TTL and Georgia Affordable Housing Coalition

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TTL and Georgia Affordable Housing Coalition Partnering for better affordable housing

Many considerations go into achieving a successful affordable housing project: Is it in the proper location? Are local leaders supportive? Will mitigating pre-existing conditions render the development economically infeasible?

Come join TTL’s team of experienced professionals at the Georgia Affordable Housing Coalition’s 26th Annual Conference and Trade Show to discuss best practices to avoid potential pitfalls and deliver quality, affordable housing projects. We’ve provided some tips and topics to consider during your environmental due diligence process:

Research: Know DCA’s requirements and know your site

• Review the most current environmental manual

• Document current knowledge of the proposed subject site. Are there structures on-site? When were the structures built? Be prepared to address asbestos, lead-based paint, lead in drinking water, radon, historical properties, and potential archaeological sites

Timing: Start early

• Conduct the site visit within 60 days of the phase I environmental site assessment (ESA) report submittal

• If needed, conduct environmental sampling early in order to document the condition of your site

• Identify aquatic resources (wetlands and streams) so that site design plans can accurately reflect site conditions and impacts to these resources can be avoided, minimized, and/or mitigated

• Coordinate with the governmental agencies including (but not limited to) zoning boards, utilities, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services

Avoid: Avoid areas where nuisances may be located

• If possible locate your site away from large noise sources including railways, airports, and busy highways

• Avoid adjoining properties that may be (or was once used for) landfills, mines, or industry

Thoroughness: Provide a thorough and complete report

• Confirm the ESA is in the required DCA format

• Establish a sufficient pre-submittal deadline so that a proper quality report review will be performed

• Insure all required forms are signed and provided in the report

• When in-doubt, check the report again


Founded in 1964, TTL is an engineering design firm focused on delivering integrated infrastructure solutions for public and private clients. With more than 400 team members across the Southern United States, TTL provides a wide range of services, including civil, transportation, and geotechnical engineering; environmental consulting and remediation; testing, inspection, and observation of construction materials; and surveying.


TTL, Inc. is building on its 20 years in Georgia with the addition of a new office to serve the Atlanta metro area. It is staffed by Jennifer Harper, PE, whose more than 25 years in design, engineering, and consulting has given her the unique skillset needed to effectively communicate with residents, elected officials, agencies, and local governments while effectively managing and delivering largescale projects within complex, fast-paced environments. She is joined by Mike Dover, PE, who spent more than 30 years with the Georgia Department of Transportation, retiring in 2021 as its deputy commissioner, and now brings his decades of experience and skills in strategic planning, budget controls, and problem resolution to meet the needs of clients statewide.

Come see Jennifer, Mike, and Keith at this year’s Georgia Affordable Housing Coalition conference to find out how TTL can help you achieve your affordable housing goals. Jennifer Harper, PE Mike Dover, PE
Keith Reaves, PE

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