12th Annual TSAE Abstract (National)

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10900 0 2940 6183 0 2940 6185 address: Agricultural Engineering Promotion Division Phaholyothin Rd., Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, THAILAND. Tel +66-2940-6183, Fax +66-2940-6185 www.tsae.asia

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) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

G 8& N G % *"& +@ / , 7 # / Infrared Controller in Quality Grading of Mangosteen by Specific Gravity 0 A C 1, ! + ! ' 2, @ 0 3A ' E 4 Chusak Chavapradit1, Preedawan Chaisrichonlathan2, Supat Noosawasd3 and Yongyoot Congzan4

% & )% A!8)#1" )+ # ! ) * " ) ) # " $ ( )% !) % 5 , )) : ! # * E )- 2 , 4 / #/! % 4+ 1")% ,+ A! % )% !+ # )% !+ % " " *1" # * )- 2 , ! 2 + " " * ! ! 2 "+ & * 2 % " ! # *8}& ) " ) # *)+ * )/ # ) !*2 !+ j w! " " " ) ) % )% 2 / # )- 2 , , ) ! " & * =, * * * % !+ A!8 8) 8 # , "+ ! ! "+ ! ,+ ) " " * / #/! % * $ ' %* #! + % * 5 , 1")% & * )- 2 , " " * ) x ) * / # 2 * % 8 # * !+ 8 # 2 ! ! & *$ ' ) % ),%!E 5 ) % 8qqx % * "+ ! !q 4C! 4 " ,%B! ) !q ,+ / #/! % " ) )- 2 , " " * !+ " ,+ ) - x %! ) !/! ! "+ ! " " * )) ) ) !*2 /! % " ) ) -/! % 4 2 & *) ) %),%!E )- 2 , " " * % 8qqx % 8 # A! C 4 & !! *" (R2 = 0.98) ) - * % )% & *8) ) ) * * 1"/! )- 2 , 1.00 – 1.04 #) !/! % )% 24,000 &" %) )+ % 94 &" %) % &)

# # F: ) !q , )% !+ # , )- 2 , ABSTRACT Mangosteens are tropical delicious fruits with excessive export obligation. Grading of quality mangosteens for export is done by specific gravity value. Normal hydrometer is generally used in bulk grading of translucent and normal fresh mangosteens by water or saline solution. Continuous controlling for accurate value of solution is impracticable due to the impurity added with fruits and ripple of solution surface. Study on infrared controller in quality grading of mangosteen by specific gravity value of solution aspired at possibility of continuous grading. Relationship between electrical properties and distance of infrared sensor were revised. Design and development of Infrared specific gravity controlling system for measuring and continuous control of grading solution and preventing from solution surface ripple with accuracy and repeatability were done. Specific gravity grading value of 1.00 to 1.04 could be selected. Exponential relationship between electrical properties and distance of infrared sensor was obtained with R2 = 0.98. Break even point of grading system was 24,000 kg. at grading rate of 94 kg/hr. Keywords: Infrared specific gravity controlling system, translucent fresh mangosteen, specific gravit


Senior Professional Agricultural Engineer, 2Professional Agricultural Engineer, 3 Experienced Agricultural Technician and 4 Senior Mechanic, Post-harvest Engineering Research Group, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand, E-mail: chusak_c@hotmail.com and E-mail: jasmine.1100@hotmail.com Tel. 66-2-5290663, Fax. 66-2-5290664



) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

G '8& N ! Using of Near Infrared Spectroscopic Technique for the Determination of Translucent and Gamboge Mangosteen by Conveyor Belt System of Sorting Machine & F 1 +! / 1, / # F1, @ + 2 ' ,& , 2 Athit Janhiran1, Warunee Thanapase1, Sumaporn Kasemsumran1, Sirinnapa Saranwong 2 and Sumio Kawano 2

% & ! %*! ) % - ,+ / # ! "+ ! % !* !/ "# !q !+ # " * 8 " */! )% & *8) 2 " * # * + % *, ! " 1 ! /! )* "+ ! 700-955 ! &! ) / # " 8q 2 "% 100 %

& * )% " !- / #"2 " * 8 ) *, ! # * ) C 30 ) /! " % %) 1")% 2 ! ! 8 ) ! (360o) ,+ )-( # " ) ) !*2 /! % * + / #)% 2 ! ! 399 1" /! & *!2 ) ! C %) " 1 ( */! " # % * # * E Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis (PLSDA) , + % *, ! ) - % * )% !+ !+ # " * 8 "8 #-( # 84.1% 1" 8 # $ ' C!8 # ! / # "+ ! % !* !/ "# !q " 1 ! # * + % *, !) ) A!8 8 # !2 ) / #/! % * )% !+ !+ # " * 8 " 8) 2 " *8 # " ) - ,%B! ,+ , ) E , )-( # 8 # /! !

# # F: * !/ "# !q , %), )% ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to determine the translucent and gamboge in intact mangosteen by conveyor belt system of sorting machine equipped with the near infrared spectrometer in transmittance mode of 700-955 nm region. Mangosteen was put on a tray above the conveyor belt at velocity of 30 m/min. The NIR lamp was set at 100 W and 8 spectra were taken during 360 degree rotation. A total of 399 mangosteen samples were collected the spectra and cut to see inside of fruit. The data were analyzed by Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis (PLSDA). The correct classification result was 84.1%. The result of this study indicates that by conveyor belt system of sorting machine equipped with NIR can be used to separate translucent and gamboge mangosteens from normal ones. The efficiency of the machine can be increase under the new development in the near future. Keyword: mangosteen, near infrared spectroscopy, spectra 1

! * D % &!&"* ! # & * E 8) 2 " * % * - %! #! # " ,%B! 1" 1" ' " ) ' , ) * "%* ' $ 2 Nondestructive Evaluation Laboratory, National Food Research Institute, JAPAN


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

6 ' # '# % & 8

'?' 8 @ / Longan size estimation and localization from bunch of longan images using image processing techniques / G 1*, ' + C ! 2, ' & / & '3 Nitipong Jaisin1*, Siwalak Pathaveerat2, and Anupun Terdwongworakula3

% & % - $ ' ! ,+ ! "2 8*/! & * ) 5 # * , ! $ ' ) %),%!E % * # % ! " 2 ! ,+ "2 8* ! ) 5 ! # * "# Charge coupled device (CCD) 4 * / # ! % % *( /! ), / #& ) 8 #,%B! !& * % ! ! , -( " / " # ! # * ! color thresholding " Erosion % Dilation )"2 % !% !/ # E Edge detection ,+ 2 ! , / # Gaussian qZ" ! 3x3 4 ) 1.4 ,+ / # , " " 2 % %FF 5 ! % ! ! # */ # E Circular Hough Transform (CHT) ,+ #! 2 ! " ! 1""2 8* */! 1" & ) ) - #! 2 ! " ) - ! "2 8* ! 8 #4 / # E CHT * 2 / # ) - #! , % ) - - $(!* " "2 8* */! 8 # * " * !

# # F: ) "1" # * , "2 8* Circle Hough Transform ABSTRACT The goal of this research is to identify size of the longans in bunch in an image by using image processing. Methodology comprised the determination of variables for identification of physical characteristics of size and position of longans in bunch. The size estimation system involved the use of a Charge coupled device (CCD) camera which is adapted to work with a TV card which installed within a microcomputer. Analysis is performed with image processing software. The first step is to convert the image to a binary image with preprocessing and a threshold operation. The Canny edge detector is used image processing tools, detecting edges in a very robust manner. Smoothing filters are used to blur an image and reduce noise. The filter here is the Gaussian filter size 3x3 and sigma is 1.4. The shape of longan similar the circle, so that, Circle Hough transform (CHT) is applied for searching the longan in the image. The program is given set up to search for longans with adaptable radii. The CHT accumulation matrix is surface plot values. The dominant values represent to the locations of the centers of each longans. Keywords: Image Processing Fresh Longan Circle Hough Transform.


Doctoral student, 2Assistant Professor, 3Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Kamphaengsaen, Center of Excellence for Agricultural and Food Machinery, Kasetsart University, Kamphaengsaen, Nakohnpathom, Thailand


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

? ' ?' 8 8 !' # ' E& 6 Volume measurement of some selected vegetables and fruits using Laser-Light sectioning @ 0 1 / 6 2 !/' E*"& 2 Navaphattra Nunak1, Nopparat Sukkasem 2, Taweepol Suesut2

% & )! !2 ! E % ) 1% " 1"8)# 8) 2 " * & * % ) % % - # * 3 ) / ! ), % ! & * / # E " 4 % % - % - 2 % -( "2 " 4 #! , 1 !4 ) - % 8 # # * "# & "2 " 4 ! % = % *, ! "2 " * )+ 1 ! ) "1" , " 2 / # ) A! ) # " * ) -!2 ) 2 ! 5 ,+ ! !# % % - !% !!2 ,+ ! !# % " )* ) %! ,+ / #/! ) ) % - " 2 " # )( " 8 # ! A ! & */ # '“ " , % &}&) qq? (Homography Transformation) , )-( # " ) !*2 ) 8 # E % " ! ) ) # * E 2 ! ! #!1 !$(!* " ))(" (Equivalent Diameter) 4 ! A! &* ! ) -!2 8 ,%B! A! % "+ " 1% " 1"8)# % &!)% 8 #

# # F: % ! 8) 2 " * ) "1" , ) ! % ! ABSTRACT This paper presents a non-destructive measurement of volume for vegetables and fruits. From the measurement of a 3D objects properties in computer vision system by using a laser beam cross-section; the object is measured by a linear laser beam through a cross-section objects, which detected by the video camera. Laser beam is perpendicular with the conveyor belt. Then the image was performed a digital image processing in order to measure the width and the height of object. The integration of small trapezoids was sum to determine the volume of the object and converts to our results by using transformation theory (Homography Transformation). The volume measurement could be processed by cross-sectional area of a moving object on conveyor belt. Our experimental results show the higher accurate more that calculate diameter of an equivalent (Equivalent Diameter). This system would be useful for the empirical design for selection and monitoring instrument vegetables and fruits automatically. Keywords: Non destructive measurement, Image processing, Machine vision system

1 $ ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: kbnavaph@kmitl.ac.th 2 $ ) % " ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: kstaweep@kmitl.ac.th,


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

*"& 6 ' 8

'# ' E& 6 Fish Size Sorting Machine using Laser Light Sectioning @ 0 1 / / ! ' ! 2 !/' E*"& 2 Navaphattra Nunak1 , Pongthep Srisakultiew2, Taweepol Suesut2

% & ! %*! !2 ! % * ! " 8) 2 " * & * % ! % - # * ! "2 " 4 % ! % - "# # * ) "1" , !& ) MATLAB GUI 4 A ! = *"2 8 ! % - ,+ A ! % 2 ! "% '5 % - % * % " 2 ) "1" , ,+ ! ) # )* " ) ( % - ,+ !2 ) 2 ! 5 ,+ ! % - ( ,+ !: ! ( 5 % 8 )+ 2 ) "1" ! " "# ), # )("1 ! , ! )8 *% % * % - % &!)% ) + ) & )8 # 2 !# % )/ # % % * 4 # * ( 2 ! ! 3 ) - % ! " 8 # 3 ! % (# " ! ) ) C *, !"2 " * % * ) - 2 !8 # -( # " ) !*2 ) C /! % * *% # ) ,%B! 8

# # F: % ! " "2 " 4 % ) ! % ! ABSTRACT This paper presents the non-destructive fish sorting machine using laser light sectioning technique. The line-laser profile on the object is acquired by a digital camera in order to perform image processing based on Matlab GUI. The result of light sectioning method is the size of fish (Width and Thickness) used to classify level of fish size. In this work, the prototype machine can sort for three sizes of fish. The control signal is sent from computer to programmble logic controller for grading size of fish. The sorting machine consists of 3 sets of pneumatic cylinder, conveyor, photo sensor and programmable logic controller. The testing of this system can be done accurately but the sorting speed has to be improved. Keywords: Fish sorting, Laser light sectioning, Machine vision

1 $ ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: kbnavaph@kmitl.ac.th 2 $ ) % " ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: kstaweep@kmitl.ac.th


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

' ! 6& /0 G *"& 6 Reducing Damage of Rose Apple in Sizing Machine ! !&# 1, ' + C ! 2, & / & '2 ' 0 A & 3 Krawee Treeamnuk1, Siwalak Pathaveerat1, Anupun Terdwongworakul1 and Manusak Janthong2

% & ! %*! ) " ) * * " 1" ),( -( % ! # * + % ! *, ! - & */ # % %! ! 1! ! *, ! % ! , # ) % 2 ! + 2 + #! # * ),( ,%!E (" "# " ) ! ) * * # * 4C! * 2 + -" 4C ! * + " 4C ! ) * * !% ! 2 !+ % ),( ,%!E (" "# " ) ) ! ) -! 2 ! + # * % % ! " 4C! % 1 1" # * E DMRT % !%* 2 %F 0.05 , / # % %! ! 2 mm 1! ! *, ! *" *-" + 2 8 # # " / # % ! 4 mm ) - x %! ) * * 8 # % ),( 1" % ! ! *( % ,%!E ),( ) -! % ! ( + , % 1 ! 10.8-16.5% " ) % % ! 149.7-195.1 kg/hr " 8) % , ) * * ),( + % ! /! 5 % ! # * ! )1 ," 27.9% ) % 2 ! 107.2 kg/hr " ) * * 13.3%

# # F: ) * * " + % ! ),( ABSTRACT This research objective was to 1) reduce the mechanical damage of rose apple that was sized by diverging belt-type machine 2) determine the optimum operating condition of the sizing machine. Cushioning materials mounted on the belt were used to modify the sizing belt. Methodology comprised pre-determination of cushion was carried out with Toonklao variety to observe fruit damage. Mechanical damage was evaluated by abrasion percentage, crack or cut percentage and damage percentage. After pre-determination, Toonklao and Thongsamsri varieties were used to test the performance of sizing in continuous operation. Sizing capacity and percent of error were evaluated the performance of machine. Results showed that the 2 mm of cushion could well protect the fruit from crack and cut. Application of 4 mm cushion could protect all kinds of damage. Performance test indicated that the optimum conditions for continuous mechanical sizing depended on variety. The optimum sizing performance was characterized by error of 10.8-16.5 % and the throughput capacity of 149.7-195.1 kg/hr. Manual sizing of the exported rose apple featured 27.9% error, 13.3% damage and 107.2 kg/hr capacity. The sizing machine of rose apple could be operated without the observed damage. Keywords: Mechanical damage Sizing machine Rose apple


Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Prathom tani, 12110 Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Kamphaengsaen, Kasetsart University, Kamphaengsaen, Nakhonpathom, 73140 3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Prathom tani, 12110 2


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

† & '0 *& /*&" O& F %, 6& * & Job’s Tears Aeration to Prevent the Growth of Fungi ! 6 , ' ' , %/ % ?, ' + C/' @0 & Teeranun Khan-ngarm, Lamul Wiset, Bopit Bubphachot and Nattapol Poomsa-ad

% & C "( + * A! ( /!& C 2 / # ) # ! ) */! ! 1" 2 / # ) + ! )"C ( ! ! 2 / # + 8 # * " ) # , ' ! * ) + ! " ) # ! ) */! )"C A! ! D % /! x %! F + ! %*! 2 C % ' "( + * */ # 4 8 # C "( + */!-% 3 -% -% " 150 &" %) -% 1 " 2 ) w ") *C! " ) C 5 () 15 –C " + 2 w ") *C! )+ 5 () =" */! "( + * % 18 –C " 20 –C /!-% 1 " 2 )"2 % !-% 3 C 5 () "# )& * + 2 w $ "# ) " 05:00 – 07:00 !. %! % &) % Z" ,+ % 5 () /!-% 3 8 # 2 ! # !" ( ( 30 4! ) ) " ( ( 60 4! ) ) " # ! ! ( ( 90 4! ) ) -% * * C % ' /!-% ) w $ % /! ) % * "( + * ! C % ' + ! 2 4 " 6 "% C % ' !2 ) ) + ! " % F + 5 ! 8 # Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus niger Aspergillus ochraceous Fusarium sp. " Penicillium sp. , ) + !) *( /! # *" 9.17 12.05 ) : ! ?* ! F + , + A. flavus " Penicillium sp. & * C % ' /! ) F + 2 ! ! ( /! C ) w $

# # F: "( + *, C % ' , + ABSTRACT The bulk storage of Job’s tears in silo leads to the heat accumulation inside the bulk, resulting in an increase in grain moisture content. This causes the susceptible to mold growth and capability to produce toxin. The ventilation of moisture and accumulated heat inside the bulk is the practical way to prevent the mold growth. This research was storage the Job’s tears under 4 conditions. These were three storage bins, each bin contained 150 kg. Bin 1 and bin 2 were aerating by cold air and stored at 15 –C. The cold aeration system was automatically operated when the average temperature reading inside the bin was higher than 18 and 20 –C in bin 1 and bin 2, respectively. Bin 3 was stored at ambient temperature and it was daily ambient aerating from 5.007.00 am. The thermocouples were located to detect the grain temperature at three locations of the bottom (30 cm height), centre (60 cm height) and top (90 cm height) of the bin. These were compared with grain storage in gunny bag. Sample was taken before storage and after 2, 4 and 6 months of storage. Moisture content and five types of mold growth were determined. These were Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus niger Aspergillus ochraceous Fusarium sp. and Penicillium sp. The results found that the moisture of grain was in the ranged of 9.17 - 12.05 wet basis. A. flavus and Penicillium sp. were found in the Job’s tears during storage. The storage of Job’s tears in gunny bag revealed a higher number of both A. flavus and Penicillium sp. than those samples in aerating bins. Keywords: Job’s tears, storage, fungi

1 1

5 $ )$ ) * "%*) ) 2 " ) * 2 %! *% % % ) ) 44150 Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakham University, Kantarawichai, Mahasarakham, 44150


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

! / " & /*"&' + * & ' ! G # ' 8 A Simple Method to Increase Pressure for Reducing Number of Microorganisms in Fermented Fish Sauce " ) " $' / + " * " 5%:," () 1 Lamul Wiset, Suphan Yungyuen and Nattapol Poomsa-ad1

% & ! %*! ) % - ,+ $ ' ) ) -/! " 2 ! ! + " ! * /!! 2 " # & * / # ! , ) ) %! # * , ) 5 () /! Z ! 2 "() ! *) ! 1100 ) 286.67 "( $ 4! ) 2 " & * ! 2 " # /! 5 () 4 oC !% !!2 8 /! ! 2 ) 5 () 5 () 50 60 " 70 oC & */! " 5 () / # " /! 10 15 " 20 ! "# !2 % * 8 #8 2 ! ! + " ! * % ) 1" " , 2 ! ! + " ! * % ) ) " " )+ 5 ( ) " * " /! , ) ! " )+ * * ! Z j % ! 5 () 70 oC & *8) Z j , Z j ) -" ) 5 " ! * 8 #) Z j ! % )1% & * ) " ! " # " " # 1 ! 5 () 70 oC A! " 20 ! , 1(# 8) ) - * ) " ! ! 2 " # 8 # * ) !%* 2 %F - (p > 0.05)

# # F: ) " ! " ! * ! 2 " # ABSTRACT The objective of this work is to study the possibility in reducing the number of microorganisms using high pressure technique by increasing the temperature in a closed test tube. Test tube is made from aluminum 1100 with a capacity of 286.67 cm3. Fermented fish sauce was contained in test tube and soaked in water at temperature of 4 oC. Then, it was immediately moved to soak in water bath at temperatures of 50, 60 and 70 oC. It was soaked at each temperature for 10, 15 and 20 min. After that, sample was taken to analyze the number of microorganisms by total plate count method. The results found that the number of microorganisms was reduced with the increase in soaking temperature and soaking time. When comparing between a closed tube process and a tube warming at 70 oC without lid cover, it was found that a closed tube reduced the number of microorganisms more than the sample obtained from an opened tube. Regarding the sensory evaluation, the odor between fresh fermented fish sauce and processed sample at 70 oC for 20 min, was not significantly difference (p > 0.05). Keywords: Sensory evaluation, Microorganisms, Fermented fish sauce 1

Biological Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakham University, Kantarawichai, Maha Sarakham, Thailand, 44150 E-mail lamulwiset@hotmail.com


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I '*& 'S , G 8 !" ! 0 Study on Centrifugal Sheller for Moringa Seed @ 1 @ 0 1 &# 0 1 Satip Rattanapaskorn1, Navaphattra Nunak1, Amnat Kutakoo1

% & ! %*! ) % - ,+ $ ' 6 %* ) 1" "+ )"C ) ) / # * ! $(!* "+ ) ! 2 %F % ! 1) ! * )"C ! #!1 !$(!* " 20 4). 2) & #) ! * 3) 1!% x 4) 84& "! " 5) ) 2 "% & * % 2 $ ' ) 2 6 %* + 1) ) C ! * 4 % + 3,600 3,800 4,000 " 4,200 /! " 2) ! 1!% x 4 ! + 1 ! "C ! " ! 8 "C ( ! #!1 ! $(!* " 10 )). " *, !1# 1" " , % ) ) ) 2 % "+ ) ) * ! $(!* + ) C ! * 4,000 /! " ! 1!% x A! *, !1# & * ! )"C ) ( 5 A! 63.8% )"C A! 2.6% " )"C # !2 "% ) / ) ( )"C 8) ) % )"C !) A! 33.6%

# # F: * ! $(!* "+ ) )

ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to study the affecting factors on the performance of the centrifugal sheller for Moringa seed. The equipment was composed of 1) a centrifugal plate in the diameter of 20 cm 2) a frame for covering the plate 3) an impacting wall 4) a cyclone, and 5) a power motor. Two factors were determined: 1) centrifugal speeds of 3,600, 3,800, 4,000, and 4,200 rpm and 2) impacting wall types (iron sheet, stainless steel sieve with a mesh no. 8, iron sieve with opening diameter of 10 mm, and fabric belt). It was found that the suitable interaction factors for the centrifugal sheller of Moringa seed was the centrifugal speed at 4,000 rpm using the fabric belt as a machine wall. At these conditions, the sheller was capable to shell with undamaged seeds of 63.87%, damaged seeds of 2.6%, and returned seeds back to the shelling process of 33.6%. Keywords: Centrifugal Force Sheller Moringa

1 $ ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: krsatip@kmitl.ac.th


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

&% ' / K %% S% ! " %% ' # % Testing and Development of Harvesting & Threshing – Separating System for Sun flower ' H8 1 I A ! '1 + 1 0J +1 1 ! 6 C1 & ! / 2 Mongkol Tunhaw1 Kanuengsak Chiaranaikul1 Satit Wanujun1 Sutin Jutasuwan1 Songyos Chantaramanit1 Veera Sukprasert1 Tongyhod Jirapan2

% & 8 #,%B! + ! # ! 4 q A! + ! ! %! & *,%B! ! " % * )"C ) % 2 ! ) 5 1,300 &" %) % &) % (F * 2 1 4C! % % )"C 2 1 4C! ) + ! 2 1 4C! " 8 # " ,%B! % * + * ! # 8 */ #/ # * ! %!8 # & * - ! # 230 * 1300 " 45 ) "" ) " *- A!) ) ") 36 $ % % * / ) % 2 ! * %! % x %! / ) "C ! "# , -( " *! A! 1 ! "C 2 1 )"C ! %! - " ! 5 + C * ) 5 1 4C!

# # F: % * ! %! + ! ! %! ABSTRACT The 4 – ft of rice threshing machine was modified into sunflower thresher, with minor modification on threshing and separating system. The working capacity of about 1300 kg/ hour. A total loss was less than 1 percent, a broken grain was less than 1 percent and impurities was less than 1 percent. A harvesting head unit of Thai rice combine harvester was tested and modified to be able to handle Sun flower. The pan with the width of 230 mm, the length of 1300 mm and the depth of 45 mm was connected to harvesting head at the same position with the cutting-knife guard of cutter bar set. The end of the tray had acute angle of 36 degree. The steel spring wire at the rim around the gathering reel was changed to be 2 sets of steel screen plates. The grain lost from harvesting set was less than 1 percent.

1 2

Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, Jatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand, 10900 Research and Development for Agricultural center, Department of Agricultural, Takfa, Nakhonsawan, 60190


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

&& %% ' / K *&" !" 68 68 ,/ ' Design and Development of Combine Harvester for Rice Maize and Sunflower

I A ! '1 + 1 ' H8 1 / 2 6 1 0J +1 % ' & 1 Kanuengsak Chiaranaikul1 Satit Wanujun1 Mongkol Tunhaw1 Manoph Kantamarat1 Katawut jongsukwai1 Sutin Jutasuwan1 Bantit Thongdang1

% & ,+ " 6F "! ! !/! % ! ! C * # # &, " * % " ! %!& * / # + * ! 8 # # + * ! # 8 * 4 A! () 6FF # - ! " 1" /! $ / #) ! "C ) # % * 2 ) " ,%B! A! + * 2 & * 2 % / # * # &, " * % " / # * ! %! & *,%B! % * " ! ! ) - * # 8 # 3 - 5 8 % &) * # &, " * % 8 # 2 – 3 8 % &) " * ! %!8 # 3 – 4 8 % &)

# # F: + * ! # + * ! # &, + * ! ! %! ABSTRACT To reduce the labor shortage in the process of harvesting Rice maize and sunflower by the use of combine harvester. Has designed and produce a Thai combine harvester to be small size. Width of harvesting head about 2 meters. And a machine was developed into the other two models by modified of about harvesting head unit and threshing unit. The first, use for maize and the second use for sunflower. The working capacity rate for rice of about 0.48 – 0.80 hectare per hour, for maize of about 0.32 – 0.48 hectare per hour, and for sunflower of about 0.48 – 0.64 hectare per hour. Keywords: Rice Combine Harvester Maize Combine Harvester Sun flower Combine Harvester


Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, Jatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand, 10900


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

&& %% ' / K *&" ' Design and Development of Hairy Basil Thresher

I A ! '1 + 1 ' H8 1 1 6 1 0'/ 1 K 0'1 Kanuengsak Chiaranaikul1 Satit Wanujun1 Mongkol Tunhaw1 Songyos Chantaramanit1 Suchart Sukniyom1 Danai Saratoolphithak1 Santhan Nakwattananukul1

% & ,+ " , ' Aflatoxin /! )"C ) "% ! ! 8 # " ,%B! + ! ) "% ) + ! 2 ) ! 8 " ) #! (Tangential Flow) "( ! ) ! #!1 $(!* " 370 * 300 ) "" ) q6!! A! "C " 4 q6! A! (Rasp bar) # 30 X * 300 ) "" ) 2 ! ! 8 %! ) % * )"C A! ( " *) ! 1.5 X 1.5 ) "" ) 2 ! ! 2 % ! * 8 $ % ! % 2 ) / #,% ") ( + ! ! 5 ! / # + *! 6 - 8 )# % 2 ! 3 – 5 &" %) % &) E , ! 96 % % (F * )"C 5 % ) + ! 2 0.5 % )+ ) C "( ! 600 - 650 !

