Takatu Ake tamanuhiri Rautaki Reo
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Tērā ia e mā mai rā E pakia mai rā e ngā ngaru o te moana Ko Te Kurī a Paoa Kei ngā repo o Te Wherowhero taku waka a Horouta Ko Matiti te taumata tirotiro o Tāmanuhiri Ko Ngāti Rangiwaho, ko Ngāi Tawehi Ko Ngāti Kahutia, ko Ngāti Rangitauwhiwhia Ko Ngāti Rangiwaho Matua ngā hapū Ko Ngāi Tāmanuhiri te iwi
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Nga Matapono Arahi
Guiding Principles
Kia tautoko, kia hāpai i te tipu me te ora o te reo me ōna tikanga ki waenga i ngā whānau, hapū, me te iwi whānui.
To support the ongoing growth and development of te reo me ōna tikanga in our whānau, hapū and iwi.
Kia okea ururoatia, ā, kia whai wāhi ki te katoa.
To strive to always be inclusive.
Kia eke tātau ki te pae angitu i roto i ngā mahi. Kia tika, kia pono.
To exemplify excellence so that we are tika and not teka.
Kia pūmau ki tō tātau Tāmanuhiritanga, ā, kia rangiwhāwhā hoki te titiro.
To always hold firmly to our Tāmanuhiritanga but not to the detriment of learning from others.
Nga Whainga
Our Goals
Hei te tau 2022 Kua whakatauhia ko te 25 o Kohitātea ia tau, te rā hei whakanui i te iwi o Ngāi Tāmanuhiri. Kua whakatūria tetahi kōhanga reo, wharekura, kura kaupapa.
By 2022 We would have made 25 January our annual Tāmanuhiri celebration. We will have an early childhood reo institution, wharekura and kura kaupapa.
Te Huareo 2035 Ko te reo Māori te reo ka rongohia ki ngā kāuta me ngā kīhini o ngā pā. 75% o te iwi e kōrerohia ana te reo Māori.
Te Huareo 2035 Te reo Māori will be spoken in our kāuta/kitchen at the pā. 75% of our tribal population will be engaged in te reo.
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Mana Mana Mana Mana Mana
Tipuna Tangata Whenua Moana Waimaori
Me aroha, me whāngai i te reo me
Me manaaki tātau i ngā herenga kei
waenganui i tātau hei painga mō te iwi,
Tāmanuhiritanga. Koia ko te mauri me
ngā herenga ā-roto, ā-waho hoki i te iwi.
te tuakiri Tāmanuhiri.
Mā tēnei ka whanake a Ngāi Tāmanuhiri.
Me whai wāhi hoki ki te mahi tahi, ki te TE AKO ME TE WHAKAPAKARI
hono tahi ki te katoa,
E ora ai te reo me ōna tikanga, me whai wāhi ki ngā huarahi o te ao hou, arā,
te whakamahi i ngā rauemi me ngā
He mea nui te arotake me te āta wānanga
hangarau tika.
i ngā huarahi whakawhanake e whāia nei e tātau, kia taea ai tātau ki te eke ki te
kounga o ngā mahi. Me ū tonu tātau ki te
He iwi auaha, he iwi atamai, he iwi
whakatika i a tātau anō, ā, kia whai hoki i
taikaha ō tātau tīpuna i para i ngā
te huarahi e tika ana mā tātau.
huarahi hei hīkoinga mā tātau. Ahakoa ki hea, mā te whāngai i ngā kōrero ka mōhio ngā uri i a rātau pānga ki ngā whānau, ki ngā hapū, ki te iwi hoki. Ehara i te huarahi māmā, engari me whai wāhi ki ngā huarahi hou e taea ai te wānanga, me te noho
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To share our love for te reo me ōna
tikanga, and sustain and preserve our
relationships with others to build our
Tāmanuhiritanga. Our cultural identity is
tribal well-being. Internal and external
central to who we are as a people.
connections will play a fundamental role
To assure te reo me ōna tikanga a
create, collaborate and partner should
future we have to adapt to change and
be explored because it is smart and
equip ourselves with the right tools and
Our tīpuna were innovative, smart and
tenacious. We can follow the pathway
pathway is fundamental to continuous
they set for us by making sure whānau,
improvement. We must be committed
hapū and iwi are relevant to our people
wherever they are. It may be challenging
accountable and changing where we
but we will need to embrace new ways to
need to.
continually our
engage and communicate.
