Tshwane Youth Magazine

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You’re probably singing along to that Soul II Soul 1989 hit single as you face the reality of going back to work, school or anything you’ve had to pause due to the holidays. Well, some of us had to make sure that the South African economy is functioning by working through the holidays. Life is what it is. While some are sobering and sobbing that the festive season has passed, some can’t wait to commence with the New Year. Happy New You in the New Year to all our readers and may 2013 bring with it all the goodness you need in your life. If you are reading this, that means you survived yet another predicted doomsday in the form of 21.12.12; the end of the year 2012; and if you were in matric the passing year, you have received your results. Congratulations. I can only hope that the year 2013 will be better than the year 2012, mainly because you will make better decisions and take action on all those resolutions and declarations you’ve made. Speaking of decisions, the editorial team decided to update the December issue of TYM seeing that it had a lot of errors in it. In making up for that, some of the included articles in this Dec/Jan issue are an extended motoring section about some of the cars that are expected to come out in 2013; more pictures on the Drift that happened at Zwartkops Raceway; big anticipations in 2013; 2012 matric results and how a school in Western Cape got great results even though most of their learners are disadvantaged; and we took a look at reality shows, also taking time to introduce our very own TYM reality show. Yes. It’s real. This issue is a “goodbye 2012 and hello 2013” kind of handshake. We’ll, if you prefer hugs, you’re still in the right place. Here’s looking forward to a great year of great reading with you. As you pack your gym back and throw it into the trunk of your car and get new diets to go on, go out to achieve the goals you’ve set for the year and enjoy the blessings in your life. Remember to share TYM with a friend by referring them to our website, Twitter and Facebook accounts for a free subscription. We aim to inspire, inform and entertain the youth. Celebrate. Love, Masingita @masingitamasiya


the main causes: “The most common causes of the crashes during the 2011/12 festive period include speeding in unfriendly weather conditions, reckless and inconsiderate driving, and abuse of alcohol by drivers and pedestrians,” said Ndebele. Statistics show that the youth between the ages of 19-29 are the most vulnerable to accidents during the festive season and 1230 fatal crashes happened in a space of 41 days (1 December 2011- 10 January 2012) as shown by figures of the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC). One can’t ignore alcohol as a cause of accidents during the festive season. During the festive season, newspaper articles, television and radio news reports are published and broadcasted showing that the accidents that occur during the festive period unfortunately correlate with increasing alcohol sales in the same period. According to statistics from the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), over sixty five percent (65%) of deaths in South Africa are caused by alcohol abuse.

@ROBERT_MABUSELA Driving under the influence of alcohol and various other intoxicating substances has been the core of the problem concerning road fatalities during the festive season in South Africa, and globally. Alcohol is to be blamed for festive season accidents as it is amongst the top three causes of accidents during the festive season. In a press statement about the 2011/2012 Festive Season Road Traffic Statistics earlier this year, the then Minister of Transport, Sibusiso Ndebele, noted alcohol to be amongst

One of the reasons why alcohol and substance abuse can be seen as one of the main reasons of road accidents is because unlike unroadworthy vehicles which are taken off the road and people driving without valid driver’s licenses, those who drive under the influence are only taken off the road once they are found or involved in an accident and not beforehand. Reality only strikes the person under the influence once they have caused an accident or have been found driving over the limit, instead of before taking preventive measures.

Kgothatso Phetla (23)

Mpho Baloyi (20)

I beg to differ. The majority of accidents are not caused by alcohol, but by the festive season fever that causes people to be reckless on the roads, which in turn hurts others. I’ve witnessed this through most of my peers who are not legally able to drive, steal their parents’ cars just to go clubbing and while on the road they play music loudly, sing along to the songs and while high on the festive excitement, they lose focus of the road and end up being involved in or cause accidents on the road.

Alcohol is consumed in extreme quantities during the festive season, and thus I do agree that it’s one of the major causes of accidents during the period. With the many social events at night clubs, festivals, and family gatherings during the festives, people tend to not drink responsibly saying that “it’s just for celebrating the season”



SA’s Got Talent

Khaya Mthethwa who dropped his single “Move” in September which reached number one spot.



An epic lifestyle on the bike with stunts extreme and extravagant, TYM interviewed a biker-babe for our December RIDERS’ ISSUE. Mbali Patience Moloto who hails from Mamelodi, Tshwane, is an adventurous 18-year who now lives in Phillip Nel Park with her parents and three siblings. “I just finished writing my Grade 12 final Exam”, said Mbali. Q: South Africa also experiences bullying in many fields i.e. at school or in the workplace, and this has been going on for long. What is you view on that? A: Bullying is a problem that produces severe emotional damage to its victims, whether young or old. One has to find a way of dealing with it before it’s too late because it can help save a lot of young people’s lives. Q: Social networks seemingly are contributing to our nation’s decreasing tolerance towards bad grammar. What is your opinion about it? A: Social networks are affecting a lot of people in a negative way, especially grammar and spelling, because people now abbreviate even short words. English essays are now written in “BBM” language and you do it without noticing. People should learn to differentiate between chat lingo and serious things. Q: Fill us in about you and biking – the ups and lows of it and why you’re in it. A: My love for biking has always been there but it increased drastically early this year when I started riding with my friends and attended day jols known as “rallies”. Safety is one thing we always take into consideration when riding because you never know when you are going to take a fall. Gearing up is important. The fun we have and unity you get in this fraternity is too nice.

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The need to be feared and the need to fill a space left by unresolved emotional scars is a factor on its own. There are any reasons as to why we bully others but it all starts within us. As much as we tend to pick on those we feel we can overpower, it still very much has little to do with the victim; it’s just the nature of a coward to pick on others. This is a reflection of the emotionally and intellectually illiterate. Q: Social networks seemingly are contributing to our nation’s decreasing tolerance towards bad grammar. What is your opinion about it? A: That’s indeed a good observation and there’s a degree of truth in it. However, social networking is not the problem; I think the problem is within our education system and its reigning 30 percent pass mark. How do you expect a non-grammatically challenged society to excel when laziness is rewarded?

The TYM December copy is a RIDERS’ ISSUE, and we are chilling with Lerato Shaun, also known as “AllanKeys”. He was born in Pretoria and then got the chance to explore life in the dusty and rural Limpopo at a place called Sebjeng Ga-Molepo where he was herding goats and sheep, learning the art of stonethrowing, whistling, climbing trees and doing almost everything that was forbidden. Q: South Africa also experiences bullying in many fields i.e. at school or in the workplace, and this has been going on for long. What is you view on that? A: Despite the diverse nations, cultures, races and ethnic backgrounds found in our country, one of the things that breeds bullies is found in this: “hurt people hurt people”. As long as we live in a society that pressurizes people to fit in, we will never be free of bullies.


Q: Fill us in about you and biking – the ups and lows of it and why you’re in it. A: Biking for most people is entertainment, feeding an adrenaline hunger and recently it seems as if it has enabled a lot of “dishimane” (guys who are afraid of girls) to finally be able to attract girls as most women are attracted to men on motorbikes. As true as that may seem for others, for me it’s more than that; there are family values, principles and order involved. All motorbike clubs formed are governed by constitutions and strict rules all members have to adhere to. There are a whole lot of do’s and don’ts when it comes to riding in groups, hence you see different badges being worn on waist-coats, and there are riding patterns and formations that different clubs have adapted to ensure safe riding for all members. Bikers are very much in touch with the One above, as they believe in prayer for safely executing trips and returns. Lone riding also has its positives, but a sense of belonging and identification seems appeasing.

backing of a bank, private individuals and foundations to sponsor 20 delegates per year to participate in the programme. More than double this number have applied for the inaugural intake however, and more funding will be required to enlarge the programme, says Linda Buckley, director of Executive Education, at the GSB. The Executive Management Programme for School Leaders is modular and runs over 18 months. The first residential module covers personal mastery and managing complexity; the second module focuses on business acumen and includes topics on finance, technology, data management and the educational regulatory environment; the third module is about managing people, teams and change, and includes topics on negotiation, mediation and developing staff.

Poor education is the reason for many of South Africa’s ills. One way to turn it around is to train school leaders to manage their resources to produce better outcomes, and one man has made it his mission to do just that. South Africa produces just a handful of matric maths and science graduates each year. Of the approximately one million children who enter the school system annually, only about 24 000 will write these subjects at higher grade level. Of these about 14 000 will pass, and just 3 000 will be black.

When I graduated as a civil engineer, I thought most problems could be fixed with a simple mathematically based engineering solution. The MBA taught me that many of the solutions to the problems associated with establishing a successful business are brought about by an understanding of individuals.”

“My research highlighted the problem of poor management and leadership as one of the major causes of poor performing schools. There are many examples of schools being very successful, even with poor facilities and infrastructure, because of the inspiring managerial and leadership qualities of the school principal,” says Haw. “I believe my MBA changed the way I managed and dealt with people.