# # F: + ! )"C ) "% ABSTRACT To reduce the Aflatoxin in hairy basil seed, the hairy basil thresher which could thresh the seeds at lower moisture content was designed and developed. Threshing system is tangential flow system. The threshing drum was a cylindrical drum with 370 mm diameter and 300 mm long with 8 pieces of rasp bars. Seed separation system was made of two layers of woven wire mesh with the square hole of the 1.5 X 1.5 mm. The cleaning system used a suck blower to remove seed contamination. The engine of 6 - 8 hp was used. The working capacity was about 0.48 – 0.80 kg per hour, threshing efficiency was 96 %, seed losses was below 5% and impurity was below 0.5 %. Keywords: Thresher Hairy basil seed


Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, Jatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand, 10900


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

& /'6& ! ' *&" 6 &% 8 !" ! & % ! @ /6& ! Effects of Drying Methods and Drying Conditions on Physicochemical Properties of Garlic / + 1 ' ! F 2 Ratiya Thuwapanichayanan1 and Somkiat Prachayawarakorn2

% & ! % * ! ) % - ,+ $ ' E , " E # 5 ( ) / # / ! # " 2 "% 8qqx / # " % !q 8 " ) 1" * " /! # ) 5 %"" 4 ! ) 5 8 %"" "8 4%"8q ) 5! 2 )%! ) * " *) # & * *)1" %5R ! # A! 2 8 # % A! ! "C @ ! ) 5 2 mm3 "# !2 8 # %! " % A! ! "C @ ! * %! C 8 # A! " 3 % &) !!2 8 # 2 % # # * $ # ! # 5 () 50, 60 " 70oC ! # # * 6|) ) # ! # 5 () 50oC !% ! " 2 "% 8qqx / #

" % !q 8 " + 250, 350 " 450W )+ # # * 6|) ) # ! ) % 1 % !q 8 " 1" " , )+ # 5 () ( ! + , ) 2 "% 8qqx / # % " % !q 8 " 2 / #/ # * " /! # % !" " ) 5 8 %"" "8 4%"8q ) ! &!#) , )) ! 8 # #) % C!8 # L ) 2 ! a " b ) ( 2 % *)1 8 # *) % 5 % 8 # A! " 3 % &) !!2 8 # !% ! ) ) 5 8 %"" "8 4%"8q ) ) #) *)1 8 # *) % 5 8) % 8 #

# # F: *) 8 %"" "8 4%"8q 6|) ) # ! % !q 8 " %"" 4 ! ABSTRACT The objectives of this research were to study the effects of drying method, drying temperature and intensity of FIR on the drying time, allicin content, diallyl disulfide content, volatile oil content and color. The fresh garlic was prepared in 2 methods; the first method of the preparation is done by chopping into approximately 2 mm3 in size and then drying, and another method by chopping into the same size and storage at 25 oC for 3 hours before drying. Hot air drying was performed at temperatures of 50, 60 and 70 oC whereas heat pump drying was performed only at a temperature of 50 oC. The radiation intensities for combined FIR and heat pump drying were 250, 350 and 450 W. The experimental results showed that drying at higher temperatures and higher radiation intensities took shorter time than that at lower temperatures and lower radiation intensities. In addition, diallyl disulfide content had an increasing trend. However, their color was browner as manifested by the lower L-value and the higher a- and b-values. Moreover, garlic powder prepared by keeping at 25 oC for 3 hours before drying had higher diallyl disulfide content but their color was darker as compared with the non-keeping samples. Keywords: Garlic Diallyl Disulfide Heat pump Far-Infrared Radiation Allicin


Lecturer, Department of Farm Mechanics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, 10900 Associated professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, 10140



) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

& /'6& & + @0 ' 6& & +@ /6& / 8 Effects of Temperature and Layer Thickness on Quality of Coconut Residue & + , @+ C 1, / !@ F,F + 1, & 7/' & 1 ' L & 2 Orawan Sopanattayanon1, Jiraporn Sripinyowanich1, Athapol Noomhorm1 and Rittichai Assawarachan2

% & ! %*! ) ) ) * ,+ $ ' E ," 5 () # (50, 60, 70 " 80o4) " ) ! % ! % (5, 10 " 15 )).) " *! " 5 , # ! ) 5! 2 )%! " ) ) , #

"% # " # ) , # ) ) + ! ) #! ) 5 162% (! 2 !% # ) / #8 # ) + ! # * ) 5 3% (! 2 !% # ) & * E # - , " / #/! # *( /! 75 " 535 ! % ! " /! # " " )+ / # 5 () /! # ( ! " / # % ! % " 5 , ) , # # , ) , # # ) ) 5! 2 )% !/ "# * %!4 ) ) 5! 2 )%! ) , # ) , # # *% ) *( /! * % ) , # ) ) 2 % # ) , # & * E # - + # 5 () 70o4 A! " 220 ! & */ # % ! % ) ) ! 10 )). ) , # # 8 # ) ) 5 ! 2 )%! 0.225Âą0.016 %)/ %)! 2 !% # " ) ) 90.07Âą0.09%

# # F: ) , # # ABSTRACT This research aimed to investigate the effects of drying temperature (50, 60, 70 and 80oC) and layer thickness (5, 10 and 15 mm.) on dried coconut residue quality change in terms of oil content and whiteness value. To reduce moisture content of coconut residue from about 162% to about 3% (dry basis, d.b.) by tray drying technique, required drying time was in range of 75 and 535 min. The higher the drying temperature and the thinner the layer thickness set, the shorter the drying time required. From the quality assessment, oil contents of dried coconut residue samples were close to each other and were higher than that of the fresh residue. Whiteness values of dried coconut residue were in the same range as that of the fresh residue. The best condition for tray drying of coconut residue was drying at temperature of 70oC for 220 min and using layer thickness of 10 mm. The dried coconut residue had oil content of 0.225Âą0.016 g/g dry matter and whiteness value of 90.07Âą0.09%. Keywords: coconut residue, drying

1 2

Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani Klongluang 12120, Thailand Field of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Agro-Industry, Maejo University, Chiangmai, 50290, Thailand


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

?'6& 8& & & '! " ' % ! @ /6& 68 The Effect of Solar Heat Treatment on the Physiochemical Properties of Milled Rice 1


G / 1 1 $% Y ! % , % ' %! F

$% Y %! $ 2 3 % ! )$ " › $ " # 2 1 Jaitip wanitchang Padungsak Wanitchang1 Pitak Chancharoen2 Kittisak Vasontiwong2 Areerat Imsil3 Srisakul Kaelkrachang2

% & # ,%!E ) " 105 C /! (# ,"% ! * ,+ " *! " 5 , # 2 " ) * "%* &!&"* ) " %! . " & */ # # "+ ,%!E ) " 105 % % ! 1 ! " ) + ! " ( & # ) * "%* %D ! . ! " ) # " ! / # C) % / # ! ! " Z j / # ! / "# !2 # (# * ! ! 5, 7 " 14 %! )+ " !2 (# " ,% 8 # 1 %! ! % " *! " ) % * , ) % ) * , # C /! (# * * * % # 8) 1 ! (# * 1" " , ) # ! * ) - / # # " *! A! # 8 # & * ) % ) * , # 2 " - * ) !%* 2 %F % ) + )% ! 95% % # 8) 1 ! " & * % ) # ! % * " # 8 # % ) # ! " 2 ! ! %! C

# # F: # ) % ) * , # (# * ABSTRACT KDML 105 milled rice was stored in solar heated cabinet to accelerate rice aging for 5, 7 and 14 days. Experiments were developed and conducted at Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok in Chonburi by using KDML 105 rice from Surin province which, dried and milled in Suan Dusit Rajabhat University rice mills in Prachinburi province. Milled rice samples were packed in the containers and stored in the solar heated cabinet for 5, 7 and 14 days. After reached the end of storing milled rice sample was tempered in ambient for one day before testing. Change of physical and physiochemical properties of milled rice sample which was stored in the solar heated cabinet was studied and compared with the untreated sample. The result revealed that the solar heated treatment could be used to accelerate rice aging. The physiochemical quality of rice was significant different at 95% confidence from the untreated sample. The quality of rice changed according to solar heated and the exposed time. Keywords: Aged rice Physiochemical properties Solar dryer


Assistant professor, Agriculture Engineering and Technology Division, Faculty of Agriculture and National Resources, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawon-ok chonburee, 20110


Office of Special Affairs, Rice mill project Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, Prachinburi, 25000


Lecturer, Food science and Technology Curriculum, Faculty of Science and Technology, Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, Bangkok,10300


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I ?' &% 8 8 N'0& E % & + @0 0 & % ! @ / 6& 68 '8& / & ,' 0 A Study of High Thermal Fluidized Bed Drying on Physiochemical Properties of High Amylose Brown Rice 'L ! G 1,*A " ) & 5 5 E 2Y Donludee Jaisut1,* and Somchart Soponronnarit2

% & ! %*! ,+ $ ' 1" # # * ! q"( 8 4 5 () ( " *! " 5 , # "# ,%!E ) &" ( # "+ ,%!E , 5 1 " ,%!E , '5 &" 3 ) + ! ) #! ) 5 33.3%d.b. -( " ) + ! # * ! q"( 8 4 5 () 130 " 150qC !% ! !2 8 C /! % $ A! " %! !!2 8 w # * $ "# )/! % ! ! # * & * # "+ 1 ! # -( A! # "# "# !2 8 5 , # ! ) % # ! ) # ! % " # * ! SEM # *" #! # "# * * x # "# " 8 )%! 1" " , # *" #! # "# # % ,%!E ) ! &!#) " *! " "# * %! " + )+ 5 () # " * " C /! % $ ( ! # *" #! # "# , ) ! & * % 8 # 1" # * ! SEM # 5 () 150qC " C /! % $ A! * " 120 ! 1" )C # -( " )" " * Z 1" 2 / # ) C ! )+ !2 8 8 # # *" #! # "# , ) ! "# % 1" degree of gelatinization ! ! , )+ 5 () " * " C /! % $ , ) ! 1"/ # glycemic index " " % ! , 4C! " " # % ,%!E / "# * %! + ) 5 12% & *1" 8 )%!/! 2 # "# / # C! ) 58 )%! ) #! ) *( /! 2 # # % ,%!E ) ) 5/ "# * %! % !% ! ,%!E ) &" " 8 )%! ) / "# * %! )# ) 5 ) &" %!

# # F: # q"( 8 4 ) &" ABSTRACT The main objective of this work was to study the influence of high thermal treatment by fluidized bed drying using air at temperature of 130 and 150oC on physiochemical properties of Suphanburi 1 and Pisanulok 3 local Indica rice. Fresh paddy was dried from initial moisture contents of 33.3% d.b. to 18-19% w.b. It was then tempered for different periods before ventilated by the ambient temperature at the last stage. The dried samples was analyzed in thermal properties (using SEM technique), head brown rice yield, starch digestibility and total fatty matter. The experimental results indicated that drying temperature and tempering time were effect on starch granules of Suphanburi 1 and Pisanulok 3 as observed from SEM and degree of gelatinization results. The melted starch granules of sample which was dried at 150qC and tempering for 120 min were covered granule spaces, affected on higher percentage of head brown rice yield. Moreover, temperature and tempering time also affected on change of glycemic index. However, percentage changing of both varieties was similar, about 12%. This is probably due to the initial content of lipid in both varieties was alike even differing in amylose content. Keywords: Amylose Drying Fluidized bed 1

Lecturer, Department of farm mechanics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, 10900. Professor, School of Energy, Environmental and Materials, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand, 10140. * Corresponding author, Tel: 02-561-3482, E-mail address: agrddj@ku.ac.th 2


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

+ % # NNO 6& # & % G 8 8& %%,&

Electrical Conductivity of Red Grape Juice During Ohmic Heating L & 1 , & / & 1 ' & 7/' & 2 Rittichai Assawarachan1, Umaporn Upara1 and Athapol Noomhorm2

% & ! %*! ) ) ) * ,+ $ ' 1" " *! " 5 ) % !2 8qqx ! 2 ! 3 % ) #) #! & * * ) ) !*2 % )!2 8qqx % " " * "+ ) : ! ) #) #! 0.1 &)" , ) 1 ," ) 5 3.46% " 8) ) ) %! - 1" % !2 8qqx ! 2 ! /! 5 () 25 - 80 $ 4" 4 * , ) % , ) !2 8qqx (Electrical conductivity increasing rate) ) % 0.91 r 0.005 - 0.93 r 0.014, 1.01 r 0.003 - 1.02 r 0.008 " 1.09 r 0.003 - 1.13 r 0.002 4 )! 4! ) $ 4" 4 * (S/cmoC) % ) #) #! 10.5, 12.5 " 14.5 $ 4 )"2 % 1" " , !2 8qqx ! 2 ! % ) #) #! * %! ) !2 8qqx / "# * %! " 8) ) ) %! * ) !%** 2 %F % ) + )% ! 95 4C! !2 8qqx A! 5 ) % =, ! 2 ! " 1"$ ' % ) # ! & )) } ! 2 ! % ) #) #! 14.5 $ 4 /! 25 - 80 $ 4" 4 * ) % ) # ! ) 0.0573, 0.0834 " 0.1316 $ 4" 4 * ! */ # %!8qqx 10, 12 " 15 & "" 4! ) )"2 %

# # F: !2 8qqx , & )) } , ! 2 ! ABSTRACT This research aimed to investigate the electrical conductivity change of red grape juice at three concentrations (10.5, 12.5 and 14.5 oBrix) during ohmic heating. The error of electrical conductivity comparing with 0.1 M of NaCl solution was 3.46% which was not significantly difference. The juice was then ohmically heated at three different voltage gradients (10, 12 and 15 V/cm) in temperature range of 25-80oC. The result showed that the electrical conductivity increasing rate of red grape juice were 0.91 r 0.005 to 0.93 r 0.014, 1.01 r 0.003 to 1.02 r 0.008 and 1.09 r 0.003 to 1.13 r 0.002 S/cmoC at 10.5, 12.5 and 14.5 oBrix, respectively. The electrical conductivity of red grape juice at the same concentration was not difference significantly, indicated the specific property of red grape juice electrical conductivity. The ohmic heating of red grape juice at 14.5 oBrix during temperature range of 25-80qC provided the same heat level at every points and supplied heating rate were 0.0573, 0.0834 and 0.1316 oC/sec at 10, 12 and 15 V/cm voltage gradients. Keywords: Electrical Conductivity, Ohmic Heating, Red Grape Juice

1 2

Faculty of Engineering and Agro-Industry, Maejo University, Chiangmai, 50290, Thailand Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani Klongluang 12120, Thailand


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I + % @ / ' '6& 'S 68 '8& !" ' S% ' @ '*& A Study on the effect of the Storage Duration and the Hulling Condition on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of the Brown Rice Kernel %! )/ F1 " +0 2 Prasan Choomjaihan1 and Renu Chingchai2

% & & %*! ,+ $ ' - * " /! C % ' # " ( "+ ) 1" 5 , % * , " " )"C # "# 1" " , * " C % ' 8) ) 1" ! )"C # /! @) " ) # "# /! C % ' # "+ ) --( 8 # ) ! " ) % )+ * C % ' ! ! ! ) 1 " % 4C! # % !# * )+ * % " *! " * "( * )+ 5 , #), # "# 1 ! #) )"C # "# ) * * % # ! # ) # ! * * C % ' " * "( * ) % " )"C # "# , # "# 1 ! "+ * "( * # *% ) ) ) -/! % % 8 # ( )"C # "# 1 ! * "( *

# # F: # "+ , "+ , C % ' ABSTRACT This research was aimed to study on the effect of the storage duration and the hulling condition to the physical and mechanical properties of the brown rice. The results found that the storage duration did not show the effect on the kernel dimensions and the whitening index. On the earlier period of the storage duration influenced to increase the level of hulled paddy and kept the level of hulled paddy constantly when the grain stored longer. However the storage duration gave the less effect to the broken hull paddy compared with the hulling roll gap. The cooked brown rice tended to expand on the width direction more than on the length direction. Hulling the paddy under the larger roll gaps gave more resistance on both compressive and bending load. Keywords: Paddy, Hulling, Storage

1 Lecturer, Curriculum of Agricultural Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok. Thailand, 10520 2 Master Student, Curriculum of Agricultural Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok. Thailand, 10520


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I ?' %6& ' G S% ' 0 %%G 6 6 !" !?' & +@ /68 A Study on the effect of the storage duration and the debraning condition on the quality of rice kernel %! )/ F1 " /' & & 2 Prasan Choomjaihan1 and Phalanon Onsawai2

% & ! %*! ) % - ,+ $ ' 1" * " C % ' " ( /! % 5 , # 1" " , )+ ) C % ' ! ! ! 2 / #8 # % 4C! # #!" " % ) % ( ! " % ! ) )"C # ) ! &!#) , ) ! , * "C !# * )+ * * * * % )"C # !+ #), * " /! C % ' ! ! ! # ) ! &!#)) * * % , ) ! " ( * " C % ' 110 %! "# ) " " )+ ) C % ' ! ! !% ! 2 % * * % ) ) # ) ! &!#) , ) ! "C !# * ) * " /! C % ' ! ! *% , * " /! C % ' 8) ) 1" ( )"C # ( /! % # ) 1" * ) 5 ,/! ( 4C! # #!, % ! ) , % " ( )"C ) " 5 ,/!

#) ( * * % )"C # )

# # F: * " C % ' , % # , 5 , # ABSTRACT The Objective of this research was to study on the effect of the storage duration and the debranning condition to the quality of debranned rice kernel. The results showed that the increasing of the storage duration decreased the head rice percentage, increased the milling degree, and slightly increased the whitening index. The length expansion of the cook rice was increased when the storage duration risen up to 110 days and decreased afterward. Increasing the storage duration vaguely increased the width expansion of the cooked rice kernel. There were no influences on the storage duration extending to the shape of the debraned kernel. The debraning condition gave larger effects on the milled rice quality (percentage of head rice, whitening index, milling index and debraned kernel shape) and the cooked rice quality (kernel elongation). Keywords: Storage Duration, Debranning, Milled rice quality 1

Lecturer, Curriculum of Agricultural Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok. Thailand, 10520 2 Master Student, Curriculum of Agricultural Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok. Thailand, 10520


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

&% 8 & 8 *"& &% 8 %% RÂŽ 8& Carrot Drying by Heat Pump Dryer / '1* " %* F1 Tawarat Tipyavimol1* and Weerachai Arjharn1

% & ! %*! ) % - ,+ 2 # # * + # 6|) ) # ! ,%B! ! # / #/! " + 5 () $ # 45, 50 " 55 oC ) C ") =" * 1.3 m/s % ! $ # ) + 2 * 80 4C! / #/! # -( !2 ) "+ "# % ! A! " *) ! # u* u ! + 1 cm u 1 cm u 0.5 cm ) 5 % " 10 &" %) 2 ) ! ) -! # % # % ! "+ ,"% ! 2 , " 5 , & * ( % +! % " " *! " # * % 1" " , % # ) 1.09 1.48 " 1.76 &" %)! 2 * % &) " ) - 2 # ) + ! ) #! 88.70 %wb " "+ 10.98 %wb & */ # " /! # 7, 5 " 4 % &) 5 () $ # 45, 50 " 55 oC )"2 % 2 % # ! ! "+ ,"% ! , 5 () 50 oC ) ) ! "+ ,"% ! 2 2 % ) 1" %5R 1" %5R 8 # # % ) 5 () 8) ) ) %! - % ) + )% ! # *" 95 ! % +! % , 8) ) ) %! 5 () $ # 50 " 55 oC

# # F: # 6|) ) # ! ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to evaluate the performance of a heat pump dryer and the qualities of dried carrot. Carrot roots were peeled and then cut to dimension width x length x thick of 1 cm x 1cm x 0.5 cm. The 10 kilograms of carrot sample were dried in the dryer under the condition of: Drying air temperature of 45, 50 and 55 oC, drying air velocity of 1.3 m/s and 80 percent of evaporation bypass air. Drying rate, specific energy consumption (SEC), color and rehydration rate of dried carrot were evaluated. It was found that the drying rates were 1.09, 1.48 and 1.76 kilograms of moisture evaporated per hour at drying temperature of 45, 50 and 55 oC respectively. The carrot samples were dried from the initial moisture content of 88.70 percent wet basis to 10.98 percent wet basis within 7, 5 and 4 hours at drying temperature of 45, 50 and 55 oC respectively. The lowest specific energy consumption was at drying air temperature of 50 oC. Color quality of dried carrot, at the confidential level of 95 percents there were not differences in the total color difference between all drying air temperatures and there were not differences in rehydration rate between drying air temperature of 50 and 55 oC Keywords: Carrot Drying Heat pump


$ ) ' 2 !% $ )$ ) * "%* &!&"* . ! . )+ . ! ) 30000 School of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhonratchasima, 30000 *Corresponding author. Tel: 044-224583; Fax: 044-224610; E-mail: tawarat@sut.ac.th


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

/ K *"& &% 8 %% RÂŽ 8& 8 %% % & / E& Development heat pump dryer by compressor controlling / & 1 ' 7 / &

1* Nopparat amattirat1 and Sathaporn thongwitk1*

% & ! %*! " % # + # 6|) ) # ! / # ) , 4 1 "( " ) , 4 2 "( 2 ! "% %! " "( & */ # 2 ) *C! R-22 A! 2 ! # "+ !2 ) " ) ) + ! ) #! 18% db ,+ ) ) -/! # + # ) -! 6|) ) # ! " % / # 8qqx 6|) ) # ! " , # 6|) ) # !& */ # ) , 4 1 "( " ) , 4 2 "( / #1" % " ) + ! =" * % 15.77 " 14.40 % db )"2 % % ! "+ ,"% ! 2 , =" * % 9.76 " 7.45 MJ/kg water evap %) E Y ) -! 6|) ) # ! =" * % 4.21 " 3.79 E , 6|) ) # ! =" * % 11.13 " 11.24 Btu/hr.w 5 () */! (# # =" * % 47 " 48 °C 2 "% ! x !/ # + % =" * % 4.89 " 5.11 A " 5 () ) , 4 =" * % 105 " 80 °C

# # F: + # 6|) ) # ! ) , 4 *% ,"% ! ABSTRACT This research was drying machine for drying heat pump. The compressor 1 and compressor 2 balls one by working alternately. Using refrigerant R-22 as working fluid used experimental paddy initial moisture content 18% db for comparison to determine the drying of the dryer. Performance of heat pump and the rate of electrical heat pump system. The results showed that the drying heat pump using the compressor a child and compressor 2 goals of the rate of drying an average of 15.77 and 14.40 % db consumption rate, specific energy consumption averaged at 9.76 and 7.45. MJ / kg water evap the coefficient of performance of heat pump an average of 4.21 and 3.79 the performance of heat pump an average of 11.13 and 11.24 Btu / hr.w the average temperature inside the oven dried at 47 and 48 ° C power to the compressor feeding an average of 4.89 and 5.11 A and an average temperature of the compressor at 105 and 80 ° C. Keywords: Dryer Heat pump Compressor Energy saving


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Pathumthani,12110

*E-mail: rmutt_thermallab@yahoo.co.th 97

) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

%% # '& + 6& %%& & # % % &% 8 ' S% ?'?' Mathematical Modeling of a Common Compressor for Drying and Storage Agricultural Produce A @ F,F1 " ! NO NPQ& '2 Wisut Wijitpinyo1 and Wera Phaphuangwittayakul2

% & 6|) ) # ! A! % 8 / # 2 % ! 2 ) # ! ) -!2 ) * / #/ ! ! # 1"1" ' " 2 ) *C!/ #/! C % ' 1"1" ' & * % ) x ) * / # !- * ) # ! %! /! ! %*! 8 #!2 % ) 2 !, # ) %!& * / # + % 8 " ! ! ! ) %! & * ,%B! 2 " 5 $ 4 # * 2 " # ) 5 ) % $ + ! ) ,+ !: ! 5 ,"$ " 2 " 2 ) *C! ,+ 2 " 2 ! 6|) ) # ! 2 ) *C! " # 2 ) ! ) -! 2 " % 8 2 % 6|) ) # ! " 2 ) *C! /! # !+ "2 8* 10 &" %) 5 () # 50, 60 " 70 $ 4" 4 * 5 () ! 2 * 10 $ 4" 4 * " % ! $ # ) ! 2 * (BAR) 0 - 90 4C! 2 ) *C! % 0.46 &" %

, % 2 %F * " / #/! # " ) -! 6|) ) # ! + 5 () # , ) 2 ) *C! 2 / # ) -! 6|) ) # !" " " 2 / # * " # !# *" )+ BAR ) 80 4C! / #,"% ! 2 5 () # 50 $ 4" 4 * " BAR 80 4C!

