE RV’S, CAMPERS, BUSES ETC.. Apple mountain main event grounds for the east coast motorcycle rally has no full hook up sites, rv’s, campers etc are welcome on the main event grounds, self-contained. Archangel Charities 6th Annual Bike Wash Saturday, August 8, 2015 from 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM The Archangel Charities and Archangel Riders MC is hosting their 6th Annual Bikini Bike Wash benefitting the Connected Warrior Foundation. The Hustler Girls will be washing bikes for tips. Sullivan’s Steak and Beverage Co. Laurel Plaza, 9624 Fort Meade Road. Laurel, MD. 13th Annual Charlotte Hall Veteran’s Home Poker Run Saturday, August 8, 2015 11:00 AM Charlotte Hall Veteran’s Home - 29449 Charlotte Hall Road Charlotte Hall. MD. 20622 U.S. Military Vets Motorcycle Club, Southern MD $1000 Poker Run - Best Hand $500 2nd Best $250 3rd Best $150 Worst $100 Entertainment – Food while it lasts – Cash Bar - Signup: 1100-1215 - Last vehicle out at: 1230 $20 donation per person ALL PROCEEDS will be used to purchase items requested by the residents of the Charlotte Hall Veteran’s Home DBz MC National Party Friday, August 14, 2015 Sunday, August 16, 2015 DBz MC Baltimore 9196284228 Southern Maryland Music & Bike Fest Saturday, August 15, 2015 Live Music, Bike Games, Bike Show and Lots More St. Mary’ s Co. Fairground, Leonardtown, MD Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DEDC ROLLING BIKE SHOW 2015 – Sponsored by RIDER Insurance® Sunday, August 16, 2015 from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM Woodstock Inn Back by popular demand, Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC, the magazine that RIDES, is once again bringing the Rolling Bike Show back to your area. Come on out and join us for a great day of entertainment and food. We will be holding (5) Five Rolling Bike Shows this year that will consist of (5) five classes: TOURING, CRUISER, CUSTOM, SPORT, and VINTAGE. Registration fees remain the same at $10.00 per entry, with proceeds donated to the hosting locations choice. Each class winner will receive a prize and of course we will have a Best in Show Winner that will receive a Readers Ride Article in the follow up magazine and be entered into the finals which will be held at AUGUST 2015

OC Fall Bike Week 2015. Each winner of the Best In show will be presented via in person or by custom made poster by Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC if they are unable to attend. All attendees can come by and vote for the Best of the Best. Winner of the Final Five Bikes will win the Cover and Calendar shoot for the February 2016 issue of Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC, and free entry to the Timonium Motorcycle Show. Please check us out on Facebook for other great events and more information on each individual venue. or thru the contact us page on the website Chincoteague Island American Legion Riders Chapter 159 POKER RUN TO BENEFIT OUR WOUNDED WARRIORS August 22, 2015 Registration 9:30 AM - 11 AM Parksley American Legion Post 100, 18431 Dunn Ave, Parksley, VA. - $20 Entry Fee-Rider * $10 Entry Fee-Passenger * $5/ extra hands - 1st Prize - $100 cash * 2nd Prize - $50 cash * 3rd Prize - $25 cash - Food, 50/50 Raffle and Silent Auction. LAST BIKE IN 3:00 PM at American Legion Post 159 on Chincoteague Island, VA All Bikes and Riders, Cars, Trucks Etc. Welcome For More Information Call - Linda Robinson (757) 709-9176 * Kat Edwards (757) 8940050 * AL Post 159 (757) 336-9749 Charm City Mods vs Rockers Saturday, August 29, 2015 from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM Vintage and Retro Motorcycle and Scooter show recreating the Mods and Rockers subculture of England in the 50s and 60s. Event includes: Motorcycle & Scooter Show with Trophies, Live music featuring The Fabulettes, Sideshow Entertainer Mab Just Mab, Vintage PinUp Contest sponsored by Atomic Cheesecake Studio, MVA Motorcycle Simulator, Mods vs Rockers Slowride Showdown.