The final module is for the presentation of the principals’ technical reports and action learning projects. Principals will be charged with designing a “relevant African school for the 21st century”. Principals are expected to undertake at least one community project between each module and to attend school and community sessions on a rotational basis, which will involve visits to the schools of their course colleagues and discussions about their policies and practices.

This equation makes hiring young black talent extremely challenging in sectors such as engineering. It’s a situation that prompted Rick Haw, co-founder and former CEO of Haw & Inglis, a Cape-based civil engineering company specialising in road construction and rehabilitation, to dig deeper into the reasons for the poor turn out of high school learners qualified to embark on engineering degrees.

“Managing a school in South Africa is a massive job and probably far more complex than running a business with a similar number of employees and clients. Many schools have 30-40 teaching staff, 900 to 1 200 pupils changing each year, 1 000 to 2 000 parents, a governing body, and teachers unions, and this all requires massive human relations skills,” says Haw.

With this in mind, Haw approached the GSB to investigate the possibility of developing a course for school principals that could help them achieve similar benefits. The result is an innovative new programme that has been tailored to the needs of school managers and is intensely practical and focused on human relations. Running for the first time this November, it will educate an initial intake of school principals using strategies modeled on the GSB’s world class adult teaching and learning techniques. To raise capital, Haw established the Principals Academy Trust and his proposal has attracted the financial

“We see this programme as an opportunity for principals to master the leadership and management skills they need to excel as school leaders irrespective of the context in which they work,” says Buckley. “We are very interested in evaluating the outcomes of this programme in the school environments where the learning is being applied, as the quality of education in this country affects us all.” Haw says that he hopes the programme will go some way to creating centers of excellence for learning and help to turn schools into happy and sought after places of learning respected by the staff and the learners and the surrounding community and the country by creating more skilled matriculants who are ready and able to go on to make a positive contribution to the economy. - TYM

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With less than weeks away from the so called “end of the world”, NASA says you don’t have anything to worry about. Earlier this month, NASA posted a list of frequently asked questions about why the world won’t end in 2012, like some believe the Mayans calendar indicates. The post explained that earth has been fine for the last four billion years and there is no threat to our planet this year. “The story started with claims that Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the


Sumerians, is headed toward Earth. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened the doomsday date was moved forward to December 2012 and linked to the end of one of the cycles in the ancient Mayan calendar at the winter solstice in 2012 – hence the predicted doomsday date of December 21, 2012,” NASA said. It is not the end of the world; it is an alignment of the universe, where the sun and the earth will align for the first time. The

earth will shift from the current third dimension to zero dimension, then shift to the forth dimension. During this transition, the entire universe will face a big change, and we will see a entire brand new world. “The 3 days blackout is predicted to happen on December 23, 24, 25. During this time, staying calm is most important. Those who survive will face a brand new world... for those who are not prepared, many will die because of fear”, said Pastor Mike Dube. – TYM

@LadyTpl Aptly termed “Born Frees” because they started school in 1994 when apartheid was abolished, well at least the idea thereof, the class of 2012 impressed not only their parents but the nation at large with the 73.9% pass rate, which is 3.7 percentage points higher than 2011’s. Also, A+ achievers went beyond the educational hypothesis that was made by the National Department of Basic Education early in the year of 2012. The minister of Basic Education, Mrs. Angie Motshega, was one of the proudest women in South Africa, and this was evident when she delivered a speech on the National Senior Certificate (NSC) results on the 02nd of January 2013. The 73.9% pass rate was announced with nothing but pride and a great big smile on her face, though in the backdrop there is the issue of only 377 829 matriculants passing out of the overall 511 152 that needs to be addressed. Facts! After the Limpopo Province textbook saga, the minister was indirectly relieved from the flashy cameras and the noisy

journalists that would ask her in-depth questions regarding the issue. She seemed to seek a pat on the shoulder with the NSC results… Well, the nation heard and saw when our President, Mr. Jacob Zuma gave her one. And even after the pat’s been given, we still have a crisis to deal with. Fact is: 15 000 applicants at the U.C.T. were turned down because they were over capacity, and WITS can only accommodate 5 500 out of 31 000 applicants, even when they meet entry requirements. More than 20 000 of the 36 148 applicants will not be accepted at the University of Pretoria. Rhodes University turned away 5 400 and the University of Johannesburg which experienced a stampede that further lead to deaths of students and a parent two years back received 54 000 applications but can only accommodate 10 500 students. Economist Dawie Roodt estimated that between 60% and 70% of the matrics who would not be studying would obviously be without jobs. The slippery slope of this unfortunate event is that crime would tend to increase. Then again, it’s a slippery slope.

The bitter truth! While the minister of Basic Education was lunching with the nation’s top 11 matriculants, mothers and fathers were worried about their children’s further education; the SAPS was worried about the possible increase in the crime rate; professors were worried about the quality of the pass rate announced; and lastly, Mr. Blade Nzimande was concerned about the over populated universities, FET colleges and private institutions. Truth is, as a nation we came across a lot and we cannot stand to compromise the quality of basic education for the sake of procuring a massive number of passes. Speeches were delivered by both the Ministers and a cherry on top was added by the President when he delivered his, but reality is that we have approximately 106 048 matriculants whose applications were declined by the above-mentioned universities. Given that our education system does not teach us to broaden our view and have the ambition of starting our own businesses rather than working for other people, the massive number of idle post-matriculants will impact the economy badly.


One Western Cape school, Christel House South Africa, is trouncing national averages with its matric results and proving that poverty does not have to be an obstacle for South Africa’s children.

endeavours to empower children through longitudinal work that requires tremendous commitment and long-term involvement by dedicated professionals,” he says.

The school for disadvantaged children in Ottery, whose students come from below the poverty line, turned in a near perfect pass rate of 97%, 21% above the national average – they also achieved an 84% pass rate for mathematics, an area that continues to struggle nationally, as the 54% pass rate shows.

Top achiever, Precious Mlonyeni, who plans to enrol at the University of the Western Cape to study her BSc, says that being raised by a single mother who works as a domestic worker to support both her and her brother means that without Christel House it is unlikely she would have been able to obtain the level of success that she has. “Teachers at Christel House in particular make a huge difference. For them it’s not about just doing the hours and them going home, they truly go the extra mile to help students achieve their goals – they go beyond the call of duty to ensure we have the support to achieve our potential,” Mlonyeni says.

The school will achieve a 100% overall matric pass rate when one of their students passes a supplementary exam in February. Ronald Fortune, Principal of Christel House, says the 2012 results vindicate the school’s philosophy that it is possible to break the cycle of poverty through properly managed education which focuses on developing children rather than just teaching them a curriculum. “The majority of South African children to some degree grow up facing a lack of opportunity, a lack of dignity, of good health and of positive role models which all play their role in keeping young people from achieving success. Against this backdrop, Christel House owes its continued success to its unique take on education.” Fortune believes that not taking a student’s background into account is a mistake that too many other schools make. Christel House combats the set of problems that arise from students’ backgrounds by taking a holistic approach to education: “By realising and accommodating the fact that social problems in students’ backgrounds are a significant feature in the hindrance of positive school results, Christel House


At Christel House learners are in a safe and nurturing environment, and the school provides them with everything from three meals a day, to art therapy and nature walks, HIV awareness, life skills and community service initiatives (in addition to the usual curriculum). Mlonyeni says that these and other initiatives make a substantial difference to the learning process. “Through various programs, the school places a focus on an individual’s leadership skills, the development of a moral compass and self-esteem that without which, considering the struggles many of us have had to overcome, we would not be able to function without,” says Mlonyeni. In addition, the school also provides one-on-one mentorship for the learners during their exam preparations. Fortune says that the matric results stand as testament to the effectiveness of this approach, and hopes Christel house and its students will serve as an example to other institutions on the benefits in

approaching education by taking into account an individual’s unique situation and needs. – TYM Christel House educates its learners through the generous donations of individuals and corporates in South Africa. For more information you can contact Anita Prendergast on 021 704 9410 or visit www.christelhouse.org.

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South Africa has become the United states of Africa; one might end-up calling it USA replacing the ‘R’ with ‘U’ on the abbriviation RSA. What lead us to such a title is mainly based on the fact that we tend to stand taller than other African countries except for Nigeria and Egypt in their respective achievements i.e. politics, entertainment, business and infrastructure. The world no longer quotes us as the other country, but South Africa. Thanks to our politicical landsacape which makes headlines week-in and week-out, be good or bad. Thanks to the iconic Mandela name which is known globally for being on the forefront of fighting apartheid and most recently hosting the 2010 Soccer World Cup, which was hosted for the first time on African soil after 80 years of its establishment. The TYM team sat down to discuss who deserves to be on our TOP 12 list for the year 2012 ranging from Entertainment, Sports, Business and Social Responsibility. The selected dozen have One criterion, uniqueness, was used to select the dozen on the list – looking at what set them apart in 2012. Yes! We do know that some might disagree with the selected names but hey, we can’t please everyone, but those who are selected - do deserve to be on our TOP 12 looking at their achievements during 2012, not looking at what they did last year or 10 years back.


