Sa punem proiectul in programa Indrumari pentru profesori
RO Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa dezvoltam educatia prin proiecte si TIC 2015 – 2017 ERASMUS + 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectul in programa
Indrumari pentru profesori
Contributii la pregatirea acestui Ghid Acest Ghid reprezinta munca in colaborare cu toti Partnerii pentru dezvoltarea proiectului Opening up education through the school projects and ICT Project, anume urmatoarele:
Organizatia Coordonatoare Tsar Simeon Veliki School (BG – V. Stanev, Ts. Todorova, Sv. Pesheva, D. Rangelova, S. Markova, E. Voycheva, A.Eroslavova, K. Petrov, N. Vankova) impreuna cu 5 Partneri din Grecia, Italia, Romania, Suedia si Turcia.
Organizatii partenere 1st General Lyceum of Aigaleo (GR-M. Mitsaina, M. Filioglou, G. Kotsianidou, G. Kouremadi, S. Zolindaki, C. Feleskoura), Liceo Scientifico Statale "E.MAJORANA" (IT-, P. Cerocchi, L. Medori, A. Spina, S. D'Erme, Paola), Liceul Teoretic Independenta (RO-D. Popa, L. Stanusi, T. Bora, M. Bora, F. Nedelcu), Örnsköldsviks Gymnasium (SW-R. Nordkvist, H. Forsgren, J. Forsgren, A. Forsgren, K. Edholm, B. Dahlöf, M. Hulmé), Mobil Imam Hatip Ortaokulu (TR-E. Cevahiroğlu, S. Arslantaş, B Aydın, N. Savcı)
Contact the Coordinator Ts. Todorova at, Tel.: (+359) 882083008 ISBN
Sa punem proiectele in programa
1. INTRODUCERE Asteptarile in cee ace priveste educatia s-au schimbat. Strategia Europa 2020 specifica aceleasi scopuri in ceea ce priveste parasirea timpurie a scolii si frecventarea educatiei superioare. In 2013 Comisia Europeana lanseaza 'Opening up Education' pentru deschidere spre inovare si competente digitale in scoli. In 2012, 12.7% din cei de 18 pana la 24 ani nu finalizasera liceul (din raportul UE TWG despre ESL). Multi elevi nu sunt incantati sa invete, deoarece nu-i vad rostul. Elevii au nevoie sa vada ca cee ace invata este relevant pentru ei. Programa scolara trebuie sa faca legatura intre ce invata elevii in clasa si ce au invatat deja. Elevii vor sa conecteze ce invata nou cu lumea din afara clasei. Predarea se poate axa pe problem reale, pe care elevii le vad importante. In lumea de azi, informatia si cunostintele sunt in crestere. Nimeni nu poate invata tot despre orice subiect, ceea ce poate parea adevarat azi s-ar putea dovedi a fi fals maine, si slujbele pe care elevii le vor avea cand vor fi absolventi s-ar putea sa nu existe inca. Din acest motiv, elevii trebuiesc sa fie invatati cum sa proceseze, analizeze, si sa foloseasca informatia, si ei au nevoie de competente adaptabile pe care sa le aplice in toate zonele vietii reale—doar sa le predam idei si fapte, fara sa-i invatam cum sa le foloseasca in viata reala, nu mai este de ajuns. Toate tarile Europene si-au reformat programa lor in ultima decada spre un invatamant care are in vedere rezultatul. Asta inseamna ca in loc sa urmatim doar continutul obiectului predate de profesor, sa contina afirmatii care sa rezume ce trebuie elevii sa stie, sa inteleaga sau sa fie capabili sa faca intr-o anumita etapa a procesului de invatare a obiectului de studiu. In ultimii ani, reformele programei in multe tari s-au axat pe aducerea acestei competente– bazata pe abordare mai aproape de predarea competentelor cheie. Aceste competente cheie sunt alcatuite din aptitudinii de baza si transversale. Statutul aptitudinilor de baza (limba si comunicare, matematica, stiintele), ca si limbile moderne, este bine stabilit, promovarea aptitudinior trasversale (IT, aptitudinii civice si atreprenoriale) sunt ramase in urma. Scolile trebuie sa se adapteze si sa dezvolte noi moduri de a preda si invata care sa reflecte o lume in schimbare. Scopul scolii trebuie sa fie sa pregateasca elevii pentru a avea succes dupa ce termina scoala. Profesorii trebuie sa foloseasca timpul in predare pentru ca elevii cum sa gaseasca, sa interpreteze, si sa foloseasca informatia, decat sa foloseasca cel mai mult sau tot timpulpentru a prezenta informatii.
This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa Profesorii trebuie sa integreze TIC in invatarea centrata pe elev. Lumea online schimba modul in care educatia dispune de resurse, este oferita si placuta. In urmatorii 10 ani, piata eLearning este proiectata sa creasca de cincisprezece ori, reprezentand 30% din intreaga piata a educatiei. Traim in societati conectate, unde din ce in ce mai multi oameni, de toate varstele folosesc technologii digitale in viata lor de zi cu zi. Oricum, cand multi copii merg la scoala, ei intra intr-un sistem care nu reflecta aceasta realitate de zi cu zi. In toate tarile Ministerul Educatiei vede alfabetizarea in media digitala ca esentiala pentru succesul in societatea globala. Dar cei mai multi profesori nu au incredere in tehnologie precum si in aptitudinile lor in cee ace priveste tehnologia. De aceea consolidarea integrarii digitale in invatare si predare este atat de important. Invatarea pe tot parcursul vietii si competentele digitale pentru profesori sunt prioritati ale sistemelor de educatie. Multe examene din ultimii doi ani (precum PISA) arata nivelul scazut al elevilor competentele in matematica si interesul foarte scazut la obiectele de studiu stiinte. Astfel de problem pot fi vazute si la alte obiecte de studiu. Un alt caz in ceea ce priveste predarea traditional in scoala. Predarea in scoala a plasat invatarea traditionala in categorii de obiecte de studiu cu etichete precum Matematica, Biologie, Engleza si altele. Aceste impartiri artificiale pun accent pe diferentele dintre obiectele de studiu mai mult decat pe asemanarile dintre ele. Aceste impartiri lasa elevii sa faca ei insisi legatura dintre notiunile invatate si lume. Unii elevi nu se pot adapta la a face aceste conexiuni transdisciplinare. De aceea procesul de predare invatare in scoala trebuie sa se axeze pe dezvoltarea acelorasi teme la mai multe obiecte de studiu. Proiectele scolare pot ajuta in aceasta privinta. Profesorii pot implementa proiectele scolare in programa scolara. Abordarile interdisciplinare in predare sunt sprijinite de guvernul Bulgar si sunt parte obligatorie a " Cerintelor sistemului de stat educational in ceea ce priveste invatamantul", in special component cultural si educationala "Stiinte sociale si educatia civica". O alta problema sociala este ca elevii folosesc mult timp pentru a juca jocuri sis a discute in retelele sociale. Profesorii trebuie sa invete elevii sa foloseasca PC/tabletele/Smartphon-urile nu numai pentru a se distra, dar sa resolve problem reale. De aceea ei pot folosi TIC pentru a lucre in proiecte. Pentru a face asta profesorii trebuie sa puna accent pe competentele lor digitale si sa-i invete noi metode. Putem rezuma ca: -
Predarea trebuie sa creasca motivarea elevilor sa frecventeze scoala si sa reduca abandonul scolar timpuriu.
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Sa punem proiectele in programa -
Predarea transdisciplinara este o abordare importanta inovativa.
Exista nevoia de a imbunatati frecventa tinerilor si a aptitudinilor lor de baza si trandisciplinare.
Elevii si profesorii sa-si sporeasca TIC si competentele digitale.
Scopul nostru este ca acest Manual sa ofere profesorilor o idee, cum sa-si imbunatateasca educatia clasica folosind PBL- invatarea bazata pe proiecte, predarea transdisciplinara si sporirea invatarii TIC si dezvoltarea competentelor digitale, astfel incat sa scada abandonul scolar. In acest Manual veti gasi seturi de lectii, dezvoltate de profesori din cele sase tari din proiect. Ele va vor indruma cum sa implementati activitatile proiectului in predare. Credem ca aceasta abordare va spori competentele de baza si transdisciplinare si abilitatea lor sa vada toate obiectele de studiu ca un set de idei cu legaturi intre ele. Am hotarat sa dezvoltam cercetarile noastre intr-un exemplu, intr-un proiect scolar. De ce am ales un proiect eTwinning ? Deoarece eTwinning is modern si o comunitate a scolilor din Europa care se dezvolta foarte rapid Anul trecut (2016 ) eTwinning a sarbatorit 10 ani. Platforma eTwinning pune la dispozitie o moderna, sigura si gratuita e-platform pentru profesori si elevi cu o varietate de unelte online, precum Evenimente Live, TwinSpace-ul proiectului, Chat rooms sigure etc. Numele proiectului nostru eTwinning este ‘Sa discutam despre mancare’. Cautam o problema, pe care elevii o vad importanta. Aceasta poate fi elevi supraponderali si nevoia unui stil de viata sanatoasa. Pentru a rezolva problema scolile pot crea elevilor obiceiuri de nutritie sanatoasa, sa stie mai mult despre nutritia sanatoasa si sa deprinda cateva aptitudinii simple despre gatit. Idea noastra a fost, tema sa fie examinata sub diferite aspecte si implementata in obiectele de studiu. TIC/tehnologia mobila si competentele digitale sunt unelte. In acest Manual puteti gasi find Planuri de lectii pentru - Biologie, Chimie, Matematica, IT, English, Literature/&Drama si Sport. Am incercat sa grupam cateva lectii ca un set de lectii sis a le prezentam intr-o abordare interdisciplinara in sugestiile noastre. Experti de la Universitati din Umea, Craiova, Sofia si Atena au fost implicate in acest studiu. Ca parti interesate au fost implicate autoritati nationale si locale din domeniul educatiei, institutii de sanatate, si asociatiile parintilor din toate tarile din proiect.
This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
1. Parintii si familiile elevilor participanti vor afla mai mult despre nutritia sanatoasa, stil de viata sanatos si schimbarea obiceiurilor de nutritie. 2. Elevii vor sti cum si vor incepe sa foloseasca dispozitivele mobile in invatare. 3. Vor spori competentele “de baza si trandisciplinare� si capacitatea lor de a vedea toate obiectele de studiu ca un set de idei interconectate. 4. Vor spori competentele digitale si TIC ale elevilor si profesorilor.
DESFASURAREA ACTIVITATILOR Un proiect care se va desfasura pe doi ani. Numarul scolilor partenere poate varia, dar prea multi parteneri ar complica managemantul proiectului. - Schimburi de E-mail-uri intre scoli. - Aplicarea pentru proiect eTwinning. - Crearea unei paginii Facebook pentru o diseminare ami buna a rezultatelor proiectului. - Organizarea unui Baseline Survey - Rezultatele ne vor ajuta in planificarea si masurarea impactului Va ajuta elevii sa-si dezvolte competentele de a lucra online poll/quiz. Pentru rezultate mai bune profesorii pot folosi online tool pentru a alcatui intrebarile. Ei pot folosi Tricider ( pentru a gasi diferite intrebari. Sugestia noastra este pentru trei baseline surveys: o 1 quiz despre 'slow' food si stil de viata sanatoasa. o 1 quiz ce cred elevii despre modelul clasa traditionala si comparatia cu modelul flipped classroom , invatarea bazata pe TIC, abandonul scolar si motivele acestuia. o 1 online survey pentru profesori/parinti ce cred ei despre predarea folosind invatarea bazata pe TIC. - Competitie online pentru logo-ul si sloganul proiectului. Echipe mixte, elevii vor colabora online. Sugestia noastra este sa incarcam toate logo-urile, create de elevi in Tricider. Apoi sa lasam elevii sa adauge comentarii, sa-si exprime paperea si sa voteze. - Amenajarea unor spatii ale proiectelor si informatii pe un ecran in fiecare scoala. Toate informatiile pot fi online, dar spatial proiectului este ceva ce elevii si vizitatorii il pot vedea chiar si atunci cand internetul sau electricitatea sunt oprite. Page 4 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa - Prezentati activitatea proprie. Sugestia noastra este sa folositi Padlet. Puteti crea pe un panou interactiv unde elevii vostri pot publica texte, fotografii sau filmari video. O alta optiune este folosirea Forum de pe TwinSpace-ul proiectului pentru aceasta activitate. Numele forumului poate fi ‘Nice to meet you’ si fiecare elev poate publica un tread cu numele sau. Ceilalti pot incarca comentarii sau ‘likes’. - Schimb de 'Taste' felicitari de Anul Nou. Aceasta activitate poate fi interdisciplinara in predarea obiectelor de studiu Arte si TIC. - Vocabularul tematic ‘Tasty Vocabulary’ in toate limbile proiectului si in Engleza. Colaborarea online intre scoli. Elevii pot lucra pe un spreadsheet (poate fi Google Spreadsheet sau shared spreadsheet din Office 365). Este bine daca elevii creaza imagini pe care le vor folosi pentru Vocabulary design, nu doar sa ‘copy’ si ‘paste’ de pe Internet. Distribuirea online pe Issuu. O idee interesanta este sa incerce sa creeze e-book cu cateva din free e-tools (Calibre, ePUBee Maker, Sigil sau alte tool). Tmpul sugerat pentru aceasta activitate este de doua luni. - Competitia de eseuri online - 'The bread - symbol of life'. Lectii de limbi moderne This can be very interesting -
way to learn how to write an essay. IT lessons – students can work on their essay to
develop ICT skills for word processing. - eBook 'Tasty Nutrition Guide', available in all project languages. Students will make researches about typical dishes from national cuisine. They will analyse the nutrition value and create tables and charts. All suggested dishes will be collected in one book. - Webbinar 'Can healthy food be cheap? This activity can be organized as a live event on the project TwinSpace. Dissemination of the project activity is very important part of the project. Students can share information not only on TwinSpace or Facebook, but also on other types of Medias. They will be better motivated for language lessons with topic "The texts in the media sphere function and structure".
This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
Link to the project TwinSpace
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
eTwinning project Let’s talk about food. Screenshot of Home page of the project TwinSpace.
This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
Proforma Lesson Plans
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
Project Topic Let’s talk about food – eTwinning project
Project Activity Topic Profesorii pot folosi acest set de material de lectie din cateva din activitatile proiectului: 1. Crearea ‘Tasty Nutrition Ghid”. 2. "Pregatirea felurilor de mancare traditionale Bulgaresti." 3. Crearea ‘Tasty Vocabulary’. 4. Diseminarea activitatilor proiectului in diverse tipuri de media.
Country: Number of lessons:
Bulgaria Teachers
Svetlomira Pesheva Bulgarian Language and Literatura
Daniela Rangelova Bulgarian Language and Literatura Kiril Petrov English Language Tsvetanka Todorova IT (ICT)
Project Activity (summary): 1. Creati un ‘Tasty Nutrition Ghid”. – Elevii trebuie sa cerceteze despre mancaruri traditionale, nationale, care este valoarea lor nutritionala si cat de sanatoase sunt. Vor cerceta ce inseamna slow cooing si traditiile Bulgaresti in aceasta metoda specifica. Elevii isi vor largi cunostintele in lectiile de Biologie si Chimie. 2. "Prepararea mancarurilor traditionale Bulgaresti”. Aceasta activitate combina notiuni cu abilitati practice. Elevii vor pune in practica ce au invatat din cercetarile lor pentru ‘Tasty Nutrition Ghid’. Profesorii si elevii vor gati cateva mancaruri traditionale Bulgaresti. Activitatea aceasta o vor desfasura in scoala, in camera special amenajata cu echipament de bucatarie. Inainte de activitate elevii vor studia la orele de limba Engleza cum sa explice procesul de gatire. Ei stiu deja multe cuvinte, din activitatea ‘Crearea unui ‘Tasty Vocabulary”.
This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa 3. Diseminarea activitatilor proiectului. Unul dintre cele mai importante lucruri pentru fiecare proiect este sa distribui informatii despre munca. Elevii trebuie sa stie cum sa scrie un articol pentru ziare, pentru radio, television sau Internet. Elevii trebuie sa cunoasca diferentele in cee ace priveste diferitele mijloace media. Asta vor studia in lectiile de limba Bulgara si limba Engleza.
Inter-subject connections: Acest set de trei lectii prezinta cum profesorii de la trei obiecte de studio diferite pot folosi activitatile proiectului sa schimbe exemple folosite in scoala in lectii cu cerinte din proiectul eTwinning. Lectiile sunt pentru elevii din clasele a 9-a, dar pot ajuta toti elevii cand vor trebui sa-si promoveze sau sa publice informatii. Cronologic, in acest set elevii vor incepe cu lectia de Limba Bulgara si Literatura ‘Textele in sfera media - Functii si Structura’. Tema de rezolvat face legatura intre lectiile de Engleza si IT. A doua in set este lectia de Limba Engleza ‘Textele in Engleza din media - Functii si Structura’. Si ultima lectie din set este lectia de IT. Profesorul de informatica poate dezvolta toate cele sase lectii din Capitolul “Word processing”, Theme 2 ‘Creating and editing text’, Theme 3 ‘Document formating’, Them 4 ‘Insert objects in text document’ and Them 5 ‘Pre-print work. Print text document’ on one task - the homework assignment ‘Create media texts of interviews and reports regarding the school event "Preparing traditional Bulgarian dishes", eTwinning project 'Let's talk about food’'.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
1 PLAN DE LECTIE Lesson Topic Texte in media - Functii si Structura
Subject Limba si Literatura Bulgara Profesori Svetlomira Pesheva and Daniela Rangelova
Class 9
Curriculum Links COMPETENTE VIZATE: - COMPETENTE SOCIO CULTURALE: sa distinga diferite tipuri de stiluri functionale si caracteristici ale stilului de publicatie; sa foloseasca si sa proceseze informatia pentru a rezolva comunicarea problemelor; prezentand diverse tipuri de informatii prin parametri de set; - COMPETENTE LINGVISTICE: cresterea cunostintelorin ceea ce priveste problemele de lexic ale limbii bulgare; - COMPETENTE DE COMUNICARE: compararea si analiza unor probleme variate in texte si in participarea la dialoguri si discutii Tema: Textele din media - Functii si Structura
Context Project Name
еТwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
In timpul lectiilor anterioare elevii si-au insusit tipurile de stiluri functionale si sunt familiarizati cu obligativitatea si alegerea limbii pentru stiurile individuale functionale. Intr-o lectie anterioara intr-un proiect TwinSpace "Let’s talk about food" un forum despre "Texte in media - functii si structura" a fost creat.
Links with future
Aceasta notiune este importanta pentru elevi in pregatirea lor pentru
This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa lesson(s)
State Exams (SE)in limba si literature Bulgara – rezolvarea cerintelor 23-31 din acest format SE. In aceste cerinte elevii vor recunoaste texte cu stiluri functionale diferite si vor putea extrage informatii din ele, pentru a retine si scrie un rezumat al textului. Aceste notiuni sunt necesare pentru elevi in orele de limba si literatura Bulgara pentru studiul mentionat in programa pentru toate clasele, a textelor literare si de asemenea cand dezbateri si discutii au loc legate de probleme umanitare.
Cross curricular links before the lesson
Tehnologia informatiei – in orele anterioare competente au fost create pentru lucrul cu smartphones / tablete si rezolvarea de teste in Mentimeter. Elevii pot cauta informatiile pe Internet. Limba Engleza - elevii sunt constienti de textile media care apar in manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a 9-a. Istorie si Civilizatie - elevii au notiuni despre public speaking si retorica in studiul Imperiului Roman.
Cross curricular links after the lesson
Limba engleza- analiza comparative a mijloacelor lingvistice din media in ambele limbi. Etica si Lege - studierea acestui obiect clasa a 10-a bazat pe notiunile lor despre articolele jurnalistice elevii vor putea face o declaratie publica ca un text oral si scris a unei probleme etice. Biologia si educatia pentru sanatate – aptitudinile de a extrage informatii si public speaking vor fi folosite in ore, care au fost formate in timpul orelor de limba si literatura Bulgara. Tehnologia informatiei –temele pentru acasa si materialele din lectia de limba si literature Bulgara vor fi folosite in exercitii de tehnologia informatiei legate de ceea ce se introduce, editeaza si formateaza in textul publicatiei.
Learning Objective: Elevii vor recunoaste caracteristicile de still ale textelor media si vor putea crea texte in forme orale si scrise, vor detine aptitudini pentru dialogul intercultural si vor putea, ca un rezultat al planificarii transdisciplinare adecvate, sa foloseasca media electronica si tehnologiile multimedia si vor putea participa efectiv si constructiv in viata social, formand abilitati pentru prezentari creative ale ideilor.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
Learning Outcomes: Elevii pot: 1. Sa recunoasca textele din domeniul media. 2. Sa idenifice caracteristici stilistice si registrul de limba folosit: raport, interviu, nota de fundal si un articol jurnalistic. 3. Detin aptitudinii sa analizeze si recupereze informatiile din diferite surse de date in domeniul media. 4. Pot folosi Internetul ca pe un mijloc si sursa pentru gasirea unei teme date; 5. ei folosesc instrumente web 2.0; 6. Elevii au aptitudinile si increderea sa creeze texte proprii media si ei sunt de asemenea capabili sa foloseasca normele limbii literare in crearea textelor lor proprii media.
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
Manualul de limba si literatura Bulgara pentru clasa a 9-a;
Tablete si smartphones pentru fiecare elev
Mentimeter - web 2.0 Filme Video Un forum despre "Texte din media - Functii si Structura”in instrumente pentru teste si chestionare TwinSpace al proiectului "Let’s talk about food" a fost creat Cititor QR code instalat impreuna cu urmatoarele treads/discutii: pe telefoane/ tablete pe 1) Tabel pentru tipuri de stilurii functionale. care elevii le vor folosi. 2) Nota informativa 3) Tema de acasa - interviu / reportaj. In descrierea numelui forumului un Padlet (online wall) este integrat, ude informatiile vor aparea pentru studiul preliminar al materialelor media: - Link al editiei electronice al mediei tiparite ziarul "Vidin" – pentru prezentarea notei informative si a articolului jurnalistic. - Link al electronic media TV "Vidin" – pentru prezentarea raportului si a unui interviu. - Link al electronic media Radio “Vidin” – pentru a prezenta un raport si un interviu. - Video, care sa reflecte activitatile participantilor la sesiunea "Pregatirea mancarurilor traditionale Bulgaresti ”.
This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning O tema este data elevilor - in grupuri ei trebuie sa pregateasca texte din diferite stiluri functionale si o analiza succinta a resurselor lingvistice intr-un stil adecvat. Profesorul dezvolta un chestionar scurt pentru a testa cunostintele despre stilurile functionale. Se vor analiza rezultatele testului si daca mai putin de 70-75% dintre elevi au dificultati cu raspunsurile, o analiza detaliata a intrebarilor si raspunsurilor testului vor fi facute pentru a reaminti cunostintele necesare la lectii.
Key Vocabulary Stil jurnalistic – domeniu media si genuri: note informative, reportaje, interviuri si publicarea articolului
Key competencies development: Competente de comunicare in limbi straine: Structurarea textelor despre diversitatea culturala ca baza pentru dezvoltarea interesului in comunicarea interculturala. Competente digitale: Folosind informatiile bazate pe surse electronice care sa atinga o tinta specifica de comunicare. Folosind Internetul pentru a distribui in retele sociale si a munci pe platforme electronice. Competente de invatare: Monitorizare proprie si monitorizarea colegilor de clasa, exersarea controlului propriu de a realiza tintele de comunicare si invatare pentru a identifica punctele tari si punctele slabe ale propriului stil de invatare. Competente sociale si civice: Comunicarea in medii diferite prin demonstrarea tolerantei si prin construirea intelegerii reciproce. Comunicarea prin exprimarea si intelegerea unor perspective diferite.
Link to Learning Outcome number
Time in minutes
Teacher Activity
Learner Activity
Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Introducerea. Prezentarea scopului lectiei prin slideuri intr-o prezentare.
Sa asculte si sa inregistreze subiectul
Objectives & Outcomes,
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Assessment Strategies Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
Resources e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
PowerPoint presentation
Let’s put the project into the curriculum 1, 9
2, 8
Actualizarea cunostintelor despre tipuri de stiluri functionale prin discutarea temei de acasa anterioare tabelul cu tipurile de stiluri functionale. Fiecare elev a completat continutul tabelului publicat in forumul creat despre "Texte din domeniul media - Functii si Structura" in TwinSpace-ul proiectului si a publica in Padlet (Appendix 1) Testarea tipurilor de stiluri functionale prin teste mici pe Mentimeter. Pentru o mai eficienta organizare a muncii elevii folosesc QR code sa acceseze testul. Ei il scaneaza din prezentarea PowerPoint a profesorului. In acest scop elevii au descarcat app pentru citirea codului QR in toate telefoanele lor (Appendix 2)
Ei sunt implicati in conversatie si a rezuma caracteristicile stilurilor individuale functionale. Ei vor nota cele mai bine alcatuite tabele.
Actualizarea cunostintelor lor prin conversatie.
PC multimedia tablets / smartphones.
Raspund la intrebari din test folosind tabletele / smartphonurile personale
Verifica informatiile statistice despre raspunsurile elevilor. Rezultatele finale sunt comentate si raspunsurile corecte sunt analizate daca anumite lacune sunt identificate
PC multimedia tablet / smartphone test in Mentimeterw ww.Mentimet
Prezinta subiectul genurilor media si tipurile ca sarcini practice in timpul lectiei
Ei asculta si inregistreaza subiectul
Prezinta importanta subiectului pentru a crea elevilor competente sociale semnificative
Marker / creta, tabla
Incepe discutia despre genuri media diferite. Elevii comenteaza pe baza recapitularii genurilor media - un memorandum de informatii, raport, interviu si articol jurnalistic despre ele cu linkuri spre editii specifice in "Vidin" TV, Radio - Vidin Online si TwinSpace-ul proiectului "Let's talk about the food" . Elevii completeaza pe hartie caracteristici pentru fiecare gen media, hartie pregatita prin tabelul profesorului. (Appendix 3)
Discuta despre caracteristici ale genurilor, completeaza tabelul
Sustine discutia, directioneaza comentariile elevilor, ajuta la completarea tabelului.
PC, multimedia tablets / smartphones, printed sheets Appendix 3
This project is funded by the European Union
P a g e 15 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa
2, 4, 5
Prezentare multimedia video a unui an eveniment al proiectului - eTwinning proiect 'Let's talk about food', activitatea " Pregatirea mancarurilor traditionale Bulgaresti." Sarcinile desemnate elevilor sa creeze o nota informativa despre eveniment. Defineste timpul pentru munca independenta 10 min.
Privesc video, participa la discutii si combina text pentru a alcatui un caiet pentru a lucra la clasa
Subliniaza caracteristicile de stil ale anuntului, prevede procesul de studiu individual, da sfaturi si asista
Discutarea sarcinii, cativa elevi citesc notitele informative pe care le-au citit
Elevii citesc caracteristicile textelor media pe care le-au definit
Furnizeaza verificari si recomandari
Fixeaza teme de acasa individuale. Fiecare elev alege sa creeze un text media - raport sau interviu despre evenimentul proiectului " Pregatirea mancarurilor traditionale Bulgaresti " prezentat in video. Sarcina este sa incarce textele in forumul TwinSpace al proiectului "Let’s talk about food" si sa distribuie in Pallet-si pe forum.
Elevii vor scrie tema de acasa in caiete.
Da instructiuni. Scrie temele de acasa pe tabla. O discutie si un Padlet au fost create unde elevii pot incarca ce au lucrat in lectiile de Tehnologia Informatiei.
Forum de discutii: "The texts in the media sphere - Functions and Structure" in TwinSpace, Padlet pentru nevoile in rezolvarea temelor lor.
Evaluarea lectiei si notarea individuala.
Ascultati. Dati o verificare a interesului lor in lectie prin lipirea bucatilor de hartie colorata, una sau doua culori, pe flipchart.
Se voteaza cu notite colorate.
Flipchart sheet. Notite colorate pentru a sugera (evaluarea pozitiva / negativa a lectiei)
Computer, multimedia
Home Learning/Homework 1. Tema de acasa – crearea textelor media pentru interviuri si rapoarte legate de evenimentul scolar "Pregatirea mancarurilor traditionale Bulgaresti " proiect - eTwinning proiect 'Let's talk about food' care va fi folosit in orele de tehnologia informatiei, biologie si educatia pentru sanatate, chimie si Engleza. 2. Textele din temele pentru acasa trebuie sa fie traduse in Engleza. Tema va fi implementata in ora de limba Engleza. Page 16 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum 3. Textele create vor fi verificate in orele IT si vor fi folosite in exercitii legate de tema, editarea si formatarea textului, publicarea si vor fi pregatite pentru distribuirea pe social networks pentru a promova activitatile.
This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa Application 1
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum Application 2 Questions for a short test "Types of functional styles" made with Mentimetar.
