Thunder Roads West Virginia 1503

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ALL SIZES! ALL BUDGETS! Over100 Pre-Owned Bikes In Stock! Harleys, Metrics, Cars, and more! View more on our websites! FINANCING AVAILABLE

Harley-Davidson of WV 4924 MacCorkle Ave. S. Charleston 304.768.1600


New River Gorge Harley-Davidson 25385 Midland Trail Hico 304.658.3300




Ride with Rider. Get your quote today. Visit or call (844) 276-0164. Available in Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.

Thunder Roads Magazine® West Virginia

4157 Mountain Road #233 Pasadena, Maryland 21122

Diary of a Biker Chic................................. 5 Big City’s Two-Wheel Testament.............. 7

Facebook – Thunder Roads WV Twitter – TR_BigCity

Sippin’ Shine with Hillbilly........................ 8


Joker’s Wild..............................................11 Center Calendar....................................... 12

SALES & MARKETING Steve “Hillbilly” Craig Mike “Rhino” Ryan (681) 209-0832 (681) 209-0834 Jeff Davis Scott “Scooter” Broyles (304)-673-7321 (304)-549-5615 Charleston Area Sales Southern State Sales ACCOUNTING Mike “Bighead” Abbott (681)209-0842

Featured Bike........................................... 14 K.I.S.S. in the Kitchen............................. 17 Events....................................................... 18 News Bytes.............................................. 22 Biker Friendly Directory.......................... 24

MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA MGR. Catherine “Kitty” Noske / CRAVE Marketing Solutions 443.591.1882


LAYOUT & DESIGN Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics CONTRIBUTOR Mike “Smiles” Johnson

Model: Erika Holmes

PHOTOGRAPHY Michael J. Alves, Bob Tarowsky,

Photographer: Bobby T Rocks

NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN. 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580

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MARCH 2015


Hey Y’all, I need someone to help me answer a question. Why does it take so long for winter to get out of here? Now once we move into the summer months if we blink it’s over. I just have had enough of this white crap. I can’t feel too sorry for myself after looking at what Boston has gone thru. I’ve seen pictures of the mountains of snow up there and they should melt right about November in time for next year’s snowfall. Hang in there everybody ol’ Big City has got you covered for this month and the pages of Thunder Roads WV are guaranteed to keep you warm. It will be spring before you know it. Anybody else sees a groundhog shoot that little S.O.B... This month we have our Hillbilly Sippin Shine with Jamesie Johnston from the Scottish band Albannach. We also have our Biker Chic telling us how good life is. As always we encourage you to shop with the people that advertise in this magazine. I know most of you don’t realize it but it means a lot to our businesses when you go in and tell them Thunder Roads WV sent me. Everyone lets us know how much you like the magazine and we appreciate all the feedback. Let your local business know that you appreciate them bringing the leader in biker friendly magazines to you FREE each month. Thanks and I hope to see you on the road soon. God Bless you all. Big City


MARCH 2015



MARCH 2015



INDIA 2014

ver feel like you are not accepted or like you don’t fit in? Are there times you are trying to be a part of the conversation but being ignored and not even acknowledged, like a fly on the wall? Maybe it’s just the eye rolling at your comments that make you feel that way, or maybe you just feel like an outcast! An outcast or stranger to those people around you..... Well my dear friends, I am sure someone has experienced this at a point or many points in their life, but let me share a little something with you today... What if you were a child, your parents had to sell you to pay off their debt to a loan shark, or your mother had passed away and your father killed by an elephant or wild animal, or maybe your parents could not afford you so they abandoned you in a field or street. These stories and more are the true stories of the lives of some of the children in the orphanages our team visited while in India. Yes TRUE life stories. But God has a plan for those rescued, Amen!

to 17. Their bright eyes, dark in color, showed more love and gratitude than any story could tell. Their tiny faces were overpowered by huge smiles that melted your heart. The young men have given us ladies the name “Auntie”! At this Family Home, these young men are taught a variety of things like that of working on a farm with a strong Christian atmosphere. Each child presented scripture, worship music with song and dance as one little guy played drums, then Auntie Jackie and Uncle Will taught them the Electric Slide. Oh what a great time for all of us here. Mrs A fed us very well, she is truly an excellent cook. Mr A has a testimony himself...During his transition from Muslim to Christianity, he was publicly tied to a pole and beaten but he continued to persevere for The Lord and now is respected by some of the political members in his area. Mr A and his family are serving God through these young men they are raising in their home. Again, I am still in awe of the blessings I received.

During my travels I was able to visit a structured school ran by a very gracious family. The children, I no longer called orphans, loved shaking hands and repeating “thank you” over and over again... These beautiful children are clothed, fed, taught how to survive and given a good education of reading, writing, language with an added plus of Biblical standards as well as playing games and having fun. Two days of beautiful Christmas Programs were presented to our team with the true meaning of Christmas...Our Savior Christ Our Lord. I am still in awe of the blessing I received. Fellowship and food with a lady and her family was priceless as well as excellent meals three times a day prepared by an amazing man with a pure servants heart.

During the journey our group enjoyed going shopping and sight seeing. India is a beautiful place with beautiful women, fine materials, rice crops, beautiful tea gardens, Himalayan Mountains, vineyards, dirt, and trash. In my eyes it’s beautiful to me. A piece of my heart will remain their always...

Another days journey concluded the visiting of pastors in training. Our group was welcomed with a very tasty meal that we all loved. The Pastors read scripture, presented worship song and dance then had training with Mr Will. These men need prayers for Godly knowledge as well as protection over them as well as protection over their families and for all the places we visited, and prayers for their families as they present Gods word in very ungodly places.

