Collaboration and quick results

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Collaboration and quick results

Renewal of sewer system in Fredericia

When people meet An extraordinary close and LɉJPLU[ JVSSHIVYH[PVU YLZ\S[LK in execution of a complex renewal project in Fredericia in only eight weeks despite a number of major challenges In February 2015, the wastewater company Fredericia Spildevand & Energi A/S decided that it was time to renew part of the so-called Bryggeriledning (brewery pipe). The 4.3-km-long wastewater pipe is an essential part of the infrastructure in Fredericia, as it transports large amounts of process wastewater from the industrial area of the northern part of the town, where major companies such as DONG, Carlsberg and Shell are located. The brewery pipe transports a minimum of 500 litres of wastewater per second; it has varying dimensions; it runs under the railway at Fredericia railway station; it crosses ZL]LYHS OPNO [YHѝJ YVHKZ" HUK P[ OHZ H YV\UK WYVÄSL HZ ^LSS HZ H ZX\HYL

WYVÄSL ”It is a very special and important pipe which we assess currently in relation to condition and service life”, says Jan Due Johansen, Fredericia Spildevand & Energi A/S. At the beginning of February 2015, a routine CCTV inspection showed that a 610-m-long section in the city centre had to be renewed in the near future. Considering the major importance of the pipe, Fredericia Spildevand & Energi A/S immediately decided to carry out a very intensive HUK LѝJPLU[ YLUL^HS WYVQLJ[ IHZLK on No-Dig methods. ”A solution based on excavation was actually never considered, as the costs, time frames, environmental consequences and nuisance to citizens and business owners would have been immense”, says Jan Due Johansen. From 2011 to 2017, Fredericia Spildevand & Energi A/S and Per (HYZSLќ ( : HYL ^VYRPUN [VNL[OLY in a partnership comprising excavation as well as No-Dig methods

for separation of part of the sewer system in Fredericia. The renewal of the brewery pipe was a natural part of this partnership. The contract was carried out in close collaboration with Dansk Overpumpning A/S and Henning Have A/S. The renewal project was based on a weekly meeting between the parties. Representatives of Fredericia Municipality also participated in the meetings, when necessary. This meant that many decisions could be made at the meetings, and in this way the project could be carried out within a tight time frame. The participation of the municipality in the meetings YLZ\S[LK PU H X\PJR HUK ZTVV[O administrative handling of the project. In some cases, applications and MVYTZ ^LYL ÄSSLK PU VUSPUL I` [OL municipal representatives during the meetings. ”It is of great importance to the project progress that the right people meet and make decisions then and there”, says Hans Bodilsen, 7LY (HYZSLќ ( :

It took approx. 3 weeks to establish the advanced bypass pumping system.


Relined sewer pipe Bypass pumping Buried bypass pumping Excavated Existing sewer pipe Newly established manhole Existing manhole Bypass pumping station

Excavation 10 metres

349 metres rehabilitated pipe. DN1200 Bypass pumping


200 metres of buried bypass pumping

The two CIPP Linings installed from a 7-metre deep manhole in front of Fredericia Central Station

259 metres of DN1200 pipe. Renewed from square to round WYVĂ„SL

Bypass pumping. Temporarily installed. DN500 mm

Bypass pumping. 74 metres pipe bridge






500 m

Fredericia rampard

Geodatastyrelsen / Fredericia Kommune


+L[LYTPUH[PVU HUK LɉJPLUJ` It was clear from the beginning that the companies involved would be challenged in relation to KL[LYTPUH[PVU HUK LѝJPLUJ` A 10-m-long section of the pipe at one of the two manholes was intended to be the end point of a CIPP lining. However, it turned out to be in a very bad condition and had to be replaced. At the same time, the manhole was placed very close to the railway embankment, and it was decided not to use the manhole, as SHYNL THJOPULZ HUK V[OLY LX\PWTLU[ could damage the embankment. ”So we decided to use another manhole. Most likely, we would have been able to carry out the work from the manhole as planned, but we decided that we would not take any risks”, says Jan Due Johansen. Henning Have A/S soon found out that there was a need for bypass pumping, and they ordered two 20” pumps, each of 850 KW. The pumps were ordered on