# # F: 6|) ) # ! # 2 " 5 $ ABSTRACT Heat pump is a vapor compression system for heating process to apply in drying process of agricultural products while refrigeration system is used for storing agricultural produce. Heat pump and refrigeration system have different use in heat reservoir. This model merges two systems using one condenser and one compressor. The mathematical model consists of drying model, equation of psychrometric chart, equation of fundamental thermodynamics and refrigeration load model. The objectives of this research were to simulate the systems and evaluate the systems performance. From simulation of drying longan 10 kg using hotair temperature 50, 60 and 70°C, evaporator temperature 10°C, bypass air ratio (BAR) 0-90% and refrigeration load 0.46 kW, it was found that the most important variable for drying time and heat pump coefficient of performance (COPhp) was drying temperature. Addition refrigeration load decreased COPhp and reduced drying time when BAR is over about 80%. Energy consumption was minimum when air temperature was 50°C and BAR is 80%. Keywords: Heat pump Drying Mathematical model 1 2

Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai,Thailand, 50200 Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai,Thailand, 50200


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

' / K *"& &% 8 * &'# %% & *"& , G 8 * & /' 6S Research and Development of Continuous Peeled Longan Dryer Using Solid Fuel %* ! ) 1 ! 0'1 5%: B ! *) !1 Taweechai Nimasang1 Jirawat Chiatrakul1 Natawut Neamsorn1

% & % - & ! + %* " ,%B! + # !+ "2 8* !+ & */ # + ," C + # ) ! 2 %F 2 ! + # # " # ) # ! # # -( A! 3 ) ! % " % % ! - 3 % ! 2 % # ) # ! 8 # * + ," qÂ?! " " *! ) # ! " %! ,% ") * ! % 8 " 69 "( $ ) ! " ) 8qqx ! 0.373 &" %

/! + # # * # !+ "2 8* % 5 () $ # ! % ! - + % ! " " -( %! " !2 8 1" " , 5 () =" * # " ) % 77.9oC " 75.5oC )"2 % /! # / # " =" * 5 % &) ,+ " ) + ! ) #! 72.85% " "+ 17.5% & *) % # =" * 4.16% ) + ! ) : ! # % &) " % ! "+ + ," 12.5 &" %)qÂ?!8)# % &)

# # F: + # !+ "2 8* , + ," C , + ," qÂ?! ABSTRACT The main objectives of this project are research and development of the continuous peeled longan dryer using solid fuel. The machine consists of two main parts namely drying chamber and heating chamber. Drying chamber is divides into three horizontal spatial slots, each which supporting three tray racks. The heating chamber composed of firewood stove, heat exchanger pipes, chimney, 69 CMM centrifugal fan and 0.373 kW electric motor. During the drying experiment, datum in the middle slot are recorded and analyzed. The results reveal that the average inlet and outlet hot air temperatures are 77.9oC and 75.5oC respectively. It take an average time of 5 hours to reduce the initial moisture content from 72.85% to 17.5% at the average drying rate of 14.16% Md/hr with fuel consumption rate of 12.5 kg. firewood/hr. Keywords: Longan dryer , Solid fuel , Firewood stove


$ ) + " 5 $ )$ ) * "%* * / ) * / ) 50200 & : 053-944144 E-mail: taweechai@eng.cmu.ac.th Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand Tel: 053-944144 E-mail: taweechai@eng.cmu.ac.th 1


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I /L G 8/' NNO G % G 8 8& 8 '*" , N ! " ! % & + @0 G 8 !" THE STUDY TO BEHAVIOR OF THE ELECTRICAL ENERGY IN MICROWAVE HEATING PROCESS AT A CONTROLLED CONSTANT TEMPERATURES. ! 5 1, ("* + 2, %),%!E 8 * ,2 " qx q�ž * "2 Anusorn raothao*1, Viboon Changrue2, Sumpun Chaitep2 and Wera Phaphuangwittayakul2

% & /! ! %*! ) % - ,+ 2 $ ' , ) / #,"% !8qqx /! ! / # ) # ! # * "+ !8)& q ) ) 5 () / # & */ # 8)& q , 5 * ! 30 " 900 %

) % " ,%B! , ) ) ! ) * 2 "% !8qqx / # ) ! ! ) 5 () # * ! x ! "% 5 () % 8 # ! % / # % % % ) # ! ) 8," 1" 5 () 8 ) % * 2 "% !8qqx / # ) ! ! / # ! ) q ) % ! Z Z A! % / # 5 () " ! / # ) # ! 2 ! 6 %*/! $ ' 3 * + ! 2 !% 8 # ! " "% / # ) # ! 5 () / #/ # ) # ! " % * 2 "% 8qqx / # ) ! !

) " 8 # / # ) # ! ! 8 # % !! 2 !% ) #! 450 %) ! 2 !% # * 45 %) 5 () 4 + 40, 50, 60 " 70 $ 4" 4 * % * 2 "% 8qqx / # ) ! ! ) " 8 # 4 % + 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 " 2.0 %

%) , ) 5 / #,"% !8qqx " ! / # ) # ! ! 8 # % ! " " ) , ) % * 2 "% 8qqx / # ) ! ! ) " 8 # A!"2 % !+ , ) / #,"% !8qqx " ! / # ) # ! / #) =, ) #!/ # ) # ! 5 () (28 $ 4" 4 * ) !- 5 () / #/ # ) # ! !% !

# # F: , ) / #,"% !8qqx ! / # ) # ! "+ !8)& q ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to study behavior of the electrical energy in microwave heating process at a controlled constant temperatures with a 30 litters commercial microwave oven 2.45 GHz with the maximum power of 900 watts for a technical to control heating temperature of microwave heating process by feedback temperature in oven to apply for heating process. The temperature detected was used a thermopile (thermal radiation detector) and the microwave heating controlled were used phase control and integral control techniques. The testes Applications dried pieces of lemon grass (450 gram down to 45 gram) were investigated at 40, 50, 60 and 70 degree Celsius and 4 different power of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 watt per gram. Found that the amount of electrical energy through the process of heating, will be reduced by increasing the rate of the power in order Because the behavior of electrical energy through the process of heating is used very specifically during the initial heating from room temperature (28. C) to the constant temperature heating only. Keywords: Behavior of electrical energy Heating process Microwave.

1 2

Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna., Chiangmai 50200 Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chinag Mai University, Muang District, Chiangmai 50200


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

/ K *"& 8 %% *"& &%68 H %% 6 The Development of the Prototype of the Shake Bed Dryer for Parboiled Paddy / K /I" / 1 + / 6 1 ' & 1 Pattana poungpun1 Wanrop khantirat1 and Adcha heman1

% & ,%B! + #! + # } * ) % - "% $ ' + ,+ " # + #! # } * " 6 %* ) )/! ) 1" $ ' % ! + #! ) ! "% 5 ! % ! 1. & + 2. * " j 3. ) # ! A! % !q / # C #) A! + ," 4. ,# "2 " * " 5. ,% ")

6 % * ) )/! # * * % " 1 /! ) ) 1 " % ! + ) ) ) -/! % " 250-300 &" %) % &) ( # "+ ) ) %! C 0.5 " 1.0 !

! ) % ! "+ C ) 1.26 " 1.60 &" %) % &) # ) 5 ,) / "# % # 1 /! ) & *) 4C! #! # } # } C) )"C " # } % =" * 70.10-70.53, 98.73-99.02 " 0.98-1.85 )"2 % ) / # * # !,"% ! % ) % 30.3 " 37.3 % &) )"2 %

# # F: # } !q C * ABSTRACT The development of the prototype of the shake bed dryer for parboiled paddy provided the main objective as a design and fabrication on the prototype of the shake bed dryer for parboiled paddy and investigating of the appropriated drying factors which the results are illustrated here: The prototype composed by five sections which were 1) the structure 2) the shaker and the cover 3) the infrared burner (used the LPG gas as the fuel) 4) the conveyor and 5) the aeration section. The results were compared with the sun drying process and the shading drying process. The results showed that the batch capacity of the dryer was in the range of 250-300 kg/hour (paddy), the gas pressures were 0.5 and 1.0 lbs/in2 respectively and the fuel consumption was 1.26 and 1.60 kg/hour. The quality of the dried paddy was comparable with the shading drying process by giving the organic rice yield, the organic head rice yield and the broken organic rice kernel were 70.10 70.53, 98.73 - 99.02 and 0.98 - 1.85, respectively. The total energy costs were 30.3 and 37.3 baht/hour respectively. 1

Lecturer,Faculty of Agro Industrial Technology,Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Kalasin Campus


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

/ K *"& ! N ' , % 8 Development of Robusta Parchment Coffee Huller / '1 , )" B !E 1 * 2 !%! % ! "1 * * E 4 !1 % !( % Y1 Nitat Tangpinijkul1, Pimol Wutisin1, Weang Arekornchee2, Preecha Ananrattanakul1, Yongyuth Kongsn1 and Supat Noosawasd1

% & % - ! %* ,+ ,%B! + q " & % # / #) E ,/! 1" q& % # 1 ! ) E ( + q #! ) % ! ! % 2 % ! ! # * "+ "( * / # "+ " " ! " % !&" 2 !# % *+ #) )"C % !/! # * " * x ! " ! % &" ) ! *( */! + " *) ) ) ! 2 !% - ! ! # * ,% ") " 84& "! ,+ ( * "+ " &* % * )"C / #) 8qqx 3 )# A! #! 2 "% $ ' ) !#! " % E , % ! &" A! "% 6 %*$ ' 8 # ) C ! % ! ! 2 !% - "% '5 ! % " * ! % % 1" , % + ! ! 2 !% - A! 6 %* 2 %F ) E ," ) ) /! 2 ! " ) 5 )"C + #! ) ) ) -/! q " # 180 -200 kg/hr " q "+ & % # 200 -300 kg/hr ) 5 )"C 2 - 7 % ! *( % % " 5 , q

# # F: + q + q q " ABSTRACT Objective of this study was to develop an efficient coffee huller both in term of capacity and quality of green coffee bean. A prototype of coffee huller with two steps process was designed and constructed to test its performance at various conditions. It consisted of a rubber roll huller, and a friction polisher. An adjustable counter weight was provided at the discharge end of the unit for hulling degree adjustment. The machine was also equipped with two units of aspirators with cyclones to separate removed skin and was driven by a 3 Hp electric motor. Factors affecting the performance of the friction unit such as speed of friction cylinder, counter-weight, flute shape of friction cylinder, and clearance between friction cylinder and screen were studied. Result of the experiment showed that hulling degree was the factor most influencing the performance of the machine. The machine could hull parchment coffee at 180 - 200 kg/h and cherry coffee at 200 - 300 kg/h. Percentage of broken was averaged 2 - 7 % depending on hulling degree and quality of coffee. Keywords: coffee huller coffee sheller parchment coffee 1

Post-harvest Engineering Research Group. Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, Klonng-1, Klongluang, Phathumthani 12120 2 Chantaburi Agricultural Engineering Research Center, Department of Agriculture, 27 Moo-1, Tambol Plubpla, Muang District, Chantaburi 22000


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

/ K *"& & %% 0& A Development of Screw Press Filtering Machine for Natural Black Varnish Production & / @ K 1 ' # '& % 8 2 Akapot Tantrapiwat 1and Chamlong Prabkeao2

% & )! 8 #!2 ! " # + * % ( % ,+ !2 ) / # ! * % # *1# 8 # ) 5!# * " * ,# %)1% * % & * + * % # ! # * # * *! 2 # * ! " 1 * ) ! #!1 !$(!* " 125 )). */!) ! #!1 !$(!* " 78 )). ! ( 2 )). 2 % ! * " ) - " * 8 #& */ #" ) #) % ! ! " */! ) ," ( ! #!1 !$(!* " 35 )). 2 !#

) ! % * % / # $' % + w ! *( 8 "8 ( # ! !# !* 1 ! 8 "1 ! (

" # !" % "+ ! # *) 8qqx ! 0.5 )# "# *, ! " * ,+ / #8 # ) C ) ) 1" * % # * + # !, * % / #) ) * , * , / # ! # *" (wire mesh) 60 ) C 20-30 ! / # " 20 -25 ! 8 # ) 5* % 1.00-1.10 &" %) )+ * % # *1# ) D * % 8 # ) 5 ) % / "# * %! " # * + # ! ) - 8 #) 5-8 /! " %!

# # F: * % , " % Z , + ( % ABSTRACT This paper presents a design of a screw press type filtering machine which has been used in black varnish production. The purpose of this development is to replace traditional manual operation and prevent the chance that workers may come into a direct contact with the toxic varnish. This machine comprises of cylindrical filtering block made of a stainless steel with a diameter measured at 125 mm. Inside the block there is a 78 mm diameter wire mesh cylinder with the 2 mm mesh size for coarse filtration. A finer mesh can be added on the cylinder in order to increase the degree of separation. At the center of the filtering cylinder a screw press with 35 mm. measured in diameter is mounted. During turning, the screw pushes clean black varnish through the mesh and the contaminated substance to the end of cylinder where a small opening channel allows the tainted material to be removed. The screw is driven by a 0.5 hp electrical motor through a gearbox, belts and pulleys which are also set to an appropriate working speed. Result from experiment show that clean black varnish can be obtained by using wire mesh number 60 and filtered at 20-30 rpm working speed. This process took 20-25 minutes and produced about 1-1.1 kilogram of the black varnish. The quality of the product is comparable to the traditional method but it can be filtered at 5-8 times faster rate. Keywords: screw press, Lacquer Tree, filtering machine


Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, King mongkut ’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok,Thailand, 10520 Associated professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, King mongkut ’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok,Thailand, 10520 2


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I /*"&' ! 6& '" # '! 6 A Study of Cushioning Material for Damage Reduction of Cabbage Shipment @ 1 " 655E % - , "2 Supakit Sayasoonthorn1 and Pannatorn Patharasathapornkul 2

% & ! %*! ,+ $ ' ) ) - " * * % %! /! x %! ) * * " " 2 " /! ! " 2 " ,%!E "( 1 ) F1 / "# " *% 8) / -( / # A ! % * 2 % % % ! "+ ) $ ' 8 # - ," &q) * ! #!1 $(!* " 5 )). " * ! E ) 5 ( 8 # 1) " 2 " / "# 8) #) % %! /!- ," (K1) 2) " 2 " / "# #) # *&q) * ! #!1 $(!* " 5 )). (K2) " /!- ," 3) " 2 " / "# #) # *&q) * ! #!1 $(!* " 5 )). (K3) " /! * ! 4) " 2 " *% 8) 8 # / /! - ," (K4) 5) " 2 " *% 8) 8 # / /! * ! (K5) /! ! & */ # A! * 300 .). ) ! ) ) - % %! " ( #)& */ # 4C! ! 2 !% (F * " 2 ! !/ # 1" , % %! " (

#) ) )/! x %! ) * * " 2 % ! " 2 " 8 # K2 4 ) 4C!! 2 !% (F * " 2 ! !/ # % 5.09% " 0.63 / )"2 %

# # F: " 2 " % %! ! ABSTRACT This research was to study and compare the effect of cushioning material on mechanical damage protection during shipping. The cabbages F1 hybrid either with or without the outer leaf were used in this test. The selected cushion materials were plastic bag, 5 mm. in diameter net foam and bamboo basket. Five methods used are 1) putting bare cabbage without outer leaf (CWOL) in plastic bag (K1), 2) wrapping CWOL with 5 mm. in diameter net foam and put in plastic bag (K2), 3) wrapping CWOL with 5 mm. in diameter net foam and put in bamboo basket (K3), 4) putting cabbage with outer leaf (CWL) in plastic bag (K4) and 5) putting CWL in bamboo basket (K5). The cabbages were transport from orchard to the laboratory (300 km.) in various types of cushion materials to evaluate the protective performance. The protective performance and packing pattern of cushion materials were evaluated in term of percentage weight loss and number of leaf loss. The result showed that the appropriate cushion material and packing pattern to protect cabbage from mechanical damage was K2 which was 5.09% weight loss and 0.63 leaf losses. Keywords: Cabbage Cushion material Shipment 1

Lecturer, Department of Farm Mechanics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, 10900 Assiatant professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Patumtani, Thailand, 12110 2


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

&& %% ' 8 *"& & '*& ?' 8, G 8 %% Design and Fabrication of Fruit Peeling Machine Using Pneumatics System %5R # *š* " !%* "# ² Bandit Thongsroyš* and Vinai Klajring²

% & # " ) !1" + "+ 1"8)# ,+ * % 1" 1" %5R 1"8)# / #) E , ( ! " * " /! 2 ! !+ 6 F "! !/! ' ) + "+ 1"8)# # ! # * & "C )) % 1"8)# " / ) ) -! 2 ! + #! & */ # % * ) " ,%!E } " "! " !

"( ,%!E " , ) C /! "+ ) " ) ) 200 ! ) ! "+ 2.46 ) "" ) ! 2 !% "% "+ 83 4C! " )/! 22.72 ! 1" ) ) -/! 158 1" % &) ) C /! ! "( ) ) 250 ! )

! "+ 6.08 ) "" ) ! 2 !% "% "+ 77 4C! " )/! 19.70 !

1" ) ) -/! 183 1" % &)

# # F: + "+ , 1"8)#, ! ) ABSTRACT The design, testing, construction and evaluation of the fruit peeling machine using Pneumatics System. The objective of this device is to in increase the level and efficiency production. The machine was made of steel frame, motor controller module, fruit holder module and blade set. Based the appropriate efficiency testing procedures. The suitable peeling speed for papaya was 200 rpm. The loss peel was 2.46 mm. and the remaining weight after peeling was 83 % the operating time was 22.72 seconds per fruit. The performance of the machine was 158 fruits per hour. The suitable peeling speed for cantaloupe was 250 rpm. The loss peel was 6.08 mm. and the remaining weight after peeling was 77 % the operating time was 19.70 seconds per fruit. The performance of the machine was 183 fruits per hour. Therefore, this device will help solve the problems of working with difficulty and lace of labor in the agricultural section. Keywords: Peeling Machine, Fruit, Pneumatics 1

Department Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand, 10520 *Corresponding author: T. Bandit, Tel.: (66)84697-9743, (Email: bandit_072@hotmail.com) 2 Associate professor, Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand, 10520


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

%% % % ' ' %'S& 8 8 *&" % %% !", 8 Control System for Shrimp Block Thawing Process using a Programmable Logic Controller @ 0 1 % F 2 !/' E*"& 2 Navaphattra Nunak1 , Bancha Jitsong2, Taweepol Suesut2

% & ! %*! ) % - ,+ ) ! " " * "C # # * ! 8qqx & * ) " " */ # 5 () "C # * * ) 2 ) , 8qqx ) )/! " " * "C # " 8) 1"/ # overheating + 0.06 A & */ # E , ),+ ! 1 %)1% "C " * 8qqx A! ! # * 1 ! "C & 1 ! * ! ) + !8 8qqx # * + ) & )8 # 4 # 2 ! " /! " " * " " *!

2 ! * 8qqx / #) )-( # " ) ) /! " " * ) $% * x ! / # ( (500V) !% ! * @ % " " & * )8) / # 8qqx ! 0.06 A 4 ) " " * /!"% '5 ! 2 / # "C # " " */! " 2 ! " " *8 #/ "# * %!& *8) ! 8 )# / @ " / # " /! " " * % ! )+ * * % E / #") w + % 8 # 5 () 20oC

# # F: "C # , " " * # * ! 8qqx , + ) & )8 # ABSTRACT This research aims to design a process control for shrimp block ohmic thawing with a regular thermal distribution. The testing can be illustrated that the appropriate electrical power to thaw blocks of shrimp without overheating is 0.06 Amp. The electrode was divided into 4 plates and the electrode surfaces were budded for increasing the pressed surface. The suitable time to change the electrical power supplied to electrodes is performed by programmable logic controller (PLC). The high voltage of 500 Volts was applied in the beginning and then reduced by control the level of current at 0.06 Amp. Our scheme can control the thawing rate of shrimp block equally without overheating. Thawing with this method is faster than the conventional method such as air blowing or maintaining the temperature at 20oC without air blowing. Keywords: Shrimp block, Ohmic thawing, Programmable Logic Controller


$ ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: kbnavaph@kmitl.ac.th 2 $ ) % " ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: kstaweep@kmitl.ac.th,


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

G 8@ /7 8& /*"&&& %% *"& ' ' ' 6S 8

NNO Application of Thermal Image to Design a Fish Thawing Machine using Electrical Technique @ 0 1 ! K 0 2 !/' E*"& 2 Navaphattra Nunak1 , Teerawat Nunak2, Taweepol Suesut2

% & ! %*! ) % - ,+ ! + " " * " # * ! 8qqx & */ # ,- * ) # ! 2 % % ! 8qqx ) ) & * ) % ! 8qqx /! ! " " * 1"& * 5 , !+ " "% " " * 4 * 5 () 1%!

% %!8qqx x ! "% '5 * 5 () ) ) 5 !# % ! ) )* " + 5 () 51 ! 8) ( ! 15oC " # ! # ! " ) 8) ! -2oC % ,- * * 5 () 8 # "# - * , ) # !, "% '5 * ) # ! ! 1 # !! # 8 # !/! " " * ) #! 1 % * " , ) % )" !& * $ " " * 5 ) ! % ! 1 ! "C & " 8qqx 8 5 " " *8 # * !% ! + ! # " 1" * 5 () % " 4 8 # ,- * ) # ! ) -!2 8 / # ,+ % %! ) )/! " " *& * x %!8) / # overheating 8 #

# # F: " C " " * # * ! 8qqx ,- * ) # ! ABSTRACT The objective of this paper was to design the fish thawing machine using electrical technique with thermal image. The optimum applied voltage had directly effected on the quality of thawed fish. The temperature distribution in thawing fish varied directly with the applied voltage. During thawing process, the surface temperature of fish should be controlled not to exceed 15oC. Fish was thawed until the backbone temperature reached -2oC. The thermal image could be used to identify the temperature distribution in the cross-sectional area along the length of fish. It was observed that the thawing process was started at the surface. Heat penetrated inwardly from the fish skin to inside. The direction of thawing or the electric flow occurred along the shortest path between the electrodes. In the thawed part, the electrical conductivity value increased and the electric current flowed though easily; therefore, the overheating might be occurred at this region. The proper voltage applied to the electrodes should be controlled to prevent the overheating on the fish skin. Thermal image could be used to monitor the temperature distribution of the thawing fish and to adjust the proper voltage during the thawing process. Keywords: Frozen Fish, Ohmic Thawing, Thermal Image


$ ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: kbnavaph@kmitl.ac.th 2 $ ) % " ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: kstaweep@kmitl.ac.th,


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

/ K & + &% * & ? ' S 6& / & S Development of the Instrument for Testing Texture and Saltiness of Salted Jellyfish @ 0 1 + /S , 2 !/' E*"& 2 Navaphattra Nunak1 , Narongdesh Phetto, Taweepol Suesut2

% & ! % * ! ) % - ,+ " ,% B ! 5 !+ % ) 1% " ) C ) ) , ! C) & * 5 !+ %)1% / # "% % " *! " ) # ! ! 8qqx ! " % ) C)/ # "% % )!2 8qqx + #! ,+ % !+ %)1% ! " ! ) ) , ! ) ) 5 "+ %! # * + !+ %)1% (TA.XT plus) * * E # * % % P/2 " E % # * % % craft knife blade , E & */ # , ) + stiffness " max force ) - * ) !+ %)1% ) , ! ) ) 5 "+ %!8 # " )+ # * 5 ,%B! !, Stiffness ) - * !+ %)1% ) , !8 # ! %!& * 8 # 2 " ) + ) , ! ) ) C)) % ) C)!# * ! ) C) ) , !& * % )!2 8qqx ) - * 8 # 2 " ) + " ) ) ) 5 "+ ( " 2 0.8 g/100gNaCl

# # F: ) , ! C), !+ %)1% , ) C) ABSTRACT The objective of this project was to design and development the instrument for testing texture and saltiness of salted jellyfish. The concept of force measurement using strain gauge and saltiness using electrical conductivity was brought to design the instrument for testing the texture and saltiness of salted jellyfish Texture of salted jellyfish (both medusa and tentacle) at various salinity levels was measured by the Texture Analyzer (TA.XT plus) by penetration with cylindrical probe (P/2) and cutting shear test with craft knife blade. It was found that stiffness and maximum force obtained from penetration test can be used to distinguish the texture difference along the salinity level. The constructed instrument could classified salted jellyfish into two groups namely high salinity level (higher than 0.8 g/100gNaCl) and low salinity level (lower than 0.8 g/100gNaCl). Keyword: Salted Jellyfish, Texture, Saltiness

1 $ ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: kbnavaph@kmitl.ac.th 2 $ ) % " ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: kstaweep@kmitl.ac.th,


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

& /'6& & + @0 ' 6& & +@ /6& / 8 , ! &% 8 %%7 Effects of Temperature and Layer Thickness on Quality of Coconut Residue by Tray Drying & + , @+ C 1, / !@ F,F + 1 ' L & 2 ' & 7/' & 1 Orawan Sopanattayanon1, Jiraporn Sripinyowanich1, Rittichai Assawarachan2 and Athapol Noomhorm1

% & ! %*! ) ) ) * ,+ $ ' E ," 5 () # (50, 60, 70 " 80o4) " ) ! % ! % (5, 10 " 15 )).) " *! " 5 , # ! ) 5! 2 )%! " ) ) , #

"% # " # ) , # ) ) + ! ) #! ) 5 162% (! 2 !% # ) / #8 # ) + ! # * ) 5 3% (! 2 !% # ) & * E # - , " / #/! # *( /! 75 " 535 ! % ! " /! # " " )+ / # 5 () /! # ( ! " / # % ! % " 5 , ) , # # , ) , # # ) ) 5! 2 )% !/ "# * %!4 ) ) 5! 2 )%! ) , # ) , # # *% ) *( /! * % ) , # ) ) 2 % # ) , # & * E # - + # 5 () 70o4 A! " 220 ! & */ # % ! % ) ) ! 10 )). ) , # # 8 # ) ) 5 ! 2 )%! 0.225Âą0.016 %)/ %)! 2 !% # " ) ) 90.07Âą0.09%