Another orphanage, that I prefer to call a Family Home, Just a reminder from God, there are No Strangers, there are really stole my heart. Upon arrival, our group was greeted No Orphans and there are No outcasts.... by well mannered, hard working young men from ages 5 With many thanks of gratitude, Genie Wears THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

MARCH 2015



MARCH 2015





Life is Good

ood-bye February! Spring is right around the corner and I don’t think anyone gets more excited than bikers for the return of the warmer weather. I for one will be happy to shed a few layers of clothing. I bought my heated gear thinking I’d use it a lot throughout the winter but I was proven wrong. Luckily, Maryland hasn’t seen feet of snow like some areas have, but we’ve had a lot of wet and cold days here with either snow, sleet, rain, ice, or a mix of a couple or all four. It’s hard for me to convince myself to get out and ride when the roads are wet and it’s extremely cold out. You just never know if that wet spot on the road is water or ice. A few days before bike show kicked off in Timonium, I was able to get my bike out for the first time in a little over a month. I think it was the first time I’ve ever ridden while there was some snow on the ground. I never thought I’d see the day that I would be happy to see 45-50 degrees but that day was just that…and the sun was shining. Before I could pull my bike out of my cycle shell, I had to literally chip the ice away that was around it on the concrete. It was either that or take my chance at backing the bike out while my feet slipped on the ice and more than likely dropping the bike in the process. I have to say that I bought my cycle shell in April of last year and it was a great investment. I don’t have a garage to park my bike in so I needed something. It was a little on the expensive side but it’s proven itself over and over again with rain and wind. With the winter, I quickly learned that it also protects my bike well from the snow and ice. I couldn’t be happier with the cycle shell. I’d recommend it to anyone who doesn’t have a garage for their bike. I picked the perfect day to take the afternoon off. After I got the bike out, I layered up in my heated gear. While I love my heated gear, I’ll be glad when I won’t have to wiggle my ass into it anymore. It’s such a pain and not to mention, it’s time consuming getting all those layers on. I can’t wait for it to get warm again so I don’t have to be bundled up like an Eskimo. Being bundled up like that kind of takes away from the “free” feeling you get when you are riding. It takes a little bit of the fun out of it, I think. I took my usual route of back, country roads. I was a little concerned because some of the roads are lined with trees so they don’t have much sun on them. I wasn’t sure if there would be ice or not, but I guess I lucked out because the roads were just fine. Perfect, even! A thought occurred to me during that ride, though. Riding year round has been great. I wish I had started doing it before but I realized that when spring finally gets here, I won’t get that “giddy” feeling that I usually get. Before, when I put my bike away for the winter, I couldn’t wait for spring. And when the warmer weather arrived, I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning running up to the tree to pull out all of my presents. THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

I couldn’t wait for that first warm day to fire up the bike, hear it and smell it, for the first time in months! And, oh man! That first ride of the season…it was orgasmic!! I won’t have that this year because I haven’t stopped riding. I’m going to miss that. Hopefully not having to gear up in all those layers will help feel the void. A couple days after that ride, was the bike show in Timonium. I’ve been in the past but this was the first time I’ve been there for all three days, thanks to this very magazine. I finally had the opportunity to meet more people from this magazine and by the end of the weekend, it occurred to me that I’ve fell into a group of some really awesome people. Everyone involved in the magazine has been so nice to me and accepting. I’m honored to have such a teeny tiny role in such a big and wonderful thing! I’m a lucky chic!! I had an interesting conversation with “Smiles” about how music is right up there with riding. We both agreed that there is a “high” that you get from riding and the only other time either of us have felt that “high” is while listening to our favorite music or bands. You get that certain something that hits you and it’s almost as if it flows into your blood stream and levitates you up above all the bullshit and stresses of the day. I can also compare that feeling to sky diving as I’ve done that a couple of times, but I don’t get to do that as much as I ride or listen to music. I’ve been riding for seven years now, and it seems the more and more I ride, the more I fall in love with it. I don’t think I could possibly love it more than I do now, but I know I’m going to be proved wrong on that and I’m looking forward to it! There are a lot of bike events this spring and summer that I’m hoping I can find time and money to attend. So with warmer weather on the horizon and new roads yet to be traveled, keep it rubber side down and remember…life is good! MARCH 2015 7

Sippin Shine with Hillbilly and Jamesie Johnston of



owdy! It sure has been a little chilly on the front porch. It’s hard to get someone to sit down and sip some shine with me when your ass freezes to the rocking chair. I am so glad it’s March and St. Patrick’s Day is here. I know this will be hard for you to believe but this is my favorite holiday. Are you kidding me a holiday for drinking? I’m your Huckleberry! I start the holiday two weeks early to make sure I’m in shape for the big day. I first had the chance to see Albannach (it means Scottish) in Edinburgh a few years back. I know you are asking why you are interviewing a band from Scotland on an Irish holiday. Easy the kilt. Most of us from Scottish descent passed thru Ireland on the way to the new country. We have the kilt and the music in common. I have been to a lot of Irish and Scottish games and the thing I noticed is there are a lot of bikers there. Now most of you won’t admit it but I have a kilt and I have worn it many times. Don’t knock it til you try it. There is something about being free. If you know what I mean. Albbannach is not like most bands you will find. If you like the drums than this is your band. Every time I get the chance to see them I leave with a renewed spirit. I guess it comes from the old country. Outlaw tunes being played on outlaw pipes and drums remind us all where we came from. After they performed at the Irish Festival in Annapolis this summer I sat down with Jamesie Johnston and had a wee talk. HB- Do you ride a motorcycle or have you ridden a bike in the past? JJ- I ride a Triumphs myself. I ride a 1979 T140 and a 1977 T140 they are both Bonneville’s and I participate in the Triumph adventure which is a 2000


mile trip thru the Highlands on a bike. Absolutely stunning. You should come and go with me. HB- Now where do you live when you are home and not performing in the States? JJ- I live right outside Glasgow, Scotland. When I say Glasgow it’s not on the industrial side but right along where the country starts. I just jump on my bike and head west up to the wilderness. HB-Now I want to talk about the band. Tell me a little about the band. JJ-I first took to the road with Albannach in 2006. I am probably on the road in America for about six months of the year. When I’m not on the road I run tours in Scotland and take people over and show them Scotland. I specialize in hiking tours thru the Highlands and over the Mountains. We work in Florida in Jan., Feb., and March. It’s when the Scottish and Irish festivals and games start in Florida.

