Thunder Roads West Virginia

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Thunder Roads Magazine® West Virginia

4157 Mountain Road #233 Pasadena, Maryland 21122

Big City’s Two-Wheel Testament.....................5 High on The Mountain........................................6 Sippin’ Shine with Hillbilly...............................10

Facebook – Thunder Roads WV Twitter – TR_BigCity

Road Captain’s Report.....................................12


Joker’s Wild........................................................17 Center Calendar.................................................18 Featured Bike.....................................................20 Tech Tips.............................................................24

SALES & MARKETING Steve “Hillbilly” Craig Mike “Rhino” Ryan (681) 209-0832 (681) 209-0834

Events..................................................................26 Recipe..................................................................31

Jeff Davis Scott “Scooter” Broyles (304)-673-7321 (304)-549-5615 Charleston Area Sales Southern State Sales ACCOUNTING Mike “Bighead” Abbott (681)209-0842

Biker Friendly Directory...................................32 Diary of a Biker Chic.........................................34

MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA MGR. Catherine “Kitty” Noske / CRAVE Marketing Solutions 443.591.1882 LAYOUT & DESIGN Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics CONTRIBUTOR Mike “Smiles” Johnson


PHOTOGRAPHY Michael J. Alves, Bob Tarowsky,

Model: Renee May Photographer: Casey Bennett & Chuck Robinson

NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN. 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580

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JULY 2015


With another great month behind us, we are getting ready for the party at this year’s Mountainfest. We will be there again this year in full force with the model search and after party once again at Kegler’s in downtown Morgantown. Come out and check out the girls Friday and Saturday. On top of the great riding and other events this month, there is Independence Day as well. Please everyone have a great time and try not to blow your fingers off. Inside this month’s edition is another report from the Road Captain, along with a Tech Tip from our lead mechanic James with Love Lust Cycles. As usual Biker Chic has her story to tell also and let’s not forget Sippin Shine with Hillbilly. All great reads. So enjoy and be sure to let us know what you think by visiting our Facebook sight and leaving us a message. Til next month we would ask you to continue to support all of our advertising partners and let them know how much you appreciate them supplying this magazine for you each and every month. Without them there is no Thunder Roads West Virginia to enjoy. Be Safe and Ride Hard, Big City


JULY 2015


The Ridge Tavern and Grill Great Food Kitchen Always Open Cold Beer Bikers Welcome Good times US19 at Marion County Line



JUNE 2015



Good Guys Wear Black

t all depends on who you talk to and where you talk to them at why we even wear black. Some say it hides the oil stains. Some say it hides the dirt. Some say it hides the food stains. Some say it hides the bug splatters. Some do it so they don’t have to worry about matching their clothes. Others say it fits their mood. Regardless of their reasons… Bikers wear a lot of black!

couldn’t earn that, and we call that grace our undeserved gift.

Bikers across the nation are known for being good people. No matter how scary or rough we look, we help. As soon as the weather breaks until snow starts to stick somewhere in our state there is at least one poker run for charity going on every weekend. We help everything from humane societies to a child enduring cancer treatment. I even have a t-shirt that states “Bikers help more charities than the government ever will.” We ride around wearing black doing good. Now here is the haymaker. GOOD PEOPLE DON’T GO TO HEAVEN. Give me the rest of the page to explain before you move on. God tells us that no one is righteous or good, not even one (Romans 3:10). No matter how much good we try to do, we have sin in our life somewhere. We just try to hide it by wearing black t-shirts and doing good things occasionally. God tells us if doing good things could get us into heaven, we’d just go around bragging about the good stuff we’ve done (Ephesians 2:9). We can’t do enough good to make amends for the bad we’ve done. We may try and rationalize it, by saying that’s not that bad, or so and so did worse. The problem is God is so pure and full of justice he can’t associate with our sinful, worldly, fleshly ways no matter how big or little we try to make it. We were in a no win situation. So God being God, found a solution! He became flesh as Jesus, lived among us sinless, died innocent as atonement for our sins, carried those sins to hell for us, and then rose from the dead in victory over death. We don’t deserve that, we THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

So every conversation ever held about “if so and so is good enough to get into heaven, I’m going because they were way worse than me” is WRONG. Being good enough isn’t the key to eternal life. Being good enough isn’t possible. So tomorrow when you put on your black t-shirt remember God loved you so much He gave His only Son as payment for our sins, so that anyone that truly believes Jesus is who He says He, admits their sin, and asks forgiveness for those sins will go to heaven.

A man in black, Scott Villers Valley Chapter Bikers for Christ Rushing Wind Church Spelter WV 304-624-4777

JULY 2015


High on the Mountain


of his employees and customers fell in love with the motorcycle lifestyle. After attending the riders program offered by his own dealership, Cliff became an avid motorcyclists and spends as much time in the breeze as he can these days. He gives a lot of credit to his partners for introducing him to a lifestyle he has embraced as his own since they opened there doors in 2002.

ith this month being host to one of the region’s biggest and best motorcycle rallies, I thought I would climb the mountain and see what exactly makes it all work. What better way to do that then to speak to the man behind the scenes, Cliff Sutherland, Co-Owner Triple S Harley Davidson & Mountainfest Motorcycle Rally.

Now that I had a good grasp on the Dealership side, I just had to know what I started out talking to Cliff about the made him expand into the Rally side of the history of Triple S Harley Davidson. industry and once again he surprised me According to Cliff, Triple-S first opened with how Mountainfest came about. Cliff its door in the town of Fairmont, W.V. was part of the board for the Convention & April 15th 2002 where they quickly Cliff Sutherland, Co-Owner Visitors Bureau. At one of the many meetings outgrew their home and moved the Triple S Harley Davidson & they had the board decided to hire on a growing business to Morgantown, W.V. in April of 2003. The new location gave Mountainfest Motorcycle Rally. Sports and Special Events Coordinator. One of the first calls this new coordinator fielded them several good years, but just didn’t allow for the vision that Cliff and his partners had for their now was from two techies that had been researching motorcycle larger and still expanding business. After a lot of searching, rallies and said that West Virginia needed to host its own planning, and stress, the new dealership was completed rally. With the research done they felt Morgantown, WV is and opened its doors in July of 2013. This new dealership the prime location due to all its connecting roads, population will become the envy of many. With its huge 40’X60’stage and lodging availability. The info was presented to the board attached to the front were they often have national artists and after reaching out to some local motorcycle businesses play like Jackyl, Colt Ford, and many others. Not to forget a board was created for the rally and Mountainfest was born. that the new dealership is also one acre under roof. That’s a With 10+ years and still running I had to ask if the rally had whole lot of Harley under one roof. met all that expectations that the board had set for it so long Going through my list of questions I realized that I hadn’t asked a question I get asked all the time. What influenced you to get into the motorcycle industry? Cliff stated that he was approached by his then two partners Steve Solomon & Zip Shearer about buying the Fairmont, WV dealership that just came up for sale. At first, Cliff wasn’t really interested. He is a numbers man and had never looked at the motorcycle industry. After some research and some number crunching; he decided that the numbers worked and he would give it a shot. It didn’t take Cliff long to realize that he like many


ago or was it well past what they could have dreamed. Like any owner of their own business Cliff delivered the answer anyone would have given by saying, “When you start things you always have these big visions like Daytona or even Sturgis. Mountainfest has become a well-liked event that provides a lot of entertainment for little money. About 40% of the attendees are not even motorcyclist; they are there for the music venue, which is a nice mix. It exposes them to the motorcycle world, which is great. For acceptance out on the roads and doing other types of things.” Going back