Pics source: www.google.co.za

Nkosinathi Maphumolo aka DJ Black Coffee – You can’t talk about SA house music without including his name. Since Black Coffee made a name for himself in the early 2000s through remixing popular local and international tracks, he gained fans and also started producing his own tracks. Now after releasing 3 albums under his name, which all surpassed gold status (selling over 20 000 copies), we saw him playing overseas more than 10 times in a year. What caught our eyes this year was when he released a DVD titled, Africa Rising. It is without a doubt that no one ever anticipated a South African DJ to release a live audience DVD, not a compilation of music videos. That alone, separates him from other dj’s.

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Bonang Matheba – The sensational Bonang has graced over ten magazine covers from late last year to date, and one of the biggest highlight this year was seeing her being the first SA celebrity to be on the cover of Elle Magazine, with a New York photo shoot . Bonang is indeed a role model to young girls because of her achievements. The year 2012 also saw Bonang leaving SABC 1’s music show LIVE, which is now known as LIVE AMP. Many of her fans were skeptical about her move, wondering what she will do next apart from her weekend radio show on Y-fm. Well, within a space of two months all was revealed that “your girl B” will be the new presenter for SABC 3’s flagship lifestyle show, Top Billing.

Trevor Noah – From a radio presenter on Y-fm to a well celebrated stand-up comedian in SA, surely he will never go back to the radio industry since the comedy industry is treating him well. It is fair enough to say he is the best comedian to rock all races. Trevor’s first DVD, The Daywalker became the talk of the town , throughout SA and other countries, followed by Crazy Normal, and from then on he’s been getting more gigs abroad. This year alone saw Trevor doing shows in USA over a month and also being interviewed on one of America`s most viewed program, “The Tonight Show”. Noah’s popularity is evident on social networks, having the most Facebook likes (fans) and Twitter followers than any celeb in SA.

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Redi Tlhabi (formerly known as Redi Direko) – One of the leading ladies in SA`s media industry is not slowing down any time soon. Redi has accomplished many things in the media which most people have not. Her accomplishments include formerly working as a SABC News anchor for SABC Africa, and in June 2008 she co-anchored with Jeremy Maggs on eNews. After being with eNews channel for less than 15 months, she crossed-over to DStv’s Mzansi Magic channel to host her own talk show called “Redi” in July 2010. Redi was the first locally produced show to air on Mzansi Magic. Apart from still having her own radio show on Talk Radio 702 and 567 Cape Talk, and releasing her own book. Redi can pat herself on the back for being included on Forbes Magazine’s list of “20 Youngest Power Women in Africa 2012” and also getting her new talk show, South2North, aired on the 24 hour international and current affairs channel, Al Jazeera TV.

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Thulani Serero – PSL has produced best players that ended up playing at other best soccer leagues in the world. The likes of Lucas Radebe, Benny Mcarthy, Steven Pienaar and others have represented SA well during their times at other leagues. Thulani Serero is the new breed to secure a major career deal to play for AFC Ajax in Dutch, from Ajax Cape Town in SA. As an attacking midfielder, Thulani has scored vital goals for AFC Ajax this year, and that secured him a regular spot in the line-up.

Chad le Clos – Thanks to the 2012 Olympics in London for introducing us to Chad, as many did not know about the 20 year old swimmer. His swimming record on the international scale dates back to 2010 where he won five medals at the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics in Singapore and Commonwealth Games where he is a record holder in the 50 and 100 meter butterfly. But it was this year’s Olympic Games held in London that Chad created a name for himself after winning a gold medal in the 200 meter butterfly in 1 min 52.96 seconds, beating Olympic champion and the then world record holder, Micheal Phelps, by 0.05 seconds. Chad’s name went viral on social networks after that was witnessed on television.



Sizwe Dhlomo – when you shout his name, most ladies think ‘eye-candy’, whilst most gentleman think ‘hip hop fanatic’. But to those who know him better than the rest, know that he is a guy with big dreams and is now living them. Since 8 years ago, when Sizwe won the first-ever VJ hunt in Africa for MTV Base, various doors started to open-up for him. Some of the gigs he got include being the mc/host at the SAMA awards, radio presenter on Y-fm, co-hosting LIVE with Bonang and other projects. The most notable venture that caught people’s attention this year, was when he bought a Capello franchise, estimated to cost between R2. 5 million to R3. 5 million. This turned him to a businessman.



Shaka Sisulu - Shaka Sisulu is the perfect example of how much good you can do when you use your privilege for the benefit of society. In continuing the legacy of the great Sisulu family, 32-yearold Sisulu created Cheesekids as a fun and accessible political platform for the youth to give back to the less fortunate. With the tagline “Love, peace and mo’ cheese”, Cheesekids enables the likeminded and privileged youth (those who have “cheese”) to pay it forward to those who are less fortunate through a range of programmes, from painting classrooms, building houses and cleaning gardens to spending time with children who “need love”. He managed to sustain the project since 2007. Now he has released a mini easy-read book this year and he is a columnist for one of SA`s business & lifestyle magazine.

Our “Top 12 for the year 2012” posses passion, courage, determination and success. We are not denying the fact that there are others who achieved a lot in life, especially this year. We hope through this piece we wrote, you will push yourself beyond limit when you enter 2013, in order to achieve a lot by the end of the year 2013. - TYM

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@LadyTpl The word “sex” may be pleasurable to some, while traumatizing to others, but to a growing number it means business and the only way to make a living. According to Raise Their Voice S.A. (an organization that addresses injustice) about 300 000 women are sex workers and 40 000 young girls aged between 10 and 25 are newly recruited every year. I had an opportunity to meet and speak to a few sex workers in Marabastaad, Pretoria. “How much are you willing to pay for the story? You cannot just ask questions and leave”? This was the first question I was asked before the actual interview. Growling stomachs, the sting of poverty in their families and a fading fantasy of living a lavish life gave them no other ultimatum but to settle for trading with their bodies. They looked scary, with scars on their faces and containers of the glue they sniff next to them. The fast life around them is truly consuming, but as a reporter I had to blend in with their surroundings so as to disarm them and enable them to speak freely. “My family knew me as an introvert – too shy to raise my opinions, whether in class or during family meetings, or whenever a discussion would arise. I was raised by my mother and grandmother. Life was hard back then and even now still is. Through the 20 years I have lived in this world, I have come to know the strong grasp of peer- pressure, sometimes more than an average teenager should. I had to oblige as I couldn’t take the pressures of life anymore and accept ‘poverty’ as my middle name. It only took just one night to change my life into a nightmare: I wanted a sense of belonging, thus I hanged around naughty girls who just took sex as a spontaneous thing. To me, sex was a


big deal to a point where ‘sex before marriage is a sin’ was the mantra I lived by hence I did not even try to break my virginity, until THAT NIGHT! As I went along with my friends to a party, it had never occurred to me that girls as young as 15 traded their bodies for R50 and a bottle of a beer. Nomsa was the leader of the gang. She introduced me to a good-looking Nigerian guy. After some time and a few drinks at the party, I realized that my friends were all gone and that meant that I had no transport to go back home with. It was late at night and very cold. I asked the good-looking Nigerian guy to drop me off by my place, and as he drove, the car took a different direction. I was so scared that I could not feel my knees shaking. Somehow I knew that I was about to pay for the beer and free transport. As soon as he stopped the car, he kissed me so roughly and forced open my legs and did what he was longing for. I never cried about it, but that did not mean that I was not shaken by it. The next weekend came and history repeated itself. As weekends passed, a variety of men were all around me. They all wanted a piece of me since I was the latest hot cupcake. Unfortunately, this turned into a business of sorts: I TRADED MY BODY FOR A BOTTLE OF BEER AND A R50 NOTE, and so do other unemployed young girls in Mhlanga.” Are parents to be blamed? “When unemployment takes its tall on a family and poverty strikes, merely ‘hoping for the best’ for your household doesn’t hold water anymore and you have to make do with what you have. Sometimes, your body is all that you have to survive on.” These were the words of a 45-year old mother, *Dorcas Thubakgale from Winterveldt. The life that we’re living in this family is not to be proud of and trust me, you do not want to experience it, but these are the

cards dealt us.” Dorcas and her three beautiful daughters are sex workers around Winterveldt. They say that they are doing this only to put food on the table. “If only this life was easy, I am sure that I and my two sisters would not be in this state. We always get money because what we do is like any other business. It is unfortunate that we are all HIV positive and sometimes clients insist on not using protection”, *Nyebokazi said. Not only vandalized buildings, but a prostitute hub… The burned buildings of Marabastaad next to the park carry approximately 60 sex workers coming from different areas ranging from Hammanskraal, Soshanguve, Mpumalanga, Motla and Attredgville. This is not just an ordinary building for them but it is also a shelter, a home and a business area. Men from anywhere come here to feed their sexual needs for as low as R10.00. Thus this is the lowest class of sex workers whereas others are charging up to R1 500.00 elsewhere. While I was busy having a conversation with six sex workers outside their working area in a small shade provided by a roof, a very good looking guy pitched and from the expression of the newly recruited young girl, I could tell that that man was a client. According to studies, 1 in 10 men have paid for sex from a prostitute and the most likely men to nurse their sexual needs in this manner are men ageing from 30 to 44 years. Humanity at heart In the wake of the high chances that sex workers face each and every day of contracting STIs, the Lerato House, an N.G.O that operates in the Pretoria CBD, assists them by providing condoms, food parcels, health care, testing and treatment, counseling and pocket money for them not to only depend on