MARCH 2015


HB- I’ve followed the band for quite a while and I noticed that you have gotten a big following here in the U.S. JJ- We are the only ones that are doing the kind of music that we play. We have an advantage over the other bands because we are so different. We like to play and remind folks of the way our music has sounded for hundreds of years. We love to play in our band and have a good time and we are blessed that we don’t have to sit in an office each day. We also don’t take lightly that we are passing our music and heritage onto future generations at each show. We spend time talking to the young ones about the music. The most important things to remember are that you are Scottish, Irish, or Welsh and that is something to be very proud of. If you go to these festivals and see others that are of the same feelings than you are helping to keep our heritage alive. HB- Do you play in Scotland as well or mainly here in the states? JJ- We used to play a lot in Scotland but now we mainly play here in the states. When we go home to Scotland it’s to get a break from each other. We need to go home and see our families and rest and then we head back to the states. HB- I love my country and I am so proud to be an American. Having said that I’m extremely proud to be of Scottish blood on both sides of my family. I still get goose bumps when you play the pipes. JJ- That is one of the great things about playing over here. There are so many people we meet that are so proud of their roots. They maybe generations removed from home but they wear their kilts and their shamrocks at these festivals and they are proud of where they come from. I think it’s great. Of course this all makes us feel good because it means something to everyone here. I know this ole Hillbilly is prejudice but if you get a chance this year take a break and let your minds and soul wander back to the homeland of most of our ancestors and find an Albannach concert. You will be glad that you did. They play on cruise ships and festivals all over each summer in our area. You can follow them on facebook for their schedule. If you lucky enough to catch them in at an event look for me. Make sure you tell them Hillbilly and Thunder Roads MD-DE-DC THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

sent you. Thank God winter is almost over and we will all be coming out of hibernation soon. If you’re going to drink the shine remember my three tips. Always share with friends, drink in a circle, and always lose the lid. I always light a Jaxsin cigar and save a little for the Big Dog. Until next time may the wind not blow strong enough to expose your goodies in your kilt. God Bless You. Hillbilly

MARCH 2015



MARCH 2015


A Jewish grandmother is giving directions to her grown grandson who is coming to visit with his wife. “You come to the front door of the apartments. I am in apartment 301 . There is a big panel at the front door. With your elbow, push button 301. I will buzz you in. Come inside and the elevator is on the right. Get in, and with your elbow, push 3rd Floor. When you get out, I’m on the left. With your elbow, hit my doorbell . OK?” “Grandma, that sounds easy, but, why am I hitting all these buttons with my elbow? ......... “What . .. . .. .. You’re coming empty handed?” _______________________________________________ Wise Italian Grandfather An old Italian man in Brooklyn is dying. He calls his grandson to his bedside, “ Guido , I wan’ you lissina me. I wan’ you to take-a my chrome plated ...38 revolver so you will always remember me.” “But grandpa, I really don’t like guns.. How about you leave me your Rolex watch instead?” “You lissina me, boy! Somma day you gonna be runna da business, you gonna have a beautiful wife, lotsa money, a big-a home and maybe a couple of bambinos . “ “ Somma day you gonna come-a home and maybe finda you wife inna bed with another man. “ Whatta you gonna do then? Pointa to you watch and say, ‘Times up!’ “? ____________________________________________________ Irish blonde... An attractive blonde from Cork , Ireland , arrived at the casino . She seemed a little intoxicated and bet twenty thousand dollars in a single roll of the dice. She said, “I hope you don’t mind, but I feel much luckier when I’m completely nude .” with that, she stripped from the neck down, rolled the dice and with an Irish brogue yelled, “Come on, baby, Mama needs new clothes!” As the dice came to a stop, she jumped up and down and squealed. “Yes! Yes! I won , I won !” She hugged each of the dealers, picked up her winnings and her clothes and quickly departed. The dealers stared at each other dumbfounded . Finally, one of them asked, “What did she roll?” The other answered, “I don’t know - I thought you were watching.” MORAL OF THE STORY Not all Irish are drunks, not all blondes are dumb, .... but all men...are men! ____________________________________________________