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to his roots “the numbers” Cliff also made sure to recognize the economic impact to the surrounding community. In just one county alone there is an estimate 10-12 Million dollars extra in retail for that four day period. Not to leave out the fact that Mountainfest itself is a 501c-(3) non-profit, a lot of stuff goes back into the park and other non-profits from the event. To include some like PACE, Stepping Stone, and Operation Welcome Home where they help veterans go back to work. That would be a little over $700,000.00 dollars donated back to these organizations over the first 10 years of the event. So all that being said, yes there are very happy with the growth of this great event and look forward to being able to keep giving back for years to come. Last but not least on his long list of endeavors, Cliff and his now solo partner Steve Solomon have opened the first and only Greene Turtle Sports Bar & Grill in the Wild and Wonderful West Virginia. I for one am looking forward to sitting out on the 3000sq foot patio and enjoying the live music from the Triple-S Harley Davidson stage directly across the lot. Not to leave out my very own mug, from the Mug Club that gets me $ off each draft beer I have while visiting. One of the best parts of the Greene Turtle is its ability to allow you to enjoy a nice family dinner without having to be enclosed by all the bar traffic. At the same time it allows you to enjoy the bar side without the worry of interfering with all the families trying to enjoy their meals. Again the perfect fit. Cliff and his partner have done it once again. So now I wanted to get to know Cliff Sutherland himself a little bit so I asked him a few personal questions; which he was happy to answer. I had noticed a lot of awards in his office from several different charitable organization for his selfless service and donations to their efforts. So my first question to Cliff was; Out of all the charities you have donated time or money to, which one tugs the heart strings more than the rest? Cliff started by saying growing up a preachers kid and an Army brat he feels he was just taught to do the right thing. One of the best things about his partnership with Steve and Zip is that they also recognize the value of giving back. So they do a lot of things behind the scenes that allows me to give back and spend a lot of time on these boards. If I had to pick only one, I would have to say the one that touches me the most is the Milan Puskar Award I won. (The Milan Puskar Award nominees and winners can represent any walk of life. They will be the men and women whose hard THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

work and creativity have not only changed their lives, but ours as well. Candidates will exemplify a “create change for better” process.) Mr. Puskar ran a large pharmaceutical company in our area, and was true leader of the community. He alone is one of the largest reason Morgantown has prospered. Listening to Cliff speak about this award and his personal connection with Mr. Puskar himself, you can tell that this is one of his example’s he tries to live by. Speaking of living by examples; I asked Cliff; how he exactly manages his busy work schedule with his family life? I have met his beautiful wife at several of the rallies, and his daughter the GM for Triple-S Harley Davidson. Each time I have seen them together they are working on one of the many projects that seem to always be going on. As I asked that question; Cliff got a smile on his face as if I wasn’t the only one wondering that same thing. He explains that it is not always easy as we all would expect. His family has made many sacrifices to allow it all to happen and he credits their willingness to do so to a lot of his success. Time Management is the key in Cliff’s life. With all the technology out there it allows him to travel and relax some, but be able to work a little bit by having the capability to email or fax over anything on the go. Without a doubt he credits in his own words “The reason it can be done is because we have tremendous, excellent employees, and I don’t even like to call them employees. I would call them co-workers. I believe we work side by side to make it all happen. Again we have a tremendous staff not only at Triple-S Harley Davidson but also at all my other businesses as well, including the new staff coming on at the new Greene Turtle.” In closing the interview I had one final questions for Cliff. What would you like to say to all the people that have come through your doors or gates over the last 10+ years you have been in the industry? “I would hope that for whatever reason you visited one of my businesses or events you enjoyed yourself and was able to walk away satisfied and was able to take away just what you were looking for.” All that being said, it was a pleasure meeting the man behind the scene. Thank you Cliff for sharing a little info on what makes the mountain move. To see more check out the you tube video 2013 Milan Puskar Award - Cliff Sutherland. Rhino

JULY 2015



JUNE 2015



JUNE 2015


Sippin Shine with Hillbilly and


The Outlaws Henry Paul

t’s great when a plan comes together. On May 30, 2015 Old Glory Harley Davidson held its annual get together called Red, White, and Blues. I’ve been able to see some good bands at this event through the years. This year was no exception as the folks that gathered here on an absolutely perfect weather Saturday in May were treated to quite a show. This ol’ hillbilly loves nothing better than a perfect day to ride and some great southern rock for the ears. The Outlaws are a band started in Florida around 1967 by Hughie Thomasson and some friends. They had several record deals fall thru in the early 70s.They had members come and go in the band and it wasn’t until current drummer Monte Yoho and Henry Paul joined up with Billy Jones, and Frank O’Keefe and Hughie Thomasson returned that the band started to take off. In 1974 the band signed on with Arista records and Clive Davis after opening for Lynyrd Skynyrd. Like any band the road hasn’t been easy and the Outlaws are no different they have lost many members and friends along the way. While I was talking with Henry I realized the toll being in a band takes on its members. I sat down with Henry after they played and this is that talk. HB- Do you ride a bike and if you do, what kind? HP- I do not ride a motorcycle. I have never had one. I almost had one when I was little but I misbehaved and my step-father took the motorcycle off the table. It was a Zundapp 150 and I wanted it really bad. There was a man that left a 1938 Harley Davidson with a blue sheep’s wool seat with a side shifter and everything in our barn. We tried everything to get it started but we never did. I admire motorcycles they are gorgeous but I never really had the time to ride them. HB- It seems that being in a southern rock and roll band means that you have to go through a lot of tragedy to stay together. If you look at Marshall Tucker, Lynyrd 10

Skynyrd, etc. they have all dealt with a lot of pain. Does this go with the territory? HP-Yes it does. Obviously the travel brings with it some problems and some risk and lifestyle things especially when we were younger. The Lynryd Skynyrd thing was out of the blue and felt like the sky had fallen on all of us. Tommy Caldwell dying in a car accident it’s all crazy. These guys were my friends. It really hit home how fragile life can be. HB- Are we experiencing a resurgence in the Outlaws music? You had a very loyal group of fans here today. It was a nice crowd of folks that came out today. HP- Very loyal fans. We went thru that out of style period to where we kind of came back around. Our fans are older now. At least the majority of them. They have worked hard their whole lives and they are ready to have some fun. They got a little money, and they have some time, and they support the band, and they travel and they appreciate us. We do have some younger fans and that great as well. For the most part it helps that the band is good and we play hard every day and we are accessible. We have been doing this since I took the band back in 2008. So for the last 7 or 8 years we have been working hard trying to build the band and its following back up. HB- There was some transition thru the years in the band. Early on there were a number of people in and out of the band. Monte and you are the only two that