# # F: ) , # # ABSTRACT This research aimed to investigate the effects of drying temperature (50, 60, 70 and 80oC) and layer thickness (5, 10 and 15 mm.) on dried coconut residue quality change in terms of oil content and whiteness value. To reduce moisture content of coconut residue from about 162% to about 3% (dry basis, d.b.) by tray drying technique, required drying time was in range of 75 and 535 min. The higher the drying temperature and the thinner the layer thickness set, the shorter the drying time required. From the quality assessment, oil contents of dried coconut residue samples were close to each other and were higher than that of the fresh residue. Whiteness values of dried coconut residue were in the same range as that of the fresh residue. The best condition for tray drying of coconut residue was drying at temperature of 70oC for 220 min and using layer thickness of 10 mm. The dried coconut residue had oil content of 0.225Âą0.016 g/g dry matter and whiteness value of 90.07Âą0.09%. Keywords: coconut residue, drying 1

Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani Klongluang 12120, Thailand Field of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Agro-Industry, Maejo University, Chiangmai, 50290, Thailand



) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

&& %% %% # % % 0 & 8 ' && ,

Design of Instrumentation System for Osmotic Process of Food @ 0 1 , 0 2 !/' E*"& 2 Navaphattra Nunak1, Wichit Worksungnuen 2, Taweepol Suesut2

% & ! ( # * "% &) A! ! ! / #/! ( 1% 1"8)# & * $ / # ) # ! ) - 2 8 # */! % % + ! * 8 C )/! 6 %! ( # * "% &) /! % )-( 2 % + ) ) #) #! " " * &) /! ! * !+ /! ! %*! !2 ! ,%B! % ) =, 2 % ( # *

"% &) + )+ % 2 A! 2 % ! ) " " * ! 8 # + )+ % ) #) #! + )+ % pH + )+ % 5 () A! #! /! ! %* ! !# ! 8 #,%B! + )+ % ) #) #! ,+ / # % ! ! & * =, & * + )+ ! 2 ! ) % ) ,% B! !) / ) # * &!&"* ) "j6 % ,%B! & ) , !C 4 2 % 1(#/ #/! *!& ) )

# # F: % ) #) #!, ! &) , ) % &!)% ABSTRACT The osmotic process of fruit and vegetable is widely used for preserving without thermal process. The osmotic process must be concerned with the concentration of syrup maintained constantly along the process. For producing the mass product of osmotic process in food industry, the automatic system for concentration control of osmotic solution is taken into account. The most important part in the automatic recycle system is the instrumentation such as concentration sensor, pH sensor, temperature sensor and so on. There are many instruments available on the market. However, these are expensive and designed for general purpose. From the previous work, we presented the design of concentration sensor for osmotic process. It can be applied with the new controller based on embedded technology as well. The new hardware can be programmed by Petri net programming which is ease of use for the user. Keywords: Concentration sensor, Osmotic process, Automatic control system

1 $ ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: kbnavaph@kmitl.ac.th 2 $ ) % " ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: kstaweep@kmitl.ac.th,


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

&& %% ' / K *"& 6 # && , O ' % '8 Design and Development of Water Removing Machine from Salted-White Radish after Washing Process @ 0 1 @ 1 &# 0 1 Navaphattra Nunak1, Satip Rattanapaskorn1, Amnat Kutakoo1

% & )! !2 ! # " + % ! 2 8 & x C) 1 ! )% "+ " !2 ) "# ! 2 ,+ / #8 #8 & x C) ) ) 5 ) + ! ) ) 2 % !2 8 ! !+ ) 5! 2 ) ) !8 /!8 & x ) 1"/ # E , !" " , ) * " ! "+ ! 2 " " 2 / # " *! 6 %!& !/ # # 8 & x C) % # 8 & x # 2 % ! 2 A! " 5 % &) % !% ! 8 #) " ,%B! + !) & * + ! # * ) * 1 ! 4! 4 ,+ ) " %* (" ) ) " ) /! 2 ! 1 ! ( ") ! 2 # * ! " "+ ! !" ,+ 8" ! 2 ! ! 8 & x "% "# + ! / #/ # !, # ) %! 2 8 #/! " * %! 2 ! + & * # * ) C ) C & * =" * 0.5 mm/s " 1.5 mm/s , ! 2 -( % 8 & x "% "# & * =" * 23.47 " 30.35 4C! )"2 % 4 ) 5! 2 -( % *( /! ) 5R & ! " / # " 7 ! 30 ! 4 A! " !# * E ) & !/ # * ) (5 % &) )

# # F: + % ! 2 8 & x "# ! 2 ABSTRACT This article presents the design, development, and testing of a machine to remove water from the processed white radish after washing process. The excessive water in processing would affect the production of sweetened white radish in efficiently, causing time increasing, wasting the raw materials, as well as changing of the taste of the products. The present process practiced in the factory takes time quite long, about 5 hours. This machine as proposed was composed of a motor, a gear set, compressing plates, safety sensors (limit switches), and control circuit. Wet salted white radish will be compressed by the round-shape stainless steel plates to squeeze out the excess water. The machine can be operated with two baskets of samples at a time. Two experiments were conducted with two pressing speeds at 0.5 and 1.5 mm/s. The percentage of removed water was 23.47% and 30.35%, respectively. The operating time was only 7.5 min where as the present technique of the factory was longer (5 hours) Keywords: Water removing machine, Salted-white radish, washing

1 $ ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: kbnavaph@kmitl.ac.th


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

%% % & , # % % ?' 6 ? Automatic Control System for Ginger Powder Production Process @ 0 1 L A 6 2 !/' E*"& 2 Navaphattra Nunak1, Chaowarite Sukrak 2, Taweepol Suesut2

% & )! !2 ! ,%B! ) % &!)% 2 % / #/! ! 1" 1 ) $%*1(# D % ! * % % * ,+ " *! ) C / !/ # "# % " *! q " 1 ) (! 2 1 )! 2 " *) % !% ! " *! " 5 () " 1 )/! ! *! 2 -( !2 ) / # A! % !, ) ) C / ! & * " *! " 5 () " 1 )8 # A! 2 % ! / # ) # ! " 1 ) ,+ / #! 2 "/! " 1 ) " " * " ,+ *! 2 ) C ) /! ! 4 5 () " 1 ) * @ ( ! !% ! " , ) ! ( % )+ 5 () , ) ( - + ! 2 + ) * / # ) # ! 4 # , ) ) C ) / # ( ! ,+ * * ) # ! 1 / # C 5 ! " 1 ) *,"% ! ,+ # ,%!E % % %! A! C " A! 1 & * ) ( 5 4 5 () * @ " " ! # / "# 5 () # ) 2 ! ) # * + ) & )8 # + ) % % ) 5 () & *) &) % Z" % 5 () #)! 2 & * & ) ) % % ) C ) 1 ! ! ) 5 () " *! q ! ) - * / # ! ! )8 # 4 ! "+ ,"% ! " )1 ," !

# # F: 1 ) % &!)% + ) & )8 # ABSTRACT This paper presents the development of automatic control systems for ginger powder process. According to the conventional operation, the worker has to change the gear box for adjusting the motor speed related to the phase change of solid-liquid mixture (ginger ale and sugar). Therefore, the temperature of the mixture in the evaporation process is used as the input variable for control agitation speed. The phase change temperature of the solid-liquid mixture was divided into two periods. In the beginning process, the solid-liquid mixture is heated to dissolve sugar and evaporated the water out. Motor speed is still maintained. The liquid mixture temperature will gradually increase. When the temperature of mixture is reached to the boiling point of sugar solution, the motor speed is increased. Finally, the temperature will gradually decrease to the room temperature. The motor control system consists of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) with the temperature control module connected to thermocouple for sensing the temperature of mixed liquid cooker. The speed of motor was controlled by inverter and PLC depending on the condition of the temperature and phase changing. This system can be applied instead of the traditional system that uses an operator to adjust the speed of motor gear causing the human error and waste of energy. Keywords: Ginger powder, Automatic control system, Programmable Logic Controller

1 $ ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: kbnavaph@kmitl.ac.th 2 $ ) % " ) 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email: kstaweep@kmitl.ac.th,


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

?' & 6% ! /*"& 6@ / '0 *& 8 ! &S E 0 " Production of Healthy Snack Food from Job’s Tears using Extrusion Process L ! ? & / / K / 1 + +!2 / ,/ A6 2 Maradee Phongpipatpong Panitan Manee Patchara Pokao

% & "( + * A ! E% F ,+ ) 5 & ! ( /! ! % * ! 5 1(# % * 8 # !2 ) ( A ! 1" %5R * ,+ , # * ) E 1" C 4 ( % ! & *) $ ' 1" 6 %* * # 1" 4 # * ) + ! ) #! % - "( + * (14-18%) ) C ( (420-580 /! ) " 5 () " (80-100 $ 4" 4 * ) ) 5"% '5 1" %5R 8 # 8 # ) + ! 1" %5R , ) ! ! !, % ! * * % , ) ) -/! ( 4% ! 2 (WAI) " ) ) -/! " " *! 2 (WSI), " "% '5 !+ %)1% / # 1! " Box – Behnken 1" " 8 #, )+ 2 , ) ) + ! % - ) 1"/ # ) ! ! ! % ! * * % ) ) -/! " " *! 2 ) C " 1" % 5 R C 4 ( ) , ) ! 5 ) ) -/! ( 4% ! 2 " ) ) " " ! , ) ) C ( , ) 1"/ # % ! * * % 1" %5R ) " " ! !% ! , ) 5 () ") 1"/ # ) ) -/! ( 4% ! 2 " ) C " " ! ) ) -/! " " *! 2 " ) 1" %5R 8 #) , ) !

# # F: C 4 ( % ! "( + * * ABSTRACT Job’s Tears (also known as Coixseed) contains a high amount of nutritional compounds. In this research, the attempt is made to use Job’s Tears as a raw material in extrusion process for making a healthy snack. The research is focused on the investigation of the effect of extrusion conditions including feed moisture content (14-18%), screw speed (420-580 rpm) and barrel temperature (80-100°C) on properties of extrudates (moisture content, density, expansion, water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), textural characteristic and color). The experiment were conduct using Box-Behnken design, The results show that increasing feed moisture content results in extrudates with a higher moisture content, higher density, lower expansion, lower WAI, higher WSI and higher hardness. Increasing screw speed causes a reduction of expansion, density and hardness while increased WAI and lightness of extrudates. Increasing barrel temperature reduces extrudate’s moisture content, density, WAI and hardness but increases in crispness and WSI of extrudate. Keywords: Extrusion, Job’s Tear, Snack 1

Assistant Professor: Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand, 10520 2 Student: Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

/ " 7 8& G & 6 , G 8 $ '! " Thermal Enhancement in A Channel with Winglets /' ' ' 1, A / 1 ' / / 1 Sompol Skullong1, Monsak Pimsarn1 and Pongjet Promvonge1

% & )! 2 $ ' - * ) # ! " (F * ) %!/! ! ! ) $ A! 8 " /! 1 A ! q"% 4 ) # ! 1 & */ # ? ) " * ) % /! ! ! ( " *)1+!1# % ! ) # ) ( ! ! (Aspect Ratio, AR) = 10 ) ( ! ! (H) =30 ) "" ) ? ) " *) ) % ! ) ( ? ) ( ! ! (e/H) = 0.2, 0.3 " 0.4 % ! * ,

) ( ! ! PR = 2 & * 2 % ? ) " *) 1 " ! ) ) ) (D) = 30q " / # ) C $/! % @ %! & * " * &!" (Re) *( /! 5000 - 23,000 ,+ , 5 - * ) # !& * /! ) " !% 4 " (Nu) " (F * ) %! /! ) % * ! (f) " , / # ? ) " *)/ # - * ) # ! " (F * ) %! , ) ( ) ! )+ 2 * * % ! ! ) 1!% * % ? ) " *) e/H = 0.4 / # " !% 4 " ( ) # * e/H = 0.3 " e/H = 0.2 )"2 % % * ! C , ) ( ! ! %! 1"/ # ! ! e/H = 0.2 ) ) -! , ) - * ) # ! ( 5 + !

# # F: ? ) " *), 8 " 6ž! w !, , ) ) -! ) # ! ABSTRACT The paper presents the study of heat transfer and friction loss behaviors for air flow through a constant heat flux channel fitted with delta winglets. The delta winglets used to generate reverse/recirculation flow are placed on the lower plates of the tested. Measurements are carried out for the channel of aspect ratio, AR = 10 and height, H = 30 mm and the delta winglet to channel height ratios, e/H =0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 with delta winglet pitch to channel height ratios, PR = 2. The delta winglets are mounted on the lower channel walls with the attack angle, D of 30q. The flow rate is in terms of Reynolds numbers based on the inlet hydraulic diameter of the channel in a range of 5000 to 23,000. The experimental results show that the use of the winglets leads to a considerable increase in heat transfer coefficient and friction factor in comparison with the smooth channel. The winglet with e/H = 0.4 provides higher heat transfer and friction loss than that with e/H =0.3 and e/H = 0.2 respectively, but the e/H = 0.2 shows better thermal enhancement factor over the others. Keywords: delta winglet, turbulator, thermal enhancement


$ ) + " 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email kppongje@kmitl.ac.th.


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

/ " 7 8& G & !" '!" !" & ? ! !% 0 ! Heat Transfer Enhancement in Square Channel with V-Shaped Baffle Plate # 1, F # / 1 ' / / 1 Kittichai Duangtakurm1 Kitithun Campanyim1 and Pongjet Promvonge1

% & ! %*! 8 # 2 $ ' , ) - * ) # ! + " " *! ) # !/! " *) % % 1 !) % ! ( % 2 ) ) (D)= 20q 30q " 45q ) % ! ) ( ) ( (e/H)= 0.10 " % ! * , ) ( (PR)= 1 & * / /! ! * ) ) 2 " - * ) # ! 1 (Constant Heat Flux) " % ) C ")/ # "# % " * &!" (Re)= 4000 – 25,000 & * 2 * * 1" " *) % % ) 1!% * % 1" 8 # " *) % % / 1 !) % ! ( % 2 ) ) (D)= 20q 30q " 45q ) % ! * , PR = 1 ,+ $ ' - - * ) # !/! ( " !% 4 " (Nusselt number) " (F * ) %!/! ( % * ! (Friction Factor) " , " ) / 1 !) % !/! ! * % !) ) 45q / # - * ) # !) 1 !) % !) ) 30q, 20q " " *) % % ) 1!% * )"2 % " ) % * !) # * ! %!

# # F: 1 !) % ! ( % , " !% 4 " , % * ! ABSTRACT This research presents a study of heat transfer in a square channel heat exchanger inserted with 20°, 30°and 45° V-shaped baffle plate. The channel has a square cross-section with constant wall heat flux conditions. The experiments are carried out by varying airflow rate for Reynolds number ranging from 4000 to 25,000. The V-shaped baffle plates with the pitch ratio (PR=P/H) of 1 and the attack angles of 20°, 30°and 45° are inserted in diagonal position of the channel. The effects of one baffle height to channel height ratio (e/H) of 0.1 on heat transfer in terms of Nusselt number and friction loss in the form of friction factor are experimentally investigated. The experimental result shows that the 45° V-shaped baffle plate with the provides higher heat transfer and friction factor than the 30° and 20° ones All the V-shaped baffles also show higher thermal performance than the smooth channel. Keyword: V-shaped baffles plate , Nusselt number, friction facter


$ ) + " 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.="

" % ,• 10520 Email kppongje@kmitl.ac.th. 115

) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

/ " 7 8& G & !" '!" !" & ? 0 0 &! 45q Heat Transfer Enhancement in Square Channel with 45q U-Shaped Baffles & 7 K ' S 1, @0 ' / K '1 ' / / 1 Auttawoot Lohmeng1 Phudit Chaidilokpattanakul1 and Pongjet Promvonge1

% & ! %*! 8 #$ ' , ) - * ) # ! " (F * ) %! + " " *! ) # !/! " *) % % 1 ! % ! ( % *( * 2 ) ) (D)= 45q & *) % ! ) ( 1 ! % ! ) ( (e/H)= 0.2, 0.15 " 0.1 " % ! * , ) ( (PR)= 3 2 " - * ) # ! 1 (Constant Heat Flux) " ) C ") / #/! " -( % / # "# % " &!" (Re)= 4000- 25,000 & *!2 1" % % 1 ! % ! ( % *( * * * % " *) % % ) 1!% * ,+ $ ' , ) - * ) # !/! ( " !% 4 " (Nusselt Number) " (F * ) %!/! ( % * ! (Friction Factor) " , + " " *! ) # ! 1 ! % ! (e/H)= 0.2 / # - * ) # !) ) # * 1 ! % ! (e/H)= 0.15, 0.1 " " *) % % ) 1!% * )"2 % " 1 ! % ! (e/H)= 0.2 / # % * !) ) # * 1 ! % ! (e/H)= 0.15, 0.1 " " *) % % ) 1!% * )"2 %

# # F: 1 ! % ! ( % *(, " !% 4 " , % * ! ABSTRACT This research presents a study of heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop in a square channel heat exchanger inserted with 45q U-Shaped baffles. The baffle to channel height ratio e/H= 0.2, 0.15 and 0.1 and a single baffle pitch ratio, PR= P/H= 3. The tested channel has a constant heat flux condition. The experiments are carried out by varying airflow rate for Reynolds number ranging from 4000 to 25,000. The experimental result of heat transfer in the form of Nusselt number and pressure drop in terms of friction factor are compared between the channel with 45q U-Shaped baffles and the smooth channel. The U-Shaped baffle with e/h = 0.2 gives higher heat transfer and friction factor than the ones with e/h= 0.15, 0.1 and the smooth channel respectively. Keywords: U-Shaped Baffle, Nusselt number, Friction factor


$ ) + " 5 $ )$ - %! &!&"* , ) "# # 5 " % -.=" " % ,• 10520 Email kppongje@kmitl.ac.th.


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

6& !& N % % %@ G 8& &% 8 Infrared radiant distribution on flat plane in drying chamber + C K , 8 I 1 / + " * 2 ' + 2 Nutthawut Tojuntok1 Suphan Yangyuen2 Juckamas Laohavanich 2

% & ! %*! ) % - ,+ 2 $ ' "% '5 1 * % !q ! ! */! # # & */ # 5 2 ! % !q 1 ! ! / #8qqx ) $ ' 6 %* @ ) 1" * % 8 # 2 "% 8qqx 5 2 ! % !q 800 700 " 600 %

* 5 2 ! % % ! 0.15 0.30 " 0.45 ) " 2 ! @ ! ! # "C 1 ! % 5 % 5 () /!,+ ! ! 0.9 x 0.9 ) 1" , 2 "% 8qqx 5 2 ! % ! q ) % )* "+ ! ) "C 8qqx % 4.30 4.57 " 4.88 8)& ) )"2 % " )+ "% '5 1 * % !q 4 E * # * 5 () & * E ,+ !1 ! /! ( ) &," &! ) *" %! % (R2 = 0.702) ,+ "% '5 ) 5 ( ) 2 ! @ ! ! 4 q ,+ ! 1 * 5 ( ) 2 " / # C! )* "+ ! % !" " * 5 2 ! % - ! " " 2 / # ) %! #! q ,+ ! ) ) %! ( !4 ) *- ) % 5 () */! ,+ ! ) , ) ( ! # *

# # F: % !q ! # # ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate on distribution of infrared (IR) ray on flat plane in the drying chamber. An electric type of infrared emitter, flat plate type was used. The experimental factors implied to study on radiant distribution were an electrical power of infrared emitter (IR) at 800, 700 and 600 watt spacing between the emitter and flat plane in the drying chamber (D) at 0.15, 0.30 and 0.45 m and then installed temperature sensors in 0.9x0.9 m2 area on steel flat plane. The result showed the IR was equal to an infrared peak wavelength of radiant distribution (O) of 4.30, 4.57 and 4.88 Â m, respectively. Then the experiment data was analyzed in term of flat plane temperature, based on response surface methodology (RSM) obtained from a second order polynomial model (R2=0.702).The simulation showed decreasing of wavelength and infrared emitter to horizontal level decreased. The slope of graph is higher that mean variance of temperature distribution in chamber were increased too. Keywords: Infrared ray, flat plane, drying chamber

1 2

Student, Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakham University, Khamriang, Kantarawichai, Mahasarakham 44150 Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakham University, Khamriang, Kantarawichai, Mahasarakham 44150


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

/ K *"& *& 7 G 8 # ' 6 % Development of PTO Powered Disc Plow FF @ 1 ' & !2 Tanya Niyamapa and Wichai Moyadee

% & + )+ 8- !-( % & */ # ," 2 ! * 2 "% (PTO) & * "# # = " " " 5 * %! C 2 !/! ! -( 8-, !8 #1" ) # / # &* ! - ! ," 2 ! * 2 "% 8) , * " = " /! ! % !% ! 5 * %! C ) - "+ / # - ) ! "C " " ! 2 !% % ! ) 1"& * " " % ! ! %*! ,+ ,%B! + )+ 8- ! ! / # 2 "% % " ) -! /! " " + )+ 8- ! ! / # 2 "% % # * !8-) : ! 6 ! -( % & * ," 2 ! * 2 "% - #! 2 "% + )+ -( ,%B! !) " !2 8 /! " + !8 " " ! ! ! ! * ) + ! ! 20.56% (db) ) ! ! ! ! , # 1.49 g/cm3 Cone index 1.078 MPa /! " )+ + )+ -( % & * ," 2 ! * 2 "% ) C 527 rpm ) C ! !# * L1, L2 " L3 % 1.82 , 2.67 " 4.80 km/h % = " /! ! % 2 , 8 # 631.16, 733.63 " 1742.42 N/cm 2 "% = " 5.97, 10.79 " 36.90 kW 2 "% ) 11.28, 15.51 " 40.83 kW )+ + )+ 8) / # ," 2 ! * 2 "% ) C ! !# * L1, L2 " L3 % 1.67, 2.44 " 4.65 km/h % = " /! ! % 2 , 8 # 988.72, 1143.27 " 1358.35 N/cm 2 "% = " 5.00, 8.20 " 15.70 kW

# # F : + )+ 8- ! ! / # 2 "% % 2 "% = " 2 "% ) = " /! ! % 2 , ABSTRACT The benefit of using PTO powered disc plow is not only to reduce the draft. Then the small and light weight of tractor could be used. The soil compaction would be reduced. The objective of the research is to develop the PTO powered disc plow and to do the performance test in the field. The machine consists of six standard disc plows and it was driven by the PTO driving shaftof the tractor. The PTO powered disc plow was developed and tested in the field of clay loam soil with moisture content 20.56% (db), dry bulk density 1.49 g/cm3 and cone index 1.078 MPa. During test, it was driven from PTO shaft at 527 rpm, gear position L1, L2 and L3 at 1.82, 2.67 and 4.80 km/h. The specific draft was 631.16, 733.63 and 1742.42 N/cm, drawbar power 5.97, 10.79 and 36.90 kW and total power 11.28, 15.51 and 40.83 kW. In case of the PTO shaft was not used, the forward velocity at gear L1, L2 and L3 was 1.67, 2.44 and 4.65 km/h. The test results showed the specific draft to be 988.72, 1143.27 and 1358.35 N/cm and drawbar power of 5.00, 8.20 and 15.70 kW. Keywords : PTO Powered disc plow drawbar power total power specific draft 1

Associate professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Kamphaengsaen, Kasetsart University, Kamphaengsaen, Nakhonpathom, 73140 2 2 ! F


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

&& %%, ' E'' # % ' I 6& 7 & Design of Load Cell for Measuring Drawbar horsepower A '8 1 / / & % F 2 RFF 2 U *% 2

% & $ ' ! ) % - ,+ # & " 4"" 2 % % " - / #& ) Cosmos Works ,+ 5 ) % " % & " 4"" ! # * & " 4"" x %!j w! !" % * !" " x %! # !" " /! # D % ) ) " "+ ! + % % 7.34 4C! /!,+ ! 8 # " =" * 16.824, 15.702 " 14.530 &"! %! * Low 1, 2 " 3 % )"2 % 2 / #8 # 2 "% " - * Low 1, 2 " 3 8 # % 12.24, 16.27 " 19.98 &" %

)"2 %

# # F : & " 4"" , " ABSTRACT Objectives of this study to construct the load cell for drawbar pull measurement of tractors. Mechanical properties of the material were analyzed by Cosmos Works software. The load cell consisted of a set of strain gauge, a dust cover set, a traction bar, a traction bar’s placeholder, and a lower impact protection set. The laboratory testing error is 7.34 %. The field average drawbar pull of the tractors is16.824, 15.702 and 14.530 kN, so that the field drawbar power is 12.24, 16.27, and 19.98 KW on 1, 2, and 3 low gears, respectively. Keyword: Load Cell, drawbar Pull


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) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I /' G 8 # ' Study on cassava stems cutting energy T / 1 @ / /'1 ' " # 2 Chutchai Todsaporn1 Nipaporn Tanupon1 Vicha Manthamkan2

% & $ ' ! ) ,+ $ ' ,"% !/! % #!)%! 2 "% ,+ !2 # )("8 / #/! + % #!)%! 2 "% " "8 % !)%! 2 "% 2 % + "( )%! 2 "% & * 6 %* 2 $ ' 8 # ,"% ! 2 , / #/! % #!)%! 2 "% & * % A! ! / # / ) % # !)% ! 2 "% / # , ) C / ) /! % # !)% ! 2 "% ,

2 ! % #!)%! 2 "% ( !& !, ! " , " !* ) " ,%!E )%! 2 "% 2 ! ! 2 ,%!E 8 # * 5 " # * 60 1" $ ' D ) C =" * / ) 2.02 ) / ! ,"% ! 2 , /! % #!)%! 2 "% ,%!E * 5 5. !& !, ! " , " !* ) =" * % 0.62 ("/ 4! ) , 0.38 ("/ 4! ) " 0.30 ("/ 4! ) )"2 % * * % ,"% ! 2 , /! % #!)%! 2 "% ,%!E # * 60 5. !& !, ! " , " !* ) =" * % 0.60 ("/ 4! ) , 0.38 ("/ 4! ) " 0.35 ("/ 4! ) )"2 %