he walks into a room, everyone calls him ‘Father’.” The second Catholic man chirps, “My son is a Bishop. When he walks into a room people call him ‘Your Grace’.” The third Catholic gent says, “My son is a Cardinal. When he enters a room everyone bows their head and says ‘Your Eminence’.” The fourth Catholic man says very proudly, “My son is the Pope. When he walks into a room people call him ‘Your Holiness’.” Since the lone Catholic woman was sipping her coffee in silence, The four men give her a subtle, “Well....?” She proudly replies, I have a daughter, SLIM & TALL 40 D Breasts 24” WAIST and 34” HIPS When she walks into a room, people say, “ JESUS” ____________________________________________________ I recently spent $6,500 on a young registered Black Angus bull. I put him out with the herd but he just ate grass and wouldn’t even look at a cow. I was beginning to think I had paid more for that bull than he was worth. Anyhow, I had the Vet come and have a look at him. He said the bull was very healthy, but possibly just a little young, so he gave me some pills to feed him once per day. The bull started to service the cows within two days… all my cows! He even broke through the fence and bred with all of my neighbor’s cows! He’s like a machine! I don’t know what was in the pills the Vet gave him, but they kind of taste like peppermint. ____________________________________________________ Was in the Texas Rose Road House bar last night after riding my bike all day. waiting for a beer, when a butt-ugly, big ole’ heifer came up behind me, and slapped me on the ass. She hollered out, “Hey sexy, how bout’ givin’ me your number! I looked at her and said, “Have you got a pen?” She said, “I surely do, sweet cheeks.” I said, “Well, you better get back into it before the Farmer notices you’re missing.” My dental surgery is on Friday!

Four old Catholic men and a Catholic woman were having coffee in St. Peters Square. The first Catholic man tells his friends, “My son is a priest, when THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

MARCH 2015





MARCH 2015


Owner: Matt Basich Bike: 1978 Harley Davidson Shovelhead Bobber Custom Frame: Paughco Wishbone Rigid Painted by: TRI STATE CUSTOM CYCLES, Dillonvale, OH. Frontend: DNA Springer, 21” 40 Spoke Rim Rear Rim: 16” 40 Spoke Engine: 86 Cubic Inch Shovelhead, S&S Carb, Joe Hunt Magneto Transmission: 4 Speed Ratchet Top Suicide Shift, 3” Open BDL Belt Drive Special Features: Hand built – Handlebars, Suicide Shift, Split Rocker Boxes, Oil Bag, 3.5 Gallon Tank, Rear Fender, Devil Tail Rear Fender, and other various custom machined brass parts


MARCH 2015



MARCH 2015


K.I.S.S. PAGE COMPOSED & EDITED BY: TONI MCCOY SHEARON AKA “MaMa Thunder” of Thunder Roads National Founders’ Office.

LEPRECHAUN’S STEAK & EGGS BENEDICT 1 Piece a Person of Thick Bread; sour dough or I like raisin bread, a baquette, whatevs. Toast it up. 1 Minimum of a 16 oz. Strip Steak (if you marinade it a half-hour out in mustard & Worcestershire sauce, it makes it a whole lot more tender and flavorful. 8 Large Eggs Quality Margarine (I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter) or actual real Butter. Salt & Pepper to Taste BLENDER CHEESE SAUCE: 8 Egg Yolks 4 Tbls. Lemon Juice Couple Dashes of Louisiana Hot Sauce Salt & Pepper to Taste 1 Cup of Unsalted Butter or Margarine; melted If you have a grill skillet use it to get the grill marks on the steak. Cook in a tab of margarine, on medium-high until good & caramelized (at least on front side). Once your steak is done the way you like it, put it on a plate and let it rest (resting allows all the juices to go back into the steak), while you make the rest of the recipe. In a separate large, non-stick skillet, put in a couple pats of margarine, let it melt down and skillet get hot and crack your eggs into it. Let cook till outer edges crisp up and flip. Remove not long after flipping. You want the yolks nice and creamy & runny. In blender, add all ingredients for 20 seconds, pour into the lid hole part, very slowly now, the melted butter just a little at a time or you’ll end up with scrambled eggs. Add your salt & pepper last. Cut your steak on the bias (opposite of the way the grain runs) and cut at a slant. Put your buttered toast down, then layer 4 or 5 pieces of steak on the toast then drizzle the cheese sauce all over top. Garnish with some Parsley flakes. OMG! Break your eggs and let it all mix in together and dip your steak in damn, this’ll make you pat your own back It’s that damn good.


POT O’ GOLD LIL’ APPLE PIE CRESCENTS 1 Can of Sliced Apples w/ Sauce & Cinnamon 1/2 Cup of Butter or Quality Margarine; melted 1 Pkg. of Your Favoite Brand of Crescent Dinner Rolls 1 tsp. of Nutmeg 1 Tbls. of Light Brown Sugar In a small sauce pan, mix up and heat up, on low, all the ingredients apart from the Crescent Rolls. Heat up oven to 375 degrees. Crack open your can of rolls and smooth out on counter. Add a big Tablespoon of the warm (not hot) mixture to widest part of roll. Spread it all the way across. Slowly and carefully start wrapping. Fold one fold over mixture and gently push in each side to form like a little burrito. Continue to gently fold all the way till the pointed end. Lay out on a cookie sheet or round pan lined with alum. foil (but remember, the reflection makes them cook faster), but cook until golden brown and not a minute longer. Remove from oven and cover with alum. foil and tuck it in around bottom to keep hot while you make glaze. GLAZE: Mix together....... 1 Cup of Confectioner’s Sugar 2 tsps. of Lime Juice 1 Tbls. of Cinnamon Mix until runny-thick consistency. Add a drop of water or two if need be. But dunk each crescent roll into the glaze mixture and let set up on a paper plate. These are exceptionally delicious with your hot coffee in the morning or with hot tea later in the day. Make up a BIG batch. They’re magically deliciious! A WEE HAIR O’ THE DOG THAT BIT YOU.... *This is BOLD & SPICEY & KICK-ASS! 2 & 1/2 ozs. Quality Vodka 3 Ounces of GREEN Tomato Bloody Mary Mix (get at any liquor store) 1 & 1/2 ozs. Green Tomato Juice & Red Tomato Juice, both. 3/4 ozs. Lime Juice 3/4 ozs. Lemon Juice 1 Tbls. Horseradish sauce (in condiment aisle) *I like the creamy style already blended with mayo & sour cream 1/4 oz. Worcestershire sauce 1/4 oz. Green Hot Sauce Large Pinch of Salt Blend it up, baby. Don’t add ice to blender as will just dilute. Pour over cracked ice, or let sit in freezer for 5 mins. in to get icey, icey cold. Have fun but drink smart w/ a designated driver HAPPY ST. PATTY’S DAY, BIKERS! MARCH 2015


