NEWS FROM THE EDEN ROC Dear Guests, Dear Friends of the Eden Roc It is a true privilege for me to manage one of Switzerland’s most beautiful and most luxurious hotels and to get to know Ticino better. I feel delighted and humbled at the same time. My greatest wish now is to exceed your expectations. «There is magic in every beginning», wrote Hermann Hesse shortly after his arrival in Ticino, as he attempted to capture his first impressions. In the spirit of his words, I would like to invite you on a journey to Lake Maggiore and I look forward to your next visit. Yours sincerely Andreas Gartmann and the whole Eden Roc Team
SPECIALS GOTTHARD SPECIAL - GET TO TICINO MORE QUICKLY! We have dedicated a special offer to the new Gotthard Base Tunnel. To ensure that you can spend the time you save in a particularly pleasant manner, we will give you a free massage at the Eden Roc Spa. In addition, from January 2017, you can use the new Ticino ticket to enjoy free use of all public transport during your stay. The offer includes two overnight stays with breakfast, half-board, one 25-minute massage per person, and a packed lunch for the return journey. This can be booked from CHF 560 per person in a double room and is only valid if you travel by train. 4=3 WINTER SPECIAL
Enjoy four overnight stays for the price of three and relax on the shores of Lake Maggiore. The special includes a lavish breakfast buffet, a welcome drink, half-board and free use of the Eden Roc Spa. From CHF 525 per person in a double room.
The mild Mediterranean climate of Ticino offers a wide range of activities and excursions. Whether the pure natural surroundings of the local Cardada mountain, action at ÂŤLocarno on IceÂť on the Piazza Grande, or extensive shopping opportunities in the region and its retail outlet, we have a wealth of ideas. Our Concierge Team is happy to advise you.
After its success last year, the Senior Tennis Open will once again be held in Ascona this year. We look forward to welcoming you to the tournament from 29 November to 2 December 2016. Come and enjoy exciting matches on the indoor clay courts. From CHF 300 per room and night with double occupancy.
Stay on the ball! Our Golf Break special will ensure you are ideally prepared for the coming golf season. Look forward to Ticino’s stunning green fairways, even during the winter months. The mild climate makes it even easier for you to recharge your batteries. From CHF 1140 per person in a double room for three nights including half-board.
Maximum relaxation – maximum freedom. Stay for two nights and receive a wonderfully beneficial aromatic oil massage. This also includes a spa credit of CHF 100 per person. From CHF 655 per person in a double room including half-board for two nights.
Enjoy a Finnish sauna every Saturday at 17.00 from November 2016 to March 2017. Following an invigorating plunge into Lake Maggiore, warm yourself by an open fire and with barbecue specialities from the fire pit at the Eden Roc Beach.
EVENT CALENDAR 2016/2017 UNTIL 20 NOVEMBER .......................
86. International White Truffle Festival in Alba
4 TO 6 NOVEMBER .............................
Hotel Eden Roc 2016 Curling Trophy
15 AND 16 NOVEMBER .......................
Circus Knie Locarno
Locarno on Ice
13. International Ascona Senior Tennis Open
3 AND 4 DECEMBER ..........................
Christmas market in Ascona
8 DECEMBER .....................................
Christmas market in the old town of Locarno
7 JANUARY ..........................................
La Tavolata di Ascona
14 FEBRUARY ....................................
Romantic Valentine‘s dinner in the Restaurant Marina
22 TO 26 MARCH ................................
Camellia Show in Locarno
You w ill find d etails ab o u t o u r s p e ci a l s , t h e s er vi c e s t h ey in cl u d e, a n d even t s o n o u r h o m ep a g e: ed en ro c. ch . O u r t ea m is happy t o advis e you on +4 1 ( 0) 9 1 785 71 71. « Ra t e s f ro m » a r e q u o t ed p er p er so n in a d o u bl e ro o m . R a t es fo r singl e ro o m s a n d s uit es ar e available on r eques t. Pl e a s e n o t e t h a t ra t e s va r y d e p e n ding o n s ea so n a n d ca t ego r y. A l l sp eci a l s a re o n req u es t a n d s ubjec t t o availability.
CULINARY ART IN THE REALM OF FLAVOURS Swiss cheese is enjoying international popularity. In our CHALET TICINESE we serve you a selection of exquisite cheese specialities based on traditional Swiss cuisine, such as fondue and raclette. Reserve our Restaurant La Casetta and experience the ambience of our lakeside restaurant on the shores of Lake Maggiore together with friends and family or for an exclusive romantic tête-à-tête.
Our fire pit always provides a special barbecue experience. Why wait until next summer? During the winter season you can enjoy delicious barbecue specialities by the lake with a view of the snowcovered mountains. So that you don‘t get cold feet, we serve hot mulled wine and provide you with soft blankets.
On 3 December, we would like to welcome you to an exclusive dinner à la italianità with delicacies of Neapolitan cuisine. A fitting musical setting is guaranteed by the «Alpha & Omega» duo, Maria Trasi and Maestro Boursier, who will perform classic hits from the music scene of Naples. CHF 89 per person including aperitif.
The music hall with the longest tradition is probably the Moulin Rouge in Paris. True to the motto «La vie est belle», this year we would like to invite you to a glittering New Year‘s Eve party à la française with aperitif, gala dinner and musical entertainment. CHF 260 per person.
Experience the festive period in the Mediterranean climate between Lake Maggiore and the surrounding mountains, amidst palm trees and snow-covered mountain peaks. Our gift to you: relaxed yet dazzling celebrations in an impressive atmosphere with a varied festive programme.
ADVENT AT THE HOTEL EDEN ROC Have you ever thought of spending a relaxing Advent weekend in Ticino? Wander around one of the region‘s wonderful Christmas markets before facing the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle in the cities. To make sure you have enough time to enjoy yourself, we will give you an extra night free of charge. From CHF 570 per person in a double room for three nights. Valid on the four weekends in Advent from Friday to Monday or Thursday to Sunday, with half-board.
FESTIVE PROGRAMME 2016/2017 17 DECEMBER ....................................
Christmas tavolata market in the Marina Lounge
18 DECEMBER ................................
Ascona Christmas run
24 AND 25 DECEMBER .....................
Elegant festive dinners in the Restaurant Eden Roc
25 DECEMBER ...................................
Christmas brunch in the Restaurant Eden Roc
27 DECEMBER ...................................
Winter BBQ at the Eden Roc Beach
29 DECEMBER ...................................
Mulled wine aperitif with artist Guido Caminada in the Maggia valley
30 DECEMBER ...................................
Morning excursion to Como and afternoon dancing lesson at the Eden Bar
31 DECEMBER ...................................
Nes Year‘s Eve party «Paris - la vie est belle»
1 JANUARY ..........................................
New Year‘s brunch in the Restaurant Eden Roc New Year‘s concert followed by fireworks over Lake Maggiore
HOT EL E D E N R O C — Vi a A l barell e 1 6 — 6 6 1 2 A sc on a — Sw i t zerl a n d Tel ep h on e + 4 1 ( 0 ) 9 1 7 8 5 7 1 7 1 — Fax + 4 1 ( 0 ) 9 1 785 71 43 in fo @ e d e n ro c . c h — w w w.e d e nroc .c h — M e m ber of Tsch u gg en H o t el G ro u p