# # F: )%! 2 "% ,"% ! 2 , /! % ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to determine the specific cutting energy of cassava. The resulted data was implemented to design the cassava cutting machine and to design the cassava stems cutting mechanisms of the cassava planting machine. The interested factors were studied such as the specific cutting energy of cassava by the method of impact force of blade, the velocity of blade , the position of portion stem cutting ( Base, Center and Top) and the two varieties of cassava such as Rayong 5 and Huaybong 60. The results were shown that at the average blade velocity of 2.02 m/s. The specific cutting energy of cassava of Rayong 5 at the portion stem cutting at base, center and top were 0.62 J/cm2, 0.38 J/cm2 and 0.30 J/cm2 respectively. To compare with the specific cutting energy of cassava of Huaybong 60 at the portion stem cutting at base, center and top were 0.60 J/cm2, 0.38 J/cm2 and 0.35 J/cm2 respectively. Keywords: Cassava Specific cutting energy 1

Undergraduate student, Agricultural Engineering Dept. Faculty of Engineering at Kamphaeng Saen,Kasetsart University Kamphaeng Sean Campus 73140 2 Associated professor, Agricultural Engineering Dept. Faculty of Engineering at Kamphaeng Saen and Agricultural Machinery Center ,Kasetsart University Kamphaeng Sean Campus 73140


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

?'6& S 6 % '*"& ' !'&8 , 8 !" ! & 0F ! ! " 6& *"& ! " 68 Effects of Travelling Speed and Reel Index of Rice Combine Harvester on Header Loss ! ! & 1 2 & ' +3 Waree Srison1 Somchai Chuan-udom2 Winit Chinsuwan3

% & $ ' ! ) % - ,+ $ ' 1" ) C % "+ ! " % ! "# &!#) ) ) (F * % * + * ! 2 % # )) " & * 2 $ ' ) C % "+ ! 4 % + 3, 4, 5, " 6 &" ) % &) " % ! "# &!#)$ ' 3 % + 1.5, 3.0 " 4.5 , ) C % "+ ! 5 &" ) % &) " % ! "# &!#) 3.0 2 / # ) (F * % * + * ! # !# * ) ) 2 % / #/! C * # )) "

# # F: + * ! # , ) (F * % * , ) C % "+ !, % ! "# &!#) ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine the effects of speed and reel index on harvesting loss of Hommali rice of combine harvester. Four levels of speed of 3, 4, 5, and 6 km/hr and three levels of reel index of 1.5, 3.0, and 4.5 were used for studying. The results indicated that the speed of 5 km/hr and reel index of 3.0 was considered to be minimal losses and appropriated for harvesting Hommali rice. Keywords: Rice Combine Harvester, Header Loss, Travelling Speed, Reel Index


Graduate Student, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 40002 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 40002 3 Associate Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Khon Kaen Universit,y Khon Kaen, Thailand, 40002 * corresponding author, e-mail: wa_en_ae@hotmail.com 2


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

& /'6& && %% 6& *"& !" 68 %% ' !" ! & 0F ! *"& S% !" 68 & '

Influence of Threshing Unit Design of Axial Flow Rice Combine Harvesters on Threshing Unit Loss when Harvesting Thai Hommali Rice & 1 ' +2 Somchai Chuan-Udom1 and Winit Chinsuwan2

% & %*! ) % - ,+ $ ' E ," ! + * ! # 8 "

) ! ) ) (F * C * )+ C * # )) " & * 2 C # )(" + * ! # 2 ! ! 17 + /! " # 8 # 4 1" $ ' , 2 ! !4 ! (NT) ) 1" ) (F * ! ) % # *" 30.43 " ) + * ! " % " *4 ! /! ! % (SC) " * ! ! % " *4 ! /! ! (UC) ) % # *" 28.20 " 27.31 )"2 % ! * ! " % " *4 ! /! ! (CC) * 4

! (RC) #!1 $(!* " "( ! (RD) " ) ( 4 ! (HT) ) 1" ) (F * ! ! # !# *& *) % # *" 9.07 2.58 2.40 " 1.07 )"2 %

# # F: ! + * ! # 8 " ) ! C * # )) " ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to study the influencing of threshing unit design of axial flow rice combine harvesters on threshing unit loss when harvesting Thai Hommali rice. The sample consisted of 17 machines in Tung Kula Ronghai area. The result of the research indicated that the number of teeth (NT) was the most influenced on the loss equal 30.43%. The second and third influence on the loss were the clearance between the lower concave and the tip of the teeth in horizontal (SC), and the clearance between the upper concave and tip of the teeth in vertical which were 28.20% and 27.31% respectively. The concave clearance (CC), the concave rod clearance (RC), the rotor diameter (RD), and the height of teeth (HT) were little influenced on the loss equal 9.07%, 2.58%, 2.40%, and 1.07% respectively. Keywords: Threshing unit Axial flow rice combine harvester Harvesting Thai Hommali rice

1 2

Assistant professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 40002 Associated professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 40002


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

?'6& # E!" ' &! !% *& !" ! & 0F ! 6& *"& !" 68 %% ' *"& S% !" 68 / 1 Effect of Spike-Tooth and Louver Inclination of an Axial Flow Rice Combine Harvester on Threshing Unit Losses When Harvesting Chainat 1 Rice Variety / ! 1 & 2 ' +3 Tiwaporn waingwised1 Somchai Chuan-udom2 and Winit Chinsuwan3

% & $ ' /! % ! ) % - ,+ $ ' 1" 2 ! !4 ! " ) ) + ! ! ," "( ! + * ! # 8 " ) ! )+ C * # ,%!E %*! 1 ) ) + ! )"C =" * 21.83 4C! " / # ) C #! " *4 ! 17.22 ) ! & * 2 ! !4 ! 4 % + 90 130 195 " 260 4 ) ) * + ! ! ," "( ! 3 % + 64 68 " 72 $ 1" $ ' , )+ , ) 2 ! !4 ! 1"/ # ) (F * ) ! " " ! ) 5 % ) , ) ! ! %! )+ , 5 ) (F * ) ! " ) 5 )"C % "# ) 2 ! !4 ! 8) !# * 230 4 ) ) * + ! ! ," "( ! 72 $

# # F: 4 ! ) ) * + ! + * ! # 8 " ) ! ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine effect of spike-tooth and louver inclination of an axial flow rice combine harvester on threshing unit losses when harvesting Chainat 1 rice variety. Paddy grain moisture content of 21.83 % (w.b.) and drum speed of 17.22 m sec-1. Four sets of spike-tooth of 90, 130, 195 and 260 teeth were tested in the field. The increasing of the number of spike-tooth resulted in lower total threshing losses, but higher grain breakage. The spike-tooth of 230 teeth and higher teeth and the louver inclination of 72 degrees were recommended. Keywords: Spike-Tooth Louver inclination Axial Flow Rice Combine Harvest


Graduate students, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, KhonKaen University Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, KhonKaen University 3 Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, KhonKaen University 2


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

&% ' ?' *"& 68 '*& & & 6 'S TESTING AND EVALUATION THE SMALL HUSKING FOR HOM TONG PADDY / !1 6! 1 ' F ' 2 Phisamas Hwangdee1 Watcharin Keowkrai1 and Jarun Mongkhonvai2

% & ! %*! ) % - ,+ " ) !1" + # "+ ) ! "C & * 8 # 2 % % ) C "( "( C % 1,612 ! (12.86 ) ! ) " ) C "( "( # % 915 ! (7.30 ) ! ) % % * "( 0.6 ) "" ) 1" , %) E Y # "# *( 0.918 - 0.929 # *" # C) )"C *( 95.68 - 97.32 # *" # % *( 2.68 - 4.32 ) ) -/! 2 ! *( 184.25 - 196.80 &" %)( # "# ) % &) 2 "% / #/! ! + " 1.90 &" %

2 "% / #/! % 2.37 &" %

% 2 ! 2 , *( 77.74 - 83.03 &" %) ( # "# ) &" %

- % &)

# # F: + "+ # # ) # "+ ! ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to test and to evaluate the small husking for hom tong paddy.The speed of faster roller and slower roller were set at 1.612 and 915 rpm which equivalent to the peripheral speed at 12.86 and 7.30 m/s respectively. The gap between rollers was 0.6 mm. The results of this experiment were reported here: the coefficient of husking was in the range of 0.918 0.929,. the percentage of head brown rice was 95.68-97.32, the percentage of broken kernel was 2.68-4.32, the working capacity was 184.25-196.8 kg (brown rice)/ hour, The power consumption with no loaded and loaded were 1.90 and 2.37 kWatt respectively, and the specific husking rate was 77.74-83.03 kg (brown rice) / kWatt-hour. Keywords: husking, parboiled rice, hom tong rice

1 2

Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture and Technology, Nakhonpanom University, Nakhonpanom, 48000, Thailand Lecturer, Faculty of Industry and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Sakonnakhon Campus, 47160, Thailand


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

' / K *"& 'S ! Research and Development of Macadamia Nut Cracker & & L 1 7 / # 1 ' ! ! # 1 Sanong Amaroek 1 Satitpong Rattanakam1 and Preecha Chomchiengkum1

% & $ ' %*) % - ,+ " ,%B! + )"C ) ) * 8 # 2 % " ,%B! + / # ) - 2 !8 # * ) E , # * 2 % ! ! "% + % ! ! % ! & * "2 " * )* 1,000 )). " * * , 73 )). #!1 !$(!* " 76.3 )). 2 ! ) C 130 /! 1 ! % ! 2 "C = # Ă—* Ă— ! % 50Ă—50Ă—4 )). * 685 )). ! % ! ! & * ," ) / ) 3 " ) 4 / ) *( ! ," ! 50.8 )). 2 ! ) C 260 /! ) / ) 3 " ) / ) * / ) ! # Ă—* Ă— ! % 9.6Ă—9.6Ă—100 )). " ) * 140 )). " - * 2 "% & */ #) 8qqx ! 1 )# 1" "% % , ) ) ) -/! 2 ! =" * 29.88 ./ ). 8 # !+ /! C) 53.07 % !+ /! 41.45 % 8) ) 5.47 % & *) #) ! *( 2 ! 1,436 . / ?

# # F: + )"C ) ) * ) ) * ABSTRACT The main objective of this research was to test and develop on shelled macadamia. The approve and macadamia cracker development compose 2 step: filtration size step consists of two parts: shell screw and shell filter plate, shell screw has 1,000 mm. for screw length, 73 mm. for pith width, 76.3 mm. in diameter and operated velocity at 130 rpm, shell filter plate has 685 mm. for plate length, dimension of widthĂ—lengthĂ—thickness is 50Ă—50Ă—4 mm.. Cracker step consist of two part: Shell cracker have 3 set, each the group has 4 cutter be locate on shaft diameter size 50.8 mm., 1,000 mm. for shaft length, sub shell cracker have 3 set, each the group has one cutter, dimension of widthĂ—lengthĂ—thickness is 9.6Ă—9.6Ă—100 mm. for cutter and the 1 Hp was used as a motor in this experiment. The result after that developed shown that machine has capacity at 29.88 kg/hr. The percentage of full seed is 53.07 %, the percentage of half and chip seed is 41.45 % and percentage of uncompleted shell 5.47 % and 1,436 Kilogram per year for break even point. Keywords: Macadamia Nut Cracker Macadamia


Chiang-Mai Agriculture Engineering Research Center, Agriculture Engineering Research Institute, Department of Agriculture.


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I S 8 ' G% ! % !" !?' & %G% ' & &8& A Study Factor of Cutting Blade Speed Affecting the Chopping for Sugarcane Leaves F !1 ' ,@ 2 Singrun Charee1 and Somposh Sudajan2

% & $ ' ! ) % - ,+ $ ' ) C #! " */ ) % ) 1" % / " * # * ,+ / # A!,"% ! !/!& !! 2 " % & */ # + % ,+ % 4 # * % % ! ) / ) 2 / ) # % % 260 ) "" ) /! / #/ " * # * ,%!E K92 ) )* / " * # * =" * 155 4! ) ) + !/ " * # * =" * 44.17 % () : ! ?* ) % / " * # * ) C #! " */ ) 5.44, 6.80, 9.53, 10.89 " 13.62 ) ! )"2 % 1" , ) C #! " */ ) /! 5.44 – 13.62 ) ! 8 # ) ) -/! % /! 191.44 – 265.43 &" %) % &) " )* !/ " * # * % 8 # *( /! 21.17 -33.11 ) "" )

# # F : ,"% ! !, / " * # *, + % ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to study factor of cutting blade speed affecting the chopping for sugarcane leaves for producing renewable energy in the sugar mill. A selected multi-purpose cutter head chopper having 2 knife blades and 260 mm chopping width was tested. The K92 variety of sugarcane with average moisture content and the length of sugarcane leaves were 44.17% (w.b.) and 155 cm was used. Five level of cutting blade speed of 5.44, 6.80, 9.53, 10.89 and 13.62 m/s were used during test. The testing results of cutting blade speed of 5.44 - 13.62 m/s were found to have working capacity in the range of 191.44-265.43 kg/hr with and length of chopped sugarcane leaves in the range of 21.17-33.11 mm. Keywords: Renewable energy, Sugarcane leaves, Chopper

1 2

Graduate students, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon kaen University Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon kaen University


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

&& %% ' / K *"& " G% 8 Design and Development of Lemongrass Leaves Chopping Machine / + " * ' + ' ' ' &# / 1 Suphan Yangyuen, Juckamas Loahavanich, Lamul Wiset and Songchai Wiriyaumpaiwong1

% & % - $ ' ,+ " ,%B! + % !/ 8 # / #/ 8 # % !8 #) )* ) 2 ) ) ) # # " & *) )* 10 ) "" ) "% + % !/ 8 #-( %

) % ! % 4 ) x ! "( " ! #!1 !$(!* " 0.06 ) ! % ! #!1 ! $(!* " 0.4 ) # */ ) 2 ! ! 3 / 1" 2 ! + #! , / # ) C #! x ! 0.31 0.35 " 0.38 ) / ! ) % ) C #! ! % 8.48 9.11 " 9.47 ) / ! ) - % !/ 8 #8 # )* A! 10.10 Âą 0.16 10.73 Âą 0.15 " 10.01 Âą 0.07 ) "" ) )"2 % ) ) -/! 2 ! =" * *( /! 108 - 132 &" %) % &)

# # F: / 8 # ! % x ! "( " ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to design and develop the lemongrass leaves chopping machine to enhance the uniform length of chopped leaves as the market requirement (10 mm in length). Principle of the machine, the lemongrass leaves were transversely chopped by cutting disk. The diameter of feed roller was 0.06 m. The cutting disk was 0.4 m diameter consists, of 3 blades. The preliminary test found that the using of linear velocity of feed roller of 0.31 0.35 and 0.38 m/s cooperated with linear velocity of cutting disk of 8.48 9.11 and 9.47 could chop the leaves to the length of 10.10 Âą 0.16 10.73 Âą 0.15 and 10.01 Âą 0.07 mm, respectively. The average of capacity was in the ranged of 108 - 132 kg/h. Keywords: lemongrass leaves, cutting disk, feed roller


Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakham University, Kantarawichai, Maha Sarakham, Thailand, 44150


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

&& %% ?' & # 8& * & S '*& Research and Design of Steam Stove from waste Cubes mushroom '*&/ '*& 1 ' / 6# 1 Luepong Luenam1 and Sittipong khumsom1

% & $ ' %*/! % ! % - ,+ $ ' " 1" 8 ! 2 # ! + C "+ + #! & * !2 # ! + "+ ) A! + ," ) % 8)#qÂ?ÂĄ! 4 # ! + C A! % "+ C * 1"1" C "# 8 #/ #& # -% 200 " * 8 # A! 5 ! 8 # # 1 8 )# )# #)1" 8 ! 2 )qÂ?! ) # ! + C " " %! !% ! 2 1" 8 ! 2 & */ # # ! + C "+ ) % 8)#qÂ?ÂĄ! A! + ," /! #)! 2 2 ! ! 57.50 " , "% #)! 2 A! * " 3:13 % &) 8 ! 2 ! " " #)! 2 8 A! " 8:02 % &) ! " & * / #8)#qÂ?! 47.50 &" %) " / # # ! + C "+ 68.17 &" %)& *) % ! 8)#qÂ?ÂĄ! # ! C "+ % 1 1.44 4 ) % / # + ," ) %! 10.49 &" %)/ % &) " 1" 8 ! 2 8 # % 3.62 " / % &)

# # F: 1" 8 ! 2 C % "+ ABSTRACT This research aimed to study, to design and to test the steam oven from the wasted mushroom, the wasted mushroom is the material from the harvested mushrooms, combined with the firewood. The design of the furnace structure of 200 liters tank was splinted into 5 parts which are: the combustion chamber, the boiler steam, the firewood filling chamber, the wasted mushroom filling chamber and the smoke chimney. The combination of firewood and wasted mushroom were used as the fuel for heating the 57.5 liters of water. The 3.13 hours was heating that the vapor generated and the experiment was finished at 8:02 hours of heating. The 68.17 and 47.50 kg of wasted mushroom and of firewood respectively keeping the ratio of 1:1.44 were used for this experiment. The total fuel consumption rate were 10.49kg/hr and the generated vapor rate were 3.62 liter/hr Keywords: Furnace boiler, mushrooms, waste


Faculty of Agricultural Technology, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand, 10520 *Corresponding auther: L. Luepong (E-mail: klluepong@kmitl.ac.th)


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

' / K , *& # % '0 %F Research and Development of Greenhouses for Chrysanthemum , , 1 / 1 ! ! 1! K 1 T @ 6 & 2 Wirot Horasart1 Wanchai Kupawanichpong1 Nawee Jiracheewee1 Sarawut Parnthon1 Chatnapa Komarwu2

% & F ) $ A!8)# % )+ ! 8 # % )! *)) ! ! !+ ) * 6 %!* ! ! ) " " ) % " * 2 & * "( F ) $ + ! " ) 2552 - + ! %!* *! 2553 " ) ! ) ) )/! "( F ) $ # /!& + ! 2 + & + ! 2 ) ( 2.1 ) (High Tunnel Greenhouse) " & + ! ( ) ( 4.5 ) (High-Roof Greenhouse) /! 2 ,+ ! + ,+ ! 2 % ) ( 500 ) % ! 2 " /! 2 )+ * / ) " ,+ ! ( % ) ( 1,200 ) % ! 2 " /! 2 ) % % * / ) 1" " 8 # & + ! 2 ) ) ) ) !+ 1"1" / "# * % & + ! ( % "( /!,+ ! ( " ,+ ! 2 & + ! 2 ) #! ! # -( & + ! ( + 218 )+ * % 441 )

# # F: & + !, F ) $, ) , "# ) ABSTRACT Chrysanthemum is one of popular temperate cut-flowers, as it has a long vast period, various colors and different forms in bunch or single flower. The experiment was conducted during October, 2009 and September, 2010 to verify the efficiency of prototype greenhouses (2.1 meterheight, High Tunnel (HTG )and 4.5 meter-height High-roof (HRG) Greenhouse) in commercial scale. The sites were located in 500 meters above mean sea level (lowland) in Muang District and 1,200 meters above mean sea level (highland) in Maewang District, Chiang Mai Province. From economic evaluation, the construction cost of HTG was lower (218 Bahts/sq.m.) compared to 441 Bahts/sq.m. of HRG, while the yields were almost the same in both sites and types of greenhouses Therefore the HTG is more appropriate. Keywords: Greenhouses, Chrysanthemum, Environmental Control


Agricultural Engineer Agricuture Engineering Research Institute Department of Agriculture 50 Phaholyothin Ladyao Chatuchak Bangkok. 10900 E-mail wirot2553@hotmail.com 2 Agricultural Research officer Royal Agriculture Research Center Chiangmai Maehea Muang Chiang Mai 50230


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

' / K , *& # % '0 '! '8 8 & 8 ! Research and Development on The Greenhouse for Paphiopedilum K /' 01/ K 1/ / 1/ ! ! 1/! &@ ! & /%0' 2/ Wuttiphol Chansrakoo1 Sarawut Panthon 1 Wanchai Kupawanichapong1 Nawee Jiracheewee 1 Apiradee Korbpaiboon2

% & %*! ) % - ,+ ,%B! & + ! 2 % "( "# *8)# # ! & * ) "# )/ # ) ) F & ,+ & * " # & + ! #! ) ! ,+ ! "( 6 ) x 12 ) x ( 4 ) ) *, 2 !+ "% ," %!j! " # ! # & * 4 ) - "+ ! !" 8 # ) ) # $%* * $ )E ) A! "% & */ #) Z * $ ! "% " ) # * * ) # ! @ ! / # , ! ) ,+ *" 5 () */!& + ! " Z Z *, # ! # & + !/! " 2 ! 8 # 2 ! ! ) ) - & + ! #! & * "( "# *8)# # ! * * % & + ! ' 8) ) ) "% ," %!j! 5 $(!* %*,+ ! %! % % %! 1" , /! ) ) /! %!& + ! #! ) 5 () 2 & + ! ' " /! % & + ! #! ) ) #) 2 4 A! " 5 () */!& + !8 # % ! 2 % (j! ) j! ! # & + ! #! ) - x %! )C j! 2 / #" ! * "# *8)# # ! " % ' ) + ! %),% E /!& + !/ # ) 2 ) 8 # & + ! ' "( "# *8)# # ! ,%!E "+ ! " ,%!E /!& + ! " % , & + ! #! ) F & "# *8)# # ! % ,%!E & + ! ' " ) 4C! ! * "# *8)# # ! /!& + ! #! * *!# * ' 18.23 – 35.85 4C!

# # F: & + ! "# *8)# # ! ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to develop a prototype greenhouse suitable for Paphiopedilum cultivation. The greenhouse with the floor area of 6 m X 12 m and the height of 4 m was designed. The design was based on the principle of natural ventilation by providing a ridge vent on the greenhouse roof and other supplemental cooling systems such as covering the roof and sidewall with shading nets and applying a fogging system inside the greenhouse. In addition, the shading nets around the sidewall were designed to be adjustable in accordance with the desired opening. The comparative experiments were conducted at Chanthaburi Horticultural Research Center, Chanthaburi to evaluate the performance of the designed greenhouse in comparison with a conventional greenhouse without plastic film roof and other cooling systems. With supplemental cooling systems, the better ventilation and roof shading, the inside temperature of designed greenhouse was relatively lower than that of the conventional greenhouse during the period of strong sunlight. During the rainy season with high rainfall intensity, the impact of raindrops on the plants was eliminated and the optimal relative humidity could be maintained inside the greenhouse. Two varieties of Paphiopedilum (Paphio. callosum and Paphio. Concolor) were planted and tested in the experimental greenhouses. The results showed that better growth developments and lower plant damages of approximately 18.23 – 35.85% were obtained in the designed greenhouse compared to the conventional greenhouse. Keywords: Greenhouse, Orchid, Paphiopedilum 1 2

Agricultural Engineer, Agricultural Engineering research Institute, Department of Agriculture, Bangkok, Thailand, 10900 Chanthaburi Horticultural Research Center, Chanthaburi , 2200


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I *"& 6 # ' %% 8 68 G 7 & %% !"'&8 The Study of a Cassava Digger Attached to Side of a Four Wheel Tractor ! ! š ² Montree Thasonteaš Chaiyan Chansiri ²

% & $ ' ! ) % - ,+ $ ' " # + )%! 2 "% % # ! # /! - "# & * 2 )%! 2 "% ,%!E ' $ 50 $ ' ) C /! % "+ ! 3 % + 2.3 2.6 " 3.2 &" ) % &) 1" $ ' , 4C! % )%! 2 "% 8 # % 88.63 91.48 " 87.49 % & * A!)%! 2 "% ) ( 5 72.06 77.91 " 68.12 % 4C! )%! 2 "% 8 # 15.43 13.57 " 20.51 % 4C! )%! 2 "% "+ /! ! 11.32 8.48 " 12.49 % )"2 % & * ) C 2.6 &" ) % &) ) ) /! )%! 2 "%

# # F: )%! 2 "% , + )%! 2 "% , + % # ! # ABSTRACT The objective of this study focused on the design and construction of a cassava digger attached to side of a four wheel tractor. The variety of Kasetsart 50 was used in this study. The test was conducted at speed of 2.3, 2.6 and 3.2 km/h, respectively. The result showed that the percentages of total cassava root were 88.63 91.48 and 87.49% percentages of complete cassava root were 72.06 77.91 and 68.12 % percentages of damaged cassava roots were 13.57 15.43 and 20.51 % and percentages of undug cassava roots were 8.42 11.32 and 12.49 % respectively. The speed of 2.6 kilometers per hour was considered for the cassava digger. Keywords: Cassava, Cassava digger, Cassava Digger attached to side of tractor

1 2

Graduate students, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, KhonKaen University Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, KhonKaen University


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

*"& 6 ' % # ' Cassava-Root Harvester and Collecting Machine &@ @ / 1 ' ! / 2 Apichat Watchanupaporn 1 and Chinaruk Thianpong 2

% & )%! 2 "% A!,+ $ ': 2 %F $8 * C * % )%! 2 "% # ! ! ! # ) & * =, * * /! % ! ! " ) ,+ # 6F % " 8 # %* " ,%B! + % " ) - " ) % )%! 2 "% ! & * ) )"% '5 * , )%! 2 "% " E , "( "# !2 # )(" 8 #) " ,%B! + )%! 2 "% & *) ! "% 4 ! + 1 ! "2 " * " & # , + % " ) - )%! 2 "% 8 # =" * 1.75 8 % &) ( ! 8 # 0.0375 8 / % &) ) & * ) - )%! 2 "% ! !8 # =" * 89.40% " ) % % )%! 2 "% !+ =" * 9.45% )+ * A! ! "# / # + % 8 " 485 ) 5 107 / %! / # ! !8 " 667 ) 5 148 / %! ) * " +! ! 4.08 ? ()%! 2 "% 1 8 ) 1"1" 4.5 %!)

