Focusing on ensuring supply

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Focusing on ensuring supply

Renewal of 3 km of sewage pipe in Fredericia

3 km through the city The brewery pipe running through Fredericia is of vital importance to the infrastructure of the city. For this reason, there were high demands when Fredericia Spildevand & Energi A/S together ^P[O 7LY (HYZSLɈ ( : 7PWL ;LJOnologies carried out a complex, compact renovation project in the spring of 2016. Not only was the project undertaken in merely 15 weeks, it covered a distance of no less than 3 km. At the beginning of April 2016, Fredericia Spildevand & Energi A/S began their collaboration with Per (HYZSLќ ( : 7PWL ;LJOUVSVNPLZ [V renovate 3 km of the pipe known as the brewery pipe. With a total length of 4.3 km and a diameter up to 1,200 mm, the brewery pipe is the most important ^HZ[L ^H[LY WPWL PU -YLKLYPJPH ;OL pipe runs through a large part of the town, the areas of which include a playground, a kindergarten, a lake, a hotel, a public indoor swimming pool, the train station and a large industrial

area. “It is not an exaggeration to call it an exceptional waste water pipe. It crosses several big roads, runs underneath the railway system in two places, including, for example, Fredericia train station”, says Jens Bill from Fredericia Spildevand & Energi A/S. ;OL IYL^LY` WPWL PZ VM ]P[HS importance to the infrastructure of Fredericia, as it windingly transports large volumes of waste water from large industrial plants, including amongst others, Shell, Coca-Cola, Carlsberg and Rexam. Additionally, it also removes waste water from several large residential areas. It is precisely because of the great volumes of industrial waste water that the pipe needed to be renovated. “Although it is only 40-50 years old and should last for many years to come, the industrial waste water causes the concrete to erode much faster than usual”, Michael Bilde 5PLSZLU MYVT (HYZSLќ L_WSHPUZ ;OL WPWL KPTLUZPVUZ ]HY` PU ZPaL from DN500 to DN1200, and it

transports a minimum of 500 l of waste water per second. In both 2013 and 2015, smaller sections of the brewery pipe under^LU[ YLUL^HSZ HZ **;= PUZWLJ[PVUZ revealed a few areas of the pipe to be in very poor condition. At the beginning of 2016, it was decided that the remaining 3 km of pipe should be renewed. ”It was all about exercising due care, and undertaking the renovation while we still had full control. If any part of the pipe should start collapsing, it would mean ZPNUPÄJHU[ L_WLUZLZ HUK PUJVU venience for the citizens and the business sector”, Jens Bill comments.

;OL LU[PYL SLUN[O VM [OL IYL^LY` WPWL has now been renovated from the Carlsberg brewery’s location in “Nordbyen”, in the northern part of Fredericia, all the way to Strandvejen. It is at Strandvejen where the waste water is transferred to a main pipe DN1600 that leads it to the central sewage treatment plant, Fredericia Centralrenseanlæg. In other words – supply security is now assured.



Bypass pumping bridge at the entrance to the Carlsberg brewery

One of the 18 renovated manholes along the 3 km length Messecenter


The extensive and mobile bypass pumping station

Renovated pipe Renovated manhole Non-renovated pipe Work station Bypass pumping Pump Road/path underpass 0


100 150 200 250 m

Map: Geodatastyrelsen / Fredericia Kommune

;OL Ă„UHS YLSPUPUN is installed at Madsby Play Park 3

Relining, manholes and ladder rungs Fredericia Spildevand & Energi A/S decided very early on that the brewery pipe renovation should be carried out using No-Dig methods. Should they have taken the excavation option instead, the project would have lasted for years, and would have caused huge inconvenience until completion. Choosing No-Dig methods, the project was carried out in only 15 weeks, from April to July 2016. ;OL ]LY[PJHS WYVĂ„SL VM [OL IYL^LY` pipe through Fredericia resulted in (HYZSLŃœ PUZ[HSSPUN YLSPUPUNZ ;OL ZOVY[LZ[ ^HZ T ^OPSL [OL longest was 544 m and weighed a total of 55 tons. It arrived ice-wrapped at Lundbysvej in Fredericia one morning in the beginning of June, KPYLJ[S` MYVT [OL (HYZSLŃœ MHJ[VY` PU /HZZLSHNLY ;OL PJL ^HZ \ZLK [V prevent the curing process from starting. It took almost 10 hours to invert the huge relining inside the brewery pipe, using 352 m3 of water.