Tuesday; on Thursday, the pumps arrived by two express lorries from England; and on Saturday, the bypass pumping was already in operation. The total project could not proceed \U[PS /LUUPUN /H]L ( : OHK ÄUPZOLK the job of renewing the 10-m-section which was of very bad condition. Therefore the parties decided to speed up the bypass pumping job. “The process really accelerated. We took the decision on Tuesday, and on Thursday 10 employees were ready on site in Fredericia”, says Rasmus Hansen, Dansk Overpumping A/S. Already before the bypass pumping system was established, 7LY (HYZSLќ ( : JHYYPLK V\[ H dimension measurement of the two sections which were to be relined. The early dimension measurement TLHU[ [OH[ 7LY (HYZSLќ ( :»Z factory could start producing the liners, which saved a lot of time.

The bypass pumping was a large and complex job comprising a total of 712 metres of DN500 PE pressure pipes and construction of three pipe bridges of which the longest had a length of 74 metres. In addition, large parts of the pressure pipe had to be buried in minor phases to reduce the nuisance to citizens and business owners. This was a big challenge, as many pipes and cables are already located in the ground of the area. It took about three weeks to establish the bypass pumping system. “We were busy, very busy. However, we managed to show consideration for the everyday users of the area. We made high demands on ourselves, and we were proud that we did not receive any complaints at all. In fact, it is very rare that we establish a bypass pumping system in phases”, says Flemming Nørskov, Henning Have A/S.

The complex bypass pumping involved 712 metres of DN500 pipes as well as establishment of three pipe bridges 4

Express lorries from England with pumping equipment arrive late in the evening on 22 January 2015

Installation of the bypass pumping system

Excavation for bypass pumping 5

At full speed When the bypass pumping system was established and the production VM [OL SPULY ^HZ Z[HY[LK 7LY (HYZSLќ A/S cleaned the 610 metres of pipe which was to be relined. We carried out two sections – and thereby two CIPP linings. One of the sections was 349 metres long and of DN1,200 ^P[O H YV\UK WYVÄSL ^OLYLHZ [OL other section was 259 metres long HUK VM +5 ^P[O H ZX\HYL WYVÄSL This meant that we had two very KPќLYLU[ YLSPUPUN QVIZ JHYYPLK V\[ MYVT the same manhole. The two liners both weighed about 100 tons so they were transported to Fredericia on two SHYNL ÅH[ILK SVYYPLZ -VY [OL ZX\HYL WYVÄSL ^L ÄYZ[ PUZ[HSSLK H ZVM[ SPULY to ensure that the lining would get a YV\UK +5 WYVÄSL :\IZLX\LU[S` [OL JH]P[` ZWHJLZ VM [OL ZX\HYL WPWL»Z JVYULYZ ^LYL ÄSSLK ^P[O ZWLJPHS NYV\[ to ensure the static stability of the pipe. ;OL ÄYZ[ SPULY HYYP]LK PU -YLKLYPJPH VU 9 March early in the morning. The other liner arrived only three days later, and already on 15 March, both relinings were installed and cured. ”It was a very tight time schedule that we had agreed on. But all parties involved observed their agreements”, says Hans Bodilsen. With the relinings in place in the brewery pipe, the next step was to renew three

manholes by means of a new vertical relining method which comprises a glass liner cured by UV light. When the three manholes were ready, the brewery pipe was put back into operation and Dansk Overpumpning A/S started dismounting the bypass pumping system. ¸0[ [VVR VUS` LPNO[ ^LLRZ MYVT V\Y ÄYZ[ weekly meeting until we were able to put the pipe back into operation” says Jan Due Johansen. As we were to carry out the project within a tight time frame, the establishment of the bypass pumping system and the installation of the two CIPP linings were two key elements which speeded up the process considerably and at the same time challenged the determination and LѝJPLUJ` VM [OL WHY[PLZ For the companies involved, there was no doubt that the project was X\P[L L_JLW[PVUHS ;OL` OH]L JSLHYS` proved that even complex projects can be carried out in a very short time, if the collaboration is based on [Y\Z[ HUK ÅL_PIPSP[` ”Many, many tasks were carried out concurrently. We had to trust that each of us took responsibility and informed the others if new challenges appeared”, says Flemming Nørskov.