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have survived it all. HP- When we were young and we were struggling it was a very cohesive group. Then you get some pats on the back and a little bit of money and things start to change. It happens to every single band. It happened to us that way. But you know those people you never lose your affection for them. You never lose your respect for them and you are thankful for them doing what they do in helping you to do what you wanted to do. We were doing it together. Now the people in the band today let me tell you have been in this band for a while. So we started over and this band never wandered off. We have stayed cohesive and tight. We aren’t out drinking and other things. HB- Is it more fun now? HP- It’s more fun and consistently better. It’s always tight and sounds great. HB- Are you still in your other band Blackhawk? HP- Yes Blackhawk is still on the road and the funny thing about this is I can go out and do a good Blackhawk show and the next day Blackhawk is opening for the Outlaws. To answer your question Blackhawk is still alive. Blackhawk plays very well in the mid-west and west. The Outlaws play well on the east coast and mid-Atlantic and northeast. Where ever we go we have lots of friends. Blackhawk has a strong fan base as well. HB- Wouldn’t it be great if we could put together a weekend of southern rock? We could invite Marshall Tucker, Molly Hatchet, Skynyrd, Charlie Daniels, Outlaws etc. I would love to see it one more time in my life. I don’t think I’m alone in wishing for this. HP-It would be a lot of fun. For a long time this is a business not just entertainment. I think all of us should THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

remember who we are and how we got here. I think an Outlaws and Skynryd concert tour would do very well and I hope they are open to this idea. I think when you have 6 cards in your hand and you only have one more to draw why not go out with the ones that you came with. I don’t know about anybody else but this band will go on for at least another decade. HB-How many days do you tour? HP- We play about 100 dates. In the summer it gets a little heavier. HB- Any new albums in the works? I loved the last one especially the song it’s about Pride. HP- Thank you Billy and I worked hard on that last album. The answer is yes we are going to do a double live album this summer in about a month. We want to include a couple of bonus tracks. This will give me a little time to hopefully write a good song for the album. HB- Do you have anything that you would like to say to your loyal fans before you have to go? HP- Yes I want them to know that we are having a great time together. We hold our fans in high esteem. They are the last stronghold brick in our careers and they mean the world to us. We give as much of ourselves as we can give. We are thankful beyond words for all of them. I really enjoyed the afternoon watching the Outlaws perform. Listening to them on that sunny afternoon it could have been 40 years ago and my first bike was somewhere there waiting on me. I was brought back to reality by the pain in my knees for standing all afternoon. Even though it wasn’t 40 years ago I have to admit I can’t remember having so much fun without shine being involved. I’m looking forward to seeing the Outlaws at Apple Mountain in August. I hope you get a chance to see them this summer. Who knows you might be a part of a double live recording. One thing is for sure you will enjoy the time spent listening to the Outlaws. As always remember to drink the shine in circle, share it with your friends and lose the lid. I always save a little for the Big Dog. Stay safe while you are riding around out there. Until next time God Bless you all. I’m off in search of some Green Grass and High Tides…. HILLBILLY

JULY 2015


Canaan Valley, Blackwater Falls, Dolly Sods and Spruce Knob


his is a story from a Memorial Day Weekend a couple of years ago when Rose and I first started seeing one another. She lived in Weston, WV, and I was in Warrenton, VA, so we used to rendezvous somewhere in the middle. This one takes place near Seneca Rocks. Please enjoy!


I was eager with anticipation for a rare three day weekend of riding. Rose and I were meeting Sunday at our base camp at Appalachian Cabins near Seneca Rocks, and from there, we were planning some relatively short rides to some local attractions and landmarks. I headed out 211 with my Memorial Day flag zip tied to the back rest. As I passed Clevenger’s Corner and Ginger and Hoot’s, I noticed a car approaching from the rear. I sensed it was a little close in my mirrors, and by the time

I stopped at a Mickey D’s in Luray. The ride up and down Thornton Gap had worked up my appetite, and I wanted something quick to eat. A car load of tourists parked next to Nauti as I was eating on the patio. A girl got out and seemed to be following instructions from her boyfriend, or husband, and posed next to my bike for some pics. I wasn’t familiar with the language they were speaking, but they all seemed very happy and excited, and were enjoying the early stages of their holiday as well. I stopped in Outlanders to see if they had any Du-Rags

Blackwater Falls

Rose Canaan Valley 12

it was next to me, I was on the horn trying to hang onto the remaining asphalt the car had allowed me in MY lane. I could tell they were kids, and the passenger was trying to take pictures with his cell phone, so I pulled over to let them get on down the road, but MAN, that was close.

JULY 2015


to match my flag. They did. I got two for Rose and I. And after some friendly conversation, I walked over to the convenience store on the end and got some provisions. It’s a great place to stop. They have lots of apparel, helmets, and bikes to look at, in a very Appalachian Cabins clean and aesthetically pleasing showroom. Their docile black lab, Ruger, adds a nice touch to a friendly atmosphere, missing from the corporate confines of box stores. We said our goodbyes and I headed up New Market Gap.

derstood that we were here, enjoying what we do the most, because of those who no longer could, and this freedom we all share, really did come at a price. We arrived at the parking lot for the falls. I was kinda jazzed to see so many bikes. We seemed to all arrive at once. Two other bikes were squeezing into the same spot as me, as if the music had stopped in the two wheeled game of musical chairs. One of them had a Chucky doll fixed to his luggage rack. They were from Pennsylvania, which seemed to be the motif of this weekend, as a bunch of PA license plates were observed. We chatted as we all were swapping our stuff in and out of our saddle bags, as bikers do. Chucky, as it turned out, had been riding for six years, ever since the Street Glide he was on, was new. Big John I was really surprised at the falls. With their proximity to other landmarks I’ve ridden to in the area, they hadn’t shown up on my radar until now. This ranks up there as one of the great day rides I’ve done. The falls are 62 feet high and often ice over in the winter. It is among the highest above ground falls in the state, however, I learned afterwards, there are higher ones below ground. The relatively short hike down a nicely constructed boardwalk revealed stunning views of this colorful cascade. I thought it was simply magnificent and stunning, and sharing this with my Little Bit made this perfect day, even more wonderful.

There was one of those “I’m staying in the left lane no matter what” cages attempting to sanctimoniously impede my ascent by parking next to the vehicle to its right, preventing anyone from passing, at sub speed limit rates. Sensing this, I grabbed 4th gear and made quick work of the slowly closing window. Call me impatient, but I didn’t buy a bike to waste perfectly radiused twistys studying license plates from FL. Rendezvousing with the kindest, sweetest, and Catfish Pond at Big Johns dearest angel I’ve ever met, might have had something to do with it as well :) After meeting Rose at the designated coordinates, we packed up and headed for Canaan Valley. It was warm out, finally, but we packed our fleece just in case. Climbing through the mountains the temperature dropped with the altitude on this clear, sunny day. We arrived at the lodge to see if there was anywhere to eat. The only activity was at the shooting range next door. We walked up to the lift area and noted the cloudless sky on this beautiful day, imagining what it would be like to be here in the winter time, with crowds of skiers. We continued our journey north on 32 for Blackwater Falls. Crossing the Blackwater River at Davis, we rolled through Main Street, catching looks from the pedestrians and waves from the bikers on the sidewalks. Nauti was in her glory. Her groan in second gear reverberated off the glass of the buildings on each side, as her new-found garb, majestically waved in the pristine, clear air. Everything was just hyperly vivid. I sensed a connection, like we all unTHUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

We stopped on our way back at Big Johns Restaurant for some much needed grub. There was a balcony out Chucky Glide back with some dispensers for fish food for the fish in the pond. While we waited for our dinner, we watched a hoard of well-fed catfish vii for the grub we were tossing over the deck. It wasn’t long before two geese swam over and took over the show. The entertainment made for a great way to pass the time while our food was being prepared, and it wasn’t lost on me, how happy I was, sharing this simple moment with someone who managed to capture and mend the heart of this otherwise lonely biker.