TRWV is not responsible for inaccuracies or the specifics of the information provided. If you would like your event listed, please email details and your contact information to:



Ride to the Tide Sunday, April 19, 2015 10:30 AM The Delaware Blue Knights - Chapter 1 organizes this Law Enforcement fundraising event -- sponsored by Delmarva Power and supported by Jake’s Seafood House, WBOC16 and Gettier -- involving hundreds of motorcycles taking part in a police-escorted ride from Newark or Dover, to Rehoboth Beach, in support of Special Olympics Delaware. $25 per biker, $20 for riders Local 313 IBEW Motorcycle/ Car Show and Swapmeet. Sunday, April 26, 2015 12:00 PM Come and have a great time with music, food, cars, bikes and fun. This is our 6th annual event, and we hope it to be better than the last. The music is provided by the kids from the School of Rock, an awesome way to get your groove on while perusing the various sites. Trophies in both car and motorcycles. 50/50’s. An array of vendors. Bike show inside, cars outside. A rain or shine event. Totally kid friendly. Refreshments offered, beer, wine,, soda, water, and yummy eats. For more info:


Battley Redux Saturday, March 7, 2015 Our Grand Opening of our completed renovations! This starts our 30th year as a HarleyDavidson dealership! Months of work has paid off in three brand new motorcycle showrooms, BMW, Ducati, and now Harley-Davidson. Come check out the new look! St. Patrick’s Day Spring Bash Saturday, March 14, 2015 8-12:00 PM St. Patrick’s Day Spring Bash Saturday, March 14, 2015 8-12:00 PM Hosted by - Double D Bike Association Everybody Welcome Food, Beer, & Soda, Jell-O Shooters Entertainment - DJ, 50/50 Raffles, LayDowns, Money Wheel, Silent Auction, And Multiple Prizes. $35 Donation per Ticket Roland Terrace Democratic Club, Inc. 619 Matthews Ave. Brooklyn, MD. 21225 Contact DDBA Members for Tickets – Striker – 443-370-9580 DDBA@DDBA.ORG 18

2015 Maryland CMA Annual Fellowship Luncheon Saturday, March 26, 2015 12:30-3:00 PM Location: Osaka Grill and Buffet, 1633A Crofton Center, Crofton, Maryland Cycle Disciples will host the Maryland CMA Annual Fellowship Luncheon at the Osaka Grill and Buffet in Crofton. Come on out and join your fellow Christian motorcyclists from across the region for some great food, music and fellowship. Cost: Lunch buffet, soda, and tax is $10.70. Senior price is $9.64 Contact: Don Canter 301.627.2239 Goat_ Battley’s Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 4, 2015 Our annual Easter Egg Hunt! Doors open at 9am. Come find one of 50 eggs we have hidden inside the dealership. Each egg has a surprise gift inside. Separate gifts for children and adults. A great event for kids! For more info contact John Hardison – 301-948-4581 Texas Flood – A Tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughan Friday, April 10th, 2015 @ 7:00PM Club 66 – 410-676-8966 207 Edgewood Road, Edgewood, Maryland 21040 Battley’s Blessing of the Bikes Saturday, April 11, 2015 Our friends the Black Jacket Cruizers are hosting a Blessing of the Bikes here at Battley Harley-Davidson / Battley Cycles. The event begins at 11am with free food. The blessing takes place at 1pm. Join the Black Jacket Cruizers on a ride afterwards at 2pm. For more info contact John Hardison – 301-948-4581 Annual Spring Scrabble Run Saturday, April 11, 2015 10:00 AM Hosted by – ABATE of Calvert County Registration is $10 per person Duffy’s in Lothian (Wayson’s Corner). Last bike out at 11 a.m. Last bike in at 5 p.m. Play Scrabble on this Run—each stop gets you tiles, Highest scoring word wins $$$$$. For more information contact Michelle at 443-975-3564 email mdrury65@ or Jeanine at 410-286-3147 or email Rain or shine - cars welcome. Battley’s Spring Covered Bridge Ride Saturday, April 18, 2015 There are three beautiful covered bridges that we love to see each Spring on our motorcycles. Gather at Battley HarleyDavidson at 9:30am for coffee and doughnuts. Kickstands up at 10:00am as MARCH 2015