1. Which statement is not true about the text of the artistic style? a) It affects the mind, feelings and imagination; b) it’s created by established graphic model; c) it uses dialects and slang; d) it uses language means used in all styles. 2. Which of the following genres does not belong to the artistic style? a) elegy; b) novel; c) feuilleton; d) novel. 3. The texts of which style affects the mind, emotions and imagination? a) conversational; b) artistic; c) publishing; d) scientific. 4. Find the misstatement: a) journalistic style is characteristic of official communication; b) journalistic style is oral and written; c) the topic in the publishing style is important for a small number of persons; d) the purpose of the publishing style is to inform and influence. 5. The article is a genre that belongs to: a) artistic style; b) the publishing style; c) scientific and journalistic style; d) scientific style.
This project is funded by the European Union
P a g e 19 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa 6. Which style is inherent in communication in an informal setting? a) current affairs; b) scientific; c) calls; d) artistic. 7.Тexts of which style are built byan established model? a) the publishing style; b) official-business; c) the artistic; d) scientific. 8. Which of the following phrases belongs to the colloquial style? a) The operation went well. b) They were cut off as if it was nothing. c) Surgery was applied. d) Surgical intervention is necessary. 9. Which of the following phrases refer to official-business style? a) Name, surname. b) What is your name? c) What is your name, granny? d) How to call you, doll? 10. Which style is used for the following purposes of communication: to communicate and explain the knowledge about objects, phenomena, events, patterns in nature and social life? a) scientific; b) publishing; c) official-business; d) art. 11. Specify which field of communication is the following phraseology’s: "With regard to the conclusions we’ve come to, Ithink ..."
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum a) institutional; b) media; c) aesthetic; d) scientific. 12. When communicating in an informal setting most often are used: a) terms and terminological expressions with precise meaning b) words and expressions revealing the attitude of the speaker to listener c) words and phrases built in pronouncing and spelling rules d) declarative sentences 13. Which socio-cultural sphere is targeted by advertisements for competitions and scholarships by MES: a) civil b) media c) institutional d) scientific 14. Which functional style is used for communication in social networks? a) artistic style; b) a nonfiction style; c) scientific style; d) conversational style.
This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa Application 3: Media texts
Informational Notes
Verbal setting
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Publicistic Article
Let’s put the project into the curriculum
The texts in the media sphere - Functions and Structure
Bulgarianlanguageand literature
Evaluator Daniela Rangelova and Svetlomira Pesheva – Teachers who conducted the lesson
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression By updating the knowledge of the types of functional styles, a high level of mastery overthe acquired knowledgeby the students is acquired. All students have made tables for the presentation of the types of functional styles and their characteristics. Statistics show that 90 percent of the students have answered correctly the questions posed in the test. All students have worked on the task - compiling information note. This is evident from the comments of the students during the discussion of the assignment. Proof of the high performance of the students is the 100 percent implementation of the homework and that the created texts correspond to the genre characteristics. Homeworks are tested and evaluated according to the requirements of the genre characteristics of both texts report and interview. The good lesson planning and the role of the teacher in the overall organization and implementation of the lesson is of particular importance for the excellence in teaching the students. The good communication between all parties involved in the training stimulates students' interest, their research and creative activities. Thus, the objectives are realized and skills are developed, and key social skills are built. The project is useful to involve students in school life and to build cross-curricular connections. An atmosphere of trust and a sense of community in the classroom were created. Putting practical problems to students gave them the opportunity for self-expression and active participation in the learning process. Planning & Subject Knowledge Various interactive technologies are used in orderto optimize the work and to provoke cognitive interests inthe studentsand to improve the quality of classroom activity: use of educational mobile applications, TwinSpace, sharing in Padlet.
Next Steps in Learning The conversion of the student into an active participant in the learning process. Use of interactive forms and methods of training. Individual approach in placing assignments to students with learning difficulties and outstanding students.Learning through cooperation. P a g e 23 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa
2 LESSON PLAN Lesson Topic The English texts in the media sphere - Functions and Structure
Curriculum Links
English Language
Teacher – Kiril Petrov
- SOCIOCULTURAL COMPETENCES: distinguishing the types of functional styles and features of the publishing style; use and processing information to solve communication problems; presenting different types of information by set parameters; LANGUAGE COMPETENCES:increasing the knowledge of lexical peculiarities of the English language; - COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCES: comparing and analyzing various problems in texts and when participating in dialogues and discussions Topic: The texts in the media sphere - Functions and Structure
Context Project Name
еТwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous During the previous lessons students have mastered types of functional styles and are familiar with the compulsoriness and choice of language lesson(s) tools for individual functional styles. In a previous lesson in the TwinSpace project "Let’s talk about food" a forum on "The texts in the media sphere - function and structure" have been created.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum Links with future This knowledge is important for the students for their preparation for the State Exams (SE)in English. In these tasks students should recognize lesson(s) texts of different functional styles and to be able to extract information from them, to draw thesis and write a summary of the text. This knowledge is necessaryfor the students in the classes in English in the study provided for in the curriculum for all classes, literary texts and also when debates and discussions are held related to humanitarian issues. Cross curricular links before the lesson
Information technology - in previous classes skills have been built for working with smartphones / tablets and doing tests in Mentimeter. Bulgarian language and literature – the students have studied the media genres and had a homework assignment to create different media texts and to translate them in English. History and Civilization - students have knowledge about public speaking and rhetoric in the study of the Roman Empire. English - Students have knowledge of public speaking, debates and oratory mastery
Cross curricular links after the lesson
German - comparative analysis of linguistic means in media genres in both languages. Ethics and Law - in studying the subject in the 10th grade based on their knowledge of journalistic article students will be able to make a public statement as an oral and written text of a placed ethical problem. Biology and health education – skills to extract information and public speaking will be used during the classes, which have been formed during the classes in English. Information technology – the homework assignments and materials from the lesson in English will be used in the exercises in information technologies that are related to input, edit and format of text publication.
Learning Objective: Students will recognize the stylistic features of media texts and will be able to create texts in oral and written forms, will also have the skills for intercultural dialogue and will be able, as a result of the planned cross-curricular properly, to use electronic media and multimedia technologies and will also be able to participate effectively and constructively in the social life, forming abilities for creative presentation of ideas.
Learning Outcomes: Students can: 1. Recognize texts in the media sphere. 2. Identify the stylistic features and language used funds: report, interview, background note P a g e 25 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa and a journalistic article. 3. Possess skills to analyze and retrieve information from different data sources in the media sphere. 4. Can use the Internet as a tool and source for finding information on a given topic; 5. They use web 2.0 tools; 6. The students have the skills and confidence to create their own media text and they are also skilledto use the literary language norms in creating their own media text.
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
Textbook in English for 10th grade ;Videos Tablets and smartphones A forum on "The texts in the media sphere - Functions and for every student Structure” in the TwinSpace of the project "Let’s talk about food" Mentimeter - web 2.0 has been created together with the following discussions: tool for tests and 1) Table for the types of functional styles. questionnaires 2) Information Memo 3) Household assignment - interview / reportage.
QR code reader installed on phones / tablets that students will use.
4) In the description to the name of the forum Padlet (online wall) is integrated, in which information will be shared for preliminary studying of media materials: - Link to the online edition of the printed media "Vidin" newspaper - for presenting information note and journalistic article. - Link to the electronic media TV "Vidin" – for presenting a report and an interview. - Link to the electronic media Radio “Vidin” - to present a report and an interview. - The students have compiled media texts for homework based on the above examples - In the TwinSpace of the project a video is uploaded that reflects the activitie "Preparing traditional Bulgarian dishes. The students will use this video in their English classes.
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning A task is placed to the students - in groups they have to prepare texts of various functional styles and a brief analysis of the linguistic resources in the appropriate style. The teacher develops a short quiz to test the knowledge for the functional styles. It will analyze the results of the test and if less than 70-75% of the students have difficulties Page 26 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum with the answers, a detailed analysis of the questions and answers of the test will be made for the update of the knowledge needed in the lessons.
Key Vocabulary Journalistic style - media sphere and genres: information note, reports, interviews and publishing article
Key competencies development: Communication skills in foreign languages: Compilation of texts related to cultural diversity as a basis for developing interest in intercultural communication. Digital competencies: Using electronic-based information sources to meet a specific communicative task. Using the Internet for sharing in social networks and work in electronic platform. Learning skills: Self-monitoring and monitoring of classmates, exercising self-control in the performance of communicative tasks and learning in order to identify their own strengths and weaknesses of own learning style. Social and civic competences: Communication in different environments by demonstrating tolerance and by building mutual trust. Communication through expression and understanding of different perspectives.
Link to Learning Outcome number
Time in minutes
Teacher Activity
Learner Activity
Objectives & Outcomes,
Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Introduction. Presenting the Listen and record purpose of the lesson the topic through slides in a presentation.
Assessment Strategies Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
Resources e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
PowerPoint presentation
P a g e 27 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa 1, 9
Updating of the knowledge about the types of functional styles by discussing the premade homework table for the types of functional styles. Each student has completed the contents of the table published in the created forum on "Texts in the media sphere Functions and Structure" in the TwinSpace project "Let's talk about food" and shared in Padlet (Application 1)
They are engaged in conversation and summarize the characteristics of individual functional styles. They grade the best constructed table.
Updates their knowledge through conversation.
PC multimedia tablets / smartphones .
Assessment of the types of functional styles by small test in Mentimeter, (
Answer questions from the test using their tablets / smartphones
Checks the statistical information on the student responses. The overall results are commented and the the correct answers are analyzed if any gaps are identified
PC multimedia tablet / smartphone test in Mentimeter
For more efficient organization of the work the students use QR code to access the test. For this purpose the students have downloaded app for reading QR code in their phones (Application 2)
2, 8
Presenting the subject of They listen and Presents the Marker / media genres and types as record the topic importance of the chalk, board tasks for practical work subject to create during the lesson socially significant competencies to the students
Starts discussing the different media genres. Students comment on the reviewed media genres - an information memorandum, report, interview and journalistic article referred to them through links to specific editions in "Vidin" TV and Radio - Vidin Online TwinSpace The project "Let's talk about the
Page 28 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Comment on the specifics of any genre, complete table
Holds a talk, directs the comments of the students, and helps filling-in the table.
PC, multimedia tablets / smartphones , printed sheets Appendix 3
Let’s put the project into the curriculum food" . Students fill out paper characteristics of each media genre previously prepared by the teacher's table. (Appendix 3)
Multimedia presentation of video of an event project eTwinning project 'Let's talk about food', activity "Preparation of traditional 2, 4, Bulgarian dishes." Assigns 5 tasks for students to create an information note on the submitted event. Defines time for independent work 10 min.
Watch videos, participate in talk and text compiled in notebooks for class work.
Emphasizes the Computer, on stylistic multimedia features and characteristics of the notice, oversees the process of selfstudy, advises and assists
Discussion of the task, several students read the information notes they have written.
Students read the features of the media text they have established.
Provides assessments and recommendations .
Sets individual homework. Students write down Each student chooses to the homework in create a media text - report their notebooks. or interview on the event of the project "Preparation of traditional Bulgarian dishes," presented in the video. The task is to upload the texts in the TwinSpace forum on the project "Let’s talk about food" and shared in Pallet-and the forum.
Gives instructions. Writes the theme of the homework on the board. А discussion and а Padlet discussion have been created where students can upload their work from the lessons in Information Technologies.
Discussion forum: "The texts in the media sphere Functions and Structure" in TwinSpace, Padlet for the needs of their assignments.
Evaluation of the lesson and Listen. Give an Voting with individual grading. assessment of their coloured notes. interest in the lesson by gluing pieces of paper in one of the two provided coloursonto the flipchart.
Flipchart sheet. Colored notes for bonding (positive / negative assessment of the lesson)
P a g e 29 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa
Home Learning/Homework 1. Homework - drawing media texts of interviews and reports regarding the school event "Preparing traditional Bulgarian dishes" project - eTwinning project 'Let's talk about food' will be used in classes in information technologies, biology and health education, chemistry and English. 2. The texts from the homework must be translated inBulgarian. 3. The created texts will be checked in the IT classes andwill be used in the exercises related to input, editing and text formatting, publishing and will be prepared for sharing on social networks to promote the project activities.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum Application 1
P a g e 31 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa Application 2 Questions for a short test "Types of functional styles" made with Mentimetar. 1. Which statement is not true about the text of the artistic style? a) It affects the mind, feelings and imagination; b) it’s created by established graphic model; c) it uses dialects and slang; d) it uses language means used in all styles. 2. Which of the following genres does not belong to the artistic style? a) elegy; b) novel; c) feuilleton; d) novel. 3. The texts of which style affects the mind, emotions and imagination? a) conversational; b) artistic; c) publishing; d) scientific. 4. Find the misstatement: a) journalistic style is characteristic of official communication; b) journalistic style is oral and written; c) the topic in the publishing style is important for a small number of persons; d) the purpose of the publishing style is to inform and influence. 5. The article is a genre that belongs to: a) artistic style; b) the publishing style; c) scientific and journalistic style; d) scientific style. 6. Which style is inherent in communication in an informal setting? a) current affairs; b) scientific; c) calls; Page 32 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum d) artistic. 7.Тexts of which style are built byan established model? a) the publishing style; b) official-business; c) the artistic; d) scientific. 8. Which of the following phrases belongs to the colloquial style? a) The operation went well. b) They were cut off as if it was nothing. c) Surgery was applied. d) Surgical intervention is necessary. 9. Which of the following phrases refer to official-business style? a) Name, surname. b) What is your name? c) What is your name, granny? d) How to call you, doll? 10. Which style is used for the following purposes of communication: to communicate and explain the knowledge about objects, phenomena, events, patterns in nature and social life? a) scientific; b) publishing; c) official-business; d) art. 11. Specify which field of communication is the following phraseology’s: "With regard to the conclusions we’ve come to, I think ..." a) institutional; b) media; c) aesthetic; d) scientific. 12. When communicating in an informal setting most often are used: a) terms and terminological expressions with precise meaning b) words and expressions revealing the attitude of the speaker to listener c) words and phrases built in pronouncing and spelling rules P a g e 33 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa d) declarative sentences 13. Which socio-cultural sphere is targeted by advertisements for competitions and scholarships by MES: a) civil b) media c) institutional d) scientific 14. Which functional style is used for communication in social networks? a) artistic style; b) a nonfiction style; c) scientific style; d) conversational style.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum Application 3:
Media texts
Informational Notes
Publicistic Article
Verbal setting
P a g e 35 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa
LESSON EVALUATION What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
The texts in the media sphere - Functions and English Structure
Evaluator Kiril Petrov – Teacher who conducted the lesson
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression By updating the knowledge of the types of functional styles, a high level of mastery overthe acquired knowledgeby the students is acquired. All students have made tables for the presentation of the types of functional styles and their characteristics. Statistics show that 90 percent of the students have answered correctly the questions posed in the test. All students have worked on the task .. - compiling information note. This is evident from the comments of the students during the discussion of the assignment. Proof of the high performance of the students is the 100 percent implementation of the homework and that the created texts correspond to the genre characteristics. Homeworks are tested and evaluated according to the requirements of the genre characteristics of both texts - report and interview. The good lesson planning and the role of the teacher in the overall organization and implementation of the lesson is of particular importance for the excellence in teaching the students. The good communication between all parties involved in the training stimulates students' interest, their research and creative activities. Thus, the objectives are realized and skills are developed, and key social skills are built. The project is useful to involve students in school life and to build cross-curricular connections. An atmosphere of trust and a sense of community in the classroom were created. Putting practical problems to students gave them the opportunity for self-expression and active participation in the learning process.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum Planning & Subject Knowledge Various interactive technologies are used in orderto optimize the work and to provoke cognitive interests inthe students and to improve the quality of classroom activity: use of educational mobile applications, TwinSpace, sharing in Padlet.
Next Steps in Learning The conversion of the student into an active participant in the learning process. Use of interactive forms and methods of training. Individual approach in placing assignments to students with learning difficulties and outstanding students. Learning through cooperation.
P a g e 37 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa
Project Topic Let’s talk about food – eTwinning project
Project Activity Topic Teachers can use for this set of lessons the project activities 1. Creating ‘Tasty Nutrition Guide”. 2. Creating‘Tasty Vocabulary’. 3. Web binar 'Can healthy food be cheap?
Country: Bulgaria Number of lessons:
Subjects Sonya Markova Biology and Health Education
Elza Voycheva Chemistry and Preservation of Environment Natasha Vankova English Language Tsvetanka Todorova IT (ICT)
Project Activity (summary): 1. Create ‘Tasty Nutrition Guide”. – The students from all project schools will work few months on this task. They have to make a research on traditional national meals, what is their nutrition value and how healthy they are. For that they will get help from their Biology and Chemistry teachers. The lesson ‘Carbohydrates – monosaccharide, polysaccharide’ is one of the Biology lessons, where students have discussed one aspect of the task. Students will work also on the assignment to create a suggestion for healthy nutrition menu/diet. When they are ready, they have to present the suggestions to the classmates. In that way, the need to know how to create goodlooking computer presentation doesn’t look out of sense. When all information is collected and students decided which five meals will include in the Guide, they have to use the same Word template to create five files with five Page 38 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum
traditional meals. They have to embed in the documents text, photos, charts etc. When students are ready all files will be collected in one e-book. The book is created in English and after that the students will translate it in their languages. Bulgarian students study in IT lessons in 10th grade the Module: "Integrating of ICT Activities". It consists at least 10 lessons. This Module is perfect to develop the last part of task about the Nutrition Guide. In this set only the description of one IT lesson is included – How to design a good-looking presentation, from the Module ‘Computer presentation’. But as future work more Lesson plans can be developed. 2. Create ‘Tasty Vocabulary’. Students will work on the same shared Google Spreadsheet to create the Vocabulary in 7 languages. Teachers of Biology and Chemistry can discuss with students different nutrition groups of food. English teacher will help them to find the proper terms and words. This activity is not directly connected with the present description of lesson plans. The activity could be used for the IT subject in 10th grade, Module ‘Computer networks’. For this module students have to know how to search for Information in Web; be able to find information by set of criteria in the local and global network; making file transfer and communication in real time etc. 3. Web binar 'Can healthy food be cheap?. For this activity students will use all information and skills from all lessons in very flexible way. For this activity they need not just to repeat some facts, but also to thing, to analyze and make conclusions. That is why the students will use the knowledge from the described set of lessons for the web binary activity
Inter-subject connections: This set of four lessons presents how teachers from four different subjects could use project activities to substitute school-like examples in lessons with tasks from the school eTwinning project. Chronologically, in this set students will start with Chemistry lesson: ‘Polysaccharides. Starch.’ The homework assignment makes connection with Biology, English and IT lessons. Second in the set is the Biology lesson: Carbohydrates – monosaccharide, polysaccharide. The Biology teacher will make relation with the knowledge from Chemistry lesson. Basic terms and names of the substances from the both lessons should be translated in English. So, the third place in this set is for English Language lesson. And the last lesson in this set is the IT lesson. Students have to create for Biology lesson a homework – a presentation of ‘Healthy nutrition diet’. In 10th grade students study Module: ‘Computer presentations’. For this module they have in total at least 6 lessons. In the beginning of the Module the IT teacher could give the students a task to create a presentation ‘Healthy nutrition diet’. The idea is to use the technology of Problem Based Learning on this task to develop student’s skills to create good presentation. You could ask where our eTwinning project is in the picture. When the students are in 9th and 10th grade they will work on the eTwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’. During this two years the students will see, that Biology, Chemistry, English and IT are not just labels, but also give them real skills and knowledge that they can P a g e 39 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa use to solve real problems and tasks.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
1 LESSON PLAN Lesson Topic Carbohydrates – monosaccharide, polysaccharide
Curriculum Links
Biology and Health Education
Shere of competencies – Chemical composition of a cell. Enumerates groups of chemical elements according to their percentage content in a cell and gives examples for their importance Topic 1. Chemical composition of living stuff /substance/ organized matter.
Context Project Name
eTwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
Students should have learnt and know from 9th grade’s lessons ‘Food’. Healthy Eating” and from 10th grade ‘Chemical’ composition of a cell types of organic substance, forming foodstuffs. They can group organic fusions according to the number and type of monomer unit. In the lesson ‘Digestive system’ in 9th grade they studied / the path and the changes carbohydrates undergo from the mouth till their absorption by blood. They can indicate similarities and differences in animate and inanimate nature in regard to chemical elements which build up them.
Links with future lesson(s)
On the basis of their knowledge about carbohydrates, proteins and lipids students can compare the content and structure of biopolymers and determinate / specify their importance for living creatures. They study and analyze the information for carbohydrates, related to healthy eating. Their knowledge will bring about their better assimilation / understanding of the lesson ‘Metabolism-catabolic and anabolic processes` in 10th grade.
Cross curricular links before the P a g e 41 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa lesson Cross curricular links after the lesson
Bulgarian Language and Literature-Knowledge from the lesson in Biology and Health Education should be used for the completion of the homework in Bulgarian Language- to compile a report related to the activities in the project ‘Let’s talk about food`; to choose recipes from the tradition Bulgarian cuisine; mastering the skills for dialogic communication when discussing the teamwork. Information Technology- while studying the theme about creating a computer based presentation in 10th grade. The task, students should work on in IT classes will be assigned as a homework in Biology lesson. Factual material, which will be used in the presentation will be taught in this Biology lesson Physical Education and Sport – the question about the energy necessity for performing movements and the role of foods rich in carbohydrates will be discussed. Chemistry and Preservation of the Environment – homework assigned in the Biology lesson will be used in the Chemistry lesson for the importance and usage of starch English Language – the information from this lesson will be used in the lesson in English for the healthy eating; students should be able to derive /extract information from different sources in English. The Period of the Class teacher - a discussion on the topic for healthy eating, calorie’s value of foods.
Learning Objective: After this lesson students will be able to classify carbohydrates, to compare mono and polysaccharides in structure and function, to evaluate their role for the cell, the organism and the metabolic processes. Along with theoretical knowledge on the topic students will acquire skills for healthy way of living. This will take place while taking part in the activities in e twinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’ which consist of: 1. Working out The Nutrition Guide 2. Discussing and making/producing tasty Christmas cards 3. Compiling a multilingual vocabulary /dictionary ‘Tasty Vocabulary`. Students will acquire key knowledge, important for the Biology lessons. They will be able to apply them experimentally in the Chemistry lessons to prove the content/presence of carbohydrates in the foodstuffs, for example in starch. Students will be able to use their Page 42 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum knowledge from this lesson to solve practical assignments in the IT lessons.
Learning Outcomes: Students are able to /can: 1.Characterise carbohydrates by properties, functions and importance 2. To define their content in different types of cells 3. To find out/elucidate their importance for living organisms, leaded/ guided by biological ideas for unity of structure and function 4. To explain the role of cellulose for digestion 5. To explain the energetic effectiveness of carbohydrates for the organism in the period if Classteacher 6. To analyse texts from different sources of information about the calorie value of different kinds of food 7. To use electronically based instruments 8. To use Internet for informational source 9. To activate the cognitive sphere of the personality
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
A textbook in Biology and Health Education – 10 grade for Tablets, smart phones, classes with intensive studying of English and 9th grade for computer, Interactive board. ordinary classes, a computer presentation on carbohydrates, Multimedia projector; sheets of paper with food pyramid. Mentimeter - web2.0 a tool Previous lesson the Students were assigned a task to prepare/ for making surveys and write a report (a page-long) on polysaccharides which will be tests( used in the lesson. Sheets of paper with already drawn charts to fill in with the types of carbohydrates.
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning In 9 grade in relation to the activities in eTwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’ and themes on digestive system in Biology lessons, students worked out a food pyramid and the materials are posted by the students in the forum on project’s Twin space of the project ‘Let’s talk about food’. A task was assigned to the students in advance to find out the place/position of carbohydrates in the food pyramid, which should be shown/illustrated by a picture or scheme. Using their knowledge in Anatomy and Physiology of human, students should think about groups of foods containing carbohydrates. The teacher will prepare a short test to actualize the knowledge ( if more than 70% have difficulty with the answers, the necessary knowledge for the topic should be P a g e 43 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa recollected in the beginning of the lesson.
Key Vocabulary Monomers Polimers Monosaccharides Polisaccharides
Key competencies development: By the end of this lesson students will develop the following key competencies: Math competencies and basic competencies in the field of Natural Science and Technologiesknowledge and rationalization of basic terms,processes and regularities;drawing up and reading charts and diagrams;using data for properties of organic substances to make conclusions and deductions for their application into practice and their physiological effect Skill to support a steady development and a healthy way of life and sport-assessing problems,related to effects of known and studied substances and processes on the health of a person;forming an adjustment for a life in conformity with nature,becoming aware of the personal responsibility for protecting one’s own health. Skills to study-independent study/exploration and analyse of information of different sources. Competencies in the field of Bulgarian Language and Literature-enriching the linguistic culture through/by using specific Chemistry terminology; developing and improving skills for work with different types of texts(scientific;popular) and telling the difference,extracting the significant information from the textbook,scientific literature and other sources;creating a text orally and in written form Digital competencies-searching,extracting,processing and presenting information for distribution,biological role and use of carbohydrates; use of multimedia to present the result after completing a particular research task Social and civil competencies-presenting products from activities to audience.
Teacher Activity
Learner Activity
Objectives & Outcomes, Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Introduction, set the aims using a brainstorming to identify macromolecules, the place and the significance of carbohydrates. Presenting
Listen and take notes
Link to LearningOutcome number
Time in minutes
1,3, 5
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Assessment Strategies
Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Asks student questions for the basic groups of organic compounds
Using slide from the presentation from the lesson with
Let’s put the project into the curriculum
4,8, 9
1,3, 4
through graphs types of macromolecules and the connection between them. Testing the knowledge of the chemical content of the cell with a short test in Mentimeter and brushing up the know ledge (appendix 1)
Answer the questions in the test using the tablets/smart phones
The teacher clears up types of carbohydrates their chemical composition and classification while using a slide of the of the presentation to show the open and cyclic form/shape of monosaccharides and the teacher gives examples from the practical lesson from the activity “Vocabulary for healthy eating”-The Nutritional guide. Shows the slide as a basic for an analyse. The slide shows picture of the composition of the used by them products in the practical lesson for the prepared dishes. How is it formed and how many are polysaccharides- in a slide, discusses in details the types of polysaccharides while clarifying which are typical for the animal’s and which for the plant’s cell relating this to their structure and function
Make comparison and report for the functions of carbohydrates in a cell and their synthesis. Analyse carbohydrates in products, used in the practical lesson
Recalls studied in 9 grade – where carbohydrates in organism and fill in the table for the table for the kinds of carbohydrates (appendix 2)
In ready pyramids students search the place of carbohydrates and types of food, which contain the carbohydrate; Students analyse the content of carbohydrates on the labels of some products in the practical lesson of
Discussion; comments, done by 2 students, who present the significance of oligosaccharides, starch and cellulose for the nutrition of a human. The rest of the students answer to the question: Do you agree? If not, what is wrong according to you
A generalization of the information is received in the form of a diagram and teacher gives a short lecture while drawings general. Add to the information for reduced saccharose and asks questions for feedback
Asks questions for feedbackWhich carbohydrate components are necessary for hard manual labour or when physical weight(ordinary/ normal usual sugar or cellulose) is reduced Checks up the food pyramids and asks questions about the difference between starch and glycogen.
the scheme of food pyramid. Web 2.0 tool Mentimeter, computer Multimedia Tablets/smart phones A presentation for the lesson Computer multimedia Presentation for the lesson
Computer Multimedia Textbook Reports, written in advance in their notebooks Presentation
Sheets with already drawn table for filling in appendix 2
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
Sets an assignment to students to study during the Chemistry lesson the importance and usage of starch, as a member/representative of polysaccharides
Conclusion; summary of the aims of the lesson and assigning/giving homework
eTwinning project Let’s lack about food! Students answer to the question if carbohydrates are used in the practical Bulgarian cuisine. They present groups of foods, containing carbohydrates in prepared in advanced recipes of the cooked traditional meals in accordance to the activities for the project Let’s lack about food. Students analyse the content of the carbohydrates on the levels of the already used by them products Write down the topics for their homework
Teacher adds, summarises , specifies students’ answers and asks questions for feedback
A slide, slowly the preparation of meals
A student repeats the main topic of the lesson
A slide, graphically presenting the main topics of the lesson
Home Learning/Homework 1 To prepare a report on the production of artificial nutritional products and to translate it in English using the glossary of the project. 2 To make a presentation of ‘Healthy nutrition diet – the task should be done in IT lesson, while discussing the topic about preparing a computer presentation. 3 Students should study in Chemistry lesson what is the importance and usage of starch as a representative of carbohydrates.