JULY 2015


We made our way back to our chrome horse and noted the toilet and trash can next to the front door, so the camera was eagerly employed once again. We donned our fleece we so reluctantly packed, but were relieved that we had, as the Seneca Rocks mountain air began to chill. Even though the ride back was the same as the ride there, I was reminded how great the roads are in WV, and why motorcycles are so enjoyable. Day two began by moving our provisions to a more spacious cabin across the road. My last minute planning found us without a 2 night vacancy, but we happily “roughed it” in their motel for one night. After getting everything inside, we almost felt like not leaving. It was beautifully built, and gave an all new meaning to the term, “cozy”, and beckoned us to stay. There would be plenty of time to soak it all in, especially in the hot tub, but it was time for some more exploring. We headed in to Petersburg for some Overlook at Spruce Knob breakfast in hopes of finding an electronics store for a charger. I discovered by new camera doesn’t charge in the laptop’s USB port like my old one did and I forgot to bring the battery charger along. After the meal, we rode by the Radio Shack, that a local gave us directions to, only to discover it was closed. Oh well, I still had my cell phone, but I would miss the 16mp shots in this awesome region. We took the right turn at the sign for “Dolly Sods”, which I kept calling Solly Dods, because I’d never heard of it, and I’ve been diagnosed with CRAFT, (Can’t Remember a F@#king Thing). Well, the road soon turned to gravel, and though there were still signs for the Dolly Sods park, I wondered how much further it was. We kept climbing and climbing. There were areas of wash-boarded sections over-taxing Nauti’s suspension. I felt bad for my Pillion, only to discover, she was enjoying the adventure just as much as I was, aside from wondering how much abuse this heavy street bike could take on these roads. After about 5 miles of first and second gear, we arrived at the park on top of the mountain. I turned the motor off and heard the whine of the cooling fan. I should have realized it was on for as little air the engine was getting. It had started to sprinkle and we 14

were running behind schedule for a meetup with some friends at Spruce Knob, so we quickly disembarked and found a path to the rocky overlooks. Wow! What a view! We walked very carefully over some boulders to a point and took some pics of our perch on top of our little world. By the time we got back to 28, it was raining pretty steadily, so we stopped back at the cabin and parked Nauti, uninstalled her colors, and disembarked in the amply equipped adventure cage. It was more comfortable being dry again, and the Tremonti CD on the stereo found the volume knob put to Spruce Knob good use adding a Observation Tower jolt of energy to a rainy day. We missed our friends, who had waited for us, despite numerous texts that we were running behind, sent out of range, in hopes they would be retrieved. I felt bad. I thought we’d at least catch up to them at the summit, but one of them wasn’t feeling well as it turned out. We reached the top. At 4863 feet MSL, it is the highest point in WV. We made the short hike to the observation tower. Along the way, was a rock field that visitors had constructed their own Inukshuk monuments on. At the tower, after we took pictures of another couple, with their camera, I stood with my Inukshuk at Spruce Knob arms wrapped around my newfound angel. I felt a wave of almost overwhelming joy metaphorically surrounding me with beauty in every direction. It was like experiencing a long awaited dose of pure, legal, euphoria. As all good journeys, this one was nearing its end. We picked up some provisions in Franklin and headed back to our inviting cabin. Our stay there was nothing short of magical, and icing on the cake to a wonderful weekend. Base camping from Seneca Rocks is a great starting point for exploring some of West Virginia’s finest attractions. The logistics of it all really worked out very well. And the accommodations at Appalachian Cabins, were extremely comfortable and clean. All and all, it was an experience I shall not soon forget. Cheers and thanks for reading! Marc Ritchie

JULY 2015



JUNE 2015





t is a rare occasion when I find myself at a loss for words. When it happens it is usually worthwhile to check out what is going on. I will not interview anyone on this page SUPERIOR MOTORCYCLE COVERAGE IS CLOSERduring the month of May until we bring our THAN IT APPEARS. POW/MIA soldiers home. This column is usually filled with stories of good times and memories. Each May at the end of the month this country celebrates a holiday known as Memorial Day. Bikers come from near and far to hold a rally and ride to bring attention to our POW/MIA’s. I spent a few days this year with the Rolling Thunder MC and the Nam Knights MC and began to see how much these two groups do to make this rally the huge event it has become. I talked to my partners and we joined the rally the best way we can. This page will remain empty each May until they all come home. God Bless All that have served. God Bless those that have paid the price of Freedom for us. God Bless the Ride with Rider. Get your quote today.Families of the fallen. Please God continue to Visit or call (844) 276-0164 bless the United States of America! Available in Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. 16

JUNE 2015


Late in the night, “Buzzard” finally regained consciousness. He was in the hospital, agonizing in pain. The last thing he remembered was going down on his bike and of course was wondering if “she” was alright. He found himself in the ICU with tubes in his nose, needles and IV drips in every arm, a breathing mask, wires monitoring every function and yet a gorgeous nurse hovering over him. Buzzard realized he was obviously in a life-threatening situation. He had heard the Nurses talking out at their station that there was a 50/50 percentage that he could have temporary paralysis from the waist down. The nurse entered his room, gave him a serious, deep look, straight into the eyes, and he heard her slowly say, “For now, you may not feel anything from the waist down.” Somehow Buzzard managed to mumble in reply, “Can I feel your boobs, then?” ________________________________________________ Two women in their early 50’s pass away and meet up for the first time in Eternity. They hadn’t seen each other for quite some time. SYLVIA: Hi! Wanda. WANDA: Hi! Sylvia. How’d you die? SYLVIA: I froze to death. WANDA: How horrible! SYLVIA: It wasn’t so bad. After I quit shaking from the cold, I began to get warm & sleepy, and finally died a peaceful death. What about you? WANDA: I died of a massive heart attack. I suspected that my husband was cheating, so I came home early to catch him in the act. But instead, I found him all by himself in the den watching TV. SYLVIA: So, what happened? WANDA: I was so sure there was another woman there somewhere that I started running all over the house looking. I ran up into the attic and searched, and down into the basement. Then I went through every closet and checked under all the beds. I kept this up until I had looked everywhere, and finally I became so exhausted that I just keeled over with a heart attack and died. SYLVIA: Too bad you didn’t look in the freezer -- we’d both still be alive. THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

WHY is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? WHY isn’t there mouse-flavored cat food? WHY do they sterilize the needle and the arm for lethal injections? WHY don’t sheep shrink when it rains? WHY do banks leave mammoth vault doors wide open and then chain the pens to the counters? ________________________________________________ Charlie was installing a new door and found that one of the hinges was missing. He asked his wife Tilly if she would go to Home Depot and pick up a hinge. Tilly agreed to go. While she was waiting for the manager to finish serving a customer, her eye caught a beautiful bathroom faucet. When the manager was finished, Tilly asked him, “How much is that faucet?” The manager replied, “That’s a gold plated faucet and the price is $500.00.” Tilly exclaimed, “My goodness, that’s an expensive faucet and certainly out of my price range!” She then proceeded to describe the hinge that Charlie had sent her to buy. The manager said that he had them in stock and went into the storeroom to get one. From the storeroom the manager yelled, “Ma’am, you wanna’ screw for that hinge? Tilly shouted back, “No, but I will for the faucet.”