the payment they receive after every “round�. Why this happens? According to one of the childhood abuse counselors from Lifeline, Lindiwe Grootboom, young girls engage in sexual activities at a tender age because they hang around with wrong and old people. This is one of the reasons why we have girls as young as 16 also as sex workers. The love of money, demotivation, background challenges or even bad sexual experience which may be rape, especially gang rape, are key elements that lead to prostitution. Hypothetically, every two hours in our country, girls are trafficked and others are recruited into the industry. Studies have also shown that out of the 1 in 10 men who have paid for sex, many have it without using any kind of protection. Sex trading as an industry is tremendously growing, and unfortunately for our younger sisters, daughters or mothers without any silver lining in their clouds, roads will lead to Maarabastaad, Thembisa, Johannesburg , and any other corner where selling sex will be a way of putting food on the table. *Not their real names Contacts: National Crisis Helpline: 0861 322 322 National Network on Violence against Women: 0800 150 150 Child line: 0800 055 555


Ever since Justin Timberlake introduced a video sneak-peak of the New Myspace just a couple months ago, nerds everywhere have been waiting to get their hands on the new-look, sidescrolling social network. Well, for us, that time came on Tuesday night. Somehow, we were lucky enough to get our hands on a first-issue “Pre-Launch” invitation to join the site. And, of course, we jumped right in.

exploring. It’s a bit of a resource hog - and not for the weak of WiFi -- and, in truth, I found it to hang a bit when browsing through the site at a coffee shop, using a shared Internet connection. As stated before, the experience is heavily focused on music discovery, consumption and sharing. The social aspect of the experience revolves around your connections. Connections can be people, artists, albums, songs and videos.

So What Do We Think Of It? First things first: This is in no way a redesign of the Myspace that you knew and once loved before. It’s brand new. And it’s downright beautiful. We already know that the company got some star power to sit on the board to help resurrect this thing, but the real stars here are the designers. It’s clear that there were no expenses spared in making sure the aesthetics, and experience of the New Myspace turned out top-notch. Once you look at it, it’s hard to look away. Once you play with it, it’s hard to stop playing.

Long story short: There are three types of connections to be made. You can subscribe to a connection, be subscribed to by another user or have a mutual two-way connection. Once subscribed to a connection, you’ll be privy to all of that connection’s updates and activity. This is one of the methods of secondhand discovery -- and a big one. When you subscribe to artists, albums, songs and videos, you are essentially adding this content to your music library. Meanwhile, anyone who has made you a connection of theirs will have the chance to see your every move. It’s serendipity at its finest.

That’s because, while the New Myspace is indeed a social network like its predecessor, it’s also a very capable music service. The experience is very much laser-focused on music - discovery, consumption and sharing. It manages to combine important aspects of Facebook and Spotify and merge them in way we have never seen before.

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But that’s not all: You can share the song you are listening to on another user’s page, start a radio station based on it or even add it to a mix. At the moment, though, the whole thing feels like a new frontier. There aren’t many people signed up yet. But there’s so much fertile ground for exploration.

See, on Facebook, music discovery is a somewhat passive experience. You could say the same for Spotify and its social experience. The New Myspace, on the other hand, blends both into a nicely balanced and well-attended party in your web browser. But there’s more to this new network than just music and social networking.

The Interface. One of the first things you’ll notice upon signing into the New Myspace is the smooth and sexy, side-scrolling action (which, uh, we obviously enjoy here at Central Track). This feature carries through just about every area of the site and does the heavy lifting for displaying most of the visual content.

The Experience. The New Myspace experience is both robust and feature-packed. This may be a gift and a curse, though. You’re sure to be overwhelmed at first. Stick with it, though, and you may be happily discovering new features days into

What else? Home Page is where you can see a stream of all your connections’ latest activity. Again, this is a key area for music discovery. It’s also where you can access your Library, Spaces, People and Settings pages. Clicking “[Your Name]” in

the Global Navigation takes you to your Profile Page, where you can manage your content and where your connections can learn more about you, see your latest activity or write you a message. Consider this your “wall,” if you must. There are also Artist Pages, which look very similar to Profile Pages, where you can explore an artist’s music, photos, videos and tour dates. Presently some artists have even been slapped with a “verified” tag. This reassures that users are connecting with a genuine product. It feels very official. Other features include a “Notifications” tab as well as an Instant Messaging panel to chat with signed-in friends - all while listening to some tunes of your own without skipping a beat. So What Does The Future Hold For The New Myspace? With a brand new website comes a brand new set of goals. And it wasn’t too hard for us to find an article published just days before the initial set of beta invites were sent out that details just what Myspace has in mind. It seems that the end game for Myspace here is not only to set itself up as a competitor to other, popular streaming music services such as Spotify and Pandora, but to kill them dead. The people behind Myspace seem intent on this concept, too, as they’re currently in the process of raising a boatload of cash before a proper launch in 2013. It’s also a no-brainer that they will need to pay lots of attention to mobile. Currently, the site does not work on smartphones or tablets. I imagine the hand-held mobile version as being dumbed down to focus more on playback than discovery, but we’ll have to wait and see on that front. Perhaps, however, Myspace is looking at this from the opposite perspective: the site seems to be a natural fit for display on larger screens or TVs, and could certainly make a splash in the set-top scene.

Lefoko La Kgosi presents a racy, relevant and hearty anthology of love poetry: H OME BEFORE FEBRUARY by Masingita Mzilikazi Love, not many can measure its heartbeats or tame it long enough to put the experience into words. Masingita Mzilikazi whose first literary offer was The Right To Mourn, a book that many say emancipated men from the stereotype that claims that they don’t cry when they suffer a loss, gives us yet another journey that some of us have not taken the time to record. In Home Before February he is once again the man who does not conform; he wears his heart on his sleeve, a trait believed to only exist in women. This book is for both males and females – those who will identify with the speaker or the beloved. All the seasons that our hearts have experienced have been given titles and words that best explain what we thought could only be expressed with certain gestures. There is no set study plan for the reader and it may require more from you than you are willing to give. Love is not an event that takes place on the 14th of February; it’s a verb that should be engraved in our hearts 365 days and make 360 degree turns as we encounter it even if it’s just for 60 seconds. This book is not about the poet and his temporarily or permanently absent beloved but it’s for you, me and the men and women in this book who were brave enough to share their hearts and minds with love, so that maybe we could all make it Home Before February. Remember to love beyond the calendar. Home Before February ISBN: 978-0-620-55591-3 Both the hardcopy and ebook versions of the book will be available as of 16 January 2013. For an interview with the author, cover images and / or author photographs, contact Lynette Matshika at lynette@lefokolakgosi.co.za/ 076 162 3430. For more information on Mzilikazi, visit www.masingitamasiya.blogspot.com


The media bombardment and visible presence of China’s investment train railing through Africa made me sit back and try to analyze what the hell is going on. I could not help notice a vast difference – China thinks longterm investment and Africa only thinks immediate gains, more like instant gratification. Why is this? China’s breathtaking quest for African resources cannot be ignored nor go unnoticed by the superpowers that be, and the nobodies; either way, love it or hate it, the fact is China is on a rampage, rolling so fast that no one bothers to even play catch-up. China is a Usain Bolt of the geopolitical game. Can somebody give these Asians a ‘Bells’ because they are running a race firmly at pole position. But what could we attribute this appetite to if not economic foresight in leadership shown by their ruling communist party? With major state-owned enterprises and private corporations, China’s rise to the top is not a sheer coincidence but a well-orchestrated strategy of visionary leaders backed by the effective economic and foreign policies. As I write this column, the Chinese ruling party is at their elective conference issuing a mandate for the next ten years, and the pundits speculate the new leadership will spearhead the injection of domestic small business investment. They are discussing pertinent local and global issues, not petty party personalities and individuals like here at home. China’s priorities were very simple