# # F: + )%! 2 "% + " ) % )%! 2 "% )%! 2 "%

ABSTRACT Cassava is one of the major economic crops in Thailand. Cassava harvesting is tedious and labor intensive especially in root digging and collecting processes. To solve the problem, the research and development of a machine for digging and collecting cassava roots was set up. The first step began by collecting physical properties of cassava and cassava planting. After that, the data was used to design and develop a cassava digging machine. The machine comprises of four major units, namely a cassava-root digger-blade unit, a cassava-root conveyor unit, a collector unit, and a frame unit, respectively. According to the test, the machine could harvest 1.75 rai per hour compared with 0.0375 rai per hour of a human worker. (1 rai is equal to 1,600 square meters) Moreover, it can bring 89.40% of cassava up from the underground with 9.45% damages. The machine cost equals to 485 baht per rai, 107 baht per ton. The manpower cost equals to 667 baht per rai, 148 baht per ton. The payback period is 4.08 years. (In the area of 1 rai, 4.5 tons of cassava can be produced) Keywords: Cassava Digger Cassava-Root Harvester and Collecting Machine Cassava


Graduate Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineer, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Chalongkrung Rd, Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520, Email: apichat_watc@hotmail.com 2 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineer, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Chalongkrung Rd, Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520, Email: cthianpong@yahoo.com


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

' / K *"& 6 S% # ' Research and Development of Cassava Digger and Catcher Machine / 1 ! = 2 2 $% Y %* ' % 1 , ' $% Y * # ! 1 B ," %! (3 Prasat Sangphanta Anuchit Chamsing Sakchai Arsawang Pongsak Tuykontong Wuttiphol Chansakoo ! ': !5 1 % ," ! 5 4 ' *), $ 1 Akkapol Senanarong Suphasit Sngiamphongse Khanit Wannarong

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

# # F: + )%! 2 "% , + C * , C * )%! 2 "%

ABSTRACT Research and development of cassava digger and catcher machine attached to 50 hp tractor with three points hitched system was carried out to solve the problems of a high production cost and labor shortage in cassava harvesting. Fabrication of testing units, study on related factors, design and fabrication of prototype were conducted. The machine comprises of three major units, namely digging unit, catching and conveying unit and a collector or trailer unit. In operation, the tractor was driven and moved forward for pulling the machine along the planting furrows. The cassava-root clusters are dig and lifted up. In the same time, the cassava-root clusters are automatically gripped and conveyed by the conveyor unit to the collector unit. The testing results of a prototype for harvesting of Kasetsart 50 variety with yield of 5.76 t/Rai showed that field efficiency, fuel consumption, percentage of cassava-root catching, and percentage of yield loss were 67.13%, 4.13 l/Rai, 88.38% and 3.47%, respectively. For the harvesting system, working capacity was 0.39 Rai/hr, resulting a labor saving of 4.5 compared to that of the conventional harvesting system. Based on 7 years of economic life, break even point cross to harvesting system of using all labor, cassava digger combined with labor and using of custom service were 83.75, 121.39 and 95.07 Rai/year, respectively. Keywords: Cassava digger, Cassava harvester, Cassava harvesting


Agricultural Engineer, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 Director, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 3 Agricultural Engineer, Khon Kean Agricultural Engineering Research Center, 320 Moo 12 Maliwan Rd., Banthum, Muang, Khon Kean 40000 2


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I & /'6& & O& ' S '! & !" !?' & 7 6& *"& ?' 7 & 8 # ' Study on Effect of Feed Rate and Screw Pressing Speed to the Performance of a Cassava-Stump Charcoal Block Pressing Machine. / ' ' 1 ,@ 2 Kittipong Laloon1, Sompoj Sudajan2

% & ! % * ! ) % - ,+ $ ' E , " % x ! " ) C " * % ) 1 " ) -! 2 ! + 1" - ! % #! & * " # + 1" - ! %

#! ,+ / #/! + 1" - ! % ) ! 8 # -% 1 ) " * "2 " * -% x ! " * % 2 "% " & "% $ ' 6 %* ) 1" ) -! 2 ! + 8 # % x ! (80 100 " 120 kg/h) " ) C " * % (80 95 110 " 125 rpm) 1" $ ' , - ! % ) )* #!1 !$(!* " ! #!1 !$(!* " /! " ) + ! =" * *( 13.91Âą1.62 4.12Âą0.05 1.23Âą0.12 cm " 3.13 %(d.b.) )"2 % + 1" - ! % ) C " * % 125 rpm % x ! 120 kg/h 1 )1 - ! # )%! 2 "% % x )%! 2 "% " ! 2 /! % ! 3.00: 0.45: 4.00 kg 8 # ) ) -/! 2 ! =" * 111.7 kg/h ,"% ! 2 , / # =" * 13.35 w-h/kg. - ! % ) ) ! ! ! =" * 505.3 kg/m3 ) C *( /! 82.14-159.51 kN/m2 " ) # ! =" * 5113.3 cal/g

# # F: # )%! 2 "% , - ! % , ,"% ! "+ ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to study on effect of feed rate and screw pressing speed to the performance of a cassava-stump charcoal block pressing machine, which included the design and fabrication of the prototype. The machine consisted of a mixing tank, screw conveyor, hopper, screw pressing unit, transmission unit and a main frame. The factor of feed rate (80, 100 and 120 kg/h) and screw pressing speed (80, 9.5, 110, and 125 rpm) were studied. The results indicated that the charcoal block length, outer diameter, internal diameter and moisture content were 13.91Âą1.62 4.12Âą0.05 1.23Âą0.12 cm and 3.31 % (d.b.) respectively. The test of the machine was done by using a screw pressing speed of 125 rpm, feed rate of 120 kg/h, mixing ratio by weight of cassava stump coal: cassava starch: water content of 3.00: 0.45: 4.00 kg and the results indicated that the machine had a capacity of 111.7 kg/h, specific energy consumption of 13.35 w-h/kg, charcoal bulk density of 505.3 kg/m3, charcoal strength of 82.14-159.51 kN/m2 and heating value of 5113.3 cal/g. Keywords: Cassava stump, charcoal block, alternative energy


!% $ ' FF & $ ) ' 5 $ )$ ) * "%* ! ! 40002 Graduate student, Agricultural engineering Dept. Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University 40002 2 1(# *$ * $ ) ' 5 $ )$ ) * "%* ! ! 40002 Assistant Professor, Agricultural engineering Dept. Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University 40002


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I R !" !?' & # *"& ?' 8& * & S A Study of Factors Affecting the Operation of a Mushroom Germination Block Producing Machine A 1, ,@ 2 ' I 0 ' M2 Nirattisak Khongthon1, Somposh sudajan1 and Somnok Chusin1

% & $ ' ! ) % - ,+ $ ' 6 %* ) 1" 2 ! + 1" # ! + C 5 ) % * , # ! + C " % , C " 1" + #! 1" # ! + C !2 ) / #/! " # + 1" # ! + C 2 % 4 # * -% 1 ) -% ,% % % " - % # ! + C " 2 "% 1" $ ' 6 %* ) 1" 2 ! + , ! / 1 ) ! / & # ) C /! 1 ) 65 - 110 ! " /! 1 ) 4 - 8 ! % x ! % 8 - 9 - ) C # ! % % " % 0.06 - 0.13 ) ! " 13.5 - 15 4! )

)"2 % A! ) )/! 2 ! +

# # F: C 1 ) % ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to study of factors affecting the operation of a mushroom germination block producing machine. The physical properties of a mushroom germination block and mushroom culture materials were studied and a mushroom germination block producing testing unit was initially tested, A prototype of mushroom germination block producing machine was designed and constructed using the results obtained. The result of a study showed factors affecting the performance of the machine at mixing speed and mixing time of a twin-screw mixing plate were in the ranges of 65 to 110 rpm and 4 to 8 minutes, a material feed rate was in the ranges of 8 to 9 revolutions per bag, a pressing unit’s linear speed and stroke length were in the ranges of 0.06 to 0.13 m/s and 13.5 to 15 cm respectively that were to be optimum range for machine operation. Keywords: Mushroom, Mixing, Pressing

1 2

Master student, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Khonkaen University, Khonkaen, 40002 Associated professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Khonkaen University, Khonkaen, 40002


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I S &%6& *"& ? Â’ & ! Study of Organic Fertilizer Mixer Speed /0 0' 1 C/ , 2 ' 6 3 Chompoonud Kulketwong1 Dithaporn Thungsotanon2 and Raumjit Nokkoul3

% & $ ' ! ) % - ,+ ) C ) ) + 1 ) ~* ! * / " * ( & * " 1 ) % - % ) 7 ! ) ! 2 !% ) 25 &" %) 4 # * "+ q *) , # 2 # " ~* & &"8) " ~*! 2 )% / # " 1 ) 5 ! & *$ ' ) C 3 % + 450, 550 " 650 ! " , ) C ) ) + 1 ) ~* ) - " "# !1 ) + 650 ! 4 !+ ~* 8 # ) !% !) ! " E ) 2 ) ) + ! ~*) ) 5 70 4C! 4 A!8 )) : ! 1" ~* ! * " ) % ! "+ ! 2 )%! + ," =" * 131.1 ) "" "

# # F: + 1 ) ~* ! * ) C ) + ! ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to find a suitable rotational speed of a twin–screw organic fertilizer mixer. In testing, the seven elements that a total weight was 25 kilograms consisted of coffee husk, coconut coir, rice bran, rice hull, manure, dolomite and bio-extract were intermixed for about 5 minutes. Three levels of rotational speed that were 450, 550 and 650 rpm were considered. The result found that the suitable rotational speed of fertilizer mixer was 650 rpm. The components and nutrients of fertilizer were steadily. The moisture was about 70 percentages that on a standard of organic fertilizer. The average fuel consumption was 131.1 milliliter. Keyword: Organic fertilizer mixer, rotational speed, moisture

1 Lecturer, Agricultural Engineering, Department of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Chumphon Campus, Chumphon, 86160 2 Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, Department of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Chumphon Campus, Chumphon, 86160 3 Lecturer, Horticulture, Department of Agricultural Technology, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Chumphon Campus, Chumphon, 86160


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

*"& / ! %%G%/ , 8 ' Centrifugal Blower Sprayer with Backward Curved Blades A '8 1 / @/ V +!2 ' 7 & 8 2

% & $ ' ! ) % - ,+ # + , ! ) / ,% & # "% # * - ! 68 )# ) ! % ! & # + *, ! + ) ," 2 ! * 2 "% 2 "% ,% ") ) " % = , !j * ) - 2 !/!,+ ! 8 # 5.84 8 % &) ) 5 ) 90.36 "

8 # * ) C - 4.53 &" ) % &) %) E Y *) 0.91, 0.92 " 0.91 * % , ! 1.00, 1.75 " 2.50 ) )"2 % / -( " " * ) =" * 84.80 4C! )+ !2 ) / # % # , ! " " * ) 8 " 80 ) #) ! 765.40 8 ? " ) * " +! ! *( 96 %!

# # F : # + , ! ) / ,% & # "% ABSTRACT Objective of this study was to design and construct the centrifugal blower sprayer with backward curved blades mounted on the 66 hp tractor. The sprayer consisted of a frame, a set of pulling belts, a set of connected shafts for power transmission, a set of transmissions, a set of fans, a set of chemical solution flower, and a spray nozzle. Field performance was 5.84 Rai/hr at a chemical solution quantity 90.36 liters per Rai and tractor velocity 4.53 km/hr. The coefficient of distributions were 0.91, 0.92, and 0.91 at the distances of 1.00, 1.75, and 2.50 m from the nozzle, respectively. The average percentage of leaf that exposed to the chemical solutions is 84.80. The economic analysis shown the break-even point at 765.40 Rai per year at 80 Baht per Rai and the payback period in 96 days Keyword: sprayer, backward curved blades

1 2

* 2 $ ) + % " ' 5 $ )$ ) * "%* &!&"* ) " ! * ! ! !% $ ' $ ) + % " ' 5 $ )$ ) * "%* &!&"* ) " ! * ! !


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I & /'6& # G%/ ! " ?' & 7 6& *"& 0% # %% &/F

Effect of the Number of Impeller Blades on the Performance of Thai-made Irrigation Pump %FF '1 ' ' 2 Benya Kasantikul1 and Santi Laksitanonta2

% & ! %*! ) % - ,+ $ ' - E ," 2 ! !/ ,% ) -! + ( ! 2 ,F ! & */ ,% !2 ) $ ' /! % ! ) ! #!1 !$(!* " 234 mm ) C / ,% 600,700,800,900,1000 rpm 8 " A! Mixed flow ) 2 ! ! 4, 5 " 6 / $ ' /! % ! $%* ! # !,"$ 8 " 2 ! 5(CFD) ,+ $ ' ! ) 8 " " *!8 %! !+ ) 2 ! !/ ,% + ( ! 2 ,F ! # * + )+ 3-D Navier-Stokes " 2 " 8 " 6ž! w ! k- H 1" 2 " 8 " # *& ) ), , 2 ! !/ ,% ) 2 ! !) !!% ! * , ) ) %! + ( ! 2 / # ( ! ! ) 8 "/! 5 / ,% ) 2 ! !/ 6 / ) * ) C ) 2 ) ) / ,% ) 2 ! !/ 4 " 5 / " , )# ! % (TipVortex) " 8 " !(Recirculation) * ! /! 5 + ( ! 2 2 ! % 8 " 2

# # F: + ( ! 2 ,F ! , ,"$ 8 " 2 ! 5, / ,% ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to study the effect of the number of impeller blades the Performance of Thai-made Irrigation Pump. The diameter of impeller was 234 mm. The 4, 5 and 6 blade impeller of the mixed flow pump were tested at 600, 700, 800, 900 and 1000 rpm. Computational Fluid Dynamic technique (CFD) was used to study the flow field various on the number of impeller blades. 3-D Navier-Stokes design tools and the standard k- H turbulence model were applied to simulate. The result found that the higher number of impeller blades, the higher total pressure at the outlet. The dispersion of velocity field from 6-blade impeller was higher uniformly than from 4- and 5- blade impeller. There were high condensation of tip-vortex and recirculation when pump was operated at low volumetric velocity. Keywords: Thai-made irrigation pump, CFD, Impeller


Doctoral Program in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University. Email: fengbyk@ku.ac.th 2 Associated professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, 10900, Email: fengstl@ku.ac.th


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

&& %% *& 0 ' G 8 ! % G 8 G & ?' 8 Design of sludge sucking boat suitability for ditch orchard plantation 1 ' '8 2 Kumpanart Roengmit 1 and Vinai Klajring2

% & $ ' " + ( "!/ #) ) ) ) % ( "!/! !1"8)#, " * "2 " * ) )/! / # !/! "2 " * ! ) * , % ! 2 / # % + ) ! ) # 1.00 ) )* % + 3.00 ) ) ( # + 0.40 ) 2 &" 1 ! ! )

! 1.50 ) "" ) / # #! 2 "% + *! !4 ! ! 6.5 )# ) C + *! *( 1,500-3,500 ! & * 2 "% A! 2 ! ! / # !- * ! "! /! ! 2 ! ( + ! ) " * "2 " * / #"2 " * ! "! ( ! " " * "2 " * ) #!1 $(!* " / ( 75 ) "" ) * , A! 2/3 #!1 $(!* " + % 5 ) "" ) & * ) ! / ( 2 ) "" ) * )* ," 2,250 ) "" ) * )* / ( 1,900 ) "" ) 4 6 %* " ! ) 1"/ # E ,/! 2 ! + ( "!/! ! * !

# # F: " * "2 " * ( "! + ( "! ABSTRACT This study to designs of sludge sucking boat suitability for ditch orchard plantation. The Short Pitch conveyor screw was suitable for sucking sludge. The boat was designed to wide 1.00 meter, long 3.00 meter and high from a boat’s hold 0.40 meter. The boat to construct from metal 1.50 millimeter thickness. Used the benzene motor 6.5 horse power. Revolutions per minute among 1,5003,500. Conveyor screw have diameter 75 millimeter, a pitch distance 50 millimeter, a blade screw thick 2 millimeter, an axle long 2,250 millimeter and a blade screw distance 1,900 distance. These factors were influence to improve efficiency of sludge sucking boat in ditch orchard plantation. Keywords: screw conveyor, sludge sucking, sludge sucking boat


Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering ( Agricultural Engineering Curriculum), Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkabang, Bangkok, 10520, Thailand. Email: littlenarm@hotmail.com 2 Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering ( Agricultural Engineering Curriculum), Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkabang, Bangkok, 10520, Thailand


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

&& %% ' / K *"& 0 '& ' Design and Development of Mud Pump C A @ ! 1 ' + C ! 1 Prasertsak Pukdeewon 1 Siwalak Pathaveerat 1

% & 8 # 2 ! ! " # + " "! 4 # * ! #! 2 "% / # + *! 4" ! 13.5 2 "% )# 2 ( ,+ / # + *! ! * " ) ! 2 !% !# * + *! 4" 1 ( " / # ( " *% ! 2 )%! + ," + *! € &4" ! # * # * "% 4 " q� % % ) C 8 # 4 % 2 "% 1 ! # (universal joint) 8 *% ," % ( ,+ / # % ( 2 ) ) *8 # 30 $ % /! ! % " ! ) C ," 1000 1250 1500 1750 " 2000 ! ) % 8 " ( "! #! ) ) !+ 11000 centipois % 0 48 102 178 " 226 " ! )"2 % % ( # * ," % % 2 "% 2 "% 6) › " * / # 2 % A! 5 ( "! ! ( 8 #

# # F : + ( "! !1"8)# ABSTRACT The mud pump for orchard was designed and constructed which consisted of power unit using desiel engine that transmitted power to gear box for reducing speed. It is a screw pump to convey mud from bottom of canal to the top of the bank. The testing flow rates at axle speed 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750 and 2000 rpm are 0, 48, 102, 178 and 226 liter per minute respectively. Key words: mud pump, orchards.


Department of Agricultural Engineering Faculty of Engineering at Kamphaengsean Kasetsart University Nakhonpathom, Center of Excellence for Agricultural and Food Machinery Kasetsart University


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

&& %% ' 8 7/ S%6 , ! N &' Design and Contruction of Beach Cleaning Trailer by Finite Element Method ' &% Kuson Prakobkarn

% &

* * " " * A! " * 2 %F !% * C * %!) # !# # - ! # C * 2 / # ! "+ / # * ( * ! %*! ) % - 1" " # -, C * * # ! /! $ & */ # % */! $) ! )* 3700 ) "" ) ) # % 1600 ) "" ) ) #! !/! + "( Â?!& */ # E 8q 8! " )! 1" " , -, C * * " # !/ # !) ) C ) 5 6 &" ) % &) ) - C " "2 " * * 8 # !+ 120 &" %) % &) " % ! "+ ! 2 )%! + ," 9.52 " % &) ) C + *! 1600 ! ) #! Von Mises ! ( % 63 MPa

# # F: ) % + "( Â?! -, C * * 8q8! " )! ABSTRACT Many beaches in Thailand are tourist attraction. Large number of tourists visited these beaches but they also deposited a large amount of garbage that local officers must collect and transport them to garbage dumping area at a very high cost. The purpose of the research project is to design and construct a beach cleaning trailer that can be constructed. In order to really meet the objective, the design and material selection were focused on the use of local materials and local production. The beach cleaning trailer was 3700 millimeter length and 1600 millimeter in width A finite element method was employed to analyze the distribution of stresses in the bearing housing. The result from the field test showed that, the beach cleaning trailer can operate at a maximum speed of 6 kilometer per hour and the collecting capacity was 120 kilogram per hour continuous operation The engine speed was about 1600 rpm and the corresponding fuel consumption was 9.52 liters per hour.The maximum Von Mises stress is 63Mpa. Keywords: Failure, Bearing housing, Beach cleaning Trailer, Finite element method


Associated professor, Department of Rural Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University Rangsit Campus, Klongluang, Pathumthani, 12110


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I G 8 # 8 / , G 87 ' %% # The study of rubber irrigation by drip irrigation tank C O& 1 ' ! '* '2 Titinun Pongnam1 and Vichian Plermkamon2

% & ! %*! A! $ ' / #! 2 " ! #!* , & */ #-% " ! ! 2 * 2 % !2 "% ) / #/ ) (recycle) 4 # *-% ! 2 ," ! 5 " ** ! #!1 $(!* " 5 ) "" ) " " % 4 ! / # % (# " / # 2 A! % ! 2 * 8 #!2 -% " ! # !8 / #! 2 % #!* , * 8 + ! 2 ! ! 400 #! & * A! 200 #!8 # % ! 2 )E ) " 200 #!8 # % ! 2 -% " !! 2 * 2 % ) ) - / #! 2 -% % * #! " ) ( #!* , /! + !) )- + !, ' ) 2553 1" $ ' , ) ) - / #! 2 =" * -% " ! ! 2 * /! 2 + ! ) 74 % "% !% ! ) ) - / #! 2 *@ " " !+ ) 8 ! 2 !/!-% " % * *( /! 1-3 ) "" " /! 2 % % #! , * , 8 # % ! 2 -% " !! 2 * " 8 # % ! 2 j! )E ) ) )* #! "2 #!* , ) ! =" * 2.86 " 2.18 4! ) )"2 % A! 31.19% ) 1" $ ' ) ( #!* , , * , 8 # % ! 2 -% " !! 2 * " 8 # % ! 2 j! ) E ) ) ) ( =" * 3.46 " 3.04 ) )"2 % & * A! 13.8% )

# # F: " ! ! 2 * , % !2 "% ) / #/ ) , #!* , ABSTRACT This research concerned with the study of rubber irrigation by drip irrigation tank which made from recycle materials. The drip irrigation tank components consist of plastic tank with capacity of 5 liters, 5 millimeter diameter of hose and drip valve which made from valve using in fish tank. The drip irrigation tanks were used for 8 months old rubber irrigation. There were 400 rubber trees with 200 trees were treated by drip irrigation tank and the other was treated by rain fed. The tank application capacity, the drip rate, the stem perimeter, and rubber tree height were measured from January to May 2010. From the study, it showed that at the first 2 months the average tank application capacity was 74% but after that the application capacity decreased according to algae problem and the drip rate was in the range of 1-3 millimeters/minute. The average increase of rubber stem perimeter length with treated by drip irrigation tank and by rain fed during January to May were 2.86 and 2.18 centimeters, respectively with 31.19% difference. The average of rubber tree height with treated by drip irrigation tank and by nature were 3.46 and 3.04 meters, respectively with 13.8% difference. Keywords: drip irrigation, recycle materials, rubber tree

1 2

Graduate students, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon kaen University Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon kaen University


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

+ # '% G ' / Runoff Estimation in Phayao University , 6 W *& 1 , . / K # , . ! / @ 2




Pamok Pingmuang , Assoc. Prof. Kittipong Vuthijumnonk , Dr. Theeraphot Supaviriyakit


% & ) * "%*, * 6 %!) !% $ ' ) 5 10,000 ! " , ) ! A! ) 5 20,000 – 30,000 ! /! ! ) ! ) 5! 2 8 " ,+ / # A! " ! 2 %! ! /!) * "%* & */ # # )(" ) 5! 2 j! - ! % ! 2 j! 2 !% * ) " ! - ! 73093 * "%* ' " &!&"* , * " %) E Y 8 "! ) terrain A ! !2 & * & ) " ! 8 # ) 5j! * ? =" * /!) * "% * , * 2,802,215 "( $ ) )+ ) %),%!E ) 5j! " ) 5! 2 8 " & */ # ) - - * #! 8 # r % 0.9262

# # F ) 5! 2 8 " ) 5j! %) E Y 8 "! ABSTRACT At present, Phayao University has about 10,000 students and the number will be about 20,000 to 30,000 in the near future. Estimation of runoff for water resources management in the university. Rainfall data were obtained from rainfall stations operating by Office of Hydrology, Royal Irrigation Department. The estimation of runoff in the university using rainfall data from rainfall station 73093 at College of Agriculture and Technology Phayao, and runoff coefficient from the equation of terrain A which introduce by Division of Project planning Royal Irrigation Department. The verage annual runoff in the university is 2,802,215 cubic meter,The relationship between rainfall and runoff by using linear regression , r is equal to 0.9262. Keywords: runoff, rainfall, runoff coefficient


& " ! C ! 2 ) ¢2 ) ! , 2 . , * 5 $ ) " ) ' ) * "%* ) & # 3 5 $ )$ ) * "%* , * 2


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

# !" !" 6& # # G @ && T! *& ( +! I

# 8 R ÂŽ ) Appropriate Locations of On-farm Ponds in Northeast Thailand (A Case Study on not include Water Distributing by Pumping) + C F 6 , 1 !% F'*&2 ' % F1 Natchaya Khetkratok1 Vichai Sriboonlue2 and Waradet Saengbun1

% & 1! ,+ ,%B! ! 2 ! "C /!,+ ! ' $%*! 2 j!!% ! 2 A! # ) 1! ! " )+ # ,+ / # ! 2 # !) !% !8 # 2 !# /! C % " *! 2 * C)$% * , " &* ! ( & * "+ / #,+ ! 2 ' )( # ! ! 4 % % ! ! 2 ! ! ,+ ! % ! 2 A! ,+ ! $ ' / # % ! C % ! 2 (Water harvesting index, IHW) " % ! *! 2 (Water distributing index, IDW) A! % % $% * , 2 !# IHW & */ # E SCS " ) " ! 2 (Water balance) " IDW & * # *& ) &!&"* ! $ () $ (GIS) $ ' , IHW *( /! 0.8-1.2 " IDW ) ( + / "# * 1 " ! 2 # " ,%B! !/!,+ ! 8) ) / 2 !# 8 # * % C " *! 2 5 1(#$ ' %* % A! * * A! &* ! 2 % 1! " % "+ 2 ! ) )/! ,%B! ! 2 /!8 ! / # &* ! " *% *+! 8

# # F: % ! C % ! 2 % ! *! 2 ! 2 /!8 ! ABSTRACT Selecting a pond location has to be considered with careful planning for utilizing an on-farm pond in its highest potential. The objective of this study is to evaluate the functions of on-farm ponds under different conditions in two subwatersheds, namely Subwatershed 1 (SW1) and Subwatershed 2 (SW2), in Nong Saeng village near Khon Kaen city, Northeast Thailand. A GIS database which contains information was developed and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was used for delineating the boundaries of subwatersheds and pond catchments in SW1 and SW2. We used the SCS method and water balance in pond to estimate the water harvesting and performed GIS analysis to identify the ability of on-farm ponds for water distributing. The water harvesting index (IHW) and water distributing index (IDW) were proposed to evaluate the hydrological functions for water harvesting and distributing in each pond for selecting the best location of an on-farm pond. The suitable IHW should be about 0.8 IHW 1.2, and IDW should be high value. From the results, there is no on-farm pond having good functions for harvesting and distributing water in both subwatersheds. This study aimed to help stakeholders in pond construction and also serve as a general reference for farmers to enhance the efficiency of on-farm pond management. Keywords: Water harvesting index, Water distributing index, On-farm pond 1 2

Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture and Technology, Nakhon Phanom University, Nakhon Phanom, Thailand, 48000 Associated professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 42000


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

? !" % / ' 6& , % +“ 6& @ && T! *&6& ISO-EROSIVITY MAPS OF NORTHEASTERN THAILAND X & 8 1 ' K 2 Sirijade Kongkaew1 and Songvoot Sangchan 2

% & # )(" ) 5! 2 j! *# ! "% 15 ? (,.$. 2537-2552) - ! % ! 2 j! 14 8 #!2 ) " 2 ! 5 % ! ,% " * !& * ) ,"% ! "! j! ) ) #) j! ) 25 ) "" ) % &) 1" 2 ! 5 ) ,% " * ! =" * * ? ( 36,579 %! } ! ,!) " 2 15,533 %! } ! ) )"2 % ,% " * ! =" * (j! ( 33,571 %! } ! ,!) " 2 13,434 %! } ! ) )"2 % 2 # 1! #! % ,% " * ! =" * * ? (j! " * + ! 2 % 14 - ! ,"€ " ! 1! %! = * !+ ,+ / #/! ! 6 %* !+ j!/! ) (F * ! " 2 # 1! #! % ,% " * ! * ? " (j! )! A!/! 50 " 80 4C! ,+ / # 2 % ) ) "# ,% " * !/! % )! A!