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JUNE 2015


TECH TIP: Getting the Indian Back on its Warrior’s Path


By James Gilman

n this months tech tip we are going to address what seems a common problem for the Indian PowerPlus 100 engine. The PowerPlus engine that was introduced in 2002 is overall a good engine with plenty of power and torque and not to mention easy on the eyes. All that being said some PowerPlus engines have an issue with blowing head gaskets. Here is a quick overview of what to be on the look out for when identifying a head gasket leak on most American made air cooled V Twins: 1. Loss of power 2. Excessive smoke from exhaust 3. Air/smoke blowing for head gasket area 4. Oil blowing from head gasket area 5. Whistling sounds when running 6. Poor fuel mileage 7. Fouled spark plugs 8. Hard starting

Here is an example of what a blown head gasket looks like.

Removing Head and Cylinder Once you have removed the head and cylinder it is important to install cylinder stud protectors and cover all openings of the engine.

Verifying Head Gasket is Blown With the use of a leak down gauge and the piston at top dead center compression stroke, verify the cylinder has more than 10% leak down. The other method is to use a compression gauge the compression should measure over 100psi on a good engine. Both leak down and compression measurements are with known good valve to valve seat engagement. Most of the time you can visually see the head gasket protruding from the area between the head and cylinder.


Checking the Head and Cylinder An easy way to check the head and cylinder is to use a straight edge and put a flash light behind it to see if any light shines through. This is an easy way to check as most feeler gauges will not fit under the straight edge. Fortunate for us at Love Lust Cycles we have a lathe at our disposal which allows us to chuck up both the head and the cylinder and check the mating surfaces.

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Repairing the Problem After verifying the head and cylinder have several thousands variance which seems to be a common problem with these particular engines it is now time to shave the head and the cylinder to ensure proper head gasket mating surface.

Do not try to remove too much material at once. Several light skim cuts will get you where you need Playa.

There is a light pass on both pictures above. You can visually see the variance in the head gasket mating surface where the shiny part is what has been cut and the dirty part is what is still not tru. This particular set took eight light passes on the cylinder and nine light passes on the head.

We understand most people don’t have a lathe or mill laying around to have the capability to do this. We highly recommend you have a trained professional perform this task. Trying to do so without the proper equipment will damage these parts. Stayed tuned for next months tech tip where we will discuss improperly installing the top end and adjusting push rods. Now this is our fourth tech tip installment with Thunder Roads Magazine we intentionally used a non Harley for this tech tip to showcase our versatility with American made air cooled V Twins. Love Lust Cycles prides themselves going the extra mile where other shops tend to fall short. This Indian is a prime example of what we strive to do for our customers as this particular bike has been to several shops with no resolution. What most shops seem to forget is we can’t survive without the support of our customers. It is our responsibility as shop owners to be diligent and honest with our customers and their bikes. We’re bringing back “Quality over Quantity.” You can see video footage of machining the cylinder head and cylinder on our Facebook or Instagram page @lovelustcycles. If you have any questions or suggestions on future tech tips please email us at ____________________________________________ About the Author James is the co-owner of Love Lust Cycles located in Beltsville MD and is a factory-trained, Master Technician with over 20 year’s experience. James decided long ago after being at the mercy of vendors and companies to “Master” all aspects of the motorcycle and maintain top quality work in house doing it himself. James wants to remind all of you to, “Keep the rubber on the ground and the wind in your face Playa”

Here is a before and after of the cylinder head. As you can see we had to remove a decent amount of material to obtain a flat surface.


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TRWV is not responsible for inaccuracies or the specifics of the information provided. If you would like your event listed, please email details and your contact information to:



Diamond Bike Night Wednesday, July 22, 2015 Diamond Motor Sports Join us for bike night with Speed & Strength’s Stunt Rider, Clint Ewing. 3026973222


Hagerstown Bike Week Thursday, July 2, 2015 Sunday, July 5, 2015 Marketplace filled with vendors, Tattoo artists, Bikini bike washes, Stunt shows, Biker games, Bike vendors, Scenic rides, attoo and bikini contests, Local restaurants featuring breakfast, lunch and dinner specials throughout the four days, steak to an all American picnic, a hog roast to hard-shell crabs and drink specials! Participating Businesses: Twigg Cycles, M&S Harley Davidson, Thunder Road Bar & Grill, Creekside Inn, Cancun Cantina West, Hager Hall Conference & Event Center. Visit website for more information and event details. 6th Annual Jen Kelly Memorial Ride & Bands for Boobs event Saturday, July 11, 2015 10:30 AM he 6th Annual Jen Kelly Memorial Ride & Bands for Boobs fundraisers, are in conjunction to raise funds for Breast Cancer Awareness Inc of Cumberland Valley. $10 per person donation, (100% proceeds to the beneficiary of the event) Thunder Roads Bar & Grille, Hagerstown, MD. 21740 Dangerouz Divaz MC Anniversary Event Saturday, July 11, 2015 Sunday, July 12, 2015 Friday July 10 (Meet & Greet) - Cafe Noir 3627 Offutt Rd. Randallstown, MD 21133 8p-until. Saturday July 11 Patapsco Arena 3301 Annapolis Rd. Baltimore, MD 9p-2a - $20/ adv tix or $25 at the door http://dangerouzdivazmc2015anniversary. War Fighters MC 3rd Annual Bikini Bike Wash Sunday, July 12, 2015 12:00 PM – 6:00PM Come out and support educational grants for the families of those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Hooters – Laurel, MD. Hannum’s Xtreme All Harley Drag Race Series 2015- Maryland International Raceway Sunday, July 12, 2015 7:30 AM Gates open at 7:30 AM! Join us for a day of racing, music, food, beverages, vendors & more! Custom Concepts 1st Annual Bike Night Friday, July 17, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM Food (available for purchase) provided by The Corner Market


Beer truck provided by WMD Distributers $2/cup Music- Sean & Perry Kamp 50/50, Raffles All beer proceeds to benefit the F.O.P All bikes welcome! Come out for an evening of good people, music and food to benefit the F.O.P! Exit 34 off of 68. Take Rt 36 towards Westernport. Turn left onto Rt 55/Vale Summit Rd. Custom Concepts is 1/2 mile down on left. 301-689-6141 events/1601778400096796/ Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DEDC ROLLING BIKE SHOW 2015 – Sponsored by RIDER Insurance® Saturday, July 18, 2015 from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM Apehangers Bar and Grill Back by popular demand, Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC, the magazine that RIDES, is once again bringing the Rolling Bike Show back to your area. Come on out and join us for a great day of entertainment and food. We will be holding (5) Five Rolling Bike Shows this year that will consist of (5) five classes: TOURING, CRUISER, CUSTOM, SPORT, and VINTAGE. Registration fees remain the same at $10.00 per entry, with proceeds donated to the hosting locations choice. Each class winner will receive a prize and of course we will have a Best in Show Winner that will receive a Readers Ride Article in the follow up magazine and be entered into the finals which will be held at OC Fall Bike Week 2015. Each winner of the Best In show will be presented via in person or by custom made poster by Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC if they are unable to attend. All attendees can come by and vote for the Best of the Best. Winner of the Final Five Bikes will win the Cover and Calendar shoot for the February 2016 issue of Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC, and free entry to the Timonium Motorcycle Show. Please check us out on Facebook for other great events and more information on each individual venue. trmdel or thru the contact us page on the website 14th Annual Chrome City Ride for Benedictine Sunday, July 26, 2015 from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM Motorcycles and classic/custom cars gather at various registration locations to ride in escorted convoys to the Benedictine School on the Eastern Shore. $25 Ride fee includes: T-shirt, catered lunch, entertainment, prizes and more. Proceeds benefit children and adults with developmental disabilities. Registration locations / time: Old Glory Harley-Davidson, 11800 Laurel Bowie Road, Laurel MD / 8:15 – 9:00 am Outback Steakhouse, Forest Drive, Annapolis MD / 9 - 10 am Rommel Harley-Davidson Delmarva, 22586 Sussex Highway, Seaford DE / 9:30 - 10:30 am The Greene Turtle, 2318 N. Salisbury Blvd., Salisbury MD / 9:00 - 10:00 am Paul T. Ewing Inc, Westbound Rt. 50 (near airport), Easton MD / 9:30 - 10:30 am The Benedictine School, Ridgely MD / 9:30 am - 2:00 pm (campus event concludes at 2:00 pm) 410-634-2292 /2015ChromeCityRideXIVPage1.htm The Not Such A Virgin Poker Run! Sunday, July 26, 2015 from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM American Legion Riders Post 18 Chapter’s 2nd poker run. Only $20 per rider, couples JULY 2015

