NYDKC Division 23 January Newsletter

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NYDKC Division 23 Newsletter

Table of Contents: LTG Greeting - Page 2 Governor's Bulletin- Page 3 New York Minute - Page 4 Empire Key - Page 5 LTC 2020 - Page 6 LTC Program Ads - Page 7 Additional Info - Page 8 Service Spotlights - Page 9 Governor's and District Projects - Page 10 District Endorsed Projects and Int'l Partners - Page 11 Paperwork Chart - Page 12 Contact Info - Page 13 Social Media - Page 14

JANUARY 2020 Written by Tatiana Solodova, Division 23 Lieutenant Governor

Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Hey Division 23! Happy New Year! It’s the start of a new year and the beginning of a decade. I hope you’ve accomplished all your goals for last year and that this year is just as good. I hope everyone’s long break was great, but it’s now time to get back into business. Now back to business! LTG elections will take place on February 1st at the Brighton High School. Even if your club does not have a candidate, please spread the word about elections as it is important that as many clubs as possible are in attendance. I will talk about LTC and we will then vote on the Lieutenant Governor for the 2020-21 service year. Most clubs have submitted dues, but there are a still a few clubs that still need to do so. Makes sure to submit dues before February 1st because after that date your club would get suspended until a $100 fee is payed. Additionally, there are still two club who have not submitted their ERF. It was due a while ago, so make sure to submit it. MRFs are due on the 10th of each month for the previous month. They are very important in helping our district achieve our service hour and fundraising goals, so please get turn them in for all the previous months and in the future. You can refer to the paperwork chart on page 12 to see which pieces of paperwork your club is missing. If there are any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me! That’s it for right now! Keep reading for more information.

Yours in Service, Tatiana Solodova Lt. Governor

Governor's Bulletin

New York Minute Every month, Governor Camille posts the New York Minute on the NYDKC youtube channel. Check it out to see what NYDKC was up to throughout the fall in the November issue. https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=0AG4a22RGIk

Empire Key Check out the most recent edition of the Empire Key! https://issuu.com/nydistrictkeyclub/docs/septoct Please submit articles for the Jan/Feb issue here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6QLDXOKocFtWvicnEVf9MCVLbebQFDKYkMNvIekhUGdchg/viewform

LTC 2020 The 2020 Leadership Training Conference is taking place at the Desmond Hotel in Albany from 3/27-2/29. The cost is $300.00 per Key Club Member and $335 per Key Club adviser. The priority registration deadline is 2/21 and the final registration deadline is 3/2. Check out the Website for more information: https://nydkc.org/ltc/ Those running for higher office and the LTG elect will have to sign up separately from your club. Promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_wYABCunpU&t=1s

LTC 2020 Program Ads Additionally, the portal to purchase ads is now open! These ads will be places at the end of the conference program on the app. The following is where you can access the portal: https://fs29.formsite.com/nydkc/form25/index.html

Running for Office and LTG Elections Election for the 2020-2021 Division 23 Lt. Governor will be held on February 1st at the Brighton High School. If you or anyone in your club is interested in running please contact me ASAP. I'm here to assist in the process and guide you as much as I can. Lt. Governors are responsible for keeping in contact with all the clubs in our area. As LTG, you will be in charge of completing monthly paperwork and attending a few board meetings throughout the year This is an incredibly rewarding and helpful experience and I encourage all those interested to let me know!

Winter Service Project Ideas: Caroling at a nursing home Bell ringing for the salvation army Making cards Toy or food drive for the holidays

Awards Booklet Check out the Awards Booklet here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_T2gRgEnnCYMmtXZEpfVXoyU1EzOF9x dlJuSlh4MWtoQUdF/view

Dues Submission February 1st: If dues aren't submitted by this date, the club will be suspended and will have to pay a $100 suspension to be reactivated.

Upcoming Events LTG Elections at the Brighton High School - 2/1 LTC 2020 at the Desmond Hotel in Albany - 3/27-3/29

Service Spotlights Madrid Waddington Key Club - Division 24 On Veteran’s Day our Key Club worked with the town supervisor to clean out the old Waddington Town Hall. We were there from 9:00am to 11:00am going through old filing cabinets and getting rid of trash and old furniture. We spent the whole two hours completely emptying all the rooms and loading everything into a dump truck. A lot of hard work was put into it and it paid off because it only took us two hours. Main Street Perk was also generous enough to give us free hot chocolate and desserts after we finished. Waddington is opening a new Town Hall so some stuff we took out got moved to the new one and other stuff got taken to the dump. Everyone worked efficiently and were all very helpful. All the members who participated showed great service and leadership, and everyone was a good contribution to the work we did!

