Nykøbing katedralskole velkomsthæfte engelsk

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“The obvious choice once you have checked it out!�

to Katedralskolen

The principal’s welcome We look forward to seeing you at Katedralskolen. Being the largest upper secondary high school and hf in the area, we will give you many opportunities to create your own study profile. In our school you will get the most rounded education a continuation school can offer, as it gives access to all places of higher education, thus giving you the best platform for a good future. We are a large school with more than 700 pupils and a staff of 80, but in spite of our considerable size we are having a daily focus on the individual pupil. At Katedralskolen we are convinced that only by everybody doing their utmost every day, will we get the quality in our work which makes a difference to the individual and our community. That is the reason why we also have expectations to, as well as demands of everybody at Katedralskolen, included those who want to pursue continuation education at this school.

We expect everybody to meet on time every day and to be well prepared for classes. We expect everybody to be active participants in learning and to be active and constructive participants in the social life of the school.

Solid academic and professional work is the basis for a good social life with lots of peak experiences, and high spirits – without which it will not go. Read this leaflet and come to the school for a visit.

In return we offer a professional and extremely well qualified staff, which will be your guarantee for an education with academic challenges that will make your talents expand and flow freely.


Kirsten Danving, Principal.

The chairman of the student council says... Going from primary school or junior high school to the upper secondary school (stx) or Higher Preparatory exam (hf) is probably one of the most significant changes you have experienced so far. But do not despair! Ahead of you are 2 or 3 nice, informative, festive, and super cool years! In the course of your time at “Nykat” you will make friendships, expand your horizons and develop new skills, academically as well as professionally and socially. All this is possible because the stx and hf are not only about classes and homework. The latter is obviously a very important part of the upper secondary continuation school, but it is just as important that you get involved in the many activities in at the school. There are plenty of things to do. There are several optional subjects, and if you have special interests you can sign up for master classes, do sports, play music or perform in the theatre/drama group after classes. You can put your footprint on the school according to your own wishes!

For example, you can assist in the planning and carrying out of school parties or school assemblies. Or you can be elected to the student council and thus promote your ideas about implementing the best school in the world. I myself have been a member of the student council since my 1st year at “Nykat”, and I am extremely happy about it! In the student council you will be acquainted with pupils from all study lines and year groups. You will get an insight into decision making and administrative procedures, and you will learn lots of things that may become useful later in life. So, enjoy it here while you have the opportunity, take part in school activities, and always remember that whatever might happen, you will never be a loner at Nykøbing Katedralskole! Best regards, Nicklas Lund Andersen, Student Council Chair.

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Good Teaching is Diversified and Varied Research shows that monotonous teaching does not stimulate your learning sufficiently. That is why the teachers at Nykøbing Katedralskole make a daily effort to diversify and vary their teaching by adopting various forms and methods of teaching. You will get everything, from the well-known teaching method at the black board to creative and entirely different activities.

Assignments are done in pair and group work. We do project work, and our teaching is interdisciplinary, across subjects and classes, inside the school as well as outside the school area. Katedralskolen is at the forefront of digital development. Among other things we have introduced “flipped learning”, in which the homework for the lesson may be a video with which you continue work in the lesson.

What are My Options? In case you know already now that you want to become for instance a doctor or a civil engineer we can give you the most optimal opportunities – in the mandatory subjects, in the study lines and in the optional subjects. If you are in doubt, you should choose according to your interests and ability. Then we shall make sure that your studies will proceed in the best way so that you will be able to continue with the right kind of further studies after continuation school. Our education is built on 4 pillars: Science, social science, liberal arts (the humanities), and artistic subjects/Fine arts. Everybody will be acquainted with these 4 fields of study, but it is up to you to choose the mutual composition and balance among subjects and interdisciplinary work.

A major part of our exams are already digital. From the Summer semester 2018 all exams will be digital. Therefore diversified and varied teaching will give you the opportunity to test your knowledge and skills in various real life situations. In that way you will be well prepared to meet the real world on the very day you pass the final exam (studenter-/hf-eksamen in Danish) and put the student/hf cap on your head.

Master classes, Music, and a Strong Social Environment At Nykøbing Katedralskole you will have many opportunities to develop your competences and pursue your interests in many different fields. If you are particularly interested in science, informatics, or perhaps languages, history or mathematics, you can take part in voluntary study groups in one of our master classes, or you can participate in national or European topical contests. The Academy of Talented Youth: You can apply to be admitted to The Academy of Talented Youth, which arranges lectures, camps involving academic and professional activities, and much more.