Nuts for No Liimits Saturday, August 29, 2015 - 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM Join us as we continue to support Camp No Limits (No Limits Limb Loss Foundation). Ride registration begins at Chesapeake Harley 9:30 am Fee for riders 35$ - 15$ passenger. Kick stands up at 11am. Chick Fil A Elkton will be on sight for breakfast. Riders will enjoy a 47 mile ride through Cecil County, including Two stops, ending at the VFW in North East MD, after ride party includes All-You-Can BBQ lunch, and Free Draft beer while supplies last, along with open cash bar, features include DJ, vendors, raffles, and silent auction. Stops will be at Wesley’s Restaurant, and Schaefer’s Canal House. For more information contact Steel Horse Guardians 302-588-0011 6th Annual Tommy West Memorial Ride Saturday, August 29, 2015 9:30 AM Come join us to honor the memory of a terrific husband, father and friend. This ride is for motorcycles and vehicles. Everyone is welcome! We will be giving prizes for the best poker hand, having 50/50 raffles and door prizes. $30.00 per driver; $25.00 per


Riding With The Heroes Sunday, August 30, 2015 from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM Riding with the Heroes is a charity event benefiting the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (serving our heroes in public safety and the military) and the Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center. The Ride will be led by our heroes in the military, police and fire department and ceremonially escorted by police motors. The Ride will consist of a 95 mile tour of three historic covered bridges beginning and ending at the Howard County Public Safety Training Center. There will be tours of the training center, music and great food for all participants by our Official Hospitality Host, Mission Barbecue along with other activities. Rides: $25 Passengers $15 All registered riders and passengers will receive a unique event t-shirt honoring our heroes! PLEASE consider pre-registering to help us plan accordingly! Our event is supported by the Howard County Police & Fire Departments, Blue Knights, Legion Riders, Red Knights and Iron Shields. You can register on-line at ABATE Mid-Shore Annual Labor Day Party Friday-Saturday, September 4-5, 2015 Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park, Centerville, MD. Live Music – Two Thirds Band & 3rd Rail Band Tattoo Artist – Matt “Philly” Tull Food Vendor – Big Al’s Grill Bike Show with Custom Trophies Botomless Beer Mug Biker Games 50/50 Raffles More Information - 4th annual 9/11 Patriot Day Ride Saturday, September 5, 2015 8:00 AM Registration begins at 8am followed by 6 moments of silence Kickstands Up at 10:45am Ride ends at Tall Cedars Parking Lot - Bike fees: $15.00 Driver - $15.00 Passenger Passenger Vehicle $15.00 Path of Honor Flags $5.00 Proceeds benefit: Maryland’s only 9/11 Rolling Memorial which will be dedicated on Sunday September 11th 2016 in remembrance of the 68 Marylander’s killed on 9/11 and the 121 others who made the supreme sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan. Starting Location Darlington VFC Baltimore/Washington, DC Ride for Kids Sunday, September 27, 2015 7:30 AM Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation - Ride for Kids These kids are our Stars, and you can help them by participating in a Ride for Kids event as a motorcyclist, fundraiser or

volunteer. Donations benefit the Pediatric Brian Tumor Foundation’s medical research and family support programs. Riders on all makes and models are welcome to attend. The suggested minimum donation to ride is $40 per motorcycle. We encourage you to fundraise before the event to make a real difference to the kids. Online registration is open until noon Eastern on the Friday before the ride. Onsite registration opens at 7:30 a.m. and closes at 9 a.m. The escorted ride starts at 9:30 a.m. sharp, rain or shine! The ride will loop back to the start point. The more money you raise, the more incentive choices you have. Get a collectible T-shirt for as little as $50 per person, plus a Ride for Kids hat at the $300 level. Depending on how much more you collect, you’ll qualify for prizes at different levels. At the event, we draw for a new Honda motorcycle and other great prizes (must be present to win). All participants receive free beverages, a light breakfast and lunch. You’ll also get to meet your local Stars! Turf Valley Resort - 2700 Turf Valley Road – Ellicot City, MD