$30, extra card only $5. The best and worse hands are winners. Join us for a ride around ‘God’s Country’ on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Our first stop will be visiting our friends at the Rock Hall, Maryland American Legion Post 228. Join the fun and join the ride. All proceeds fund local American Legion Rider charities. 7th Annual Ride for Animals Benefiting BARCS and Bella’s Bully Buddies Sunday, August 2, 2015 from 10AM to 5PM This year’s Ride for Animals will once again benefit Bella’s Bully Buddies and BARCS Animal Shelter. There will be lots of vendors and rescue groups. Onsite tattoo and piercing There will also be live music The Ride will start and end at Parker’s (Formally Williamsburg Inn) on 11131 Pulaski Highway, White Marsh, MD 21162. Pets are welcome but must be under owners control at all times, and they are not allowed to enter the building or be left in a vehicle unattended. Please remember there will be shelter pets at this event so if you are not sure how your pet will be please leave them at home there will be lots of animals there to give love too. Registration will open at 10:00am, Kick Stands up at 12:00. Ticket Price will include your event souvenir. Rider: $20.00 Passenger: $10.00 None Riders: $5.00 Apple’s 12th Annual East Coast Motorcycle Rally Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - Saturday, August 8, 2015 Formerly known as the “East Coast Sturgis Motorcycle Rally” Two Stages, GREAT BANDS five days of Colossal Entertainment You won’t Forget! Come Early, Stay Late!There will also be a Poker Run, Bike Show, Field Events, Contests and All Kinds of Wild Fun! This is the event that’s taking the country by storm! All the reasons are right. Mountains, Open Country, Good People, Clean Air and the Freedom of the road! The East Coast Motorcycle Rally is the hot spot for motorcyclist to get together for good times, good food, and great entertainment. Come, Camp, Party! NO ONE DAY RATE! Rally Ticket price includes: Camping / Concerts / Tours / motorcycle Demolition Derby and All other Activities HOT SHOWERS AVAILABLE EVERY DAY: FREE RV’S, CAMPERS, BUSES ETC.. Apple mountain main event grounds for the east coast motorcycle rally has no full hook up sites, rv’s, campers etc are welcome on the main event grounds, self-contained. Archangel Charities 6th Annual Bike Wash Saturday, August 8, 2015 from 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM The Archangel Charities and Archangel Riders MC is hosting their 6th Annual Bikini Bike Wash benefitting the Connected Warrior Foundation. The Hustler Girls will be washing bikes for tips. Sullivan’s Steak and Beverage Co. Laurel Plaza, 9624 Fort Meade Road. Laurel, MD. DBz MC National Party Friday, August 14, 2015 Sunday, August 16, 2015 DBz MC Baltimore 9196284228


Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DEDC ROLLING BIKE SHOW 2015 – Sponsored by RIDER Insurance® Sunday, August 16, 2015 from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM Woodstock Inn Back by popular demand, Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC, the magazine that RIDES, is once again bringing the Rolling Bike Show back to your area. Come on out and join us for a great day of entertainment and food. We will be holding (5) Five Rolling Bike Shows this year that will consist of (5) five classes: TOURING, CRUISER, CUSTOM, SPORT, and VINTAGE. Registration fees remain the same at $10.00 per entry, with proceeds donated to the hosting locations choice. Each class winner will receive a prize and of course we will have a Best in Show Winner that will receive a Readers Ride Article in the follow up magazine and be entered into the finals which will be held at OC Fall Bike Week 2015. Each winner of the Best In show will be presented via in person or by custom made poster by Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC if they are unable to attend. All attendees can come by and vote for the Best of the Best. Winner of the Final Five Bikes will win the Cover and Calendar shoot for the February 2016 issue of Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC, and free entry to the Timonium Motorcycle Show. Please check us out on Facebook for other great events and more information on each individual venue. or thru the contact us page on the website Charm City Mods vs Rockers Saturday, August 29, 2015 from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM Vintage and Retro Motorcycle and Scooter show recreating the Mods and Rockers subculture of England in the 50s and 60s. Event includes: Motorcycle & Scooter Show with Trophies, Live music featuring The Fabulettes, Sideshow Entertainer Mab Just Mab, Vintage PinUp Contest sponsored by Atomic Cheesecake Studio, MVA Motorcycle Simulator, Mods vs Rockers Slowride Showdown.

WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia State HOG Rally 2015 Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Sunday, July 12, 2015 The 2015 West Virginia State HOG Rally will be held in Huntington, WV There will be Entertainment, Vendors, Activities, Multiple choices in Lodging, Restaurants and more! For more details on a list of Scheduled Activities, Registration details, Directions, Lodging Information, Common FAQ’s and more, please visit the website below.

