NYDKC Division 23 March Newsletter

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NYDKC Division 23 Newsletter

Table of Contents: LTG Greeting - Page 2 Governor's Bulletin- Page 3 LTC 2020 - Page 4 Year Recap and 20202021 LTG Information Page 5 Service Spotlight and District Goals- Page 6 Paperwork Chart - Page 7 Contact Info - Page 8 Social Media - Page 9

MARCH 2020 Written by Tatiana Solodova, Division 23 Lieutenant Governor

Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Hey Division 23! Wow. I can’t believe this is my eleventh and final newsletter. This year has flown by and I am incredibly proud of all we have accomplished as a division. This time of year is especially crazy because school is now in full swing. Junior year is definitely getting to me, as well as many of you, but it will all be worth it. Currently I don’t have many updates. I would just like to remind everyone that we are nearing the end of the service year, which means it’s time to elect new officers. I’d recommend electing officers by the end March, but if not, by the end of the school year. The few months in between April-June are a perfect time for the old officers to help the new officers in their positions and to make sure they are situated and ready to roll in the fall. Also, begin thinking about what events you might like to hold in the summer. Summer feels like it’s so far away, but it’ll be here before you know it. Lastly, remember to turn in your paperwork. It’s an essential part in keeping the district on track with our goals and will help the executive board know what they may need to do better. If every MRF is filled out, your club will receive the Perfect Paperwork Award, so make sure you are nagging your secretaries. That’s it for my last LTG Greeting! I hope the rest of the service year runs smoothly.

Yours in Service, Tatiana Solodova Lt. Governor

Governor's Bulletin

LTC 2020 The 2020 Leadership Training Conference is taking place at the Desmond Hotel in Albany from 3/27-2/29. The cost is $300.00 per Key Club Member and $335 per Key Club adviser. The registration deadline has already passed. Check out the Website for more information: https://nydkc.org/ltc/ Promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=H_wYABCunpU&t=1s

Year Recap It’s the end of the year already. I am so proud of all our division and district have accomplished over the past year. Although we have a lot more room to improve, we are in the right direction. Last year, we had three clubs receive the Perfect Paperwork Award and this year, we will have at least five clubs receive this award. Last year, we had 10 people total attend LTC, and this year, we have 13 people registered. Although this may not seem like that much progress, it shows that our division is gradually growing and becoming more involved. On the district level, we are very close to reaching our goals. We are more than 85% to both our fundraising and service hour goals, which shows what a tremendous impact our clubs in New York State have made. Although we did not achieve all my personal goals for our division, I would like us to continue to grow and work together. I hope that in the next year, we can bring an additional club to LTC and have more people attend division-wide events, such as divisionals. Unifying our division is the first step to more success. I am incredibly thankful for all the ups and downs of this year and thank you to all of you for allowing me to serve as your Lieutenant Governor.

2020-2021 LTG Information I am happy to introduce the incoming LTG for Division 23, Charlotte Allen! Charlotte is currently a junior at The Harley School. Her school formed a newly chartered club at the beginning of last year and she has been the president of the club ever since. She has successfully grown her club and has become involved with all branches of the K-Family, including Kiwanis and Aktion Club. She was elected on February 1st and will serve as our Lieutenant Governor from the end of March to LTC 2021. She will be a great asset to this division and I look forward to seeing what she will accomplish.

Upcoming Events LTC 2020 at the Desmond Hotel in Albany - 3/27-3/29

Service Spotlight Brighton High School Key Club - Division 23 On February 15, 2020 I attended two Circle K Divisionals. First, I attended the Seneca Divisional at RIT. We built supply kits for teachers as our service project and proceeded to holding the elections for the next Lieutenant Governor. The divisional ended with several Minute to Win It games that were organized by LTG Coehl Gleckner and a basket raffle. The second divisional took place at Niagara University. We started out with a dinner and proceeded to doing a few icebreakers and writing Valentine’s Day cards for people in nursing homes. Stickers were sold as a fundraiser and over $70 were raised for helping with the damage caused by Australian fires. The event concluded with some more Minute to Win it Games and everyone had a great time. I’m incredibly thankful that I was able to attend both of these great events for several reasons, but mostly because of the people I met and got to see again. The Kiwanis and Circle K Governors were present and very involved in both divisionals and I got to meet several Circle K officers and District Board Members. I hope I get to attend more events like these in the future. -Tatiana Solodova, Division 23 LTG

District Goals and Progress Fundraising Goal: $200,000

Service Hour Goal: 120,000 hours

($15,000 from the Governor's and District Projects and $3,500 from each District Endorsed Project)

Money Raised: $173,242

Total Service Hours 109,000 Hours

% to Goal: 86.62%

% to Goal: 90.83%

Paperwork Chart

(As of 2/9 at 1:40 pm)

Five clubs are on track to win the Perfect Paperwork award. Those clubs are: Brighton, Penfield, Harley, Victor, and Webster Thomas. Congrats! If you are not one of those clubs, it's not too late to turn in your missing paperwork. I highlighted all the paperwork that isn't turned in. Please make sure you are reminding your club secretaries to fill out the missing MRFs for each month that you have missed. They are a major factor in whether our district reaches our fundraising and service hour goals. I'm only missing the ERF from Mount Morris, so make sure to turn it in ASAP. Lastly, continue to fill out the FRF for every fundraiser you hold toward a charity. The forms can all be found in my emails.

Contact Info Division 23 LTG: Tatiana Solodova division23@nydkc.org Governor: Camille Brock - governor@nydkc.org Secretary: Linna Cheung - secretary@nydkc.org Treasurer: Anthony Lim - treasurer@nydkc.org External Executive Assistant: Jaron Belmore belmorejaron2020@gmail.com Internal Executive Assistant: TIffany Chen qiantingc1030@gmail.com Bulletin Editor: Angelo Lontok - editor@nydkc.org Webmaster: Ramisa Azad - webmaster@nydkc.org Circle K LTG: Coehl Gleckner coehl.gleckner@nycirclek.org Fingerlakes Kiwanis LTG: Roger Awe roger.awe@rochesteroptical.com Genesee Kiwanis LTG: Ron Palmer rdp0614@yahoo.com KCRs: Andrea Doyle - andrea.doyle4@gmail.com and Betsy Vinton - bvinton@harleyschool.org NYDKC District Administrator: John Goldstein nydkca@fronteir.net NYDKC Assistant Administrators: Jason Steiner ianjs@aol.com and Michael Berthel - mjberthel@gmail.com

Social Media @nydkc23 @nydkc @keyclubint @kci1920 @thebestsistrict

@NYDKCDivision23 @nydkc @keyclubintnl

@nykeyclub @keyclub

Youtube Key Club International nydkc

Websites keyclub.org nydkc.org

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