Sgt. Michael Todd May Memorial Car and Bike Show Saturday, August 8, 2015 10:00 AM Come Ride With Us for the Sgt. Todd May Memorial Poker Run - Registration is from 10-Noon. $20 Per Person. $1000 Cash Prize. Lunch and Live Music to Follow Ride. 14th Annual Ride For Life Dice Run August 15th, 2015 10 am-12pm Texas Roadhouse 290 Emily Drive Clarksburg, WV. 26301 Sign up includes Breakfast and Dinner Door Prizes/Raffles Galore, 50/50 Drawing, High and Low Roll , Cash Prizes and Bike Games, Live Music, Shirts Available $15.00 Call to pre-order to ensure size and color, All Proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society Always a great event! Great scenic riding and quality stops along the way. For More info Call: Chrissy Musta - 304-6771472 Clint Monroe – 304-672-0311 Further Information can also be found by emailing; contacting Mylan Park via Telephone at (304)983-2383; and/or also by contacting Triple S Harley-Davidson via Telephone at (304)-2848244 Bike Night Martinsburg WV Saturday, August 15, 2015 4:00 PM An extravagant gathering of fellow motorcycle enthusiasts Last year over 3,000 motorcycles participated in the police-escorted ride through the area’s rolling hills culminating in a street party in downtown Martinsburg. Organized by Main Street Martinsburg and Blue Knights WV chapter V this event is one of the biggest fundraising for both organizations. Stroll your downtown where downtown restaurants open, bike and apparel vendors on the street, as well as food concessions on each street corner. Visit the Beer garden, listen to 3 great




Apple Mountain Motorcycle Rally Aug. 5th – 9th

OC Jams / Delmarva Bike Week Sept. 17th – 20th

live bands, dancing, having fun in downtown from 5:00pm to 11:00pm. martinsburg-bike-night No Excuse for Child Abuse Poker Run Saturday, August 29, 2015 11:00 AM Poker Run, Live Music, Raffles, Door Prizes and More. All motorcycles and riders welcome $15 Single - $20 with Passenger Benefits children who have and are suffering through child abuse. If you don’t ride you can meet us at the ride at for the festivities at ACE Adventure Resort Beckley Dream Center.


passenger. We have been able to donate funds to the Thurmont Little League, Thurmont Food Bank, Catoctin High School Safe and Sane, Adopting Families at Christmas time and various other charities. Let’s keep paying it forward! This ride is Rain or Shine! If you don’t have a Motorcycle don’t worry, vehicles are also welcomed!! Thurmont American Legion Pavilion 240-315-8216 Johnny

1st Annual “Ian Strachan” Memorial benefit and bike show - September 12, 2015 Jakki’s Sports Bar located at 4992 Gerrardstown Road, Inwood, WV 25428 . Trophies will be handed out for the top three in the categories of Custom, Stock, Antique, Metric, Rat, Best in Show, and the Madilyn Strachan’s choice. We will do a run to the following bars: Green Frog, Copper Still, DubV Pub, and Hillbilly Heaven. Kick stands up at 11:00 AM and bike show begins at 3:00. It is about a 60 mile ride with about 25 minutes at each bar returning to Jakki’s no later than 2:45. Trophies will be handed out at 5:00. There will be live bands, food, and drink specials. All proceeds will go into Ian’s daughter’s (Madilyn Strachan) college fund. 2nd Annual Joshua Jones Memorial Run September 12, 2015 – 10:00AM-Noon Presented by US Veterans MC at Athens American Legion – Registration 10am-Noon - Last Bike out at 12 noon, last bike back at 5PM All proceeds from this event will be applied to a college scholarship fund for the daughters of Joshua Jones. $20.00 for Single Riders, or $25 per Couple 50/50 Drawing, Best Hand, Door Prizes, Core Key Mod AR-15 Raffle Annual Joe Saunders Memorial Poker Run Saturday, September 12, 2015 9:00 AM Event honoring a special friend - Joe Saunders. Come ride with us. Free Food and Drinks while supplies last. Games and door prizes. Cole Harley-Davidson






personality. The right one might enjoy being caressed and kissed lightly while the left one prefers to be handled in a much more forceful way. You have to experiment with each one carefully to determine which method is best for each breast.

ugust is my favorite month for riding mainly because it’s the annual East Coast Motorcycle Rally on Apple Mountain. This is by far is one of my most anticipated biking events. I love the concerts, the people, the food, and most importantly the… Tits, knockers, melons, jugs, bikini stuffers, globes, midget earmuffs, hooters, bouncing buddhas, high beams, honkers, fun bags, hoo-hahs, milk shakes, pointer sisters, snuggle pups, ta tas; whatever you want to call them. There is something about these wondrous warm soft pillows of passion that can bring the strongest of men to their knees, literally. Since my first introduction to these magical parts of the female anatomy, I have been determined to unveil the mysteries they hold. My search has taken me from the biggest to the smallest, the lowest to the highest, and from the narrowest to the widest. I have learned that it’s not just the breasts that have powers, but the nipples also contain a share of that power. I used to believe if you’ve seen one breast, you’ve seen two, but this has been proven wrong quite often. Each individual breast has its own