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and still are: resources - resources – resources. Its shopping basket has been filled with natural resources from Latin America to Africa, displaying visionary leadership with forethought of the inevitable; I would not be surprised if there is a reserve plant for some of the precious metals invoiced by China. As adapted from Dambisa Moyo’s “Winner take all”, “In February 2011, Zhou Shengxian, the environmental minister of China, stressed the replenishing of scarce precious resources: arable land, energy, etc. This explains the ruthless yet somehow fair land deals China continues to make amongst other countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia. However, not only China embarked on this route, other oil rich Arab countries like Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are also following suite below the radar, with over 50 to 99 years lease of arable land in Sudan, amongst others who suffered a check-mate.” I mean who does such a legendary foolish thing, swapping a pawn for a queen? The world’s resources are replenishing – there is a demand and appetite for what you own and what you have but no, you give away the leverage and the only asset you have to remain competitive. And in return you become a slave by default. Voluntary colonialism does not count as an economic coup, or does it, just like there is no prescription for selfishness and stupidity? All these funny people that are called our leaders are supposed to be the guardians of our future and wealth yet they sign away our citizenry, a

grave insult of its worst to the electorate. No administration or government leader should have the powers to sell the nation to any foreign state or investors in the name of free market or globalization. Africa needs a continental agent which will publicize and advocate against these transactions, especially the so-called “foreign investments” that have terminal effects on future prospects on its citizens. But if you and I do not drive and embrace these necessary inconveniences over our precious time, promising careers and fun-filled lifestyles, at least let’s heed Theodore Roosevelt as he once said “if we shrink from the hard contests where men must win, at hazard of their lives and at the risk of all they hold dear, then the bolder and stronger peoples will pass us by and will win for themselves the domination of the world.” If you did not know, now you do. So, what are you going to do about it? It’s not the politics that harm us nor is it the inherent political Armageddon. Politics are an instrument to drive change through ideas, in as much as a vehicle does not drive itself. Any instrument is no good if it can’t be put to good use, and to be in good use it’s because of the user. If anything, the nation should not work for an instrument, rather, the instrument should serve the nation. Hate politicians not politics, because you can do away with the player but not the game. If you ask me what lessons we should learn from hurricane China’s shopping spree, well, I say revisit the history books… deja’vu? Right in your face.


‘’If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you.’’ John 15:7 You are five years old and you are off to town with your mother. As you are walking around town, you get to the robot, you stop. But you find yourself fascinated by the colorful ball on the other side of the road. At this point mommy is holding your hand tightly. Not aware of the cars passing by, you just want to get to the ball. You would do anything for her to let go of your hand but she would not. You scream, yell, shout and bite. You cry and pull but she just won’t let go. You are looking at the ball. She is looking at the cars. She’s trying to protect you but you don’t see that because the ball has got all your attention. She won’t let go no matter what! She won’t give up on you. That’s how it is with God. He knows what’s best and He will not let go of your hand because He knows that it’s just a matter of time before the robot changes to green then you can walk to the other side and lay your hands on the ball. For now, you have to wait. Don’t bite His hand as He is holding you simply to protect you from the cars. Be patient. You will get the ball, just not now. The truck is still passing. I find relevance in the above analogy all the time. I always say to the ladies that they should not go out there and search for men. Rather search for God and He will give you one of His faithful sons. There is nothing too hard for God (Jeremiah 32:27; Genesis 18:14; Job 42:2; Luke 1:37; Matthew 19:26) and there is nothing good that God won’t do for us. He says, ‘’Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom’’ Luke 12:32. The problem is that we tend to leave God and run after His things. That is the

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danger. Do not run after creation and leave the Creator behind. Just the other day I was explaining to my coterie why I rather teach and write about Christ instead of prosperity. I explained to them that I believe that God wants us to prosper. I, however, cannot focus my teachings and writings on prosperity. It does not have power. I rather preach Christ. I further explained the difference and that Christ works from the inside out. Prosperity teachings work from the outside in. Prosperity teachings would take people out of the shacks. However, Christ takes the shacks out of people, and

then they would take themselves out of the shacks. Prosperity teachings tell men they should change their environment. However, Christ changes men, who

then change their environment. Maybe prosperity teachings would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature. I have nothing against prosperity teachings, but I rather teach about the one who can give you real prosperity. There is so much benefit in sticking to the Creator than there is in sticking to the creation. He says ‘’abide in me’’ which can simply translate, ‘’stick to me’’. When you reach a certain age, you leave your parental home and journey through life alone. The mistake I did was to apply the same principle in my walk with God. God had taught me many things in scripture and by revelation of the Holy Spirit. He trained me in all aspects to a point whereby I felt grown and I left Him as I felt I was matured enough. I knew scripture and I knew kingdom principles but I messed up big time. Like the prodigal son, God had given me certain gifts. I misused those gifts and in the end I was left with nothing. I still knew the bible but folks got offended by every second word from my mouth. My life did not have direction. I then realized that the Bible is not life’s manual, God is. No matter how old you are in the LORD; you may even know the Word text by text, from Genesis to Malachi, and from Matthew to Revelation, but you need the Author (God) to interpret that for you all the days of your life through the revelation of the Holy Ghost. I need Him to teach me how to be a brother, father, husband, grandfather and great grandfather. You can never learn enough from Him. Although I have messed up a lot on my own, now I know I should not be on my own. I should stick to God. @politepal

TYM attended a sizzling business expo and presentation hosted by MEDO (Micro Enterprise Development organization) at the MEDO walk-in, Johannesburg CBD. The purpose of the event was to commemorate the Global Entrepreneurship week (GEW). MEDO was formed in 2008 and has been delivering these programs since then, but became more effective from 2011. The initiative has developed to an extent that it is now a national program as it’s also being piloted in Mpumalanga, and it has underlying plans of extending its services to Kenya and Mozambique as from 2013. MEDO offers business skills and incubation at no cost. The organization mentors more than 600 entrepreneurs around South Africa, some still operating even today and their goal is to reach 10000 entrepreneurs as from 2013. “We decided to host a networking event and invite corporate businesses and institutions that have the same goal on assisting emerging entrepreneurs”, said Ms. Noluthando Tutani, who is the Events & Training CoOrdinator. The MEDO event was graced with honorable delegates like Mr. Brett Cousins who is a Director of Regenesys school of Public Management. Regenesys is the first business school in the world to offer free business education, making all learning materials freely available online. A better way for MEDO to celebrate GEW was to offer free wireless internet connectivity at their walk-in center where entrepreneurs can study online

using MEDO’s facilities. “The aim was not just to celebrate GEW but also to make sure that we provide entrepreneurs with skills and tools to run and sustain a successful business”, said Ms. Judi Sandrock who is the CEO & Co-founder of MEDO. Entrepreneurs were also given a platform to display their work in a mini exhibition. This was for them to get market exposure from business and media. TYM managed to interview youth who owned and managed businesses during the exhibition. Mr. Kevin Sifiso Hanama, the founder of up-coming clothing label “Iinsizwaziphelele” based in Pretoria shared some experiences with us. Q: How did you hear about MEDO? A: I found out about MEDO when I came for an exhibition at the flea market on Saturday at Fashion Capitol. The manager told me about MEDO, and their offices were just upstairs from the market. He said if I need more info regarding their services, I must visit them during the week. So I came back during the week and registered with them. Q: How have they (MEDO) assisted you? A: After registering with them, I went for a couple of business workshops and they also introduced me to other people who are much interested in my services; others I met during exhibitions.

Manufacturing based in Hammanskraal. Q: How did you hear about MEDO? A: I was just surfing the internet and fortunately MEDO’s website appeared on my searching results. I read their profile and it seemed intriguing so I thought of visiting them and viola, here I am today. Q: How have they (MEDO) assisted you? A: MEDO is the most awesome organization ever. Their services are superb – whatever they teach you, there are positive results, but only if you implement what you have been taught in the right way. In my case, I was a bit shy when it came to the pricing of my products and that was killing my business. So, MEDO helped me to be firm. Q: What makes your business better or unique than others in your field/ industry? A: Most of my competitors provide the same service and they target adults mostly, where else I moved to the kiddies market. Manufacturing Tupperware for my target group is one of the things I enjoy. So, there is less competition within my target market and that’s working really well for my business. – TYM

We also interviewed Ms. Bellah Moloro who is the Director of Green Apple

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R100 million business. Remember that each business has different life stages, and in each stage different set of skills are needed.

South Africa today needs more people to start businesses than it did at any point in its history and development. The unemployment rate is going through the roof and unless we come up with ways of absorbing it, we will be faced with serious trouble in the future. One major way to solve this problem is to develop and start new enterprises. Entrepreneurship needs to grow at a faster pace today than it did 15 years ago.

Secondly, you must identify and build a community of customers. You may discover that your initial product is loved by a few people but the rest of the country rejects it. Be flexible enough to change or rethink your product to accommodate your targeted community of customers. Be willing to listen to customer feedback – this can assist you with marketing your product which can definitely give you “super success”. Your community of customers can help you to discover other products that are under the radar which can enhance your business growth.