Application 1 1 Elements hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon are found in the living cell at its highest percentage because/due to a) b) c) d)
They are abundant in still life Form steady/strong covalently links Built the molecule of water Are part of simple and complex compounds
2 Biopolymers are built from Page 46 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum a) b) c) d)
Monomers Microelements Macro elements Water
3 Which statements about biopolymers are true? 1) 2) 3) 4)
Built from huge number of monomers and are high molecular compounds Homopolymers are built from different monomers Heteropolymers are built from the same monomers The most common heteropolymers are protein and nucleic acids. a) 1 and 4 c) 2 and 4 b) 1, 2 and 3 d) All are true 4. Which group of organic compounds consists only of biopolymers? a) Phospholipids, cholesterol, fats b) RNA, DNA, hemoglobin c) Polyethylene, keratin, RNA d) Protein, polyester, glycogen 5. Which organic compounds are monomers in the structure of biopolymers? 1. Cholesterol 2. Amino acids 3. Nitrogenous bases 4. Glucose a) 2, 3 and 4 c) 1 and 3 b) 1, 2 and 4 d) 2 and 4 6. Heterobiopolymers are: 1. Phospholipids 2. Proteins 3. Nucleic acids 4. Polysaccharides a) 1, 2 and 3 b) 2, 3 and 4
c) 1, 3 and 4 d) all are true
Application 2 Fill in the table choosing from: 1-glucose
6-sugar beet
Oligosaccharides, Polysaccharides
Monosaccharide, which build them
Distribution in food
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
Carbohydrates – monosaccharides, polysaccharides
Biology and Education
Evaluator Sonia Markova – teacher, compiled and conducted the lesson in Biology and Health Education
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression Statistical data shows that 71 percent of students answered correctly to the questions posed in the test. They are informed in advance about the scale for assessment. Students associate the structure with the function of carbohydrates. They distinguish polysaccharides in the table 83% did their homework well preparing a healthy daily diet. Students reached education training standards, at tests for control and feedback they are acquainted with the scale for assessment, which is given to them in advance. In addition, they know how to calculate food rations, to compose healthy menu, to determine the quantity of carbohydrates and their proportion to protein and lipids-4:1:1 Criteria to determine results are: -Level of knowledge is Natural Science -Formation of attitude and readiness for a healthy way of living Teaching & Classroom Management In the classroom during the lesson, for not to occur commotion while using tablets/smartphones, students should have a clear explanation when to use the devices, tasks should be assigned clearly and simply. If a tablet is not connected to the Net, a student should immediately attach to a classmate. Using the individual work, tasks assigned in advance, team work create a sense of community in the classroom and of effective team work. Preparation in advance, gathering/collecting recipes for traditional dishes and recognition of nutrients expands the number of participants in the lesson and their social contacts. This shapes additional/further/extra responsibility towards assigned tasks in the lesson. Planning & Subject Knowledge For the successful completion of lesson work traditional and modern forms methods and approaches for organizing educational process should be applied and combined; Elements of research and problem approach should be included. Experimental nature of Biologic sciences should be further elaborated. All the possibilities for lab experiments should be used; various interactive technologies, work with mobile apps, interactive board, role play, case studies, modeling discussions should be used. P a g e 49 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa
Lesson Topic Polysaccharides.Starch
Subject Chemistry and Preservation of Environment
Curriculum Links
Sphere of competencies: Structuring characteristics of substances, importance of substances and preservation of environment
Teacher – Elza Voicheva
Topic 5: Organic substances in nature and practice
Context Project Name
Etwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
Students should know classification of carbohydrates; characteristics of glucose and saccharose; should be able to carry out experiments to prove different functional groups in the molecule of glucose
Links with future lesson(s)
Knowledge of the structure and characteristics of starch – to compare starch to cellulose; Carry out chemicals experiments – to prove the presents of glucose and starch in foodstuffs.
Cross curricular links before the lesson
Information Technology – skills for work with smartphones/tablets and doing a test in Kahoot Math – calculating percentage, working with table and diagrams to fulfill the task, assigned the previous lesson. Bulgarian language and Literature – creating a text orally and written to present the information. Biology and Health Education – using primary/basic knowledge for the content of nutritional substances in foodstuff. Human and Nature – basic terms – chemical element, chemical combination chemical reaction, physical and chemical characteristics,
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum solubility of particular substances in water; substances needed for the nutrition of plants and animals Cross curricular links after the lesson
Bulgarian Language and Literature – composing/compiling a scientific report assigned as a homework English Language – extracting information from different sources, needed in different physical loading Period of the class teacher – discussion for the healthy nutrition
Learning Objective: At the end of the section, students will describe the structure and characteristics of carbohydrates, they will evaluate their effect on life processes, which is a part of examination programme for State Matriculation exams. Along with acquiring academic knowledge, the topic is appropriate for gaining knowledge, skills and competencies for humans? Health, a contact between education and life of the classroom is established. Conditions for forming key competencies are established, from which depend the successful realization of the personality
Learning Outcomes: 1. Classify starch as a polysaccharide 2. Describe the occurrence, composition and structure of starch. Derive information for the physical characteristics of starch. Plan and conduct experiments to prove starch with tincture of iodine. 3. Describe hydrolysis of starch. Analyze texts of different information sources in connection with biological functions of carbohydrates and their significance for practice 4. Explore and analyze information about carbohydrates, connected with the healthy nutrition. 5. .Use Internet as a resource (of information) for searching information on the assigned topic 6. Use electronic based instruments. Analyze presented information.
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
Students book in Chemistry and Preservation of Environment – 9th grade.
Diagrams for the distribution of starch in plants (done by students).
Multimedia projector Tablets/Smartphone – for P a g e 51 | 188
This project is funded by the European Union
Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa Digital microscope with a LED display – 1 piece Flasks with cold and hot water – 2 pieces/ items Glass vessel with tincture of iodine – 13 pieces Pipette – 13 pieces Potato – 7 pieces ( half a potato per desk)|
every student Kahoot – online based platform for education
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning At the end of the first lesson from the section, a task is assigned to students – to search in groups information about the distribution of starch in plants in the dictionary, worked out for the project. The found/discovered information for the quantity of starch in percentage should be presented in the form of a diagram. Students should use their knowledge in Math, acquired in previous lessons. Discovered information should be presented in Excel. The teacher has worked out a short test for a quick check- up of the knowledge from previous lessons. If less than 70-75% of students have difficulties with the answers, a detailed analyze of the questions and the answers of the test will be done to actualize the knowledge needed for the lesson.
Key Vocabulary polysaccharide
Key competencies development: Mathematical competencies and basic competencies in the sphere of Natural Science of Technologies – knowledge of basic terms, processes and regularities; use of names and chemical formulas for indicating organic substances and chemical equations to express important and significant for practice chemical characteristics; producing and reading diagrams and tables; using date for the characteristics of organic substances to draw conclusions and deduction for their application in practice and their physiological effect / operation. Skills for supporting the steady development and the healthy way of life and sport, assessing the problems, connected with the effect of studied substances and processes on humans’ health; Skills for studying-independent search and analyze of information from different sources. Competencies in the field of Bulgarian Language – enriching students` linguistic culture by using specific chemical terminology; development of skills for work with different types of texts ( scientific, informative and their distinguishing; skills to derive the significant information for the student’s book, popular/informative literature and other sources; creating a text both orally and writer. Page 52 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum Digital competencies – searching, drawing out, processing and presenting information for the distribution, biological role and usage of carbohydrates, using multimedia to present the results from the completion of the particular research task; social and civil competencies – presenting products from different activities to audience.
Objectives & Outcomes, Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Link to LearningOutcome number
Learner Activity
Time in minutes
Teacher Activity
1, 9
8 mi n
Introduction Setting the aims as a slide in a presentation Check-up for the knowledge from the previous lesson by doing a short test on Kahoot(appendix 1) A test created in Mentimeter Microsoft Forums,Poll Everywhere can be used. Receiving information for the students answer from the program itself. Actualization of the knowledge
Listen, write down the topic
Pose the question about the distribution of starch in plants
Spokesperson of each group presents the results from the preliminary proceeding research
4 mi n
Take part in the discussion and specify the characteristics of starch
9m in
Proceeds on the consideration of the physical characteristics of starch. An experiment for demonstration of the stability of starch in the hot and cold water. With the help of a microscope connected to
Answer the questions of the test on their tablets/smart phones
Observe, take part in a discussion,
Assessment Strategies Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
Resources e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Asking the class questions for the main aim Checking the statistical information about the students` answers. Generalized results are submitted in the form of a circle diagram/pie chart or they can be exported in Excel table, according to program used. Discussion on the posed questions Accessing the process of work/acquired knowledge and presented final product, and the product itself/corresponde nce of content in the theme Questions for feedback
Power Point presentation
Goes round the students and keeps
Microscope computer
Computer multimedia Tablets/smar t phones
Computer multimedia
Flasks with hot and cold water, starch
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Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa
7 mi n
2 mi n
the printer are shown starch promises. Question for the structure and chemical characteristics is posed. A task to prove the presence of starch with tincture of iodine is assigned to students. Assigns a test to the students to find out in the text book the significance and usage of starch and present them in the form of a diagram
express with equation hydrolyses of starch. Make an experiment to show the presence of starch – work in couples
an eye on the correct way of writing the equation and safe accomplishment of the experiment
tincture of iodine, pipette potatoes
Work with the textbook and draw the diagram
Goes round the students and keeps an eye on the correct fulfillment of the task. Poses questions for feedback
Textbook on Chemistry and Preservation of Environmen t
Conclusion Summarizes the basics. Assigns homework.
Write down the topic of the housework
Home Learning/Homework 1. Homework “The significance of the carbohydrates for the nutrition of people”- students should present in the form of a scientific report this should be done in the lesson of Bulgarian Language .The report will be used in the Biology lessons and in the period of the Class teacher . 2. Basic terms and names of the substances from the lesson should be translated in English. The task should be done in the English lesson. 3. A comparative table and diagram should be done to show the information for the content of sugar calories in different products. The homework will be done in the lessons of Information Technology, which chronologically follows the lesson in English.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
Polysaccharide. Starch
Chemistry and preservation of Environment
Evaluator Elza Voicheva – teacher , conducted the lesson in Chemistry and Preservation of the Environment
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression Statistical data show that 71 percent of students answered correctly to the questions, posed in the test. They are informed in advance with the scale for assessment/grading All the groups worked on the assigned task. The percentage of the content of starch in plants is calculated, tables and diagrams are worked out. The content corresponds to the topic. Students’ results are assessed with the help of didactic tests measuring knowledge and competencies and products of their activities – compositions, reports, charts and diagrams. The criteria, according to which the results are assessed, are: 1. level of knowledge of Natural Sciences 2. moulding of adjustment and readiness for healthy way of living Students are acquainted in advance with the scale for assessing the test, with the number and the type of substances and plants to be included in the table, the type of diagram. It’s important for them to realize their own responsibility for the protection of their own health. Teaching & Classroom Management Planning of the lesson and used methods is meant to create an atmosphere of trust and common outlook in the classroom. Setting a specific task to students gives them the opportunity to actively participate in the learning process and to express/state their opinion. Each person is given assessment on their performance and their participation in the lesson individually or as part of a team.
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Sa punem proiectele in programa Planning & Subject Knowledge For a better planning of the lesson preliminary and expedient selection and arrangement is necessary to be done for the provided for this topic2 lessons/periods. There should be a full correspondence with the topic and a transference of new knowledge towards new situations, as well as application of the learned through maximum creative activity. The homework given in advance to be used effectively for the realization of the targets(aims) of the lesson and an expedient one to be planned for the following lesson. Prepared training and educational materials for the lesson should be precisely prepared and should fully correspond to the topic. There should be a variety of materials in relation to the various needs of the students and the last to contribute highly for their development. To provoke cognitive interests of the students and improve the quality of classroom activities a number of various interactive techniques are envisaged: team work, discussions.
Next Steps in Learning An ex-cathedra method of teaching to be limited. Use of interactive technologies and techniques to be increased in educational process through taking a group decisions, brainstorming, solving cases, working out and presenting projects. An opportunity to apply in the classroom learned outside it should be given to students. A possibility of gaining knowledge through/by trips, quests – lectures to be given to them. Application1 Questions for a short test ‘Carbohydrates’ made with Kahoot 1. Indicate the general formula of monosaccharide a/ Cn(H2O)m c/ CnH2nOn b/CnH2On d/C2nHnO2n 2. In which of the given couples of combination-group there is a discrepancy? a/ glucose – polysaccharide c/ saccharose – disaccharide b/ ribose – monosaccharide d/ cellulose – polysaccharide 3. Polysaccharides are : a/Carbohydrates, which contain a big number of monosaccharide residua in their molecules b/carbohydrates, which contain two monosaccharide residua in their molecules c/ carbohydrates, which are not hydrolyzed d/carbohydrates, which contain more (up to ten) monosaccharide residua 4. A glucose can be distinguished from saccharose by the use of which of the reagent? a/ethanol c/spirit of hartshorn of disilver oxide b/CH3CHO d/NaOH 5.Which are the products of hydrolyses of saccharose? a/glucose b/fructose c/ethanol d/glucose and fructose
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
3 LESSON PLAN Lesson Topic Healthy Lifestyle and Eating
Curriculum Links
English Language
Sphere of Competence: Expanding vocabulary FOOD AND HEALTHY LIVING Topic 2 Being a health conscious and living in unison with nature
Context Project Name
eTwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
Students have read a text and should know about bad habits that affect your health and how to avoid/change them; how to control the process of ageing
Links with future lesson(s)
Knowledge about nutritional values of some foods
Cross curricular links before the lesson
Biology and Health Education – using data for the nutritional value some food and foodstuffs. IT – skills for work with Excel, making charts and diagrams, Power Point presentation. Bulgarian Language and Literature – creating a questionnaire, making a survey and presenting the information written and orally. Math – work with diagrams and charts, calculating percentage, analyzing data. Chemistry – knowledge about the structure and properties of the substances; organic substances in nature
Cross curricular links after the lesson
Bulgarian Language and Literature – creating a questionnaire Physical Education – giving an account of calories needed and used during different physical exercises Biology and Health Education – functioning of the digestive system of a human Period of the Class teacher – discussion for a healthy living and a P a g e 57 | 188
This project is funded by the European Union
Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa strong/fit build/body
Learning Objective: At the end of the section students will add their knowledge terms connected with different food substances, will know the nutritional value of some foods. Will know how to keep fit / healthy; will be able to talk about diets, state their view – give reasons for choosing different foods and the way for preparation of their favourite dishes. Will evaluate their effect on life. Along with acquiring academic knowledge, the topic is expedient for acquiring knowledge skills – competences for human’s health, here is a clear link with life out of a classroom, thus helping the successful realization of the personality.
Learning Outcomes: 1. Learn words & enrich vocabulary. 2. Describe their view of a healthy diet. 3. Talk about nutritional value of some foods. 4. Calculate calories and make diets for people in different ageand health problems. 5. Making a survey about the classmate with the healthful eating habits. 6. Analyze data. 7. Use Internet as a source for searching information related to the topic. 8. Pay attention to the food they eat in order to be fit and healthy. 9. Give advice and reasoning for healthy lifestyle. 10. Talking habits and way of living connected with health.
Pre Lesson Preparation 1. Student’s book B2+ 2. Workbook B2+ 3. Dictionaries
ICT Resources Smartphone
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning In the previous lessons students read a text about life longevity, the increase in life expectancy. They searched information on what should be done in order to lead a healthy life. They discussed the bad habits (if any) they have which could possibly affect their health and how they could be changed.
Key Vocabulary Words and phrases connected with food, its preparation; chemical substances in food
Key competencies development: By the end of this lesson students will develop the following key competencies in the sphere of English knowledge of the basic terms, phrases Competencies from the sphere of Natural Sciences and knowledge of basic terms, processes, Page 58 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum regularities; use of basic chemicals & substances and their characteristics Competences from the sphere of IT – making charts, diagrams;using data from the survey to make a conclusion and a presentation for the foods that should be included in different diets. Competencies from the sphere of Bulgarian Language and Literature – formulation and structuring of clear, reasonable and grammatically correct questionnaire, expressing opinion, reasoning and giving advice. Skills for supporting the steady development and healthy way of life and assessing the problems, connected with the effect of life and nutrition on the person’s health; forming an adjustment for a life in conformity with the laws of nature; realizing one’s personal responsibility for protection of one’s personal health. Skills for learning – independent research and analyse of information from various sources. Digital competencies – searching, drawing out/deriving, processing and presenting information. Social and civil competencies – presenting products from different activities to audience.
LESSON STRUCTURE & DETAILED PLAN OF ACTIVITIES Objectives & Outcomes, Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Link to LearningOutcome number
Learner Activity
Time in minutes
Teacher Activity
12mi n
1,3,4, 5
Introducing the topic. Staging the aims for/of the lesson as an extension/sequel of the previous lesson. Control/check-up of the know ledge from the previous by checking their homework.
Ranking different activities and habits in order of importance. Stating own ways to keep fit and healthy. Looking up for newly formed words connected to the topic.
Diet for people in different age and with various professions from the
Listen and write down the topic.
Read their 5 sentences from their homework. Write down the most reasonable for them. Give opinion and back-up with reasons/ verify.
Writing explanation illustrating the meaning of the words. Reading a table for nutritional values of some foods,
Assessment Strategies
Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Asking the class questions about the main aim. Summarising the most frequently given advise.
Oral presentation
Summary and discussion on the topic.
Comparing the meaning of the words
Student’s book
Analyse summary discussion.
Student’s book
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Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa student`s book.
summarising the information and working out various diet according to the various people.
Their own eating habits. Making questionnaire to find out who has the most reasonable diet.
Conclusion giving summary of the lesson and explaining students’ homework.
Teacher going round helping, assisting, directing, supervising. Writing, asking questions using phrases rich in,high in, low in,baked, fried,raw...
Write down their homework
Home Learning/Homework Homework to make a chart with the data for the feeding habits of their classmates in their IT classes and present to the class. To improve their questionnaire and make a survey in the class for their eating habits in the classes of Bulgarian Language. In the forum in Twin space of the project is placed information about the consumption of sugar. Using the data, gathered in class, study the study the examples which will be used in the following class of IT.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
LESSON EVALUATION What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
Healthy Lifestyle and Eating
English Language
Evaluator Natasha Vankova – a teacher in English
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression Will evaluate their effect on life. Along with acquiring of academic knowledge, the topic is expedient for acquiring knowledge skills – competencies for humans’ health, here is a clear link with life out of a classroom, thus helping the successful realization of the personality. All the students worked on the set tasks, questionnaires were formed, the information was generalized; different types of diets for different people were made. Students’ results are assessed with the help of didactic test for measuring the knowledge and competencies and a products of their activities – questionnaires charts. The criteria according to which the results are found / determined are the level of knowledge in English. Formation / moulding of adjustment and readiness for healthy living Students are acquainted in advance with some terms on the topic with different diagrams and text related to the topic. It’s important for them to realize their own responsibility for protection of their own health. Teaching & Classroom Management Planning of the lesson and used methods is meant to create an atmosphere of trust and common outlook in classroom. Setting specific tasks to students gives them the opportunity to actively participate in the learning process and to express / state their opinion. Each person given assessment on their performance and their participation in lesson individually or as part of a team. Planning & Subject Knowledge To provoke cognitive interest of the students and improve the quality of classroom – a number of various interactive techniques are envisaged: team work, discussion.
P a g e 61 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa
1 LESSON PLAN Lesson Topic Creating a computer presentation.
Curriculum Links
ICT (IT) Teacher Tsvetanka Todorova
10 Module: Computer presentation Compulsory Theme 2. Create a computer presentation curriculum CORES of Learning Content: COMMUNICATION THROUGH IT Standard: Uses IT tools for preparation and presentation of information In front of an audience. INTEGRATING ACTIVITIES IN IT Standard: Uses the main capabilities and tools of IT to exchange data between different applications in one operating environment.
Context Project Name
еТwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
At pre-secondary level students study ICT as a subject from 5th grade. In 10th grade they already have some skills how to create a computer presentation and how to work with MS Power Point. They know how to create a new presentation in PowerPoint, how to add text, images, video, sound and effects. Students know how to use computer programs to create different components that they will use in the presentation – video, sound, images and photos. During the previous lesson: - The studentshave learned the possibilities to present information to the audience; which tools they can use for that; which requirements by low (licenses) or ethics they have to follow. - The students have received a homework : 1. Go to the project TwinSpace Forum: BG : IINTER-SUBJECT TEACHING: ICT-BIOLOGY-CHEMISTRY-ENGLISH and read Garr Raynolds 10 tips for a good presentation. 2. Check at the eT project’s TwinSpace Forum BG: "The texts in the media sphere - function and structure"created in 9th grade and at the Forum Tasty Nutrition Guide for videos and texts about healthy nutrition.
Links with future
This lesson is the First from a set of 3 lessons about Computer presentations.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum lesson(s)
In the First lesson students will design the presentation ‘Healthy nutrition diet’. The Second lesson is for creating the presentation ‘Healthy nutrition diet’. The Third lesson is with the topic “Presenting a presentation to an audience”. The students will present the presentation ‘Healthy nutrition diet’ to their schoolmates and record a video. Then they will upload the recorded videos on the TwinSpace Forum, created for the lesson. Online comments from all project partners. Students will use the presentations for one of the project activities – The Online Debate “Can Healthy Food Be Cheap”. The knowledge and the skills to create computer presentations students will use for the next modules - Module “Computer Networks” and Module "Integrating ICT Activities". The students will also use the knowledge regarding copyright. This knowledge is necessaryfor the National Exam on ICT at the end of 10th grade.
Cross curricular links before the lesson
Biology and Health Education - The task, students should work on in IT classes has been assigned as a homework in a Biology lesson. Factual materials, which have to be used in the presentation have been taught in previous Biology lessons. English Language – Lesson in English for the healthy eating; students will be able to derive /extract information from different sources in English. Bulgarian Language and Literature – Students have been working on the lesson "The texts in the media sphere - function and structure” (9th grade). This lesson is linked with the eTwinning project activity “Tasty Nutrition Guide” - "Preparing traditional Bulgarian dishes". The students can find materials about healthy Bulgarian and foreign meals in the TwinSpace.
Cross curricular links after the lesson
The knowledge and the skills to create a good presentation arefundamental for students and they use these skills in all subjects and during the project work.
Learning Objective: After this lesson students will be able to design computer based presentations and to know how to present it to the audience. They will upgrade their knowledge and skills from previous grades. During the lessons the students have to update their knowledge for computer programs and tools they can use to present information. The students have to know how to open and save P a g e 63 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa or upload and download files on different storages, including cloud based ones, like OneDrive, Google Drive etc. The 10th grade is the last grade when the students will have ICT lessons. That is why this Module is very important for them now.Apart from ICT knowledge and skills, students must learn and respect copyright. They need to learn what Creative Common is and how to use the different labels. Remark: This Lesson Plan follows the curricula for 10th grade, which will be valid till 2018/2019 school year. But the ideas and the content could be used also for the new curricula.
Learning Outcomes: Students are able to /can: 1. To create a computer based presentation on a specific topic. To use the appropriate computer program. 2. To draw a map of the presentation. 3. To embed different types of objects into the presentation, as follows: 3.1. graphical objects (pictures and drawings), 3.2. text, 3.3. diagram, 3.4. chart, 3.5. to add effects. 4. To save/upload the presentation on different storages. 5. To follow the requirements about copyright when using information and materials from different sources. 6. Can use Creative Common labels. 7. Work in a team.
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
Literature, that teachers and students could use:
Computer Lab with desktop computers.
Textbook in IT for 10 grade; Top Ten Slide tips, Garr Raynolds,
Program presentations.
The TwinSpace Forum Pre Lesson Preparation Tasks: for this set of lessons In the previous ICT lesson the teacher will remind have been created, students to work on the homework from previous Biology lesson. https://twinspace.etwinnin The homework - drawing media texts of interviews and reports regarding the school event "Preparing traditional Bulgarian dishes" will be used by students to collect materials for the presentation. - The Tread: ICT: Creating Computer Presentation in the TwinSpace Forum BG : IINTER-SUBJECT TEACHING: ICT- PollEveryWhere, BIOLOGY-CHEMISTRY-ENGLISHhas been created. clickable image quizzes Page 64 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum The teacher will prepare a quiz, what students know about requirements for a well-made presentation. In the beginning of the lessons the students will answer this quiz. The questions are about the following ten tips: 1. Keep it Simple. 2. Limit bullet point & text. 3. Limit transitions & builds (animation). 4. Use high-quality graphics 5. Have a visual theme, but avoid using PowerPoint templates. 6. Use appropriate charts. 7. Use colour well. 8. Choose your fonts well. 9. Use video or audio. 10. Spend time in the slide sorter.
QR code reader installed on phones / tablets that students will use Creative Commons info ki/Creative_Commons_lice nse
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning A task is given to the students - in groups they have to prepare texts, photos, videos, chats etc. from the homework assignment from Biology lesson. The teacher creates a short quiz to test the knowledge regarding the requirements for a good presentation. The teacher will analyse the results of the test and if less than 70-75% of the students have difficulties with the answers, a detailed analysis of the questions and answers of the test will be made for the update of the knowledge needed in the lessons. For that the teacher will use the Garr Raynolds 10 tips for a good presentation. (QR code).
Key Vocabulary Slide, color schemes, effects, transitions, presentations to the public.
Key competencies development: Competencies in the field of Bulgarian Language and Literature-enriching the linguistic culture through/by using specific ICT terminology; developing and improving skills for work with different types of texts(scientific;popular) and telling the difference,extracting the important information from the textbook,scientific literature and other sources;creating a text orally and in written form. Digital competencies-searching,extracting,processing and presenting information for distribution of different types of information; use of multimedia to present the result after completing a particular research task; save the current work on different storages, including cloud based ones; copyrights. P a g e 65 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa Math competencies and basic competencies in the field of Natural Science and Technologiesknowledge and rationalization of basic terms,processes and regularities;drawing up and reading charts and diagrams;using data for properties of organic substances to make conclusions and deductions for their application into practice and their physiological effect. Skills to study-independent study/exploration and analysis of information of different sources. Skill to support a steady development and a healthy way of life and sport– working on the presentation materials by assessing problems,related to effects of known and studied substances and processes on a person’s health;forming an adjustment for a life in conformity with nature,becoming aware of the personal responsibility for protecting one’s own health.
Link to Learning
Outcome number
Time in minutes
1, 5, 6, 7
Teacher Activity Objectives & Outcomes, Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Learner Activity Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Introduction. Presenting the Listen and record purpose of the lesson. the topic. Assessment of the Answer questions requirements for a good from the test using computer presentation in their tablets /phones. PollEverywhere, For more efficient organization of the work the students use QR code to access the quiz. (Application1)
Assessment Strategies Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
Resources e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Presentation slides The teacher checks the result/statistical information on the student responses. The overall results are commented and the correct answers are analyzed if any gaps are identified.
PC, multimedia smartphone PollEveryWh ere quize
Presenting the subject of Listen and record designing and creating a the topic. presentation ‘Healthy nutrition diet’ as task for practical work during the lesson. The teacher divides students Share ideas; create into groups (3 per group). presentation map. Starts a discussion about scenarios, students can use to design the presentation. The teacher emphasizes on the importance students first to draw the idea, content and style they will use in the presentation. Copyrights!
Emphasizes on the importance of the subject to create socially significant competencies. What is the real purpose of your talk? Why is it that you were asked to speak? What does the audience expect? What are the most important parts of your topic for the audience?
Presentation; multimedia
Gives students time for a A team work. group work to accomplish Upload the ready
Emphasizes on the Tips for good
Slide with
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TwinSpace notebooks, Creative Commons licenses info
Top Ten
Let’s put the project into the curriculum the presentation map.
maps in their online ‘backpacks’- The TwinSpace Forum, e-platform.
Slide Tips, e-platform, TwinSpace Forum Computer, multimedia
Facilitate the presentations Present the group of the team work. work.
Checks for the Top
Answer to the question
EXERCISE If your audience could remember only three things about your presentation,what would you want it to be? (1)__________ (2)__________ (3)__________ Gives a task to students for individual work, to collect in a folder (cloud based) all texts, videos, photos etc. they will need to create the presentation in the context of the maps.
Individual work. Teacher guides The students use the students in their map, created by their work. teams.
Ten Slide Tips
*Simple does not mean stupid;
Slide with the EXERCISE description
*What is the essence of your message?
Computers, Internet, TwinSpace, e-platform
Whenthey are ready to start creating the presentation
‘Healthy nutrition diet’
that they use.
from Blank.
2, 3
Evaluation of the lesson and Listen. individual Give an assessment grading.(Application 2) of their interest in the lesson by answering a clickable image type poll.
Online clickable image poll
PollEveryWh ere quiz
Home Learning/Homework Students have to finish the presentation structure at home and to add all videos, sounds, texts and charts. During the next lesson students will work on formatting the presentation; adding effects, transitions & builds. To read about Creative Commons licenses and to decide which label they can use for the presentation.
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Sa punem proiectele in programa Application 1 web 2.0 tool PollEveryWhere. Link:
Poll type: Clickable Image The images for this poll are from Garr Raynolds’s site. Topic TopTen Slide Tips
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
Application 2 web 2.0 tool PollEveryWhere. Link: Poll type: Clickable Image
Performing the poll
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Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa
LESSON EVALUATION What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
Creating a computer presentation
Evaluator Tsvetanka Todorova, ICT teacher who conducted the lesson.