Charlie’s Block Party Friday, July 10, 2015 For part of the 2015 WV Heritage HOG Rally, Charlie’s is throwing a block party! Live music from Iron Horse, stunt show from Ill Conduct as well as great food and contests! Battle Cross Memorial Fundraiser/ Poker Run Saturday, July 18, 2015 11:00 AM WARRIOR BROTHERHOOD VETERANS M.C. Poker run and MEMORIAL FUNDRAISER! Saturday JULY 18, 2015 AT BUBS CYCLE IN CRAB ORCHARD ACROSS THE STREET FROM WALMART. Registration starts at 10:00 AM, KICK STANDS UP AT 12:00 PM. ALL PROCEEDS ARE FOR IRAQ / AFGHANISTAN COMBAT MEMORIAL CROSS. FOOD, MUSIC, DOOR PRIZES, FUN FOR ALL Contact “BONES” 304-890-6662 for more details GABRIEL_ROLDAN@LIVE.COM ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. PLEASE HELP HONOR OUR TROOPS AND VETERANS. ALL DONATIONS ARE WELCOME. bubs cycle ,1605 Robert C Byrd Dr, Crab Orchard, WV 25827, across the street from Walmart 304-890-6662 MountainFest Wednesday, July 22, 2015 Sunday, July 26, 2015 Mountainfest is a motorcycle rally that takes place in in the beautiful mountains of Wild and Wonderful West Virginia. The event consists of vendors, bands, runs, shows, camping, etc. Locations include: Mylan Park, Triple S Harley-Davidson, Downtown Morgantown, and surrounding areas. All are welcome to this family friendly event. Proceeds from MountainFest go to nonprofit Mylan Park, and the many worthwhile public and private projects underway there. Our long-term goal is to make Wild and Wonderful MountainFest one of the nation’s premier motorcycling events. MountainFest on Facebook: https://www. Information can also be found by emailing; contacting Mylan Park via Telephone at (304)-983-2383; and/or also by contacting Triple S HarleyDavidson via Telephone at (304)-284-8244 GWRRA 2015 WV District Rally Friday, July 24, 2015 Saturday, July 25, 2015 Seminars (REP, LTP, MEP, MA), TRC or ARC Rider Courses (TBA), North Carolina Drill Team Performance Friday Night Entertainment, Poker Dice Roll Guided Tour Rides, 50/25/15/10, Indoor Games Rally Shirts, Vendors, Bike & Light Show and Parade Door Prizes, Riders Education Drawing, Downtown Ice Cream Social, Best Dressed Competition, Krazy Hat Contest, Grand Prize Drawing, Auction Baskets, FUN, FUN & MORE FUN!!! www.wvgwrra. org/wvrally.html


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SAVE THE DATE Mountainfest July 22nd – 26th

Apple Mountain Motorcycle Rally Aug. 5th – 9th

OC Jams / Delmarva Bike Week Sept. 17th – 20th

Sgt. Michael Todd May Memorial Car and Bike Show Saturday, August 8, 2015 10:00 AM Come Ride With Us for the Sgt. Todd May Memorial Poker Run - Registration is from 10-Noon. $20 Per Person. $1000 Cash Prize. Lunch and Live Music to Follow Ride


Southern Maryland Music & Bike Fest Saturday, August 15, 2015 Live Music, Bike Games, Bike Show and Lots More St. Mary’ s Co. Fairground, Leonardtown, MD

14th Annual Ride For Life Dice Run August 15th, 2015 10 am-12pm Texas Roadhouse 290 Emily Drive Clarksburg, WV. 26301 Sign up includes Breakfast and Dinner Door Prizes/Raffles Galore, 50/50 Drawing, High and Low Roll , Cash Prizes and Bike Games, Live Music, Shirts Available $15.00 Call to pre-order to ensure size and color, All Proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society Always a great event! Great scenic riding and quality stops along the way. For More info Call: Chrissy Musta - 304-6771472 Clint Monroe – 304-672-0311 Further Information can also be found by emailing; contacting Mylan Park via Telephone at (304)-983-2383; and/or also by contacting Triple S Harley-Davidson via Telephone at (304)-284-8244



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Dealers & Shops

Biker Friendly Directory

Demotto Honda-Yamaha RT 33W Elkins, WV 26241 304-636-5489 Harley-Davidson of WV 4924 MacCorkle Ave. S. Charleston, WV 304-768-1600 Insane Cycles & Muscle Cars 285 Don Knotts Blvd. Morgantown, WV 26501 304-291-2453 www.insanecyclesandmusclecars. com JT Cycles 202 City Ave Beckley, WV 25801 681-207-7098 New River Gorge Harley-Davidson 25385 Midland Trail Hico, WV 304-658-3300 RG Honda-Yamaha 1619 Buckhannon Pike Nutter Fort, WV 26301 304-624-5420 Ride On 210 Main Street Sutton, WV 26601 304-765-2401 The Twisted Spoke 97 Milford Street Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-326-4644 Triple S Harley-Davidson Exit 155 off I-79 Morgantown, WV 304-284-8244 32

Bars & Grills Bryans & Brent’s Place 229 N. River Street Weston, WV 26452 304-997-8722 Country Roads Diner Rock Cave, WV Located at the “Y” Across from the IGA 304-924-6300 Gameday 318 Pike Street Shinnston, WV. 26431

Ridge Tavern & Grill Route 19 / Marion Co. Line Rivesville, WV 26588 304-278-8041

Joi Ride Leathers Motorcycle Apparel 8403 MacCorkle Ave Marmet, WV 304-400-7613

Vino’s Bar and Grill / Copper Pint 812 Kanawha Blvd E Charleston, WV 681-205-2435


Wright Dawgs 1228 Country Club Road. Fairmont, WV 26554 304-368-0834

Giovannis Restaurant 451 US Hwy 33 E Weston, WV 26452 304-269-4563 The Greene Turtle 7100 Willie G. Ave Morgantown, WV I-79 Exit 155 304-241-1405

Lodging Mineral Springs Motel 1 Springs Street Webster Springs, WV 26288 304-847-5305

Insurance Rider Insurance

Hickory House 1137 US Hwy 19 North Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-269-7373

Legal Services

Kickstands Bar & Grille 3200 Junkins Ave Clarksburg, WV 26301 Pikeview Sports Bar& Lounge 221-223 Pikeview Drive Beckley, WV 25801 304-256-2490 Rallow’s Place 4030 W. Washington St. Dunbar, WV 304-205-7974

Law Offices of Ralph C. Buss 800-582-5577 Weatherholtz Bonding 306 W. Stephens Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-267-5888 Walton’s Bail Bonding 49 W. Main Street Buchannon, WV 26201 304-473-8955


Road Hogs Saloon 415 Clayton Street Rivesville, WV 26588 304-816-6901

Bobby Tarowsky 304-797-1470 304-723-8955


Swamp Fox Tavern 4404 Sissonville Drive Charleston, WV 25312 304-340-8094

The Busy Ness thebusyness

The Dairy Winkle 162 Campbells Creek Drive Charleston, WV 25306 304-925-6800 JULY 2015

Certainty Stores 101 Randolph Ave. Elkins, WV 26241 304-630-1716

Derma Doodle Tattoo Studio 355 Meadowdale Rd. Fairmont, WV 26544 304-816-3016 Thinkin Ink (Fairmont) 508 Race Street Fairmont, WV 26354 304-366-1279 Thinkin Ink (Morgantown) 425 Beechurst Ave. Morgantown, WV 26505 304-292-7401 Thinkin Ink (Clarksburg) 196 Buckhannon Pike #A Clarksburg, WV 26301 301-622-7272

Clubs, Organizations & Riding Groups C.E.’s Helping Hands (Old Fields, WV) A non-profit organization enlisting the help of other good hearted people wanting to contribute to the cause of helping others in need. The organization holds monthly meetings and several fundraising rides every year. Donations are always appreciated. For more information call: 304-538-6953 or visit our website at: www. Fraternal Order of Eagles #2481 Weston, WV 304-269-6134 If you would like to be listed in the Biker Friendly Directory, please contact Sales and Marketing or email BFD@BIGCITYRHINO.COM for more information. If you’re a Club, Foundation, or Association would like to be listed in our Directory, please email BFD@BIGCITYRHINO.COM with your name and contact information and someone will be in touch with you.