;OL Z\IZLX\LU[ J\YPUN WYVJLZZ SHZ[LK approx. 2 days. Finally, 12 of the relinings were cured using water, while [OL YLTHPUPUN ^LYL J\YLK ^P[O <= light and steam, respectively. Before the installation of several relinings could proceed, the brewery pipe naturally needed cleaning and **;= PUZWLJ[PVU 0[ ^HZ H Z\YWYPZL [V Ă„UK SHYNL HTV\U[Z VM ZHUK HUK old pipe materials inside the pipe. A total of 225 tons of sand and pipe material were removed, as well as several ladder rungs from the manholes. “We were quite surprised at having to remove such large amounts of sand, as the Ă…V^ VM ^H[LY [OYV\NO [OL WPWL OHK been quite high for several yearsâ€?, Jens Bill says. In connection with the early phases of [OL WYVQLJ[ (HYZSLŃœ Z[HŃœ ^LU[ KV^U to inspect the 50 manholes found in [OPZ ZLJ[PVU ;OPZ PUZWLJ[PVU YL]LHSLK that 18 of them were in such poor

JVUKP[PVU [OH[ [OL` YLX\PYLK YLUV]Htion. For the renovation of the manholes, (HYZSLŃœ \ZLK [OL TVZ[ \W [V KH[L methods. A total of 15 manholes were renovated using the relining method, where a relining is lowered down into [OL THUOVSL HUK [OLU Ă„SSLK ^P[O JVTWYLZZLK HPY -PUHSS` <= SPNO[ PZ used to cure the relining. ;OL YLTHPUPUN [OYLL THUOVSLZ ^LYL renovated using a brand new method where the relining, already installed in the waste water pipe, is applied with a specially constructed acid-proof steel shell, upon which a tube is placed, leading all the way up to the top of the manhole. Once the tube is in place, the annulus space between the new tube and [OL VSK THUOVSL PZ Ă„SSLK ^P[O ZHUK One of the advantages of this new method is that you only need to cut a small hole in the relining, thus avoiding having to renovate the entire existing manhole.

The renovation of 15 manholes took place using a completely new method. The relining is immersed in its soft condition and then PUĂ…H[LK ^P[O JVTWYLZZLK HPY 0[ PZ [OLU OHYKLULK \ZPUN <= SPNO[ ;OL Z\YWS\Z TH[LYPHS PZ [OLU J\[ H^H` HUK [OL YLSPUPUN PZ ZHUKLK KV^U


Disruptions were not an option A vital waste water pipe, such as the brewery pipe, must always be fully operational – including when relinings are being installed, and when manholes need renovation. With regard to large industrial companies releasing waste water into the pipes, it was necessary to establish HU LŃœLJ[P]L I`WHZZ W\TWPUN Z`Z[LT which could ensure that production ^HZ UV[ HŃœLJ[LK “It is all about LUZ\YPUN [OH[ [OL Z`Z[LT Ă…V^Z We can’t really ask the companies to hold back their large amounts of waste water,â€? Michael Bilde Nielsen explains. A bypass-pumping system was established from the Carlsberg brewery in the northern part of the town, to the train station in the center. 0U [OL Ă„YZ[ WHY[ VM [OL WYVQLJ[ [OL bypass-pumping system consisted of 1,750 meters of soft hoses, while the ZLJVUK HUK Ă„UHS WHY[ JVUZPZ[LK VM 7,

WPWLZ HWWYV_ T ;OL IYL^LY` pipe crosses Madsby Play Park, and PU VYKLY [V TPUPTPaL PUJVU]LUPLUJL [V the many visiting families, the PE pipes were placed in, amongst other locations, a river and a lake. Limiting the level of disturbance for IV[O SVJHS JP[PaLUZ HUK I\ZPULZZLZ was an important factor when planning the bypass-pumping system. For this reason, a series of meetings were held with interested parties YLNHYKPUN [OL ]LY[PJHS WYVĂ„SL VM [OL bypass hoses and PE pipes through Fredericia. A bypass-pumping bridge was established at the entrance to the Carlsberg brewery, while in other places the soft hoses were hidden in [OL NYV\UK [V H]VPK [YHŃ?J KPZY\W[PVU ;OL I`WHZZ W\TWPUN Z`Z[LT ^HZ VM vital importance to the success of the WYVQLJ[ ;OLYLMVYL P[ ^HZ KLZPNULK [V handle volumes of waste water which by far exceeded the amount the pipe

was used to transporting, even during extreme conditions. ;OL I`WHZZ W\TWPUN Z`Z[LT HSZV played an indirect, but imperative role PU TPUPTPaPUN [OL JVSSLJ[P]L JVZ[ VM [OL WYVQLJ[ 0UKLLK VUNVPUN **;= inspections had been an integrated part of the project, and had thus YLUKLYLK H WYPVY HUK L_WLUZP]L **;= inspection project redundant. In practice, individual sections YLX\PYPUN YLSPUPUN ^LYL PUZWLJ[LK I` **;= HUK HM[LY^HYKZ [OL YLZ\S[ ^HZ ZLU[ [V (HYZSLŃœÂťZ MHJ[VY` MVY [OLT [V design the relinings in accordance with what was shown on the recordings made just a few hours before. In a number of cases, the combina[PVU VM **;= PUZWLJ[PVUZ HUK VWLYHtional expertise meant that relining of public inlet pipes became part of the project. 5