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression By updating the knowledge of the requirements for a good presentation, a high level of mastery overthe acquired knowledge is acquired by the students. Statistics show that 85 percent of the students have answered the questions posed in the quiz correctly. All students participated in the discussion and the team work to create a presentation map. This is evident from the comments of the students during the discussion of the assignment. Teaching & Classroom Management Good lesson planning and the role of the teacher in the overall organization and implementation of the lesson is of particular importance for the excellence in teaching the students. Good communication between all parties involved in the training stimulates students' interest, their research and creative activities. Thus, the objectives are realized and skills are developed, and key social skills are built. The project is useful to involve students in school life and to build cross-curricular connections. An atmosphere of trust and a sense of community in the classroom were created. Presenting practical problems to students gave them the opportunity for self-expression and active participation in the learning process. Planning & Subject Knowledge Various interactive technologies are used in orderto optimize the work and to provoke cognitive interests inthe students and to improve the quality of classroom activity: use of educational mobile applications, TwinSpace, sharing in Padlet, tools for online quizzes –PollEveryWhere and etc.
Next Steps in Learning Students will continue to use obtained skills in the future, when they create presentations as homework assignments for other subjects or presentations for project activities.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
Healthy Food and Healthy Lifestyle /SWEDEN Let’s talk about food – eT project Theme: THINKING, TALKING AND SHARING IDEAS ABOUT A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Örnsköldsviks Gymnasium is an upper secondary school with 1,700 students aged between 1619. 177 science and business students have taken part in the project at three different occasions during the two-year-project. The time given for the project has been two weeks, 25 lessons, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary studies. The subjects included have been Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Swedish, English, Business, Natural Science, and Physical Education. Initially pupils from the six Erasmus+ project participating countries completed a Quiz consisting of 11 questions. Students were asked to answer questions such as “Do you consider your nutritional habits healthy?”, “How many hours on average do you sleep?” and “Do you find time for sports?”. The result of the Quiz was used the first year to inspire students in their work. The second year, though, the students work was based on the answers of a local survey conducted by the school nurse. All first-year students at Örnsköldsviks gymnasium take part in this survey in order to get a general picture of students well-being. Questions and answers about “students stress over school”, “sleep”, “eat candy, cookies, potato chips” and “juice, drink sweet soda, energizers, sweet tea or coffee” was used. A two-hour-long introduction followed during which the students were informed about the different activities for the two week of interdisciplinary studies. Teachers from each subject was a part of the introduction. As a start a short film “Hungry Planet” 1 introduced the talk about food and what a family eats during a week. The film shows photos of families from 24 different countries. The families show what food they eat for a week, and the average cost of it. The pupils were then asked to talk two minutes in pairs about their own families food for a week and they were also asked to guess the price of it. Some of the students presented their thoughts for the others. On a Padlet2 each student wrote about three words that they associate to Healthy Food and Healthy Lifestyle. They used their smartphone or laptop. Most words were about exercise, sleep, stress, blood sugar and biomolecules in food. A picture of Maslow's hierarchy of needs was shown and pupils received information that the focus for the two weeks of work would be on physical needs, such as sleep, food, and water for example. The result of the quiz as well as parts of the local survey were presented and served as inspiration for the students work. To get a global view of sugar consumption students were
Hungry Planet 2017-04-09
Padlet Pupils wrote three words each (in swedish)
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum asked to answer the question “Which country do you think eats most sugar?”. Students answered a question at Mentimeter with their smartphone or laptop. Countries to choose among were Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Romania, Sweden and Turkey, i.e. the countries involved in the Erasmus+ project. All pupils thought it was Sweden that had the highest sugar consumption. And statistics from the website Gapminder showed that Sweden has since 1961 been the country with the highest sugar consumption. After that pupils were asked if the United States has a higher or lower sugar consumption than Sweden. Students thought that the US has higher sugar consumption than Sweden and that is correct.3 Then followed a film which permitted the students to get a wider view on the hidden sugar in groceries and how to make healthy snacks. After the film the work for the two weeks was presented. A schedule of the first week's lessons was presented. One task was to compose a recipe for a Healthy smoothie and justify why each ingredient was selected. During the end of the two hour long introduction students were informed about how a good research question can be formulated. Another task for the two week work was to choose an interesting part of Healthy Lifestyle and Healthy Food and compose a research question. During two weeks our students worked in pairs, formulated a research question, gathered information, looked at statistics and interviewed their parents or grandparents. With the help of ICT tools they then put together a simplified Pecha Kucha presentation, 10 slides and 20 seconds for each slide. The different technical tools used were iPad or Laptop, PowerPoint or KeyNote and for iPad the app Show Me. Of course students also used Internet to gather information. Students also learned to be source-critical throughout the process and to disclose their sources. The work in pairs and each presentation showed how the students knowledge met with the knowledge criteria in the national curricula (see Table 1). At another lesson students saw a film which permitted them to get a wider view on the effects of an overconsumption of sugar. Students answered a questionnaire about the film during a lesson outdoor and when their were skiing. After the two weeks work students presented their work to each other. Teachers used the Selfevaluation rubric, see below, to give the students feedback on their work. After that students answered a poll and the result was good. Almost 80 % of the students thought that work in pairs was good. ⅔ of the students thought that they had improved their skills in ICT. Almost 60 % of the students thought that it had been interesting and educational to work in this health project. Around 40 % of the students thought that the two hour start was interesting and provided useful information about the project. More than 50 % of the students thought that working in the same project in many subjects had improved their learning. 75 % of the students thought that the film about the effects of an overconsumption of sugar raised interest and
3 2017-04-09, Gapminder World, choose Health - Nutrition - Sugar consumption per year and Time for the y- and x-axis P a g e 73 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa provided useful insights how sugar effects the body. Almost 80 % of the students thought that it worked well to work in pairs and to have the end product written and recorded in English. Table 1. Self-evaluation rubric The question / issue is relevant.
The question / issue is to a large extent relevant.
The question / issue is to some extent relevant.
The question / issue is interesting, focused & appropriate for the work.
The question / issue is interesting and to a large extent focused.
The question is interesting but narrow, making it difficult to answer.
Clear line of thought & disposition
The presentation has a clear line of thought which makes it easy to understand descriptions as well as reasoning and conclusions.
The presentation has a clear line of thought which makes it easy to understand descriptions and discussions.
A clear line of thought is suggested, the content is understandable and possible to follow.
Adapted to recipient
The content is varied and adapted to recipient (eg. specific ideas are explained)
The content is to a large extent varied and adapted to recipient.
The content is to some extent varied and adapted to recipient.
The pictures are relevant for the chosen topic, which makes it easier to understand the presentation.
The pictures are to a large extent relevant for the chosen topic which makes to understand the presentation.
The pictures are to some extent relevant for the chosen topic.
Question/ issue
There is a clear link between the pictures and the presentation. Discussion
The student presents wellgrounded arguments when it comes to making choices based on the question at hand. Furthermore the student gives reasons for, and/or consequences of the health issues connected with the chosen question/topic.
There is a relatively clear link between the pictures and the presentation.
The link between the pictures and the presentation is somewhat clear.
The student presents own arguments when it comes to making choices based on the question at hand.
The student presents their own simple arguments when it comes to making choices based on the question at hand.
Furthermore the student gives reasons for, and/or consequences of the health issues connected with the chosen question/topic.
Furthermore the student gives reasons for, and/or consequences of the health issues connected with the chosen
Question/ issue
The question is answered and/or questions have formulated.
fully new been
The question is to a large extent answered.
The question is to a certain extent answered.
The presentation refers to several relevant and trustworthy sources.
The presentation refers to some relevant and trustworthy sources.
The presentation refers to a few relevant and trustworthy sources.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum English In the Swedish curriculum for the subject of English it is stated that the teaching of English should aim at helping students to develop knowledge of language and the surrounding world so that they have the ability, desire and confidence to use English in different situations and for different purposes. A second aim of the teaching of English is that students should be given the opportunity, through the use of language in functional and meaningful contexts, to develop all-round communicative skills. Working Description For two weeks our pupils focused on the aspects of healthy lifestyles. During the English classes they studied health related texts and worked with exercises. Our pupils practiced listening comprehension watching a film dealing with the bad effects of an overconsumption of sugar, which hopefully gave some of them a wake up call about their own of sugar. Furthermore, the pupils were given the task of interviewing their parents, thus finding out how our eating and drinking habits have changed during the course of a generation. This introduced pupils to the craft of interviewing and presenting gathered information via ICT tools. All participants in the project, from Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Italy, Greece and Sweden, were asked to write an essay entitled “The Bread of Life”. In the essay they discussed and made some research, on the etymology, history, nutritional significance, and popularity of bread among other things. Five essays were chosen from each participating school and a winner was finally honoured. Another competition was arranged prior to the essay competition. By Christmas all pupils competed in creating a Christmas card expressing the country’s typical Christmas food and traditions. As a final assignment our pupils were given the task of creating an oral presentation where they demonstrated the answer to the topic related question they initially had decided to focus on. This was done in pairs and presented to their classmates.
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Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa
Biology In Biology the pupils were to develop the ability to analyse and find answers to subject-related questions and to identify, formulate and solve problems. Another aim was the ability to reflect on and assess chosen strategies, methods and results as well as the ability to plan, carry out, interpret and report field studies, experiments and observations, and also the ability to handle materials and equipment. The pupils should receive knowledge of the importance of biology for the individual and society. They also had the chance to develop their ability to use knowledge of biology to communicate, and also to examine and use information. One part of the curriculum is evolutionary mechanisms, such as natural selection and sexual selection and their importance in speciation. Another is the nature of biology and its working methods as identifying and studying problems and issues using reasoning from biology. Furthermore different views on societal issues based on biological explanatory models e.g. issues concerning sustainable development. Working Description In a few lessons we taught the students which biomolecules a cell is made up of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The biomolecules come from our food so it is important to eat well and varied. Teaching also brought up how humans bred a few different species to increase yields and affect nutrient content. Although the cell's energy and metabolism, pupils had an overall picture of the cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Pupils put together a recipe for a healthy and tasty smoothie. The origins of the ingredients were examined, and also how they have evolved over time. By using the Internet and the iPad or laptop the pupils learnt how the plants have been bred by humans. The ingredients in the recipe were justified on the basis of how the body uses the different biomolecules. By using the NFA database of nutritional content for each ingredient pupils created a table and a chart for their smoothies. During a laboratory session students made their planned smoothie and together with the other pairs of pupils they enjoyed the smoothies and carried out pH tests using filter paper drained with decoction of red cabbage. In this project students got the opportunity to identify issues based on biological explanatory models and the role of knowledge for understanding problems with health.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
Chemistry In Chemistry the students were to develop the knowledge of chemical concepts, models, theories and working methods, and understanding their development. Another aim is the ability to analyse and find answers to subject-related questions, and to identify, formulate and solve problems. Also the ability to reflect on and assess chosen strategies, methods and results. The ability to plan, carry out, interpret and report experiments and observations, and also the ability to handle chemicals and equipment. The students should also get the knowledge of the importance of chemistry for the individual and society. The ability to use a knowledge of chemistry to communicate, and also to examine and use information. One content is reactions and changes such as acid-base reactions, including the concept of pH and buffer effects. Another content is analytical chemistry with qualitative and quantitative methods of chemical analysis, e.g. chromatography and titration. The students should also get the opportunity to determining views on social issues on the basis of chemical models, e.g. sustainable development issues. Working Description Chemistry teaching considered the most common strong and weak acids and strong and weak bases. The students learnt strong acids and strong bases proteolysis. They also learnt how to measure pH with natural indicators, such as red cabbage and with a digital pH-meter. During one lesson within a laboratory students were measuring how the carbon dioxide content in the exhaled air was changed by increased physical activity. Acid-base titration was used as a method of analysis with digital pH-meter and sodium hydroxide with the concentration of 0,0100 mol/dm3 as a titrator. During the tasting of different smoothies the students made pH measurement using filter paper stained with decoction of red cabbage. In this project students have got the opportunity to determine views on social issues such as overweight, diabetes, healthy lifestyle and healthy food on the basis of chemical models.
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
Mathematics In the Swedish curriculum for the subject of Mathematics it is stated teaching in mathematics should aim at students developing their ability to work mathematically. This involves developing an understanding of mathematical concepts and methods, as well as different strategies for solving mathematical problems and using mathematics in social and professional situations. In this project we focused on: - Examination of how statistical methods and results are used in society and in science. - Strategies for mathematical problem solving including the use of digital media and tools. - Statistical methods for reporting observations and data from surveys, including regression analysis. Working Description During three lessons in Mathematics we worked with statistics and health. We used three different websites, National Food Agency Sweden, Gapminder and Statistics Sweden - SCB.
Find facts and make diagrams with Excel In this lesson the students get to know the website of Livsmedelsverket, the Swedish National Food Agency. They learn how to find facts about different kinds of food. For example they take out what nutrients a recipe contains. They make diagrams with Excel which shows the amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in their recipe.
Make and interpret diagrams
In this lesson the students get to know the website Gapminder. First we use the website together to see a short film with Hans Rosling, a Swedish professor of international health. In his lectures he often use statistics and Gapminder to show facts on various subjects. The pupils learn how to make diagrams using Gapminder and they practise to interpret information from statistics. They also see how important it is to have real facts before you can draw conclusions. 3
Find more statistics and within a special topic
In this lesson the students get to know the website Statistics Sweden. It is an administrative agency which main task is to supply customers with statistics for decision making, debate and research. The students start with some general questions so they get to know the website. Later when they work with their research question in the project of Healthy Lifestyle and Healthy Food, they can find statistics within their special topic. Page 78 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum
Physical Education and Health Skills in and knowledge of physical activities and how various lifestyle factors impact human health is fundamental in enabling people to be able to take responsibility for their health. Teaching should lead to students developing knowledge of how their own bodies function at work, and the importance of lifestyle. Teaching in the subject of physical education and health should give students the opportunities to develop the following: ● Knowledge of the importance of physical activities and experiences from nature for physical ability and health. Core content - Teaching in the course should cover the following core content: ●
Impact of diet, drugs and doping substances on health and performance.
Working Description We have seen the movie " That Sugar Film" after which the students answered questions related to the movie. Students have received a good foundation to stand on when it comes to the importance of diet on health. Students have discussed the hidden sugar that we are exposed to every day. We also had a theory lesson around the subject of diet and then the pupils have made smoothies based on their acquired knowledge about nutritional and health.
P a g e 79 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa
Project Topic Let’s talk about food – eT project
Project Activity Topic By means of a cross curricular teaching pupils learn to make good choices to promote a healthy lifestyle. Country
Number of 25 lessons in total. lessons We have put together 4 lesson plans (one for each subject)
Helen Forsgren, Chemistry, Biology
Annika Forsgren, Mathematics Birgitta Dahllöf and Mikael Hulmé, English Kicki Edholm, Physical Education
Biology Mathematics English Physical Education
Project Activity (summary) From what pupils learn in the involved subjects they learn to analyze what they eat and choose a healthier alternative. Furthermore they learn to formulate good research questions. In pairs they decide on one question, which they answer using different ICT tools and an interview with some older people. The pupils present the results by means of a Power Point using recorded English speech to accompany the presentation.
Inter-subject connections In Mathematics, pupils learn how to use statistics and to draw diagrams. In Biology, pupils learn about plant breeding and how different foods have changed their nutrients over the past 5 000 years, with focus on sugar content. In Chemistry pupils learn to see differences between biomolecules and how the body use different molecules, such as fatty acids, amino acids and glucose. They also learn to measure pH and to use a natural pH-indicator such as red cabbage. In Physical Education the pupils learn new ways of exercising called e.g. Tabata. They were also taught the importance of regular exercise in order to have as good a lifestyle and health as possible.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
Pupils use English as much as possible all through the project. All presentations are performed in English.
Statistics and Health
Get facts about food using and draw diagrams with Excel.
Livsmedelsverket is the Swedish National Food Agency and on their website they present their vision: “We work towards the following goals; healthy dietary habits, safe foods and fair practices in the food trade. Our tools are regulations, recommendations and communication. Our recommendations and communication support consumers in their everyday life, for example when shopping, feeding their children and cooking. Guiding consumers towards healthy dietary habits is a big challenge and a very important task for the National Food Agency. Food legislation is in essentially harmonized within the EU. The National Food Agency takes an active part in the development of new legislation in co-operation with other EU member states. Food safety is the responsibility of the company that produces or sells food. The food control, which includes drinking water, is carried out by the National Food Agency at the national level, the County Administrations at the regional level and the municipal Environment and Health Protection Committees at the local level. The National Food Agency is the competent authority when it comes to environmental issues in the food sector. We encourage people to learn more about eco-smart food choices and how to minimize food waste.” a) The following table and graph are from the NFA survey "Riksmaten 2010-11-adults". Use them and describe / compare candy consumption among men and women.
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
b) On NFA page, you can also use the Food Database to see which nutritional a certain recipe yields by selecting: Food and content, nutrients, food database, search nutrient Now, use the food database to find out which nutritional content of this recipe for spinach smoothie. Spinach smoothie ½ avocado 20 g spinach 1 dl mango 1 ½ dl milk 3% • In recipes it is not always the weight in grams, but often as a volume of dl. Converting between weight and volume can for example be made at • On the page with the nutrient you go to the heading "Selected weight" and then you can do differently to create a spreadsheet with the right amount of ingredients in their recipes: Option 1: You enter one ingredient at a time, specify the correct amount in grams, "Saves" lists as Excel. In the Excel program highlighted and copied lines of energy, fat, carbohydrates and protein and paste into a new spreadsheet where all the ingredients in the recipe as pasted. Finally plott a chart/diagram. Option 2: You write all the ingredients with the weight of 100 grams, "Saves" list as Excel. In the Excel program you can make formulas and modify the worksheet so the weight should match to the recipe After that you plott a chart/diagram.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
1 LESSON PLAN Lesson Topic Plant breeding and evolutionary mechanisms in the context of a Healthy smoothies
Curriculum Links
Evolutionary mechanisms, such as natural selection and sexual selection and their importance in speciation.
Biology 1
Context Project Name
eTwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
Knowledge of the species' classification and systematization.
Links with future lesson(s)
Students are going to use knowledge about plant breeding and what kind of nutrients and biomolecules different plants consists of when they select ingredients for a Healthy smoothie.
Cross curricular links before the lesson
In Math lessons the students learn to use statistics to create charts of nutritional value for example in a Healthy smoothie.
Cross curricular links after the lesson
In the lesson of English pupils formulate and explains why they choose the ingredients in their Healthy smoothie.
Learning Objective Students learn what happens at plant breeding and how the plants' nutritional changes.
Learning Outcomes 1. Pupils should after the lesson be able to read and interpret a declaration of contents for a Healthy smoothie.
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Sa punem proiectele in programa 2. Pupils are able to explain how plant breeding changes plants nutrients. 3. Pupils learn about natural and sexual selection for plants.
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
A Powerpoint presentation (Biology lesson 1) with pictures of Computer, Projector, different plants for 5 000 years ago and how they look today. Powerpoint, Internet Information about plants ingredients today and 5 000 years ago, before plant breeding by human.
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning Nothing specific.
Key Vocabulary Biomolecules, Natural selection, Sexual selection, Plant breeding
Key competences development Digital skills ● pupils work with their computers using Internet Google Crome to search information about the ingredients in their recipes for a Healthy smoothie Basic skills in science ● what natural and sexual selection are ● how plant breeding change the nutrients in plants
Link to LearningOutcome number
Time in minutes
5 min
Teacher Activity
Learner Activity
Objectives & Outcomes, Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Assessment Strategies Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
Resources e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Powerpoint presentation Computer
10 min
1 2
Plant breeding of fruits and differences in fruits today compared to 5 000
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Control issue: Have you understood? Is something not
Powerpoint presentation Computer
Let’s put the project into the curriculum 3
years ago.
Search recipes for different Smoothies
Teacher check that all pupils have Internet and are searching for recipes.
Choose ingredients for a healthy smoothie and to justify why.
Teacher walk around the classroom and talk with pupils. Ask them if they have any problems with finding relevant information.
Nutrients and biomolecules in different plants. Such as corn, peach, watermelon. 10 min
20 min
10 min
Summing up the lesson by having students present their suggestions for a smoothie recipes and motivating content.
Students present their suggestions for a Healthy smoothie recipes and motivate content.
Computer Projector
Home Learning/Homework Nothing specific.
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
LESSON EVALUATION What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
Plant breeding and evolutionary mechanisms in the context of a Healthy smoothies
Evaluator Teacher
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression All pupils presented a recipe for a Healthy smoothie and motivated the ingredients contents. Pupils presented their outcome and results of the lesson in time. Teaching & Classroom Management By choosing Healthy smoothie as an objective for the lesson the students supposed to be more interested in the subject rather than only teach about plant breeding in general. Planning & Subject Knowledge
Next Steps in Learning Learn about how plant breeding may reduce diversity (genetic variation) and increases the sensitivity for plants.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
2 LESSON PLAN Lesson Topic Learn different biomolecules as proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Curriculum Links
Models and theories of the structure and classification of matter.
Chemistry 1
Context Project Name
eTwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
Knowledge of the elements and how they build up different chemical compounds.
Links with future lesson(s)
Knowledge of different biomolecules, as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, composition and structure. Knowledge about the nutritional values of the various biomolecules and for the body's needs.
Cross curricular links before the lesson
In Math lessons the pupils learn to use statistics to create charts of nutritional value in for example a Healthy smoothie.
Cross curricular links after the lesson
In the lesson of English pupils formulate and explain why they choose the ingredients in their Healthy smoothie.
In English lessons pupils read different texts about Healthy Lifestyle and they learn words connected to Healthy Lifestyle.
In Math lesson students make own charts of nutrients in their own Healthy smoothie.
Learning Objective Students learn about biomolecules and different needs for the body.
Learning Outcomes
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Sa punem proiectele in programa 1. Pupils will be able to read and understand what kind of contents different everyday products have. They also learn to know why the body need the different content everyday. 2. Pupils will be able to characterise different biomolecules when they see the chemical structure of a compound. 3. Pupils justify the content of a Healthy smoothie by using the body's need for different types of biomolecules.
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
A Powerpoint presentation with different examples of nutrients and biomolecules in different foods, such as soft drinks, foods, juices and Gainomax. Information about nutrients in blueberry, egg, cherries and banana.
Computer, Projector, Powerpoint, Internet
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning Nothing specific.
Key Vocabulary Biomolecules, Sugar as Glucose, Fructose, Saccharides, Carbohydrate, Fats, Vitamins, Antioxidants
Key competences development Digital skills ● pupils use their computers and Internet Google Crome to search recipes for a Healthy smoothie Basic skills in science ● pupils learn different biomolecules ● pupils learn the structure of different molecules ● pupils learn why the different molecules are important for the body
Link to LearningOutcome number
Time in minutes
Learner Activity
Assessment Strategies
Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
Objectives & Outcomes,
Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
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Resources e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Let’s put the project into the curriculum Introduction
5 min
Powerpoint presentation Computer Projector
10 min
1 2 3
Nutrients and biomolecules in different food, soda drinks, juices, Gainomax.
Control issue: Have you understood? Is something not clear?
Powerpoint presentation
Search recipes for different Smoothies. If they already have a recipe from lesson in Biology they take the next step.
Teacher check that all pupils have Internet and are searching for recipes or that all pupils have a recipe..
Students select a major biomolecule in the prescription for the healthy smoothie. Find its chemical structure and why it is important for the body.
Teacher walk around the classroom and talk with pupils. Ask them if they have any problems with finding relevant information.
Different biomolecules structure.
Computer Projector
Nutrients as the body's building blocks such as amino acids and fatty acids or as fuel like carbohydrates. 5 min
1 2 3
25 min
10 min
2 3
2 3
Summing up the lesson by having students present their chemical structure of one important biomolecule.
Students present the chemical structure of one important biomolecule each.
Powerpoint Computer
Powerpoint presentation Computer Projector
Home Learning/Homework Pupils have homework to read on packages for different daily products.
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
LESSON EVALUATION What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
Learn different biomolecules as proteins, carbohydrates and fats in Healthy smoothie.
Evaluator Teacher
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression All students presented a molecule that is in their Healthy smoothie and motivated the importance for the body.
Students presented their outcome and results from the lesson in time.
Teaching & Classroom Management By choosing Healthy smoothie as an objective for the lesson the students supposed to be more interested in the subject rather than only teach about biomolecules in general. Planning & Subject Knowledge
Next Steps in Learning Learn about how acids and bases make water solutions like a Healthy smoothie sour, neutral or basic. Learn how to use a natural pH-indicator like red cabbage. Learn that a water solution always have both oxonium ions and hydroxide ions but in different concentrations. And that a sour water solution have a higher oxonium ion concentration then the concentration of hydroxide ions.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
3 LESSON PLAN Lesson Topic Focus: Speaking. Materials: “Video” (cartoon) by Rupert Fawcett and You Tube clip:
Curriculum Links
English 5
EK 1 C
Oral and written production and interaction of various kinds, also in more formal settings, where students instruct, narrate, summarise, explain, comment, assess, give reasons for their opinions, discuss and argue.
NA 1 C
Spoken language, also with different social and dialect features, and textsthat instruct, relate, summarise, explain, discuss, report and argue, also via film and other media.
Context Project Name
eTwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
Not applicable for first lesson.
Links with future lesson(s)
Adequate discussion phrases to be used in lessons ahead
Cross curricular links before the lesson
Science Studies / Biology / Chemistry
Cross curricular links after the lesson
The conversation phrases will be useful in any context and in any subject.
Health Studies / Biomolecules
Learning Objective Improved and refined spoken skill
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Learning Outcomes 1.
use adequate vocabulary when talking about lifestyles and healthy food
gather relevant information while listening to a digital lecture
improve interaction in group discussions
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
Upload documents on learning platform.
iPad/ tablet.
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning Not applicable for first lesson.
Key Vocabulary Opinions, agreement / disagreement, clarification, interaction
Key competences development Key competence relevant for this assignment: a.) Communicating in a foreign language b.) Social competence Development a.) communicating in a better and more structured and nuanced way by using adequate phrases. Development b.) A group discussion enables students to interact with each other, listen to each other, share ideas. A good social competence involves listening to others and sharing your own ideas with others and also to reflect on your own attitude on different topics.
Link to LearningOutcome number
Time in minutes
Learner Activity
Assessment Strategies
Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
Objectives & Outcomes, Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Show “Video” cartoon on Smartboard
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“Video” cartoon encourages students to reflect on what makes a
Teachers choose an activity well suited to all pupils in class
e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Cartoon “Video”
Let’s put the project into the curriculum
Ask pupils to discuss the cartoon with his/her neigbour.
healthy lifestyle.
no matter of their language competence.
Pupils discuss the cartoon.
Listen to the discussion. Assess pupils´ competence. Make sure that all participate in the discussion.
Cartoon “Video”
https://www.yo h?v=Kxi4v9w2 99I
Put together questions on the cartoon to find out what feelings /reactions did the cartoon “Video” evoke 15
Show You Tube clip on how to express an opinion.
Pupils watch the clip and take down the phrases they learn in the clip.
Stop or make pauses in the recording to make sure that all learners follow attentively.
Hand out paper copies with discussion phrases
Pupils get familiar with the phrases.
Go through the phrases again to make sure that pupils understand them.
Encourage pupils to compare the phrases they took down while watching the clip to the ones on the document. 10
Tell the pupils to learn the phrases for next class of English.
Home Learning/Homework Learning Vocabulary/ phrases (words and phrases to express one’s opinion)
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LESSON EVALUATION What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
Focus: Speaking - warm up: “Video” by Rupert Fawcett
English 5
Evaluator The teacher who was involved in the activity
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression By listening to students’ discussions, we felt that all students participated the best they could. We believe that neither rapid progress nor reaching out to all students will be achieved after just one lesson. However, we found the lesson a good start of the project and the pupils had good and interesting discussions. They practiced their discussion phrases and shared opinions with each other. As for means of measuring the outcomes we walked around and checked all groups to make sure everybody participated the best they could. Teaching & Classroom Management Bý focusing on communicative practice during the first lesson we helped our students to improve their communicative skills. The discussion phrases was a useful tool for them and helped them to better interact with each other. They learned how to listen and give response to their fellow students. Planning & Subject Knowledge Working on a trial-and-error basis where we learn to make the necessary adjustments, not only in our teaching but also in our planning. Also, by sharing teaching materials and experiences with fellow teachers. To continually evaluate the work in class by listening to students´ opinions and ideas. For example: What was good/ interesting? What went wrong? What could have been done better?
Next Steps in Learning
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum For the teacher: Using the same methods, tools and planning in future project work. For the student: When practising other skills, continue making use of vocabulary and phrases learnt in the lesson. Lesson Plan
Lesson Topic Get facts about food using and draw diagrams with Excel.