Jim Collins, Author of Build To Last, said “First figure out your partners, then figure out what ideas to pursue. The most important thing isn’t the market you target, the product you develop or the financing, but the founding team”. I couldn’t agree with Jim more – your start-up team can make you or break you. In order to build a balanced leadership team in your business, you need to be acquainted with your own skills and risk appetites as the founding entrepreneur. You must recruit a team of individuals who will be able to complement your skills and risk appetites. These people must be able to fill in the blanks where you are weak. As your business grows and develops, be willing to restructure your team according to the needs demanded by it – there’s a difference between running a R1 million, R10 million and

Successful entrepreneurs have what I call “Bulldog Tenacity” – they understand that when you are fighting a gorilla, you don’t quit when you are tired, you quit when the gorilla is tired. Develop a set of extraordinary high goals and work far

smarter and harder than anyone else, past the mental burden until you hit the goal. Tenacity coupled with enthusiasm will always take you far. Even when challenges are great and the future doesn’t seem bright, continue to stay focused. Refuse to be moved, refuse to be discouraged. If you do move, don’t stay there too long. Mr Mouton, The billionaire founder of PSG (a South African company), was fired from a company he co-founded. He could have stayed long in his discouragement zone, but rather, he picked himself up to start PSG which today is the founding parent of CAPITEC BANK. Most of you have heard that ‘cash is king’. Money runs this world, including that of start-up businesses. According to research, one of the reasons why most start-up businesses fail is because they run out of cash. The role of a CEO in a start-up is to look at the cash left and determine if it will carry them through to reaching a point which will position the company to do a round of successful financing or start building a positive cash flow pot. You may need to have several rounds of raising cash for your growth in order to stay afloat. Start-ups don’t grow overnight to become runaway successes, so keep working on your Business, adapting and improving, and you will succeed.

Tshepo J.Phalwane is the CEO of Mawelane Events (Pty) Ltd, a business & Leadership Management company. He is also the Founder of The Billionaire Mentorship Academy in Johannesburg. He is a passionate speaker and Coach on Personal Development. Twitter: @ThinkLikeAMogul

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Pics source: www.google.co.za


Louis Vuitton Shortened to LV, is a French fashion house founded in 1854 by Louis Vuitton. The label’s LV monogram appears on most of its products, ranging from luxury trunks and leather goods to ready-to-wear, shoes, watches, jewellery, accessories, sunglasses, and books. Louis Vuitton is one of the world’s leading international fashion houses. For seven consecutive years (2006– 2012) Louis Vuitton has been named the world’s most valuable luxury brand. The Louis Vuitton Company carefully cultivates a celebrity following and has used famous models, musicians, and actors such as Keith Richards, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Sean Connery, Hayden Christensen and most recently Angelina Jolie in its marketing campaigns. South African celebrity that love’s LV too bits is Bonang Matheba. Many rappers, most notably Kanye West, Juicy J and Wiz Khalifa have mentioned the company in certain songs. Louis Vuitton has had many collaborations with prominent artists and designers. Takashi Murakami created special edition collections, such as the Monogramouflage Collection, made its dabute in 2008. Louis Vuitton is one of the most counterfeited brands in the fashion world due to its image as a status symbol. Ironically, the signature Monogram Canvas was created to prevent counterfeiting. The company takes counterfeiting seriously, and employs a team of lawyers and special investigation agencies, actively pursuing offenders through the courts worldwide, and allocating about half of its budget of communications to counteract counterfeiting of its goods. Today, Vuitton products are primarily available at authentic Louis Vuitton boutiques, with a small number of exceptions. These boutiques are commonly found in upscale shopping districts or inside luxury department stores. LV has recently launched an online store, through its main website, as an authorized channel to market its products.

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Wayne Sandilands began his club career with Supersport United having come through the Supersport Feyenoord youth academy, but he made just two first team appearances for Matsatsantsa Apitori. Born in Bellavista, Gauteng, Wayne Sandilands has been capped at national under-17, under-20, under-23 and senior level. His passion for soccer began when his parents introduced him to soccer when he was 5 years old: “My parents put me in a soccer club when I was 5 years and the passion for the game grew from that point on. At the age of 17, in 2001, I moved to the Supersport United Academy and played there for a couple years. I was promoted to the first team and that is where I got my first professional contract”, said Wayne Sandilands. The God-fearing man made just two appearances for the three-times champions both in local and African club competitions. He was then loaned to Platinum Stars but the move ended up being permanent. Sandilands made his debut for Dikwena on the


opening day of their campaign in a 1-0 defeat to Sundowns in 2005/2006. He had a phenomenal first full season participation in the premiership. The second choice Bafana Bafana goalkeeper was once linked to the Naturena-based side, Kaizer Chiefs, but they could not secure his signature and settled for veteran Arthur Bartman from national first division side Bay United. At Platinum Stars, Sandilands watched from the bench and it became increasingly clear that he stood very little chance of taking the number one goalkeeper spot of the then on-form Tapuwa Kapini. The 29 year old joined Sundowns from Platinum Stars on a two-year deal with an option to a further one year on November 30, 2009 and he has since been with the Motsepe boys. “It’s a privilege to play for Sundowns as they are such a massive team with a lot of history, so I need to cherish every opportunity to put on that jersey ,” said the shot stopper. The Motsepe boys had an awful start to the 2012/2013 campaign season but Wayne believes they will turn the

corner soon, as long as they take the season one game at a time. The Pretoria based side has just made it to the top ten of the ABSA Premiership league, having won four games in their fifteen starts. “All teams go through rough patches and unfortunately we didn’t start off as well as we should have and perhaps we lost a bit of our confidence. The team has such quality and a really good coach so it’s only a matter of time until we turn the corner,” said the former Platinum Stars player. With the AFCON coming to South Africa in two months’ time, Wayne believes that the national team has what it takes to go the finals with coach Gordon Igesund and he acknowledges that they have improved tremendously. “We believe as players we can make it to the final, if we don’t have that belief then we should not bother playing,” concluded Wayne. @themkingzone




African Cup of Nations (AFCON) 2013 is already knocking on our door-step as the host, which will be from 19 January to 10 February. But it seems most people are still clueless about some facts regarding this African soccer showpiece which will be hosted for the second time in South Africa, after the one that was hosted in 1996. TYM is here to highlight other crucial factors and information about AFCON & AFCON 2013 as a vehicle of activating (building the momentum prior) and bringing awareness (information) relating to AFCON in general, profiling teams, team stars, stadiums and activities happening around SA in the name of AFCON. #TeamStars Out of 16 teams that will be participating in the AFCON 2013 tournament, for this month will be looking at their keyplayers, but assuming the big names get chosen to represent their countries, here’s a quick glance at some of the players who could be lighting up South Africa’s stadiums in a few months’ time. Zambia Defending champions Zambia contains fewer big name stars than many of the other leading teams, but that’s what they’re about: “team”. A good number of their players will be familiar to South African football fans as they play or have plied their trade in the country’s Premier Soccer League. Striker Christopher Katongo was a star with Jomo Cosmos and the PSL’s top goal scorer before he headed to Danish club Brøndby. He has since played in Germany, Greece and China, where he now represents Henan Jianye. Another striker familiar to South Africans is Collins Mbesuma. He has played for five South African clubs and his first stint, with Kaizer Chiefs, was particularly memorable as he scored close to a goal a game to win the 2004/05 PSL Player of the Season award. Ghana Ghana, one of the top seeds for AFCON 2013, was Africa’s best performing team at the 2010 Fifa World Cup, narrowly missing out on the semi-finals after a controversial loss to Uruguay. The Black Stars have a young squad that is only going to get better. Asamoah Gyan is one of their better known players.


It was he who missed the penalty that could have taken them into the semifinals of the 2010 World Cup, but that should not detract from his influence in the team. He is Ghana’s current highest international goal scorer. Midfielder Sulley Muntari is an experienced campaigner and can list both AC and Inter Milan among the clubs he has played for. One does not play for the Italian giants without being a player of class. Côte d’Ivoire Tournament favourites Côte d’Ivoire, appropriately, boast more star names than any other team. The Ivorians are ranked 16th in the world and number one in Africa. They are also the most experienced and oldest team in the finals. Star striker Didier Drogba, the man of the match in Chelsea’s victory over Bayern Munich in the 2012 Uefa Champions Legaue final, remains a top class marksman at the age of 34. Now with Chinese club Shanghai Shenhua, Drogba will spearhead the Elephants’ title challenge along with midfielder Yaya Toure, the 29-year-old younger brother of defender Kolo Toure, was instrumental in Manchester City’s English Premier League title in 2011/12. He controls the midfield superbly and is also a threat coming forward. Togo The only other striker with as high a profile as Drogba will be Togo’s Emmanuel Adebayor. He is currently with Tottenham Hotspur, but has played for a string of top clubs, including Real Madrid, Manchester City, Arsenal, Monaco and Metz. The Togolese will lean on Adebayor heavily for inspiration and goals, though his fame after Manchester City has slump, his still a good striker. Algeria Algeria is ranked number two in Africa and 24th in the world. In their case, it’s the established stars - defender Antar Yahia, midfielder Karim Ziani and Nadir Belhadj - that lend stability and class to their challenge. Striker El Arbi Hillel Soudani bears watching. In 108 matches for Algerian club ASO Chlef, he scored 48 times before moving to Portugal’s Vitória Guimarães.

