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The Beauty of Paint
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029,( ÿ &$12(,1* ÿ *2,1* 21 $ 52$' 75,3 ÿ 5$&,1* ',57 %,.(6 67$57,1* $ %/2* ÿ /($51,1* +2: 72 7$1*2 ÿ 75$9(/,1* 7+( :25/' ÿ 3/$<,1* 7+( /277(5< ÿ .1,77,1* ÿ *,9,1* 7+( '2* $ %$7+ ÿ '2,1* 7+( /$81'5< ÿ 3/$17,1* 620( )/2:(56 ÿ :((',1* 7+( <$5' ÿ 0$.,1* 1(: )5,(1'6 ÿ *2,1* 72 $ &21&(57 :$7&+,1* 7+( .,'ø6 62&&(5 *$0( ÿ -2,1,1* $ %22. &/8% ÿ /,67(1,1* 72 086,& ÿ 6,1*,1* ÿ -2,1,1* $ *<0 ÿ 6+233,1* +(/3,1* <285 .,' :,7+ +20(:25. ÿ *2,1* 72 7+( 7+($75( ÿ :5,7,1* ÿ 3/$<,1* )(7&+ :,7+ 7+( )$0,/< '2* ÿ 3$,17,1* ),6+,1* 21 7+( /$.( ÿ +,.,1* ÿ :$7&+,1* $ 1$6&$5 5$&( ÿ 3/$<,1* )227%$// ÿ *2,1* 72 $ %$6(%$// *$0( ÿ *2,1* 21 $ )$0,/< &$03,1* 75,3 ÿ :$7&+,1* $ +2&.(< *$0( ÿ +$9,1* 620( %($&+ 7,0( )81 ÿ (1-2<,1* $ %$5%(&8( :,7+ 7+( )5,(1'6 ÿ %$.,1* 620( &83&$.(6 ÿ &22.,1* ',11(5 )25 7:2 ÿ 5($',1* $ %22. ÿ '5,1.,1* $ %((5 ÿ 3/$<,1* 620( %$'0,1721 ($7,1* ÿ *2,1* 21 $ -2* ÿ 0$1,&85( 7,0( ÿ (1-2<,1* 620( &2))(( 25 7($ ÿ 7$.,1* $ 1$3 ÿ :25.,1* 21 7+( &$5 ÿ +$9,1* $ 7($ 3$57< ÿ '$1&,1* $// '$< $1' $// 1,*+7 ÿ 3/$<,1* *2/) %8,/',1* $ )257 ÿ %8<,1* 1(: 6+2(6 *(77,1* $ +$,5&87 ÿ &$7&+,1* 83 21 79 ÿ :$7&+,1* $ 029,( ÿ &$12(,1* ÿ *2,1* 21 $ 52$' 75,3 ÿ 5$&,1* ',57 %,.(6 67$57,1* $ %/2* ÿ /($51,1* +2: 72 7$1*2 ÿ 75$9(/,1* 7+( :25/' ÿ 3/$<,1* 7+( /277(5< ÿ .1,77,1* ÿ *,9,1* 7+( '2* $ %$7+ ÿ '2,1* 7+( /$81'5< ÿ 3/$17,1* 620( )/2:(56 ÿ :((',1* 7+( <$5' ÿ 0$.,1* 1(: )5,(1'6 ÿ *2,1* 72 $ &21&(57 :$7&+,1* 7+( .,'ø6 62&&(5 *$0( ÿ -2,1,1* $ %22. &/8% ÿ /,67(1,1* 72 086,& ÿ 6,1*,1* ÿ -2,1,1* $ *<0 ÿ 6+233,1* +(/3,1* <285 .,' :,7+ +20(:25. ÿ *2,1* 72 7+( 7+($75( ÿ :5,7,1* ÿ 3/$<,1* )(7&+ :,7+ 7+( )$0,/< '2* ÿ 3$,17,1* ),6+,1* 21 7+( /$.( ÿ +,.,1* ÿ :$7&+,1* $ 1$6&$5 5$&( ÿ 3/$<,1* )227%$// ÿ *2,1* 72 $ %$6(%$// *$0( ÿ *2,1* 21 $ )$0,/< &$03,1* 75,3 ÿ :$7&+,1* $ +2&.(< *$0( ÿ +$9,1* 620( %($&+ 7,0( )81 ÿ (1-2<,1* $ %$5%(&8( :,7+ 7+( )5,(1'6 ÿ %$.,1* 620( &83&$.(6 ÿ &22.,1* ',11(5 )25 7:2 ÿ 5($',1* $ %22. ÿ '5,1.,1* $ %((5 ÿ 3/$<,1* 620( %$'0,1721 ($7,1* ÿ *2,1* 21 $ -2* ÿ 0$1,&85( 7,0( ÿ (1-2<,1* 620( 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is in the Finish.