Curriculum Links
Mathematics Course MA1c
Examination of how statistical methods and results are used in society and in science.
Context Project Name
eTwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
This is the start for the work with Statistics in this course of Mathematics.
Links with future lesson(s)
In this lesson the students get to know the website of Livsmedelsverket, the Swedish National Food Agency. They learn how to make diagrams using Excel. Next lesson we will use Gapminder to make more diagrams and interpret information from statistics.
Cross curricular links before the lesson
In Biology and Chemistry they learn about nutrients and biomolecules.
Cross curricular links after the lesson
The students can use their knowledge in future lessons when the they look up ingredients in their smoothies and draw diagrams to show how much proteins, carbs and fat their smoothies contains.
Learning Objective Students learn to search information about nutrients and draw charts and diagrams.
Learning Outcomes P a g e 95 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa 1. Use the computer to find information about nutrients on the website for the Swedish
National Food Agency 2. Use the computer and work with Excel to make charts and diagrams for their smoothie.
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
A booklet with text, links to websites and exercises to work with to get the new knowledge.
Computer Internet Excel
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning This is the start for the work with Statistics.
Key Vocabulary Diagram, formulas, charts, Internet, Excel
Key competences development Digital skills ● pupils work with their computers using Internet Google Crome to search statistics about health ● pupils learn to make diagrams/charts in Excel Basic skills in math ● pupils learn how statistical methods and results are used in society and in science
Link to LearningOutcome number
Time in minutes
Teacher Activity
Objectives & Outcomes, Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Introduction to website. The teacher shows with a projector the content on the website, as well as some examples of
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Learner Activity
Assessment Strategies
Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
Pupils listen to the teacher and work with their computer at the same time.
Control issue: Have you understood? Is something not clear?
e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Computer Internet vsmedelsverke
Let’s put the project into the curriculum how to use the information to find nutritional content of food. 20
Introduction to Excel. The teacher shows with a projector how to use Excel with focus on how to make a diagram with information from website.
1 2
Pupils listen to the teacher and work with their computer at the same time.
Teacher check that all pupils have a diagram on their computer screen.
A booklet with instructions and tasks/exercises
Teacher walk around the classroom and talk with pupils. Ask them if they have any problems with the tasks.
Computer Excel
Home Learning/Homework Homework is to make task/exercise completed.
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
LESSON EVALUATION What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
Get facts about food using and draw diagrams with Excel.
Evaluator Teacher
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression All the pupils presented charts showing the nutritional content in their smoothie.
All groups of pupils worked to make graphs and discussed how they were to present and share the results. Teaching & Classroom Management By working from a health perspective and with the computer/internet, hopefully statistics becomes more interesting. Planning & Subject Knowledge
Next Steps in Learning Work with Gapminder to make and interpret diagrams.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
THEME: HEALTHY FOOD & HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Project Topic eTwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Project Activity Topic Students explore different aspects of the “Health” issue. They investigate daily habits that promote or harm their health
Country: GREECE
Number of lessons
Michail Filioglou
Constantina Feleskoura
English Language
Georgia Kotsianidou
Project Activity (summary): The project's goal is to influence students’ daily life on certain issues related to “health”. To help them link the acquired knowledge with real life. To promote inter-subject education and learning based on ICT. This will lead them to reconsider their attitude towards common practices but also to change their attitude towards school. The research questions that students will have to answer are: 1) What new habits are considered unhealthy? 2) Why are they considered unhealthy? 3) What alternative practices are there? To achieve our goals, we will develop the methodology based on an exemplary project, but the principles can be adapted for any other project. A project on healthy lifestyle will be used as a tool. The work on "SEARCHING FOR A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE" will give added value to our work - will help to create new practices that promote healthy living.
Inter-subject connections: The aim of our project is to sensitize students in habits that promote health. To this end, itemizing habits are produced that students should adopt or should avoid. Therefore, a related vocabulary, brochures, photographs, posters & exhibitions are created. These are free for use P a g e 99 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa and available online. The subjects used during the project were: Biology, Chemistry, Literature, Physical Education, ICT, English Language. Students had undertaken assignments in all the previous fields of education that led them to the wanted conclusion. The learning outcome for Biology is the students’ ability to: 1. Redefine their relationship with fast food. 2. Explain some of the health disorders that derive from nutrition. The learning outcome for the English language lesson is the students’ ability to: 1. apply existing or new-gained knowledge and forms of English language effectively (cognitive domain)
analyse the content and structure of articles or videos
organize content
explore visual language
criticize each other’s work
2. In the affective domain
collaborate on a common outcome
express their ideas and choices in an effective way
argue on topics of common interest
create their own material as a means of expression
3. In the psychomotor domain . use ICT as a means of communication, source of information, expression and creativity The learning outcome for the ICT lesson is that students will be: 1. familiar with the functions. 2. able to interpret a pie-chart a pie-chart. How will students connect knowledge and skills learned in the previous subject/lesson to the assigned tasks of the next subject/lesson?
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum In each lesson, the preparative activities will include connections with previous lessons and other subjects taught.
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1 LESSON PLAN Lesson Topic Why should I have proteins in my meal?
Curriculum Links
Biology/Cell Biology
11th grade
Chemical Composition of Cells
Context Project Name
eTwinning project «Let’s talk about food»
Links with previous lesson(s)
The chemical composition of the cells is relevant with the chemical composition of food.
Links with future lesson(s)
Students will use the new knowledge for future use on their adult life.
Cross curricular links before the lesson
In ICT lessons they have practiced the excel application for the nutrient and energy calculation and chart production
Cross curricular links after the lesson
With what other possible subject areas will the student be able to link and utilize knowledge gained from the current lesson?
In Physics lessons they have been analysing energy issues like the “Energy preservation Principle”.
1) English Language lessons for English terminology. 2) Physical Education for healthier physical condition.
Learning Objective:
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum Be able to explain the nutritional properties of certain foods. Interpret the labels on the food packages.
Learning Outcomes: 1. Redefine their relationship with fast food. 2. Explain some of the health disorders that are derived from nutrition.
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
Some food in their packages (e.g. pasta or ham).
PC and projector
A table with the nutrients of some common food.
Software and Apps
Pictures of different human somatotypes and ages (e.g. thin, normal, fat, children, adults, etc.).
Image and presentation software
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning Students were notified that in the upcoming lessons we were going to extend our learning outcomes on the cell composition regarding food (tissues) composition. During the previous lesson, students were informed about the data-base for the composition of Greek food-stuff that exists ( and were navigated to some examples.
Key Vocabulary Proteins, Amino acids, Fats, Carbohydrates, Energy
Key competencies development: By the end of this lesson students will develop the following key competencies: Ability to find, use, share, create information. Argumentation (logical arguments, critical thinking). Basic principles of natural world.
O ut co m e nu m be r
Ti m Li e nk in to m Le in ar ut ni es ng
Teacher Activity
Resources P a g e 103 | 188
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Sa punem proiectele in programa Objectives & Outcomes, Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Strategies Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Sensitization. Present pictures of different kinds of meals
Connection with previous lessons
1, 2
Distribute packaged foodstuff
Students write down on a table (or a spreadsheet) the nutrients quantity, written on the package (per 100g of foodstuff)
The package or the web-page of the product.
Give to groups of 4 students a popular recipe
Calculate the nutritional value of the meal
Calculator or PC with spreadsheet software (e.g. Excel)
1, 2
Present the nutritional requirements of an adolescent
Compare the requirements with the nutritional value of the meal they are dealing with
Each group presents and comments the results obtained
Sum up the results and comments of each team. Ask for final conclusions
Give their conclusions
Personal questions
Pictures from magazines or from the web Personal questions
Home Learning/Homework Educational material about the human digestive tract and digestive procedure
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Data from relevant books or web databases for nutritional issues
Let’s put the project into the curriculum
LESSON EVALUATION What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
Why should I have proteins in my meal?
Biology/ Cell Biology
Evaluator Michail Filioglou - teacher
Evaluation At the end of the lesson, the teacher collects all the working tables of the students (or the files on the pc). He/she checks the calculations and the conclusions written. Teaching & Classroom Management This can be estimated by the degree of involvement of each student in the team work, the speed of the result production and the analysis of the conclusions drawn. Planning & Subject Knowledge By encouraging all students to express their opinions and previous knowledge on the beginning and the end of the procedure. By making more laboratory work, like nutrient analysis or preparing their own meals during the lesson.
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
2 LESSON PLAN Lesson Topic Eat up
Vocabulary connected with food 10th grade Highschool Nouns
Teacher Constantina Feleskoura
Curriculum Links
Reading for gist, scanning, skimming Watching videos about nutritional values of food
Context Project Name
eTwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
The students will use information and knowledge gained in the previous lessons where they discussed photos with their habits and their food choices and they will use the material already uploaded on the eTwinning platform.
Links with future lesson(s)
Students will be able to use appropriate vocabulary to describe traditional food from their country.
Cross curricular links before the lesson
From what other subject areas will the student draw knowledge from in completing the assigned tasks of the current project? Project History Biology Civil Education
Cross curricular links after the lesson
With what other possible subject areas will the student be able to link and utilize knowledge gained from the current lesson? Biology
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
Learning Objective: This project aims to sensitize students to have breakfast and to make healthy choices, to realize how important it is to eat healthy in order to live and grow up healthy, to form the habit of choosing healthy dishes throughout the day, work in groups in order to find and categorize food, understand vocabulary connected with food, be able to use ICT tools and realize that learning can be fun.
Learning Outcomes: The plan is an attempt to construct a holistic project-based lesson thatcombines all 3 domains (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor) in thelearning procedure. More specifically the students will be able to 1. apply existing or new-gained knowledge and forms of English language effectively (cognitive domain) . analyse the content and structure of articles or videos . organize content . explore visual language . criticize each other’s work . evaluate 2. In the affective domain . collaborate on a common outcome . communicate . express their ideas and choices in an effective way . argue on topics of common interest . create their own material as a means of expression . enjoy 3. In the psychomotor domain . use ICT as a means of communication, source of information, expression and creativity
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
Materials, presentations, educational movies, resources needed etc.
Software and Apps
Online articles and videos that are supposed to be used in the lesson are given to the students to study at home (flipped classroom)
School computers, Projector
They have already worked on tagul clouds in eTwinning projects. P a g e 107 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning In the last lesson the students were presented the Greek National Nutrition Guide ( in which they studied general nutrition rules and tips in Greek and examples of Greek traditional dishes and their ingredients. The key vocabulary of the new lesson was the one not understood or learned in this previous lesson.
Key Vocabulary Digestion, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nutrients
Key competencies development: By the end of this lesson students will develop the following key competencies …. Competence in foreign language Competence in processing information and use of ICT Competence in social skills Cultural and artistic competence Autonomy and personal initiative
Link to LearningOutcome number
Teacher Activity
Objectives & Outcomes, Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Ask students to think about their favourite dishes and for each dish create a cloud by with its ingredients.
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Learner Activity Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Learners work in groups. Each group has to create their own option so they all have a different context (dish) to
Assessment Strategies
Resour ces
Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Ask students to form groups and assign roles.
Vocabular y manual (Let’s talk about food project material)
(The students change roles in each lesson.)
Let’s put the project into the curriculum work on.
Ask students to do the quiz (the test part)
The teacher coordinates the groups.
Class computers Dictionari es
Ask the students to read the following articles le/5528-a-guide-to-eatinghealthy-with-the-food-pyramid -happens-when-kids-dont-eatbreakfast-33311 or watch the videos
(each group is assigned to talk about one article or video according to their skills)
The students’ roles are:
Class computers
Leader (coordinator)
Dictionari es
Secretary (keeps notes) Spokesperson (talks to the whole class)
Artist-ICT Expert
and compare what they have learned with the following picture from the Greek Nutrition Guide for teenagers.
(helps with the computer work) Spy (communicates to his group what other groups do, takes pictures)
Share your findings. (Speaking in class)
Fill in the self-evaluation sheet.
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
Home Learning/Homework Ask the students to prepare their healthy weekly planner using, PowerPoint or Slideshare.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
3 LESSON EVALUATION What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
Eat up
Evaluator English teacher. Constantina Feleskoura
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression The lesson is being used as feedback for the following lessons so the students have to evaluate the other teams work in order to do the activities in the following lessons in which they decide on traditional dishes to be presented on the eBook for the Let’s talk about food project. The students fill in a self-evaluation sheet the last 5 minutes of the lesson. Teaching & Classroom Management How has your planning and teaching created an environment that facilitates positive behaviours, highly conducive to learning? The students formed the groups of their choice, the theme of the lesson has been decided by the students during the first lessons in September among others when they had answered a quiz on their interests. Planning & Subject Knowledge The students could explain the rules and the asked outcome to each other as a means of avoiding errors and misconceptions. The students might choose to record home videos cooking with their group the healthy dish of their choice or draw posters and present their work to another class or the school teachers.
Next Steps in Learning P a g e 111 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa The plan is an attempt to construct a holistic project-based lesson that integrates English, Biology, History and Civil Education.
Lesson Evaluation Sheet
Name ......................................................................................................................................
Group ...................................
1 NO
Was it easy to decide on the roles in your group and work with each other? How much did you like your work on the tagul cloud presentation? What was your vocabulary quiz score? Did you have enough time to do the work assigned to you? How much about your daily food choices have you learned today?
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
3 LESSON PLAN Lesson Topic Graphs use onExcel.
Curriculum Links
ICT – Excel
Create Charts with Excel.
Teacher Georgia Kotsianidou
Context Project Name
eTwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
Design a table of income and expenses of a family for a week.
Links with future lesson(s)
Creating Pie Charts that will be used in subsequent courses to more advanced Charts.
Cross curricular links before the lesson
In the course of the Civil Education, students are involved in the family budgetand the calculation of the family income and expenses. In mathematics graphics are presented.
Cross curricular links after the lesson
1) Projects, result presentation. 2) Mathematics, graphs presentation.
Learning Objective: Calculation of horizontal and vertical sums. Create Pie Chart.
Learning Outcomes: P a g e 113 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa 1. Familiarization with the functions. 2. Ability to read a graphic pie shaped representation.
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources PC and projector
Paper Plan Image and presentation software
PC for every students Excel
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning Students learned about spreadsheets. How to manage cells, to write and choose an area with data. In addition, they were presented graph examples. .Students were noticed that in the upcoming lessons we were going to extend our learning outcomes on the cell composition towards the foodstuff (tissues) composition.
Key Vocabulary Spreadsheet, cells, functions, graphs
Key competencies development: By the end of this lesson students will develop the following key competencies: -
Ability to create graphs.
Ability to interpret graphs Ability to find, use, share, create information. Argumentation (logical arguments, critical thinking). Basic principles of natural world.
Link to LearningOutcome number
Time in minutes
Teacher Activity
Learner Activity
Objectives & Outcomes, Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Introduction to the course objectives
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Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Assessment Strategies Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
Resources e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Several types of graphs.
Let’s put the project into the curriculum Sensitization. Presents pictures of different kind of meals
Pictures from magazines or from the web
Connection with previous lessons
1, 2
Share among the students the lesson plan with the exercise.
Students create a table on excel
Paper plan.
Calculation of vertical and horizontal sum.
Use of function SUM
1, 2
Select the cells with the data to create the chart.
Data from the table.
Selection of the appropriate type of the pie graph. Set the display of the data table in the chart area. Display of the rates and the chart title
Create Charts
Personal Questions
Express their conclusions
Personal questions
3’ 10’
Personal questions
Home Learning/Homework Graphs and their interpretation. Educational material about the human digestive tract and digestive procedure
P a g e 115 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
LESSON EVALUATION What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
Γραφικές Παραστάσεις στα έξοδα της εβδομάδας. Why Biology/ Cell Biology should I have proteins in my meal?
Evaluator The teacher
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression Students are assessed for achievement of the intended learning outcome by the degree of -
Presenting their results to the class.
Drawing conclusions during the summing up of the results.
By the end of the lesson, the teacher collects all the files on the pc. He/she checks the calculations and the conclusions written. Teaching & Classroom Management This can be estimated by the degree of involvement of each student in the team work, the speed of the result production and the analysis of the conclusions drawn. Planning & Subject Knowledge By encouraging all students to express their opinions and previous knowledge on the beginning and the end of the procedure. By making more laboratory work.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
THEME: “FIT FOR LIFE” Project Topic Let’s talk about food – eTwinning project
Project Activity Topic Nutrition in students life
Country: Romania
Number of 2 lessons
Romanian Language and Literature
Bora Mihaela
Sciences/ Education for Health
Foreign Languages
Bora Tony
Project Activity (summary): Students are updating the knowledge about the healthy-junk foodgives, students the opportunity to discuss what they know about nutrition and healthy eating. They watch a documentary that gives them an accurate description of what it means to eat healthfully and why they should pay attention to what they eat.Learning words and expressions to fill in Google spreadsheet, using Padlet and Twinspace.Ranking different activities and habits in order of importance. Stating own ways to keep fit and healthy. Listening to nutrition 101, reading a label with nutritional values of some foods, summarising the information and prompt discussion in groups.Their own, regional and national eating habits. Creating a social media page on the most nutritious diet. Create a poll on the class Facebook page.Finding out the beneficial food and healthy nutrition and their influence on our health, learning reading labels, writing articles by using Microsoft Publisher
Inter-subject connections: Romanian Language & Literature and Education for Health – using vocabulary on Tasty food and its benefits in further P a g e 117 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa English and ICT – topic related nutrition, writing articles about healthy life– using Microsoft Publisher and Q.R. Code generator
1 LESSON PLAN Lesson Topic “Tasty” food vocabulary-Topic related
Curriculum Links
Romanian Language and Literature – teacher Nedelcu Florentina
11 D
GENERAL COMPETENCIES: -Make students aware of their own cultural baggage. -Stimulate students to have an open mind when regarding other cultures, and in particular when regarding the target culture (values and beliefs).
Sciences/Health Education- teacher Bora Mihaela Ileana
-Give different interpretations of ‘multi-cultural’, ‘crosscultural’ and ‘trans-cultural’ -Stimulate the dialogue on cultural aspects between students and thus stimulate the creation of a ‘third culture’ LANGUAGE COMPETENCES:increasing the knowledge of lexical peculiarities of the Romanian language; COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCES: comparing and analyzing various problems in texts and when participating in dialogues and discussions
Context Project Name
E-twinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
During the previous lessons,the cross-curricular unit enabled students to extend their understanding of current health and nutrition issues through a series of investigative tasks.
Links with future lesson(s)
This knowledge is important for the students for their preparation for the State Exams in Romanian language and literature –improving their vocabulary.This knowledge is necessary for the students in the classes in Romanian language and literature in the study provided for in the curriculum for all classes, literary texts and also when debates
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum and discussions are held related to humanitarian issues. Cross curricular links before the lesson
Information technology - in previous classes skills have been built for working with smartphones / tablets and doing tests in Mentimeter.
Cross curricular links after the lesson
Biology and health education – skills to extract information and public speaking will be used during the classes, which have been formed during the classes in Romanian language and literature. Information technology –the homework assignments and materials from the lesson in Romanian language and literature will be used in the exercises in information technologies that are related to input, edit and format of text publication. English-writing articles that will compare, analyse healthy food-junk food
Learning Objective: Students will: -explain what it means to “Eat Real;” -describe the health and ecological benefits of eating more whole foods and fewer overly processed foods; -list foods that are whole, foods that are minimally processed (changed a little), and foods that are overly processed (changed a lot)
Learning Outcomes: Studentswill: 1.
Learnabouttheimportance of food in othecultures.
Food groups, and use the information gathered to plan a varied and healthy snack menu
Learnthehistory of foodandwhyweeatwhatweeat.
Learntheetymology of thenames of foodsfromothercountries
Explain how the body takes up and utilises nutrients;
Analyse the factors that influence the production and consumption of food
Reflect on own role in providing nutritional advise to promote health.
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
Field/classroom exercises, quizzes, expert-led sessions, lectures,
tablets, smartphone, P a g e 119 | 188
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Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa internet webpages.
computer, Interactive board,Software and Apps
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning Questioning • Asking questions to assess children’s starting points, in order to be able to adapt learning and teaching activities appropriately to meet children’s needs.
Using thinking time and talk partners to ensure all children are engaged in answering questions.
Observing • Watching children and listening to their discussions to assess their learning as it is happening. • Making planned observations of particular children to support their learning in the lesson Carrying out sustained feedback with individuals or groups of children to identify the progress that has been made and to plan future learning.
Key Vocabulary Tasty; healthy food; junk food
Key competencies development: Use sources of information (meaning, structure, visual and grapho-phonic information) and prior knowledge to make sense of a range of texts • use processing and some comprehension strategies with some confidence • develop the ability to think critically about texts, • begin to monitor, self-evaluate, and describe progress Thinking e.g. planning and, reflecting • Using language, symbols and texts e.g. collecting, interpreting and presenting data • Making good use of resources • Relating to others e.g. carrying out interviews • Participating and contributing e.g. contributing constructively to pair and group work, making a presentation
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
Link to LearningOutcome number
Time in minutes
Learner Activity
Objectives & Outcomes, Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Assessment Strategies Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
Resources e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Introduction. Presenting the purpose of the lesson through slides in a presentation.
Listen and record the topic
PowerPoint presentation
Updating of the knowledge about the healthy-junk foodgives students the opportunity to discuss what they know about nutrition and healthy eating. They watch a documentary ?v=f78L_quecfM that gives them an accurate description of what it means to eat healthfully and why they should pay attention to what they eat.
They are engaged in Updates their conversation . knowledge through conversation.
PC multimedia tablets / smartphones.
Assessment vocabulary
food Answer questions from the test using their tablets / smartphones
Presenting the subject as tasks for practical work during the lesson : Nutrition concepts and Vocabulary .In this activity, students complete a worksheet that uses words to reinforce some of the nutrition concepts
They listen and record the topic
Checks the statistical information on the student responses. The overall results are commented and the the correct answers are analyzed if any gaps are identified
PC multimedia tablet / smartphone
Presents the Marker , importance board of the subject to create socially significant competencies to the P a g e 121 | 188
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Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa presented in the reading.
Discussion of the task, several students read the information notes they have written.
Students read the text they have completed.
Provides assessments and recommendat ions.
The task is to upload the texts in the TwinSpace forum on the project "Let’s talk about food" and shared in Pallet-and the forum.
Students write down the homework in their notebooks.
Gives instructions. Writes the theme of the homework on the board. А discussion and а Padlet discussion have been created where students can upload their work from the lessons in Information Technologies .
Lesson evaluation and individual grading
Students evaluate their work and are graded
PC Mentimeter
Home Learning/Homework 1. Homework – creating presentations in Twinspace using Microsoft Publisherfor the project eTwinning project 'Let's talk about food' will be used in classes of ICT, biology and health education, chemistry and English. 2. All the ‘’tasty words’’ will be implemented in the English class.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
LESSON EVALUATION What was successful/not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
“Tasty” food vocabulary
Romanian Language and Literature Sciences
Evaluator Nedelcu Florentina- teacher Popa Diana Adriana- principal
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression All students have worked on the task .. - compiling information note. This is evident from the comments of the students during the discussion of the assignment. Proof of the high performance of the students is the 100 percent implementation of the homework . Homeworks are tested and evaluated . The good lesson planning and the role of the teacher in the overall organization and implementation of the lesson is of particular importance for the excellence in teaching the students. The good communication between all parties involved in the training stimulates students' interest, their research and creative activities. Thus, the objectives are realized and skills are developed, and key social skills are built. The project is useful to involve students in school life and to build cross-curricular connections. An atmosphere of trust and a sense of community in the classroom were created. Putting practical problems to students gave them the opportunity for self-expression and active participation in the learning process. Planning & Subject Knowledge Various interactive technologies are used in orderto optimize the work and to improve classroom activity: use of educational mobile applications, TwinSpace, sharing in Padlet.
Next Steps in Learning
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Sa punem proiectele in programa The conversion of the student into an active participant in the learning process. Use of interactive forms and methods of training. Individual approach in placing assignments to students with learning difficulties and outstanding students. Learning through cooperation
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
2 LESSON PLAN Lesson Topic Fit for Life
Curriculum Links
English Language Teacher- Stanusi Laviniea ICT / Teacher Bora Tony Iuly
11 D
Competences: enriching vocabulary on Healthy lifestyle, healthy eating Topic 2 Nutrition
Context Project Name
eTwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
Students have watched a video on nutrition 101 and should know about bad habits that affect their health and how to change them
Links with future lesson(s)
Knowledge about a proper basic nutrition
Cross curricular links before the lesson
Education for Health– using data for the nutritional value some food and foodstuff, using charts, calculating percentage, analyzing data Chemistry – knowledge about the structure and properties of the substances ICT – skills for work with apps, making charts and Power Point presentation. Romanian Language and Literature – presenting their work written and orally.
Cross curricular links after the lesson
Romanian Language and Literature – creating a questionnaire Physical Education – analyze their food intake, healthier choices during different physical exercises Biology – functioning of the digestive system of a human
Learning Objective: At the end of the unit students will plan and practice, using ICT tools, strategies for healthy life, will know the nutritional value of some foods, will know how to keep fit; will be able P a g e 125 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa to talk about diets, state their needs for optimal physical and mental function – give reasons for choosing different foods and the way for preparation of their favorite traditional dishes. Students will promote their wellbeing. Along with acquired information they will understand how media and important people in community influence life out of a classroom, to learn and practice healthy eating in order to perform well at school, and for proper growth and development
Learning Outcomes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Develop awareness of vocabulary features. Create a padlet for a healthy diet. Talk about nutritional value of some foods. Feedback data to the rest of the class Use Internet as a source for searching information related to the topic. Create a poll on class Facebook page: The food we eat in order to be fit and healthy. Give advice for optimal physical and mental wellbeing Share photos on going green- growing our food
Pre Lesson Preparation 1. Student’s book B2+ 2. Workbook B2+ 3. Dictionaries
ICT Resources Smartphone PC
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning In the previous lessons students read a text about planet issues, organic foods, impact on the environment, the increase in life expectancy. They searched information on what should be done in order to lead a healthy life. Students give positive or negative opinions on the habits they have which could possibly affect their health and what they should do to change
Key Vocabulary Words and phrases connected with nutritional value of food, its preparation; nutritious substances in food to keep fit
Key competencies development: By the end of this lesson students will develop the key vocabulary concepts: English related to nutrition education, to notice patterns in vocabulary, to keep a record of new words Sciences: basic terms, processes, use of basic chemicals & substances and their characteristics Competences: ICT – creating polls;using data from polls to create a presentation for the food diets. Competencies: Romanian Language and Literature – using relevant, grammatically correct Page 126 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum questions, expressing opinion, reasoning and giving advice. Key concepts to develop their active healthy way of life and assessing the problems, connected with the effect of life and nutrition on the person’s health; forming an adjustment for a life in conformity with the laws of nature; realizing one’s personal responsibility for protection of one’s personal health. Skills for learning – independent research, oriented guided inquiry for information from various sources. Digital competencies – searching, processing, creating outcomes using ICT tools and presenting information. Social and civil competencies – presenting their outcomes from different activities to audience.
Link to Learning Outcome number
Teacher Activity
Objectives & Outcomes, Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Introducing the topic. Presenting the aims of the lesson as an extension of the previous lesson. Checking their homework
Learner Activity Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Assessment Strategies Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
Listen and write down the topic.
Asking the class questions about the main aim.
Read their homework. Write on the whiteboard some to prompt discussions
Summarising the most frequently given advice.
b, f
Ranking different activities and habits in order of importance. Stating own ways to keep fit and healthy.
Give opinion and back-up with reasons/ verify.
Summary and discussion on the topic.
Looking up for newly formed words connected to the topic.
Comparing the meaning of the words
b, c, e, h
Dietary concepts, vegetarian debate, in student`s book and youtube nutrition 101
Writing explanation illustrating the meaning of the words. Listening to nutrition 101, reading a label with nutritional values of
Analyse, discuss, helping, assisting,
Resources e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Oral presentati on
https://ww .com/watc h?v=Yrb2 xBLX-nI LCD projector a poll created on class Facebook page Student’s book
Student’s book LCD projector P a g e 127 | 188
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Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa some foods, summarising the information and prompt discussion in groups 5
f, h
Their own, regional and national eating habits. Creating a social media page on the most nutritious diet.