While his scoring rate is lower in Portugal, he has netted six times in eight appearances for the Desert Warriors. Mali Like Algeria, Mali is not one of the top seeds for Afcon 2013, but at 27th in the Fifa world rankings and third in Africa they will be out to win the African Cup of Nations for a first time. The biggest name in their team is Seydou Keita, who plays for Chinese Super League club Dalian Aerbin. His other clubs include Marseille, Lorient and Lens in France, and Sevilla and Barcelona in Spain. He brings experience to the midfield and a decent goal scoring record too. Angola Angola’s line-up will include Manucho, who plays for Turkish club Manisaspor. He is a proven goal scorer on the international stage and has played club football in Angola, England, Greece, Turkey and Spain.

opening goal of the 2010 Fifa World Cup with a scorching shot past Mexican goalkeeper Oscar Perez. Then joined by all-time top goal scorer Benni McCarthy, Benard Parker, Andile Jali and others. This one is going to be a tough one for Igesund to choose from. Tunisia The 28-year-old striker Issam Jemâa in the Tunisian team, his international record is an impressive one, with 32 goals to his name. Interestingly, his scoring rate at international level exceeds his club exploits by some distance. Morocco Morocco’s leading light is Marouane Chamakh of English Premier League club Arsenal. Before joining the Gunners in 2010, he enjoyed success with Bordeaux in France, netting 56 times in 230 appearances for the team. @themkingzone

Nigeria Goalkeeper Vincent Enyeama, a top performer in the 2010 Fifa World Cup, brings experience at the back, as does Joseph Yobo. In the midfield, Chelsea’s John Obi Mikel lends stability to the midfield, while up front Ikechukwu Uche and Yakubu Aiyegbeni are experienced goal scoring threats. South Africa Most South Africans will be looking at current stars that are causing waves in the premier soccer league. Stars such as midfielder Siphiwe Tshabalala as he is best remembered for scoring the


Samsung Galaxy Camera – Samsung surely wants to rule the gadget market with anything that they produce, from smartphones to smart-TV’s. Now they have a smart-camera which comes with an installed Android 4.1 Jelly Bean operating system that allows you to take pictures and upload them to your social networks using the same device (Samsung Galaxy Camera). This 16MP camera enables you to save contacts, music, surf the internet, download apps and more. It’s a great gift to capture all your festive activities and share them on the spot without transferring pictures to another device in order to share your pictures via any social networks.

Nokia Lumia 920 – It is ok to say this smartphone deserves to be one of the best top 3 smartphones to ever come-out this year. Nokia have outdone themselves on this slick design. What’s a smartphone without innovation…? Well, it does not deserve to be a smartphone. Lumia 920 breaths a fresh look, fresh features in smartphones and fresh operating system which is Windows 8. Lumia has set a trend with its wireless charger, preferably called “charging pillow”. Don’t just take our word when we say it beats the iPhone in many aspects, test it at first-hand and you might agree with us.

Nintendo Wii U – Since 2006 when Nintendo Wii entered the casual gaming console market. It never revamped itself more in order to be more aggressive or to still be a first option to buy than to buy its competitors. Now the company has seen that they need to revamp themselves and be relevant with today’s market, they brought us Nintendo Wii U which has two versions: the Basic and Premium. The Premium one is ideal for any game lover with 32GB internal memory, sensor bar – which some games will require, HD view and more. On either of the Wii U consoles, you will be able to play games such as FIFA 13, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, New Super Mario Bros and other galore games.

A2B Metro electric bicycle – when you see the paddles on an electric bicycle, you might ask yourself why they were included at first. Well, if they were removed, then you would have turned it into a motorcycle, so it means the paddles are there to assist you to keep moving forward when the electric-energy has run-out. Your journey will still continue by just riding the paddles. It has a turbo which comes handy on hills. Its battery can store about 35km of distance energy. If you wish to own it, it will cost you R35 000.


Kabelo - Immortal Vol. 2 Mr Bouga two shoes (Kabelo) released a follow up album on Immortal Vol. 1 in October 2012, it started to pick-up around November. One thing you will love about Kabelo is his flow and the lyrical content on his songs. He throws punch-lines that will make you forget that he represents the kwaito genre. On this album, he worked with Big Nuz on the track “Impilo”, which they already shot a video for. Kabelo also featured RealBlackPearl on “Ice Cream Soda” and George Avakian on “What You Need” which is my personal favorite. This album was nicely compiled with a mind-set of relaxing and partying. 10/10

AKA – Jealousy The Soil – Inkomo Location 20 15 Camera Angle 20 20 Story Line/ Concept 15 15 Lighting 20 10 Stylist 15 15 Overall 90 score-board (good) 75 score-board (nice try) (0-40 poor) (41-80 nice try) (81- 90 good) (91 – 100 best)

Rihanna – Unapologetic Unapologetic is Rihanna’s seventh album in seven years. This album is like many of her other releases, full of songs that are catchy, fun and addictive. Unapologetic is no different. It’s full of future hits; I predict more than five singles without including “Diamonds” which is a monster all over the world at the current moment. People she featured on this album include Eminem on “Numb”, Chris Brown on “Nobodies Business”, Mikky Ekko on “Stay” and Future on “Loveeeee Song”. This 15 tracks album, was worth a wait for RiRi fans. 10/10 @hussamosa

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For those who’ve come late, here’s a quick recap of what happened in the four previous films. An ordinary teenager Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) falls in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson). But there’s a hot werewolf, Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner), who loves her as well and is always by her side. Much to Jacob’s protests, Bella decides to marry Edward, but the Volturi (a coven of powerful vampires) insist that Bella must be turned to a vampire soon. Bella was pregnant with her child and hanging on to her dear life at childbirth. In order to save her, Edward turns her into a vampire. Finally a vampire, Bella is now sharper and even looks sexier with her smouldering eyes. She quenches her new found thirst for blood, tests her super-speed, heightened senses and other vampire powers. When Bella sees her baby, Renesmee (Mackenzie Foy), the infant who’s just a few days old, already has teeth. Bella and Edward’s baby is a curious mix of a vampire and human who grows at an unnatural rate. If that isn’t enough to confuddle the newly-turned vampire, Jacob confesses that he has “imprinted” her (Jacob is Renesmee’s soul mate). What’s Good: music; the action in the climax; that the franchise finally and the dialogue. Rating:4/5

The biggest-grossing James Bond movie of the franchise to date is also the smallest. It is the smallest so far director Sam Mendes manages to skillfully keep the film engaging without losing sight of the need to balance action and drama, so that the mind-numbing excesses of the idiotically titled Quantum of Solace are thankfully erased. Skyfall is small on car chases, gadgets and pyrotechnics, and is better for it. Here we have the kind of film that showcases Daniel Craig’s strengths as an actor who is best when he’s having introspective, moody moments reminding us of the dramatic potential unleashed by his first appearance as Bond in Casino Royale. The plot centres on Judi Dench’s M, whose past comes back to haunt her in the shape of her former protégé turned Julian Assange-style cyber terrorist Silva (Javier Bardem). Her current protégé 007 has to protect her against Silva, no matter the cost and wherever this duty may take him. Rating 3/5

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What A Tweet!


Rashid and crew decided to host the first annual SA Hip Hop Awards 2012 in Jozi, which many people were not aware off until AKA tweeted; “ To my fans, please don’t waste your airtime voting for me as lines close tonight. Good Luck to all other nominees. I will not be attending”. Then another tweet followed from him; “It’s a shame that I am forced to boycott my country’s first and only Hip Hop awards”.

Time 4 Shame:

One of the most stylish and colourful nightclubs in Rivonia-JHB, Avastar, has been hit by allegations of non-payment, fraud, assault, threats and unlawful business practices. This was reported by Eyewitness News earlier this month. The claims have been levelled by former employees and are backed by documents, voice recordings and more. Now the club has not been operating since the news cameout. Eyewitness also claims co-owner Basson assaulted a barman and pulled a gun on an employee.





We heard that:

Anga aka MJ from Generations is planning to release a full-length album by March 2013. This comes after he made a hit with DJ Sbu “Qina”, as we all know that when most celebs attempt to do something else apart from what they are popular at, it turns to back fire. Need we mention names of some of the celebs that failed on their second quest? Well, we guess you already have their names in your head by now. David Kau is bringing back the new version of Pure Monate Show called Taxi Ride series with the cast from Taxi Ride the movie which played and still playing on Mzansi Magic channel. No need for you to be skeptical about the series thinking it won’t be as good as Pure Monate Show. Looking at Taxi Ride, the cast involved in the movie have fresh ideas and are backed by a brilliant director ‘David Kau’, surely it will be a bang in 2013. Let’s all wait to LOL!