Town of Webb Key Club - Division 19 On December December 21st a few key club members went to our local theater to help a sponsored movie by Kiwanis. The kids that came to watch the movie also got to meet Santa, pick a toy and a book to take home. All of the goodies were donated Kiwanis. The kids also got to take home a coloring book that featured scenes from the Adirondack kids books! After the new awesome stuff was passed out and everyone met with Santa we all watched the animated film, Arctic Dogs. As key club students we interacted with the kids and helped them pick out their new things, we also cleaned the theater to make sure it was on top shape for the rest of their day. A fun little Christmas event that happens every year!

Governor's Project This year's governor's project is the New York Chapter of the Special Olympics. Special Olympics New York is an all inclusive athletic opportunity. Athletes with intellectual disabilities have the opportunity to challenge themselves in fair and even competition. Win or lose, they develop their own character, make friends and find unknown wells of determination within themselves. Special Olympics pushes the message of inclusion, which is something that everyone can get behind. Website: https://www.specialolympics-ny.org/

District Project Thank you to everyone who voted on the New York District project for the 2019-2020 service year. I am happy to announce that this year's District Project is Project Semicolon! This is a charity for mental health and suicide prevention. It's mission is to provide more resources to help prevent suicide. Website: https://projectsemicolon.com/

President's Project

This year' International project is the Eliminate Project. It's focus is to help raise money for maternal and nenatal tetnus. Website: https://sites.kiwanis.org/kiwanis/en/theeliminateproject/ho me.aspx

Fundraising Goal: $200,000 % to Goal: 43.32%

Service Goal: 120,000 hours % to Goal: 56.07%

$15,000 from the Governor's and District Projects and $3,500 from each District Endorsed Project

District Endorsed Projects Pediatric Trauma Center: The Pediatric Trauma Center is one of New York District’s Endorsed Projects. It provides funds and staff needed to care for children suffering from trauma. Trauma takes the lives of thousands of kids this year and about 25% of these deaths could be prevented. Website: http://nydkc.org/pediatric.html Lyme Disease Foundation: The Lyme Disease Foundation is one of New York District's Endorsed Projects. Lyme disease is a terrible disease which can affect someone's brain in many ways. This foundation helps raise money to pay for medical treatment for children. Website: http://www.kiwanis-ny.org/lyme/

Kamp Kiwanis: Kamp Kiwanis is one of New York District's Endorsed Projects. It's a summer camp for special needs children between 8-14 years old. Each child is payed for with money that is raised, so children are able to enjoy a fun and affordable experience. Webstie: http://nydkc.org/kamp.html

International Partners The Thirst Project: The Thirst Project is an official partner of Key Club International. It focuses on raising money to provide clean water to children all over the world. In many underdeveloped countries, women and children have to take hours out of their day in order to get water which, in the end, isn’t even clean. As a result of this organization, more children will be able to go to school and get an education. Website: https://www.thirstproject.org/

Landscape Structures: Landscape Structures is a partner of Key Club International. It’s focused on building play and playground areas for children all around the world. They organize the Legacy of Play Contest every year where winners receive $25,000 to help fund the building of a playground. Each playground is special and unique. Website: https://www.playlsi.com/en/our-story/company/partnershipsmemberships/kiwanis-international/

Paperwork Chart

Many clubs have NOT turned in dues. Please get those in ASAP. The ERF was officially due on September 1st. Arcadia, Mount Morris, and Webster Schroeder still need to fill out their ERF. Please remind club secretaries to fill out a monthly report form (MRF) for every month. MRFs help the district run smoothly, and if your club fills our each MRF properly throughout the service year, you could win a Perfect Paperwork Award! Remember, MRFs are due on the 10th of each month. They should be turned in from the 1st to the 10th for the previous month. In addition to MRFs, please fill out the FRF after each fundraiser your club holds.

Contact Info Division 23 LTG: Tatiana Solodova division23@nydkc.org Governor: Camille Brock - governor@nydkc.org Secretary: Linna Cheung - secretary@nydkc.org Treasurer: Anthony Lim - treasurer@nydkc.org External Executive Assistant: Jaron Belmore belmorejaron2020@gmail.com Internal Executive Assistant: TIffany Chen qiantingc1030@gmail.com Bulletin Editor: Angelo Lontok - editor@nydkc.org Webmaster: Ramisa Azad - webmaster@nydkc.org Circle K LTG: Coehl Gleckner coehl.gleckner@nycirclek.org Fingerlakes Kiwanis LTG: Roger Awe roger.awe@rochesteroptical.com Genesee Kiwanis LTG: Ron Palmer rdp0614@yahoo.com KCRs: Andrea Doyle - andrea.doyle4@gmail.com and Betsy Vinton - bvinton@harleyschool.org NYDKC District Administrator: John Goldstein nydkca@fronteir.net NYDKC Assistant Administrators: Jason Steiner ianjs@aol.com and Michael Berthel - mjberthel@gmail.com

Social Media @nydkc23 @nydkc @keyclubint @kci1920 @thebestsistrict

@NYDKCDivision23 @nydkc @keyclubintnl

@nykeyclub @keyclub

Youtube Key Club International nydkc

Websites keyclub.org nydkc.org

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