You will notice the indicator button rise as you get closer to the method that suits that particular breast. These buttons are very similar to the turkeys you buy that have a pop-up button inserted in the breast. It lets you know when it’s properly cooked and ready to be enjoyed. Through my research I have also discovered that I love all breasts. I have yet to uncover a breast that doesn’t give me that warm tingling feeling inside. Some women have decided to enhance them surgically which I am not against, but don’t quite understand why. Be happy with what you have and know that you will make some man, or woman, just as happy. At one point in my life I believed I was so fascinated with them because I didn’t have them. Sadly, now I do have them, and they are nothing like the breasts in my research. Fortunately the warm weather is here and once again the subject of my research will be on display. Whether it’s at the beach, at a bike event, or hopefully in my personal lab, I will be there to further my never-ending quest for the truth behind the magic. I hope I haven’t offended anyone. If I did, please feel free to hold them against me. Ride safely, shine brightly, and enjoy, Mike “Smiles” Johnson



The Ridge Tavern and Grill Great Food Kitchen Always Open Cold Beer Bikers Welcome Good times US19 at Marion County Line





NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) HAWAII TO ELIMINATE ETHANOL IN GASOLINE Legislation to repeal the requirement that gasoline offered for sale in Hawaii contain a percentage of ethanol was signed into law by Governor David Ige, and the new law becomes effective December 31, 2015. The law recognizes that the requirement of blending ethanol into gasoline does not produce any economic benefit for the state and the import of ethanol creates an economic burden for state residents. Ethanol increases water formation, which can then corrode metals and dissolve plastics and rubber, especially over a period of time when the vehicle is not used. Current high-performance specialty parts along with pre-model-year ’01 cars and parts may be most susceptible to corrosion, and no motorcycles or ATVs are approved for higher blended fuels. The lifespan of vehicles and equipment can be dramatically reduced with the wrong fuel, and owners could be confronted with breakdowns. More than a dozen states have ethanol mandates, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, but only Hawaii and Florida have passed such a repeal. Florida ended its mandate in 2013, the same year the Environmental Protection Agency proposed reducing the amount of ethanol in fuel, acknowledging that a federal push wasn't working as well as expected. There have been no changes to federal law on the issue since the EPA report, but Pennsylvania Republican Senator Pat Toomey and California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein have introduced a bill seeking to repeal the corn ethanol mandate in the federal Renewable Fuel Standard. CALIFORNIA REQUIRES MOTORCYCLISTS TO REMOVE HELMET FOR TRAFFIC STOPS Known as the “Identity Confirmation Act,” Assembly Bill 346 will require a motorist to give law enforcement an unobstructed view of their face during a traffic stop, said California Assemblymember Scott Wilk (R-Santa Clarita), author of the measure which primarily targets motorcycle riders. The Facial ID bill was inspired by a Simi Valley, CA police officer who told the assemblyman about having cases thrown out of court because he couldn’t positively identify someone, Wilk told the Simi Valley Acorn, specifically relating the case of a motorcyclist who refused to remove their helmet. Wilk admitted to the paper that motorists are compliant 99% of the time, and currently if a driver refuses to show their face during a traffic stop, police can arrest them for resisting or delaying an officer, and can result in going to jail until they