We’re talking literally in the finish. It’s easy to make color a big deal when you’re a paint brand – so easy that everyone’s doing it. But what’s not easy is spending an entire day moving furniture, taping edges, laying drop cloths, priming (don’t forget to let it dry), painting and putting a room back in order, just to collapse from exhaustion in the end.
The real beauty in paint is having the time to carry on with your day once you’ve finished. That’s why our campaign focuses on getting the job done as quickly and as easily as possible, so you can get back to what you really want to do. We believe Glidden 2N1 can not only own the position of being the paint that gets you going in the beginning, but keeps you going even after it dries.
Table of Contents
Dedicated to the memory of Professor Susan Cox
1. Executive Summary
9. Creative Concept
2. Objectives
10. Communications Strategy
4. Research
12. Creative Executions
8. Opportunity
20. Budget & Evaluation
A $10 Million Investment To address the major challenges of this campaign, we had to understand two industries: a fragmented paint industry without a clear market leader and a retail industry with a very clear and dominant leader. So, our challenge was twofold: how to make Glidden 2 N 1 Paint+Primer stand out within the category and within 3,500 Walmart stores, with
a ver y limited budget of only $10 million. (Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s under $3000 per store.) Since the ultimate goal is to sell more Glidden 2N 1 in Walmart, we divided the DIY market into two large segments: those who buy paint at Walmart, and those who shop at Walmart and buy paint elsewhere.
Increase awareness that Walmart sells paint in 3,500 stores nationwide.
3. Build awareness, consideration and purchase of Glidden 2N1 among targeted segments.
Introduce Walmart into consumersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; consideration sets as a viable paint outlet.
The following two funnels show awareness and conversion rates with projected purchases for each of the two segments:
Walmart shoppers buying paint at Walmart
Glidden Awareness Current
Glidden Awareness Projected
50 %
Glidden Purchases Projected
10 %
20% Conversion =$78,400,000
Walmart shoppers buying paint elsewhere
12 %
17% Conversion =$19,600,000 You told us that 66% of DIY-ers are aware that Walmart sells paint. However, our primary research told us that 85% of people are aware. So weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll leverage this high level of awareness amongst current Walmart shoppers and convert them to Glidden loyalists. 2
A $98 Million Return We project our campaign will result in about $98 million of additional sales, which is an approximate return of $9.80 for each advertising dollar spent. This is a 56% increase over a five month period.
Current Sales
Projected Sales
This equates to an increase of almost 4 million gallons of Glidden 2N RYHU RXU Ä&#x2022;YH PRQWK FDPSDLJQ
Current 6,910,219
Increase 3,847,733 gal.
Projected 10,757,952
We had a basic understanding of the paint situation in Walmart, but we needed to know more about the people we were trying WR LQÄ&#x2013;XHQFH 3
Research After surveying over
500 respondents,
visiting more than
100 Walmart stores,
and conducting
17 concepts,
2 in-depth interviews with Walmart store managers,
...hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what we found:
How Walmart shoppers feel before they start painting
171 The number of times respondents used words like â&#x20AC;&#x153;needâ&#x20AC;? when recalling why they began a paint project. Simply put, our target paints out of necessity, not desire.
Give me a brush, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m ready to go!
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m terrified to try it. 1.0
All respondents
Target market
Compared to all respondents, our target is more confident and eager to begin a painting project.