As an stx or hf Student you will also be offered the chance to do research. Our research hopefuls cooperate with Copenhagen University, which makes it possible for our pupils to work with their own research project in the very fields that they have a particular interest in. After school hours you can take part in voluntary sports (physical education), music, creative art, or the creative writing workshop. In our cozy “homework café” teachers may help you with your homework. If you are a one for theatre or music, you can take part in our annual musical or theatre concert in which students and teachers cooperate in creating a spell-binding performance of singing, music, acting, and spectacular costumes.

Katedralskole students are good at playing music. We compete yearly in the LF Melody Song Contest – Grand Prix with Maribo and Nakskov. Students also perform at school parties, cafés and school assemblies. At Nykøbing Katedralskole we arrange parties and Friday afternoon cafés, which are always very nice and cozy.

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Getting Started When you start at stx or hf, you must get used to working more independently. You practice your aptitude for mature study, independence, creativity, and cooperative skills, and in that way you will be “transformed from a pupil to a student”. Nobody, however, will be thrown into deep water. We try to make a perfect basic course, where you will get the right kind of tools for use in your classes.

Stx is a three-year education. It consists of a basic course of three months’ duration, during which you will receive guidance concerning your future study line, and a study line course where you must choose two study line subjects, a language course, a course in artistic subjects, two science subjects and a number of optional subjects

Study Lines from 2017

Profiles – Examples

Optional Subjects

Mathematics A – Physics B

Science/Engineering profile Mathematics A – Physics B – Chemistry B – Informatics C

Choose between subjects across Study Lines:

Mathematics A – Biotech A

Biotech profile Mathematics A – Biotech A – Physics B

Biology A – Chemistry B

Physical education profile Biology A – Chemistry B – Physical education B

Social Science A – Mathematics A Social Science A - English A

Psychology profile Social science A – English A – Psychology C

Social Science A – German Continuance A Social Science A – French Intro A

Entrepreneur profile Social science A – English A – Business economics C

Astronomy Fine Arts Biology Drama Business Economics Philosophy French Physics Physical education Informatics Geo science Chemistry Latin Mathematics Media studies Music Psychology Religious studies Social Science Spanish German

English A – French Intro A English A – Spanish Intro A English A - German Continuance A

Music A - Mathematics A Music A - English A

Language profile English A – French A – German B International profile English A – Spanish A - Latin C Fine Arts profile Music A – English A – Fine arts B – Drama C

Mandatory subjects: Danish A, History A, Mathematics B, English B, Social science C, Physical education C, Physics C, General Linguistics, Religious studies C, Classic studies C, Science basic course, Fine Arts and Music C, 2nd foreign language B/A* *2nd foreign language from 2018; French Continuance B/A





Pedagogy, psychology and teaching

Psychology B Social science B

Society, politics, economy

Social science B Business administration C

Nature, people and environment

Biology B Psychology C

Language and culture

English A Social science B

Health and motion

Sports B Biology B

Media, communication and information Technology and mathematics

Social science B Informatics C Mathematics B Physics B

Arts, theatre and music

2 of the following 3: Drama C, Music C, Arts C

Military and police

Social science B Sports B

University package

1 extra A-level 1 extra B-level

Mandatory subjects: Danish A, English B, Culture and social science, Mathematics C, Science group C, Sports C/Arts C

Optional subjects subjects across Study Lines: Astronomy Arts Biology Drama Business Administration Philosophy Physics Sports Informatics Physical geography Chemistry Latin Mathematics Media Music Ancient Greek Art and litterature Psychology Religion Social science German


Hf is a two-year course. In the first year you will be taught the mandatory subjects. The first semester is an introduction to the whole hf study course in which you will be trained in the basic competences. In the second year you will choose a package of subjects. The packages of subjects are composed of two main subjects. Furthermore, you must choose fine arts or physical education, and a number of optional subjects (free choice). The packages of subjects are aimed at definite professional fields (e.g. nursing or social work), and a trainee period is embedded in the education.

Poul Martin Møllersvej 3 4800 Nykøbing F Tlf.: 54 84 90 00 nk@nykgym.dk www.nykat-gym.dk

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