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Rautaki Reo
Mana Tīpuna
Te Ārahi me te Whakatūturu
Te Ako me te Whakapakari
Te Auaha
Te Hono me te Whakarangatira
Mana Tangata
Mana Whenua
Mana Moana Mana Waimāori
Whakanuia, whakamaharatia te mana o
Ākina, whakahauhia ō tātau uri, mā te
Whakahauhia te kāwana me ngā
Whakamanahia tō tātau waitaitanga me
ngā tīpuna o Ngāi Tāmanuhiri me ō rātau
whāngai i ngā kōrero me ngā tikanga
kaunihera kia reorua ngā tohu ara o tō
tō tātau waimāoritanga.
ōhāki i tētahi huihuinga whakamihi i a
tuku iho.
tātau rohe.
Tāmanuhiri, hei te 26-28 o Kohitātea 2018.
Kōrerotia, whakatipuria, titoa ō tātau
Kimihia ko wai ngā tāngata o te iwi e
ake kōrero.
aroha nuitia ana ki te reo Māori me ōna tikanga, ā, mā rātau e kōkiri i ngā kaupapa
Whakatū wānanga ki ngā whenua o Ngāi Tāmanuhiri, kia ako ai ngā uri i ngā kōrero mō aua whenua.
reo Māori ki te iwi.
Whakatūria he whare karere mō Tāmanuhiri (Tāmanuhiri Media Centre), ā, koia te wāhi ka whakapāhotia ngā karere ki te iwi, ka hanga rauemi, aha atu, aha atu.
Hui tahi me ngā iwi o Tūranga mō te
Whakahaere i tētahi Kura Whakarauora
Whakarauora i te kapa haka o Tāmanuhiri
tūpono kia whakahaere wānanga.
25 Hui-Tanguru 2018.
hei tautoko i te kaupapa o Tamararo 2018.
Te Arotake me te Hurihuri
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Ki ngā kaupapa whakanui i ō tātau
Whakahaere i te rā whakanui i te rautau o
tīpuna, ā, kia ako hoki ngā
te hokinga mai a te Whakarau.
mokopuna i ngā kōrero mō rātau anō.
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Lead & Grow
Mana Tangata
Mana Whenua
Mana Moana Mana Waimāori
Honour the memory of our tīpuna by
Encourage & motivate our people through
Lobby and advocate for bilingual signage
Reinforce ourselves as a waitai,
celebrating their legacy with the
exposing them to their history and
in our tribal rohe.
waimāori iwi.
holding of a Tāmanuhiri celebration
from the 26–28 January 2018.
Identify those of our people willing to be champions of te reo Māori me ona
Develop and tell our stories.
tikanga, and provide learning
Give our people experiential learning opportunities of our places & spaces.
Connect & Enrich
Review & Reflect
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Create a Tāmanuhiri Media Centre that will be our central hub for communications and resource developments.
Scope the delivery of a wānanga series
Host a Kura Whakarauora
Revive the Tāmanuhiri Kapa Haka to
with our other Tūranga iwi.
25 - February 2018.
support Tamararo 2018.
Opportunities where our tīpuna can
Host the Centenary of the Return
shine and their mokopuna can learn
of the Whakarau.
Rautaki Reo
Lead &
Mana Tīpuna
more about them.