How they feel when theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re done
When it comes to painting, our target market is up for the FKDOOHQJH +RZHYHU WKH\øUH HYHQ PRUH H[FLWHG WR Ä&#x2022;QLVK ZKDW they know is a time consuming, laborious process. 4
The DIY Divide While the case provided us with three different segments to target, our research indicated that our best prospects lie within segments two and three. Due to the limited budget and Glidden’s desire for an “extremely targeted national tv
digital national tv mobilemagazine social
digital outdoor
campaign,” we decided to focus on homeowners. We then segmented them further based on their paint shopping habits at Walmart.
mobile in-store social
national tv
ÿBuy Glidden paint at Walmart ÿ3rimarily men
ÿ3XUFKDVe paint at Walmart mostly ColorPlace ÿ0HQ DQG ZRPHQ
ÿ$ZDUH WKDW :DOmart sells paint, but choose to buy elsewhere ÿ Men and women
What defines them all Married 35-54 years old
4 year degree at most
Midwest & South
$25,000$75,000 HHI
Suburban & Rural
Now that we understand our target market, · Loyal Walmart shoppers that are satisfied with their experience ZH VWLOO QHHG WR ĕQG RXW KRZ WKH FRPSHWLWLRQ · Price & value conscious; influenced by sales promotions & incentives is trying to reach them. · Pragmatic, simple, down to earth, DIY-ers · Busy with lots of different interests 5
The Disappearing Act With slogans like â&#x20AC;&#x153;Find your soul paintâ&#x20AC;? and Ăş/LIHWLPH FRORU JXDUDQWHH Ăť LWøV REYLRXV WKDW within the paint category, advertising is very color oriented. While paint is a visual product, the brands
themselves become invisible once on the wall. In fact, our survey says 66% of the target couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t remember what brand of paint they bought at Walmart. This tells us that color isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really differentiating any brand.
Can you even tell which blue belongs to whom?
Now that we know our competition is focusing on color, we need to know what else theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re doing. 6
Glidden Stands Alone Beyond each brand’s color palette, what more do they have to offer the consumer? The competition positions itself far away from the Glidden and Walmart shopper. Communications are lofty and hardly resonate with the pragmatic nature of our target.
Benefit Message
Pragmatic Appeal
Lofty Appeal V
Demand everything. Compromise nothing.
Find your soul paint.
The color experts.
Good. Better. Behr.
With their current messaging, Glidden has already positioned itself in a space that resonates with our target. To gain more share at Walmart, we need to focus heavily on the VSHFLĕF FRQVXPHU EHQHĕW *OLGGHQ N1 provides.
Cover the earth. Glidden gets you going.
According to the case, the painting process for DIY-ers is as follows:
Buy Paint
Most paint advertising tends to focus heavily on “inspiration” and touches upon “enjoy.” Though competitors’ ads use different creative appeals, the messaging is still basically the same. They either show consumers desperately searching
Painting Day/Weekend
Prep Apply Clean up for colors to match their emotions, or they EULHĖ\ VKRZ HODWHG SDLQWHUV RQ WKHLU FRXFKHV staring at their walls. Just like the similar color palettes, we see similar advertising across the industry.
Armed with a better understanding of the competition, we now see our niche in the marketplace. 7
Insight, Meet Opportunity What
Competitors’ advertising is heavily focused on color and the beginning steps of the painting process.
So What The “Glidden Gets You Going” campaign has already mastered the beginning of the painting process. To stand out moving forward, we now need to focus on what comes next.
So What
Painting is a time consuming, high involvement process.
Glidden pioneered the 2N1 category, but now that other competitors have launched similar products, Glidden can no longer claim the middle of the process.
Our target market paints out of necessity; they have other things they would rather be doing.
So What Current paint advertising pays homage to the end result of a freshly painted room, but our consumer is focused on what happens when the painting is done.
Now What? How come no one talks about what happens after the paint dries? /LIH PRYHV RQ 2XU WDUJHW GRHVQøW KDYH WLPH WR VWDUH DW WKHLU ZDOOV for hours, because they have other things to do. While they enjoy their freshly painted walls, their day is not over yet.
Buy Paint
Painting Day / Weekend Prep
Glidden’s Opportunity
Clean up
Glidden has the opportunity to stand out by claiming a step that everyone else has overlooked. Glidden has the opportunity to reinvent the end. 8
Strategy, Meet Creative Positioning Statement: Glidden 2N 3DLQW 3ULPHU OHWV \RX Ä&#x2022;QLVK SDLQWLQJ IDVWHU VR you have more time to focus on the things you want to do next.