Conclusion giving summary of the lesson and explaining students’ homework.
supervising in order to increase students’ knowledge on nutrition Writing, asking questions using phrases rich in, high in, low in, baked, fried, raw, vegans are..., organic food is... to use key concepts
Create a poll on the class Facebook page
Write down their homework
Home Learning/Homework Homework to write articles on eating habits in their country during their ICT classes, using ICT tools and present them in the class. In the forum on Twinspace of the project, using their accounts, they can get information about the healthy traditional foods and images. Using the information students will design their article in the next ICT class using Microsoft publisher.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
LESSON EVALUATION What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
Fit for Life
English Language Education for Health
Evaluator Stanusi Laviniea – a teacher in English Popa Diana Adriana - principal
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression Will explain strategies and ideas on healthy lifestyle. Students will increase their knowledge about health and concepts related to nutrition education. All the students worked in a process of oriented guided inquiry environment, polls were created, there was a constructivist learning experience; risks and gains of diets for people were made clear. Students have an opportunity for active learning, an opportunity for reflection through or writing a response. Abstract concepts are taught using concrete examples and students are given an opportunity to explore real-world connections. Students are given an opportunity to process information verbally by summarizing in their own words, writing articles, discussing, or explaining something to others. Teaching & Classroom Management The lesson plan provided a means to determine if the lesson’s objectives were met by each student. The facts to be learned were clearly stated, with strategies for learning them. Students were helped with attention to details. Information was presented visually by making use of youtube nutrition 101, writing key words on the board. The whole process is meant to discover connections in the real world. Planning & Subject Knowledge To provoke cognitive interest of the students and improve the quality of classroom – a number of various interactive techniques are envisaged: team work, discussion. Planning takes time but if we give students tools and guidance their outcomes are possible. ICT Literacy- students use tools to research, organize, communicate information and create new products by using it.
Next Steps in Learning
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Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa Students will have a chance to do something independently, to carry the activity further and apply learning in a personal way. They may choose to develop a project in eTwinning about health.
THEME: - HEALTHY FOOD AT MEALS Project Topic Let’s talk about food – eT project
Project Activity Topic Healthy food at meals
Number of Number of lessons of lessons this specific 25 set. 15
Name of the teachers/subject
List of the subjects used in this set.
Science, English, multimedia languages
Science, Art, English, Multimedialanguages
Project Activity (summary): Educate students to choose and have correct food through the construction of personal reflection paths
Inter-subject connections: 1st phase: each student develops a content through the analysis of scientific and graphic documents 2nd phase: correcting and sharing students’ papers 3rd phase: Reworking of the material into a unitary product 4th phasePresentation and dissemination of experience.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
1 LESSON PLAN Lesson Topic Review and sharing of the works
Curriculum Links
Multimedia languages (ICT)
Italian, Science, English
Context Project Name
Etwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
How can skills and knowledge acquired in previous lessons (of this specific lesson set) be utilized in this current lesson?
Links with future lesson(s)
The individually acquired knowledge of a content is shared among students and then by them reworked with the control of teachers.
Cross curricular links before the lesson
Language and scientific competences
Cross curricular links after the lesson
The methodological approach used for this lesson set is also usable in any other thematic area and subject tbut it is particularly useful to build a cross-disciplinary knowledge and competence.
Communication languages
Learning Objective: The student acquires a content that, developed in ICT mode, allows him to pass it to the class group and to the curricular experience of the school
Learning Outcomes: By the end of this lesson students will be able to: Acquire new ICT competences through the interactive use of technological devices (multimedia P a g e 131 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa interactivity)
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
Materials, presentations, educational movies, resources needed etc.
Hardware equipment you will need for this lesson: Tablets, smartphone, notebooks, Interactive board.
Introductory training lessons on the use of software and apps to be adopted. Building the logical connections needed to build interactivity.
Software and Apps: Mentimeter, Power point, Ispring.
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning This lesson contains interventions of correction of the materials elaborated in the previous lesson with the active participation of the class group.
Key Vocabulary Words needed to construct paths of different interactivity aimed at a single outcome
Key competencies development: By the end of this lesson students will develop the following key competencies: -
Acquisition of skills of analysis and synthesis
Ability to deliver content
Ability of expression by means of multimedia languages
Link to LearningOutcome number
Time in minutes
Learner Activity
Objectives & Outcomes, Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Descriptions of Objectives , contents and intended outcomes
Division of tasks in accordance to students’ interest
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Assessment Strategies Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
Resources e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Etwinning platform
Let’s put the project into the curriculum Giving tasks and making work groups
and motivation
Teaching the use of technological tools 2hs
Making all students actively participate in all the activities.
Ispring Mentimeter
Mutual support Correcting works in term of contents and language 1h
Involving learners in reworking their works
Interactive board help from the teacher of Science and English
Assembly of the revised work according to a path of interactivity Uploading the lesson on a platform
Encouraging students to present the output to other students or classes
Etwinning platformTwinspace Dissemination of the output
School Website
Home Learning/Homework Simulation exercises of software and apps usage.
P a g e 133 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa
LESSON EVALUATION What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
Healthy food at meals
Evaluator Project team, students‌
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression The achievement of the intended outcome has been measured through process and result tracking questionnaires The success standard is given by the increase between process monitoring and result tracking How do you and your pupils know they have ALL made rapid progress? Again, how are you measuring these outcomes? The monitoring results are open to students. Teaching & Classroom Management The students take part as protagonists at all stages of building the project activities Planning & Subject Knowledge Through process monitoring, students' learning difficulties are highlighted and the teacher can modify the methodological pathway. How could you develop imaginative and creative approaches to further match individual needs and interests? Students themselves propose iconographic material, share it, and work it in a shared and autonomous way.
Next Steps in Learning At the end of the lesson students have achieved new steps in the process of learning in terms of self-research and analysis, coordination and team-work and digital skills Page 134 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum
Project Topic Let’s talk about food – eT project
Project Activity Topic Topic of the activity from the project outline.
Country: Turkey
Number of 3 lessons
Barbaros AYDIN
Neslihan SAVCI
Project Activity (summary): Through the lessons we teachers try to adept to project into our national curriculum with activities such as questionnaires, essay and logo, competitions,discussions ,writing,speaking and reading activities in these set of lessons.
Inter-subject connections: In English pupils can talk about more confidently and fluently abouthealthy eating habit and life style.They can read,write,and speak about the issue In Science pupils learnt the nutritional values of different types of foods like vegetable,fruit,celeries,pulses.Also they learnt healthy eating habits. In ICT they learnt to create charts and diagrams and they convey the information about this topic in the previous lessons to these charts and diagrams
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Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Sa punem proiectele in programa
Curriculum Links
Science Teacher Barbaros AYDIN
Determine healthy, nutritious choices as opposed to those that are unhealthy choices
Context Project Name
E-twinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
In the previous lessons,they have learnt to classify the food as carbohydrates,protein,fat,vitamin,mineral and water
Links with future lesson(s)
In the subsequent lessons,they will learn how foods are formed in photosynthesis and splinter in respiration
Cross curricular links before the lesson
In ICT pupils have learn to prepare graphs on exul. And prepare graph about nutritional values of foods. In English, they learned the relevant terminology. In Physical Education, they learnt how to keep fit.
Cross curricular links after the lesson
In Turkish language they wrote an essay about healthy reespes In ICT, they prepared advanced chart and graphs about foods.
Learning Objective: 1. To help students learn the importance of nutrition in keeping them healthy. 2. To be able to name healthy foods. 3. To learn about the food ……
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum 4. To learn difference between vegetable and fruit. 5. To identify five basic food greps and give examples of each. 6. To learn about digestive system.
Learning Outcomes: 1. To distinguish between healthy and unhealthy meals. 2. To learn about the nutrients contained in different foods. 3. To identify the parts of the digestive system. 4. To learn about the process of digestion. 5. To understand what healthy, balanced meals consist of. 6. To learn why a balanced diet is important to one’s health. 7. To identify the parts of the mouth. 8. To learn the importance of good oral hygiene.
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
Show united streaming video on food groups and choices. Daily food choices for healthy living.
Interactive board, internet access
Students: Paper, chart paper, pencils, markers, newspaper ads from grocery stores; glue
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning Teacher asked some questions to evaluate prior learning of students about nutrition, healthy eating habits. They started discussion by holding a candy bar and an apple and asks the students which do they think is better and healthier they were applied a pre-learning rubric.
Key Vocabulary Digestive system, nutritious, food, vegetable, fruit, healthy food
Key competencies development: By the end of this lesson students will develop the following key competencies …. 1.
Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy meals. P a g e 137 | 188
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Sa punem proiectele in programa 2.
Learn about the nutrients contained in different foods.
Identify the parts of the digestive system.
Learn about the process of digestion.
Understand what healthy, balanced meals consist of.
Link to LearningOutcome number
Learner Activity
Time in minutes
Teacher Activity
10mi n
Tell students that they will be discussing healthy and unhealthy food.Assess their prior knowledge by asking the class who ate something healthy today
They talk about their thoughts one by one
Draw a chart showing different food groups on to the board and let them analyse it
They analyse the chart.
Discuss the nutritional value of each food group,show a video of food groups and choices
Pupils express their opinions and watch the video
Discussion Monitoring the students.
Show them a blank food pyramid and have them fil in the pyramid proper foods
Put the foods in the proper group Define and give an example of each food group
Objectives & Outcomes, Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Vegetables, chocolate, chips, cocies, fruits, cola and etc.
Home Learning/Homework 1. Have them prepare a healthy lunch. 2. Have them create a graph about nutrition values of foods.
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Interactive white board,poster
Interactive boards
Let’s put the project into the curriculum 3. Have them make a song about healthy and unhealthy foods.
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LESSON EVALUATION What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
Food and Nutrition
Evaluator Teacher Barbaros AYDIN
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression Brain storming ,question answer and putting the food in the right boxes game Teaching & Classroom Management Establishing and communicating learning goals at the beginning of the lesson and providing feedback on those goals have made it clearer to understand the topic for the students. Planning & Subject Knowledge With the students’ feedback,the faults in the planning have been realised Individual differences were minimized using methods that addressed all areas of learning.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
2 LESSON PLAN Lesson Topic Cooking healthy food
Curriculum Links
Learning new language about healthy eating habits, healthy recipes, healthy food
Context Project Name
eTwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
In previous lessons students have read some reading passages about healthy food healthy life style that can be utilised in this lesson
Links with future lesson(s)
The skills and knowledge acquired in the current lesson like nutritional values of food, new vocabulary about healthy life style can be utilized at 9th grade English lessons.
Cross curricular links before the lesson
Science Students have learnt nutritional values of foods ,have seen some charts and diagrams both and ICT Students have learnt to prepare harts and diagrams on computer Thus they are already familiar to this topic thanks to these set of lessons
Cross curricular links after the lesson
Turkish Language- Students will write essays about having healthy eating habits and being welfare Physical Education –they will learn some exercises for maintaining healthy life. Science- They will be able to understand the English terms that they see in this lesson ICT-They create chart and diagrams with the information they have learnt in these set of lessons. P a g e 141 | 188
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Sa punem proiectele in programa Drama-They will shoot a video about obesity
Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson,students will demonstrate nutrition and wellness practises.They can use the related topic language more consciously and confidently in English language.Students will understand and demonstrate safe food preparation and storage techniques.Students will learn that selecting a balanced, healthy diet can be achieved through planning.Students will prepare and eat various healthy traditional meals.They can define the concepts of balanced and moderation as part of a healthy diet.They will understand and use critical thinking and practical reasoning skills to address food choices.
Learning Outcomes: By the end of this lesson students will be able to: 1. Understand the new vocabulary about healthy eating habits,healthy lifestyle etc. 2. Understand the concepts related to and connections between food choices,eating habits,activity and healthy growth. 3. Describe the steps to keep food safe in English. 4. Read English nutritional information on food packages. 5. Make healthier food choices when food shopping. 6.Write essay about healthy life style
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
Students book (Upturn in English)
Dictionaries PowerPoint slides.
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning In the previous lesson,we had the students make a research about healthy eating habits from the Net. They searched for the vocabulary that they can encounter in this unit.
Key Vocabulary New vocabulary related to food,healthy eating habits and life style ,nutritional values of foods such as cooking methods, digestion, nutritional values etc.
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Key competencies development: By the end of this lesson students will develop the following key competencies …. They can … -talk about healthy life standards in English -prepare charts and diagrams in ICT lesson with the information that they learnt in English and Science lesson. -have competence in foreign language.
Learner Activity
Time in minutes
Teacher Activity
Introducing the topic and expressing the aim of the subject
Control the students knowledge about the key vocabulary about the topic.
Draw a chart on the board about the classification of foods
Have them draw the chart on their notebooks and then discuss
Ask students their favorite meal. Write some of them onthe board.
Have them decide and discuss which of these meals contains healthy ingredients.
Objectives & Outcomes, Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Have a look at the unit’pages and try to understand the main idea of unıt. Finds the words that you don’t know related to subject.
Assessment Strategies
Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Asking the class questions about main idea.
Oral presentati on
Asking the students write down at least ten words. Asking the students assessing their eating habits according to this table Have them criticize their friends misconceptions.
Students book
Home Learning/Homework Have them make a research about healthy eating habits and healthy meal recipes. Have them write at least 5 healthy eating habit they already own. Have them write at least 5 healthy eating habits they learnt new. Have them write an essay about traditional healthy Turkish meals. Have them prepare a slideshow or shoot a video about obesity P a g e 143 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
LESSON EVALUATION What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
Cooking Healthy Food
Evaluator Neslihan SAVCI-English language teacher
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression Not all the pupils achieve the intended learning outcome. We can understand from the number of words they memorised at the end of the unit, whether they can talk or not about healthy eating habits in foreign language etc. Also, from the test and exams we applied during and at the end of unit. The students fills in the self-evaluation form at the end of each unit so that we can understand which of the objectives have been acquired or not. Teaching & Classroom Management To Support the proper curriculum execution,having a positive impact on students,achieving given learning requirements and goals; We use different types of teaching and classroom management techniques like working in groups of four,peer working and peer assessment,individual and group presentations and finally shooting videos of healthy recipes at school or home. Planning & Subject Knowledge New information is more easily learnt by relating it to the something that is already known .Thus we can prevent he misconceptions. Differentiation has notable impact Where appropriate,learners’ individual needs more accurately could be identified before and during the lesson and teacher could act more positively to meet these needs.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
Curriculum Links
ICT Teacher Serkan ARSLANTAŞ
Using Microsoft excel to plot a chart and graph
Context Project Name
eTwinning project ‘Let’s talk about food’
Links with previous lesson(s)
Students’ former knowledge acquired in previous lessons about computer using can be utilized in this current lesson
Links with future lesson(s)
Pupils will be able to prepare more advanced charts ,graphs on excel
Cross curricular links before the lesson
From what other subject areas will the student draw knowledge from in completing the assigned tasks of the current project? In Social Sciencies,they learnt how to plan a family budget In Science course ,students learnt nutritional values of food In English language lesson student learnt the specific terminology about healthy food and ICT terms.
Cross curricular links after the lesson
With what other possible subject areas will the student be able to link and utilize knowledge gained from the current lesson? After the lesson Pupils can prepare a bar graph about their family expenses in Social Sciences prepare a graph about nutritional values of various foods in Science prepare charts and graphs in Maths P a g e 145 | 188
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
Learning Objective: To understand how to use formulas on excel To be able to input information on excel Plot a chart from excel data table Use the chart wizard to create a chart Select proper chart for different data
Learning Outcomes: Pupil will be able to successfully use formulas on excel be able to input information on excel create a graph from the data they enter in their spreadsheet use spreadsheet vocabulary understand the terms like spreadsheet,data,cell etc.
Pre Lesson Preparation
ICT Resources
Microsoft excel
Teacher tablet, smartphone, desktop computers, Interactive board. Microsoft 11 excel software
Prior Learning / Assessment to inform planning We evaluate the students’ former knowledge about graph preparation on excel and their basic computer skills by asking some questions such as “How can I represent data?,Have you ever made charts or graphs on computer?,etc. to evaluate their previous knowledge about subject
Key Vocabulary Spreadsheet,data,graph excel
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Key competencies development: By the end of this lesson students will develop the following key competencies: Understand what a graph is. Understand when to use a graph. Understand how to prepare a graph on excel. Read and compare data shown on bar graphs and pie charts.
Link to LearningOutcome number
Time in minutes
LESSON STRUCTURE & DETAILED PLAN OF ACTIVITIES Teacher Activity Objectives & Outcomes,
Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation
Learner Activity
Introduction to the course objective Inform the class about what they will learn
Return to the interactive whiteboard and select next on chart wizard Explain that these can be used to check the chart area being graphed
Click on the title and enter a suitable name for the graph and show other details.
Get the class to spend 5 minutes to familiarising themselves with these menus
Explain that the class will now construct their own graphs from pre-loaded data sets in excel ,following the steps demonstrated in the introduction
Identify the techniques used to differentiate for ALL Learners
Assessment Strategies Used to Ensure Progress of All Learners
They see examples of graphs prepared on excel before
Resources e.g. TEL, Other Adults, Materials and Equipment
Computer excel software
The class will see that it has a submenu of titles like data tables ,data labels ,axes
Individual questions
Pupils prepare their own graphs on excel
Individual questions And teacher monitoring
Computer Projector Interactive white board excel
Home Learning/Homework Students will prepare a graph using the excel program about income of their family and nutritional values of the foods in their fridge
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LESSON EVALUATION What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on student progress?
Lesson Topic
Evaluation Pupil Learning & Progression We applied a self-assessment in the end of the lesson Teaching & Classroom Management To facilitate positive behaviours, highly conductive to learning We encourage small group effectiveness by clarifying the task,focusing on production ,modelling successful behaviour and monitoring progress. Planning & Subject Knowledge Letting students state their ideas How could you develop imaginative and creative approaches to further match individual needs and interests? By analysing and correcting current experiences
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Articles from the Conference New innovative approaches in teaching – how to implement schools projects into the curriculum 6 – 7 May 2017 Vidin, Bulgaria P a g e 149 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
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Effective Teaching Ideas for Modern Education Narcisa Mihaela Udrea Constantinescu – Romania Abstract: This article focuses on the need of being flexible and adapt our teaching methods to the needs of nowadays’ society. We live in a world of change and progress. Everything changes very quickly. As teachers, we have a huge responsibility. We are not only their learning partners, but also their examples. We are not the main source of information anymore. Our role is constantly changing. What we have to do now is to guide our students, to monitor their progress, to give a reliable feedback and encourage them to pursue their goals and dreams. The questions are: ”Are we able to replace our own methods of teaching with the new ones?” ”Are we able to be objective and criticise ourselves?” There are five suggestions that could help us: 1. Try to be objective and see things from a different perspective; 2. Adapt your methods; 3. Use your students’ digital knowledge; 4. Help your students to be teachers; 5. Be yourself a good learner. These few suggestions and a lot of work could help us improve our methods and become better teachers.
Effective Teaching Ideas for Modern Education ”Innovation”, ”invention”, ”discovery”, ”progress” are only some words which describe our daily reality. Every day we learn about different things. A modern device has been invented, it was designed an interesting appliance to make our lives easier, to beautify our houses or, simply, to help us relax; our mobile phones become smarter and smarter. They can do a lot of things by a simple touch or a vocal order. We are witnesses of a fast changing world. And we have to be flexible and to adapt ourselves in order to survive. As teachers, we have a huge responsibility. Working with people is one of the most challenging jobs in the world, working with children is even more difficult. We play an essential role into their lives and formation and we have to be aware of this reality and to improve ourselves and our teaching methods. We all choose some people to be our models or examples. But are we ready to become ones for our students? Are we able to see ourselves from another perspective, to be objective and criticise ourselves? It is essential to do it because we live in a world of progress. Nobody is perfect so all of us can improve something to himself/herself. The traditional approach puts the focus on the teacher. He/she is the most important in the classroom. He is the source of information, he is the source of examples, he is the master of all the activities. Most of us has grown being taught into this way. Maybe many years we taught using this method. Then new methods and approaches have been developed and we had the opportunity to experience some of them. Many teachers nowadays would say that they do not follow a single method. Most of them use different methods or principles from different methods according to the needs of their own students and classes. Most of us develop the so called ”personal methodology”.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum The most important thing is to be able to avoid our own assumptions about education such as: ”a lesson should last for about one hour”, ”mobile phones should be switched off during classes”, ”students come to school to learn and teachers come to school to teach”. Being open-minded and ready to change and experience new methods can be the key of success. I think it would be interesting to pay attention to only five ideas given in the book: ”10 ideas for 21st century education”. 1. Try to be objective and see things from a different perspective ”In a traditional classroom, students sit in rows at individual desks or small tables, facing the teacher. There’s a very good reason for this: they are designed so that teachers can efficiently transmit information to groups of students. This made sense when teachers were students’ most accessible information sources. But in an age in which wireless internet means we are literally surrounded by information, we no longer need students in rows facing the teacher. The pursuit of 21st century skills – collaborative problem-solving, IT, information and economic literacy – require 21st century teaching methods. The role of teachers can no longer be to impart knowledge but to guide, discuss and, of course, measure the progress of students so that they know when more support is needed. Today, innovative schools are designing classrooms for the pursuit of knowledge, rather than its conveyance, and even doing away with them altogether.” Maybe we cannot change our classrooms, but, at least, we can experience this new method of teaching sometimes and see how it could influence our students’attitude and feedback. 2. Adapt your methods ”In England, when we talk about a child with ‘special educational needs’, we are referring to a child with diagnosed learning difficulties. But the fact is that everybody has ‘special educational needs’: we approach problems in our own way, grasp concepts at our own pace, and respond differently to different kinds of feedback. Good teachers have always taken account of this, but the structure of conventional schools limits the extent to which they can personalise learning. In most schools everyone studies the same thing, at the same time, in the same way. What is personalised, generally, is how much they are expected to understand. This has come about because when one teacher is presenting material to a large class and then personally gauging how much of it each of them has learned to apply, there is not enough time to provide each student with a course of learning tailored uniquely to suit them. However, this is beginning to change, partly (though not entirely) because of digital technology.” Unfortunately, we do not have the time and the possibility to adapt our methods to each and every student but we can try to put more efforts into being more flexible and adapt our methods of teaching to each group of students. 3. Use your students’digital knowledge ”Imagine you have been given an urgent task to do at work which requires a bit of research. Unfortunately, you only have 60 minutes of scheduled computer access today, and it P a g e 151 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa doesn’t begin for another four hours. You have a smartphone, but you’re not allowed to use it in the building. What do you do? It seems obvious that any professional work produced in this context would be lacking in scope and accuracy. Technology has revolutionised our relationship with information in the real world, and we take for granted our ability to access it anywhere, at any time. This is even more pronounced for young people who have grown up with technology as an integral and ever-present part of their lives. Today’s students are natural investigators, researchers and synthesisers of information. These skills can be put to powerful use in any classroom: the days of IT as a discrete subject, taught at designated times in computer labs, are numbered.” If we have students who like using technology, why not using this into our own advantage? Why not to give them tasks which involve the use of technology? We can reach our goals easier and more pleasant. And the student will love our course. 4. Help your students to be teachers ”The job of a teacher is a challenging one, encompassing a diverse range of roles and responsibilities. But this does not mean that teachers have skills and qualities that belong exclusively to them: students, too, have long been informally inspiring, advising, supporting and offering a listening ear to their friends and classmates. Indeed, schools are beginning to recognise the potential of harnessing and developing these assets in order to help students to work in complementary ways alongside teachers, enabling them to play a more active part in shaping their own education and that of their peers.” Let yourself helped by your students. It will be a cooperation from which everybody will benefit. 5. Be yourself a good learner ”The challenges of the 21st century place demands on young people to be good learners. They need to be resilient learners, able to make mistakes and learn from them. To be independent learners, willing to take ownership of their learning. And to be flexible learners, ready to use different learning strategies to navigate and adapt to a rapidly changing world. If students are to achieve this they must have effective ‘teachers of learning’, who fully understand the process of learning – and the best way for teachers to achieve this is to become learners themselves.” From time to time switch your place with your students. Would you be satisfied by a teacher like you? What would you improve? Reflect to these questions and act accordingly! In conclusion, be yourself a good example, be flexible, adapt your methods to the needs of the new society. Try to be objective and take your time to meditate and change everything you are not satisfied with. We live in a world of change and we have to see the changes as ways to improve ourselves and our teaching methods not as obstacles in reaching our goals. Bibliography:
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum 1. Scrivener, Jim, ”Learning Teaching, A guidebook for English language teachers”, Macmillan, 2005; 2. Craig, John and Horne, Matthew ”10 ideas for 21st century education”, Innovation Unit Organization.
Using blended learning to enrich the teaching and learning process Prof. Vulea Georgeta, Colegiul Naţional ,,Carol I˝, Craiova, România Abstract:Personalized learning environments with the help of innovative digital resources, provide the most accurate educational opportunities for the students, transforming the teaching and learning process today into a more suitable environment to the students’ needs and interest. The quality of the blended and online learning opportunities prepare the students for further success in life. Using a competency-based approach, the blended and online opportunities activate higher levels of learning. Innovation in pedagogy is evolving simultaneously with the growth of the blended learning and its numerous adaptations as the online tools are associated with improved critical thinking, research, and computer skills generating a combination of flexibility, independence and experience,apart from providing clear instructions and expectations, and making use of appropriate media.
Using blended learning to enrich the teaching and learning process Personalized learning environments with the help of innovative digital resources, provide the most accurate educational opportunities for the students, transforming the teaching and learning process today into a more suitable environment to the students’ needs and interest. The quality of the blended and online learning opportunities prepare the students for further success in life. Using a competency-based approach, the blended and online opportunities activate higher levels of learning. Innovation in pedagogy is evolving simultaneously with the growth of the blended learning and its numerous adaptations as the online tools are associated with improved critical thinking, research, and computer skills generating a combination of flexibility, independence and experience,apart from providing clear instructions and expectations, and making use of appropriate media. The blended learning approach is flexible and adaptable allowing teachers to create instructional activities and assignments that offer students the opportunity to work collaboratively, in accordance with their interest and abilities. In addition, it stimulates the use of project-based and experiential learning through the facilities the blended models provide, giving students the opportunity to search for information, attend group work, and further develop projects that showcase their learning processes and outcomes.
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Sa punem proiectele in programa Numerous advantages are addressed by the blending learning system. It provides the most efficient and effective learning experience by combining different learning environments. On one hand blended learning provides professional development for teachers. Professional development isan essential element to the success of the blended learning initiatives. Apart from becoming technology “addicted” users and they develop their skills at technology integration in a blended environment. They become experts in managing the teaching process and personalizing learning. Furthermore, they find it easy to adapt and improve the curriculum by introducing IT resources and media for the development of the 21st century skills. Consequently innovative ideas are prone to emerge, leading to a higher quality of what and how it is taught to enhance students ‘learning outcomes. On the other hand, students benefit from many the many advantages the blended learning brings. Offering more than the face-to face instruction does, blended learning definitely boost motivation, being more attractive and easier to use. Students might use remedial resources and additional learning resources anytime, anywhere online having access to up-to-date learning opportunities, if desired. They are given direct experience and exposure to the technology applications which enable them to conduct research, analyze data, select, synthesizeand present information Students can work through a specific task or problem as often as they want, until they reach their learning goal. Being permanently encouraged to take responsibility for their own leaning, they are encouraged to practice more and improve their skills working in a more active collaborative environment which imply communication and creativity stimulation, having the possibility to form virtual groups for specific topics or specific levels of competence. Blended learning meets multiple challenges in relation with work assessment. A set of limitations may be identified when dealing with assessment and yet flexible solutions seem to be offered by the blended learning system. Although online, similarly to the traditional testing system feedback and assessment is provided to check the depth of students’ learning. The online tests make the grading more transparent by removing the subjectivity factor and are easier to register and yet there is no innovation when referring to the types of activities used to assess students. However, informal assessments of creative and collaborative work may be created to assess the high levels of critical thinking and creative skills. They are becoming more and more popular also because they allow transferability from one context to another. An important drawback of the informal assessment is that the blended assessment method will require extra efforts from the teacher who has to take into account the learning objectives, the progress and the feedback as students come from various backgrounds and the assessment should be created for each learning environment in order to obtain the best learning result. Therefore accurate and meaningful assessment remain subject to the teacher’s mastery level. Suitable to most of the learning theories, adaptable to any school level, flexible in combining methods, tools, assessment tools, capable of activating both low-level and high-levels of Page 154 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum thinking, blended learning remains open to almost any kind of blend and to all types educators. In conclusion, blended learning is becoming an increasingly popular form of e-learning, particularly suitable for use in the process of transition from traditional forms of learning and teaching towards e-learning.
Bibliography: [1] Bang,J. eLearningreconsidered.Haveelearningandvirtualuniversitiesmettheexpectations? [2] Besenyei,L.: A regionális fejlődésXXI.századiújszerűhajtóereje:a regionálistudáscentrum(Tudásalapútársadalom,Tudásteremtés–Tudástranszfer,Értékrendváltás IV.Nemzetközi(Jubileumi)KonferenciakötetI.31–38pp.Miskolc–Lillafüred,2003.május26-27.) [3]Carneiro,R.[2006]:Newknowledge,newlearningandcreationofvalue(Ariadne’sThread)http://www.elearninge [4] Davenport,T.H.– Prusak,L.:WorkingknowledgehoworganizationsmanagewhattheyknowHarvardBusinessSchollPressBoston,M assachusetts1999. [5] Ellis,Ryann(2004):Downwithboringe-learning!,ASTDLearningCircuits [6] Kruse,Kevin(2001):Whatare„synchronous”and„asynchronous”training,2001,e-
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"Integrating innovative teaching tools into the curriculum to optimize student learning" Olivia Nicolae Liceul „Charles Laugier”, Craiova, Romania Abstract:The current context of rapid changes within the socio-economic framework and the daily technological innovation utter the urgent need for an appropriate educational system and for common schools strategies which should include not only practical topics enriching thus the school curriculum and offer, but also new solutions and teaching tools which could facilitate a more life-oriented approach and perspective on what teaching and learning should be nowadays. The difficulty of the task is highly recognised, though, since the focus on academic performance and the pressure of the testing system tend to put an emphasis on the performance of the core subjects rather than on the 21st century skills and learning outcomes. Departing from such issues, new teaching approaches advocate the implementation of crosscurricular innovative tools to optimise the learning outcomes.