John and Drew lead the group North on back roads. Ride through history as we cross each of these three operational covered bridges. We’ll be gone about 2.5 hours. All brands and all riders are welcome to join us for this free event, but donations will be accepted to help build homes for orphan children in South Africa. No pre-registration is necessary, just show up and be ready to ride! For more info contact John Hardison – 301-948-4581 Ride for Life Saturday, April 18, 2015 10:00 AM Hosted by – The Hope and Peace Foundation Charity Motorcycle Ride and Spring Music Festival To Benefit the Baltimore Child Abuse Center and Hope and Peace Foundation Registration at 10:00AM – KSU at 11:30AM After Ride Party From 12:30-5:00 PM Food & Beverages, 3 Live Bands, Raffles, and Silent Auction. Chuck Ritz – 410-908-3784 Battley’s Spring Open House Saturday, April 25, 2015 Battley Harley-Davidson’s Spring Open House - The 2015 riding season is here and we know how to celebrate. We will have demo rides, free food, live music by DC area rock/blues legend Gary Brown, and much more! Motus Motorcycles from Alabama will be here showing off their sport touring MST and MST-R. For more info contact John Hardison – 301-948-4581 Battley’s Ducati Open House Saturday, May 2, 2015 Come see three brand new models from Ducati, the 1299 Panigale, the Scrambler, and the Multistrada. We will feature Umbrella girls and free Italian sausages on the grill. For more info contact John Hardison – 301-948-4581 Battley’s Cycles Dinner Ride Saturday, May 2, 2015 Join us as we ride under the full moon (or close to it) on the back roads of Montgomery (and neighboring) counties. The group takes an enjoyable ride and then stops for a bite to eat. We typically stop somewhere that you can spend about $10 for a meal. Afterwards, we head back to Gaithersburg. This ride is a dealer sponsored event and is open to all makes and models of bike, and all skill levels of riders. Sometimes a Road Captain from the local HOG chapter will lead the ride in place of a Battley employee. Gather at Battley Cycles at 6:30pm. Kickstands up at 7:00pm. For more info contact John Hardison – 301-948-4581


Apple’s 12th Annual East Coast Motorcycle Rally Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - Saturday, August 8, 2015 Formerly known as the “East Coast Sturgis Motorcycle Rally” Two Stages, GREAT BANDS five days of Colossal Entertainment You won’t Forget! Come Early, Stay Late! There will also be a Poker Run, Bike Show, Field Events, Contests and All Kinds of Wild Fun! This is the event that’s taking the country by storm! All the reasons are right. Mountains, Open Country, Good People, Clean Air and the Freedom of the road! The East Coast Motorcycle Rally is the hot spot for motorcyclist to get together for good times, good food, and great entertainment. Come, Camp, Party! NO ONE DAY RATE! Rally Ticket price includes: Camping / Concerts / Tours / motorcycle Demolition Derby and All other Activities HOT SHOWERS AVAILABLE EVERY DAY: FREE RV’S, CAMPERS, BUSES ETC.. Apple mountain main event grounds for the east coast motorcycle rally has no full hook up sites, rv’s, campers etc are welcome on the main event grounds, self-contained.

WEST VIRGINIA Rally in the Valley - 4th Annual Friday, May 1, 2015 - Sunday, May 3, 2015 Motorcycle Rally in the Winding Hills of Southern WV the 1st weekend in May each Year. You won’t want to miss this one - There is something for everyone! Live Bands All Weekend Bike Show & Bike Games Miss Rally in the Valley Contest Bikini Bike Wash, All Kinds of Vendors All kinds of Food, 1000’s of Miles of Curves on the Country Roads around Williamson and Much Much More! RallyinthevalleywilliamsonWV

Rides, Motorcycle Giveaway and much more! The city of Charleston closes a four lane highway for Motorcycle Enthusiast to come to Charleston to enjoy our West Virginia roads, music, food and to see old / new friends. West Virginia State HOG Rally 2015 Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Sunday, July 12, 2015 The 2015 West Virginia State HOG Rally will be held in Huntington, WV There will be Entertainment, Vendors, Activities, Multiple choices in Lodging, Restaurants and more! For more details on a list of Scheduled Activities, Registration details, Directions, Lodging Information, Common FAQ’s and more, please visit the website below. MountainFest Wednesday, July 22, 2015 Sunday, July 26, 2015 Mountainfest is a motorcycle rally that takes place in in the beautiful mountains of Wild and Wonderful West Virginia. The event consists of vendors, bands, runs, shows, camping, etc. Locations include: Mylan Park, Triple S Harley-Davidson, Downtown Morgantown, and surrounding areas. All are welcome to this family friendly event. Wild and Wonderful MountainFest is presented by MountainFest, LLC, in cooperation with the Greater Morgantown Convention and Visitors Bureau, and our many generous sponsors. MountainFest, LLC is a 501(c)3 non-profit limited liability corporation. MountainFest, LLC is comprised of area residents from all walks of life who value their community and want to share the magic of West Virginia with bikers everywhere. Proceeds from MountainFest go to nonprofit Mylan Park, and the many worthwhile public and private projects underway there. Our long-term goal is to make Wild and Wonderful MountainFest one of the nation’s premier motorcycling events. MountainFest on Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/MountainFest Further Information can also be found by emailing; contacting Mylan Park via Telephone at (304)-983-2383; and/or also by contacting Triple S Harley-Davidson via Telephone at (304)-284-8244

Capitol City Biker Bash Thursday, June 11, 2015 - Saturday, June 13, 2015 4th Annual Capitol City Biker Bash in 2015 is an event for ALL bike riders. Music, Food, Vendors, Poker Run, Bike Show, THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA


SAVE THE DATE Timonium Motorcycle Show Feb. 12th-14th 2016

Ocean City Bikes to the Beach Apr. 30th – May 3rd

Capitol City Biker Bash June 11th – 13th


BOOB’s 2nd Annual Ride to Benefit Baltimore County Special Olympics Sunday, June 14th, 2015 Vipers V.I.P. Athletics 12226 Pulaski Highway Joppa, MD. 21085 Registration: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM All riders back by 3:00 PM Members from Chesapeake Region Antique Car Club, Baltimore County Special Olympic Athletes will be there to help us raise money for our “Special Olympians” $10.00 Per Rider / $10.00 Per Passenger Cars are welcome to join the ride. For More Info – Fred Bromwell – 443-392-1686