;OL WYVQLJ[»Z JVTWSL_P[` JVTIPULK with the wish to execute the project extremely fast caused constant challenges. For instance, it was a challenge to obtain the necessary permits from Banedanmark. ”We had to supply calculations as well as various [`WLZ VM KVJ\TLU[H[PVU VM [OL LќLJ[ of our work”, says Hans Bodilsen. The brewery pipe runs directly beULH[O [OL YHPS^H` H[ VUL VM +LUTHYR»Z busiest stations, and in addition it runs in the ground right outside the railway station. The manhole from which the two CIPP linings were installed was 7.5 m deep and placed in front of the railway station. This WVZLK H SV[ VM [YHѝJ JOHSSLUNLZ ¶ UV[ only to the many users of the area, I\[ HSZV PU YLSH[PVU [V LX\PWTLU[ HUK machinery. However, Banedanmark HUK [OL I\Z VWLYH[VYZ ZOV^LK ÅL_ibility and good will to collaborate, HUK ZV KPK [OL SHUKV^ULYZ HќLJ[LK by the bypass pumping. It only took one morning to settle all landowner agreements. According to Jan Due Johansen, it is clear that many circumstances came together in connection with this project. ”Some might say that we were lucky. To this we can only say that we were competent, determined and willing to trust each other”.


The soft liner is pulled through the square-shaped sewer pipe



;OL JH]P[PLZ HYL ÄSSLK ^P[O ZWLJPHS NYV\[ which ensures the stability of the pipe


About the project: Finances, in DKK Bypass pumping: CIPP Lining: Contracting work: Costs, client (approx.): Costs, contractor (approx.):

About the project: Technical facts 4.748.721 5.782.242 1.657.961 500.000 12.688.924

Q 10 m of excavation in a depth of 3 m between 2 manholes Q 710 m of bypass pumping in DN500 pipes Q T ZX\HYLZOHWLK ZL^LY *077 3PULK [V YV\UK +5 Q 349 m, Ø1200 strømpeforing Q 3 manholes renewed by means of a completely new method Q Information to citizens and stakeholders Q No complaints

The renewal of the three manholes was carried out by means of a completely new method. ;OL ZVM[ SPULY ^HZ SV^LYLK PU[V [OL THUOVSL HUK PUÅH[LK ^P[O JVTWYLZZLK HPY ;OLU P[ ^HZ J\YLK I` TLHUZ VM <= SPNO[ :\YWS\Z TH[LYPHS ^HZ J\[ Vќ HUK LKNLZ ^LYL NYV\UKLK ;OL YLUL^HS PZ H [PNO[ K\YHISL HUK WLYTHULU[ ZVS\[PVU



”It is of great importance to the project progress that the right people meet and make decisions then and there”

”The process really accelerated. We took the decision on Tuesday, and on Thursday 10 employees were ready on site in Fredericia”

Engvej 13A DK 6600 Vejen Tel. +45 7536 2911

”Some might say that we were lucky. To this we can only say that we were competent, determined and willing to trust each other”

Kongstedvej 6-10 DK 4200 Slagelse Tel +45 7012 0014

3VRLZ]LQ DK 8230 Åbyhøj Tel. +45 8744 2222 PUMV'HHYZSLќ JVT ^^^ HHYZSLќ JVT


Røde Banke 16 DK 7000 Fredericia Tel. +45 7620 7100

”We were busy, very busy. However, we managed to show consideration for the everyday users of the area. We made high demands on ourselves, and we were proud that we did not receive any complaints at all”

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