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The man behind the mic‌ The 20-something year old Mosankie is a motswako rhyme slinger, born and bred in Orchards, Pretoria. A multitalented young rapper, graphic designer, and lyricist who is also a producer at Cascade Sounds, he is regarded as one of Pretoria’s most known performer. He has been in the music industry from as early as secondary school, and since then he has come to share the stage with renowned rappers in Mzansi. To what do you ascribe the fame that you have received thus far? I have since been in the music industry from as early as secondary school and that has helped me grow an unwavering devotion to the music industry. That has led me to not sit back and relax while other artists are putting in the hard work and reaping glory that comes with the sweat. The fame, I believe, is appreciation for what I do. Any on-stage moments that you cherish? One memorable performance of my life was at the Pretoria State Theatre where I shared the stage with very known and appreciated artists in Mzansi, the likes of TUKS Senganga. I have also performed alongside Kwesta at the Fan First Fifa 2010 festival, and performed in Soweto alongside Red Button, GP, 985 and Molly. Besides being in the music industry, what else do you do? I am both a graphic and fashion designer. I have designed uniforms for salons, among other things, through my brand, Behind Bars. @LadyTpl


On-Stage • I don’t work on Sundays Mark Lottering at Baxter Concert hall Western Cape 08-12 January 2013 For more info: 0861 915 800

On-Stage • I don’t work on Sundays Mark Lottering at Baxter Concert hall Western Cape 08-12 January 2013 For more info: 0861 915 800

• Club DropZone Is hosting a party where you can win tickets to go watch Swedish House Mafia on the 19th of January & on the 26thJan its Welcome 1st Years Party.

• 99% Zulu Comedy At the Lyric, Gold Reef City Casino Saturday 16 February 2013 Damage: R150-R180 For more info: 0861 915 800

• 99% Zulu Comedy At the Lyric, Gold Reef City Casino Saturday 16 February 2013 Damage: R150-R180 For more info: 0861 915 800

• 2nd Annual Soweto Drift Spina Mania @ Midway Spinning Ground, Featuring: Damage, Sunesh, Zakes, Sparky and more. R50 gets you in.

• Buckled Back by popular demand At the Lyric, Gold Reef City Casino Saturday 16 February 2013 Damage: R150-R180 For more info: 0861 915 800

• Buckled Back by popular demand At the Lyric, Gold Reef City Casino Saturday 16 February 2013 Damage: R150-R180 For more info: 0861 915 800

• Design Indaba YDS At the Suncoast Casino, Kwazulu Natal Wednesday27 February 2013 For more info: 0861 915 800

• Design Indaba YDS At the Suncoast Casino, Kwazulu Natal Wednesday27 February 2013 For more info: 0861 915 800

• VDUB Camp Festival @ Hartbeespoort Resort from the 2nd to the 3rd of February. Lot of activities will be taking place. For more info: www.cumlaude. co.za

• Parker comedy festival Featuring jive at the Monte casino Johannes burg Gauteng Friday 01 February 2013 Damage R120-R120 For more info: 0861 915 800 • Dr Victor and the Rasta Rebels At Oude Libertus Amphi Theater Western Cape Sunday 10 February 2013 at 6:30 pm Damage: R140-R160 For more info: 0861 915 800

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The New Year is promising in terms of the variety of vehicles that are set to come to the S in from all over the world and assembled at local assembly plants will be the latest model Africans looking at their cars and contemplating on visiting show rooms. @ROBERT_MABUSELA

Ford Fiesta

Mercedes A class


Renault MĂŠgane

South African Motoring market. Shipped ls and facelifts that are set to have South

e RS

Audi`s A3 F30 BMW M3



Golf GTI cabriolet

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information adapted from Car Magazine’s “98 New cars for 2013 Porsche Macan

Citreon DS3 Cabrio

Honda CR-V SUV

Chevrolet Trax


54 54

Pics source: www.google.co.za

Jaguar F-Type


@ROBERT_MABUSELA December`s festive season has always been a month associated with dropping, from musicians dropping the hottest singles and ladies rocking sexy outfits after dropping jean sizes throughout the year. Driving along the beach or to your holiday destination, if you`re headed to the coast in drop top hot wheels wouldn`t been off the drop list. This year’s Paris motor show gave a platform for motor brands to launch some of their vehicles that are set to reach international markets soon. Jaguar launched their F-Type roadster which is the manufacturers 40 year old successor to Jag`s E-Type roadster. With rivals like the Aston Martin Vantage S Roadster and Porsches 911 Carrera S cabriolet, the F-Type convertible certainly has a lot of hair to pull back if it wants to make an impression against rivals who are known in the convertible league. The range will be produced in three different models starting with the F-Type V6, V6 S and the top of the range V8 S. According to Jaguar brochures engine derivatives include engines ranging from the entry level Supercharged 3 liter V6 that has an output of 250kw, followed by a 280kw V6 S to the more powerful range topping 368 kw, 5.0 liter V8 that claims to do the 0-100 km/h sprint in 4,2 seconds while reaching a top speed of 300km/h. A steering wheel mounted, 8 speed automatic quick shift gearbox is set to provide the driver with quick responses when Shifting between gears throughout all three models. Revving the Jag produces a sound track that is tuned and channelled by active exhaust flaps fitted in S models, providing an exhaust note described by Jaguar musicians as a deep and dramatic exhaust note. Pretoria News and The Star motoring Journalist Jesse Adams reckons that the Jags “purr” must be the best sounding V6 in the world. It`s closest rival between the 911 and Vantage in the 0-100km/h sprint is the Carrera S Cabriolet which is powered by a 3.8 liter direct fuel Injection (DFI) producing a maximum output of 294 KW at 7,400 rpm achieving a O-100km/h time in 4.7 seconds. The Vantage S Roadster`s power rating comes in at an approximate 313 kw that comes from a V8 engine producing a 0-100km/h sprint time of 4,9 seconds. Interior features include a feedback system that interacts to an extraordinarily sensitive degree enabling the driver to enjoy all the high performance dynamics. Visibility in the cabin is ‘drivercentred’ promising excellent visibility and minimal distractions.

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Jaguar`s F-Type being the smallest vehicle to come out of Jaguar power plants makes it an affordable but Sporty convertible. When it is said that dynamite comes in small packages Jaguar must have come up with the F-Type to fit in with the phrase as they have produced a distinctively agile looking sporty Jag. South African die hard Jaguar enthusiast who have been waiting for 40 years to see a successor to the E-Type, will have to wait a few more months as the Jag is only expected to hit South African shores in June next year.

Porsche Carrera S

Aston Martin Vantage S


Jaguar F-Type

Porsche Carrera S

Engine Power 0-100km/h

5.0 liter V8 superchared 368 KW 4.2 seconds

3.8 liter V8 294 kw 4.7 seconds


8 Speed Auto Quickshift

7 Speed Manual PDK

7 speed manual Sportshift


Rear wheel drive

Rear wheel drive

Rear wheel drive

Aston Martin Vantage S 4.7 liter V8 321 kw 4.9 seconds

Jaguar F-Type



Picture Source: www.carsession.com

@ROBERT_MABUSELA Bavarian Motor Works predominantly known as BMW have launched a concept car that is due to fill in the MPV or “Mommy`s Potential Vehicle” segment, where the brand plans to rival cars like the Mercedes B-Class. This will be the manufacturers first MPV offering of it kind, appealing to a wider variety of customers. The Active Tourer Concept will not only be the first MPV launched by the brand but it will also feature Beemer`s fist three cylinder engine and front wheel drive system vehicle. It may seem that the numbers are decreasing but it will all benefit the customer with

average fuel consumption figures of 2.5 litters per 100km, and a CO2 emission levels of under 60 grams per kilometre. Powered by a 1.5 litter Twin Power turbo petrol engine that will run along an electric motor, both power sources will bring a combined output of 140kw. Mothers might just be able to get to the shops before they close, as the tourer goes from 0-100 km/h in eight seconds. Interior pictures of the concept have not been released but knowing the brand when coming to interior elements including the design, comfort and overall premium feel one can look forward to a design that will complement the “Cool Shade” roof. Feature



@ROBERT_MABUSELA The final round of the Superdrift series took place during the Zwartkops Extreme festival, which happened at the race track on Saturday the 24th of November. The festival featured various race events and other activities for spectators to participate and enjoy while they take a break from racing which happened throughout most of the day. South African Superdrift champion Wade van Zummeren was crowned the Drift SA champion after he endured challenging weather conditions that left

the race track wet during the Superdrift Series final Round. van Zummeren in his Rockstar Energy Drink Nissan Skyline, out drifted second place and youngest drifter in the series Jason Webb at the age of 19. Webb and his Monster Energy drink sponsored Nissan 200sx put up a good performance against the champ during the final round that lasted for four rounds, instead of two as the top two drifters executed drifts that made the judges panel judging criteria seem not enough to separate the two. Michael Radloff finished third at the event as well as in the series ending. Drifting in South Africa seems to be

dominated by the Japanese as the top three drifters in the series use Japanese manufactured vehicles. Drifting, Extreme Supercar racing, the Red Square Kawasaki runs and the Tsebo Porsche challenge were the order of the day. Live music bands from music groups Planet Joy, Wicket Sticks, Action Thriller and Dead Alphabet entertained spectators at the event. The Zwartkops Extreme Festival provided a day full of entertainment on and off the track, a series of this event will take place this year with the first festival lined up for March next year.





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