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Mokopuna He Mana Tuku Iho ki ngā tamariki, mokopuna o Ngāi Tāmanuhiri
Ōna whakapapa, ōna whānau, ōna hapū, ōna iwi. Ōna marae, ōna waka me ngā kawa. Ngā kōrero tuku iho o ōna tipuna. Tōna reo rangatira. Ngā tikanga o ōna tipuna. Tōna tino rangatiratanga ki Aotearoa. Ōna waiata, ōna mōteatea me ngā toi o ōna tipuna. Tōna oranga ā-wairua, ā-tinana, ā-hinengaro, ā-whānau. Te whakamana o te Tiriti o Waitangi, kia ora ai te mana o ngā tipuna mō ngā whakatipuranga. Te manaakitanga, te tiekitanga, te tūmanako me te aroha. He uri (pononga) o te Atua.
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Tamariki The Rights of Ngāi Tāmanuhiri mokopuna and tamariki To know their whakapapa and their whānau, hapū and Iwi connections. To know their Marae and waka and the kawa of both. To know their kōrero tawhito (history). To learn and be taught in te reo Māori. To know the tikanga of their tipuna (values and philosophies). To be valued and respected as tangata whenua in Aotearoa. To be taught the waiata, mōteatea and arts of their tipuna. To know the concepts of oranga for the wellbeing of their taha wairua, tinana, hinengaro and whānau. To expect the Treaty of Waitangi to be honoured for the benefit of the mana of their tipuna and future mokopuna. To expect safety, protection, love and hope; and To know they are the descendants of Atua.
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E Huri Nga Mata E Huri Nga Mata
E huri ngā mata ki Mātiti Ki te taumata o Tāmanuhiri Titirangi ki runga Ko Ngāti Oneone Nukutaurua ki te tonga Ko Rongomaiwahine Whā-korekore-te-kai ki te take Ko Hinenui E tieki nei i tana rua kūmara I tōna putanga whakamuri Ko te rongo i a Tāmanuhiri Ka raru mai a Hinenui Puta mai tana kōrero, “Taku he ki te huatea Nō muri te huauri” Nō muri hoki taku mana e!!
This waiata celebrates and highlights the beginnings of the Ngāi Tāmanuhiri and tells the story of Tāmanuhiri and Hinenui. Matiti was where Tāmanuhiri had his pa. From Matiti you can see Titirangi in the north and south to Nukutaurua. When looking down to Wha-korekore-te-Kai (Urupa), one can only imagine what it might have been like for Tāmanuhiri to admire Hinenui from afar. This waiata was composed by Wi Tamihana Pohatu for the Ngāi Tāmanuhiri Waitangi Tribunal Hearings in Muriwai, April 2002. Tamanuhiri-book.indd 10
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Haramai a Paoa Haramai a Paoa
I runga i tōna waka I a Horouta
Ka pakaru ki Tuaranui-o-Kanawa Ka haramai ki uta Ki te rapa Haumi Ki te rapa Punake Ka kitea ko Haumi. Ka kitea ko Punake Ki Kaikamakama Ka miia i tōna mimi Rere ana Motu Rere ana Waipaoa Ko Kopuatutea Te putanga ki waho Kia unu mai tōna kurī E pakia mai rā E ngā ngaru o te moana E takoto nei Ka huri, ka huri te haere a Paoa Ki te Tairāwhiti!
This waiata was originally adapted from a haka taparahi first performed by the people of Muriwai at Whakato Marae, Manutuke in 1883. This waiata was researched with the help of kaumatua who pointed out significant areas like Kaikamakama, a place on the Motu River. Other places were researched according to the words of the haka and also the Horouta Waka story as per Ngāi Tāmanuhiri traditions. When the Horouta founded on the sandbar at Te Kurae o Kanawa, Paoa set off to find timber to make repairs. The Punake was found at Whakapunake. The Haumi refers to Mangahaumi. Ngāi Tāmanuhiri lay claim to this waiata and perform it in our own unique way.
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To learn more about your TÄ manuhiritanga visit our website: www.tamanuhiri.iwi.nz
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