"Integrating innovative teaching tools into the curriculum to optimize student learning" The current context of rapid changes within the socio-economic framework and the daily technological innovation utter the urgent need for an appropriate educational system and for common schools strategies which should include not only practical topics enriching thus the school curriculum and offer, but also new solutions and teaching tools which could facilitate a more life-oriented approach and perspective on what teaching and learning should be nowadays. The difficulty of the task is highly recognised, though, since the focus on academic performance and the pressure of the testing system tend to put an emphasis on the performance of the core subjects rather than on the 21st century skills and learning outcomes. Departing from such issues, new teaching approaches advocate the implementation of cross-curricular innovative tools to optimise the learning outcomes. In order to tackle the present challenges and to anticipate possible problems, education should go beyond information seeking and students should acquire a set of essential skills, enabling them to rapidly integrate and evolve. Consequently, a deeper understanding of the learning outcomes is imperative and in accordance with the individual training needs, teachers should be able to boost students’ school-work transition and provide a new learning environment which offers the opportunity to forge dynamic relationships between teaching and learning. The necessity of increasing students’ awareness of their potential, of the skills they may use and develop in order to increase success in their life and for designing such contexts that provide guidance on how to best exploit those skills based on a personalized approach and on what actions students may undertake in order to reach their goals becomes essential. The focus turns on developing students’ creative confidence through projects that imply empathy, Page 156 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum encouraging brainstorming and fostering communication and, in addition, problem-solving skills as support for internalising and making meaning of the diverse interdisciplinary academic content. The reflective learning across all curricula enables the understanding of the relevance all subjects taught in school have and of their interdependence, leading to improved solutions and innovative tools to facilitate the process. Apparently difficult to achieve at the level of an educational organisation, collaboration among various institutions has recently generated several approaches with the purpose of bringing valuable change into the matter. Such an approach was implemented, for instance, within the framework of the strategic Erasmus+ project, Hard-Soft Skilling-Charting your Career Path, 2014-1-RO01-KA201002736_1 whose scope was the integration of hard and soft core transversal skills learning as part of the 14-19 year-old high-school students’ development in 8 European countries, by the use of appropriate methodologies and tools to facilitate the process. With the view to identifying the real issues high school education faces, a comparative study was conducted in eight partner countries as a basis for a pro-active approach. Its conclusions led to the solution of designing innovative teaching tools, mainly an optional course syllabus, a teaching toolkit and a teacher’s guide on the teaching and learning of transferable skills, accompanied by additional tools that provide the connection between academic learning and the labour market: a web directory containing links to job opportunities on the labour market, a career plan model, an online resume creator, an online learning platform and an android application in order to support the attempt to integrate the transferable skills into the current school activities. The idea of creating such tools was to maximize learning potential, encouraging students’ self-reflecting and critical thinking on how to use the hard soft skills to chart their career path, offering access to information and attitudes learners may personalize and use. Additionally, the activities foreseen as framework for testing and evaluating the tools were carried on by mixed international teams of teachers and students in different foreign countries as well as locally in each school involved in the partnership. How exactly were the tools and materials used? Briefly, as part of the curriculum of several subjects regularly taught in schools, but mainly as an optional course for high school students. The transversal skills development implies the use of flexible interdisciplinary approaches and teaching strategies rely on the use of active teaching methods: simulation, problem based learning, cooperation, role plays, games; critical thinking methods; experiential learning linked to concrete tasks; assessment as well as self-assessment using teaching strategies which allow individual, peer and group work. Different teaching techniques and learning tasks were incorporated and their selection was in relation to the topic addressed. The mixture of methods was selected according to the students’ age, interest and profile. The choice of units was meant to encourage learners to make thematic connections and at the same time to relate content to real life issues, efficiently managing the resources and the P a g e 157 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa intellectual processes. Recycling previous knowledge from various fields, primarily technology, languages and soft-skills, and mostly combining the information in a steam considered essential to gain access to the labour market facilitated permanent learning. Intended as a skill-based syllabus, it can be regarded as “multi-syllabus” as it integrates different elements of other study areas: entrepreneurship, language learning, cross-cultural aspects, personal development, etc., students could have an overall perspective upon Activating the pragmatic use of the knowledge, abilities and attitudes the students possess in real labour market contexts, the methodology implemented was based on skill development and know-how acquisition and practice, and less on the theoretical aspects. The combination of teaching methods belonging to the personal development field with those oriented towards the real labour market domain will, on one hand, reinforce personal strengths and motivation and, on the other hand, channel these valuable assets towards early career guidance and worker profile building. The modular organisation of the tools encourages entire course completion or, according to each participant’s interest and progress a selection of the relevant modules and tools, enhancing autonomy and personal initiative. In conclusion, the project promoted a core of teaching tools implemented as part of the school based curriculum in any school, either general or vocational and the project as a whole illustrates a necessity of introducing changes in the school curriculum and in the schools.
which could be easily irrespective of its type, new perspective on the training models used in
Bibliography 1. Andrews, Sudhir. 1988. How to Succeed at Interviews. 21st Reprint. Tata McGraw-Hill. New Delhi 2. Applegate, J.L., 1980, Adaptive Communication: A Study of Teachers’ Communicative Strategies’, Communication Education, 29, 158–170 3. Goleman, Daniel, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee. Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 2002 4. Hurlock, E.B (2006). Personality Development, 28th Reprint.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
Integrating ICT in the teaching-learning process Roxana Elena Budica, Liceul Charles Laugier, Craiova, Romania Abstract: This article presents theInformation and communication technologies (ICT) advantages and tools which can improve the teaching and learning process at schools. ICT have become common place entities in all aspects of life. Integrating ICT into teaching and learning is a growing area that has attracted many educators’ efforts in the recent years. ICT can change the traditional concept of learning process and the components of ICT should be integrated in the education program in such a way that teaching should be enabled to face the new demands and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of education at all levels in both formal and non-formal settings. Knowledge of ICT and ICT skills have gained tremendous importance for today’s teacher. ICT aims at transferring the old traditional paradigm of learning to the new paradigm of learning. Therefore, we must accept the new paradigm and technology in teaching learning process. Educational institutions need to develop strategies, plan to improve the teaching-learning process and ensure that all teachers are well prepared to use the new tools for boosting learning. Integrating ICT in the teaching-learning process 21st century is the age of Information and Communication Technology. All over the globe, there is a trend to use ICT in the teaching learning process. The teacher and learner must gain access to technology in order to improve learning outcomes. Educational reforms include successful designing and implementation of ICT in the teaching and learning process, which is the key to success. It involves the use of computers, computer software and other devices to convert, store, transmit and retrieve information and includes the services and application associated with them. ICT is an acronym that stands for: 1. Information-it covers the topics such as meaning and value of information; how information is controlled; the limitations of ICT; legal considerations; how data is captured, verified and stored for effective use; the manipulation, processing and distribution of information; keeping information secure and designing networks to share information. 2. Communication networks of sending and receiving equipment, wires and satellite links. 3. Technology-collection of techniques, knowledge of how to combine resources to produce the desired products, to solve problems and fulfill the needs; it includes technical methods, skills, processes, techniques, tools and raw materials. The integration of ICT in teaching learning covers multiple aspects:
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TECHNOLOGY LITERACY refers to basic digital literacy skills to use technology, the ability to select and use the appropriate software available including internet in computer laboratories or, in case of limited classroom facilities, to complement standard curriculum objectives, assessment approaches, lesson plans and didactic teaching methods, overall the ability to use ICT to manage classroom data and support their own professional development. KNOWLEDGE DEEPENING The ability to manage information, structure problem tasks, integrate open-ended software tools and subject specific applications by using student centered teaching methods and collaborative methods and projects to foster students’ deep understanding of key concepts and their application to solve complex world real problems; by using network resources to help students access information, communicate with experts to analyze and solve their selected problems and use ICT and by allowing teachers to create and monitor individual or group plans. KNOWLEDGE CREATION Designing ICT-based learning resources and environments to support the development of knowledge creation and students ‘critical thinking skills, along with students’ continuous reflective learning, often result in creating knowledge communities for students and colleagues. IMPACT IN THE CLASSROOM The opportunities to develop innovative teaching methodologies and to deploy more interesting material that create an interest in the students provide better management of the classroom and students by enabling the teacher to concentrate on other tasks such as research and consultancy, facilitate optimum utilization and sharing of resources among institutions thereby reducing the cost of implementing ICT solution and to find appropriate online resources that can be used offline or converted to a paper based resource.
ICT tools in classroom. A variety of tools may be used in the classroom amongst which: 1. Social networks Recent surveys found that 73 percent of online teens use social-networking sites. The evolving world of Internet communication (blogs, podcasts, tags, file swapping) offers students new ways to research, create, and learn. 2. Blogging for teachers and students, made easy Edublogs provide teachers and students with a lot of facilities. Edublogs are:
Safe and Reliable – Blogs can be completely private or open to the public. Since they only host education related content, Edublogs are allowed by most school filters where other blogging platforms are not. Student Friendly – It is as simple to add to and update a blog as it is to send an email. Teachers can easily create and manage as many student blogs as needed. Rich With Features – A few of the most popular features include discussion tools, video embedding, Facebook and Twitter integration and calendars. Research-Based – Engage students in their learning and enhance instruction through collaboration, student portfolios and endless classroom uses. 3. Wikipedia
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum Launched in 2001, Wikipedia represents a radical step in information access and availability. As writer and educator Will Richardson has noted, Wikipedia’s goal is nothing less than “collecting the sum of human knowledge” in a vast, constantly growing digital repository (60). Wikipedia in education - Wikipedia can also be a great educational tool in the classroom. Teachers can require students to improve Wikipedia articles or create new ones, which requires extensive research especially when creating new articles. Wikipedia is also very strict on citations; every line of text in the article has to have a citation. 4. Smart board Presentation tools are increasing in popularity for educators who want to share ideas and information with large or small groups of students. Interactive applications are in demand for educators who want to involve their students in learning with technology. The electronic interactive whiteboard is a device that combines both of these attributes; offering shared learning experiences for large or small groups, as well as for distance learning. In conclusion, integrating ICT in the teaching and learning process becomes imperative nowadays, not only as a modern and motivational factor but also as a challenging process which enhances the quality of education.
REFERENCES [1] Banks Frank (1994) .Teaching Technology. London: Routledge. [2] Biswas, P.C. (2002). Building ICT skills for Quality Teacher Education. University News, 40(50), 16-22. [3] Koehler Mathew,J., Mishra Punya (2005).What Happens When Teachers Design Educational Technology, The Development of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Journal of Education Computing Research, 32(2), 131-152. 2 [4] Use of specific ICT tools in education, 3
4 [6] ICT tools in classroom,
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Computer assisted learning Prof. Daniela-Veronica Radu ,, Gh. Ţiţeica’’ Secondary School, Craiova, Romania Abstract: The computer, a modern means of education, has become indispensable in modern education, being used by teaching staff in the teaching-learning process. The use of the computer in education has the great advantage of facilitating the transition from the passive accumulation of information by students to learning by discovery. They practically learn to learn, developing their cognitive skills and strategies they will use in various other situations. This brings a great deal of flexibility in learning and in stimulating students to get involved in the educational process and to become a teacher's partner within the classroom. The computer cannot replace the teacher, which remains an active living presence in communicating with students, and this relationship cannot be substituted by interactive lessons. The teacher remains the factor that brings personal, human resources into the educational process and engages with his entire personality in education. It is the teacher who establishes live communication with students through intuition, empathy, creativity and adaptability to the specifics of his pupils, and he is the one who shapes their characters. In this process, the computer is an additional tool used by the teacher, a tool that changes the traditional learning system and allows the removal of barriers in accessing information In the teaching process of the various disciplines: chemistry, physics, mathematics, geography, biology, psychology, Romanian language, educational programs are currently used on a large scale, meaning interactive lessons adapted to the age and classes. Thus, the computer is the one that provides the pupils with instruction, each lesson following some sequences directed by the teacher, who also sets the educational objectives. Bibliography: Ioan Cerghit, "Methods of Education", Polirom Publishing House, Iasi, 2006 Instruirea asistată de calculator Calculatorul, mijloc modern de educaţie, a devenit indispensabil în educaţia modernă, fiind utilizat de către cadrele didactice în procesul de predare-învăţare. Utilizarea sistemelor informatice a câştigat teren datorită virtuţilor foarte atractive pentru elevi, accesibilităţii pentru aceştia şi facilitării prezentării informaţiilor. Folosirea calculatorului în educaţie are marele avantaj de a facilita trecerea de la acumularea pasivă de informaţii de către elevi la învăţarea prin descoperire, ei învaţă să înveţe, dezvoltându-şi în acest mod abilităţile şi strategiile cognitive pe care le vor folosi şi adapta în diverse alte situaţii. Acest fapt aduce o mare flexibilitate în învăţare şi în stimularea elevilor de a se implica în procesul educaţional şi de a deveni parteneri ai profesorului în cadrul clasei.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum Calculatorul nu poate înlocui cadrul didactic, care rămâne o prezenţă activă, vie, în comunicarea cu elevii, iar relaţia aceasta nu poate fi substituită de lecţiile interactive. Profesorul rămâne factorul care aduce resursele personale, umane, în procesul educativ şi care se angajează cu întreaga sa personalitate în educaţie. Profesorul este cel care stabileşte comunicarea vie cu elevii, prin intuiţie, empatie, creativitate şi adaptabilitate continuă la specificul elevilor săi şi este cel care modelează şi caracterele acestora. În acest proces, calculatorul este un instrument auxiliar folosit de profesor, instrument care modifică sistemul de învăţare tradiţional şi permite căderea barierelor în accesarea informaţiilor. În predarea variatelor discipline: chimie, fizică, matematică, geografie, biologie, psihologie, se folosesc, în prezent, pe scară largă, softurile educaţionale, adică lecţii interactive adaptate nivelelor de vârstă şi claselor respective. Astfel, calculatorul este cel care oferă instruirea elevilor, fiecare lecţie urmând nişte secvenţe şi fiind dirijată de profesor, cel care stabileşte şi obiectivele educaţionale. De multe ori, calculatorul oferă şi modalităţi de exerciţiu după ce conţinuturile lecţiei au fost prezentate, pentru predarea unor elemente de bază, aşa cum sunt operaţiile aritmetice – adunarea, scăderea, înmulţirea şi împărţirea. La finalul secvenţelor de învăţare, există şi posibilitatea ca elevii să fie testaţi pentru a conştientiza informaţiile pe care le-au memorat şi înţeles şi pentru a corecta eventualele erori sau lacune. Testarea se realizează de obicei prin intermediul itemilor cu alegere multiplă, elevilor dându-li-se astfel posibilitatea de a reveni asupra celor învăţate şi de a consolida informaţia. Simulările utilizate în cadrul lecţiilor virtuale sunt de multe ori spectaculoase pentru elevi. Astfel, ei pot vedea cum se formează, de exemplu, formele de relief, pot asista la experimente de fizică sau de chimie, sau pot vizualiza rotirea în spaţiu a diferitelor forme geometrice. Înţelegerea diferitelor procese şi fenomene este mult uşurată prin oferirea unui suport vizual elevilor, aceştia devenind mult mai motivaţi să participe la lecţie şi să înveţe. Soft-ul educaţional poate reprezenta totodată şi un instrument cu ajutorul căruia elevul să înveţe prin explorare. Astfel, pot fi utilizate programe cu care elevii să scrie diferite texte literare sau să compună versuri, să realizeze aplicaţii pentru baze de date sau pentru a realiza un calcul tabelar. Elevii utilizează soft-ul în mod activ pentru a rezolva mai multe sarcini de gândire, ceea ce duce la o învăţare eficientă şi durabilă. Profesorul este din nou cel care setează obiectivele învăţării şi fixează cadrul în care se desfăşoară activitatea elevilor. Altă modalitate de utilizare a calculatorului în procesul instructiv-educativ este de a oferi resurse care să fie căutate şi accesate de către elevi, profesorul fiind cel care propune conţinuturile de învăţare sau temele. Fiind ales un subiect care va fi supus discuţiei în cadrul clasei de elevi, profesorul ridică diverse întrebări legate de subiectul respectiv, elevii având ca sarcină să răspundă la aceste întrebări, să găsească informaţiile adecvate, să le organizeze şi să ofere răspunsurile cerute. Folosirea calculatorului ca sursă de informaţii este foarte importantă, elevii putând accesa, de exemplu, Internetul sau enciclopediile multimedia. Acest mod de abordare stimulează P a g e 163 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa învăţarea prin descoperire la elevi. Ei nu mai sunt cei care recepţionează informaţii, ci trebuie, în primul rând, să înţeleagă întrebările pe care profesorul le pune, urmând ca apoi să găsească ei înşişi informaţiile şi să le sintetizeze. Elevii sunt cei responsabili de găsirea informaţiilor din diferite surse, fiind incitant pentru el să ajungă la propriile concluzii. Este mai important modul în care elevul ajunge la aceste concluzii şi nu rezultatul în sine, aici intervenind procesul de gândire, modul de raţionament şi analiza şi sinteza informaţiilor. Având o anumită temă, cum este, de exemplu, fenomenul de încălzire globală, răspunsurile elevilor pot fi foarte variate la întrebările propuse de cadrul didactic, dar este mult mai important modul în care ei argumentează aceste răspunsuri, sursele de informare şi dezbaterile ce pot fi generate în cadrul clasei, pornind de la această bază. Profesorul este aici un facilitator al învăţării, nu mai este cel care oferă informaţiile de-a gata, iar sarcina pe care elevul o are de realizat este mai mult calitativă decât cantitativă. Crearea proiectelor multimedia este un alt mod de a utiliza calculatorul în cadrul procesului educativ. Pe de o parte, cadrele didactice pot fi cele care realizează prezentări multimedia şi le proiectează în cadrul clasei, prezentând diferite conţinuturi elevilor, fapt foarte des utilizat astăzi în şcoli. Pe de altă parte, elevii pot fi cei care construiesc propriile prezentări multimedia ca proiecte la diferite discipline, susţinându-le în faţa profesorului şi a elevilor din clasă. Acest tip de proiecte favorizează dezvoltarea creativităţii, pun în mişcare un sistem complex de integrare a informaţiilor şi abilităţilor, utilizându-se calculatorul practic ca un mijloc de comunicare. Modalitatea de creare de proiecte multimedia poate fi desfăşurată sub forma lucrului în echipă compusă din 3-6 elevi, ceea ce implică dezvoltarea la elevi a abilitărilor de colaborare, negociere, asumare de responsabilităţi. Şi în acest caz, profesorul are rolul de a facilita dezvoltarea proiectului, ajutându-i pe elevi atât la familiarizarea cu tehnologia, dacă este cazul, cât şi pe parcursul proiectului, însă elevii vor fi cei care decid conţinuturile şi forma prezentării. Calculatorul este utilizat însă nu numai în procesul clasic de predare-învăţare, ci şi în activitatea consilierilor psihopedagogi de orientare şcolară şi profesională a elevilor. Astfel, calculatorul poate fi utilizat pentru îndrumare şi orientare, fiind vorba despre programe interactive care oferă informaţii despre piaţa muncii sau despre diferite meserii, programe care pot facilita găsirea unui loc de muncă disponibil sau teste pentru stabilirea intereselor sau aptitudinilor profesionale. Calculatorul poate fi utilizat cu succes în şcoală, prin jocuri şi simulări – pentru învăţarea meseriilor, programe de autoevaluare – administrează chestionare şi stabilesc un profil al ocupaţiilor potrivite persoanei respective, teste psihometrice, redactare a CV-urilor, scrisorilor de prezentare sau de motivaţie, programe de ajutor în luarea deciziilor sau programe de căutare a informaţiilor – cele prin care poţi găsi locuri de muncă pe baza unor criterii stabilite. Toate acestea oferă elevilor o bază foarte importantă pentru pregătirea lor viitoare şi pentru integrarea lor socio-profesională, facilitându-le accesul mai uşor la piaţa muncii şi la deciziile de carieră. Există şi o serie de programe care pot fi utilizate pentru consilierea personală a elevilor, pe diferite problematici: prevenirea şi combaterea consumului de alcool în rândul elevilor, sau Page 164 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum educaţie în sfera sexualităţii. Aceste programe pot fi parcurse în sesiuni succesive, oferind elevilor oportunitatea de a se implica în diferite decizii prin simularea unor scenarii din viaţa reală şi prin analizarea consecinţelor acestor decizii. Nici în cadrul consilierii, calculatorul nu poate înlocui relaţia directă dintre profesionist şi elevul consiliat, relaţie care oferă un cadru important pentru schimbare şi evoluţie a elevului, fiind însă un instrument util şi cu o largă aplicabilitate. Având în vedere toate acestea, calculatorul este astăzi cel care facilitează atingerea unor scopuri importante în învăţare şi poate fi utilizat de către cadrele didactice într-o varietate de situaţii. Pregătirea lecţiei în care este utilizat calculatorul este deosebit de importantă pentru profesor, deoarece atingerea obiectivelor de învăţare depinde în cea mai mare măsură de proiectarea didactică şi de stabilirea prealabilă a secvenţelor lecţiei. Cadrului didactic îi revine sarcina, foarte complexă, de a-şi antrena întreaga creativitate şi abilitate de a îmbina mijloacele tradiţionale cu cele inovative în cadrul lecţiei, în funcţie de obiectivele sale şi de adaptarea la caractersiticile psiho-individuale ale elevilor săi. Bibliografie: Ioan Cerghit, ,,Metode de învățământ’’, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2006
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The influence of the ICT and IoT in the teaching systems Bogdan Popa1, Diana Adriana Popa2 1
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania 2 Informatics department, “Independenta” High School, Calafat, Romania Email:,,
Abstract — Nowadays one of the most important active steps for the teaching systems is the possibility of adapting to the development of the technology and keeping track of the new trends in the fields such as ICT and IoT.Starting with the statistical development of these two concepts and the new technology trends, it must be said that, looking back, the teaching systems of the last decade have suffered a lot of changes influenced by the expansion of technology in this field.This article focuses on the results obtained in the Erasmus+ project 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218-“Opening up education through the school projects and ICT”, that influence the teaching methodology in the “Independenta” high school. The study proposes an entire perspective over the teaching systems and educational process according to the new IT technology and the way of this technology influences the students learning ways. According to the time and the students’ ability to adapt, there is proposed a new model of teaching system based on web technology, interconnected tools and connectivity possibilities for better transfer for the information and better adaptation for the learning tools. Also there are presented a lot of measurements of implementing reports and results of new teaching methods involved in this project. Keywords—ICT(Information and communications technology ) IoT(Internet of things); teaching systems; modern teaching system ;
I. INTRODUCTION In our days, all the studies confirm that IoT has grown and developed as fast as the Internet. The Internet of Things, the connection of devices to the Internet is today part of the evolution and development that influences a lot of areas of everyday life. It is obvious that this influences today the teaching methods because the Internet has deeply rooted itself into our schools and elearning has become an actual method of learning in American school system and also in all the world systems. One of the main advantages of those applications consists in the efficiency of the resources taking into account the space, the time, the papers and the physicals needs of the teaching methodology. Also, with this opportunity, the teachers can use this technology to create “smart lessons”, rather than the traditional methods. It is most convenient to explore the students’ imagination, according to the new technology, that enables teachers to monitor all the teaching times, to offer images and video presentations in real times, or to compile and test algorithms with high capacity of computing with a higher audience or in front of hundreds of students. Research giant Gartner has estimated that 6.4 billion things will be connected to the internet and cloud in 2016, which is a 30% increase from 2015. They also estimate that by the end of the decade over 20 billion devices will be connected [1]. It is obvious that this development will influence the teaching tools and also will create new methods for the learning Page 166 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum courses. Smart technologies offer an optimal consumption of resources starting from the papers and to all the education process times, distances and money. II.
The “Independenta” high school has been using for more than 10 years the AEL platform for the E-learning lessons. This platform is a highly flexible system, which can be used in different languages, regions, levels of study and types of educational institutions [2]. The platform offers complete functionality for all participants in the educational process: 1. Students 2. Teachers 3. Directors of educational institutions 4. Administrative staff The factors responsible for the good performance of the educational process have an appropriate support in the decision-making, control, planning, tracking and forecasting environment through the AEL platform. With the help of this platform, which was provided to support teaching, testing, evaluation, and management of the educational process, and is currently one of the methods used. This environment is suitable to support a learning environment, fast, flexible and adaptable. Also, this platform enhances students' assimilation, stimulates analytical thinking, but also provides a boost to teamwork and collaboration. One of the most important problems in the learning process is the passing of the subjects from the automatic memorization process to the discovery process by experimenting or actively acquiring knowledge. In the next graphic there is presented the evolution on notes obtained by the students on the 5 different study subjects with records from the classical teaching methods versus the AEL system of courses, but in different consecutive years. It is observed that the E-learning tool offers better results with a difference average of 0.5 points. It must be said that the marks in Romania are included from 1 to 10. This study offers a perspective of the future of the teaching systems and give advice that the new online methods can be accepted by the students. It must be said that these types of courses and tests are done in the high school labs with the hardware and software offered by the school.
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Sa punem proiectele in programa Table 1: Results on evaluations for classical methods vs. AEL courses
Another important step in the evolution of the teaching systems is offered by the feed-back of the students. Over the years, more that 80% preferred the e-learning method despite the classical methods. More of the students are accustomed to the new techniques and very interested in the evolution of smart devices for communications. Starting from last year a lot of students look very interested in the E-twinning idea and were enrolled in a series of specific activities in the interest of education. III.
It is obvious that the AEL platform offers a good but a old system for the E-learning techniques. After that there were tested a lot of free online systems for different courses such as Moodle, Sakai, Latitude Learning, Schoology, with the popularity ordered, our experience confirms that a good system for learning must be actual with the smart technologies in full development today. One of the first challenge is to offer the possibility to the student to access and to complete the homework on every location and with what smart device they want. The homework tests must be with resolutions only once and only once saved, but access via a laptop, smartphone or another device by the browser access. Also the courses can be accessed on-line.
Figure 1: Accessibility system [3]
According to the IoT trends, there must be listed a lot of new methods: mobile learning, gamification, virtual worlds, smart objects. The smart learning environment must contain recommends learning tools or strategies, detect the real-world context and to adapts the learning context to the public. Another interesting study is proposed by the [4] where the internet of things is presented in the smart school with a lot of smart objects. A poster for this compared study is presented in the next picture.
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Figure 2: Smart Internet of Things School [4]
This study presents a full oriented connectivity school with complete coverage wi-fi with high performance, wi-fi sensors for classrooms doors, network application analytics monitors, augmented and virtual reality, surveillance security cameras, online testing methods, international collaboration such in the Erasmus + project, also e-books, tablets, and smartphones. This full connectivity has a lot of advantages and will be the future of learning in accordance with the fast adaptability of the childrens with the new technology. Our proposed system can offer the possibility to the students to schedule each time for the school activity beeing an online activity with deadline for homeworks, also a multicultural platform can be developed with such kind of tools for internet learning. Another improvement for the classical E-learning tools consists in the possibility of accessing from every places and at every hour, because the AEL platform does not offer this possibility. Flexibility is one of the most important things in this type of work for the students. The last facility is the possibility to work in independent teams and to organize these teams, to manage the time for studying and for testing by the students in groups. It must be said that the real distances between the students can be around 20 km and this online distributed system offers the possibility to access the accounts with a key of authentication such a personal social network, and to work with the team partners. 
Starting with the last multicultural project, with the partners from Bulgaria and Serbia this type of system can be extended to a multicultural platform for e-learning and for study in mixed teams. The base for this next step in the phenomenon of globalization will be to offer support in the main access to this account and to offer a forum possibility to teachers, administrative staff, students and parents to organize the study courses together. P a g e 169 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa But the most important factor is to offer to every student the possibility to access a big library composed with books for every partners and to offer working tool according to their next formation in the career prospects. The ICT tools will form the basis for this interconnection between languages and cultural skills.
This work was supported by the Erasmus+ project 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218-“Opening up education through the school projects and ICT” [5].