can go before a judge. “From an ‘identification’ legal view, all citizens are required to prove their identity when asked by law enforcement,” said Chuck Pedersen, State Legislative Director for ABATE of California. “From a helmet ticket defense, an officer cannot ask for you to remove your helmet for the purpose of inspection. I don’t see a need for this additional legislation.” Nonetheless, AB 346 passed near-unanimously through the State Assembly, was approved by the Senate, and is now headed to Governor Jerry Brown’s desk. HANDLEBAR HEIGHT LIMIT REPEALED IN SOUTH DAKOTA Just in time for the 75th Sturgis Rally, starting July 1st, ape-hangers are now legal in South Dakota. The $20 fine for riding with your hands too high was wiped off the books as Governor Dennis Daugaard signed Senate Bill 85, effectively abolishing South Dakota codified law that prohibited such handlebars. Until now it was a petty offense in South Dakota if you rode motorcycle on a public street or highway with the handlebar grips positioned at or above shoulder height, but as of now there are no more regulations on where to hang your hands. SPREADING MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS Nate Hudson, co-owner of “British-American Motorcycle Club”, a bike shop in Long Beach, California, is currently in the middle of a 17,000-mile ride all over the U.S. to spread a motorcycle safety message for riders and awareness from car drivers. He visits the Department Of Motor Vehicles office in every state’s capital, where he hand delivers a request that the authorities consider including motorcycle awareness in both the driver’s license exam and the state’s drivers’ education curriculum. Hudson’s journey is being sponsored by Allstate Insurance Company, and he’s riding a tricked out Indian Roadmaster donated by Indian Motorcycle painted in Allstate blue with logo and trim. So any photo of his bike, therefore, becomes a social-media ad for Allstate. Posts and pictures about “The Ride Of Awareness” are published on social media channels, from Instagram to Twitter to Facebook, an efficient and credible user-generated content reaching online many more bikers than any television spot or print ad. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Be as beneficent as the sun or the sea, but if your rights as a rational being are trenched on, die on the first inch of your territory.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) American poet & philosopher



Biker Friendly Directory

Dealers & Shops

Demotto HondaYamaha RT 33W Elkins, WV 26241 304-636-5489 www.demottohondayamaha. com Insane Cycles & Muscle Cars 285 Don Knotts Blvd. Morgantown, WV 26501 304-291-2453 www. insanecyclesandmusclecars. com JT Cycles 202 City Ave Beckley, WV 25801 681-207-7098 RG Honda-Yamaha 1619 Buckhannon Pike Nutter Fort, WV 26301 304-624-5420 Ride On 210 Main Street Sutton, WV 26601 304-765-2401 The Twisted Spoke 97 Milford Street Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-326-4644 Triple S HarleyDavidson Exit 155 off I-79 Morgantown, WV 304-284-8244

Bars & Grills

Bryans & Brent’s Place 229 N. River Street Weston, WV 26452 304-997-8722


Country Roads Diner Rock Cave, WV Located at the “Y” Across from the IGA 304-924-6300

Vino’s Bar and Grill / Copper Pint 812 Kanawha Blvd E Charleston, WV 681-205-2435

Gameday 318 Pike Street Shinnston, WV. 26431

Wright Dawgs 1228 Country Club Road. Fairmont, WV 26554 304-368-0834

Giovannis Restaurant 451 US Hwy 33 E Weston, WV 26452 304-269-4563 The Greene Turtle 7100 Willie G. Ave Morgantown, WV I-79 Exit 155 304-241-1405 Hickory House 1137 US Hwy 19 North Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-269-7373 Kickstands Bar & Grille 3200 Junkins Ave Clarksburg, WV 26301 Pikeview Sports Bar& Lounge 221-223 Pikeview Drive Beckley, WV 25801 304-256-2490 Rallow’s Place 4030 W. Washington St. Dunbar, WV 304-205-7974 Road Hogs Saloon 415 Clayton Street Rivesville, WV 26588 304-816-6901 Swamp Fox Tavern 4404 Sissonville Drive Charleston, WV 25312 304-340-8094

Lodging Mineral Springs Motel 1 Springs Street Webster Springs, WV 26288 304-847-5305

Insurance Rider Insurance

Legal Services

Law Offices of Ralph C. Buss 800-582-5577 Weatherholtz Bonding 306 W. Stephens Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-267-5888 Walton’s Bail Bonding 49 W. Main Street Buchannon, WV 26201 304-473-8955

Photography Bobby Tarowsky 304-797-1470 304-723-8955

Retail/Apparel The Busy Ness thebusyness

The Dairy Winkle 162 Campbells Creek Drive Charleston, WV 25306 304-925-6800

Certainty Stores 101 Randolph Ave. Elkins, WV 26241 304-630-1716

Ridge Tavern & Grill Route 19 / Marion Co. Line Rivesville, WV 26588 304-278-8041