The importance of involving local citizens ;V 1LUZ )PSS HUK OPZ JVSSLHN\LZ it was important to inform FredeYPJPH»Z JP[PaLUZ HIV\[ [OL WYVQLJ[ because large renovation projects invariably cause disruption. At the same time, a renovation project also represents a golden opportunity to raise environmental and climate issues. ;V YLHJO HZ THU` JP[PaLUZ HZ WVZZPISL H U\TILY VM KPќLYLU[ communication channels were used, such as letters, meetings, advertise-


ments, a website and large billboards positioned where relining installations were highly visible. Experience from earlier projects indicated that many people were somewhat fascinated by the installation of very large relinings. For this reason, both the project management group and Fredericia Dagblad (daily newspaper) invited a group of newspaper subscribers to a site visit of one installation. Furthermore, a separate event was HYYHUNLK ZV [OH[ SVJHS JP[PaLUZ JV\SK learn about the project.

;OL V\[JVTL ^HZ [OH[ TVYL [OHU J\YPV\Z JP[PaLUZ ZOV^LK \W [V HZR X\LZ[PVUZ YLNHYKPUN [OL TVZ[ YLJLU[ No-Dig methods, sewage separation, climate change adaption, and many other exciting topics. “It is both fun and challenging when you are asked new and interesting questions about issues we work with on a daily basis. It was a very enriching experience for us”, Jens Bill adds.

Having many balls in the air demands a close collaboration ”At times, we had many balls in the air at once”, explains Michael Bilde Nielsen. Installing 14 relinings, renovating 18 manholes, laying out more than 1,000 iron plates, listening [V SVJHS JP[PaLUZ LUZ\YPUN ZHML[` procedures, bypass pumping, holding meetings with landowners, and many others issues, meant the need for close collaboration. Indeed, since 2011, the two companies have worked closely together. ;OPZ WHY[ULYZOPW PUJS\KLZ L_JH]H[PVU and No-Dig methods in connection with separate sewerage installations in a large part of the waste water system in Fredericia. ”The job of renovating the brewery pipe was not part of our partnership, but it was of course a great advantage that all involved parties knew each others’ competences, interests and limitations from the start”, 1LUZ )PSS JSHYPÄLZ One of the cornerstones of the brewery pipe collaboration was the ^LLRS` \WKH[L TLL[PUN ;OL YLHZVU for the ongoing weekly meetings throughout the entire project period was the fact that the project was both complex and highly compact, with many important activities happening simultaneously in the center of the

town. At the same time, it was vital that all key persons involved were as close as possible to the many KPќLYLU[ JVTWVULU[Z VM [OL WYVQLJ[ 0U [OPZ ^H` TVYL WLVWSL JV\SK VќLY solutions and suggestions regarding the numerous challenges connected with a project of such complexity. Essentially, these construction meetPUNZ PUQLJ[LK [OL ULJLZZHY` ÅL_PIPSP[` and dynamics into the project. According to the project manage-

ment team, there are many reasons for completing the entire project so X\PJRS` HUK VU [PTL -PYZ[S` WSHUUPUN must be done at an early stage. Secondly, it is vital to assemble the right team, and create optimal frameworks and systems for the team to ^VYR PU ;OPZ LUZ\YLZ H WYVQLJ[ ^OPJO can tackle unforeseen circumstances. ;OPYKS` P[ PZ ULJLZZHY` [V ^VYR V\[ H realistic time plan. “We succeeded in achieving all three goals”, Jens Bill concludes.


“It is not an exaggeration to call it an exceptional waste water pipe. It crosses several big roads, runs underneath the railway system in two places, including, for example, Fredericia train stationâ€? “Although it is only 40-50 years old and should last for many years to come, the industrial waste water causes the concrete to erode much faster than usualâ€? “We were quite surprised at having to remove such large HTV\U[Z VM ZHUK HZ [OL Ă…V^ VM ^H[LY [OYV\NO [OL WPWL OHK been quite high for several yearsâ€? ¸0[ PZ HSS HIV\[ LUZ\YPUN [OH[ [OL Z`Z[LT Ă…V^Z We can’t really ask the companies to hold back their large amounts of waste waterâ€?

Project overview Q 3 km of relining Q 14 relining installations Q 3LUN[OZ VM YLSPUPUNZ!

from 13 m to 544 m Q 7PWL KPTLUZPVUZ!

from DN500 to DN1200 Q Renovation of 18 manholes in total – 15 manholes renovated using new No-Dig methods Q In excess of 1,000 iron plates were laid out Q ;OL WYVQLJ[ ^HZ JHYYPLK V\[ V]LY ^LLRZ in the spring of 2016 Q :PNUPÄJHU[ PU]VS]LTLU[ VM SVJHS JP[PaLUZ Q *VU[YHJ[ ]HS\L! TPSSPVU ,\YVZ

“We succeeded in achieving all three goals�

Lokesvej 15, DK 8230 Ă…byhøj ;LS PUMV'HHYZSLŃœ JVT ^^^ HHYZSLŃœ JVT


Røde Banke 16, DK 7000 Fredericia ;LS

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