Top timeline
Our look We use a timeline approach featuring Glidden colors. It shows how time saved with 2N1 can be better spent.
Bottom timeline
Painting with Glidden 2N1 gets you done faster so you have more time to do the things you enjoy.
Time spent priming followed by time spent painting makes you miss out on the things you really want to do.
Glidden gets you going This pays off our idea that painting with Glidden 2N1 will help you get to the things that you want to do faster. We position this opposite of Walmartâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s logo as per Gliddenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tone and Style Guide.
Our Creative Concept We leverage Gliddenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s current slogan by applying it to the end of the painting process and what comes next for our target. By doing so, we HOHYDWH WKH FRQVXPHU EHQHÄ&#x2022;W DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK paint by focusing on things the target likes to do. We run 1/3 page ads (due to the limited budget) that quickly communicate our message.
With a different look, they stand out from the competition but still reference important product features. With the call to action, the ads drive WUDIÄ&#x2022;F WR :DOPDUW 7KH\ XVH SUDJPDWLF UHODWDEOH copy that appeals to the Walmart shopper, and they clearly differentiate Glidden from the direct competition on Walmart shelves.
Integrated Communications Strategy Before we can sell more paint, we need to increase awareness and preference for Glidden among Walmart shoppers. To do that, we launch an extremely targeted multimedia campaign designed to optimize frequency on a limited budget. national tv
magazine national tv digital
magazine mobile
digital social
mobile outdoor
social in-store
Our campaign runs from May-September on a FRQWLQXRXV VFKHGXOH DQG ZH Ä&#x2013;LJKW 79 DV ZHOO (DFK medium works together seamlessly to move consumers between our three phases: awareness, preference and Ä&#x2022;QDOO\ FRQYHUVLRQ outdoor
national tv
We remind them why they like Glidden and we encourage them to buy more.
We encourage them to switch brands from ColorPlace or Better Homes & Gardens to Glidden.
We convinces them that Walmart is a paint destination and that Glidden is the preferred choice.
national tv
Our magazine buy focuses on educating the consumer about the benefits of Glidden 2N1 Paint+Primer. Placing ads in magazines that resonate with our target and matching them with the editorial increases memorability.
mobile nationalsocial tv
National TV
magazine outdoor
7KH 79 VFKHGXOH LV Ä&#x2013;LJKWHG LQ WKH Ä&#x2022;UVW DQG WKLUG ZHHN of each month, serving as awareness and reminder advertising for the Glidden brand. Matching the ads to the content of the programming also increases memorability.
digital mobile social magazine digital digital national mobile digital tvmobile magazine social mobile social
Digital and social work together to reinforce brand messaging with multiple touchpoints. This creates opportunities for the Glidden brand to interact and engage with the target market, which then increases preference.
outdoor outdoor digital social outdoor
in-store in-store outdoor mobile in-store
social in-store
We layer in a regional strategy that includes billboards in DMAs where our target is concentrated, Walmart stores are abundant DQG FRPSHWLQJ SDLQW VXSSOLHUV DUH IHZ 7KHVH VHUYH DV WUDIÄ&#x2022;F GULYHUV WR VSHFLÄ&#x2022;F VWRUHV ZKLFK DOVR LPSDFW FRQYHUVLRQ An in-store strategy that includes mobile focuses on FUHDWLQJ D PRUH HIÄ&#x2022;FLHQW SDLQW VKRSSLQJ H[SHULHQFH IRU customers, directly increasing conversion.
Print According to our primary research, 48% of those that are aware Walmart sells paint turn to magazines as a source of inspiration. So, we run an extremely targeted national magazine buy throughout the campaign, designed to increase awareness and preference.
We launch in May with three consecutive 1/3 page ads in All You, which set the tone of the campaign. We run ads in other magazines that relate to our target’s lifestyles and are segmented by gender.
We choose a mix of magazines that reach all three, two, or one of our targeted segments. This allows for greater target selectivity, giving us more impact for the ad dollars spent. We match the content of the ads to the editorial content of the magazines, which deepens the impact of our creative message.