Mountainfest July 22nd – 26th

Apple Mountain Motorcycle Rally Aug. 5th – 9th

OC Jams / Delmarva Bike Week Sept. 17th – 20th MARCH 2015



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April. 18-26, 2015


Sept. 16-20, 2015


MARCH 2015


NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) ANTI-PROFILING BILL INTRODUCED IN CALIFORNIA Legislation aimed to curb anti-biker profiling has been introduced in California. Citing anecdotal evidence that Golden State motorcyclists tend to get pulled over unjustly, Assemblyman Ken Cooley (D-Rancho Cordova) authored a bi-partisan bill that would have police officers undergo training emphasizing that profiling of motorcycle riders is prohibited. The measure seeks “to ensure that anyone entering law enforcement in California knows the ground rules to apply the law fairly without regard for irrelevant factors of, ‘I’m on a bike’ or they’re dressed a certain way,” Cooley said, adding that “it is an important issue of people being secure in their persons and the administration of traffic laws.” Assembly Bill 334 would add Section 13519.17 to the Penal Code, relating to the profiling of motorcycle riders: “This bill would require the Commission on Peace Officer Standards And Training to ensure that the profiling of motorcycle riders is addressed in the course of basic law enforcement training and offered to law enforcement officers in conjunction with existing training regarding profiling,” according to the Legislative Counsel’s Digest. Assembly Bill 334 would also require law enforcement agencies to create policies barring discrimination against riders. NEW MEXICO HELMET LAW OPPOSED Despite the fact that helmet legislation has only recently been introduced in New Mexico, and not passed as yet by the state legislature nor signed into law, “I have received two complaints that in the last few days riders have been pulled over for no helmet use by city police in Albuquerque and have been given a verbal warning,” reports Annette Torrez, chairperson for the New Mexico Motorcycle Rights Organization (NMMRO) and member of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) board of directors. “There is NO Mandatory helmet law in NM for any one over age 18, you can not be pulled over for the sole reason you are not wearing a helmet. This is profiling of motorcyclists,” added Torrez, who further suggests that; “The only way to address this is, if you get pulled over please get the officer name, badge number and car number and notify NMMRO (” 22

In the meantime, the national office of the U.S. Defenders ( has issued a nationwide CALL TO ACTION to oppose the two current helmet bills which were introduced into the 2015 legislature; Senate Bill 327 Requiring the use of helmets for all motorcycle operator and passengers, and Senate Bill 308 creating a distinctive motorcycle validation sticker ($692) allowing qualified operators and passengers to refrain from wearing a safety helmet. “We must unite and fight this or by this summer it could be mandatory for every biker to wear a helmet in New Mexico,” according to the US Defenders’ CTA, which goes on to state; “We were told that the Centers for Disease Control are following this bill in New Mexico as a pilot program if it passes for other states in the future.” TEXAS LEGISLATION WOULD ALLOW RIDERS TO LANE SPLIT IF HELMETED One of the latest proposals by some Texas lawmakers to help alleviate traffic congestion is to legalize lane splitting. Lane splitting (or lane sharing, or “filtering”) allows motorcyclists to pass vehicles by riding in-between lanes of traffic. State Senator Kirk Watson and State Representative Sergio Muñoz Jr. have both filed bills to legalize the practice. According to House Bill 813, introduced by Rep. Muñoz (D-Palmview), motorcycle riders would be allowed to ride between lanes of traffic moving in the same direction, if traffic is traveling 20 mph or slower, and if the motorcyclist is not traveling more than 5 mph faster than other traffic. Lane splitting would be prohibited in school zones and in areas where the posted speed limit is 20 mph or less. However, HB 813 would also require that riders and passengers must wear helmets. Senate Bill 442, introduced by Sen. Watson (D-Austin), does not include the helmet provision, but lane splitting would be restricted to controlled-access highways. “Filtering” is common in Europe and Asia to alleviate congestion in urban areas, but in the U.S., only California allows the maneuver. ILLINOIS MEASURE WOULD ADD MOTORCYCLE SAFETY TO DRIVER’S ED An Illinois lawmaker wants driver education teachers to warn beginner motorists to be on the lookout for motorcycles by incorporating motorcycle safety as a formal part of driver’s education courses.

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The proposal, introduced February 17, 2015 by Representative Tom Bennett (R-Gibson City), would amend the driver’s education act in the Illinois School Code to require that all behind the wheel instruction include lessons on motorcycle safety and awareness “to ensure students understand their surroundings when operating a motor vehicle.” Rep. Bennett says the concern was raised by constituents in his central Illinois district. Bennett says he purposely kept the language in the proposal general to give schools flexibility. INDIANA SCOOTER RIDERS FACE NEW REGULATIONS Indiana officials are warning motor scooter drivers that starting January 1 they’ll need license plates on those bikes. Legislators have approved Indiana’s first license requirements for scooters, and under the new law drivers of scooters with engines of 50 cubic centimeters or less will need to buy license plates and pass a Bureau of Motor Vehicles test involving road signals and signs. Operators of scooters with larger engines will be required to follow motorcycle requirements, including holding a valid motorcycle license or learner’s permit. Evansville police officials told a legislative committee that scooters had often been involved in accidents and used in crimes such as robberies, but that the owners couldn’t be found because they lacked any registration. The new law doesn’t require insurance for drivers of the smaller scooters, and the registration will cost $26.35, plus a $10 excise tax. Law sponsor Representative Dave Wolkins (R-Winona Lake) said not requiring a driver’s license for scooter operators was important because he felt it was necessary that those with drunken driving convictions still have a way to get to work. ARIZONA MAY DUMP HANDLE BAR HEIGHT LAW Arizona has a bill running to eliminate their handle bar height law completely, and motorcycle organizations are asking riders from neighboring states and those who visit the Grand Canyon State to contact Arizona legislators to support House Bill 2345, which recently breezed through the House rules committee. Introduced by Reps Karen Fann (R-Prescott) and Chad Campbell (D-Phoenix), HB-2345 would amend ARS 28-964 to remove the restriction which specifies that a person cannot operate a motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle or motor driven cycle equipped with handlebars positioned so the operator’s hands are above their shoulders when the operator is sitting and their THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