JUNE 2015





ell, I survived May, which means I survived working two jobs while taking two classes. With my classes out of the way, I’m back to working just two jobs. I know: “JUST?!” It is a lot and it does get to me…especially on the really nice days when I’d much rather be riding than working; but I have to work to support myself and afford my “toys.” However, when spring and summer time comes, I find time to run away. As I get older, I realize that living life is more important than working and killing yourself. I find ways to get away, take time to slow down and enjoy the things around me. So on the morning of June 10th, I did just that. I had two days in a row off at my evening job (and getting out of my day job is a breeze), so I was running away! Anyone who knows me knows that when I say I’m “running away,” I’m either taking off to Ocean City, Gettysburg, or West Virginia to visit the parents. This time I was headed to Ocean City because it was going to be hot and there was no rain in the forecast. I wanted to take the bike, but first, I had to have some routine service done. I know I should be doing that myself but I’ll let you in on a little secret: I’m an IDIOT when it comes to anything mechanical. Change my own oil? Umm…no thanks! Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure if I could find a REALLY patient person to teach me everything to do with my bike, I would be able to eventually do it myself, but I don’t think such a patient person exists (I really am an idiot with that stuff)! So I headed to Ellicott City Motorsports where I bought the bike, and also had a prepaid three year maintenance package. I always get great service there and this time was no different. I’m terrible with names so I’m not even going to say what I think the guys name was that was helping me but I told him I was headed to OC so the sooner my bike gets done, the better. He said he’d stay on top of it so I could get out as quickly as possible. I also learned that the employees of Ellicott City Motorsports enjoy the articles in this here magazine, so I just wanted to take a quick second and say: thanks for reading! It’s nice to hear that people actually read what is put out! It was just after 12:00 by the time I made it out of there. I had already loaded the bike with my overnight stuff, so I was on my way to the beach! I’ve been itching to get to the beach for a while and I was ecstatic to finally be going…and on the bike! Usually when I go the beach, the trip is all about the beach. This time, however, it was about the ride. I needed some good quality time with my bike and that’s just what I got. The ride there was awesome. There was no traffic…at all, and the temperature wasn’t too hot. I was comfortable all the way there, only stopping one time! Sometimes when I get on the bike and just cruise like that, I have a hard time stopping and taking breaks. This day was no different. However, I did have a few funny moments on the trip there… Most people don’t like driving over the bay bridge, but I love it! Especially on the bike! Usually that’s the highlight of the ride to Ocean City but not on this day! For starters, there was a car that drove by me and in the back seat was a kid…standing up. No, he was not sitting down and he was not seat belted in. I’m not the safety cops but I could have yelled at the parents for letting that child stand up and hang over the seats like he was doing. The only reason I noticed him is because as they drove by me, he was waving and smiling at me as if I were someone famous. When I waved back to him, I saw him laughing and saying something to his parents…my guess was he was telling them that this cool chic on the motorcycle waved back! Not too long after that, a pickup truck went by me and as it did, its horn was blown. As I looked over to see what they were honking at, I saw three older men in the truck and all of them were looking at me and smiling. I wonder: do you guys get honked at like that by us girls as you drive by? It’s flattering but it’s also a little annoying as a horn blowing can be startling when you are on a bike! I’ll take it though! The last cool thing to happen to me is on route 50, you pass a little airport. Usually you will see planes landing and taking off, however on this day, something different was up in the sky…right above me…and extremely low. It was one of those double chopper army helicopters. That thing was humongous as it flew right over my head. It was a pretty cool sight to see, but I’m not going to lie…I did duck my head down a bit! Pretty crazy thing to see while you are cruising down the road on a motorcycle at 70 mph! By the time I made it to Ocean City, it was 3:30. I checked into my hotel room and hit the sand. I don’t get in the water. I sit on the beach and sleep or just chill out. Something about being on the beach in 34

front of the ocean is so very calming to me. Eventually I got me some dinner and headed back to my room. The next day, I checked out at 11:00 and hit the boardwalk so I could get some Thrashers French fries…I may have a slight addiction to those things! One thing was for sure, it was hot out and I stood out on my jeans and big boots on that boardwalk! Once I fed my addiction, I headed back to my bike and decided to cruise the opposite way towards Rehoboth and Bethany beaches. I had the whole day to kill, so why not do it on the bike? Of course, I almost got hit, twice, by the same dumb girl. She cut me off twice while getting in front of me. After the second time, I went around her and got the hell away from her. PAY ATTENTION PEOPLE!! I don’t think she ever saw me or even knew how close she came to hitting me…both times! There’s a bridge that you come up to on Route 1 North at the Delaware Seashore State Park. I don’t know the name of the bridge but when you first get on it, it looks like just another normal bridge that goes over the water, however, when you get across it and hit the other side, the view is breathtaking. I mean, it really does take your breath away! You are immediately hit with the ocean and the sand and it’s such a beautiful scene that I wish I could stop right in the middle of the road and take a picture. The picture I included in this article doesn’t do it justice. This was the first time I ever rode the bike over it and it was even more spectacular than in my cage. I just can’t explain the feeling that overcomes me when I connect being on the bike with such a beautiful scene. It really does remind me of why life is so wonderful and why I stop and slow down sometimes. There’s a whole world out there that you are going to miss if you don’t take the time to check it out! It was starting to get hot so I turned around and headed back towards Ocean City but I had no idea I was in for another treat. As I got closer to Ocean City, I heard a loud rumble in the sky. I look up to see four fighter jets! They must have been practicing for a show or something because my entire ride out of Ocean City was spent with me looking up at them and watching what they were doing. I’m surprised I didn’t crash in the back of a car because I really don’t remember the ride out of there. I know, I know, that’s not safe but they shouldn’t have been doing all these cool things in the sky right above me! And by cool, I mean they were flying in patterns and taking quick nose dives! All I kept thinking was: “If I was at work right now like I’m supposed to me, I’d be missing this…” Once I got out on route 50, I was cruising again at my usual 70 mph. I was in the right lane and noticed a car that was pulled over on the shoulder getting back into the lane. I was far enough away to think it wouldn’t be a problem, however, she pulled out slowly and never sped up. I had to move over into the left lane and as I went by her, I looked over. What did I see? This dumb girl was on her cell phone and she looked half dead at that! I couldn’t understand why she just didn’t stay pulled over if she was still talking on her phone. PAY ATTENION PEOPLE!! I’d like to say I enjoyed my ride home but I didn’t. It was over 90 degrees and I was wearing my jacket and…skinny jeans. Note to self: don’t wear skinny jeans on the bike in hot weather. Talk about sweating and pants sticking to you….geez Louise! Never again! I made many stops to buy some cold water and stay hydrated. I didn’t hit traffic until after the bay bridge at the 50 and 97 split. I thought that was going to be the death of me! Stop and go traffic as hot it was… yuck! Now if I could just get me an air conditioned suit for the bike then that would be great! Overall, I did 370 miles on the bike and it was the first big ride for me of the year. I’m so close to hitting 5,000 miles on my bike. I laugh at this because my first bike that I had for 7 years, only had 7,000 miles on it when I sold it. This bike I’ve had for a year and I’ve done almost 5,000 on it. Over time, I’ve gained more experience and more trust in myself that I’m not afraid to go anywhere, even alone. I should have many more miles on it but again, it’s hard when I work two jobs so I think 5,000 in a little over a year is pretty good! I can’t wait to play hooky from my day job some more so I can have more day trips and rake up some more miles on the bike. My whole point of this entire article is even if you have to do it alone, take time for yourself. Don’t work your life away and miss out on the good stuff! Let the running away continue!! JUNE 2015 THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA


JUNE 2015



JUNE 2015



JUNE 2015


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