Joi Ride Leathers Motorcycle Apparel 8403 MacCorkle Ave Marmet, WV 304-400-7613



Derma Doodle Tattoo Studio 355 Meadowdale Rd. Fairmont, WV 26544 304-816-3016 Thinkin Ink (Fairmont) 508 Race Street Fairmont, WV 26354 304-366-1279 Thinkin Ink (Morgantown) 425 Beechurst Ave. Morgantown, WV 26505 304-292-7401 Thinkin Ink (Clarksburg) 196 Buckhannon Pike #A Clarksburg, WV 26301 301-622-7272

Clubs, Organizations & Riding Groups C.E.’s Helping Hands (Old Fields, WV) A non-profit organization enlisting the help of other good hearted people wanting to contribute to the cause of helping others in need. The organization holds monthly meetings and several fundraising rides every year. Donations are always appreciated. For more information call: 304-5386953 or visit our website at: Fraternal Order of Eagles #2481 Weston, WV 304-269-6134 If you would like to be listed in the Biker Friendly Directory, please contact Sales and Marketing or email BFD@BIGCITYRHINO.COM for more information. If you’re a Club, Foundation, or Association would like to be listed in our Directory, please email BFD@BIGCITYRHINO.COM with your name and contact information and someone will be in touch with you.








Gettysburg Bike Week

t the start of this year, I said I was going to step out of my comfort zone in 2015. So when I booked my hotel for Gettysburg Bike Week, I knew I’d be doing just that. Flying solo like always and staying in a hotel that’s known to be one of the most haunted hotels in Gettysburg…by myself! Sometimes I feel discouraged when I do these things alone but at the end of it, I walk away knowing I still had a great time and I feel stronger as a person. Not to say I don’t want to do these things with other people, but as I’ve gotten older and let the wrong people in my life, I’ve quickly learned that “flying solo” is usually the best for me. The first day of the rally was on Thursday and I sat at home waiting for the time to leave. I couldn’t check into The Farnsworth House Inn Bed and Breakfast until 3:00 so I got restless during the day waiting. I was all packed up and ready to roll… and the rain in the forecast was ready as well. Finally around 1:30, I pulled out of my driveway and took the quick drive to Gettysburg. It’s a little over an hour for me to get there and at that time of day, there wasn’t much traffic. I had a great ride in with no stops. I also didn’t hit any rain so that just made it that much better. When I checked in, there was another chic checking in at the same time. Turns out she was my neighbor and she was alone as well. As we were shown to our rooms, we introduced ourselves to each other. We joked that we hoped the ghosts didn’t get us in our rooms since we were alone. The Farnsworth Inn is known to be extremely haunted which is why I chose to stay there. I’ve been to Gettysburg many times and only stayed in a couple different places. I’ve always wanted to stay at the Farnsworth so I figured bike week would be as good of a time as any. Unfortunately, I’ll spare you the suspense, I had no ghostly encounters of any kind in my room…other than a strong smell of urine a couple of times that lingered on for a few minutes, nothing weird happened…that I was aware of anyway. Once I got settled in my room, I decided to walk to one of my favorite places to eat, Hunts Battlefield Fries and Café. I’ve written about that place before. Good food, good prices, and great service! Once I was finished eating, the sky was not looking very friendly, so I figured I better get back to my room. There were very few bikes at this point and it was actually pretty quiet on Thursday. Not too long after I got back to my room, I realized there was a tornado watch for the area. The sky got dark, the wind got crazy, and the rain fell down in buckets. I figured I would be in my room for the rest of the night. However, about twenty to thirty minutes later, the rain had stopped, the wind was calm, and the sun was out…and I got restless. I walked outside to check on my bike, which was not covered (and that just breaks my heart). My plan was to dry it off, but the sun had already taken care of most of it for me. I went back to my room and grabbed my half helmet and my sunglasses and got on the bike. I drove down to Walmart to pick up some things and then I went down to the Allstar Complex where the festivities were. I checked out the vendors, bought a couple of things, and stopped to watch David Allen Coe. I’m not a country fan but this guy is pretty old 26