For instance, this ad runs in All You in the “Desserts and Treats” section.
Very Berry Available at
Glidden gets you going.
Index: 238
Red Rose Bouquet Available at
Glidden gets you going.
Runs in ESPN the Magazine LQ -XO\øV 0/% $OO 6WDU *DPH LVVXH
Pink Flamingo Available at
Glidden gets you going.
Runs in Family Circle in May’s issue focusing on ways to better your life.
Dazzling Daffodil Available at
Glidden gets you going.
Runs in June/July issue of Outdoor Life alongside “Summer Bass Fishing.”
Television RI VXUYH\ UHVSRQGHQWV WROG XV WKDW WKH\ XVH 79 DV a source of ideas for home improvement projects. So, we run a highly targeted cable and syndicated buy. We Ä&#x2013;LJKW QDWLRQDO 79 VSRWV WR JHW WKH WDUJHW WKLQNLQJ DERXW using Glidden for their next home improvement project.
CMT Music 7KLV GULYHV WUDIÄ&#x2022;F GXULQJ WLPHV ZKHQ WKH\øUH likely to purchase. The spots run during Primetime and Prime Access to leverage higher viewership levels. A total of 3,726 spots run, resulting in 621 GRPs and an average CPP of $5,847.
We run the spots Wednesday, Thursday and Friday on shows like Swamp People, Home Improvement and
Our :15 spots increase awareness, as well as preference for Glidden 2N GULYLQJ WUDIÄ&#x2022;F WR :DOPDUW VWRUHV
TV Buy- Index Numbers
This spot, entitled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Glug Glugâ&#x20AC;? runs on shows like Impractical Jokers.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are 24 hours in a day.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;About 8 of which you use for sleep.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are 24 hours in a day.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;About 8 of which you use for sleep.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you think you should be doing something a little more enjoyable with the rest?â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you think you should be doing something a little more enjoyable with the rest?â&#x20AC;?
CMT: 169
Discovery: 108
GAC: 122
Speed: 100
Spike: 108
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Glidden 2N1 Paint+Primer gets you out there quicker.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Glidden 2N1 Paint+Primer gets you out there quicker.â&#x20AC;? Available at
Available at
Glidden Brilliance 2N1 Paint + Primer gives you more time to get back to things you really want to do.
Glidden  gets  you  going.
Sound Effect -â&#x20AC;&#x153;KSSSTâ&#x20AC;?
Sound Effect -â&#x20AC;&#x153;KSSSTâ&#x20AC;?
Glidden Brilliance 2N1 Paint + Primer gives you more time to get back to things you really want to do.
Sound Effect -â&#x20AC;&#x153;KSSSTâ&#x20AC;? Glidden  gets  you  going.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss the Loaded Lid Giveaway this weekend!â&#x20AC;? Sound Effect -â&#x20AC;&#x153;KSSSTâ&#x20AC;?
Sound Effect -â&#x20AC;&#x153;KSSSTâ&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss the Loaded Lid Giveaway this weekend!â&#x20AC;? Sound Effect -â&#x20AC;&#x153;KSSSTâ&#x20AC;?
This spot, entitled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Natural Glowâ&#x20AC;? runs on shows like Project Runway.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a nice shade of orange.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a nice shade of orange.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;For your wall anywayâ&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;For your wall anywayâ&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Glidden 2N1 Paint+Primer gets you out there quicker.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Because letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s be honest.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Glidden 2N1 Paint+Primer gets you out there quicker.â&#x20AC;? Available at
Glidden Brilliance 2N1 Paint + Primer gives you more time to get back to things you really want to do.
Available at
Glidden  gets  you  going.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s called a natural glow for a reason.â&#x20AC;?
Glidden Brilliance 2 1 PaintSQUEALâ&#x20AC;? + Primer gives you more time Sound Effect - â&#x20AC;&#x153;SEAGULL N
to get back to things you really want to do.
Glidden  gets  you  going.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s called a natural glow for a reason.â&#x20AC;?