# % " *! " % ! ,% " * !/! %! = * !+ 2 * + " *! " ( " " ) # - ! ( " *! " " ! % ! ,% " * ! !2 ) , 5 /! 1! / # ) ) "# ,% " */!

%! = * !+ $8 * 8

# # F: % ! ,% " * ! ,"% ! "! ABSTRACT Last 15 years rainfall data (1994–2009) from 14 rainfall stations. were analyzed and erosivity index-values were computed by adding the kinetic energy of rain having intensity greater than 25 mm per hour. From the calculation, an average maximum and minimum annual erosivity index were 36,579 ton/ha at Nakhon Phanom and 15,533 ton/ha at Nakhonratsima, respectively. An average maximum wet-season erosivity index were 33,571 ton/ha at Nakhon Phanom and 13,434 ton/ha at Nakhonratsima, respectively. The average annual, wet-season and monthly iso-erosivity were produced and plotted on the maps of Northeastern Thailand to read the rainfall factor in Universal Soil Loss Equation. The annual and wet-season iso-erosivity maps at 50 and 80 percent probability of occurrence were also produced for designing erosion control measures with the desired probability level. Two types of variation of erosivity index in Northeastern Thailand were observed, namely seasonal variation and variation due to locality. These variations of erosivity index should be considered in the planning of erosion control measures in North-East Thailand. Keywords: erosivity index , kinetic energy 1

Graduate Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technogy Ladkrabang Bangkok, 10520 E-mail address: sirijade_yo@hotmail.com 2 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technogy Ladkrabang ,Bangkok, 10520 E-mail address: svsangchan@yahoo.com


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

@ / ' 6& , % Irrigation Efficiency of Boromthat Project / 1 ' K 2 Nitipat Jansangsuk1 and Songvoot Sangchan 2

% & $ ' ! ) % - ,+ E , ! 2 E , % ! 2 E , / #! 2 " " ! /!,+ ! & ! 2 " 2 % ' )E % % %*! 4 *( !+ + ! # , * !8 ) 5 10 &" ) ) ! 2 " % ? ) ,+ ! % 1 % ) 405,000 8 *( /! ,+ ! " ! % ) 365,000 8 ) " ! 2 "% 3 " + 1 14# * " 24# * ,+ ! ) , "( # ! % # * 8)#1" " ,+ 8 1" $ ' , E , ! 2 =" */! (j!) % 176.42 4C! !/! ( "# !% !) % 157.78 4C! E , % ! 2 " % ?) % 69.12 4C! E , / #! 2 " % ?) ) % 90.35 4C! " , /! " *( /! , 93.33 4C! 8 # /!,+ ! & ! 2 " 2 % ' )E ) ) ) - ! 2 ( * 8 C )/! ! ,+ ! " ! 2 1 4# **% ) E , ! 2 2 /! ( "# 4 ) , * 88.74 4C! /! ! " * "% "+ 2 *!% ! ) 5! 2 ) ) , * , % ,+ "( /!,+ ! ) 2 2 % ' " * @ !+ ) % ,+ A! 2 ! !)

# # F : E , ! 2 , " ! 2 * "% , /! " ABSTRACT The objective of this research were to study on the efficiency of water delivery, water management, water application and percent of structures that still in good condition in Baromthat Irrigation Project, Ayutthaya province. It is located at the north of Chaophraya dam about 10 km. The project has delivered water whole year. Project area is 405,000 rai, but there are 365,000 rai in irrigated area. There are 3 main canals, namely 1 right, 1 left and 2 left. Most areas will be planted offseason rice, sugarcane, fruit, and dry-crop. The results of study shown that the efficiency of water delivery in wet and dry season were 176.42 and 157.78 percents, respectively. Efficiency of water management and water application were 69.12 and 90.35 percents, respectively. There was 93.33 percents of irrigation structures in the project that still in good condition. Concluded that, water delivery ability of the project was high. However , water conveyance efficiency in the area of canal (1 left) was still low in dry sea. It was only 88.74 percent. For the remaining 2 main canals, the amount of water was adequate for crops in the area. Sub canals should be maintenance because there are a lot of weed. Keyword: conveyance efficiency, main canal, canal structure

1 Graduate Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technogy Ladkrabang Bangkok, 10520 E-mail address: nitipat_02@hotmail.com 2 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technogy Ladkrabang ,Bangkok, 10520 E-mail address: svsangchan@yahoo.com


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I % ' 8 6& S% % 0 N 68 !" # % # G 8 ” 7 % A study of management and costs, collection, processing of rice straw used as appropriate for the material ! # & 1, /

'2, / ! 3, ' ! & F 4 Sawitree Khumhom1 Pinit Jirukkakul2 Khongdet Phasinam3 and Weerachai Arjharn4

% & $ ' ! % " #! ! C ) ( q # ) ) 2 % !2 ) / # A! % - , $8 *) ,+ ! , "( # % $ % ! ) 5 57 "# !8 + 18% ,+ ! $ & *) 1"1" /! ( # "+ 28.5-30.2 "# ! %!/ ? q # ) % ! 1"1"

# "+ *( 0.45-1.19 ) # ! ) 5 10 MJ/kg ) + ! 41.34 % ) $% * ,/! 1" ,"% ! *( % ! 9.06 "# ! %!/ ? A!,"% ! 91,415. GJ * ! 2 )%! 2,164.19 ktoe ) -!2 ) 1"

8qqx 8 # 5,078.63 GWh + x ! # ( & 8qqx ! 725 MWe q # ) $% * , ( !2 ) / # A! + ," ,+ 1" ,"% !8 # " ! ) )/! *) + ," q # 2 % A! + ," + " * # * + Hammer Mill " % )C # * + Pellet Mill ! #! ! ( + ," q # # * 1) #! ! % - 2) #! ! ) 3) #! ! ( ) ) 4)

#! ! "2 " * !*# * " 5) #! ! ! 4 $ ' , #! ! + ," q # % )C % 2.765 / &" %)

# # F: q # 1" ,"% ! + ," ABSTRACT A study of management and costs, collection, processing of rice straw used as appropriate for the material found Thailand's rice cultivation areas all over the country were about 57 million hectares or 18% of the country. The yield in paddy rice from 28.5 to 30.2 million tons / year . Total factor productivity of rice straw, rice is 0.45 - 1.19 . Heat value of approximately 10 MJ / kg. Humidity 41.34% have the potential for energy production totaled 9.06 million tons / year equivalent energy 91,415 GJ of oil equivalent 2,164.19 ktoe is used to produce electricity 5,078.63 GWh or entered into a power plant size 725 MWe . Rice straw has potential to be used as fuel to produce energy. And processes suitable for the preparation of rice straw as fuel of Hammer Mill and pelleting machine Pellet Mill. The cost of fuel processing rice straw consists of 1) cost of raw materials 2) cost of collection 3) cost of processing the appropriate 4) cost of haulage and 5) transportation costs. The study found that the cost of fuel, rice straw pellets was 2.765 baht / kg. Keyword: Rice straw, energy production, fuel


Graduated Student, School of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima,Thailand, 30000 2 Graduated Student, School of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima,Thailand, 30000 3 Researcher, Center of Excellence in Biomass Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima,Thailand, 30000 4 Assistance Professor, School of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, 30000


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

' ?' * & /' '*& 8 %0 # G / % ! STRATEGIES FOR ALTERNATIVE FUEL PRODUCTION FROM JATROPHA IN PETCHABURI @ % '& 1 ' ! & F2 Thanapat Bualoi1 and Weerachai Arjchan2

% & & %*! ) % - ,+ $ ' "* E 1" + ," "+ #! ( 2 ,+ ! 5,000 8 /! % % , / # #) /! , 5 * 4 8 # 2 ! ,+ ! & 5 w C . ! & * *,%!E ( 2 / #/!& # ,%!E 4 %* " ,%B! & * * "%* ' " &!&"* , /! 2 ! ! $ ' ) A!8 8 # & 8 # ! * 1" & A! 6 ! * 1" * * 4 8 # ! ( 2 ! 2 )%! ( 2 ) " ( 2 8 & 4" ( 2 - ! % ( 2 " & 8qqx ( 2 )+ 2 ) !1" $ ':$ # * )) : ! " # )(" )8 #, ! * 1" * * 8 & 4" ( 2 " & 8qqx ( 2 8) 1 ! "% 5R /! ) !& % 1" ! & # ) 25%, * " +! ! & # !# * 4 ? " =" * 2 8 ! % ' + ) " % * " ! # ) 30% " # *

1"/! ) % - #!! 2 4 A! % / "% & 8 # "* E 2 ! !& & *" !/! ! * 1" ! ( 2 ! 2 )%! ( 2 ) " ( 2 " - ! % ( 2 4 / # % 1" !& 40%, * " +! ! 2 ? 6 + ! " ) =" * 2 8 ! % ' + ) " % * " ! 65% & * ) 5 " ! & ) 62.45 "# ! ) 5 *8 # 108.37 "# ! / ? ) 5 #! !1%! 55.20 "# ! / ? ) 5 2 8 "% % #! !1%! 53.15 "# ! / ? " )+ , 5 ) !8 & "# , " ! 8) ! 160% ) 5 " 2 8 "% % #! !1%! 8)

2 70% ) 5

# # F: ( 2 , $ ':$ , "* E 1" + ," "+ ABSTRACT The objective of this research project was to study for commercial strategies of alternative fuel production from Jatropha in area 5,000 rais of Petchaburi. The project area is around Deng forest, KaengKraJan. The breed of Jatropha in this project refers to the research and development of Petchaburi College of Agricuture and Technology. In the feasibility study was separated the production into 6 units which are Jatropha Farm, Jatropha Oil, Jatropha Biomass, Jatropha BioDiesel, Jatropha Briquette and Jatropha Power Plant. The economic analysis from the assumption and gathering information found the unit of Jatropha Bio-Diesel and Jatropha Power Plant are not pass the criteria of project analysis which IRR should more than 25%, Payback Period should less than 4 years and Average on EBITDA per investment should more than 30%. To secure the upstream raw-material which is the key success of the project, the strategy of investment is to invest on Jatropha Farm, Jatropha Oil, Jatropha Biomass and Jatropha Briquette. Then IRR of the project is 40%, Pay Back Period is 2 years and 6 months. The average of EBITDA per investment is 65%. The investment on the project is 62.45 MB. The estimation of income is 108.37 MB/year. The estimation of the variable cost is 55.20 MB/year. The estimation of revenue after variable cost is 53.15 MB/yr. The sensitivity analysis found the actual investment should not more than 160% of estimation and the revenue after variable cost should not less than 70% of estimation Keywords: Jatropha, Economy Analysis, Strategic of Alternative Fuel Production 1

!% $ ' FF & $ ) + " 2 !% $ )$ ) * "%* &!&"* ! 111 -!!) * "%* 2 " ! 2 )+ % % ! ) 30000 Email: thanapab@gmail.com 2 1(# *$ * $ ) ' 2 !% $ )$ ) * "%* &!&"* ! 111 -!!) * "%* 2 " ! 2 )+ % % ! ) 30000 Email: arjharh@sut.ac.th


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I 7 @ / 8 # ' G ! /*"& ?' /' A Study on Cassava Rhizome Status in Nakhon Ratchasima Province for Energy Production K 6 " 1 E E F!# )1 " %* F2 Naiyawat Sukthang1 Tarawut Bunnom1 and Weerachai Arjharn2

% & ! %*! ) % - ,+ $ ' - ! , # )%! 2 "% /! % % ! ) % /! # ! ) 5 " 5 , & * $ ' A! 2 ! + 1) $ ' # )(" # )%! 2 "% /! # ! ) 5 2) 5 ) % # )%! 2 "% $ ' , % ! # )%! 2 "%

% )%! 2 "% (Crop Residual Ratio, CRR) ) ) 5 0.12 + 12 % % )%! 2 "% " # )(" , "( )%! 2 "% % % ! ) /! ? 2548/2549 , ) ) 5 # )%! 2 "% "+ 579,253 %! A!,"% !8 # 4,744,083 GJ * ! 2 )%! 113 ktoe " 1" 5 ) % /! # ! !2 ) / # A! + ," 1" ) # ! " 8qqx , =" * ) 5 ) % * , " ) # !) % ! + ) 5 ) + ! 1.8% ) 5 -# 8.4% ) 5 * 75.8% ) 5 ! % 14% ) ! ! ! 238 kg/m3 " ) # ! ( 14,734.8 kJ/kg " ) =" * * E % ! + ) 5 ! 46.12%, 8}& ! 7.55%, 8!& ! 1.13%, 4%" q 0.03% " 4 ! 54.83%

# # F: # )%! 2 "% ,"% ! - ! , ABSTRACT This research aims to study the status of cassava rhizomes in Nakhon Ratchasima province, in terms of quanity and quality. The study is divided into two parts ; 1) The information on the amount of cassava rhizomes. 2) Testing properties of cassava rhizomes. The study found that proportion of fresh cassava rhizomes (Crop Residual Ratio,CRR),fresh cassava rhizomes was about 0.12 or 12% of fresh cassavas. And data from the cultivation of cassavas in Nakhon Ratchasima province in 2548/2549 found that the remaining amount of cassavas rhizomes 579,253 tons of fresh. Representing energy and crude oil equivalent to 4,816,858 GJ and 115 ktoe respectively. According to the test in terms of features used as fuel produce hear and electricity were the average of the elements around Physical properties and heat are as follows Moisture Content 1.8% Ash Content 8.4% Volatile Matter 75.8% Fixed Carbon 14% Density 238 kg/m3 High Heating Value 14,734.8 kJ/kg. And the average composition as a separate element that amount of Carbon 46.12% ,Hydrogen 7.55%, Nitrogen 1.13%, Sulfur 0.03% and Oxygen 54.83% Keywords: Cassava Rhizome, Energy, Status


Graduated Student, School of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima,Thailand, 30000 2 Assistance Professor, School of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, 30000


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I /L ? 8 * & /' '%G N'0& E % !" !% Study of Rice Husk Combustion Behaviors in A Fluidized Bed with Ribs @ + ! 1, ! / 1, + @ ! 1 ' / / 1 Praphat Tugsinasuree1, Chinaruk Thianpong1, Nuthvipa Jayranaiwachira1 and Pongjet Promvonge1

% & ! %*! 8 #!2 ! / # C!- ) "% '5 * 5 () ! !+ 1 8 )# + ," " */! q"( 8 4 ( " *) ) "% '5 */! # 1 8 )# %! 2 5 8 # 5 */! # 1 8 )#8) % " 5 # 1 8 )# % ( % 2 ) ) 45° 2 ! ! 3 % ' % x ! + ," " / # 7.4 kg/hr " 2 % ) 5 $ ! !) A! 30%, 40%, 50% " 60% 1" " * 5 () # 1 8 )#/! 5 $ ' % 2 5 & */! 5 8 ) % */! 1 ) 5 ( ) 5q =" * 503°C 5 () /! # 1 8 )# *( 727°C 5 ) % ( % 2 1 ) 5 () 5q =" * 565°C 5 () /! # 1 8 )# *( 743°C ! ) 5 € 48 * 8 # 1 8 )#) ! &!#) / "# * %!/! + !8 & * ) 5 € 4 CO " € 4 NOx % ) *( /! 320-329 ppm " 295-298 ppm )"2 % " E , 1 8 )# *( 88–90%

# # F: 1 8 )#, q"( 8 4 , + ," " ABSTRACT This paper presents the difference of temperature distribution of rice husk combustion characteristics in a rectangular fluidized bed combustor. The experiments were made in 2 types of the bed: bed without rib and bed with 3 /-shaped ribs of 45° attack angle. The experiments were conducted by setting a constant mass flow rate of rice husk fuel at 7.4 kg/hr and by varying mass flow rate of the combustion air to obtain the excess air of 30% 40% 50% and 60 %. Temperature distributions inside the bed were measured at selected locations. The experimental results show that the mean temperatures in the free board and in the combustion chamber are found to be about 503°C and 727°C for the bed with no rib while are around 565°C and 743°C for the bed with ribs, respectively. Gas emissions from the flue gas are at similar trends in all tests of both cases. CO and NOx emissions measured at the stack exit are in a range between 320-329 ppm and 295-298 ppm, respectively and combustion efficiency in the range of 88-90%. Keywords: Combustion, Fluidized Bed, Rice Husk Fuel


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut's Institute Of Technology Ladkrabang, Chalongkrung Road, Bangkok, Thailand,10520 Email kppongje@kmitl.ac.th,


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) โ 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

&& %% ' / K %%&% 8 ?' @ +J 7 %% 8& "# , G 8/' ! ' % & Design and Development of Low Temperature Drying System for Local Wood Handicraft Product Using Combined Heat from Solar and Biomass ! 0'1 %),%!E 8 * ,1 Jirawat Chiatrakul1 Sumpun Chaitep1

% & % - & ! + " ,%B! # 1" %5R % - ) ) ! ) # ! 2 A! / #,"% ! ) ) " % * & * # A! 3 ! + 1.

# # 1" %5R 2. # 1 8 )# ) " " " " *! ) # ! " 3. 2 % %! * ! 2 & */! ! # # 1" %5R ) ! 1.5x2x2 ) ) % ! 1" %5R 3 % ! " ) ! / % ) # ! * ! 2.45 ) A! " ) # ! ) % 8)#qย ! & */ # 5 () /! # 8) ! 70ยบC A! 3 5 + # & */ #,"% ! * , * * * # & */ # + ," ) " , * * * # & */ #,"% ! ) ) " % * , ) 5 () */! # # =" * 34.7 ยบC 57.0 ยบC " 62.13 ยบC )"2 % " / # 2 % & * =" * 8.63 % &) A! 1/3 " / # # * E " ) % ! "+ + ," # * ) " , * * * " ,"% ! ) % 9.87kg/hr " 7.25kg/hr )"2 %

# # F: # 1" %5R % - ) ) ! ) " ABSTRACT The main objectives of this project were to design and to develope a low temperature drying system for wood handicraft product using combined heat of solar and biomass. The drying system consists of 3 main parts 1.drying chamber 1.5 x 2 x 2 m. with 3 trays 2. heat source area and 3. smoke elimination using water spray techinque. The clear glass 2.45 m2 was designed to get sun radiation coperated with heat from fire woods. The drying temperature was controlled to 70ยบC. Perfomance tests were perforned 3 conditions consisted of i.) drying by using solar energy, ii.) drying by using biomass and iii.) drying by using combined heat of solar and biomass. The average hot air temperatures are 34.7 ยบC 57.0 ยบC and 62.13 ยบC respectively. Drying by using this system took an average time of 8.63 hours which was 1/3 of the duration compared with conventional drying. Fuel consumption rate of drying by using only biomass energy and combined heat of solar and biomass were 9.87kg/hr and 7.25kg/hr respectively. Keywords: Drying system Local wood handicraft product Biomass


$ ) + " 5 $ )$ ) * "%* * / ) * / ) 50200 & : 053-944144 E-mail: jirawat026@gmail.com Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand Tel: 053-944144 E-mail: jirawat026@gmail.com 1


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

/ K 8 %% 7 !?' NNO ' 8& , G 8 ?' • ! ' %% & && Development of a pilot-scale electricity and heat production station using a hybrid updraft-downdraft biomass gasifier @ 0 8 1 , L % % 1 ' ! & F2 Supat Nuyam1 Kisakon Rubsombut1 and Weerachai Arjharn2

% & $ ' #! - ! 1" 8qqx " ) # ! ! "C & */ # 1" € ) " , E , 1" € + ," % 80% % / # + ," 8)# - !*% ' 63 kg/hr ) # ! 1" 8 # + 5.36 MJ/Nm3 ,"% ! ) # !! , * , !2 8 / # # 8 # " ) -!2 8 / # 2 % 1" 8qqx 8 # , ) 5 ! 2 )%! ! + 2 + 3.1 mg/Nm3 /! !2 € + ," ) 1" 8qqx 2 % + *! € / # E , 1" 8qqx % 12.52 % 2 "% 1" 8qqx 40 kW ( % + ," 8)# - !*% ' / # % 1.81 kg/kWh) 2 % 1" 8qqx & * / # + *! 4" ) % € + ," E , 1" 8qqx % 15.93 % 2 "% 1"

8qqx 53 kW % ! "+ ! 2 )%! 4" % 0.06 l/kWh + 2.98 l/hr ( % + ," 8)# - ! *% ' % 1.01 kg/kWh) + A! % ! ) 5 80% ) - * , + ) & * % %FF 5 *( /! 5R ) : ! ) #) $ ':$ & * !" ! E % 834,600 " ) *8 # E 173,789 / ? ) - +! !/! * " 5 ?