and he’s a legend so I knew I had to take in some of his show. It was a little after 9:00 and I knew I had to hurry and get back to my room since I didn’t have clear safety glasses. Unfortunately, it was already pretty dark and I knew it was going to be a rough five miles back to my hotel…but I really didn’t know how rough. The second I pulled out of the complex, it started pouring down rain. I had my rain gear with me but there was nowhere to pull over to put it on… and I was already drenched, so what was the point? I usually wear a full face but here lately, I’ve been wearing the half helmet and this was the first time I had ever experienced getting rained on while wearing just a half helmet…it was a pretty heavy downpour and the rain hitting my face hurt! Throw in the fact that I could barely see made it a pretty wicked ride back to the hotel! At one point, a bike was on the side of the road and the only reason I saw them was because I saw their license plate. They had no lights on. For some unknown reason, they decided to get back on the road, in front of me. Needless to say, I could barely see the idiot and I got a little nervous. I tried to keep my distance from him. I was relieved when he pulled back over. Its times like that when I’ve realized that my experience with riding has paid off. Somehow, I made it safely back to my hotel room and wouldn’t you know that the second I turned the bike off, it was barely drizzling! I was soaked! As I walked towards the entrance of the hotel, I couldn’t help but laugh. I realized I actually kind of enjoyed that short ride back in the rain. I’m always up for a challenge! I think when you are in a somewhat dangerous situation and you come out of it okay, it boosts your confidence. I got out of my wet clothes and I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to put on my pajamas! I sat back and watched some TV and was waiting…hoping…for a spirit to pay me a visit. As I said, though, I got nothing. The next morning, I made my way down to the dining room to get my free breakfast! I walked into a dining room with a few parties already sitting and eating and I’m pretty sure everyone stopped and looked at me when I walked in. I guess it’s not every day that you see someone by themselves in a bed and breakfast! I’ve always been the oddball, though – walking to my own beat. The waitress, Kayla, asked me if I was alone and when I told her yes she seemed surprised. I told her that the chic staying next to me was there alone too! Before I go on, I have to say that I had breakfast there 2 of my 3 mornings there and Kayla was a great waitress. I serve tables part-time so I know how tedious of a job it can be but Kayla portrayed someone who loves her job, loves the customers she serves, and I really think that she makes the experience what it truly is. I really hope that her boss knows how much of an asset she is to their business. As I was waiting for my food, Angela, the chic staying next to me walked in the dining room…alone. I knew exactly how she was feeling as she quickly tried to find a place to sit to get all the eyes off of her. Kayla asked her if she was alone and after she said yes, I said to her, “you can join me if you want.” I believe



everything happens for a reason. Things work out a certain way for a reason. Angela was supposed to be there with someone else but something came up. Instead of losing money on the room, she just came alone. It’s more than a coincidence that our rooms were next to one another. I knew we were going to get along after she ordered her breakfast…the same exact thing I had ordered! We spent the next hour or so talking about life, relationships, family, and of course, riding! She rides a little bit but she was not on her bike for this trip. She was 25 years older than me, but talking to her, I didn’t see the age difference. We got along great! I can only hope that I’m as cool as her and in such good health when I reach her age. Little did I know she’d be my “sidekick” for the rest of the weekend! Once breakfast was finished, I went up to my room to shower and get ready to ride. The weather outside was perfect. The sun was not really out but there was no chance of rain. The temperature was perfect. I got on the bike and hit all my favorite places: Sach’s Covered Bridge, Little Round Top, and Mister Ed’s Elephant house. I had a very enjoyable day. The traffic wasn’t too bad yet so getting around was swift and easy. I got myself a little lost like I always do when I’m there because it’s one of the best places to get lost in. The roads are perfect for riding and if you’re lucky, you get lost on one that is full of turns and hills and no traffic. I seem to have a knack for finding those roads in PA. After a while, I realized that I was hungry, so I went back to the hotel and parked the bike. I took a stroll down to the Subway and had a late lunch, checked out one of my favorite shops in the little village behind Subway, and then went over the vendors on Steinwehr Avenue. It was here that I was stopped by a guy at one of the vendors who was selling do-rags. He told me I just had to buy one of his. I told him I’m not really a do-rag wearer but then he showed me that what he was selling could be used as a scarf, a face cover-upper, or a do-rag. He told me they were $18 but he was going to give me one for $10 but I was not to tell anyone. Okay, dude! He then tells me that “I’m easy” because he sold me one rather quickly. I told him not to tell anyone and he said he was going to tell every guy there that I’m easy. I had to laugh at him. Bikers are funny…must be why I love them! I eventually made my way back to my room and was going to relax a bit and then head to the Complex to see The Outlaws. There was a knock on my door. I opened my door and didn’t see anyone at first and I thought I might have just had a spirit encounter but then I saw Angela standing off to the side. She asked me if I was heading down to The Complex and asked if I wanted to go together… hmm…go alone or go with another cool chic? No brainer there! So we rode down in her car and hung out there for a few hours. I had never seen The Outlaws before but they were actually pretty good; a Southern rock type of band. Definitely worth checking out! In fact, the lightening bugs (or fireflies if you call them that) were actually flying in the spotlights and it seemed even they were dancing! It was a cool sight to take in! After we left there, we sat at the beer garden of our hotel and shit chatted for a while. I went to bed that night still hoping for a spirit encounter but got nothing….but that smell of urine! The next morning I got up too late for breakfast so I got a shower and then went and got lunch and then got on the bike. Another beautiful day out! The sun was much hotter on this day and I should have put on sun block but I didn’t bring any with me. I didn’t want to go find a place to buy some THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