Sound Effect - â&#x20AC;&#x153;SEAGULL SQUEALâ&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss the Loaded Lid Giveaway this weekend!â&#x20AC;? Sound Effect -â&#x20AC;&#x153;SEAGULL SQUEALâ&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss the Loaded Lid Giveaway this weekend!â&#x20AC;? Sound Effect -â&#x20AC;&#x153;SEAGULL SQUEALâ&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Because letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s be honest.â&#x20AC;?
Digital Strategy Our digital strategy employs a multi-pronged approach utilizing leaderboards, as well as Facebook ads and promotions. Together, they increase preference for Glidden by engaging with our targeted segments.
foxsports.com: 190
about.com: 143
cheaptickets.com: 157 whitepages.com: 130 nascar.com: 157
overstock.com: 174
allyou.com: 117
espn.go.com: 131
Animated leaderboards build preference and drive WUDIÄ&#x2022;F WR D SURPRWLRQ VSHFLÄ&#x2022;F WDE RQ WKH *OLGGHQ Facebook page. 2N1 PAINTS FASTER
Available  at
Like  us  on  facebook  to  enter  our  monthly  getaway  giveaway. Â
Glidden gets you going.
More Life on Your Timeline We integrate the Facebook timeline feature into our campaign to extend our creative concept to social media. Every month, Glidden will upload a photo album of all-inclusive getaways. Users share the photo they like the most on their timelines for a chance to win. *HWDZD\V LQFOXGH 9,3 1$6&$5 WLFNHWV Ä&#x2022;VKLQJ WULSV VSD ZHHNHQGV DQG RWKHUV WKDW our target enjoys.
We geo-target Facebook ads to drive awareness and preference. Not Enough Time? Glidden 2N1 gets your painting done faster so you can get back on the lake. Like Bob Smith likes Glidden.
Glidden 2N1 Painting shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t take all day. Get back to what you love with Glidden 2N1. Like Sarah Turner likes Glidden.
Regional Media Strategy 60% of paint sold in Walmart is ColorPlace, so our regional strategy focuses on moving Convertables to Glidden 2N1. ColorPlace customers are concentrated in the South (118) and Midwest (112) in C (133) and D (190) counties.
We layer in a regional outdoor campaign in 17 DMAs. To optimize our budget, we focus on media markets that are less expensive and include Walmart stores with minimal nearby competition. Overall, the buy results in 7,300 GRPs.
We use PRIZM zip code segments to highlight the best areas to reach our target.
9 8 11 7
13 5 14
4 2
15 16
1. Greenville-New Bern-Washington, NC 2. Wilmington, NC 3. Columbus, GA 4. Bowling Green, KY /H[LQJWRQ .< 6. Dayton, OH 7. Toledo, OH /D &URVVH (DX &ODLUH :, 9. Green Bay-Appleton, WI
10. Cedar Rapids- Waterloo-Iowa City & Dubuque, IA 11. Rochester, MN-Mason City, IA-Austin, MN 12. Omaha, NE /LQFROQ +DVWLQJV .HDUQH\ 1( 6SULQJÄ&#x2022;HOG 02 15. Amarillo, TX /XEERFN 7; 17. Waco-Temple-Bryan, TX
Available at
Glidden Brilliance 2N1 Paint+Primer
Available at
Glidden gets you going.
Glidden Brilliance 2N1 Paint+Primer
Available at
Glidden gets you going.
Glidden Brilliance 2N1 Paint+Primer
Glidden gets you going.
In-Store How does your paint stack up?
We found that 90% of survey respondents are aware that Walmart sells paint because they saw it in the store. So, we utilize in-store promotions to reach the 140 million shoppers that visit a Walmart store each week and drive conversion throughout the campaign. In-store advertising runs May - September in all 3,500 Walmart stores.
Glidden 2N1 is available in 3 finishes: Flat, Semi-Gloss, and Eggshell-Satin
Grocery Health & Beauty
Glidden gets you going.
We integrate our message where it matters most-next to the competition.
