Email Marketing Metrics important for you
Email marketing metrics are important to help you determine the effectiveness of your business communications and fine tune them to improve your efficiency. Analyzing performance metrics can be a bit more challenging than it may initially seem. Noted entrepreneur and marketing guru Seth Godin has said, "Measuring busy-ness is far easier than measuring business." His quote underscores the importance of identifying and measuring the right market metrics for your business. For an easy analysis, you need to interpret specific email marketing metrics that are important for you. In this way marketing metrics help you take the right actions and assures that your email marketing campaign grows the way it needs to. So here are a few email marketing metrics important for you to measure the success of your email campaign: 1) Click through rates – The day-to-day email marketing metric! Click through Rate (CTR) is a very important metric as it gives you direct insights into the number of people engaging with your content and the count of those interested in knowing more about your brand. It lets you easily calculate performance for every individual email you send. 2) Conversion rate – Key parameter to determine email success! Conversion rate is the metric that determines the number of individuals that made revenue generating transaction or signed-up at your website. The importance of this metric is that it identifies the efficacy of your call to action.
3) Bounce rate – Indicates the quality of your list! One particular metric that you should be concerned about is bounces. There are two types of bounces that need to be tracked namely hard bounces and soft bounces. Bounce rate allows you to know more about the quality of your list. It exposes flaws that you may have with regards to your processes and helps you find opportunities for immediate improvement. 4) List Growth Rate – Keeps your list healthy Email list growth rate metric measures the pace at which your list is growing. A steady, positive list growth rate helps keep your list healthy and contributes to the overall success of your email marketing campaign. 5) Overall ROI – Determines the success of the campaign This helps you identify the areas in your email marketing campaign that are driving sales and revenue. It also helps determine weak areas that require improvement. Apart from these, a few other metrics such as Open Rate, Unique Opens, Unsubscribe Rate etc. can be considered. Keeping an initial focus on the email marketing metrics is important for you and can help you to come up with a logical plan of action and improve your marketing strategy. TSL Impact offers analytics as a part of email marketing solution. Track the performance of your email campaign with us and get more consistent results.
Posted by - Kalpana Dogra on 17-02-2015 Digital Marketing Evangelist at TSLimpact. Always aching to share the latest on the digital marketing ..Passionate about All Things Digital !An ardent apple fan, Great Swimmer and a ZumbaEnthusiast.