because all I wanted to do was ride! Yes, I’m regretting it now – my shoulders are burnt pretty badly! Since I had visited all my spots the day before, Saturday was all about riding. I had run into Angela in the parking lot and she was asking me how to get to Sach’s Covered Bridge because she had a hard time finding it. She followed me there and we walked around some. We agreed to meet up later for dinner and then we parted our ways. I spent the next few hours wandering around aimlessly on the bike. “Not all who wander are lost.” I wasn’t “lost,” not one bit….I was just wandering – checking out the roads. It was on this day that I found some really killer roads. The turns were gnarly and the road went on for miles. When I made my way back into town, I went back to where I started and rode the road again. I had my iPod plugged in and I was just enjoying the day. I guess that’s why I got burnt because I lost track of time, lost my negative thoughts, and soaked up every single second of that day. My soul was smiling…no, it wasn’t smiling, it was giggling and laughing like a child in a candy store. I was at peace! I stopped at a mini-mart at one point to get a bottle of water and the guy who rang me up said to me, “what’s going on badass?” I just laughed at him because, really, how do you answer a question like that? It was getting late so I headed back to my room so I could relax a little before meeting Angela for dinner. I won’t mention the name of the restaurant where we had our pizza. While the pizza tasted good, we found out the next morning that the pizza didn’t agree with either one of us. Luckily, it didn’t hit either of us until later in the night after we were already in our rooms and trying to sleep. I was excited for Saturday night because Jackyl was playing. He’s one of my favorites and I just couldn’t wait to see him. When we got to the complex around 7:00, it was much more crowded than the night before. An AC/DC tribute band was playing and they were decent. Once they were finished, we made our way up closer to the stage. The crowd was huge compared to the previous night. It was huge compared to last year. I think Jackly had a lot to do with that! If you’ve never seen Jackyl before, you should really check them out! They bring so much energy and good feels that you never want them to stop playing. Jesse (the lead singer) said he wasn’t sure why they had never played Gettysburg Bike Week before but if he had anything to say about it, he’d be back and would be taking over the show! I hope this is true…it would make me a very happy chic! In fact, I’ll be seeing him again in a couple of weeks at Mountainfest! Once Jackyl was done, we made our way back to our hotel. The party was over as far as I was concerned. Finally on Sunday, Angela and I had breakfast in the dining room and I made sure to get her Facebook information so we could stay in touch. Overall, I had a great weekend. I didn’t know when I left on Thursday that I would have such a great time, meet a new friend, and not want the weekend to end. I’m grateful to have another safe trip under my belt. I’m grateful to have met a new friend. I’m grateful of all the time I got to spend on the bike. I’m grateful for the kick ass music. I’m grateful for Gettysburg. Some people say that their bike week is boring but let me tell you something…the people who say that obviously aren’t getting out and riding the roads and checking out the area. All I need in life is my bike and music…that’s why Bikefests are so great! In closing, don’t ever be afraid to go somewhere alone. If you want to go somewhere but can’t find someone to go with you…just go! I bet you will have more of an adventure since you are on your own and making your own rules! Make it up as you go along…that’s what I do and I’ve never been let down!









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