Eden Roc Meetings

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MEETINGS AT THE HOTEL EDEN ROC Where the view of the lake boosts your creativity

Table of contents Hotel Eden Roc: where your meeting becomes an experience! .................................................... 3 Overview of our meeting rooms ............................................................................................. 4 Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 5 Refreshing ideas for your breaks ........................................................................................... 5 All-inclusive seminar rates .................................................................................................... 6 Full-day all-inclusive rate - CHF 120 per person ................................................................. 6 Half-day all-inclusive rate - CHF 95 per person .................................................................. 6 Would you like to stay on a little longer? ............................................................................... 7 For small groups of up to 9 participants: ............................................................................ 7 For groups of 10 or more participants: .............................................................................. 7 Our Edenmoment for you................................................................................................... 7 Social programme................................................................................................................ 8 For culture vultures, athletes and adventurers ..................................................................... 8 Step outside the box and try something different!................................................................ 8


Hotel Eden Roc: where your meeting becomes an experience! We h a ve th r ee meet in g ro o ms eq u ip p ed w ith st a te -o f -th e -a rt t ech n o lo g y fo r yo u r c r ea ti ve me etin g s . Th e in d ivid u a lly d e sig n ed ro o ms ca n b e a d a p ted fo r p re sen ta tio n s , me etin g s a n d rec ep tio n s , d ep en d in g o n yo u r r eq u i re me n t s. W ith it s la rg e f ro n t a g e o f w in d o w s, o u r Lo u n g e b y th e La k e o ffe r s a n u n p a ra l lel ed vi e w o f La k e Ma g g io re . Be i n sp i red b y t h i s u n iq u e s ettin g !

In o u r fo u r re st a u ra n t s we ca n o f f e r yo u th e c u lin a ry co mp le men t to yo u r e ven t . Te ll u s wh a t yo u wo u ld l ik e - t h ere a r e n o li mi t s ! Ed en Ro c – R ein t e rp ret ed cla s si c s 15 Ga u lt Mi lla u p o in t s La B r ezza – Yo u n g , so p h ist ica t ed & c rea t ive 17 Ga u lt Mi lla u p o in t s Ma r in a – Mo d e rn cu i sin e in a r ela x ed lo u n g e a t mo sp h e re 14 Ga u lt Mi lla u p o in t s


Overview of our meeting rooms Lounge by the Lake




Area (m²) Length (m) Width (m)

50 7 7

90 12 8

34 8 4

34 8 4

Capacity (persons) Block arrangement Horseshoe arrangement Conference Concert Banquet Stand-up reception

12 10 12 30 30 30

18 25 25 80 80 150-250

14 20 25-40

16 20 25-40

CHF 400 CHF 250

CHF 700 CHF 400

CHF 400 CHF 250

CHF 400 CHF 250


Prices 1 day 1/2 day

Image 2: Lounge by the Lake

Image 1: Marina

Image 4: Ghiridone Image 3: Inverna


Equipment We can offer you the following technical equipment: Projector



/ day

Flip chart (1 included in each room)



/ day




/ day

Screen (1 included in each room)



/ day




/ day

Facilitator's kit with consumables



/ day

Polycom conference phone



/ day

Portable microphone system



/ day

Lectern with microphone



/ day

Coloured pinboard (1 included in each room)



/ day

Colour paper photocopies




Film copies




Video conference system

at cost

We will be happy to hire further specialist technology from external partners for you.

Refreshing ideas for your breaks "Eden Roc" coffee break / CHF 15 per person and break Coffee, selection of teas Orange and grapefruit juice Still and sparkling mineral water Morning: Smoothies and sweet pâtisserie specialities, homemade sweets and fruit jellies, freshly cut fruit and mixed fruit basket Afternoon: Mini sandwiches, home-made cake, freshly cut fruit and mixed fruit basket

"Wellness" coffee break / CHF 25 per person and break

In addition to "Eden Roc" coffee break: Morning: Afternoon:

Power muesli with goji berries, cruditĂŠs with dip Home-made vegetable crisps and lemonade, filled wraps


All-inclusive seminar rates For groups of 8 or more participants, we can offer you the following all -inclusive seminar rates:

Full-day all-inclusive rate - CHF 120 per person Conference room on the day of the event including room hire, standard equipment (notepads, pens, still and sparkling mineral water, 1 pinboard and 1 flip chart) and free Wifi access. One "Eden Roc" morning coffee break: Coffee and tea Orange and grapefruit juice Smoothies Sweet p창tisserie specialities Home-made sweets and fruit jellies Freshly cut fruit Mixed fruit basket Business lunch: Three-course business lunch (put together by the head chef using seasonal produce) or a sandwich lunch served in the seminar room with soft drinks, coffee and tea. One "Eden Roc" afternoon coffee break: Coffee and tea Orange and grapefruit juice Home-made cake Mini sandwiches Freshly cut fruit Mixed fruit basket