# # F: 1" € ) "/ - ! 1" 8qqx / € + ," ABSTRACT From the a pilot small-scale electricity and heat production station using a hybrid updraftdowndraft biomass gasifier was found that producer gas equal to 80% of fuel Acacia giant 63 kg / hr. heat production is 5.36 MJ/Nm3 .Thermal energy is sufficient to lead to drying. It can be used to generate electricity. Because the amount of tar or low tar 3.1 mg/Nm3 .To bring gas to fuel power generation for gas engine. The efficiency of power generation was 12.52 % of the power capacity 40 kW (Kathin-yak(wood) fuel rate was used 1.81 kg/kWh) for electricity generation using diesel fuel with gas. Electricity efficiency was 15.93% of the power capacity 53 kW. Specific diesel consumption was 0.06 l/kWh or 2.98 l/hr (Kathin-yak(wood) fuel rate was used 1.01 kg/kWh) representing a replacement rate of about 80% of test stability of connection by measuring signal within the standard. Analysis of economic value the net investment equal to 834,600 baht and net income of 173,789 baht per year to pay back within 5 year. Keywords: biomass gasifier /a pilot -scale electricity station/ producer gas


Graduated Student, School of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima,Thailand, 30000 2 Assistance Professor, School of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, 30000


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

?' • E ! @ / '*& '*& G 7 %% & ' Biogas Production from Mango Peel Waste Using Plug Flow Reactor ? & / + K ',1 L ,2 ! / ' 'S ,3 X! & @ /4 ' ' & 5 Phongphun Wattanakankitikul,1 Worakrit Suvajittanont,2 Chureerat Puttanlek,3 Dudsadee Uttapap,4 and Vilai Rungsardthong5

% & ! %*! $ ' 1" € 4 , "+ ) ) & * ! )% 8 # $ & *$ ' 1" ) #) #! + % #! 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5 " 10 g VSS/l & */ # ) #) #! "+ ) ) 1 g COD/l /! 1"

€ 4 , # ! 100 ml , ) #) #! + % #! 10 g VSS/l / # ) 5 € 4 , ( 37 ml/100 ml ) 5 € 4) ! 15.29 ml/100 ml " ) E , 2 % COD 26.11% !% ! 2 $ ' 1" € 4 ,/! -% )% 8 " ) / # ! 15 " */!-% )% A! 3 # & * 2 ) #! ) #) #! + % #! 10 g VSS/l $ ' 1" " * " % C (HRT) 50 %! A! 30, 20, 15, " 10 %! )"2 % & */ # ) 5 C (TS) 1% , HRT 10 %! ) % 1" € 4 , 0.040 v/v-d, ) 5 € 4 , 0.256 m3/kgCOD removed, ) 5 € 4) ! 0.117 m3/kgCOD removed " ) E , 2 % COD 96.81% ) ) #) #! ) ! % 49.7, 49.8 " 23.9% /! # 1, 2 " 3 -%

)% )"2 %

# # F: "+ ) ) , -% )% 8 ", 1" € 4 , ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to study the biogas production from mango peel by using anaerobic digestion. The effect of VSS at 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 g/l with COD of mango peel at 1 g/l in 100 ml vial on biogas production was studied. The results showed that the total production of biogas depended on the availability of VSS concentrations in the vial. The anaerobic digestion of mango peel at VSS 10 g/l gave highest biogas production at 37.4 ml/100 ml, methane production 15.29 ml/100 ml and COD removal 26.11%. The production of biogas was further investigated in a plug flow reactor which divided into 3 compartments, with 15 liters working volume, started up with VSS 10 g/l. The effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 50, 30, 20, 15 and 10 days with total solid (TS) 1% on the efficiency of biogas production was studied. The biogas production at HRT of 10 day revealed highest biogas production rate at 0.040 v/v-d, biogas yield at 0.256 m3/kgCOD removed, methane yield 0.117 m3/kgCOD removed and COD removal at 96.81%. Methane content was about 49.7, 49.8 and 23.9% in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd compartment of the reactor. Keywords: Mango peel, Plug flow reactor, Biogas production


Master Student, Department of Agro-Industrial Technology, Faculty of Applied Science, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, 10800, Thailand Excellent Center of Waste Utilization and Management (ECOWASTE), National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, 83 Moo 8 Thakham, Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 10150, Thailand 3 Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology, Silapakorn University, Nakorn Pathom 73000, Thailand 4 Associate Professor, Division of Biochemical Technology, School of Bioresources and Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, 10150, Thailand 5 Associate Professor, Department of Agro-Industrial Technology, Faculty of Applied Science, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, 10800, Thailand 2


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

?' • ! @ / N 68 Biogas production from Rice Straw ' !/ 1, ' 2 ' ! & F3 SARAN PANSRIPONG, KONGJAK LOMWICHAI, and WEERACHAI ARJHARN

% & ! %*/! % # / # &* ! q # # * !2 8 1" A! € ,!% ! , ! * * " * # * E ) # ! )+ !2 8 )% 8 # $ ) -* * " *q # 8 # & *) ( /! ( TS " VS 67.77% " 66.97% " ) + E * * " * # * ) ) 67.38% " 58.52% ! / # "+ ! %" &4! ) * * " *!# * + 45.89% " 45.42% )"2 % 1" $ ' - E , 2 % TS VS " COD ! 1" € , & *, ) 60% !8 2 % q # ) E * * " * % ! #! # * E ) # ! " ) ! E "+ ! %" &4! ) =" * 2 50% ) ! #! ! $ ':$ 4 / #q # A! % - 350 . %! ( C 3.5%) " ) ! * * " * % ! #! # * ) # ! , ) -1" € ,8 # 42.46 " . ). %! % !) ! (CH4) # *" 48 4 )+ !2 8 1" A! 8qqx ) -" * *8 # 1,933 + ! " )+ )1"," *8 # !/! 2 / #) *8 # , ) ! 3,854 + ! & * ! ) " ! 210,000 2 / # +! !8 #/! * " 11 ? 4 ) ( % !% ! 2 A! # ! /! , ) E , 4 ) - 2 8 #& */ # % )% ) !! 2 ! 2 )(" % + $' "+ ,+ A! , ) ) " ! *

# # F: q # € , * * " * ABSTRACT The study on utilization of rice straw using biogas production technology showed that thermal pretreatment of rice straw was the best as seen from the highest percentages of TS and VS which were 73.20% and 29.20%, respectively. The following was the pretreatment by chemical means with 21.00% and 10.03%, respectively. The lowest percentage of digestion was found with ultrasonic pretreatment in which the TS and VS were 12.2% and 5.94%, respectively. The removal efficiency of TS, VS and COD from biogas production process showed that thermal pretreatment was higher than 60%, while pretreatments with chemical and ultrasonic means were not over 50%. The economic cost analysis of the system fed with 350 kg/day (3.5% solid) of rice straw and thermal pretreatment showed that the system could produce biogas 42.46 m3/day with 48% of methane (CH4). When it is used to produce electricity, the cost of electricity generation could be reduced approximately 1,933 Bath/month. In addition, sludge from the system, which is a by-product, could increase more income up to 3,854 Baht/month. As the whole system investment was 210,000 Baht, the payback period was found to be 11 years, which is quite high. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the system efficiency which may be achieved by adding other materials in lieu of water such as animal manure or food waste in order to increase nutrients necessary for digesting microorganisms. Keywords: Rice straw, biogas, pretreatment 1

School of Environmental Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, NakhonRatchasima, 30000 School of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, NakhonRatchasima, 30000 3 Postharvest Technology Innovation Center, Suranaree University of Technology, NakhonRatchasima, 30000 * Corresponding author : e-mail: arjharh@g.sut.ac.th 2


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

!% ! @ /6& ? % !& %% ? ! % # % / " + ?' # 8& ' E & %# The index performance of Flat plate solar collector for more product hot water and maintenance 1, , $ , F ! (' 2, - , 1* Suriya Sukarin1, Pongpith Tuenpusa2, Sathaporn Thongwik1*

% & )= % ! " - % ! " *! " E , 1 % * 1 ! * 4 " *! " % 8 " # * 2 " 5 $ /! % * 1 % * 1 ! * 2 , , ) % 8 " ! 2 # (# 1 % * ) 1" 1(#1"

10% 8 !- 100% E , ) # ! ( 1 % * " - (F * ) # ! ) 1 % % * !% !) / "# * % 1(#1" 8 # 8 # 2 / # $ + ! ) - , ) ) 5 1" ! 2 # !8 # 1 ) 5 1" ) /! "% %! " % 8 "" 2 1" 1(#1" 50% !- 100% , E , ) # ! ( 1 % * " - (F * ) # ! ) 1 % % * , ) ( ! * !+ 1""%,E % " */ # $ " ! 6F (F * % 8 " 1" ! 2 # ! * %! !+ ) *! 2 8 # C * !

# # F: ! 2 # !, 1 % % * 1 ! * , ,"% ! ! ABSTRACT This paper is present the index of performance flat plate solar collector change. The experiment was used the mathematical model for simulating the flow rate of sample flat plate solar collector. When flow rate of solar collector is more than testing results by manufacturer 10% to 100 %.The maximum thermal efficiency and loss of heat assemble will be similar to manufacturer specified. Therefore the process can produce a hot water more than specified. In contrary, if reduce the flow rate less than test results by manufacturer 50% to 100%. The maximum thermal efficiency and loss of heat assemble will be increase more than manufacturer specified. The results will aid engineer and technician to analyze problem about a loss of flow rate in solar hot water system. Keywords: hot water, solar collector, renewal energy


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Pathumthani,12110 Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Pathumthani,12110 *Tel:0-2549-3435 ,Fax:0-2549-3432,E-mail:rmutt_thermallab@yahoo.co.th 2


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

/ K , 8 %% # % ?' # ! @ /(Bio-oil) , G 8 , ,' ! /, 'E N 68 The developed bio-oil pilot plant from rice straw using pyrolysis technology @ , 1 ! ! 2 ' ! & F3 Papas Chanaroke1 Wichian Duangsrisen2 and Weerachai Arjharn3

% & & ! #! -( ,%B! 2 % 1" ! 2 )%! , & */ # &!&"* 8,& 8"4 ) - % q # 8 # 480 &" %)/ %! + 20 &" %)/ % &) )+ / # 5 () /! 8,&"8 4 500 oC " % 8 " € 8!& ! 4 L/min (1 ) Dolomite 5%wt) / #1"1" ! 2 )%! , 240 &" %)/ %! A!! 2 )%! , 153-163 &" %)/ %! / # ) # ! *( /! 20.1-20.25 MJ/kg ) -1" - !8 # 154-156 &" %)/ %! / # ) # ! =" * 17.54 MJ/kg ) -1" ,"% ! !! 2 )%! 8 # 42.85 %!/ ? " " " * € !8 84 ( * $ 137.81 %!/ ?

# # F: 8,& 8"4 ! 2 )%! , ,"% ! ! q # ABSTRACT The developed bio-oil pilot plant using pyrolysis technology could be supplied by rice straw approximately 480 kg/day or 20 kg/hr. In a condition of 500oC pyrolysis temperature and 4 L/min nitrogen flow rate (with dolomite 5% wt.), crude bio-oil was produced 240 kg/day or bio-oil 153-163 kg/days having heating value in the range of 20.1 to 20.25 MJ/kg. The charcoal production was found to be 154-156 kg/day the heating value of which was on the order of 17.54 MJ/kg. With this rate, 42.85 tonnes/year of bio-oil could be produced resulting in reducing the carbon dioxide emission about 137.81 tonnes/year. Keyword: Pyrolysis, Bio-oil, Alternative Energy, Rice Straw


!% $ ' FF & $ ) + " ) * "%* &!&"* ! .! ) Email: papus.tong@hotmail.com !% $ ' FF & $ ) ' ) * "%* &!&"* ! .! ) Email: saylom_ae@hotmail.com 3 1(# *$ * 2 $ ) ' ) * "%* &!&"* ! .! ) Email: arjharh@sut.ac.th 2


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

% ?' %,& ! E' 'S /* # !" '0 % /* ! " 0 Biodiesel Production Process from Oil Seeds Grown in Highland Area + 1, % +J 1 , & ' / " +1 Ruttana Chaiwannawong1, Damorn Bundhurat1, Anusan Permsuwan1

% & ! 2 )%! , ) ( ! " )! ) ! * "2 !,+ ! ( /! !+ $ 2 / # ! 2 )%! !,+ ! ( ) ( ) 8 & 4" A! " ,"% ! ! / #! 2 )%! 4" # ! !8 8 # % ) !/ A! * ) $ ' + #!, ) )"C ,+ # - ! 3 ! ) $% * ,/! !2 ) 1" A!! 2 )%! + ," !+ /! )"C ) % ! 4C! ! 2 )%! *( ( 8 # )"C ) ! 2 )%! 46-75%, )"C ) ) ! 2 )%! 30-65% " )"C ) * !) ! 2 )%! ) 5 55% % - ! %*! + 1. " 1" 8 & 4" # * ! ! qZ % !& */ # A!

% D * ! 2 )%! )"C )"C ) " )"C ) * ! 2. 5 ) % 8 & 4"8 # ) !+ )- 2 , ) ! ! ! " ) A! - 3. / # !8 & 4" 1" 8 #/! + *! 4" ! "C

# # F : 8 & 4" ) ) * ! ABSTRACT Higher oil price and transport difficulty in highland in northern area of Thailand cause the oil price higher than usual. Biodiesel, produced locally, becomes an interesting choice of substitution for the partial usage of diesel from low land. The preliminary study found that 3 types of highland plants have a potential for oil production to use as fuel. The seeds of those plants contain high amount of oil. Krabok seed, Matak seed and Ma Yao Hin seed has 46-75%, 30-65% and 55% of oil by mass, respectively. The purpose of this research was to (1) trial production of biodiesel by the tranesterification process with alkali catalyst from oil, extracted from Krabok seed, Matak seed and Ma Yau Hin seed, (2) check the properties of biodiesel such as density, viscosity, specific gravity, and pH, and (3) validate the use of biodiesel for small diesel engine. Keywords: Biodiesel Krabok Matak Ma Yau Hin


$ ) + " 5 $ )$ ) * "%* * / ) * / ) 50000 Email chaiwannawong@gmail.com


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

?' * & /' 7 ' ' , G 8 , ,' ! • E NW " Charcoal production from palm shell by gasification technology + C/ @ 1, 66 2, ' ! & F3 Natthapong Prapakarn1Thanathat Mookkhan2 and Weerachai Arjharn3

% & ! %*! ) % - ,+ $ ' ) 5 ( " 5 ) % - ! + ," " " )& */ # &!&"* € 4 qZ % ! % 8 " € 150 m3/hr 1" $ ' , ) 5 -# !) 8) 1" % 5 ) % ) A! + ," € ) % 32.42% + ," x ! ) ) # ! ( % 28.01 kJ/kg ) + ! % 6.21% ) 5 " * % 15.89% ) 5 -# % 9.02% " ) 5 ! % % 75.09% " , ) ) 5 ! % 72.39% 8}& ! 0.94% 4 ! 24.17% 8!& ! 2.5% " % ! ) C ) % 31 4 5 ) % % " ) ) % !2 ) / # A! + ,"

# # F: - ! + ," , € 4 qZ % !, " " ) ABSTRACT This research aims to study the properties of the highest yield of palm shell charcoal by using the gasification technology. It was found that at the gas flow rate of 150 m3/hr that was not affected the quality of fuel gas and produce maximum yield of charcoal at 32.42%. The properties of charcoal showed that the heating value was 28.01 kJ / kg, moisture content 6.21%, volatile matter 15.89%, ash 9.02% and fixed carbon content 75.09%. In addition, the amount of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen were 72.39%, 0.94%, 24.17% and 2.5% respectively, and hard grove grind ability index (HGI) was 31. The properties of charcoal obtained were suitable for use as fuel. Keyword: charcoal, gasification, palm shell

1 Graduated Student, School of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima,Thailand, 30000 2 Graduated Student, School of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima,Thailand, 30000 3 Assistance Professor, School of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, 30000


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

I G 8 , ' / 8 /*"& # ?' /' NNO ' 7 , , ,' ! • E NW " A study on utilization of coconut shell residue for electrical power and activated carbon production via gasification technology / ' 8 1 @ + & *& 2 ' ! & F3 POJANALAI CHAOHUIMAK1 ,KITTIYAPORN RONGMUANG 2 and WEERACHAI ARJHARH3

% & & % * ! ) % - ,+ $ ' " ,% B ! ! 1" - ! % ) )% ! ) " " ) , # ( % 1" ,"% !8qqx & */ # &!&"* € 4 qZ % ! " / # E #! * , # *8 ! 2 (Steam Activation) 1" $ ' , #! # *8 ! 2 %! 0.5 bar % 8 " € ) " % 190 m3/hr A! ) ) & */ # 2 "% 1" 8qqx % 64.21 kW ) % / # + ," " ) , # % 1.92 kg/kWh + 122.68 kg/hr " / #1"1" - ! %))%! % 18.09 kg/hr E , 1" € ) " " E , 1" 8qqx ) % 42.83% " 9.88% )"2 % & *- ! %))%! 1" 8 # ) ,+ ! 1 (, ! ) " ( 4% 8 & ! % 896.00 m2/g " 876.56 mg/g )"2 %

# # F: € 4 qZ % ! ) " " ) , # - ! %))%! ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to study and develop a production process of activated carbon derived from coconut shell biomass along with electrical energy production using gasification technology. The experiment was conducted by employing steam as an activation agent. The results indicate that activating pressure approximately 0.5 bar as well as 190 m3/hr of gas flow rate provided the most suitable operating condition. The electrical power achieved was 64.21 kW with a biomass consumption rate of 122.68 kg/hr and the activated carbon production rate obtained was 18.09 kg/hr. Also, gasification efficiency, and electrical efficiency in such condition were 42.83% and 9.88% respectively. The corresponding characteristics of activated carbon with respect to total surface area and iodine number were found to be 896.00 m2/g and 876.56 mg/g, respectively. Keywords: Gasification Biomass Coconut shell Activated carbon

1 Graduated Student, School of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima,Thailand, 30000 2 Graduated Student, School of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima,Thailand, 30000 3 Assistance Professor, School of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, 30000


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 31 ) ! ) – 1 )' *! 2554 5 " %! ,% * . "

?' /' N 68 , G 8 , ,' ! • E NW " Energy Production from Rice Straw via Gasification Technology / @ E 1, ! & F2, 4, ' / ' %' % 3, 4 Thipsuphin Hinsui 1, Weerachai Arjharn2,4 and Pansa Liplap3,4

% & & %*! ) % - ,+ $ ' " ,%B! & ! #! 2 % 1" € ) "& */ # &!&"* € 4 qZ % ! q # & *) 2 "% 1" ! 20 kWe + 360 kWth 1" , € + ," 1" 8 # # * CO, H2 " CH4 /! % !& * ) =" * 15.716%, 18.990% " 2.450% )"2 % ) ) # ! % 5.40 MJ/Nm3 % 1" € + ," ( + 158 m3/hr ) % / # + ," q # % 84 kg/hr " ) E , 1" € + ," % 56% A!,"% ! % 233.16 kWth ) 5 " j w! *( /! 36.2-76.3 mg/Nm3 5 ) % - !q # ) # *" -# ( ) 5 41.61% ) 4 " !8 84 (SiO2) A! "% + 53.2% w.t. ) ! #! ! " 1" ! & !" ! E 1,284,000 ) *8 # E 620,778 / ? ) +! !/! * " ) 5 2.1 ? ) !)", ' " " * 8 # & 8) / # 1" ! "# ) 1" ,"% ! ! € 4 qZ % ! ) -" " " * € !8 84 8 # 50.04 %!/ ? )+ * % " " * € !8 84 8qqx jw * 1" $8 */! 5 / # + ," q 4

# # F : € 4 qZ % !, q # , € + ," , E , 1" € + ," ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to study and develop a pilot plant for producer gas production from rice straw via gasification technology which has a capacity of 20 kWe or 360 kWth showed that the producer gas consisted of CO, H2 and CH4 with percentages by volume of 15.72%, 18.99% and 2.45%, respectively. The total heating value was approximately 5.40 MJ/Nm3, which is high enough for use in thermal application. The maximum gas flow rate achieved was 158m3/hr with a rate of biomass (rice straw) consumption 84 kg/hr. The gasification efficiency at such condition was 56% which is equal to 233.16 kWth. Tar and dust containing in producer gas varied from 36.2-76.3 mg/Nm3. As for the charcoal characteristics of rice straw after gasifying, the ash content was rather high approximately 41.61%. Oxide compound analysis also revealed that silicon dioxide (SiO2) was the main compound in rice straw charcoal. The cost-benefit analysis showed that the investment of this pilot plant costs 1,284,000 Baht which could provide a net benefit of 620,778 Baht/year; consequently, 2.1 years of payback period will be achieved. Concerning emissions from the system, it could be concluded that there is no severe effect found on environment. The energy production using gasification process could reduce carbon dioxide emission 50.04 tonnes/year compared to data derived from Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand where fossil fuel is used. Keyword: gasification, rice straw, producer gas, gasification efficiency


PhD Candidate , 2Assistant Professor, 3Lecturer, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology Postharvest Technology Innovation Center, Suranaree University of Technology, 111 University Avenue, Muang, Nakhoratchasima, Thailand, 30000 Tel. +66 44225 007 E-mail: ann_engineer@hotmail.com 4


) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 International Conference on Agricultural Engineering (TSAE2011)

Samuel Gan-Mor – Short CV & Publication list

University Education and Additional Training 1972 - 1976 B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering - Tel-Aviv University, Israel. 1977 - 1979 M.Sc. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering - Case Institute of Technology, C.W.R.U., Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Thesis Title: Pressure measurements on model corneas due to hard and soft contact lenses. Supervision by Prof. A. Dybbs and Prof. I. Greber. 1984 - 1986 D.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering - The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. Thesis Title: Collision of a viscoelastic - plastic agricultural product with an elastic plate. Supervision by Prof. N. Galili. Positions held 1973 – to date Research Engineer, The Institute of Agricultural Engineering, ARO, Israel. 1990 - 1995 Head, The Department of Post-Harvest Technologies, The Institute of Agricultural Engineering, ARO, Israel. 2004 - 2008 Head, ISAE - The Israeli Society of Agricultural Engineers. 2010 – to date Director, The Institute of Agricultural Engineering, ARO, Bet dagan. Articles in International journals Gan-Mor, S. and S. E. Law (1992). Frequency and phase-lag effects on transport of particulates by an AC electric field. Transactions of the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 28(2):317-323. Gan-Mor, S. and A. Mizrach (1992).

) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 International Conference on Agricultural Engineering (TSAE2011)

Analytical model for plastic impact of fruit on thin plate. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 35(6):18691872. Gan-Mor, S., Y. Schwartz, A. Bechar, D. Eisikowitch and G. Manor (1995). Relevance of electrostatic forces in natural and artificial pollination. Canadian Agricultural Engineering, 37(3):189-194. Gan-Mor, S., A. Grinstein, H. beres, Y. Riven and I. Zur (1996). Improved uniformity of spray deposition in a dense plant canopy: methods and equipment. Phytoparasitica 24(1):57-67. Mizrach, A., N. Galili, S. Gan-Mor, U. Felitsanov and I. Prigojin (1996). Models of ultrasonic parameters to assess avocado properties and shelf life. J. of Agricultural Engineering Research, 65:261-267. Gan-Mor, S., B. Ronen, S. Josef and Y. Bilanki (1997). Guidance of autonomous vehicle for greenhouse transportation. ACTA Horticulture No. 443:99-104. Bechar, A., S. Gan-Mor, Y. Vaknin, I. Shmulevich, B. Ronen and D. Eisikowitch (1997). An image analysis technique for accurate counting of pollen on stigmas. The new Phytologist - International J. of the Plant Science, 137(4):639-643. Vaknin, Y., S. Gan-Mor, A. Bechar, B. Ronen and D. Eisikowitch (1999). Effect of desiccation and dilution on viability of almond pollen. The Journal of Horticultural science & Biotechnology, 74: 321-327. Bechar, A., I. Shmulevich, D. Eisikowitch, Y. Vaknin, B. Ronen, S. Gan-Mor (1999). Modeling and experiment analysis of electrostatic date pollination. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 42(6):15111516. (Received the “2000 ASAE Superior paper Award�). Gan-Mor, S., N. Galili (2000). Rheological model of a fruit collision with an elastic plate J. of Agricultural Engineering Research, 75(2):139-147. Vaknin Y., S. Gan-Mor, A. Bechar, B. Ronen and D. Eisikowitch (2000). The role of electrostatics in pollination. Plant Systematic and Evolution. Vol. 222 (1-4): 133-142 (Invited paper). Fenigstein A., Eliyaho, M., Gan-Mor, S., Veierov, D. (2001). Effect of five vegetable oils on the sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Phytoparasitica 29(3):197-206. Vaknin Y., S. Gan-Mor, A. Bechar, B. Ronen and Eisikowitch, D. (2001). Improving pollination of almond (Amygdalus communis L.; Rosaceae) using electrostatic techniques. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology. 76(2): 208-212. Vaknin Y., Gan-Mor S., Bechar A, Ronen B, Eisikowitch D. (2001).

) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 International Conference on Agricultural Engineering (TSAE2011)

Are flowers morphologically adapted to take advantage of electrostatic forces in pollination? New Phytologist. 152: 301–306. Vaknin, Y., Gan-Mor S., Bechar A, Ronen B, Eisikowitch D. (2002). Effects of supplementary pollination on cropping success and fruit quality in pistachio. Plant Breeding 121(5): 451-455. Gan-Mor S., A. Bechar, B. Ronen D. Eisikowitch and Y. Vaknin (2003). Electrostatic Pollen Applicator Development and Tests for Almond, Kiwi, Date and Pistachio – An Overview. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 19(2):119-124. Gan-Mor S., A. Bechar, B. Ronen D. Eisikowitch and Y. Vaknin (2003). Improving Electrostatic Pollination inside Tree Canopy via Simulations and Field Tests. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 46(3):839-843. Gan-Mor, S. and G. A. Matthews, (2003). Review paper: Recent Developments in Sprayers for Application of Biopesticides - an Overview. Biosystems Engineering 84(2): 119-125. (Renowned by the journal: Amongst the 10 most downloaded papers of Biosystems Engineering for 2003). Gan-Mor, S., R. L. Clark, B. L. Upchurch. (2007). Implement lateral position accuracy under RTK-GPS tractor guidance. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Elsevir Pub. Co. 59(1-2): 31-38. Bechar, A., S. Gan-Mor, B. Ronen. (2008). A method for increasing the electrostatic deposition of pollen and powder. Journal of Electrostatics 66(7+8):375-380 Eshel, D., R. Regev, J. Orenstein, S. Droby, S. Gan-Mor. (2009). Combining physical, chemical and biological methods for synergistic control of postharvest diseases: a case study of Black Root Rot of carrot. Postharvest Biology and Technology 54: 48–52. Gan-Mor, S., B. Ronen, Y. Vaknin Y. Glik, Y. Samocha, D. Eisikowitch. (2009). Further Studies on Electrostatic Date Pollination – from the Laboratory Bench to Field Unit Performance Test. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 25(5): 643-646. Palevsky, E., Gal, S., Maoz, Y., Abrahams, J., Melamed, E., Domeratzky, S., Gross, S., Shmueli,S., Gan-Mor, S., Ronen, B. and Argov, Y. 2010. Windborne pollen provisioning cover crops (WPPCC) for enhancing the population levels of Euseius scutalis and improving citrus rust mite control. IOBC/ WPRS Bulletin in press.

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) ) ) $ ) ' $8 * % 12 2 ? 2554 International Conference on Agricultural Engineering (TSAE2011)

Novelty, Clean and Sustainable� 31 March-1 April 2011

Scientific committee 1. Dr. Takayuki Kojima 2. Dr. Samuel Gan-Mor 3. 4. 5. 6.

Dr. Munehiro Tanaka Dr. Li Zaigui Dr. Bim Prasad Sherestha Dr. Panmanas Sirisomboon

7. Dr. Pimpen Pornchaloempong 8. Dr. Prasan Chumjaiharn 9. Dr. Pravin Charde 10. Dr. Nizamettin Ç FTÇ 11. Dr. Christopher Oluwakunmi AKINBILE 12. Dr. Anupun Terdwongworakul 13. Dr. Siwalak Pathaveerat 14. Dr. Altaf Ali Siyal

Saga Study Center, The Open University of Japan and Saga University, JAPAN Institute of Agricultural Engineering, ARO, ISRAEL Saga University, JAPAN China Agricultural University, CHINA Kathmandu University, NEPAl King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, THAILAND King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, THAILAND King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, THAILAND Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, INDIA Selcuk University, TURKEY Federal University of Technology, NIGERIA Kasetsart University, THAILAND Kasetsart University, THAILAND Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, PAKISTAN

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