Lawn & Garden
Check Out
High Frequency Departments Shelf Talkers We grab our targetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s attention as they walk into the store with shopping cart ads. Since research shows most SHRSOH WHQG WR VKRS WKH JURFHU\ DLVOHV Ä&#x2022;UVW ZH LQWHUFHSW WKHP WKHUH ZLWK HQG FDS 79 VFUHHQV $V WKHVH DGV GULYH
Cart Advertising
Smart Network
WKHP FORVHU WR WKH SDLQW GHSDUWPHQW WKH\ VHH RXU 79 wall in electronics, as well as shelf talkers in designated departments. When they leave, we check them out faster with Glidden-sponsored self-checkout express lanes.
Get In, Get Out, Get Painting Brand recall among Walmart Smart Network viewers is 65%, so we run ads on Walmartâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s internal network in high WUDIÄ&#x2022;F DUHDV RI WKH VWRUH
national tv
Sponsoring self-checkout express lanes reinforces that Glidden 2N1 allows you to get things done faster.
Shopping cart ads with Glidden-sponsored Walmart store maps direct shoppers to the paint aisle.
The fastest route to the fastest paint. Glidden 2N1. Toys
Sporting Goods
Paper & Cleaning
Tire & Lube Express Auto Care
Grocery Baby
Health & Beauty
Jewelry Cosmet
Home & Office
Sports Shop
Party Supplies
Check Out
Photo Center
Vision Center
Lawn & Garden
Bank Subway
Courtesy Desk
Sponsored by
Shopkick To interact with our target and influence their shopping behavior, we use Shopkick, the most widely used retail mobile app. Already integrated within Walmart stores, it geo-targets and rewards users based on their behavior. We increase preference among our targeted segments by incentivizing trips to the paint aisle as well as interactions with Glidden.
Loaded Lid Giveaway Glidden 2N1 Paint+Primer
Glidden 2N1 Paint+Primer
'XULQJ WKH ZHHNV ZH Ä&#x2013;LJKW QDWLRQDO 79 ZH UXQ FRUUHVSRQGLQJ in-store promotions that use the Glidden paint can lid as an instant win mechanism.
Schedule May National TV
Ju ne
Promotions Magazine Outdoor In-Store
Ju l y
Se p tem b er
Medium 1DWLRQDO 79
Evaluation We administer a pre- and post-survey to gauge the change in awareness and preference for Glidden at Walmart. We evaluate click-throughs to Gliddenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Facebook page to track spikes in WUDIÄ&#x2022;F DQG HQJDJHPHQW &OLFNV IURP OHDGHUERDUGV and Facebook ads are monitored as well. We measure the effectiveness of our regional outdoor campaign by comparing Walmart paint sales by DMA. Finally, we measure monthly sales in all 3,500 Walmart stores.
Candelight Communications Johnson & Wales University Account Planners 3DXO /LRWWD Elaina Milici Research & Media Miranda Bassage Corey Bettencourt Amy DeMello Bridget Galiger Sam Glassoff Joshua Hensel Alexandra O’Neil 0D[ =DNORZ /HHSVRQ Art Directors Bryan Chen Doug Cuddeback 6DUDK /LVWHU Christian Maxwell Ryan McCabe Conor Mitchell Grace Peterson 7ULFLD 6SULQJĕHOG Copywriters Albero Berul Jessica Fleming Steph Piperis Anna Steel /HDQQD 6WHLQ Emmie Strommen Wesley Sweeney /DXUHQ 7XUQHU .DWKHULQH 9UHHODQG Promotions Gianna Joseph /\GLD 7KHUULHQ Advisors Oscar Chilabato Christine Ure
Special Thanks
Juan Alvarado Ryan Barry Dean Brush Jack Burtch Kyle Dempsey Don Edwards Sherif Fahmy Pat Fisher Dean Galenski /LQGD +DWFK Ryan Healey 'RQQD /DSRUWH $SULO /HPRLV /XF\ /LJDV Joseph Marcus Christie Pietila Dr. Jeffrey Senese Mary Sommer Jess Whittaker Sir Speedy Providence JWU Safety & Security
86 %/6 Google CNET SRDS MRI+ (IĕH $ZDUGV New York Times Nielsen Shopkick J.D. Power and Associates Packaged Facts Experian Simmons GMI Consumer Reports US Census PRIZM Walmart’s Annual Report Akzonobel.com Glidden.com Pew Research Compete.com Quantcast All colors used are from the Glidden color palette