Half-day all-inclusive rate - CHF 95 per person Conference room on the day of the event including room hire, standard equipment (notepads, pens, still and sparkling mineral water, 1 pinboard and 1 flip chart) and free Wifi access. Business lunch: Three-course business lunch (put together by the head chef using seasonal produce) or a sandwich lunch served in the seminar room, including soft drinks, coffee and tea. One "Eden Roc" morning or afternoon coffee break.


Would you like to stay on a little longer? For small groups of up to 9 participants: Room Double room with single occupancy Surcharge for a second person

October to March from CHF 270 CHF 110

April to September from CHF 430 CHF 110

Th e a b o ve ro o m ra t es a re f o r g u id a n c e p u rp o se s o n ly a n d ma y va r y o n a ca se -b y - ca se b a si s . P r ice s in c lu d e b r ea k f a st a n d V AT . Th e co mp u l so ry v is ito r 's ta x o f CHF 4. 7 0 p e r p er so n a n d d a y wi ll b e ch a rg ed s ep a ra tel y.

For groups of 10 or more participants: " Me et w ith a Vi e w" - CH F 3 9 0 p e r p e r so n a n d n ig h t Th e fo l lo win g s er vi ce s a re in c lu d ed : • Ove rn ig h t st a y in clu d in g b rea k fa s t b u ffet • We lco me d rin k • Co n f er en ce ro o m in clu d in g ro o m ren ta l a n d sta n d a rd eq u ip men t (notepads, pens, still and sparkling mineral water, 1 pinboard and 1 flip chart) • Fre e Wi f i a cce s s • Th re e -co u r se lu n ch men u se le cted b y th e h ea d c h ef, in c lu d in g so ft d rin k s a n d co ff e e • Two r ef r esh in g " Ed en R o c" co ff ee b rea k s • Fre e u se o f t h e Ed en R o c Sp a • Tra n sf e r t o a n d f ro m L o ca rn o ra il wa y sta tio n Bo o k a b l e o n r eq u e st a n d b a sed o n a va ila b il ity . Ser vi ce a n d V A T a re in c lu d ed in th e p ric e. Va l id f ro m 1 0 ro o ms e x cep t f ro m J u n e to Au g u st. Th e co mp u lso ry vi s ito r ' s ta x o f CH F 4. 7 0 p e r p e r so n a n d d a y wi ll b e ch a rg ed s ep a r a tely .

Our Edenmoment for you If yo u b o o k o u r " Me et wi t h a V ie w" sp ec ia l si x mo n th s in a d va n ce , we w il l p ro vid e a n a fter - wo rk co ck t a il re c ep t io n w it h a p p et i se rs f o r yo u r g ro u p .


Social programme Tic in o , t h e su n t er ra c e o f S wit ze rla n d , is a tt ra ct ive a t a n y ti me o f yea r with it s mi ld cli ma te, fa sc in a t in g ve g et a t io n , cu l in a r y a n d cu ltu ra l h ig h lig h t s , a n d wid e ra n g e o f ex cit in g le i su r e a ct i vit i es . It is i mp o s s ib l e to feel b o red in th i s sp e cia l p a rt o f th e wo rld wi th a l l th e a d ven t u r es , f a sc in a t in g ex p e r ien c es a n d o p tio n s fo r re la x a t io n it o ffe r s.

For culture vultures, athletes and adventurers      

Visit to Teatro Dimitri in Verscio Visit to vineyards in the immediate neighbourhood and wine tasting Trip to the Castles of Bellinzona Guided tour of Ascona or Locarno Visit to Centro Dannemann in Brissago Sailing courses and boat trips

Step outside the box and try something different!       

Paragliding flight for new perspectives Guided mountain bike tours Canyoning Bungee jumping at the Verzasca Dam Pottery course Cookery courses with our head chefs Cocktail mixing course with our head bar man

You can rely on us to put together an unforgettable leisure programme based on your individual requirements.


Our Event Manager is looking forward to your enquiry.

Telep h o n e: +4 1 (0 ) 91 7 8 5 71 7 1 Fa x : +4 1 (0 ) 91 7 8 5 71 43 e- ma i l: even t s @ed en ro c.ch

Ho t el Ed en Ro c , A sco n a Via Alb a re ll e 1 6 CH – 6 61 2 A sco n a w w w. ed en ro c .ch

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