hands are on the handlebar grips. The bi-partisan measure would also eliminate the requirement for motorcycles to be equipped with handrails for passengers. In addition, Arizona bikers are fighting a similar “pay-toplay” bill as in New Mexico, as House Bill 2607 seeks to require use of a helmet for all motorcyclists unless the rider pays a fee for exemption (amount to be determined), or face a $500 fine for non-compliance. U.S. MOTORCYCLE SALES CONTINUE UPWARD TREND The Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) reports motorcycle sales increased 3.8% for 2014. A total of 483,526 motorcycles were sold during the calendar year, an increase of 17,743 units over 2013. Off-Highway motorcycles registered the highest percentage year-over-year growth at 10.9%, with the On-Highway and Dual segments tallying 3.0 and 3.6% respectively. Scooter sales were the only two-wheeled segment to decline last year, down 3.5%. Meanwhile, ATV sales showed a steady 0.5% rate of growth. The 2014 motorcycle sales total marks the fourth consecutive year of modest growth since the market bottomed out in 2010 at 439,678 units sold. Annual motorcycles sales have since increased by 440,899 (2011), 452,386 (2012) and 465,783 (2013) to its current 483,526 total. This gradual recovery follows the dramatic decline of the motorcycle market during the recession, when annual motorcycle sales plummeted from 879,910 in 2008 to 520,502 in 2009. LANE “FILTERING” RIDES INTO AUSTRALIA New rules have come into effect for motorcycle riders in Queensland, Australia as of 1 February 2015, including safe lane filtering. “Lane filtering can be a complex manoeuvre requiring plenty of on-road experience to be done safely, so only fully licensed riders are allowed to lane filter,” Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) says on its website, noting heavy penalties for riders who don’t follow the rules. DTMR said motorcycle riders who hold an open licence for riding a motorcycle may lane filter at speeds not greater than 30km/h between stationary or slow-moving vehicles travelling in the same direction as them, provided it is safe to do so. New rules also allow riders to ride on road shoulders and in emergency stopping lanes. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Helping each other out - that’s America.” ~ former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle (19742013), author of “American Sniper”

MARCH 2015


Dealers & Shops

Biker Friendly Directory

Cutting Edge Customs 3078 PT. Manion RD #2 Morgantown, WV 304-826-6688

Demotto Honda-Yamaha RT 33W Elkins, WV 26241 304-636-5489 M&J Motor Company 1000 S. Queen Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-262-6200 RG Honda-Yamaha 1619 Buckhannon Pike Nutter Fort, WV 26301 304-624-5420 The Twisted Spoke 97 Milford Street Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-326-4644 Triple S Harley Davidson Exit 155 off I-79 Morgantown, WV 304-284-8244 Wiskybilt 137 Harmony Grove Rd. Albright, WV 304-379-BIKE

Bars & Grills Gameday 318 Pike Street Shinnston, WV. 26431 Gateway Lounge 123 Casino Drive Anmoore, WV 26323 304-623-3060 Giovannis Restaurant 451 US Hwy 33 E Weston, WV 26452 304-269-4563 Hickory House 1137 US Hwy 19 North Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-269-7373 24


Jester’s Hilltop Pub 4726 US Hwy 33W Camden, WV 26338 304-269-4004

Bobby Tarowsky 304-797-1470 304-723-8955

Kickstands Bar & Grille 3200 Junkins Ave Clarksburg, WV 26301 Lee & Janet’s Place Cherry Falls / Webster Springs, WV 304-651-0777 Pikeview Sports Bar& Lounge 221-223 Pikeview Drive Beckley, WV 25801 304-256-2490 Road Hogs Saloon 415 Clayton Street Rivesville, WV 26588 304-816-6901 Schmitt’s Saloon 245 Cheat Road Morgantown, WV 304-291-9001 Swamp Fox Tavern 4404 Sissonville Drive Charleston, WV 25312 304-340-8094 The Local Bar & Grill 2552 Ritler Drive Shady Spring, WV 25918 304-763-2839 The Dairy Winkle 162 Campbells Creek Drive Charleston, WV 25306 304-925-6800 Wright Dawgs 1228 Country Club Road. Fairmont, WV 26554 304-368-0834


Rider Insurance

Legal Services Law Offices of Ralph C. Buss 800-582-5577

Weatherholtz Bonding 306 W. Stephens Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-267-5888 MARCH 2015


Certainty Stores 101 Randolph Ave. Elkins, WV 26241 304-630-1716


Derma Doodle Tattoo Studio 355 Meadowdale Rd. Fairmont, WV 26544 304-816-3016 Thinkin Ink 508 Race Street Fairmont, WV 26354 304-366-1279

Clubs, Organizations & Riding Groups

C.E.’s Helping Hands (Old Fields, WV) A non-profit organization enlisting the help of other good hearted people wanting to contribute to the cause of helping others in need. The organization holds monthly meetings and several fundraising rides every year. Donations are always appreciated. For more information call: 304-538-6953 or visit our website at: Fraternal Order of Eagles #2481 Weston, WV 304-269-6134 If you would like to be listed in the Biker Friendly Directory, please contact Sales and Marketing or email BFD@BIGCITYRHINO.COM for more information. If you’re a Club, Foundation, or Association would like to be listed in our Directory, please email BFD@BIGCITYRHINO.COM with your name and contact information and someone will be in touch with you. THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA



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MARCH 2015


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