One of the most important factors for the technological development of the learning systems consists in the flexibility of students offered today by the ICT possibilities and also by the IoT global connectivity. This study offers a perspective over some types of systems of learning used in [5], with multicultural factors. Starting with the old AEL system for learning used in the “Independenta” High School and from the resulted tests over the years, in this article is presented a new extension possible for an E-learning platform adapted to the new technologies and to the new concerns of the students. Along the study there was observed a good improvement in the interest shown by students for modern learning systems, for interconnectivity, but also for the possibilities of using new technologies and games to learn. This study proposes also a new extension for the next cultural research partners in the specific fields of the teaching environment, but also for the development of new tools adapted to the students' demands.
REFERENCES Erasmus+ project 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218-“Opening up education through the school projects and ICT” [5].
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International system for connecting highschool graduate study databases Bogdan Popa1, Virginia Radulescu2,Maria Lavinia Poenaru3 3
1, 2 Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania County Council Dolj, General Direction of Social Assistance and Child Protection Dolj, Craiova, Romania Email:,,
Abstract — In this article is presented a new structure for big databases with information about high schools graduated students. This big data structure is useful for the big universities, for the big schools and also for companies and students to manage every skill and information about studies. In accordance with the evolution of the technology, the influence of IoT and the needs of big data information, it must be said that, in the future it is a need to develop such kind of structures according to the geographical career evolution. This study proposes a new perspective over this connection systems between high schools, universities and companies. This structure is based on the ICT capability of students, ease of access, the cost benefits and also a time and money benefits is expected to be explored at the European state level. This big data system is expected to be the next level of globalization because nowadays the possibility to access every university in the world requires a lot of costs for the enrolment and for acceptance. A feedback from the students of “Independenta” high-school and the collaborative project Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219014218-“Opening up education through the school projects and ICT”. It can be considered a start for this proposed ideas. Keywords—information; connection systems; big database; Iot-Internet of Things;ICT- Information and communications technology ; INTRODUCTION
In our days, globalization and the development of areas such as IoT gives a perspective in the educational systems. The new developed technologies offer possibility of access from every places and also keep information in big databases all over the educational career. In Romania, there were considered problems the integration of students from the high-school to universities and the lack of access to information for the career development. A big problem was found when a percentage around 30% of the students from the last year in college do not know what option to choose for the next level of preparation in the last year. Starting from this premise, it can be said that there is a difference between the information sources and the access of college students for the career development. Also in the universities part, a lot of information about the teaching and forming studies is hard to obtain and to access when students decided to choose a specialty. The first step of this proposed structure is to develop the ICT resources. A good example was proposed in the Malaysian school system. Introducing ICT into all schools in the country is a major undertaking, but it represents an investment in the future productivity of Malaysia’s workforce and a down-payment on the country’s future prosperity [1]. It is obvious that the education investment is the best strategy
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Sa punem proiectele in programa for a country. One of the problems of the Romanian system is the rate of the college graduate students that do not follow a university and do not have a thorough study specialty. Nowadays with a facile access to the information system, to the connectivity systems is hard to explain this problem observed also in Bulgaria, but this study will propose a new big information connection database for ease of access and enrolment possibilities. NEW DATABSE MODEL FOR EASE OF ACCES
Starting with the project, it can be said that the students from the “Independenta” high school from Calafat, Romania and "Tzar Simeon Veliki" high school from Vidin, Bulgaria will be able to adapt to every new technology in the field of ICT. The basic scheme of the ICT influence in an education system is presented in the next figure. Starting from this figure, the ICT capabilities of the students will make them adapt with ease every new system in the terms of internet and communication systems. Our project for the big database proposes a new strategy in the Educational models and a new communication system for the administrative staff of the colleges and universities and also the minister and central staffs. The retired from the former graduates is given by the transfer of the study documents, of the scholarships, between the high schools and the universities and their placement for the purpose of the specialty areas preferred by the students. The main information that will compose the big portal with the big data information are listed: 1)
Date of birth
Years of high school studies
Profile / Specialization
The grades obtained in the basics
National exam notes
Completions of training
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Figure 1: Conceptual Framework for ICT Monitoring and Evaluation [2]
Also a good point will be the exam information, the dates for exams and the evaluation capabilities given by the universities to the future students. Most teenagers say the Internet's ability to help them with their schoolwork and to help them learn new things is one of its best features [3]. This potential role as educational tool is often the primary reasons why families get Internet access. Three-quarters of online teens (78%) say the Internet helps them do their schoolwork-47% say it helps them a lot [4]. Starting from this evolution, it can be said that an online system will be helpful for the step from college to university and for the best specialization for the students. A good example of University banner is presented in the next figure. In this figure is posted a banner of the Stamford University for access by students.
Figure 2: Stamford M.B.A. Admission Day [5]
The communication portal will support a lot of these types of web posters and announces for every university. In the next figure there is presented an empirical scheme of the proposed structures of information according to the students’ educational levels and to the universities’ requirements. P a g e 173 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa It must be mentioned that this structure is a basic one and can suffer a lot of changes according to the students feed-back and the administrative staff feed backs.
Figure 3: Model of the proposed databases
The Web also has the advantage of providing access to primary sources of information in most media (print, graphics, photographs, audio, and video) through streaming. This technology requires good organizational and pedagogical skills to profit from its enormous potential, and college training in its use will be essential [6]. Another good example is provided by the next proposed scheme in a Data Flow Diagram proposed by a project for “Student information System DFD�, in [7] and use a new architecture for the admission system for the student in a university data base.
Figure 4: A Data
Flow Diagram [7]
Starting from the last diagram presented, the student information system must be able to offer information about the student according to the exam of the faculty. One of the most important improvement proposed is to transfer the information between college and universities online and to check the students previous experience and formation in real time.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum These features significantly save the valuable time of the student. The main advantages of online mobile education for the global students are listed as follows [8]: Ubiquity Personalization Reduced Costs Flexibility Increased Comfort Time Saving Convenience
ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by the project Erasmus+ project 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218-“Opening up education through the school projects and ICT”. CONCLUSIONS
Nowadays the education systems are in a full development and offer a big structures of dates according with the technology evolution. This study offers a proposed online portal for ease of access for students for the step between the college and universities. This online system must be able to synchronize the information from the education system along the career and to offer smart technologies access for students to the ads, to universities news and periods for admission. This study can be implemented on a multicultural architecture and can manage the students’ career. A good faculty means a good opportunity for the career and for a good job. The organized use of Web resources and collaboration tools for curriculum appropriate purposes is called telecollaboration. Judi Harris defines telecollaboration as “an educational endeavor that involves people in different locations using Internet tools and resources to work together. Much educational telecollaboration is curriculum-based, teacher-designed, and teacher-coordinated [9]. This proposed project can be implemented in the Romanian and Bulgarian study system and can offer a good time saving and mobility, but the students must be accustomed with the ICT tools. One of the basic points presented is related to the structure and general information about the studies that the future students of the university will be able to complete online and will be able to be checked in partnership with the graduate high schools. This proposal is just one step of the process of implementing the connection between universities and high schools on a multicultural level and managing professional evolution.
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Sa punem proiectele in programa By Chan, Foong-Mae, “ICT in Malaysian Schools: Policy and Strategies”, Educational Technology Division, Ministry of Education, Malaysia, 10/2002 Daniel A. Wagner, Bob Day, Tina James, Robert B. Kozma, Jonathan Miller & Tim Unwin, “Monitoring and Evaluation of ICT in Education Projects A Handbook for Developing Countries”, Pre-publication draft for circulation at the World Summit on the Information Societ (Tunis, November 2005) Lenhart Amanda; Simon Maya; Graziano Mike, “MikeThe Internet and Education: Findings of the Pew Internet &American Life Project.”, Pew Internet and American Life Project, Washington, DC.2001. Cattagni, Anne, Farris, Elizabeth, and Westat, Statistics in Brief, "Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools andClassrooms: 1994-2000," National Center for Education Statistics, May 2001, Stamford M.B.A. Admission Day, 2017. Wadi D. Haddad, Alexandra Draxler, “Technologies for education- potential parameters and prospects.”, Prepared for UNESCO by Knowledge Enterprise, Inc. www.Knowl edgeEnt e rpr i s e .org, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Paris, Academy for Educational Development, Washington, DC,, ISBN 0-89492-112-6, Printed in the United States of America, 2002. Shiva Prasad, “Project Report System Design -Student information System DFD”, free students projects, 2012 Aithal P.S. & Shubhrajyotsna Aithal, (2015) An Innovative Education Model to realize Ideal Education System, International Journal of Scientific Research
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ETWINNING PROJECTS – A MOTIVATING FACTOR FOR BOOSTINGTHE KNOWLEDGE OF ENGLISH AT SCHOOL Maya Kyulevchieva, a teacher of English, Ivan Vazov Language school Plovdiv, Bulgaria Abstract: The article presents briefly the main steps of the international eTwinning project “Click – Creative Learning in a Computer Kingdom” performed by 6 teams from Bulgaria, Poland, Italy, Greece and the Czech Republic. The author reviews the stages of applying different Web 2.0 tools such as Voki, Quizlet, Quizizz, Padlet, Dotstorming, etc. to English lessons in 8 grade in a creative way as powerful support in English teaching and learning.
It is a well-known fact that today, in the environment impregnated with technologies and absolutely natural for the new generations, while “new” only for us, the older generation, school is obliged to go together with the spirit of new and not to trudge behind our students. How to motivate students to study, to remember, if all the necessary information can be get with a click? How to motivate them to look for challenges and to face them? How to stir up their curiosity and keep their attention on a problem? Today every teacher looks for their own answers to these questions. Hardly is there a panacea, an only method to apply to every single case. But there is an instrument that has been inspiring and helping thousands of teachers and students to go together to the answers, doing it with pleasure for more than ten years. The instrument is called eTwinning- a real academy of knowledge, creativity, friendship and development in all directions. Students enjoy taking part in project work and always achieve higher results than their peers that have never been touched by the magic of eTwinning. It is not less important for the teachers to know this powerful instrument as it does not burden, it does not oblige but spreads knowledge, gives skills and leads to dissemination of the accumulated experience. I am saying this all with the conviction of a person having been working on eTwinning projects for ten years already, a person who knows very well their advantages. Over the years I have tried various ways to build up my teams – from teams of 5 -6 volunteers, or more numerous ones to involving the whole class to work. My last three projects were performed in a more or less constant co-operation with colleagues from Poland, Greece, Italy. This school year we have decided to study how a different use of new technologies will affect the progress in studying English at school. I involved my whole class of 8 graders and only a few of them had previous experience with eTwinning projects. The project CLICK – Creative Learning in a Computer Kingdom involves 6 partner schools from the abovementioned countries plus the Czech Republic and a second partner from Italy. The main idea is to promote the use of Web 2.0 tools in foreign language teaching, specifically in English language teaching. We had planned to use tools to activate the essential skills in foreign language teaching – listening, speaking, writing, as well as tools to help development of students’ vocabulary and grammar.
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Sa punem proiectele in programa The first challenge – getting to know the project partners, was based on use of Voki. In our lessons we were just at the stage of studying suitable phrases to meet people so it was straight to the point: the students chose different Voki avatars and briefly told the others about themselves. The next step required applying their listening skills while deciding who is who: they had to listen carefully to other members’ presentations and tried to recognize the person catching some key skills or other features, e.g. who likes fishing, who likes writing poems, who sings, etc. We find this stage very important as our students could listen to various accents and pronunciation. Catching the mistakes in other people’s speech is also a skill not to ignore – it builds up attentiveness, self-control while speaking and aspiration for self-perfection. The next project step aimed to find the proper tool for accelerating the process of vocabulary studying. Here we talk about tools, typically used by teachers as ready-made sets that check the level of students’ knowledge. We wanted our students to step in teachers’ shoes and to create tests for their classmates. All students were divided into groups and worked in cooperation in international teams, which is one of the most highly valued features of the eTwinning projects. Every team had a specific topic to work with in the frame of the common task – to create a set of cards with illustrations and explanation of vocabulary studied by everyone: food, vegetables, home, shopping, human body, sport, etc. The tool chosen was Quizlet. This tool offers a great variety of options to work with the language. Once created, the cards, meeting the exact needs of a specific group, in our case – the project, can be used in different ways as the software has set options: multiple choice, matching games, spelling and pronunciational tasks and so on, all quite necessary for vocabulary study. In the beginning, the students started working uncertainly, but later they got enthusiastic and some of them created sets of 70, 80 even 120 cards. The moment of truth came when the collaboratively created sets had to be tested in class. The spirit of competition grabbed everybody, not a single student stayed indifferent. Even the most passive during the lessons students were now interested and tried to show knowledge and quick reflexes. It is the moment when a teacher feels satisfaction seeing the result of the efforts to motivate students to work, to show them that every moment of devotion was worth. And the benefits were quite visible. Only a few days later in a spontaneous conversation with my students it turned out that some of them had recognized Quizlet as their necessary tool for studying vocabulary, they had made their own accounts and had started creating sets to be used when studying new topics and revising. After finishing the next step we played in class again! And no one could blame us for wasting our time because this step resulted with ten grammar tests, each of them covering a specific topic – verb tenses, prepositions, adverbs, degrees of comparison, etc., created again in collaboration in international teams, using the tool Quizizz. Every team created a challenge for the others. At this stage every team had a teacher-mentor who could help or correct the suggested phrases. To avoid mistakes and anonymity, the questions first had to appear on Padlet walls. This tool gives great visibility and it was the reason to use another tool – Tricider to vote for the most active participant andDotstorming to point out the most interesting questions. Have you ever heard from your students the request: “Teacher, please, let us do a test!”? How often has it happened after the bell rings the end of the lesson students to ask not to interrupt the test and they refuse to have a break before they finish the Quizizz tests. Not Page 178 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum because they want to get a higher mark but because it is fun. Well, I have already had several such requests after trying the Quizizz tests in class. I offered these tests to be played in pairs, in small or bigger groups as in our classrooms we lack computers and not all students own smart devices. We played the tests for fun, but I could see how seriously the students were reading the questions before choosing the answer. I enjoyed immensely their reactions to the mistakes or to the correct choices. But I also realized that these tests can be used to examine individual students on specific grammar topic and download and save the results. Also, Quizizz has a “Homework” setting which is still another excellent option to apply it as a useful tool in class. One more wonderful feature of the tool while creating a test is that you can easily import questions from other tests. Now we have 10 topic-centered tests. They are fantastic way to get ready for an exam, to revise. But the tests can be mixed up so that they contain questions from various topics, which is even a better method of revising. Or even testing students because of the options to jumble the questions and answers, thus avoiding the attempts to cheat. Our last step is more discovery-oriented. This time in national teams, students have to store various mobile apps suitable for developing different skills and knowledge – listening, speaking and pronunciation, grammar tests, vocabulary, games, etc. The apps have to correspond with students age group and to be applicable at different stages of English language studying. The choices, descriptions and recommendations of the apps are displayed on Google presentations, another very useful collaborative tool. All the suggested apps will be collected in an e-reference book. Meanwhile, for exchanging Christmas greetings, more interesting tools were used: Blabberize, as well asThinglink. Bulgarian students’ personal greetings were recorded with Vocaroo,and after that we hid the record in aQR code. If you have a scanner or a reader on your smart device, you can hear them. Even these small steps of our project were important as they provoked students’ interest. Inclusion of those indifferent students into games – tests of Quizlet, Quizizz and other tools of Web 2.0 is far not insignificant as nowadays attracting attention of the young people and keeping it is becoming a harder and harder task. Why do I consider our project successful? Because the fact, that students look for the tests created by the international teams, open and use them again just on their own will to play, to study or to revise, the fact that they are willing to prolong the lesson in order to play a grammar test, talks about the realized necessity of these and other tools usefulness.All the tests created during our work on the project will be a priceless recourse in our preparation for the final exam in 8th grade. I have already taken the chance several times, while substituting missing colleagues, to offer some of the tests to be played by other classes, even higher grades. They all admitted that it is a great way to advance in English studying and expressed their disappointment with not having worked like that. Another positive feature of the project is its long-term dissemination: the created products will be used in my work during the following years, with other students of my school. But also, due to the public character of the Quizlet and Quizizz tests, the influence will spread over anybody searching through them. The evaluation as well as the final analyses of the results are still to be done, but what I know for sure is that we will apply for a Quality Label, as our project meets all the criteria of a quality project and personally to me this project proved just another time the usefulness of implementing eTwinning projects in the curriculum. P a g e 179 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
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Building up a Better World Elena Lazarova Prosveta Sofia Foundation, Bulgaria Every individual is unique,equally worthy and has the right to live according to their beliefs, customs,practices and established behavior rules. Globalization and migration have brought together peoplefrom different ethnic origins, religious backgrounds,beliefs, traditions and languages, but sharing a common space does not automatically result in overcoming the boundaries of historically constituted communities;it does not necessarily involve opening yourself to Otherness. In today’s world we need to learn to be more tolerant and value diversity, to learn from each other and build stronger and more dynamic societies. Schooling can play a key role for overcoming the historically developed negative attitudes to Otherness. To do so, teachers and students need tools and training. The Prosveta-Sofia KA2 Erasmus+ Othernessproject was designed to support teachers in their mission to teach students to open up to Otherness and value diversity. The partners - 3 NGOs from Bulgaria, Italy and Greece, and a university from Portugal - have created a Teacher’s Manual comprising 48 teaching activities and 121 digital resources under 3 topics: Human Rights, Diversity and Active Citizenship, which are freely available at Students take part in numerous interactive games, guided drama activities, computer simulations, etc., watch videos and participate in group discussions. The manual is presently being piloted in 36 European classrooms.
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Проектният цикъл и управленските функции в детската градина, работеща по европейски проекти Project cycle and management functions in a kindergarten, working on European projects Евгения Михова, директор на ДГ“Братя Грим“, гр. Шумен, докторант към ШУ“Еп.К. Преславски“, eTwinning посланик Abstract : The report presents a survey among Bulgarian teachers and directors of kindergartens, which working on European projects. The relationship between the project cycle and the management of the childcare facilities is considered in the view of respondents. The results show excellent thematic preparation and a clear vision of the importance of this interrelation. Respondents see difficulty in identifying the controller's control function with control over the work of a project. The most pronounced management function, according to respondents, is motivation.
В условята на обединена Европа на учителите се дава възможност да споделят, обменят и развиват своеите професионални умения чрез проектни дейности. Първо чрез програма „Учене през целия живот“/2007-2013/, а сега и чрез програма „Еразъм+“ се насърчава проектния подход, както в преподаването, така и в мениджмънта на класа и образователната институция. Проектинят цикъл има процес на планиране, организиране, провеждане на дейностите и отчитане, което кореспондира с планирането, организирането и контрола в детското заведение. Мотивираната работа присъства и в двата аспекта. За да се очертае ясната взаимовръзка между проектния цикъл и управлението на персонала в този тип дейности,бе направена анкета. Попълнена е от 55 учители и директори. Те са от Шумен, Пловдив, Добрич, Гоце Делчев. 10,9% от тях са на възраст до 25 години, 21,82% са във възрастовата граница между 26-40г., 49,9% са между 41 и 50г., а останалите 20% - над 50 години. В тази извадка има 20% бакалаври и 70,91% магистри, като 9,09% не са дали отговор. В извадката отговор за сали 20% учители, 67,27% старши учители, 7,27% главни учители и 5,45% директори. Към настоящия момент вече няма длъжност младши учител- тя е приравнена с учител. В тази анкета без никакъв опит са 16,36%, с много малък-34,54%, среден такъв имат45,45%, а богат са посочили 3,63%. Зададен бе затворен въпрос: „Имате ли представа какво е проектен цикъл?“, с четири възможности за отговор- да, не, отчасти, не мога да преценя. Значителна част – 40% заявяват твърдо „да“. Малко повече от половината дават отговор „отчасти“ 50.90%, а 5,45% не могат да преценят. Още толкова категорично не са наясно с това понятие. Те са млади учители, без опит в проектната дейност. Резултатът демонстрира много добра теоретична подготовка на анкетираните педагози- всички работещи в детски градини. Той кореспондира с отговорите за наличие на някакъв проектен опит. Това дава основание да се даде доверие на преценката по следващите въпроси. Следващият въпрос е формулиран така: „Има ли връзка, според Вас, между проектния цикъл и управленските процеси в детската градина,в която работите?“. Това есъщо затворен въпрос с познатите вече четири възможности за отговор. Категорично виждат връзка цели 70,91% от запитаните, а още 18,18% я определят като „отчасти“,7,28% не могат да преценят и 3,63% категорично не виждат взаимовръзка. Page 182 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum Последните две групи са от млади учители и такива без никакъв или малък опит в проектната дейност. Преживяната практика и теоретичната подготовка са дали основание на почти 90% от запитаните да видят ясна взаимовръзка. Важно е да се разбере дали работещите по проекти виждат ролята на директора с неговите управленски функции достатъчно ангажиран с проектния цикъл и доколко това е общ процес. Следващият въпрос е:“Управленските функции на директора- планиране, организиране, мотивиране, контрол, като цяло в детската градина свързани ли са с тези в проектния цикъл?“. И този затворен въпрос има същите четири възможности за отговор. Категорично „да“ отговарят 61,82% от запитаните , а 25,45% го виждат отчасти. Много малк процент- 5,45% са отговорили с „не“, а 7,28% не са могли да преценят. Последните са млади учители без проектен опит. От над 70% виждащи категорична връзка между проектния цикъл и управлението, тук малко над 60% посочват че тези процеси са напълно имплантирани в живота на тяхното детско заведение. Около 10% от техните гласове се преместват в отговор на последния въпрос „отчасти“, като от отговорите на въпрос по-долу, може да се направи извод ,че най-трудно виждат контрола в тази ситуация. Със следващият въпрос се оценява способността на анкетираните да наблюдават и оценят този процес. Проектинят цикъл има процес на планиране, организиране, провеждане на дейностите и отчитане, което кореспондира с планирането, организирането и контрола в детското заведение. Въпросът е :“ Ако имате проектен опит, считате ли, че работата по проекти е допринесла за подобряване качеството на организация, планиране и организиране в детското заведение?“. Също затворен с четирите познати възможности за отговор. Отново голям процент дава твърдо положителна оценка, отговаряйки с „да“- 69.09%. Още 20% посочват „отчасти“ ,а 7,27% не могат да пеценят. Има и отговори с „не“ 3,64%. С трудности в преценката са отново младите учители, без проектен опит. Тази категоричност в положителното отношение дава снование да се направи извод че проектите като цяло подпомагат управленските процеси. Извървяването на проектния цикъл учи и добавя стойност към качеството на управление на детската градина. Ценно е, че това е мнение повече на учители, предвид профила на анкетираните. Последният въпрос в тази анкета цели да извади на преден план най-ценното за управленския процес, което се постига чрез проектните дейности. В предходните отговори стана ясно ,че повечето анкетирани виждат ползата във всеки един от тях, но тук се търси провокация към тях да изведат най-полезните. Питането е :“ Кое от посочените е най-силно провлияно от проектната дейност, според Вас?“. Въпросът е затворен със седем възможни отговора, като всеки анкетиран има право да избере три от тях. Те са: • Планиране, • Организиране, • Мотивиране, • Контрол, • Работа в екип, • Авторитет и самочувствие, • Квалификация. P a g e 183 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa Всички твърдения са изведени от отговори на въпроси в основната анкета и са пряко свързани както с проектния цикъл, така и с управленския процес в детската градина.Планиране и организиране- изцяло, конторлът е в релация с мониорнга и отчета, работата в екип е важна за качеството на изпъленние, авторитетът и самочувствието са условие за удовлетвореност и показател за успехав двете посоки,квалификацията е въздействие, резултат и условие за по-нататъчна ползотворна работа. Тук се представят две процентни скали, като първата е спрямо всички анкетирани, а втората като процент от общия брой дадени отговори, предвид дадената възможност за до три такива. Спрямо всички анкетирани процентното съотнощение е следното: планиране 20%, организиране- 52,75%, мотивиране- 43,63% контрол- 3,63%, работа в екип- 67,27%, авторитет исамочувствие- 49,09%, кв- 8,73%, организиране-23,01%, мотивиране19,05%, контрол-1,58%, работа в екип- 29,36%, авторитет и самочувствие- 21,43% и квалификация- 21,19%. Тук отчетливо най-много отговори са дадени за работата в екип, следвана от организиране, авторитет и самочувствие и квалификация. От резултатите става ясно ,че анкетираните виждат най-трудно контролната функция на директора в пряка взаимовръзка с проектния цикъл. Малко по-голямо доверие събира планирането, но то също е явно трудно разпознаваемо в този смисъл. Това е твърде условно, защото анкетираните е трябвало да изберат само три от предложенията, т.е. по презумция останалите остават важни, но не в най-голяма степен. Това ставя ясно и от възможността ,която е дадена в края на анкетата, за споделяне на нещо от запитаните. Интересен е големия процент запитани, които отдават сериозно значение на придобития авторитет и самочувствие. В контекста на трудните условия за работа и ниския обществен авторитет на професията, запитаните виждат възможност в поректната дейност, която подпомага самочувствието им и възможността да повдигнат авторитета на учителската професиа и сектора като цяло. От представените резултати става ясно, че проектния цикъл е заел място в работата на активните детски градини. Работата во европейски програма изгражда умения като работа в екип мултикултурна среда и др., които са изключително важни за успеха на всяка институция. Директорите- новатори търсят възможността, която дават европейските проекти, за да постигат по-добри резлтати в пряката си педагогическа едйност, но и да доразвиват своя екип. Използвана литература: 1. Радев Пл., А.Александрова, „Мениджмънта на училището като организация““Изкуства, С.2015 2. Вацов, Св. ,Управление на персонала в училище,ВТ, 2010 3.
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Let’s put the project into the curriculum
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
DESCRIPTION OF THE ETWINNING PROJECT ...................................................................... 4
Theme: How to promote in the best way your project activities. ............................................ 9 1
Lesson Plan Bulgarian Language and Literature .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Lesson Evaluation.............................................................................................................. 23 2
Lesson Plan English ..................................................................................................... 24
Lesson Evaluation.............................................................................................................. 36 Theme: Where is the place of carbohydrates in our stunning presentation ‘Healthy nutrition diet’. ................................................................................................................................. 38 1
Lesson Plan Biology and Health Education .................................................................. 41
Lesson Evaluation.............................................................................................................. 49 2
Lesson Plan Chemistry and Preservaton of Nature ...................................................... 50
Lesson Evaluation.............................................................................................................. 55 3
Lesson Plan English ..................................................................................................... 57
Lesson Evaluation.............................................................................................................. 61 1 Lesson Plan IT (ICT) ......................................................................................................... 62 Lesson Evaluation.............................................................................................................. 70 Sweden
Healthy Food and Healthy Lifestyle /SWEDEN .................................................................. 72 THEME: THINKING, TALKING AND SHARING IDEAS ABOUT A HEALTHY LIFE STYLE................. 80 1
Lesson Plan ................................................................................................................ 83
Lesson Evaluation.............................................................................................................. 86 2
Lesson Plan ................................................................................................................ 87
Lesson Evaluation.............................................................................................................. 90 3
Lesson Plan ................................................................................................................ 91
Lesson Evaluation.............................................................................................................. 94 Lesson Evaluation.............................................................................................................. 98 Greece
Theme: healthy food & healthy lifestyle .............................................................................. 99 P a g e 185 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa 1
Lesson Plan .............................................................................................................. 102
LESSON EVALUATION ............................................................................................................ 105 2
Lesson Plan .............................................................................................................. 106
LESSON EVALUATION ............................................................................................................. 111 3
Lesson Plan .............................................................................................................. 113
LESSON EVALUATION ............................................................................................................ 116 Romania
Theme: “Fit for life” ........................................................................................................ 117 1
Lesson Plan .............................................................................................................. 118
Lesson Evaluation ........................................................................................................... 123 2
Lesson Plan .............................................................................................................. 125
LESSON EVALUATION ............................................................................................................ 129 Italy
THEME: - HEALTHY FOOD AT MEALS ................................................................................. 130 1
Lesson Plan .............................................................................................................. 131
LESSON EVALUATION ............................................................................................................ 134 Turkey
THEME: - FOOD AND NUTRITION ................................................................................ 135 1
Lesson Plan .............................................................................................................. 136
LESSON EVALUATION ............................................................................................................ 140 2
Lesson Plan .............................................................................................................. 141
Lesson Evaluation ........................................................................................................... 144 1
Lesson Plan .............................................................................................................. 145
LESSON EVALUATION...................................................................................................... 148
Articles from the Conference Effective Teaching Ideas for Modern Education Using blended learning to enrich the teaching and learning process Integrating innovative teaching tools into the curriculum to optimize student learning Integrating ICT in the teaching-learning process Computer assisted learning The influence of the ICT and IoT in the teaching systems International system for connecting high-school graduate study databases ETWINNING PROJECTS – A MOTIVATING FACTOR FOR BOOSTINGTHE KNOWLEDGE OF ENGLISH AT SCHOOL Building up a Better World Project cycle and management functions in a kindergarten, working on European projects Page 186 | 188 Erasmus+ 2015-1-BG01-KA219-014218
Let’s put the project into the curriculum
P a g e 187 | 188 This project is funded by the European Union
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Sa punem proiectele in programa
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